Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 15 Nov 1917, p. 6

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Page Six LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENrT, TffI3RSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1917. ________ _____ ___- - ~ ._ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ . INSANU ýATII3NT WÀLIS RiIT INTO t'a wKutr9oîn Jf-SOADPUTY~ John Kilil.o1hag Escaped ~ From Kankakee But Is Cap- nu STOLINÂljTO is S ututid-mot Milburn. 19 PICKED LOCK AT ASYLUM. 1s"10 BEMonday nîglit John Kllin, aged 26. l m_ flf1 M 5>'ani flve othar :I:mate:o a o: aeeI l" Ifl D f aghum, gt avay f rom the ititution RansferControllinq Prices Is Stamfos'd Pearce Had Paid Five Weeke-Agoi Ho Dlslooated and makilnng avay ram the City dur- Launot'ed mit Meeting Mon- $200 for Car Stolen in Chi- Colar Bone, Late Saturday Knllin vasl capture.] at Mllliurn, In I day--Effective Soon. cago Last Septeitber. lie Dlslooated Wheel. fac he walked rlghl hIwo the arme of _________ - AT.1 d.Wec, oaletadivr bdptaty sairffs-, rreun anl Homer1 TOCNRLRSARNSBOUGHT IT 0F A SAILOR. 11ý s catSatrdyoab re oooop - I WUi Not Be Permitted to Dis- Police Establish Recordof Lo- -»~-~e-seale aud>~ Il si-ime titat Killin hiait telephoned eve reltives aet Mlîbru t fom Lake itf. regard Meatless and Wheat- cating Three Stolen Cars vas idlngmn s a o n the 'depotl. ia i a nrue1 hi oe less Days; Control Milk. i Wîthun Six Weeks. bill; as hi- turnî-d te go 10it te plal- - heyknew ie hau bei-n ai Keukakeq- FmdAdmii ýflrnhe as thrown againuethIe win-land] theY therefore wire alarme.] li- Fod dmnitralor Jolin S Claitlie The Waukegan police PricIiiy nie dowi uhamne hths cusyhyhdbp odh n h Met vitbh ie advi-br'- commll(et, lest nlng esaeblilhed té record 'of havlng beline waa dietocted and] hoi- ddt other eeceped prluonirs ha.] knives ilgblt ai the Chenil-ro! Commer- - recovered th-en stol-n eutomobile drive for tour weeke. lii- madei,- etc. ihwihte lne eke headquartera te diqcsîes.lor-il food I, uthi tbn a perla.] of six vi-e'S. Th ii-irst eppearanci- Monday of lest ai-ik. their lberty. Arorliy,,lv word was trio and] edopt polici-a for govei-tetatcar toelie rncaveri-d wae efairlLPtoSnu ment of question In VWatikegari Coplt tlen Septeonler 10. 1917, Ls auday hi- wes drlviiig aio)ng sent te Suient! irif luad i- dis- 'Oupe leWashington street approaching Cotin. Patche.] the two dlepl i-sta the.rel- The question was gone jin l rat.f nls T. Ryersan end son. 75etv5a1iretMlbn ougily and il ca., decidi-d ta gIoit West Jackson boulevard. Chicago. ty aitreet 'ai-neanw auto, drive-n býýajek#ýe tMlbin a duglter of E. J. C'arroll of humne.