Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1917, p. 11

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mtJw4Y,. DECEMX3ER 61 1917. ie )911e' »0 e ol tisaI qr t , *O*-b QB0f1hun Pm aaWho la thoroqghy famllar with no WOND2 EAcoN 25 ., mo i the vlul,poses Il t lprttOd hi ' p..èt é; iaI kt Isuncr, viii e ot97~u.d sy rais.the&r prie.le evurhiita*al<u aww ýl a b.tUr iupd of *.iWe bi.W h than mby tai- Ëëlb th e sOf Tiifoilwln uUr1ura~r lb. and Stripe. WW been wrI#tn by E&1»1Imm Najru~ fS.Lpau sMy everystpeintlé b'é4 bs n vr ty forhbrnethe heOdfrtIl he moibdo sacit Te- 4h the (e i rÎli f trtiszn a m tebI tehev in aaml thé fui! ot their atrength..And may we, the ~1de fthis republie, gatheè beneath ils fol&, spread lieig of liberty aniqui t beiêry coner of tht GiN. FERSHINO IPO NA D TO CUARMIN NasuWOMAN -.,i~'v s~t, P"', - qlovt Iuth e4ties Sent teoreat Lakes Station. ÏW SYSTEM 140W IN USE. There have been reports th lhe effort that people Who, hbave made various garments for siors st Great I*kes and expected the boys ta get *tbsm, have sot Wî. thir .efforts- Wards bhy knowlng tliat tbey acWtlj gjWiiven out ta the sailors. Ir". A. Pt of Cary avenue heard e W a t'.port and made inquiry o Capt. Mofftit with lhe reauit thut -she bas refived the folloving letter, WkWih ezigains in detail boy matteis now are handied atheb station and shows conelusively that there la nu Wnalacement of donations Dow e"en1 tlièugh msisiies nigbt have been made. lu the. put. Thle ltter tram Lieut. J. M. Grima,. actlfg commiiandanlt at the. station. un 0der date of December 1 follows. My Dear lira. Pitt: *t htas came ta, my notice that pome mi mwprahenaionexigsain the cani- nmnitila l the. nsltbborbood of this * aatia. relative ta the manner ln whlch the distribution of klttad gar- Ments la effectad. Knowing of your conection -Ith loc>i Roed Cruss and other war agtiv- fties, 1 amn taklng the liberty of cam- municaUing with you vltb a view of scquanting rau andl, tbrougb Yeu the. o" erpatriotle vamen ai Waukasaii wbio arn no kindiy snd gnerouslY 40mlastinh their interest ta th* con- ~t&bd weibé fr. iur yvomimn IW contriliating knitted, aMMigte I hieh tbey tbemselves bave made.. lu amtu poot tiiere vas no ceutrallsai agescy by wblcb the dltzibutlcu of sucb knitted garments waa effected snd thia restlted In smre cases in recruits recevlng twa ,vmwm or other articles a"d tier recruta vere not supplied at aIL. Thiswaavue »ta the tact iliat mazy of tus recrults lad 3friands or acqualtanea who cm-. tibutad sueh aticlep ta tbemi diret bu" itet prumeting tbem through thie naval auiios'tiea. Under a plan recentiy ailopted the diatrubutibu of aum~ mtoale maie t»eeý e oflcer vbo rucaivesal contrbUtions e o this elarsatersud 4itiflutag tWa fouly sfiter careiilly iiivetliatlg thé semsties of tha pregoea4 recp»L4et Bý tag and place et duty e ae machrcut at the time ho tg furnished wth cent- forts aud a furtiier record ia made. of the articles wt vlIlcl be la ftaish. ae& This Ontte la iaconsulta&l le- tafre suy dlstrilutfon la mad sud l t ibis w&Yan 990«L" MMa ai Ot - tralling aur efforts snd avoidng s