Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1917, p. 4

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LIBRTYILL IDEPENDZ N T, 11 FrUSDAYNOVE15BR29, 97 ____ ebertyville Independent C roh 'Jervicesi kounty Indépendent - Waukegan Weekly Sun R... K. S.,ýtite, PrWet i icharge. Office Teephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. Il Pootoffice et Lbertyvllle, M.I, as Second Clase Mail Miatter Ofn.ciai Pui-caëtion for Thé Village cf Libert"vîlla. Offlai Publiiation for Lake County Board of Supervisort' Prociedlngs -4mEvery Thur@dav.> Advertiflng Rates Made i4nown ou Application. ~U~RlP iONPRIC.$5 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. 4. 8MITHI.............................. ......................................... Editor Ia. 0. SMITH........-.................................... ........................ Manager HO. R .................................................. Resident Manager THE NEW DRAFT REGUL&TIONS. The new classifications and questionnaire promulgated to control. the further operation of the draft law are sen- sible and businesslike. They make it possible to classify mien not yet called to the colors in accordance with the rel- ative desirability of rernoving thei f rom private if e. The eoïewhat cumbersome method whereby the man on his own initiative must present his case and his proofs if lie thinks lie is entitled to exemption is discarded. *under that rnethod no comprehensive consideration wau given to the special capabilities of the men drafted. Under the Outil further notic.. Hoiy Communion excejît irmt Sutîîhay la nMunth 7:310 a. m. Holy Communion, Pvery Suîîday 11:01t a. in. Chuîch School 9:45i a. nt., Preabyterian. Sundays@cbooilO0a. m. Morning worehip at il a m. Thé V'bristian lt'deavor meeting at 6:45 Evening service at 7:30 The pastur wii continue bis séries of sermons on *"Heaven or Bell," thé topie heiug "What dosesJéuse Christ taachcunoerulug futurs Retribution'?' Thére mill hé spéciali music. Th'e"seérmouns ounir.snotology have héén tdllowed mitb lucrpaalng intethy mauy trieuds andi should con- tiune so briug out thé @sellersatter thé truth &as rvealeti by Jésus Christ. Wé ésp'g *aly invite ail nothbaving any other cburch home in Our oommunity to mur- ship ml usn. Thé Ladies' Aid.- society îlii meet at thé church on roi t Thursday attérnoon. C. A. Monuaina Paator. Methodist-Episcooul. Neit Sunday servies wli hé hbelti as foiioms: Bunday scbool at 10 n'cdock, classes tor al ages. Moriug preachinaz servie at Il o'clock wheu 5ev. T. E. Réam wiilpieacb on thé subjéct: "The Ftootsteps andi Paith of Oui Fathérs.", I I Items of Interestj ITaken lirorn our Exchanget Marengo le to have a goverument w0atlier Bureau. Huntera and old timers Who have watcbed the muok rat bulld bie home every tail for years anti have taken the work as sign by wt.ich to judÉe the weatheî of thée omlug wInter séan. predilet an open wintér. lsre'o hoplng Mr. Muskrat knows,. More than a million une cent potcarda are held ln the @tore roome ut thé Chcago potolfic--and éverYoue wants atwo cent pust card ne thé rate bas beau raif;eti. Large business houmsé demand the new carde taugave the coat ID tIMé Of adding the extra etamp. UsDar Clae," w rote thé Young Mani, "pardon me, but 'm gtting SQ bigOt. fui. 1 pîopoood to 3iOu lasi nîgLi, but realiy lorgot wbhteryou e.sid yes or Do." "Déar Wll," she réplieti by note, "eo giad to héar from you. 1 know 1 sald «Do, ta core one lat night. but 1 Lad lorgottén who It