-Thte deputies arriiî-d about 6:40 a 4Ueotio>naire ut once to alildealersa The 'machine 'as parcliase.] two or src h -a he fhirbaiaund lb-y ire waitiug for the-iecep- settlng forih minimum an.] maximum !Il-n vweelcaega by Stamford Pierce îarag te it-rge mwhlolaise. tenrtaarveluabun1dmn prices on certaini stalle pradurts for'of Waukagan, vito patel.] $200 foi h. utintearv.Iabu10m- - wh pai $20 forIt. A deughter of Carrel was drivinz ui-a he walked Iito ttit yard and 0if- the purposee0f aser-tatatnaof any 01 Tie sale v;asmade Iy a sallor fro m and whlle ai-e daims si-e had -te hit fi1cer Gtri-i-In ieuiaîeli- 100ok hlm In the prices, si-i meyhi- prohibitive or the Naval Station., This sal1lor, if nc' l nodrt vi ing charge. - lu anyy ai- wcrk an l i.ti<t-c on t Ii- campany 511h Tom Kennedy of Wau- anoîhesrigantît r o a a s ting at The Patient wve a tler foxy for-, merchant or lihe-gengral îpubllic. kegan. vent ta Peerce an.]ld bhintinhi- asut o tlt a ong proa h-e nema.:-te- a rl wî-i-klv aa-htbhi- lieduhi-enoordi-ret once saodai-a ait.1 gi-ttewey.f fricas vitl i- rîvised e kyadh a enoer wte nd South County going west. W-lch in- lega wa rom the law and 1 publiebe.] t.-'u.ciir l be - Iinof tift- that lie vante.] te disluase of hIe car sist e il.]the ight of cay. Per-walki-d rigbtito t d tolti prse. n tiis wy boh $6e50bfor e i.l tibt oe ui k sd alOisswho wtnese3ed Iho accidlenti le- A si-arcl sbowid that Killin di.] chant and] w~îuit-iilli he aîivi-'.$5] fri utta oraqi aeiclaie the girl got excited and jil-t fothavi- eny iTe or otltir wiapon cf Pr-val-n tu-ko it ci-i1 r -t hi-would sacrîif iIL for $10. Il t1 c w- abgînra t driv- nd] hi- ffired nu ru-iahulnci wbnn pioduce. 1ooked Mite sucli a bergalu that Nir. j - the olhcer toI.] bina lie metgnwi Almoat t nliîtilîd ittîlti le is --lt Pi-aice colild net resaiet IR 1îng. %vlti the foac di' ancvr dtur i'i -r- iAistent Chef Tyrreiliracoledî Th e front fîtîder of the car wa, binte Weukegan. Shériff Griflin1 f11- t -d-e li -'rSI it damege.] sliglitly and Welchs rig planne.]tela tkc him bark to Kanka. ebant ah. ic! a-e îîi-- i~ frm theNaval talonvîciouteidi- o! the'ahi-el hing broken cc eeaiou- set! will hi- oalý,-i1O th,'rc tii- iinils ceuse.] him te thiîîk tuat the car wa.iunetdnmeged uîuciî. Weiuh aitd]thi- Killîn hall $7 iuniiol ylu liis pick trater an.] lt -re liue-ne Ilu1Wtalon. Hi-conducte.] an Invietiga 1j ts.le sel.]bchi-lad got il frot uhie Vrice. infuti.r- ili IU- ien adIdentified hecarnes bpo ic1 ose i-capi-d eing hurt iu th:--fInsI hcg.letl fsop .- - .-d.- 1-t-_ -n-- i- ast. final 7hcg1i-to. fsii retaller. an.] Van Bure-n tmet, Chicago. Âltbough titi prîces wilIt cuver on Itynreon came ta Waukei'n antd Wy atilQ artIcle, ni-axt week. te liatiIdentifia.] the machine. Hie.hdtIO KE N D vll bis augmente.] until lcaverâ thei car Ineure.] vitit T. H. Mrin & #racUSly evr-artIcle of fooà vlue Company, aund liedrecaived hlà, an sÀTE R A on the local markhtýt. upance, so is inter-at la the re-ov- SAT RI ,PA Thé inUit an.] Ii ci-iarnde-aers! i-rof the acar vas flot okeen iLsPost Card Receuved From Wau- ad retallera bave e. dieriste-ing that o! the Ineurance compauy- Ac- elaing