Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Nov 1917, p. 12

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T4., aucoeuaof the City of! L*e Foreat iniraiuig 41*- jWTI ~A S ý0oowu leItuta latb.Y. O cA. a d i41hO-- ~*rlatonet its redents lo gOo d ud= .t1btIt Gen rCod4t10Ou !fa - à;wPÙI shows th. spr t 11pYSv8ailU lbM U theI ttate Markoet Not IJI>t te C411. ,Il sbom m Va88sau example to the, Bt M hf, Avrage in week conty, This muney lu being raised for WU VW4rk i Europe and la n41 for any part.lcular association ià 1Lake 99 CON VEYANCES MADE. coufty, as some people were led to behiVe. It uw- .,easure pure and simple, to be used in the Y. 34 , A. I IusInes of lie Recrder'. oEce woik abroad, absolutuly. Lak 1oes a ou iI, and for the «..k ending Noveuiler '10. I lu hoped the rest of the county wifl do.u well 1propor- 1917, by A. K. Bowos. assistenit so- tionatel)' 10 its population and 10 its wealtb. rebîry of Securît>' Titis and Trust - - - Comnpany. if Mrs. Scott Drand of Lake Bluff can show by flg- 'Namber or conveyances-fiP. ures that Waukegan rnflk dealers aire iaking an Uh1Yta i Num ber of loans-lO. sonable profit from uilk at 12 cents *heu they410 psy-!1 Total number of înveiet. fltfiled -ing but seven cents to, the fariers, she wil hVe doe 1-119. something which tbe public will be greatly indebted for.i Total amount of loans-4S315O. Twelve-cent rnlk dos& senm ighty harah right ouI here flusinesa bas 'beeui quiet and toans in the country-for they're not charging aiiy morq-. poorc following are lhe more Import- that ini the big cies-aid Ibere the cosl of distrlllution,' ant deaLat shipping, etc., lu much greater than in A country t in Woukegan Waukegan. Corne on, Mrm. Durand, let's find out whetle o- t.Cnabug theLugn the public je being irnposed upon or not.G JensbI.Co bous n oth eidangfl 'ronid opposite the ficliarîz roqldence *'The public will do well to heed the warmlng of Capt. ior nominal consideration. Moffett and stop idle gossiping that tends to weaken con- john Fiiobel bougt the. William fidence ini govermueut officiais.' This ie no time for idle Vi'ery bouse on east aide Eldison Il j no ime ben l l saf le epea: Cnurt adloining the Washingtonl laun- gossipers. I sn neWe ti aet eet dry for nominal consIdenation- heard that so-and-so was lb. case; I don'l 12<0W, but 1,e .Fultirad lebuh Ihat's wbat I heard." Thatlsl how insiduous reports at- the P. D. Batterliali bouse on eass tain general circulation, thatisl how -tb. gover0IlUPi 15 aide o! Elmvood avenue lusta- outii m uSd &4IB" ha-a get14asqý The pes oSv~hn tsreet for nominal- cou use found by soins p le ln eprladng rumOD3 .1iv 1 édctta» -baud o nobln isoie "Phi h ard W çÇhecl, but fQr attbew A. Steele boughl the Roy bsdonwn "r Maso.n property at soutbeaat cre their o -safely, at Ibis lime, 'ilEY MUST check Che Cbsnut Street and Center ettreet. of habit or il will bring themJnito trouble. Âlready.a BiUM- Nicholas Larsen. for nominal consid. ber of Waukegan people are unddr surveilance and il l eration said several pro-Gerria.lI face arrest sbortly. àme(ian1. Laie lf also whse nneunot sul u FR A eria bt we bve ouis S. Knorr bougit 100 féet 0 been caroe