duapikcatin 0f etort lae stablihed.,pertinent te remank ila titIs cawiectlonthai the intted gaM-enta tumnlphedrecuits ha"ve aumt uea ea*hie adhitias athe. cloth~iel v<u- Un tS or youuamn ma" rof vWb= coma i romt localities vbere a more equable CUm&toexiste SUan fl oe. tienca bati à peSter msed for vazS, or tigthWç-,th8a tepravideil la the. OMM gitamusiy àtumeiecaits thaçmore, ta vlev et the greatly ad. rmoud con t o!au eckudingthe. *11w- tise. mam sfor a awcrs 1 a Srt pti pose snd the recrults tiiam>lves arn rqqred ta paNol*1lydçts4,og tuas tra expen»e involved. By far tfIg pest- ai number Cd ouir tefplts have rude manyIr. lucWg sargm o glo ateg ýke naval service and In consequebce th" #nanticlpaied expense oks a ,cpo. pld4(rabI bsdslna nir sly la I 1Ut ta 'de pedan4 relatives. Ti", u emabue degree la amellorated by the kmitte.! Sarments furnlahed by the. good women wheýaw ava patrietioail interesteil themse)-iiti iiai*to the Young mens aSti1. mer, isua I*" la vew of the foreging recilslof O"auhItIonp as UaqoiteiaàttlAt. tion, bthis lurespect to the.requfra mýouleImm".r$tsas-eil os Ourqp- ar Is Iksiema n lni the minda ai thosee vo bava lqen 1ýliinfornpld viii b. dlielled. T1 la an admblrait*dm o a i tpM work. desm'vln o evary eacouue ment, and I avail mysal! 99pi - C portualty to persanally euiroas ur bigi apprecaila ofathe a«U» etti- tont conibuteil by thes geoilwme .5Wauhka. h It, a faim 0os arifi wbielà la gratatully revd. trié,sot' -e4 ~t itheFait mm .wbo mii' 19. rciul t i tuasemons, ,ews~ss.1I lawnt'vanand.paur 0W CAN I IP M14ËDY"Y That's 108a. sAmiwer to the, One Who »emPded $1,000> or She and Her 8a<aý4dMsPenalty-IuW idof EB=igRevengeful, 8he lu- kng 1a Way to Mak e i.-Pboe Wof kgan Happy at Christ- Mit>. CARL MUELLER ANl)_kAUGHTER. LOUISE Ver' o Rates ArePri* WhZeyTey Can ~t* sucnceforFamiles ITO EASE UP ON PENSIONS& Washinston, 1ec. 6.-The st vIlci proides for govensment Bit lnsua"Md for soldiers and sailors bas nawlea ta oieratian a little more th=* montb. The. secretary of the ti5oqe m'y asnounced an Navember 17 i<14 u» ta that date 84,148 applcatioé under the nevw ail adbees re~. ed, ropresen ino nurance lnuthe of- 052093000. Prom 4,000 to USO applications are recelvuil eaob day q4 tihé Treaury Departzment. theamît of insuance applieil for sobnéieue reschlng a total of $60,000.000 i a single day. 'hée law provides that soldiers, ai. torà, marines andl nurses intiave, tearvic ay obtals mois the gavera. lIn i.Insurance ln amouts fRot excedng 1,$10.000 eai prouilun rates, rangis; tram 66 cents a montii at the. .soa.,a 21 years to $1.20 a momi ai ge ofa 51 yeers, for each *1,00 ai tusuranice. On. of the prmary objecta of tiei lav ls to lasses the tremendem'us u-ý den of pensions wieb bas ,foBo"ed as f6 effsequence of ail Aiserican lakiu. k i l evIdent that the àdminietratima ,'C thiI. ew braneb ortgovimt irark la, bii>bidiness In lisait, 111 ibhis la only One of many goveroumt. al, ectvitlesIncident tac thei.r ni leh aé. ddtaÊ'Èatatnumbees of cits). stenagrapberg. and otiier servati te Uscle en'a payroll. Lterally thon- Mac&oi f stencogrpbors andl typevnit., ers