ala priceis, but thei foo.] adosîn- cording ta titi police the oellor Wh,, kegan Young Man Shows He lâtrator vilI deinllely -et thesi- piceaq diaposeil a! the machine stîllinu et ls Going to Buffalo, N. Y. tilnselt. vîitîn titi- ext tew ilsys. titi Naval Station, It la sal.] that Local Contdtions vilIlieo iakn nto btblPare an.] the insuranca Com. A postI card r'cived hi-ne loday imunl4erimlo n flxixag priffl. SAn- pany plian toproect. frefin Tom Kennedy, a Wtkegan dlard ntarginvilliehi-allawdad mer- Recivee Tiree Crs ouog man, shows i- ha' itee'ist theate vililieo ixpectlid 'ta iuy and.] Thealolaa police bave esaalihîd IPri,,l'a, turt ie 1tt e trunsferru-d. Belli Coorshingly. qute a record lante recovnry of!s'cr- Bufflo, N. Y. Kennedi onllisted as 1 Food pledge ardi hava bei-n cir-han cars. Abolt six weeks ego the a trruck driver and. for a ture c- ce a- enlati-.] irougiroult1he Cty a.] a recoverail a stolon machîIe nýwîicîî titi GreatLlarmes Naval Training Ste- bouna tq ýbouse i-nvasse vii sotfiir A ima enaliendone.] by th, ie .if near - lion. The nmi-e o! Kvnniîdv wa- ri tuade. ~~~~~~~~~~ Blanchard] farta et York Matis, e oe]af-.lyseai -inclo SupI. Knoehk or thi- lullc eboal00s'Te second car salIn vas the m-wtira esleI Ianfrd o ,will have a aheaileas, atle-ss -aîu]y cdine te-,;n from LeslIe Ci-orge. Wuea - iCia ar erîî program hifor.- ail i,,îplis ofthi- e-ll__________ of an automobile tlîat cas takîi irr ocholèls vithin titi next wae&t or tii-a. C(hicago. Zîtcitants vho fail Ioa ilsilav fflo<lELOPEKRS uI. pledgietcar& r.-- ur'; I iuil ' W1.1) l I~ tpggerinnient. 1PARENTS; TOS T ILptl-îur',niiti t I,,!!i<- iPA EN S;CO E qoired to oîîtî -rc I - sn tl t ELP FUND TO AID less diI'?jti.Ytiu: l . WAUKEGAN TO WED U e P IO IR Reatltof. eî.ir ,,,,,t,;i- One of Parents of Girl Declares tIo bpeorum it-- tîiuturliuiiL. Vii Alfred Grutzmacher Kid- Looal High School and Ail Lake b-czao an.] Noiti <i t - ir-I-tii r naped Daughter. -- îng i o (Itotlitir tu.iîr l - 1luN, i 1 ZCounty lncluded in Desig- -crit of' andiiiuei iiii-cnated District. Fo.] Adiiiit-alcirCliant-" uIi-_______ Brs-oncrli-1 i- n ('i ): SI i .-.Eand îM-, rc. MdliUgif 1DETAILS 0F PLAN GIVEN. ,roc n from tIiavenue, Chicagotandîrl- 1 -- N 3. Robirts fr,,ii thle F-derati-ct Wo Utc. Et-c îîî-nuîi- oftucgut aiii gt mnena O0rganleatImns au.]d l-.crc freit tStri-nasi-lîr. 11i iau'01utt.-i-; Ilgtihalto u'Wcii-.c Shervin. 1C. E. 1ixur an.] W. C. hno Souath Paiclina treel-. ell-tuîîc Ti-csdu- - are goiug ta aseisi in the elk framniteChamber o! Cammtmu .niglit to W-arîegau au.] w r - m:ru-rA. wan Tîîud campiaign biv pIrovldiuvc andI titi Homte bel-fiee l.eagîi-. F, n.