Lt:BERTyVILLE tNDEI'JNIJN T, JUAO *UAS. D. PROCTOR Wite. aIl uns of INSURANCE Fire LigeIccdent aud Hplt.h. Piste Glass, lu- temuolble and Workbng- msan'@ compen8atlon. I ee Him Before Placing Your Insurance jAM Ow* des Dcr O Store @tel mi Zin. WLL DRILLING7 kst-aayoto write to me. &USIIRMAN &,DOLAN FO ZION CITYB i7,~wnie L, BAIRSTOW FG p1 OF D Cmetery Work o1,Everý a Descriptlon 0 do" olicitet lw'6eo wdeeSt F ID.BOYD F 1%*',Wcqodu L*d Mam i WsukF"m w"tband TffS, -i* e L .-53S IAOWVVOI. TNVL& nogm,@ »ltaa..4 a >ML O b le9-J. Ms".Pis. 5-J DL P.IL suET WantMdô ýil 5cents perti ne sacn insert on. Iftl h. 1 1 F« UmaL-ROifl ofonui ?a* Av*.. v~a..moésaemevoalsues.<au Miswwam CUS k1mo. 21,f PoRSALKE468 âma0ces misa"d a maai. arissbl tar FOR SAl.E--4oearesdones lots on MeKialsy Ave. Ai l mpmvetb5111. Mm .S.J. aOlm - ... 7 FOR SALe.-A 40 ace lupnoved bjack Lets than 5 lines. 25e firstI n- l' sertion. 11 Help + SSEMBLkRS WANTEO-OD POtt ble air eompreeeO?5. TInide work and r ,ady poilitioii5 for the, right klnfiL"cl: ,. Apply byletter or ln pereon t C in-Ho Mantilactjrrng Co.. North Chica- 0II. 49t3 LIGHT BRAIIMA CHIOKENS -OR SALE-I have abolit 15 tiret Pen i ýrabamo for sale cheap. If yon want &a 116 buuch 01 cbickenU bere'e your chancea nquirs Id. B. Ind$enedeut. t FOR SALE-Eitght tatI Pi"a; 12 Barred c lymoubh Bock poilet4. Gordon Ray F mamond 1,ake. Phoue 296-R-2. 49Ï IoRSES SOLO, bonghtand excbUiged cond' bandi barnsand wagowl. Cah or terme. N. R. Ladd. phono. 4, .Lthrt ;ville. - iti OR SALE-BaY Mare 5 yraohl, snond and'gentle; weight 1100. Alan one-horse Miik wgonf. Phons (iryslake 61-J. FOR RENT-2 terme. unsl 160 acre. ani tho other 120; 1 mlle wesi o1 Rullîns' >IatorM. Inquire of lre. 0.8. iurihntt, Libertyville. Box 48. 483 FOR REliT-MY l5e1 Ull ho VWAc oct. 15%h on Soutb Park Ave.,Blrot floor. nqnhre iercond flat. Eh B@Oderrg 8941 FOR RENT.J-80 acre fartifa »r lherty- vifleg. Gond stock. and daity tara. Two gond bern». 8 ironboues01; &ail hgh roing, no vaïste land sud ailali good roedltnhp AIrs. 4 >~ n ldsppn-, frit iii.'440, +.uLUTT +. 1U8N WM $aA» cOu., *AME" . auz son, good bulags; lsBoaot obs lv i Highland Parke OMM c 12 & a. msd lte a p. m. VU& ad ami 4ais. men t fGriysiae on I.'rion Id. Per boght 100, #AMY.gravel rond. Wlilam J. Fi, Lbab foulage. on osaI ite St. Johne t.~mmb '~ Villa. IMI.48ae, ns.nortis Of Vine avelnue iroul co Ng pmosopD. g IO LA('S *lar Bullar for $7000. FOUN-Avacb+a wUitantant B race buht 12 bte u@% Far. Nom. T» ONDA*tk a od in tnorlh of Sheridan oad ftrnm Msrgi Jlàffl z&Mùmdfor 6 i h aeluetofc hswe.T@T ýfrnominal conSiderar oit>' ont payliiugt..r iblenqticel. 4î f Wlbur Glenn Voliva bonght M ,S. L GRIM IMNE OLANK obetl. uJhson SmIlh S acres on 29bh ct OpFbusrigMd Opiçias 11E OIÀA.W ulettel o or calci'so f quhrv o!tboeodelrinWog borrov mono>' Iton lot on cet -;Ide Fim ave KVKRYWRLINSDAY NI..Yon FarmsoroherlMlproved Latecaunt.'j f NSDYONY Real F 1e intNaina mank oulis of 2th sneet, aise 2 loto fQYKM OM RLOVEI.LDRIJG STOEUhebvvlt.. lnia sfsouhwest corner Uhsha avenue UMM______M__M.___ML ____te ANSM-0OPo.e "mi 2trsre.'.aira triangular lot 0on Wîîî ps>'/ah. 'alvp-47 LîiertvvbIîe iLaeFrs DL 0. F. BUTTRFIPDIP . n ae or1 Lumbérl'o 40tt ' Chauncey Kep htth1e Bi- VEBRINARY SuliuiROX. 