Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 29 Nov 1917, p. 9

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--4 NT LIBUTY ILLE INEPENDEN TÔù hIVER 15 SAPE-91H919 Lake Bluff Man, Whio Left His Ambulance a Few Minutes, to Flnd It Demolished on Re- turti, 18 Home After Com- pletlng Work. THRILLS GALORE BUT HE NOW 1S TO ENTER ARMY. Drove Ambulance Lake Bluff People Purchased and Fitted Out but Whioli Was Demol- lshed by Gierman Sheli on the Battiefleld. Waukegan. Nov 28. woieing a Front-h mdal for Arav ery anti general service. John Krteutz belg of LaIte Blufftest-bcd bis homr mae îo<iay afier Aaving iniabet Ait six mont as ork tn France as trilut of tht-taIse Bluff ambulance wii vas sent te France afls-m Lake Bl people bal riAed moneyt-y10psy fti tht- ambulance anti equipment. Kreutzberg rilhtiChicagoai- nour anti spen4- a ,ouple o! heurs wth hi moîher who liv Aln lAie city sf1. wicb Aie came 10 Lake Bluff toe s hit; brother ui. vitAi vhomAthe am bulence driver makes bis home AI- as udi "'utzberg planstoenuls n tAie altn nov. Itl Asrecalledt bat Kreutzberg va! tAhe man sei-ct-ti by Lakse Bluff Psc pie i-o lake charge of i-Ae ambulanct vbîch he>' ittdot-. Andti.i-at pr titfAaT ambulance vas tlA iSti-o sent fromn Lake eounty te France tIi w" sheot te piecet- by tierinan goi noirs. Anti. Kreutzbt-ra.tht- y<ung dt ver. es4capeti ail Izjury as a rt-suit cl the- tiitct ng hant ni- Providienceo lb apparentiy nterveneti to tave tAi iromn abslute annihilation as a tescl of tht- exploion nf bia bombhe u temollisheth -e ambulante. Thse ambulant-e n tqut-tion i-as pui chase tw -o ytars ago b>' tht- Lait Bluff petople sudtti Att-iot with fund raleet n the- communAl>'. t waa pu n charge of Kreutzberg lito teck1 abroat antitrrîve i- n te rpeni bal tlAsiteIs turing tht-part two years n connettion vitAi he tienobi>tht: otflîe ambulanct- Kreutzberg expIain hov il heppenet that. whAe h.- v driving tht- ambulance contantlA>' t- sînce t vas n Europe. hoe etcape lI Il burt. Ht- explaineti that Att-hh leti tht- ambulance temporarl te10 a ev yards avay onase errant.1 vas al iglit hen hAie AtlitAtsiant on i-Ae ite o!fi-Ae'roat but vhenb came balk te vhere Aie batlleft-Ilh fond Il comptl d emolishet. Dî log- bs abesence it-e Germans ha trot tht- big cannon, iht-sitl t ploting on i-Ae ambulance plannet i wlpe t off the- face ni- the earth. In ci-bler vords wlien Krt-utzhcr came Aack i-o vhere ho eittht- ar bulance tht-rt- vas nothîna let-bui couple of pieces of whai- vas ai-oc tume a et-y fine ambulance anti vAl biat bten i-oet over t i-o b > Lai Bluff resients. Hovever, vhen tI French government htart thal Al Lakse Bluff ambulance batl been i moligheilnAn ibs manner tht- gover mont aI once rt-placet t anti plati