-.. fond packels for U.nited Staces prison- W.. Buck, hîtciter: N. T. Reaniton. Tlîur-dc' thvy-seni-t a bllit'h-tel-rn o! yen In Gei-nny. grocer; and Paul WiIls. ex-cafllnlo. gr-ain: WMP'en n ur itoniymooi.," The disurilctin whlch Wancltgan lu Titi- cmmitte-.a iii meetne . s a M.N-yr.a part, comprtelng Kane. DuPage, vi-aitulanet pricea an.] take up epr - Hi-s kiduape.] my datater; hoi- MCHefry, Lake, Boone an.] DiKali tige problenua and castes. muet havi forccd hir Imb this Mer_ counties, le asked to pravida 810 niage." sai.] Mrs. ýNieyi-r. 'We oh 0of titesi- peeketa. Fihch Conte $10. Jacte.] to the mati-h." That eeans ital ti- bigha chool boys ])NELO AL4iIR "Iwas soute fufin>' eopament, an.]of timI district wili raie $8.100. 1 vliht1coul.] tel Yeu ahI abtout 1,' Ail over themcountry higit scho se idti-he rldigroom's sisti-n. myster- boys will do titis as tem îbit of titi TOIJ I al:8y today. cempaign. rTe funda lIn-y raine ne ~ RpS Grulemaciter le ln lb- rel tate pli-aent part of titi $35.000.000 tuail buzineis. Mr. Meyrs ta hi-ad cf titi-viîiItho lesicure.] the vi-ek of S. À IATIN, C RPS Meym Brothers Ilblihng Cqmpanry Novamber 11. la onectonvitt he agetrîinut 66 Waat Washington streelt. Eacli pacliet Contlans, among othi or vomen la Wau'eagan Il devalopa _______Th__Iini egetmalgiesa.] fts.h by tisait taeeaie about 40 Young vomen, A numiter of Wauki-gaaltes; attend- Tt-cmag ppas1 ii o vwbo la resisteriig. explaine.]ltaI eae duck dianer aI Hall Day Thor%- ln tva vayi. Ph-et. the packets. ln tIoy> visa.] ta leera vhsel-sa. One- day aftetnoon. SviraI of the diap-rm aura unforlunate American prisorrer 7oung voman naglt@re.] for aviation ver- called upon for taîke an.]"Ilh ne- cd toadr necase&ry la austain liII fservioe daclaring itIo hber deeire ta spanda.]. A cangenial tîme vas ne- adaitn rcia trainr bea e a avatr. ortd.tiofis dole.] out ty titi-Germanm. Sec beccma an viato. pare.].ond], e ai'ket 1te torsar-sent ai F. W. CchmlI, 8.-qtary and Manager TELEPIIONE 8 1 SECUITYTITLE -& TRUSTGO fi~RACSOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEEI> fI .a..l i MIt e [-t Ys 01 o la- le- loch earnngs o! somp boy, for no boy cen contribute fends wbicit lii bas flot eclually i-arnd i-.] ilf. A boy ni-dn.]ua pay the $10 al et once. lie vîlI pledge tit-ennui-y fan one pacitet or mari- an.] vîlI pay hn Inatailmi-nts. 'hébe'bya lunt itr-li c-t iI b,- orgenlzed ae a ré-giment. Tire man di-dcIng thiti-m fforîn viliihi- raak- easecolonel. lie vîlI hea asisted by Sleutenant-coloneil an.] trai-majora. i_>Ocl t-ento boys. vI b-elava cap- hi-en Ipft lying on thé dresser an.]siteJ asked McClana heu whet ha.] iticome o!f thie ati-itam t a.]disppiare.] f'rotun vi-w.Ntr('lahahtan beiami- si-y iîîîch excite.] an dsald hi- lid not q sien it, but tîrs.