mas The Armour peuple have rontraclisd for 13,000 tous ut Ice tu hé soppled b, thé Consumera' Company. Thîls seme Cxi Indicateaistathe former Ceérén uI new eem D<1VIt kwIIi IF o5JiDi o SeVl oV n t UI uana men In - luthé évenug at 7:30 thé subjecte t u hé ua n@frmrclce Wil for teehnieal or clerical duty and it will be possible to ap- sermon mlii ho: -Not Cue Step Domu. not havé ItS e owla bouse réady tori hi. ply the principles of exemption i.n a broader and more mard." Theré mliiho speeci mugi salé m ~on, , 9rop at Round Lake. t equitaLble manner. One defect in the new drqft law stili tee eveuingx service. A î'urIilinvitation t remains, it makes no provision for the registration of '. a rt éipteuHeurttodathe. M NRS FLE AT younger men who would ho eli-gible for n'iuitary service as Lips" mili hé théeaxibjet oi thé E pwortb hA fust as they becom.e of age. It wilhl require an ainend- Leagrue meetlugietSunday éveulng at DEATIJ Unr IrN ment of the law itself to remedy that defect and Congress 6:30.- Miss Fannie Lgthody w iii léad ub<»ld waste no tinte in applvitig the remed.v.-Chieag-o 'hé meeting. E CMY fl Tribune. 'ibère milho avery important meeting 111 E Ia.I.LTLEfl Ofthe Ladies' Aid socîety next Tnesday, > ________ 11.c. 4ih at thé home of Mis. Wm. WASTING OTATOB.W heolér. Mire. Emma Tripp, Mirs.Mrt& Wm. Kniest of Chicago, Over IA WASINGPOATOS.Hyatt andtiMIsiEla Parker mli act as Grave of Sister, Malces a The story brought back to Waukegaa by the Wauke- hostoées. Every mnember ufthte eocity Threat Against Sexton. pui lmitera who were up lin Iichigan regarding thé thon- is aigédtatotcendi manda ot buslibisof potatoes that ane net being utilized Thé Snnday échool conxmité n cusesWaukegaî people to feel t1ict ,-1r thefr effo't<ir Cîlsnexressniu II iplndidGRAVEDGE AKDPY.l the conservation cf foc," go l'Cr nnaýght " kný as t1le lod Sei. U C111Sue.011 thé ducL- Joseph Gibsoxi, 7C.42 Mprrili aven-ue, controllera do not take steps to market the foodstufis al- day hlure Chrilémae anu fering wiliiha Chicago, andi a codupany utfmourn- N read gron made by thé Suuday Pehool fur Lake ers at thé grave ur bis qiter, fli rh.Waukgan men, Mesrs. Strang, Webb and Baffl, Ilinfi Orpbasnage. frouqthé Laie Ftorest C.-metery aund Theré mili ho a veiy important iniet- escaped du Chicago in autos on Fui- mre wrolli ovoi the tact tht there are se mazly potatoes in ing f thé Fpwurih ILeagne i tonight) day afternooxi mhila William Kxiiest, *9 Put ot the country which are not being utilized and Friday eveuiug, l'ho nouai splendid sxten, and a Lake Püon-st policemanc w lno doubt vill be frosen durlng the coMlng few so!able mli ho beiti In connetlon with raced te thé gras.- svth a warrantr wç" TMb. mstert--~-~"e ecartà.y arnunable to Pgt the meeting. AIl Young peopie mhethér fer Qîbs«o aarreet. ~ 12 ii ~members or nul are cordialy învted ta Thé marrant ,cb3rging tisorderly1 mas u nwWh ooh ip their potaAe.a th mwets. attend. cenduct, va sescured hy KxieRt attérX The Waukegu l Ulmmsy fIla1a 5 MID< 18115* "s'y Gibuen. standing ove h bi ie lr1 bfl »M-a snbfi»e looking potatos, aM thuiy -deplore grave, threaténed, t lé 'chargéS, ta1 »ftty thietaut tiMma y miw* t ubould b. short wheu UTIE CHANCE TO kili thé serton, Kniest arriveS breath- au audmSof * av&Me l Wbonoin LOWR MIK P IE -at théeLak. Peré.t police stationi avalsMe i WIOOUID. LOWU MLK PI aE d dclareS Gibacu pursuedti hm la ~n.aaMd l uudu of lbsls, ýthey decla», 11. uIn thegtatas. bqmssusor in the. fl14 roady for, uhipmemt l a a otnuaI mPa o.