Kre-utzberg n chat-ge of 1- agalin c log Athi-e LaIse Bluff ambulance, TAi sînce that istme hA iat bat-n drivii i-he ambulance up to about a moi ago wben ho e tiede relumt-n b home n LaIse Bluff for a short vac tieon. Bc far as known, Ihis lAs the fir ambulance sent iromt Lake count1 Lakeo couli>'people thai- bas met vi any pariicular accident ln tht- Fre battiofielts. Thé ceai- 0f buyîng i-he ambulat Sand ti -i-ltoui- anti st-luina At îbrt 5'pl'050itt a total of aboui- $2.800 $2.900 vhich vas raiseti among t 760 vllagerp o Lake Bluff. E. M. Metcaif -of Gut-ne .vo i opérai-st on3W-a ChicitÔas> ospli arsiOi4l 4A atadhésions On Oct( - MOOll. d iiciag.d front tAetu tution. TdesdaynAgliht anti rèturned P4TTWo Làl1vLE]P1DN, .2,1917. ORPE8 EiEC"" -ALI iN 14*- I O. K0 ON fiAS RATES IN. ' -n I~AW~ c'lac" av ]ru[uI i Ave(Col. A. V.' iti t sg~o ~ YEkB ii~ blDtUr urtW DAI 3--_______Ar 11 l'E IILR UIILUR Corporation Counsel Bulkley BUSINESS BRISK This Is the Text cof a Message T R EP RC N lRmisfraClrdWm Says It Is an Emergency JINTIN ieut. oL M Th.y an of 74 to Be One Chosen Remedy That Is Sought. DUJINGi WEEK AS RAISE 'ON LAXE for War ssistance. LITTLE IS MIQUOTED. MANY DEALS 4i0 ON CENSORSHIP I$ STRICT. COUNTY PROPERTY FOLLOWS REGISTRATION. StaemetsCreite t Hi o Thre er 10 Coveancs Says This Nt$ Hijn From TahWmn oUeCr Gas Situation ere Made Tellig LoçgjftmnsAny- Istate Board of Equalization Ad- r.FacsRbno st by ASitunruMkade During the Week and 135 j th ingHo, :Seen Ouîs Af toi'Raising ses MeladSee oaos byAtu uke.instruments Filed. aC1pi mentsH 9sw ee WhtpeCatit. s ad b Richatl @WXb - PsCed ----The drit Waukegan woman to reg. Whae.vr rlln lamad hytheLOANS1 TOTAL $51,025. posîard front IIIF 7 #-in-lbw, Lieut Springfield, 111i, Nov. 28-'lhe st»te Jeter for service ln the war hasi been IS gard il> the 1crese n rates nsked Business of the Recorder'R office Ci . IIi1n0gWueanw ~todriy made an inereaie of tliréec olldta e evcsaetob ereAlaaWI n s fr y tt-notSor-asCmayfrhe ekenigNvbr2. le wl-h the lê9fib 'Mld 4vtilerY Ipler cent over the asse-lument nmade acoepted, and stngulariy. shte will bla Wauýe nte, Hee After heery courty In ithe siate: but ln 21 vanced &go. - prbabl wil bemad An ht-very 17,by Ttea.nKBowTru sst mant. se smwhrentê f Mo. 1, hthe iit~cr tticsoa adseesouraieo r An1t Aner~ ooe oaawmn0fai rigEptecs nerfuture, n tile opinion oi Cor- Number Of conveyances-109. cent was made: ln 6allatin and Perry Mr%. Francis Robinson. age 74.'who If was on te ai #refy 1, idays. 