('allahan tld hlm i i-e was poslItive It ha.] ben on teé dresser when eh- vent uduonclairs. Nîiflanahen Iben hi-came More Jnervous; and excited and etarted ta night au.]dte aIringi- part af h le hlm and declared ahe would net per- bhat hi- wae 001 lalcki-d up before. Ilisimît hlm ta leave.untl the atcit vas ahility te remeain aI iarge, deepia his returne..He .truggli-d ta fr-n hilm apparent insanity, jrt shows how the ai-If and a igiti begen whîch contInue.]H public la toa buesy lu ovserve auch con- tram ana room teaenother. but linally ditions of Individuels, a failuri- whlch as Mrs. Ceilahafi secure.] a trang oftentimes reeult i n Iragedies later. graap ulion Ni-Clanahane i-oat hn man- age-.]te pull blmgelf out o a! d ft] ied LENIENCY IS TO CEASE. tiiougter nar dooha fer al0n ______-A nelghhor celle.] the police stationc Assitan Cher t PoireThoa,;and Assistant plice ChIe! Tyrri-I l Tyrri-il la co-opêratlng rlo4ely yilt dispatched Offîcer Bootth ram learcn'sa the led-rat aithurities iin tanipilnn corner te the seiné, but hy the*tlime i out pi-Galerîiaiî propaganda whrc. Booth reacietirhe Cllehan bomne the bas cruîi.ieii out ia k,Vatug;ut 'r îîî i .imi Icililii- il,-Tsi-i-I esc-ape hi.tief c-as ruuniug ttp Madisari I.- - n "'- s alIn Elizaiii-th. n oc-Tour year (A. ti;t Thîtrsdey lther. -ar i li-lau-et -iît'v ilunt ing tiî,ornIn theii liia- lAiug it hspcîaL CITY SETTLES 2 DAME CASES IN FERRY ACCIDENT Henry Sine Gets $650 and John Neal Gets $200-Long LitigationEnds. Anclhî-r icho of lith e ttiOt, F'irr- dannage cae-. ni-uling lu 1h.-li th of Edward Perry att lecember 9l. 112 rame today when Itl ti-iami- kiiow;i thet the titi- of! aukegan hed mail a setîlepmont villi la oftrhe- remain ing thr, t-r--'.]îcîli- -fW~ ili-rt Sin---i;u tacy ttcî Ii oii-tigri.] c-i.l- lt oser thi- eleplîtunu- aI the- tirniî an.] IlT aIîî Pic ,ii - i- c i-av 1ec inrII, t tui ul art] hid nul iIc- iiought t-e fiiloc- i-an dire.ctiy past 1 a"10 'alun il siltl1k1-,11,i Of ritut-.. utiut cI itozen inh ,hi t viltî)r lv-I tt- poui-e statiinInu uthe eni-ntime'att Sheiridan road i l,îî iui l I Lu miil l i len c ii lîro Gîrnow c I t Noung neci-boy wc- halipp-ni-d ho i ili.ii ; Jui 'orV I... t i ' d iiiu ici t knjjj, II oalpi ce gis. 1 t -c - crI t che CaIilhai bl o e av a sirang iaia l i -cc i ti-il iri-idti! l Me ti-ý>t, Nti ln s r ruriuirig Op nI-le în1l banplîeadi-d ci t iiin :11lcI tu %c,-ici. io-rt -ci-,tid tit aiiîit a. . ict-t ill i-al--c cancdlte fc-iosicactiohns ii n< tui. - ii-ui li ci Tr 1)0%-%tei" i io-. .rii-îic, ' crui-ng tie-caiî-oi-le itîm nu. $ ui cii iii-tuc ict c Ig 10rîî csupicions lie eietmcneui.-ýL tiP (11;(.i ctcc- tIle c a i , I t iu1i- f t iu tairiu lu Tire 1,,- 111,11 n i uîc .dI1liIti-lc il,,c i p l .c- ii - ül et n sgiî. T boy 'e j tlei-ti a o fIltii'kory ctri-et, a Sun ci ic . - c , lii ic cuirn i-cmIinî';I lr f il I-ýn ,ia çli,,1 rial i, i cu-r fu-tcuicied li-lcon rs o <iîiu CIn 1,u--i c---------I Ilc!i c I s iII c c X i - i c ti t - i - i i - i l, t i' i r î t. t ui. i ti - i c- c i ll.u. t,,jc i c i c i i i î - ît XX l ii thti tioun aîruv tiîrud ls toI.] SegýntI-al ri- cir'. ti cep Io Ii lu tii cru culit Icu i-il- -c lu T e srg an i tIl-c i ucc îti- ii hfien ccci c- i o Ii iitî 111)r11I.ii tiilt loi hic cinglantI it, -10 le -In. i iiokighcii tcî roi-e rçt ii a(u:r ndi uc tmii j l k v O c l 'Ii i t - u -i rll i - c c . a I d ti a- , Ica li iif iinled. ti oulicc -. aiuii i -uturitug rapi.]iy- ci-it uni i 'iii ii i i MI- iucdirc llcat chili- seule t ci.,ll. Mi sonu,-trr c-riet c ia-tri-' l i li10 t i i.