>Commande a Ined - M mabe tound'for getUg *tJo ( ket.210 'Conti_..._Il ______go ____) Whén the séxton and a policeman ~S8YOOS tle- p ob Eto rilhadiu, the&r doteram u ltamded te taie thé question i a rri OI 1, t the grave, hogréver, tbéy1 fu tri gelcmribave prov" i" Ing Up te t*.pre& S. sabut han recolved eiders .from f<>iflie hémourners lad haotily filleS M Urne sud tuey aa*t bey vI loue a lot of oatuWahngtoni te do goj The prile +hat It li, streéWn it vlth Doeers tS voe mw *M vSid w e* la com ou - uion reie ing ul"'hé fixéS, he o lted out, vIi lihoei aCI ay lI automobiles. Thé pu- * done on a scléntifi hasts. Hé acideS licemax's commanda for them ta Sthat a cemmitte. of savon la ta ho ap- halt, t in saiS, mers IgnoréeS. ~e Wkeaa mcamu »M.tb. tey takbl a-poIntéS Ini Chicgo'today te goljuté Thé e kéFereint policé thereupon t« xp VUtL RImgv eit su Ive th e m he &r. ail detaUls and arrivé et a fair piéu'e telephoned te Nrt Delpuity West. aa.te sem cami tub wb paIt o e - c n hordir ta thé produceis. Botator Swif t saiS bMOk in Chicago an.d asuieSthat Gili- t. ~k. aage t Iis ~ et ~ T ho hé aS réad lithé nevsaaors thé son hé arrestéd whon hé arriveS at toù1 utp o " e n f ôw .T yprobable personnel-et thé commttebis houle. am t het[bmai M iey oi"' Md""Judg5LM5 tom and 545 net apprové of thé memberp. Quarraled Wadn.sdzy *0 siiOuult Of Petatsty U&W Indiffereut part, there thîni thé tannera mould go a aquare Olbson axid Kniest quarreled Isat *Ould niot b. any market In this part ef the country Where bis cmpiit being that 6e 515 Dot Wéduee4day mhéén thé sexton refuiséS ~ soud rln ahili rie.Thie tanra there they Seal. ,do dit a grave tinles hé mere paiS are l l intadag os esihlema e s Mi. Whpelr déniéS thiA anid asaért- lni aStance. Gibson, hé tolti thé pu- masareM n iu ou bm are was1 thiat thé price that mili hé fired Ilic, tffér(ddotagive hlm bis match Wcen pe andeve atthatprie tey ae u-mwlI hé fair te thé producera and fair te securité', but Kxiiest atîlI refuséd. able tei get-teun tethe market . do thé consumera. «« todIS him I muldtt trust any- 1 Wth petatOuesos plentiful, ifthey could only be Mna- Ha doid of thé résulta that havé e-oi.body tioxi Chicago axid that T vasn't ktd tdoms eem that somebody connected with the go'v' loséet thé fixinig of thé sOgar prie, a pawn brier." hé teld thé Laaée w.Puw S d eatitsoudtk h niitv n saying that thé puIce o! sugar nom IForest police yéesterday. "Hé c=ie ea r yt MM dea=« u sor U"tuthe# inptatve sd oultbehé20 cents a pouxit, andS carçe back latér axid palS me my $8. midea er b mor e m a ner r m e ns t ~ ettRie pota'e " .e s n ' n.if the Com mission la S not W hen th é fun r i ary arriv éS at lb. nurbt se they vii not- g o te in and lndfrectly be taken thé mattér In.hand, thé grave Frlday Oliiox Jumped unt lIe cause et beudlng the price et polatm s soang. With regard te ,ý1héat hé pointéS me and cried Out that hé mas geing __________________out Ihat thé United Statés aiiéady bau do 6111 mè T lieS and hé chased me exportéd ail lis surpilus vheat t E u- Ouit of the ecextey."1 Thereprtthat the Britih have taken practicaliy cern- rope axiS that an aditional 126,000,000 $Pete poUMnamaOf Pale9tine bears eut the insistent s"te. bushels muet ho sent out of vbat thîai R meut oft Biblical studenta that there hsn't been a chance country usés neimally. This vil! maie H EEB OT E IR têt e nrd that teTurksB would remain in centroleof the . csayh aS utnyt Avé RO iIE S, Boly Lidd. But te Wbiss