lea lief rplio" of wbut hrs bve soutb aide of North avenue, et ot bee caéles i thirreptitonoof hat:V Sheridan road froni.HtrMM S. Hymai "h'beardsay" brn8~i horn wlthin -lb pale o! federal sortt for nominal conaid-etiOii. *iny as well au the reçogPlzed proGerna.n resident.'Ther-e- in Lake Foreat fore, sfor their ovul saféty, for the welfare of timgveu Charlea J. Dean bouglit tih. Wili ment, il lu blgh lin» thal gosslpers put on the bÎae- amn J. Sites, proprty o. norti ideo Vine avenue for nO<iial conElderm or suffer the consequeflceu. tion. minnie C. Knoxz hougit 100 feot 0 AVC C~Afte b is statement in view of the gov- uorth aide Noble aveniue veat of Edg SU SlaU. S. SM1I ernomentsa pending -plan te reýgIeter ail Wood road from, Mils M. Strandher . . __firanom inal conslderatlon. Gerutane W'lthin the country md put InleLibartyville ILL Vi113OUIT furtber restrictionsi on ther'move Chrle K bououleat coerbe sfu mets xibChle etlir bgt tie Allie PERILOF sIEimnt.,28at teet and Halburt court fl îProofs cf growtii due te Solitude ane BrettYe Jociieimx bouil a lot Washington, D. C., Nov. 14.-Assiat- eMiid lE55. Mil grete«t-work waI Lake Street fron ljen rY C. Hugi ant Attorney General.fflts. In chagge' don ue nblndues. old tige and tii, for nominal consîdeiatioli. of crimtnii prosecutions for thie gov- detb o lhe Puritali govenuiient infHighlnd Park ertnnlent, dclared In an a*dress te- foreed hIM into comPletest secinsion. Abert D. Iaaker Illed a new aube nigit before the Washington chamber Beetiom ud14 lhi best ion ighlb.Sol- -lt o-i roet of commerce that enemy propagan- Itude o denahm Bacon wouid neyer vision of tiree it !bspoot diste now working In tliii country have been the great. leader 6£ sciof- Sberidan and Lakte MIeblaaf In E soo wllli rundd p ndtb ~ tlu tougt hmd not his trialt and dis- vinia. son il b, oudd p ndth sygrace forced him from the compan>' of ln Dcerfleld menace largely eliminated. a grand retiens, and stuptd court te th Salme Ontes bougt the WIliIi Specal sîgnificance e-as atlaclu-d sotude cf bu Own brula. nSa lot nsuisd !D Aeslotvenue eath!iecof ae, CIkCINNATI WOMAN SAVES MONEV FOR SEVEN HUNDRED HOUSEWIVES Mr. Joseph Elîma at 1-(r c.rnuad of potatocs. Wben potatoes are selling at five tJrPes their normal pritc Nir . Eflms. president of Cnennati'a Houscwives' Co-qperalivei- et gtu . iuý*fz carlonsi cf potatees, or pertuaps two citrlctuds, anid divide.i tbc i t wl,!Q sales pucs nnong tihe moen buodred housewivcs as;..uut i ;ua-c Egg, ap1, canneti gooti, beans end other foodîtu!fs are n- i-1 ~the ,se va7. Mrs. Ellmi is vl knovn to the farnicra l.n Iot tC ,-te aKntucky' and iegn andushe does ber mEu.rketx ..Iyy, i, for nomiusll consalderation. John C. Endier flled a neu sulx vision o! six lois te blie novui as B der Park of hie property ini seclici 28 and 29, eset o! Lincoln avenue. In Avon Joseph 0. Huciter acqueire.i tue terest o! Lucy Kddeil In mue Huc farin o! -40 acres la nortiveat qi ter section 29. mn Warren Josepli Zyci bougait he AssistéCi lcy 10 Acrs isoutiiesl qusrters lion 84 fer OMinal conaldOla1l50. Fred D). Battersbal bougit 20 se north o! roatInii uortieaat quarterî tlen 31, frein EFlmer S. Faulitner1 