Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1917, p. 12

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la 'added woe for the fthlugsrostdêts-coil e " IaOv oo ite eimsma o!ti. leta Mobnia'Uuo w ho "10y"--First 'Banana îBat Capu id n n' îK -Wilr Ta l i:gU lbê o -heDtalgTD1frMe Nov oe,ks art es amptd~mt w eT tiManufacture of faize teeth, unounce that they vii Buneh of Banas ESapes 1,w idio*s Sa » enlslunjumo trn a Mtfor S1*Uik'mileas they are granted higier vages. Tmap in Sun Office. ey±gafo. item te Iower Colored Employes. Thremy om oir 4a hnt* yers go. In the- T NX IM .PLANNED FOR EXHIBIT. fiiolf v y rcm nteLOCATED ON LEWIS.AETh" *4 Lsyao th AN8iVN.____second, Ctege f 191 5;AE. have toilýp !ù Ot~ Lat yesr on th~~~~~3eove of Thanksgiig vo all feit Ihappy Cage Carefully Secured but an F.-*Wl nld H tlfr U m r n t. tbu v ere able to say wo had been able, to keep out Awful lime la Experienoed * 1917 United'-MrredMo of ver.. It wusea consollngtbngfor vo feit that vUle' Getting Hlm Into IL. rIeyf, etrao..... n eetphyic Menat the. situation had been strsined Many tintes that, vlth' Csèe, e ancy..........217 ,f ByOW1Hoe. rTe f0. hanna. ~sr Wbb ofth Nrt Details of a 'Plan thaï. ;a being r et home 'tý houer, vo hbad remalned out. Theref ore vo were ailMndyprnro-leunOdeSD*C 4,4.......71 grâteul an prayrs wee offChi u oL.U, g fuig...24a, 16 mo'Webd obthe orthhhadenffftho....... Ar16an-edby th beabof th Wildr Ta grteu sdpryesveeofoeduptansg h Shore Fruit Comp)any discoverod the MicKe rout beeot..... 15 Il nery te build a model communIty for m~hYfrsuch a privilege-and it wutuya h is real "banana rat" that baa 0,cr Faency poik ràà ..... 25 13 Waukega colored mon who arcm oie fira Extra vomi ro a' . .. 17 12 1/j PlOyd at the big local Industry , h o- phy ical 1.oirbût, t orýne to Wâu'egan In &. bunch of ba- came publJe today. The wirkh laige*net; e ae n t ad urswod s raw, urMutton, leg ..............20 14 been leprorrem for saeett.;ei yavoaeiitsdorstoi druCh ouiCiVenns t le red I n color and an ex-j - npogeefrsoetm.i scabbord thrown awsy. But We havestimuhe iOreeyielliteelw,1own Native irloin steak 18 12'/£ inte be îocated on Lewis aceuen ii -minau~th~ tbaiàzfor an nothng of réate. joythan he fac thattremel livey Utile fpigwhain w...Littl2pli12% .t..e....22re1%etherthwcm n tornetptrt partothth thailo fo su nobin ofgreterUro thn 1te =nCtof5tdIBcovered, ieaped from, one hunch Bacon .......... .........35 17 City. iope ctheeih b l odly N vouder oui' country ie not to b. the.battleground. - Oi ym of bananes te the ther, qludieg bis The ste fory peiopleni Ycourne tfirinfaor byoùnghw 1iu 4 Tliankegfiviig shouid bejust as vigorous eeor. We vent pursuers for smre tine. Thesrats lefrii omn. Pmttcfcoyýte * TIt n te posessin ofvorkng on aildeuis. Thupio a barnahnaeryshnorabe a emptteneephou the ed.sAveon baanns ofrrvingkiei vaut al] dMilIon otine.Thoeaplhancbeenbuiy încdi.c otheno! 