4 pr cet. ,ileAn WeeUnd S.eeBOAeT. poratIon cne Arthiur flulkley. Nme f loans-26.4pecetwhtlnLpad ite gutrddrn heéetrgsr- 'While 1 hatve no Per«Onal inowt Total nuitihber Thf- enstruments1 d n t pot- mdeountiea a red cted fromperet Aiîo~ ndnasald sihe was wlling to do edgeof, what the- board will do 1 a.t 135ontuet udImte.t eabrce rmtt crd lasvery brit ef lthé- Waukegan, Per cent-genteral increase anti n La- anythtug Possible for ithe governuent Is One Which Created Such cOv4ce teywîI ak- hIr ' Total amount of loans-EA,025. fIc Mer explainis tInt thin, censorship' Salle ingwlhA a hot im-, r iuk- Business has lnen fair during -,As vpry strict aout eending out any cut e en eutn a en nolteifaed sai he eyie B9A riSuhenSas e ley aaid. "This as an emergêec pro- week but loans are below tbe ait-r-1saeeî bu ftlA eu A O U AT aTE no the First Christian cliurch. Mr@. - sry* 0Sis fceedAng anti the gas company la ask- age I entsrabottt b t 1 % liC . ELTj.4IICONII FR- Robinson durIng ithe CAvAl ver had an d ing for Immedilate ht-b f Ieen h-fothe wing art-FrancheHmore *m inrt Ay< * tha t he AN active pirt n helping cock food for George Aulmanno f Great Lakes sta- -mission grant;granits anIiiirpabe in aTheafol: Waeth or 49hauk en boy a h tail- 1eil, EIN1E II WALU& I the Soui-bern oidlera. She wu@ l tAn. h bu ory saomr rates t would bot be surprlsed f il This As the sfodisd word Ihat: bas- Georgia et the flitte. During that rieti Cura, SaliburY. i-be weii knf waa made effectiîet- he tiret of De In Waukegan dcieitoU-u-CISl-..amlo eofourse iii i-be voaen vhO pati.l ako hr tyl * ember." enreie ol-en.ClSmt.iattle akea hisala ln te atice wîch pperet An lautrance R. Wider as i-rustéeefor Ihe firet word besln been roeleed flurtig the early Partie of Decombar were coolcing bad te cOnsrve- foot as 'Waukéta u ra aka lA WAdrTanning Company bought 4 by bis ofire. 'Ilbst toit] th- tate det-artmeni- o.public he&lth mnach aspossible andt Aat je ..y Mrs .Ued b vîfe died about a year a*0 The- DaiAy Sun Tuesiday nigbt. lelling It1rmR Vp rne n ei ftesaeana- it wl lold a enunty health conférenc. lRobnson euls Abat uelle teoxperlenceâ h I becWfôiWui 0f tht- galotsaring Monda>, A S.nîr oavenui, of loissare RMulî ils the- probabyl ai Waukegan. Anyone wl-itis ate-o*on onevai n , nhl mOtba-ato. Aninianh basi mat th 1tiiie Ci. 0 os rotPutneParonlca bya uub4iic.heallh Idéeaor suggestion adi h atr-ffo sration. -la'.. tIgs t» -p.rnee.He liai Msfl neLitte, expert for te tiie (o-Ilinois avenue anti 4 lots frcon Her- Following ls the meusft qntained ail héalth officials of tAhe counîy are Accordlng'ly, when ebe, registered tblOiAnexLpériencestercu tbi Ismission. w-as quoteid as saylng that fls Guettier on~ Pennoylrania avenue on tht- posteard retelie db Carit urged te attend the conference. This site sadehe was wtlng to do any. fri*îtis and- gas -olecbell havbis the North Short- Gas Company liaitifer nominal consîdtion, 'allo 6 Sml - - , - conferencetAs n keeping wAîh fle Plat' thinglethis UeofIl heeomie*Wàt ldtoa alere av n I r 1 ftesaedprmn oholdcti h hlta hrh oe aved.