f M Uappeea to.. wméais. aya, bt mohav batles 'F C URE A 1"e uen 0o1e8hearm of the, poaslbllity that a battle iMay Thé question f cannéS gods waa II paaada. evm nov lie waging in or near Nawaelli, the birtliplace et brought up by enéet thff enant. NIT2flR1>R -,$ms& This man almot unlielievable, yet when oeess Thé recéntly scaicity axid higli pricea,___ *0 »Yva the Russians thenislvesane devestalng thei r M. Whéler saiS, was Sue te profit- Wbéx thiée brother, uat eut te do -0 eerixig, Maxiy méx en oglit up large ~ m rtos h Savr o uceaBhrineS and art treaoUres, which the world Be how stocks of canneS gondsansd then héld UP ami rth strie oe e itocn t*0 Germais have sheiled Rheims and other aacred spots, tbem for bighér puices, Recéntly thé râ n h ro aeotvcotu 0» ina led to believe tht the .maddened forces would net auvérnmenl provîdéti that ail whtilé Fiank andti Nck Noraic. hadîy béat- eve u O1a~te o eep on sheiling if they knew the Suprern ruttke u iee.Teeén up i th béer. battié; Mat bas a IW11g were therein sittlng on His threne. uiin chu hati hoîght uic large stecks badly cut moutb and Ibre deth are nt uncé applieti for anS récelved Il- kixied out; Nick bas a béad that WIt 60 saenataiingî-tn.-'s.Thé gin t-nmî-nt ihen sent ont look& lIké a pIèce of Hamburg steak. Wih60 alos aligte renew their licensies in Chi- iiu>iialé uunow hum many menxi %Iatt, Albert and Martixi Stafénie cage on November 1, it appears as if the big metrepolis is aw:lira amplÏoyetinixthé varions~ canner- ar thé <ieR who béat up thé hurotb- gI'ng d y ithout a vote et the people. It is admitted les, ant ibtis dveloped thé faci ibjul eis and they aîo are braIera, Tba.t's LaILct trade caused these 600 saleonista te quit. 'h,. s niex a :re îrofitsering. Thé go,- vhy they clung toeéach ethér turlng It'sworh mntinin, its wrthnotngthatVolva I'nWnthFissered iotceun lhém thé mêlée. It'sworh rentonin, i's ort nolugtha Vov :1itithe-miii sdI théir stocks o! can They ail ]ive ai 1012 Sheridan Rond, *e~ bis tolks lunZMon haven't icorne acrosa" eÉther lu the nud guotî ait thé pricés théy paiS fou North Chicago, lxi a boardixig bouge. ."X M. C. A. campalgn ln Lake ceunty uer in the Red Cross tiieni. Thus; gives tbamf no profit anti Béer, ehIPPéd In hy thé Case, baS -*Ive, whle the Independents of ZMon HAVE "4coMrne i<'slnii an added suphly whIch ta floved fueely Surixig the évening saiS =tm." And, a. the Voliva people weren't 'willlng to forcing domxi thé prIç,cea. St 10:30 thé Sigbd program adarted, "go am! an bae rfusd t 'Iome&=a," tlaail Thos seekt qithé meeting mers Norsie biaiSeras aeundér $50 bends au ffme bt hlet IMyts b roGrani nvted"to aoi questions on ax' mat,- -latla undér $5200 and thé othere imoy m but net eiepr -ei-rans t4fu pertijlng j Mgu0 . ne me'-! Iare uîàr 125, heaalng nerd Mondai >UI~SI'ebutlfllwiam .AUiWCaIi, lroed te hé a vcrY Profitable oe. 'J veulnt, .-disordosqy coduct. REAGEMi BUBSIDE 0F BROUHER JUST BEFORE EUD CAE Joseph Ilonien CalIed to Ana- conda, ont.. to See Broth- er Missing 24 Yeàrs. A litie over a meek ago Joseph Plu- tien ef Jackson stréét, Waukégan, recélveti word from hie brother, Mati Plonién of Anaconda, Mont. It mas thé fluet word hé bad îeceived frétm hlma ln 24 yeara--in Tact hé and hie brother bad not lcnowni thé mheîé' abouta 0f éach other sînce the Col- umblan Exposition li Chicago ln 1893. For théeat two or three years. Xlatt Plonien, agéd 63, had héen Ill or an incurable ilIment. Hé réalized that death maé not fer off, but beture hé