4e ty6Uil sul et nrpr d ndnow ve 106k te oGod, te ?rance trnhabnn. trii t 'fl &, plbÎomnd 'is dated Deern- Ae build Pene 15 or 30 houses whic img coplalate pécui4ý end and eating Just the Inside. They beri% ,_ $or ,£551. In the battit Wili be sold te colored cmpl--ps' <on ttc e pt'm sidte England lo hold 'em piqlàe untii ve do get yeaclv xank neyer grow to-be very-large--about bay1 u$ o i5whtch wnsfot, easy terme, hi ii nbe hi Godtht Fane ud ngan ar alete do, no. f- our. times the ixe of a MOnSe. pr559ti4 'koelif yeers. Another las on athelr homes and becorne ma,- for wonluuy hiethý"ý gonthadditionnd ilanD tehelemeAt b17ernroeemilio-rtr- iit- Ou'Thauksgiving this year must luclude a prayer . IneSn otrrcevn adndte<7~SO 0 mlinstr hition tem4iim-domeusa sud- -tonle atfrm r Wbbte adill- 1n- M l tfony pelenofate a amoder ohotel te br knowe a4te, et .W0*&loN: 'e thnsfor: our uumted action lu this novw orld-tehe a rr r eb h a tu-ie. tp xiste~ nlsce n oie e alad t iibet *e must b. grateful te thiDk tiiat Ameriics je for me , une nqur nikbtteset~nis.liaviflg ben o8hlY modern tirevery resPect ao-d Opf~~eWY8 i6__teWil yo'san gt rt r i pigge 1 j viii uppiy lodng and boird te f uIy - rotaudc , â fre su le suta nGOuD meani-t kUgwhlch the little animai - asto .eé 50 or more çolored mcý1 wbo arec- e efuanuthing el.AXMCIA AND CON- placed and put on exhibition InetThe Ie LItrmttPO.Tthe an15anneffrt n heprtlecu'dan n oneqeceri1 tW, i..teu u, e'ntoni ageeog Sun office vindbv to show peopile ArabisetUI#raNrs, hedtnot uf- 0fThe ptan l n erforet o n thevpat e dueflaed ind 10eto i) st'are gtefulttaaurreal banana rat looked lie. tP( et4lL~udhave reeintued living conditions of thoir colored cm- of talet. Taenlto maeWb ,~ tieTe rapvas ecured and brought a te.of ter Uc scîtoinr oforloye Ita i~ Is~i - oqairous fire nt the The work of çonstructing the botelonnlnevu ,4 jpb ~ __ - ~4ti5d b7*na -boqgeç J4 lm40r> Way andu(hl e .tt9 Je et _ à w» t II mus t4 taWehold Ofit m96AtIl, ore looked upon by the ailise broad as the eues uhO vilideided: "«Ail thattgAsneceff 5aAstte brtg.order out Of chaà Whviie oget inte ýthe fight il urui'tur. e t httie upside down, pIscrane1 fulioftceive arn gratful t6 them beause of the oeuf- the opening n the openIne Of the dèeeothey display lu ou r abity te do tbla. Tbat's aU l te. p, and lic -lii Juatstop ont anid moreresen *y v mue ve sholde te houder idînto the hbgner cage. No sonner said làonTOUIL M$t Ork hOUder-O OoUldr ad Aan detne. But, do Yeu think the rat ebov them ther confidence hamon't been mblwaedtI . n-oIdl ave the bottie? No. Hes îtay- Wheuyougo e sevics tmerrv, rito! al t5Dkcd there ail dey, clingieg te the edge ffd tbat y ou are en American and net s Germaz under or the bottie n-hlch olnted downfl ward ail the tie. Net once dld he domiatio of he g t auocra. lip out. Ho arrived about 1l ced 04 65lhe atili vas efing An the hotti.e, ueviliing ta go toto the cage. Sever- __________________________al times ho- turned &round le the *N rt hi - . lottUe but hoienevermoed out The 19aukeffli Sun force vas gettlng TXORt ~ tThe Laies' Library Club held the place hlm on exhibition. liow vulho ~ *** * * *. bggest meeting of the. year Wednee- te ho got ot" 4 .day citernoon et the. ProgrOs Club The cage vas Iarred. the bottie An»imcSmemit nai made todev tn cln n t U&t the Selivartz hotel bas been ta. Roue. -K large delegation frein the pouded-nd lhe sti cnn td âsu'Ger by opiro cnd Peter Christ- Zion City Woman's Club vas, preaent: cdune. amtcorw asqple of eobrothem's who bave l!ved In tirs. Northrop, vice Président- of -te At lat a math or two vas li oed thls icnty for sinestlrne. The leaae i0th cangre9sional district cnd Mr.i. Io the bottl-tehe iai rv ,~~efbMlTtardeYandthenovles Snow wn-h as charge oi the wor% for hlm dove loto tbo cage. Thet ivos et blD t~ay IDbe-the Selgians smoeg the uchool ci eetgtun hnte oc a 0 »M outte 0Ccag furnan- doitea Chicgo wei.e lot, reet Agbhome. 