Ér"a h rsn ie h ialed to make ant sort of a showing lots front Jose-phPeddicord on Imd -Ney 11 Tl confreniA e sa er te tt Ao coutY theChriPi ot en hA h Miesent t nte. a n the- htarma o -tttean nrpa-te fana street. Capt. Richard S1Wt#s ,. expected that tht-se conferencea wili Icded t10unir ber n as a demonatrator ýàib;Abo*-Vips As now -known ai. i-be Ari n rate, anti that the .-%îdetîce re William Stamford Perrce buht 6 Wukein, 111. ,have he efect of brnging 4ealtAi-of- In i-be natter of.handiing sweet pot&- 'K Cl.'It.formerly waà-theiOea'- sented lry tht- as-' ompany titi tit 1-4 acrefs on South veat sîde of Golf Dear Pient: <-ler fdfrelainth ch uite oe t oeuand Y. lre. obIainso vn agtbq -jr Ett oe wicaoIi.59 gise any hasts for an ncrease in rltin- *ic éhi '0tii rutichqha¶oin ithe south4ti4pg ni ratcs, In Justie t Mr LAttîlei itroa, just weai- of North avenue lrom .lust a bine tô e lot llïo4r tha: hat better résults can be obtaineti. Ry asI itlt8 oare eAh ce noe ç]9rt)%fuo4. si sbld1sittthsAe ia A. Fle.'Aauibien for nominal consîd- ut- have arrivetisafilail et ail Dr. J. A. Kappleman- of the si-ate art't lns Stpoatoel tTh-I o IénfrtadA wae; Mr. Bulllev who noide this state Wutgn oference. Lre matie v" ydésirableasfdautlàiyc, riadtkn10n's- t-r emdearpr t h o at o h or fbat- AApeii ib ninconLakecn eForest eo - coka~i- ."rne'A.~~~ ment , but ateh rtb hes poplee.n o ~ ê' t Y'>ût mamy of the Non-hem ,People do ne- whwte aol ecoe . l>%* èA an bal§ le cneà Ilrilo Mna npgh fth-dtal 0orîeFrctInbuthhcei d-fuseAeen n.Rbnsn dmnsrtom r o ofn ir pr7,o~ tft-ehtarng. ncluding tht- te«tiniony 1Hernry Vicerman and vu-e Lought usfrom writii-vt W rUCÉ .about 0*0 o,9 , o 9oa. 0e * fo fo o h-ysol ecoei wu *a*clameasuan.»al9ggy that wast gven hy Mr Little, Tht- the Etivard A. Atleridge lot on cor- what we have sln. Iberefore wll be along the fine of.ÀUtifA a chiea yeoo - d sîstement made hy 'Ir. tttIcîy mscner nf Summil avenue astd Summiti nWl-h love t i-l, * Marilage Làcên8e8 ot *nevainassebere i.ok.itl otbsbe.- a*contuaed with that neide l'y Mr. ],it-plc for nominal consideéraion,. hi h'eeýv f Illace ie ACl V-*i"rciéit uigteCii lu.Té i-le. Roscoe L. Tearney toc', tille codler Leu.ol . : 7ni10 C laties Afthedurae>AvI -w ar hi -th- îIÀkeîtse Mr. Lttle- was quoi-ed asmaters defat of i-be Woodsi-oek », l4ta i-A 11p1-.ldis0fA.1hrc renv ra lliais exerpve.-Nr aseertIng litattht- failure of tht-go-s ertY Of about 351 rleit !zofiage-op lise Car..~~erCh o on. fa In io kgiciseu ofi-he.cI1mrc bu ~ *sh bl~bigiyII nel comparty fomaire a sbowina. vas due Sataienfdgeooir9e,4oppopite seus colîu- c4~sv io~~o ~.