diéd hé déslréd te sebis broth- er once more. Hé w'roie évéral let- ter» te his 015 home ln' Wisconsin and altter considérable trouble is- ocovérd that hle brother mss living li Wapikegan. Hé niote hlm a iétt.r, telling him of hie physical condition. and expressing a désire ta aeé hlm hc- fure hé died. Joseph Plonien was overjoyeti recelve the latter. For yéara hé bad not knomxi mbetheî bis brother was ilivé or dead. Héeliatitriéd lin vain .0 accore some trace ef hlm. Afteî 'éLeit'ing the letter lie lookc thé next train for Anaconda. Thé meeting of the tse brothers innt toocbing. PlANTS TO BE A4 BALLOONST; DOIWN 'Wft fPNEU10NIA Walter Kelly of Davenport, la. Is Taken to the General HospitalThursday. Walter Kelly uofl>nvenport la.,a young mani who graduated from Culi ver millt.aiy acadéin> andîl wi il, Summer Home of President of CRWUR SUS8 Corn Exchange àank at Lake Mi EE Forent IsBurglapized. : YEARS AS AIEl m I GET MUCH LOOT, IS BELIEF. ETAM Rf When Burgiars Lett Home the NETARYDRF Watchmnan, in Nightclothes, !Compulsory Military Training Ran to Summons Heip.; Predicted in Letter to Dazed by frlght. Berger Atiderswi Exemption Boards. watohmiao ai ltheLake Foret h igîi'o E~rnest A. lamili, president oft îpý iWashington, NOV. 2 -- The ftrit Corn Exchaunge banti of Chicago, lai .officIlft admission thst tii- Iran i ' w liht blé bd and îermiietlîd ss burgla r,î t te bé amcnded and that a plan la to ransack th; haine ind oIjinfa gal,,. ibeing conrsIdpr.'cifui- callig -: witti a aledtge lanimer on 'iiebdaY outi.idon .î , c-gliîé.n ysaié w, .i iight. madé today by PrOvosot Marshal Gea- ..I ma S atraidthat j- , %No î eral ('rowder. lI a-itrcular l1.ttér o ter t fie room wbere 1gins lu Iit local and district board't' ca sail wlienOia., dby Police ('l'ii1 f G Crowdér uaid: don 'toe platu big înactivity "In cléas IV, we finti the mcxi whoio The buîglars gaîneti ex ranct. l".we $hall také se a tat resurt. liéfore breaklng a wîndow on th(- front puri h that claffs la ueaahed it la lwýrfectiy Théy ransackéd every drawer a,,(, safe tu.say Iiat i).%tii additjjion of closét lI the home, and Andereoo id ether classés as te age. s3,Y t'Rme wmou mita thut tbey speént ut 1.-ust h avé attalned 21 glace registration heuirs In thé building. :day. and perhalus oddlng the ela.- .'ý6 Thée mail safe li a clo.set off Oî f 18 a.nd »9 and I(J ye.irs oid, w.- shtah Maater's recta mas epéeti with a jhave locluded imo or lire,-' îu:ili,u slédgé hammer and a crow bar. The men In oui, asaitaidt i NI antil !usî watchman lay In hlé bed while tl),ý have savoti ciasit IV.,, burgiars mere openlng thi-e gte. atid GFiéeral Cîowder e -ttr hitL, it it mas net until he heard thern k-as' compulaeiY milltaiy trainin.g after thé bousle thst hé mustered up sur. ihe war. sicient nervé ta race from th(, bulld i The letter niakt i se . l,,ir :lh, g Ing. Whe'o h.-did leave ti).' rl<uiiural aîd Ixidustriai lahur mîli Anderson mas tue frlghténed tu putnet ha s inr.d th" draft, althôtighi on hige laàthlng. and lie dîîn't stopî evéry flort miii b.- amiii. tu Ijght.'n running tinttl .he ian iniote tv 'ti-nàthé buid,'îî on the f arites and li mii tof tht' gaidener. shope. "1»d ive $1010 to havé' b. en ini saur, ehoes wbén the buiglarti me în i1. T ~ TN O T I bouse," saiti Police Chiet tamitc,r auadLaaudaN iii.a ,don. The exact value orfl t.-0 ll> AND FATIIER CLIN- cated by thé burgiaix is no' ntîown ai Mia, Ilamill bas not huit 'iiltcicnt NN G T Une to chock 119 hi heblongiiig.m.Sp- I ;O T 'IKÏU cial detectîves have beexi detaîneti 10- - werk on clema« whîeb mer.