nominal conslderalion. ln Grant Laurance P. Lntielof bouglt lthe S. Sherman cottage on Long Id' in Hooit and Nevlle's sudivisionu nominal consideration. ALlEN PROPERTY NOT TO BUE LofIS CAlE» BY :fgoy aington. tD. C., Nov. 14-C muins, Ausîriane and the people their aillies resident In the. t)! Sates need nlt the. seizura their property by A.' Mitchell Pali the allen property ûustodinniý as1 as ihey a&bide liy thuscountry's l and refrain f romt aidlng their bc countrles.. Mr. Palmer made this déclarai todlay after consulting the Presi, quuiieting rumors tisat al lie 01 eriy o! enemnies or enemi allies WC lic sezed. Messrs. Toppina o! Bervyn a!( LoveJoy and A. Zender o! Cic ver. injureti aligitîr ln an auli ~'bile accident at MlIlburns, arI>'T day evenung. Tiey vere brough the Jane MAliter hoapîlal. vere able te leave tie inatllutlct *~day. Their Injuries conisteti ai and bruises. I oblty OUl bl lute 17. FINE NOW TOTAL é fimoiere s ien cy i e la ésInfor a' -basd Umne. Tes.. ottIlium lise. b" arresled and fines gaïduaititr tWal- mont $600 11v. be«eli aeoVer 010e1à. j -lai each csel tii*edat Plead* - t not guilty andi elthier lied a Jury trtsý or valveti a Jury andi voie reprsen2t- - d by col heT. fines Amounte ta i - etiera over $580. . Most ot tie defeni-' aeite badl béeen ou .rial before for tii smre offense and gMue frequently, 80 none' coulti plea4 Ignorance or lai. John Bl w»usearresteti Tuel IIiSmÜl a .VrIL H. l for not iaving palti a fne of 210.0% Vie t4e ..t De Ver . near impoaed by Justice Bisliop on Aug9u5t en of tii. SpaiCorps, the. fnt OU. on Augual lJet Blake attscitef AMneiman 4eerwoundsd i Frac. aOEfleer A. à. Burgem« and bIt Lis ai et t osent moment about » hbm us) mtimls asan' mn u l. ar. tubsevereiy. Insteati of beitg re- le Ea n ative -t hur là» ,V. .pontant' Blake %tlted aftervr rde3: la nov Ib cornfortab y linbbalila "Thé onl>' tbnr fat made tn( fcei the. Jobm B pUi 4bais otall vith ig al k ase = Insf1bad wan I had a pace of Birgeuts" bandags ieaal iglit opsraioulta tskia lI my teetb and iad to pick It j remov fag etaOf aGermorn uu,. âien wbht trouges amule BaelatîluZnctyaiad and lUyeut s bons. He *M 1be BlklasiInioCtyJlad up. and about again In a feu weskm If thie dne la net soon paid, bc villi t pral7 wutliut even-& aIlp * bo tfen ta Waukegan ta serve a sen- à shw nil Uiéintio di 4 telCe of six motie and at the end. tiarde-ima sMx foots' uili anme«. ï- a ui NHlm o etpeUr etutti ns wlv i euhb.requiredté t quai JsM d '~Pa> irsBfine. r ye George Wilkinson vasi also arret- r .~d'Tuda for unpaid fines amount- Ing ta 894.90. 1- [t.b A ic The following detendante have &Il V~54~ ii.aUi een flunet! for smoking ---d as tiey falled ta ite an appeal and lie lime À IN belexpred thywlîl nov b. placedi u nMVEIS 14E. »ancuasrelrestaUng lie total »# - Wbaukegan. Nov.. John Blake, diborderly. $210. of A 'le aayLiecul ut William Britle, $45. rmil bal! i4 150»00 quoa in tie Samuel BriUtle, $45. n Y.- M. C. A., for var PurPeee. The Chiarles Boyers. $64. g, ammout et lia hour vas $24600)(. Of Charles Davis, $15. rg t4iU )acon* . t "ke parnt hauralseti SarI Culler. $14. $1.854. Ne quota vas *12.0Alvin Ruesci. 