-Clayi-oun d litica treets. DétalA. Id C1oIi- s i.i-b.ov in- nlarge ttte3sure tio msmanagement. Noble avenue. h-ltt iihhelrt e Sries, saine. be announootilater. lapde4#W j ýate.eveen b ttoriste. Thi allegeti mismanat-ment. ai. Ambrose Cramer boughi- a 1-.1 Inter- wrote to Coral iydeç#ier, Lieut. (COL .Hexg Bennewitz. Ir., Milwaukeeo; ,- -oe "noéa 4 ordlng to Mr. Littlt- aas uring the, est n tht- Cramer eslate of 7 acres Smthi--ls i atfSsen.3aeh oî- Sut Cicgo - -. ofW-ale a 1>' opeiisBuge, ouh 'beu, . M â l i m e A h at o t i t e r s b t c h a r g e l e 1 o U ih o f u n i v e r s i t y p l a c e f o r n o m i n a l g r o e . C l % a A AP L ; I _ _ _ _ _ M a o B . s ox n e . G r e l I J f leK 0e d -ipald a compliment to W. A. lachr consideration. man wîtolA s srvinâ fi ihe-dagAbSring MjrB.AIn(r renetKovch, sae t --d lhh idbofloty aw e ul ho tirerting tht- affairs nof iht-e mA hctTws com-r. t- lAttgétting aloij fg ifidanti ?ia'ln Sasion, Waukegan. Ivette____thetorpédo.__________t_ A1pany at tht- prett time, aying that Warren lierrick houghl 2') acres AfA, godhesitS. - io Heiler, Chicago; Mollie ONe-i, -facf thatit At4- oenlgftecud eh he ta contiuctlng tht- uirnet-s n an n northwea4t 14 section-Io, iromt Edt!_______sanie. .1 .ei A.Pvna opeo At --eGrmnjbt JO girte hotton -flentt manner Itut la ip again-ri a ward .1. tonahaff, for nominal con- Statnley UrbanAal<, Chicago; Elisa- of i-be Lake counly men who receit-- andi the Delàhib ent on abtout i-s tough roposiion beausi, f Ltrmr Platt.a saInee.cmmissins a i-ht-Fort Sheri- bu$I1lZesudbÏrhned. k ltsBebcDbqela;I eneAni r, anner who as chie! quar. mimaagmet r--reo oatradrI-inHighland Park NATIONAL ANTj.I M 'rph).Eats rbUtiDburue, 1.: r-edan lratlng camp, on Thurstiay: tetia.e tG~- Ie o.ln tii-Pesi _________ -rprpety r 2 i-egt-t tht- Tha0y FNEar1 Brownlea. Fort Sheridan. Rose CAI'AIN, ARTALLERV 4sf bleaje» ciller quarermatr on avenurt o 21 ee îcona-cOn ' AS WEDD fUtI5m ReinitartiL. Schulze, Southi MiAwan- ceptîn, artîlor>'. I:, Mii ta ti-at tht-crew ,1*PICK UP FOX LAKE SLACKER bogh ~ket- AEstelle Krzyzanowski. saute, dIUEAT :,LW on pesr mr-lt gomery avenuet- irom Chicago Titie D N iIYMk éit.Chcge noo('sa-FIRST LETNATINPANTRY r =1;onPotUng oui-lot sei. anti 1int Gorir -. sgt-t 2x >ars. brrr td anti Trusli tnCorany Itrusrt-e ior ,pnm IN OK E ,iy'h miielo ae rhmAllLk oet t.'te]r rsevr naw4o rrg lp at Purx lAtt. Trrt-srav evenllrg i t- O samJ. Gomn Cp Gads ai rais@,AlJ, tektet.-15 ih-laprsrr.Aaîy o TnAssistant Marshal larry italziel no nal rort-.trlration,- AîutJ oda. aeEdad, DvdPls rLi .Forest ëllés-ràon intAI tht-y reach port. la thg lnLbetvil Aaka ay .Mup.Satlare as essentiel these days th-charge ni- heixrg a ritlt-kr. Theer vlsubstitution of "Tht- Star Wiaa, Mr upy etiSEOOND.