have bqaf. appolsted ln Wzslq- ton ilurî pset iev muntbp and tbaudbmnmre ame to a t o am socs os thor. are vailble. The Uhlte 5tti Qivil serviecaiuuli- srela hell ~~qg4ent&tionsf«Sti elalis îàfi- dâIRuétbe bo*f omele l10aumilCitims èrefutullàg de, t%6 anes ta Oftitl x=Mirage Licenses Joseph M. Meade, Princeton, lsd.; -Adeline M. French, Wauitegan. Joseph A. Shubal, Mlwvaukee; Hon. naetta Hintz, sanie. Rolle. &Patios. GreatI Laies; iiuih G. Corcy, Bristar, la, Lake county Mir ofiers were elec- ted bY 13 =ebr Wednesday at the annual me1in lu bertyville go many men welit ta 'the Chicago stock show that the atttrndanc>i bruite ail records as to emali nsun> ber». There âa, but one ticket ln. tht, flild and therefore intereat vas 13ek- lng. The odoeere eieteed- W. E. Mller, preident. W. VIc'<eny, vice-president. L4 V. Luk. secoud vice-preaidviik T. H. Swan, sceretary. i. EUl Tris.a tressurer. mlecture-,R. W. Churchill, E. W Butterfleld. Charles H. Cheever, D. L. Pttumi. Fred Crabbe. SUITMÀIS Blackmail Charge Is Made to Maclay Hoyne for Rail 0f flolal. Marvin Hughitt, Ir., vie Pneeident of the Chicago & North Wee«tPrn hbtroal promiiieut Chicago club. ù« anmd bachelor resident of Lake lParett, vas named Tuesday. In Ch: <Mlo in a divorce suit ilIlod i the cir. cuit Court by Myron W. Moore, a INorth Suie cafe Waiter, egainat Junu 1 Moore. a former cabsret entertainéri lirs. Moore severti weeks ago flzn ured in k police raid oe the hume of lirm NeB<ie La Pearl, 818 RIat Forty- ltth street. flihe sit la baseil uDan a raid b' thwlero h pa etfMrs hors street. Oeptember 28,.viiere Mr, Moore and Mr. Ilugbtt were found in a roozm togeer." saîttorney Sar.' ual j. Andalina, representing Moore. QI ams satlsded Moore only vintý hie freedom." Mlr. Huuhitt nild: 1ar1 cs nly say that the char-< are obslutely groundiese. I nover heard of the Moareî betore, and 1 arcn g o adlg 1ttandsud lOit (Caurtesy Chicago Examiger.) wiii>te at the bottois of tiIs coni- - pinacy. On îhe day ln question 1 va. at the funerai of a xllraad oSf dan; Aida Kruger, Sun Prairie, Wis. cial. That aviing 1 vas at home In SWilliam P. Eurkett, Adana, Wis.* Lakte Foreo Lucy Baunaurtper, Adans, Wis. 'Mn. Pearl asic mie tnew motI Hlenry P. Constantine. Mlwan4eee of Mrs. Moor',s qualntasces, bui Clemestlne Look, Milvaukee. bail neyer hoard of Mr, Hughltt. làun._______ STATE PLEUS lu acbe ,*à tn ITSELF TO, RaISE t th uq U e in aeo NaDEuc ffiiMCÀTW ildvard . Schauer, Freeport. Ill.; IYIIL IIWJ IM A I Augusta Bunithardt, oame. ~more hot muai, rupiesetatlyo a tr Alfred' Voigt. Sbeboygan, Wls.; Illinois must grow mare hOS& nM ors saY. rlora Warnfng, sanie. 'Tii. action to get 20 per celit more Walter Jensen, Racine; Alma Os- year and repi-sestativep aifLb.he uge for nazi reers market vas ta 4rgad, jame 1tarmers Of 86 cousUes bave naderta. kan et a couference of 75 couaty ,Jeuh LaMoore, Chicago; EMsin ken ta oses that It la dose. À 20 per Ohabrmem of tii. ooil. fuel a&" cou- V4achter, sains.cent Increase lu the ihot crapla vnem@& servaon comnitta. aofi.uheState ed and bas bees lronifl.. Prios Couscl of Detana. beldlntaChicago