154. Hig>llanti Park luias iad $8,000 but OSwald GTIUI, $54. il la Lid eidentithbere are lholding James Wes'te. $70. atbaç ta 0cole ln vti a ruai andi beat Hany Moral.2 charges. il». of Martin Rueci, 2 charges. $70. for Lk o Wauk«u ai a 3 o'cloek bild raiged Total-4609. buo1n 9._____OFFICIAL LIST 0f REAL .05 ESTATE TRANSFERL. orbuhddby * LAKCE 00. TITi.E AND TRUST CO. )d X ariage IàceUeS *Abstracts of Titis. Titis Qusrantsd on V , ,MellalTemple Bide PhoIis4, as Nov. 10, 1917. E. B. Neville et al 1a Martba C. Shierman. soul 1-2 lot, Harry P. Jacob% Chilcago; Eleanol 3. blockt 3, lipoir sud NerIlle's Long [a Weber, Chicagà. Lakte sub.. W. D.. $375. etr Dewey lh Leliman. Great Laites; Maniha C. Sherman andi iuauid nue Alargarct l"orwacit, Racine la George Tuchbreiter. souh 1-2 lot; Thomas H. Brady, Ch"cgo; Hulda 3, blockt 3. H00k andi Neville's Long. bdi- m. Dyke, Chilcago. Lakeseuh.. W. D. $1»00. En- Howard D. Jaynes, Miiw*ikee, -Mar B.*B. Neville et al ta B. S. Sherman clos garel Walther, Milwaukee. lot 14,' andi sorti 1-2 lot 15, blockt 5. Roy Peterson, Racine; 1ildegard Hol andi Nevlle's Long Lakete ui., Dey. Racine, W. t)., $750. ln Vitor M. Menton, Racinç; Adele B. S. Shernmn and vite 10 L. P. 'ker Dey, -Racine. . Lindelof. sanie as last, W. D.. $100. lar- Louis J. Christenson. Racine; lren.O Luecy Kitid l sd uab*nd ta J. 0. J. Halverson, Racine. Mluiker, soulat4q acres of norti- DJavidi Ç. Carr, Great Lakes; Stina :vest eciol Av3,,Lon.townshlip, . Dan- 9ml no.NoltiCIiesO. Il.. $8 Se »mit Hoffusn,«Ratinie, Anna , Alrfted, Ijil nmud vite ta W. a5 . Schiltcitenberg, Racine, Uliiln lot 2. boc'e 73, Moti Ciii. ree Gust Patuter, Milvaukee; Mary cago, Q. C. D., $1. sec Breen, Milwaukee. William VckeJry andi vife te John for Oliver R. Lagerholm Laite Forest; Faubel. lot 3, blockt 1, Cloverdale stl. IMary E. Rose. Laite Forest. Waukegan, W. D.. 810. Victor chumacher. Great Lakes; Nov. 9, 1917.-L. B. Covell andi vife, le . - ataFuieChcgo ovillage of Fox Lake, slrlp In norl- Barl .MElae retL seatquarter northeasl Quarter, setfl E.MelfoerGea t 9ae .; Grant tovnship. W. tD. $10. frMatilda Lamera. Milwaukee. F. N. Tomluison. ta P. H. Oven, lot,- Harry IL Chal1mers, Great Laites; 4, blockt 84, North Chicago. Q. C. $10- Gertrude Campbell, Milwaukee. W. W. K. Nixon to Josephi Peddi-' llarry W. 'Pettegrew, Racine, wis cord andti vit, lots 12, 13 snd 14, In 1blockt 4. Oakiand subdivision, Wauke- Itdna Zabler, Burlington. gan. Deotis $225. Forest Harvey. -Milwauktee; Eimma Rosie Able, andi busluand et aIlClà Douse, Milwaukee. R035lie, Zeeiek. lot 4. bl 16, Dl>. Frankt R. Roveil, Boaver D)am; er's subdivision, Narti Chcago.Wi9l F3nni Glimre, eaverDam.$10. f TBeve William Wilmtnaton and i vie te Frank E. Cutier. Waukegali; Cora Lizzie Amanu, iota 5. & andti htlai lier- A. Hevitt, W hie Bear. 3jin. lot 7, blocit . W lmington's ui a s eo! Constantine W. Sioen, Milwaukee, Ion. Rund Lakte. W. D. $450. ated VoaWîMiwuteJames Relie>' teascliooldistrict Nol Vioa els Mlwake. 