80 lho ance t Plcced An ttt th«k o vof ai ehaIflnMs nturne er auretigi-the vindon- but the cgevas set on ù4Xm. Tue tagal n-arR in conneettin Msnwsoi eyItrslgy ~ Oi del vs dne b Atornl.-or the nork tat the Chtca(o sioool the fleur n the office for the nlghti. %«bth- *3 ws o! te W. C.Tue-t r e hidren are do{n ance xblited dii t.hS. (No. 2.)-Tbîs 11m17rni9ne h 1h etn feront articles ta they arè maihng teoffice boy crived vlth înstruo* ' thei mUFn-asof the W CmU T int e h nich As a very vonderfuni non and tUnns tn Put the cage in the wlndov, eýôfthe fmet 13ait rs. E. C. ya- mielt-vith profit ho talcit p np-y lhe found the banane n-hich had been Vn->b à*$ f'ved the Union for 17 the North Chicîgta echools. irs. Nor. ulioved Inside pirtly ecten by- the raý e ; v ..slai secretary ced re- throp metde a very favarable mpro.i but there vas net rat Inte cage. The ô*jb petiU ithday pegok frilth sienland apoke of the gr at resp. -jlittie isllav perforniod a vandorfli Ï* iqbm a% a- taitwiof their esec* il ity o rnens lubs e.,p*fî:lstn iltieodo i a u it ma ~ncSilpete surpie W tire. -'et the time. Miss Ruth Johnson M~d' ibroueh the vires and escaPed duringm Yae - hich aclded te the spirit 0f1 a creiully prcpared paper on. vhat t he nieht. iwiwtmge. A deltietlui social hour teWneeClub cen do ta i ic tha, irema banane rat loose Ilu fu 4*à. refreshmonts heing se,,, o neelt ,g -rhu moraing John Wck'er. san 04 1 chletand gave lber hoare dmuch ,;, Wekegan-Iust vhee ho 13 eohody 'Cit WalteofaionC City, nas vclk- 1Yaung mon frein the Naval Btgti.-u akeeva. lHe maY lhe n the desk Of tAAW#tth lite mv"h don-e near'the thini about along these Anes. Threa tecahe, omy hOema- -et . ). pnil A e-fUnd n-en prsseet aed delighlitiy sont 1ger's deslt. At eny rate lhe's net liRe- - ,jtaIn0a< the club n-tb musical elee-' > ntehuo'.ds ees er .vsmade foAf t.Exteptitig the " p *~ a eie topo ltbter n-as lAn very good ,vices at ith tôs ue b nual reddIl rhm, ya« just 8mb Itlie-. sibfl ite, go4, f.10Thursday. Rov. Paul Payne ofIbto ciame tit t i ut, of the kUnS ever . et e teet ai ee .imilg-Preabytaenchurcb n-Il p -t% loi-urouethteAnWbmuk5 - tMd h' m u g t a k ed t c p o i i ts d e t sir' t h l re m uln e w i i e t î n t » hZ b y - --o l a a ti m r e . if yo n h e ar , e t a Crpmblehom $Ice ut Stur" lrgeunin coir.Theichir nf astgood rat fight, conclude that the Wau- Wfflkfflan ed North Chicago are con- evening vith Mr and MM,, Qy YIeatrta bave rssented the intrus- * aeting a searcli for hlm. Yunevit0li iiraameh for rebearsal. F. W. Cook Io Zo! it siier frein Central Aie- iaoyted fer work In the zinc plant et n-iI hbave charge of the choir. The' ena cad have decisred w-ar on hlm. Nanit Clic..:go -aturday eveniug but.0f the rograni oromises ta bc one fancd to arrA-.-e there. Hia famlY are bu vrgvnbr.mPlO teS!i1 f fuiply.yueevitch las the The North Chicaoa bachoTs are at- JÇ I falFo of fois -hlcay S 1 tendeg a c9unty teachers' mceting Z a 4 b tiie police lu.-t Sat urday that they bave at- Waukegan tay. 011011 hcmi voeictng a sertes of ptty rob- A forCsbîn aenNrthe sa tei e .a..t.