î i i ulic' tt ci - MaiuiIat ti-c- nut Meitz uucertîuuta 'A chCanalian and cîuitc, u-ultti , Il«a IIi'i- t. - , -. l- -01 -. i- 1thi,- i--, tiiiiu-ur. a beullitinci- dont tltit.ih w c ut h t-c uni- i cl-- i iitoii ii-c-aiton McCl'anahanl troutîtu- inthe motIî îtun cih uti %%, i-u1 - rîcage Io lu Ic ruw the vatch away qu(ion( tciilfor titey kuoci jiscutti- iithiiut Mtez uotichng lis action. to eapu-rt lunc cl-ceariuiligvul b> Newcboy Xand, hov.ever, vas ou the tala îlîî-îrîin tow agaîn' aient, and lit was but a short ime Mrn. Tarroît admittrd Itiucîî olicr f atenvards thial honiturne.] the vaîcli the b-cr knia nGerman rneidi-uts outbo Officen Metz vito bad starte.] la Walittegan havi- bei-n quFstioned by loit for 1It att-r an axamînatlon af hlm. Thuse Investigations ver- miwdi MeC(lanaitan'e pocitats ha.] proved It aflen comrplaints ha.] bei-n made. The. vas flot in hIe possession. men atll are ond-r survaillance an.] IL vas also discavereaaler searcit- any pro-Gi-rean act vilI reult Inluiug tbe man Ihat le lied on tva suise tbeir arr-at Imma.]iately. o! clathi-g an.] the bellet le ltai ana (IARBi15TOO SCARCE foR PIEiS IN LAÀ9E IFOREST hran lhome. rTe Incident emphasîzas tvtwitlgs -that Mrn. Callahan put up ea tren- aus ight agaln>i ltes lftrttder,ad that aven a boy 111e yaung Ward. auto la but 1il ymars af age. eulia a! great assistance et a lIme Ilke titis If an!>' Garbage collectais ara finding sIen- Waukegas, Nov. 12, dan plckinge in Laite Forait an.] alter W. C. NfcClanahan, 36, n.-sldlng at north ahori- towas titisa days. Milvaukee, vito vas arrêi-eîd Satur- Tîrougl ti- vonkotheltaWar Emer- day alternoon after holied.]attempl- gency Union the suggestions about tee.talugrheiehoe fMr vat-o! fao.] glvan ot ity Federal James Cllahan on Siteridan noad, ba Foc.] Administrao« Hoover havi- hi-n bei-n bonnd aven Io tIre grand jury carrie d out. 1In bonds of $1000. McClanuahan pli-ad- Laki Fort-elbas an ordinance vbich cie.] guilty la te u-brgî-. Thu-e-cmntýrr protibis 'lie keeplng of pige In hacit-1by te police' rivoalqul te !ct thai yards. il viliinot lie repe-ali-., lityly i- ha.] glaira a suit ut! clotîteci cIc Cerk J. hi- King deciares, liecause the lte waî veanirng cncîr hic owu lotir- conservation enovi-mi-flla gettiag Ing. Hi- as unaittela si-chine bail along so vehiltat il lae aueec;sary. an.] vas'lacked in athe courity Jail. E.]. Adame, assistant postnatar aI Won%. For 4sale . .'W '.itSelI. Uaruc ',u l . l cc - Nuwits tiar uriet-c liaisîutc ir n l ti;fcl , u' thei ( it ya cio tiOlii t r iiir ue o!fighnln.i It ara radai AtI ti i eaulutun aitri ut willi the drty four hlm cand Niai Arii. thusecnids t-e ilinei- ca. Houp-i-i-t t- icani- of limne.Ferry yull have ta i- settlhed or trie.]