-tLIIAUTENANT, INFANTRV aà-s a r of aloes. ra l1evas lrck'-d tp ior tht- nbghlt fri -t A.Whlein bouahl fltc jSpanglet Banner" for i-be thue-hon- IBenjaminr C. Whie, ivue- .S u'.Hgls ak r t-dnitertstlt-Artfore ir airmakn Gwli rist nyschou propetry on vest 1oret Mentelssrohn munie wë a dé- tirente E. Meoche. Escanaba. Mith. W. Corwt,, Jr., Highland Park. FN DU lad way of tht- draft Iboard whcr orteresi aide of Mlwaukîee-av-tnue for nomni. partui'e front the- réguation *etiding Wlat .ie< , Mlaue;Prtsh- R.T. HMceowlr, hAndr. fitlm IAn irt-ArIfor ,xamination n or- nal conalteration. Saturtay t-venlng ontMbits# arr Hal- AI! t-pt lb, Mson ue :MiAd gt-i.ithe mlhtbecei-iltiA luIlia G. Wendt boughi- tht- AnnAie na Donnebby anti Lieut. H. Leait- AlefI, sanie. Lester L*91n, Hlàlsîsnd Park.AP LSN Il i-ht- army. Pegebov property at southeasi- cor- Webster. Charles A, Zwierschke. Mibvguute Wa', MOiO Wkos. Ing Ont-rt-port ivas thaA G;orman lé; WadnvasroWokgn e tbcL sent ln Fort Sheridan andt ock- ner Lincon anti Stewari- avenues for The wedng lok place ai- tht- Caiherine Farrell, snme. Edwiri.T. Miohtle, Highlad Petit. - etd up but ibis provedto1 be Unirue. nominal considéraion. Wosokhm !teprns0 Joseph Wallace, Chicago; Anna FIROT' LIEUTENANT, ARTILLERV AtnSvaIiIragnt nlo Brosi-, saieilabou.FolickeAlerturtAstit ouor he sn ethe ridigoge nd M Chrle ie formanoute tieie aou ht x Lak eAlbe ppri-G t-nbuh- -t ni tebAeVitt niM. hne ctor Emanuebson. ZIon City; Mar-. *tI'ai'd F4mslnd, WAnUrop -lime. Tics or Jatrhicagelon on e8 ar-fo smetAm A- ais l-r h Pgelw roer-yon veat sitie of H. flonnelly. Docorations,.-i-e vear- garet Kepler. sanie. -bor., chage ofbuter utey ontui. ear la registereti aI Minneapolis but we hreo iodrycnut ea ai4ket to show i carti. he bat noth- Stewart avenue frotni Ella S. Wentt ing of uniforme by i-he bridel-oom Vctor Morrow. Racine; Margaret -Ed C. Morny, Waukegan. vaâs rePrstented bv Attorney EI. V. etng to shtow ,iuchr vas tht- case. for nominal considétration. ant ilirs grcoomaman. Lieut. Opt-ncer, LweIr, sonie.1ClrneE oenrgHihad;rs.eW»fe $ ucntad t amnsfaiberlas teat, bis moth- Elba Metzat-r bouahi- the Frank Otîs, andtii-er dtails Wqré itharac- WCla J h arrshir,,salie. Park. a eoloe rn.-t-eAec -a rg part orflilAie esiiting îtier. H-tHe . Js-paeo o-A ieE t eitial nltr.Joseph E. Hobson. Fort Sherdan; 3ND -LIEUTENANTS, ARTULL.ERY Sewar tvas ai-lending a tance ett 5h- m~ t-ai toalttveleen mlxpti p n st--for nominal coniterallon anti gave Rt-v. Pr. ConwaY, Past« OrI'St. Fannie Hobson, saute. 