À, em ~rlec bere.Chica111= Dorgcnize sen-ing classes t tsss!eif an Thaektsgi',ng serilces n-ll hc held among téb oug epie Anteverfor cm, t- uée tu set. ek ét te Germen Lutherali clurch, Lake teBlin.Seveorai - ai the Red d""Aal le*5 BiAos,~ 4Meet,.Tbursdey evening t 7:4E.1. Cr oladies lSxm oftered toer !Msiy padors frorn the Great Lskes char e oro. The voman n-ho tiret lieutenant Tueday fron t !Xaval Sation n-il est Thankegivifll1 ban charge of the -on AIn Oie C41-Uied-Satsgvernhent . -Heolas t 'Ela*"in varicus Waukegcn haines -e'tts gvriét cae a sion asapake hors betore the hoe a lieutenant i the rtillery. iNorth ugn treet et tjenesee street ldies ULbrary Cub and toid of te Chicago AsI prond ofilber 0h17 rePre, *-"Ieiy blocked by the Ieptorve- vonderful n-on the ppisU !c zit-j e~4tive setthe. - tudenta'ietralulil bAing installcd by Oie sitret eue > sehools voTe doing aiong =pis ap ort Sheridan. . The commAi, MiM Anna EPrice of Grand ae ie sien in ne t iâ tei hePepl 'eturned Tuemday evonine frote e soth' viilnl Massaebuaetts. -- Xe'g Attorney Jameo G. Welcb Ipois'nmm».A ficnd fro nto btoday peented him vith tfour et$ le ta o zfax trot contest et Ouert* o>nce studios tonlght. A or X'-Mbeo gwoouted théiecou ""4*Wff0l ie pt ahavine. D#»' mWdlua olen at ove 0sdTbsaloe#Sg n-tb bis M1*..~IMi. * nlàtic SOSIJ t- ineetinz art eyentine et the haine Of I onld niais good, and btsaareerlan tirs. Buady An arrange for the.-pr- sry -II ho vctched vith nter- gram wvbich Oiey are ta gAve 5? by people hore. Mr. ýmOrey vili The cammitte.vho are ta hav e hoat.homne for c short ie ted thon charge of -the relitenins of thre vain-lia ta report to the traiing camp at su bore viii ho ready An boaituvoit lttle Rock, An. Mr. Mor a babd bore next veek. They plan ta regià-' a fne e«Ierence n =mnliiiutani ter' Oie vamon at the school bouïes hefore ho imet tao e siudentet camp. and 1.0o et the Ben Elbsohrg's tore ln tact ho vuscîsased as ans a thre State street. 1-1. I jbot MaMelt t eaniutY. »W * nv eut. Moer..- PO i-c - ý maUfsIl Meo»iy. vusnuabl tan recolved bles commliaiin ce.attend -h%, b OolTuesd,. -e~ Wmm's dut>'. &Ï. ';Ver>' ofteui'the wubn the «tutal #_*tthia or- that VÙUogt, fatigues - the 1e&br actually tfire iancy of our tLimei itrw@rk in office or W&Miprury. If the vu witi the distreme- sq h hould gi* mo Dr o iteportailt ribe specialiat in o!ï lie Invalida' Ho. Ïlii1 "'avorite PA~- ,, inde entirely 61 »Who, that puts 4e tiom*L Tif. catarlh fç fshing spolia 4e ÏW. ôr"aick-~ * J, EXTRA SPECIAL !!~~ Waukegan's Greatest Glothing Event'i~ rd 0f fering Savngs-of $3 to $6 on Ea -e-C at 475 $8.0 20$1 TOU'LL fid hero, mu 1hIa uuaed sageo o overcoats a modt. styles& Ofloros ta km if prhae the rlwwy w ld ooout fom3toà $6moe Ail ustallo n &af&uliesa â"«lo by th. couury's foremot m auf&cturersand - re th ýt ima o f i ith e (Ol~ do.~ - -i - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - r, -: - 't- .-i .4 J -- - i!- -- I - i - bIn~a tir ?W~.p fo~~~2i 414 J -- - 4,4-I *~4~4 sio.Thei sale -start-s , , ay nd ii d SatryrYng i. e_ wil not ,'guaran tee assortments at these prices-first hereý first s"rved. Fast Color- 4 l In Sizes foi; Men aidYong en Too The price of "fast color" wool, blue serge suits is rapidly ad- iýùçing as most every'one knows- However, we have, a goodly number of them in new styles, which we are offering. as'special ~t-Thanksgiving inducements at this reduction. Alsizes. 41100 Blue Serge Suits at $ j *7 itrmy bb hd tbeliove yon c eau 8 * ~~~m Sal ute at $24.76 but corne ini bore: &Pd Mr show tbern to you. ini NEW styles and ALL styles&2 We Have Dozens -of Other Specially, Priced -Lots Wher WinA*&y.& Find --thê Beatsd w' I~4ewest T f - - *- lis -s.- ~~-î -~*- Ï 1 . ý . 1 m 1. ý .

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