. Hi-2 vas driver o! the car at lbe lime O! tîte !atelity, and lîke Mniu. Ferry an.] Sine, sued for $ 10,000. ROUTS 3SONS FR011 BEI); TELLS TRIIIM:'GT KAISER' Highland Park German Sets an Example to Luke-Warm Lake County Folks. G.oîtfri-.] Artsvold, a Cermen. Amn- i-icen o! Highland Park.,ni-ad Wed- nesday of te inking of the Alcedua an.] the Italien nitri-at. Titin hi- thouigitlaf hie son Car]. an aviator i-n route ta loin Pershing. Me route.] bis other canai Allient. Arthtur andl jTheodoi- ! rom bcPd andti îad titim ta loin thei- mnly. The tovssifr ou tIi- nosan train onrlHoustan. Texc.s. Sanol Ectema Pr~scpîlon, a lamai,. Oh.] ni-ma.] for ail forme of BEmmna and aim dllmam.. Bannaal ' ga'«ted _qLj' Oa 85ec largo triai bo t)» ai I TIEAITE IN"rRAE' IDCE MRS. CALLALIIAN IS1 BRAVE. B iî w~. c. McCIatýahan of Milwau-' iW kee Finds He Entered the 11r 0 IVD Às 11 Wmbnqg MMi eHere. C LL, R QU N LY Waiukeg--, Nov. 0 Mns. James Calllian o! Sheridan - road, aged 6Ô0. bad a terrifie hat!.. Lake Bluff liaS Huse Arrang- witla a buj'g1r UaUî ý 1;% 'OIqlC ed ConvenlentlY for Mr. Stork tbtà M"Ial nd. but for ý4e ' -ReSUltu Arq Surprisina the = fi.nCoài bilie *OU1p. 'BABY BUNTIýNG'1 ISLATEST. ed vlth a suit Of cloties and &a U- albii golid vatob'.8and IA" *110111W Thers la a nev BalbyBunting" ln la charged vlth liavtng Stole .n fr@i tii. OCbimney 'Houa'". In L*ke lBluff. one of the CaIlàhban roms. many 7mars algo te house waa bult Atter grappfng wlth tii 1.11w funt at Sheridan road aud Maple avenue ln one room and t1ren the Other Mdi by j. j. Murdoch, a theatrical man. finally grabblng hlm ni sucb a mim- Mr. and Mma Murdoch weuc for many fier that hIe overcont vwu torn oit years vîthout a btby. and ho fell down Atalie, the teUlOW One day Mra. fMuîrdoch auggested finally escaped and rau ilirougli the perbapa the stork llved ln a constant alley and out ente Madison Street. HO state of dlaappolntment because there led west on Madison atreet but viu vas nno chlmney ln titi Murdoch ni-s- apprenheded near Utica Street. Idence down whlce> the baby migtt At 11:45 o'clock he vent te lthe Cal-.lie dropped. Mr. Murdoch 5£W thte lahan home and declared ho vantel point and .eithin a fi-a daysl a hî.g.- te refit a room. Hi- vaa shown te a chlmney rose. iefore another yeur room b,' Mrs. Callahan and announcel had rolle-d around thi-ri wax a bal). hi- would refit ItL It wa athe roon ln the houase. of a man named Jones who wee JMet When the Murdoc h-, t-t the-hi about te vacate but lid ed t taken out wag taken liv Mr. andl Mra. W. fi hie elfects at that tle. While theY Sipeper-h farnprly was a Wyointig wer- lulntermomt the doarbi-Il rang congresamafl-and lhougli lui-y ha.] and a Sun carrier cnlled at the dool bt-en ehildleeq in hi ai-st -(1îin"ý to i-oh-et for the PaPer-.Mis. (alla- Houa." workî-d ita Chrlti and a c hit han hurrIed