14s;Do'l . T . C he msp --etosstaodf is Ihreuse t turrie ilae ntnbcktrstuerfpr$.00.say' huch oesioç, bcer hiag. IlSb-dCUN.5 pl'UIfl --ChicagAno. fon ri On ëandanti lat-r cvaon inryvlo onsi-ntîcaie atiibebAt'sthtn n George Saram-es. Pt-arfa, Ill.;, Ellie SéOv 4S. i bS,. -mnatvas isuhemfont e 0k tnt- teaint-tiThomas J. Bennett ant i vie bu vtere ht-r ister, Miss Helen. andt-hoe olia.mman-f'tv, iAi. --seou ack off tht- tefloo I~b he cnrar0f bAng slaker 5 acres n nortbwest 1-4 section 23, Misses Rachelb ands -Helen Dot-n. Wle aii.Mlakt;-- rimt ~kbttI Ik tl Ashelevet that tht- final oulcomeWle adlMlwue;Aime clu,', sale ihan wk asodrdbdkbttl 0f tht- matt-r vAl be merely thal adiloîn Eleci-ric ralîroati. veai- of There vas tlxner anti daneng -An Hantisch. sanie. " =. ý.r h coula nuit bées ofati-er ie o r m a n w I t ire o r ie r ed t o a tr a in in g R o n d o u t f r o m T m o -h y R . G ib b o n s -h t- e v e n n g b e fo e -h t- d e pr t if A ' o f ' G u s t a v e R a d d tt z . C u a y , W is . : e - M r . W o e d m n s e e 's n o m e a p p -a r t-t ^ . or f p e p e a k i h l .A te camp wlh tht- nexi- lot of men dr3ft- for nominal considération. Leu.Webter "d is bA ride for "Réuaen S. arrisonll, b<as. s l -icagiotion ols.ont lie thenaar- ol te eanthos aoy o asesi-uM de- t-ti andthua psay the reward" that A Bntn ocfti vereLiet Wltssr s : HMatr isonLt-c.Kanve t- yolgoilly.- lnulo f n. Woutean' - -olwdan esaah asîrà complu froninealeci- to comply vthInSno okodweeLeLw *6r19M, iddL.echDnel ile l av on rteisterlng andtaklng bis WAiIiam Rit-hI bougbi- i-e Emma R sationeti. Ht-la heb son -o!f r. and John Marshall, Lake Iiorès; Janet y.Iqi 'oMr Wdmn ced prp turm. Mercer 4 acres in northeast setiion Mn., H. T. Web;r 0 -îIsci W. Covle. s - eo shows tis wva mîstake. Sheju U~ A ~ O j lji - _ Jesse SSi-les, Fort. Shetitsn; MI;hel sald, "Mr. Woodmanset- bas bis cap, aI-32 for nominal considéeration. r tm, owl, I.dee' io - N bsTIIESE CONTROL LAKE CO. F00D In East . ekamp. acraskInWAtt. - -talncy palIers. lHe dsn n Anloc 1.cesAnno-h t- î.< ëUtA --for Frank Mnia, Mllwsvkect; Cara o0k. uhene h. vAilho sent." luh Foot Adminialrator Wheeler 'of Léonard A. Van Detiien anti vAls nomil cosîe 0. ta>, sanie. Wien aWu- mn oa thChcago n com pitance vitit a rerlue-ri bouaht tht- George S. Wedge farm ot In Avofi Vernon Armstrirong", Wankgean- Ber-. hI ltaWukanmn oa blé ,Lake79 12 acrs insecton 16frota Hary Gerge . an Maryiiusnbog iha Carns, Hébron, ri. - irléntis o! Mme. Lnton Hari-man, hiesr Ienote sotg t lts ! -is paper stai-erflithttthe Sae7 2arsiAcin1 rn ary Gog .at ayHro.oab uri Tuti-le. Milwaukee; AgneDo'ie Thomat, vili be inierestet Aln'lt-é*Whnousebra n ca- touai-y foot commission. up to date S. Dixon for $6.000. lot 3 ln Wtington.'s otcOnd.ul-sb at Warner, Neosha. Wis. knowing Ibtai Mn. liari-man vas gven -lAÙe oomb'Yr. sait Chtirman EbrsIdns eseappoiniet Officalîy. foilown: trai- ('ount>' Chairman CarroAi Gritiley. n Wet Antioch Round Lake for.