- fmtiîl "Y ' toitil. Tx . No%,. ilpoliceli LakeéForetii nitr.. i i îaî > li'iixt 'lhe- liarnilI hom. . lii!1ý i. lr t t ,uui, . i ii .1 In 1.AIeý Foîrest 10e,î*tîtticiV ," i -niranfý Il: pst 'oir wî'cks, -tond Iýttraion. i Igi iriilitnr, ,.r- WELL, WHXT DO VOU KNOW ABOUT THAT' tii.-riyu' ine lire 1I unoi.. -,I.i dr, t- lhkon IIu t \,i h-tean ,-l l'i W.ti,.rang' ofric-li fior mausii, -lri n l--r 'ttiiof N\atikaut i ment te Ceixiéll ie in the' generih-1IeI drîllo-. -t"'-"""-' '"' "i e-,--ii pital aufferixig mil lu pii-uunnia. h l a - i " lis ii.a t o ne utf te W;i n-i ti-h i -î. t. t-- iai - r',-l IDgtaaei bèe iîruay k-ci'ilirunters who ro-tturn-d diii> -eek and li, r-.. i'ia liai r o i ;I- j tn ae hr nrdy ront thi.tîîrlhtit îtbis itorisethonk u î.rlo oiitI -u u Id aeewstthat,' Ihicu Anti--udaOt Jý " .ek go tos-lait C. P. 0. frIends it i That oue uf thé men living nearli'* y 1dm0 companion'.are- alFoiiniih. ru Gréai Lakes axiS that lhé had lakin ltetjdcund tiInixthe muodsa ater hîunt- i ualti ii.d rbalefttror home Since thé ag a opii roOm on Cisytoxi teet, Waukega. AND-rnet'Opxt r ponding Setermluing mhuther lu-- That. lI thé puise lie fouxitia r - linebas r-t'i-i'-hte léd.r matiS hé accepteS Into thé govern celpt ftim oneé of the residents out db.-'set lire to w-ruodon biti lad. Thua af- ment blo,1con service for mhlcbhé ap- localIty for the dcci mblch the- hunIer' derunon hé déclared $10.000 dainago hèe.Héna banbrought home widh him 0 absoencdoue anS tenanSéS pa-- plieS sincé comlng hr.H "be Ant- ment, Wheu Mai. ('lin setax-t for vsIng vord that hé mould hée ac- Thé hunter dénIes Id. ciedîble mitués~à thé (armer déchu- cepted into that hrsnch ef thé éérv- Maýbe no! ion but It ha nt corné. Nov if il éd h.- mould gather friéndilsud ltir do». urrive, hél! have te vatt untîl 8MOT IN fTHE FOOT IN anti feathe-r thé Chicago oficer. hore« tomwataperet leA HUNTING ACCIDENT. _______ a veuy uevers case or pueumonla. Wauiegan. Nov. 24. Thé iiectors of thé MlirMurn Mut- His mother bus been sent for~ andi MénuilîlWéiaise, aged 19, mabot nal Insurancp comjuany have liév1ed uhe lu expected heu. frern lova do- lu thé iight foot mhilléhuxitixiglit an asséalent ta ps>' thé e Oés> for day.DI&MnnS laké Prday afternoon St thé yeur 1916, amouxilg te 86S37,41. day. 4 <Ycock. Welskonsdonc net inom etf one dollar and imeutyfIlvé Se S exsctlY vbat caused bis VID te liéOn each one thOusand doSllais înur.-ti, EdwMarS mith cf Five Pointa, No diSharged. Hé maa rushed de thée_______ Chioe.g, buaenlisted tu ithé Na" UJne licAlîster hospital st Waniè- 1 hi éneaIli.. LîsNnRTYVvLLE, ILL., Sept. 19. 19417. Mr: John llodge, District Manager, Michigan Mutual Life Insurince Co., Area, Ill. Dear 5f:- 1 wish to thank you for the, prompt manser in which you settled the Policy held i yonr Company by my late husband, Ernest 1japke, who dled Septem- ber 7, 1919. I also want to say that my dealing with the Com-' pany has been entirely satisfactory. From my exper- ieuce, anyone contemplating taking out insurance would not make any mistake in going into the Old Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Companyof D)etroit, Michigan. Yours truly, MAYME BERTHIA HAAXE, Betweficiary. John Hodge, District Manager The OId Michigan Mutua1 Life Insurance Ce. ARE-A ILLINOIS office Phone 162-R Repideuce Phone 296-M.1 'k 4~k 11% - 1 xý7 1 0 tg ý au *jpjwýuý Z..;

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