down sairs ta pay hlm cime t bthemt. Thenu Mr, and Nlrî, and upon her return found McClan Johnson, from Montana and rhllil,>-s4 ahn ln a rather compromîsing poat came to Chimney Ilou-e." Th v ai Iton. He hed removed both of hie Bo wort- rewarded. shoea and neer where he waî standing' The la-il andl jr,--i-nC~iiilptl were TJone' ahanaand Indications wé-are M r andl tirs. lirY S. 1linnutin that he va, about te don Jonea' ahoe. Fr 16ire h lait hien c1lils Mrm. Callahen in the meantimeha On Mardi 12,4. t %%ti-î as imorn, IlIo,.Il waý annoimnrpd ioda~ anl a coiitt"s. lias,- Il î ,îiîdto taki- <-ara- of bis l l,ld,.1; i s un- deratood 1hf- a-.-! ý it th, 'fornit.k g<îi .-rIlîr llai iti III lIoi $ 711 000 to $1 (tOlflT ilhlltl-. ,, K TM HnbOi OF DIAMONDBl lit;%- Y( uR cb'l8"tÛ iAM (17185W Hlftl Feais fi bon.t mtebandhlen i8 YmU Kiîalant.e. Wedding BInas &WdDiaumd Enuameet ltinc. «ii i r îrt , WagCbutoe .Stopp, Pýdda ies' pet fectiy tru - ta boiled coffee is good cof fee -when the boilin operation M properly performed It's delicate enough to draft an ex- pert for it, bowever. The best way -the most certain Way to prepare a coffee fluid thatrtetain tUicflavor of the ber$i-an~d that comtains none of ils deleterious qualities is by percolation. Electric Coffee Percolators at our Salesroom Public ServiceCo of Northern Mlinois HOT DRINKS Hot Chocolate Hot Malted Milk Hot Beef Tea Hot Tomato Boulion When in Waukegan stop Bt THE REXALL STORE For Hot Drinks DRUCECLEYELAND bRUQ Ci. nhe Roail store Cen. Mi"oia n d G«eeeoSte. TIStore Tm!tSave$ YOo ., Waukean, Nov. 12, Tan men wer- natte] lu ivo raids enductad titis atarnoon by Mi.chad D'Hloran. an Inveatigstor wv.ork4n out o!f te office of lBtate'î Attonm* Jamnes à. Welch. Savég imen vioenaW restid ai a place conducted ai Tm*u and Uncoîn .treetq afibre. mem M Ellavenîli and Prencoti itreets. O'II* oama aa"da t, wJd alg-handed. He Chagesithe daliàluts v illi aeU1 ing liquor ina nU-sàlqiteultur. la oun" setuer. 1p a Obm'9g o! gaimb ling Included. Theo . degnia veft taken bafore Justice Lee aa'mer vitara titeY ete arratiM. ALL HEL BîN BOND&. 1lollovlng araethenames o! uboee arreste in lthe MarilaSvete place.4 1102 Preacoti itreet: John Adonec. Jaaper (1rasler. Thoîn arr-ste] et the Pater Wenboe place, 162 'rentit ,.treet, vere: Walter Brown. John Ozunas. Lu-y Savaki-n. Jagpeo l)rnxae Frank Barron. Herman Trepul. 1Svet.- an.] Wamber bout vere liald In boind., of $1.000 each. Thosea a-est- 1e.]ii u itaIrplarcs were plaed under bpnds of $600 each Al fmniheil lionn,.],, tis belng arrang-d thiaugli ilwi- counmal, Attorney J. A. Miller. Tii- rase sui rontinu-d la Saturday s norfflng et,-O a. m Le bol wil da., 8n Ig cFt Che pet pse te out tiv 1O Cl l3uonn. iu-'.Ns lu -ln dilfo i n tock nark,-î vatcic i used. ituanclel ithrr. asii.-ni luforniiq <lavernor 1(ugelle -N .l, bro>ther of 1 ý' il 1

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