$3A400 r Henry'G. Waghorn, Great Lakes; a commissaion ae frît lieutenant. of rOft 1tisi Mo nihusteflthev riter. l'iberi-yville. Christopher Loal anti vifs took ti. Obarlea A. -Kro» ..bfflbt -If-lots lu Mat- Slasch, Chicago. n by.. - 1 . Charles &-.Brown, Zion Ci-y; Gladys the ocst.artillery. He star-et n a' dé" - e-Wfng. b'Townrr, representaivAes anti terri- tl ibe i-Oto Loof aa'm on Gras& the ECdward sub4lvisgon on Round Dolan, same. Fort Shridan but ail of the coasA "WiWo-tEst?" vas asked- hlm:- v1h tories:Laelsetos2an24tanLut siInscin2 ogtbleU. nch Art-a. S. L. Trtpp. LiLeri-yvibie antid k nscin 3at 4fonLul aei eto 1lo~>eloL-Richard W. Nebel, Munsing. Mch.; irtiller'> adtei-ogo i-o For-rt-lsiMon-.r "WsIA.Y" ean sY the mattler hb. Fremont townships. P. Rieckhof fon nominal consdérai, Honebaan sd others for npanial con. Wipnifred M. Ferguson. ,am@. t-oe, Va., becanse of te coul, equlp- -bén'àti k,@* 'of andi tlla'a aIltliie Lake Villa, George A. Mitçbell, An- tAon. sidoi'atioii. 1 -lrving W. Palmi-ag, Milwaukee-; Hem- ment andti le hebre tabsi he efecuned te -ol-thore vllLabe Do shortago.-" Ice tioch tovnship antiLaIse VABa iovn- Luelia F. Hrove bought the Bernard In Warret-. .1 tha Froeblcb, ,mmiJon. -N>---. naîti ship. N.'InI eton9fr$052 oep .Chnbuh lot n Williamni ioeisîs.Milwaukee; MatheAbs __________ T4A'g -rRound Lakte, cili ant_ Avon antiee ot nscio o 1,6. JIsp -Chnbu Mars at. i-be Grant townships. n Lake. Villa Township hoxthvo, 1-4 «fîcùaOý 801 At -Gages John 0. SYnlons, Chicago; Anna - t-S1UY A CALF" MOYEMENT '1a - Wauconta, D. L. Putnam, Waucon- ,Frances Holtit-mbough 15 1-2 acres LAke ftas IbudMW i llW W btA- Knus saaig.l ta township. Inecln2 rmLuaZnauelilciidtl. ' 1 -- 1 .Etveti Diidsibk. Racine; Atlla Theol"boy a cal!" movemn bas Pcss14bysbsalst~' fBarrînglon lin Cook county) r - etto.sad 'tetet-tuAnBarringoveeib oimalna otSeln èl KisbnrCua -onslp Uyd 'I, 1 a-man, Egn- Roi-h E;.fît-ms ol i-be LentDevolopmeni- antid aa Russell, .James A. Rt-oves. Nov- nia l orniiogt îio nWn.- Gog - p..obteWwmjhs au.Lîve Stock Company 'have bt-on se- lise gitdsoii Of thé lie. l(i t. F4lot in Kle' n eul. on FoIs laIs. B. DevisfAo-ta= O sitintiulà s>eÀI4oi - - . tvAft ~Ife lace stht-rtcaivoesiMch ae , W. Pec#. o oitowa.,If City, Q.W__ly IýIv nsW 6fr$,M1ad12 ir limh opd t opnpo«çt Lob-~~~~~~M onCl' .W aieZo iy m-sowna e 100.-iMt»t~O rLlll.:B. -and ;ewnt LaefBhorao. éeoîny»0é891 tp< '~ rfed, on.DeAllIL asn'*'-mt ite. u nle - i~~ at Other peo,èles oino0f ns oten i .3latgir:calves 1te ý' 10~~ Willim. hm'iethebbuoellrs andi aui"g the à etIri. ;1Wilam;;' Deril jIt* ,Rý 6ýt a,' àde ile bA w and ti aI rtble,-Jacobt ila Je.4M9a i ~ ts~-~~ gIet n .-kw fAlpv -- .-'- -.d.-thaï leu-m f M.

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