Arthur E. Evans, Chicago; Margaret wUl warrant the effort to troSue Tuesday. iStenders. aimle.1 Oscar Madison, Milwaukee; Rope Glesa, came. Clarence Anderson, Racine; Versu HN@prett, Portage, Win Joseph M. Smucitler, Miwaukee; Rtb M. Glasgow.,Berne. - Mlliard Ratz, Flint, Mich.; Ruby 'tooton. Charlevoix, Mlch. *William R. Damitz. Iron River, tfich.; Auna Mainland, Racine. SPaul Ziebart. Sheil Laite. Wis.; Rose ltolzhaensar, Milwaukee. * aiA. Patterson. Towaglac, Mich.; lues Kosarog, North Chicego. Gorge Gormley, Kenosha; Berthe Platshuker, smae. Louis F. Krlck. Dayton, 0.; Bannie ..Archer, Racine. ClIfford C. Canmpbell, Chiacgo; Mary G. Hinstor, same. Abert T. Kienne, Racine; Helen NePhersan, sanie. Jloseph N. Titompson. (Great i.akee; Palsy Taliferro. Waukegan. '. Antdrew Nardnes, Chicago; Anna djektson, Chicago. William H. Diirr, Cudahy; Mamie Leclar, Cudahy. Curtis Bender, Milwaukee; Anea Nitlia, Milwaukee. Joseph Eaifmeister, Mlwaukee; Rose Winnig, Milwau'iee. Vite Treutadul, Mlwaukee; Madal. ine Basella, Mlwaukee. rHenry 9. Brotberbood, Mlwaukee; Irranceu Jaciteekl, Milwauitee. SJohin W. Starkt. Mlwaukee; Irmoo ,Wagner, Mlwaukee. <« C. Prankiit, Battie Creet. fl~i .Greunke, Port at a About eleven soldions in eacb ou tbousad on tue dring lise in Froim are iilled in action or die of vounds eccording teo igures aompiled by <la Frencbhigb commisslonor. On tho other hand, it la interesting te tnow that Of thosu ln tue 'ordlnary italla0a peacetul lfie, nearly tyen reut, are L. e victims of disese.of the. bidneyiL lmi 1916 oneofo the groateost lit@ lueur- noce eompanies lun<tie world psu u91 deth daims wliaro bath utasu"eilby tiniglu'sdiease.' Prof. H. Strauss, M. D., of tthe Royal Cbarlty Hoëpital Berlin says, "«Thu ceuse for an attacit ni gout, rhen. matisin, lumbago, la supplied hy tha lucroase of urie acid iu the blond serum, the resuit Of verlous causes, lie rmuet froquent of which la rouai. Befare an attack, une suferas omutinea frrnt lieadaehe, seunalgis, t.e",aOfpois ber. and there or coune , te aOUs40g0 looalty. 11, Dr. Levisoit and Dr. Strapsa both bl that a long coattinueil 4Wj tunbanta of tii>.>' iton, Mo*S tng in an sacitiatlsOfesi*t afl doh thie blnd seruni, sosasse im e us 1FACI--,O0N!, urin e acud>', <.1et ci lIssent, or yen are obligel t. -seeoe iif tva onrilire tisies elrwagthea uIght, tIeu ansid fer wttIciel beiadâebaor las>',erv- ens sla *, seul tosio;orY"n lave tii.~ ~ ~ o niuntSpia lmbaigo, gout, sciatieaw*)SU tIcweatber in baît, do sot neglect theii. a&g but «ýy simplo oians. A'" r.GitnmU My$,"Ut&aMount .ut uil shoo blareguls, sud distri- bbie thmugh the de ayket six or obtalu St you* nesiasidiug store Anu rit (double strngl), InlAbleto,6(k. Tis to fluash thé tiluisysand tta&ctsas s tonte se <bha t lini<a miite ont the ie l &Cid poison ni AÎtple mameDptent thon lithia, andl lu moul CasesIl vil dissolve lte uacadI as bohotez udonsa gar. Ahurie was tho receut llscovey 01 Dr. PWçrp,- oIIf aStaff, BUrT mi in- attuw, 8àf1o, N. Y. i3 bt hI. e t"mû i I.,n mow mnie et-. ~' mvfr OT vl"T' 'l- ýl7,

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