7, lot la omtuivet quarter am110 aof James S. Horton. Great Lakes; Em 25. Avon tonl Q. C. D. $1. me, ly Corbul. Laite Foreet. Nov. 12, 1017-FP.' . Koebn at lOD CrlJ.Anderson, Racine; Pearl F. vife ta eitne aorts, lot 8. Véliterm,1 lave Harris, St. Paul. Lakte Caherine subdivision. W. D.1 toe Eduard J. Waes.Great Laites; - Saral A. Meade and buabandto t Louise Schwartz. Ienosfia. loin Rieman et ai. lot 1. Tweed'aoui- sUto Guy GettInger, Chicago, ULlian division ai. Fox Laite. W t)D. $10. dent. Roitvellicag. . A. Rogers et aI. taoI R. $.Cre-_, lot 8. Roger'a subdivision at# PTOP' Charles D. Yorke, Chicago; Lydia Fox Lake. Q. C.,$200. 'ould Muelc ,Mivauktee. R. L. Peck andti ie ta F. A. Record, James Leonarti, Wlnthrop Harbor; part block 25..Chilago Higilands.-W. MamieC. Bianit. Slell4u Prairie. 0. $800. id J E " A ut an P. W a sb lc , M l wa u kte e ; M a - D r c o s o h ô U e t r cure, mie Jgrqusek,Mlwvauktee. r etr s av o! . har estern ItOue Louis A. ThomPion, FaIl RIiver; rlraibv poiaiCaîaA T'li5L Etna Dleienbacb, Vail Rve. Calmsae "eger tramec manager of It ivr tiaIroati. a poaltilù vacant, since tie Tii.>'. *~,, ~~- ~ *daaih otfPrésident <Gardiner. M. iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 .êKe, iUeo si~lIB Caires vili be suceeeded as geal cute Ini value rising in sunoke. eltieacit. smen&er.a» tce getb'Ji ysar shows n record o! touâfrfles ta 4 FhiSison. cali iuand %)four ppbIltUosi. Suit. n' o$30 Suits Here ilu a llvey'- tIetpwiba your suit now. The lalestl Mele,-the wanted fabries o! de- pendable qualityand the desirt' colôrs arc here. Broadelotha, 8V gest, whipeords, etc. Specially' priced.fortbi;s sale .d floor, Coney Muifs- at $3.9 Buy il for nov ou fer cillstua l-vIli nalem orne groun misa or lutile la& ba»y surIY. Cm« fmufa lu bgmre!Or PIL- low style. latln (2afl ooei> TO $4values t I53%. tub r wite lit-oi olla, balij e$~a, ourboapllte a ront. Women' Wam Garments' Outlg IOutmng Ptûo~ês iGowns 5% t47c and blue stripe outin petticoats. seaUi bottoms, silk s th .g9' finisbed. 8pe1aly prie- ed for Ibi s aie ( eoid floor), at 59é. oun gowîîs, good l * a"n d fulîness Low neek style with y'oke und long sleeves. Ail sizes (2nd 1 floor); 75e value at 47. . - -Purchau hSoe sgb Valu e o160 ValnesValue to 5 Tbrse large tables over4owlng viti, aupremis raim .in wite gonds and waah fabresIna ishortt IenU*. caa b. used for needsd articles for Dow or Christmas. fig Gpportuftittes for econonir lere. (Baalnsent.) veyabsorbant, double tirsati rwtimi bath lovela; vile gay>'remaun ($rot 50cr). oaci ................... 17 75c Fanoy Bath T9wels Fancy patteru. dalntr coloreti .5 0dm lu béavy and very Turisi bath toees (fi mt gbon apecll.«ch. .47uc To $1.75 Gooda- *1.00 J)rws Goodu- T 9175 c.m00d- e- 0Dr»God gooda lu plain colorsansd mix; elLY mixttres an Uti b.*lsla turcs. (Main fom. Yard 97e.ý colore; yard, vide iat floor); au QualW 9-4 Sheeting 37àc fui bleached sheeting -2OY4yards wie. (Is Pil'!wTubzng A fin 50-inch wlde hall bleached pillQw tubingfrthsal (basernent); yard 24c- W,ôo1l'weai *inter veigt. atrey voc sbIri4S-daer-(am ment.) "Pei' ar- I muent ....... Dow PFle.od Union Suits suite;* #.cbllY prie"~ f (Basment) Suit... .U7 Mens$ te Sam0 Uùî,nsuits uni" ulta.W(Bue» Inent) SURt.'...1 Woeete 6,S4Sweiiter pw ura~lnbruk~lae Wedi *Ceirno lhtymol t8nÎ) 1 ia c. 1.

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