1I, I i40acres asillr itise StanIPv1 rgirTo liA. 1 Aur.JiltD'J 1017-m e [M4Y PROPIRTIES CIL&NfiE IADS lIN TU .PAST WERI )uring Week 111. Conveyances Were FiIed With Total of Fourteen Loans, -OANS TOTALED $35,OOO. BusInes of the, Reeordér'. oIc rv tise veeit endbvsg December 1, L17, b>' A. ýK. -Boves, assistant sec- rtary of Securiy Tille aùt Trust Company'. N\umb er of couvey.lnces fiIed-111 Number of lbans filled-14. ,, Tlotal number o!fbistruments fille( -126. Total ainount cf loans-$ý35098. Bursinees han heen quite brick dut sg the veel and loang about normal Tbe foliovlng are the m-ore Import unt teris: lin Wsuksgan Laurance R. WIlor sa tru@tee Pur bhaseti 4 acres on South aide of OIei lors avenue from Thomas E. Grnu for pomitS considéeration. Albert Hjugo Vongtt a 66-foot lud on ostaIide Poplar Street, north 0, Bevard street frou J. W. Bidiig and 33 teet adjollg onk the nerfl frons Charlotte M. Stearna for nonl hal corsideratlon. Robert Drake bougbt 2 lots aIt tI avenues ant 2 lots ai northea6t col ner of Forelsut dPowell avenue from Juige Mévwarda for nominal cnt sideration. lni North Chlcago Davis Watkius Dairymen'e Mtg. < teck bille 10 the Davis Milk COmPan propent>' on yo d ade Rush sirE and E. J. snd E. raîlv'w. John Western bought 4 lots1 prospect avenue and l7th street su Dugti fl d trom Emîl Rudent i 85.00., Loulse S. Knight bock tible te 1,t. j it!i f Wsîlegan and ýWa@ hum Park subdivision trous Mew C. E:nipttfor nominal aonqideratio lnu ke pluif John (irlinilbongbt 5h. old Hot Biock et Sberidan rse d siProsi &,es trOu Eo oWst Witlt for nomin« moosteid.itI Jobn J. Jiehab« git 4 Iota nortiu %ide Morths avenue, 099c44 Vaiànut avenmue trom . x qftln J j jMb for noinipsi coas sd -. ln LJb.rtyvlOtTawnaif Richard 14. Bissell bougitai àtisird intereet lu o acres lu nortisu qUNu ersction36 f rons ýathr. B11NOMl for $100. j& N. DeVanit bought 40 acres uortlses*tquarter section 7 trois Ti mas IR.Baldidvhfor nominaUlMo keration. tir nue n h ru. Fee sJsisras-r STATU Y1EEÂEIC.IBI.&GVLIC"2SE8. estAlýe ranJohn ctiflfiufor nOMîni UbertyvmIe. linois. Alfre Richter, Miles Cl>', Mont.: consideiutlon. Lillian Smith. <hbcSgo.1 William Romaine- WPr Withel ELHANAN W. COLBY Jack Sharie>'. Chicago; leanor bougli ti0 ptedon ciel ite WbSCc Atomylt-awon, same. ein avenue from John (Grifiitbfor Atbovss-atLawW. o>'Mc4eary. Great Lobes; nomInal caniderathon. OUM stciHome, Cook Av-e. Phonp.e168-J Ç r .nGalba. Moundeville. W. Va. Juteon P. Stone took titlletri L ISCRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Barry D. Hamilton,. Milwaukee; ýJohn A. Chapmoan of lot 2 Acaden Hazel Ltsch. Mempise.Teuin. Pak sbiIinoiPps vn LYB.. . MRRI tFrankH. tfartwig, Kenosha; Dean.-l1. 27 Iota lin Waahingtoui CIrcle nu AT'rOHEy-àA-LAW etta Kruger, Zion City. division hing the propent>' ot the im Ubotyile - Ilinis Joseph Donorsil. Chicago; Helen C kriee state. Lucet Build - i s M ichalsi. cam e. J h G if t 1 k hIle b the M : as.. aons ue, lufliinr. alter P. Jackson. Milvauke; gac pltn hmaDuls tacePion t Mrie . Stollbrg, anme. i,.abotis Bausr and Minnbe KnoxP PAUL ACGJPIN. Clarenice B. Morton, ZMon Cilty; Nel-. veutIos ouicest abde WasUegsu n M AITOIMETA? LAW. lie M. FenS.'samo. k rca;Ema nsection 29. Shieds, also lots 41, iÀIola George S. BraMeyedrAre.;Mmcil1 9 sut 34 Rose Tenace subtil r isChaen caeR, Wuea;tge o rous Thomno Douglas, Alb PaoNs88 ('Tunk' ie , akgn;Ansfhtyvitter. I'î-lcrJensenl and AIt JtL~TIN C DE~KER Harod îJ. Holer, Matigoi: VernlR asat svv.Oxlsy.Al-Aw H. Goltz. Neenab. Wie. vesfsite Catl,.llîînla avenue anî 2' 807 Wehlngton iStreet lenn1H ora.Gra ais treet frontJohn r) Johnson for n WAKGAN - ILINO Ehel JBrown, Chicago. m Ial conslderallon, OMes, Phonoe181.-RAbram DeMuik, Kiel. WIs.; Eb18i, vn Senbton Township amP"e16,R Marti, sains. Jtîward b.El-i ought bloc DRJH SEN LEV R tanie'l V. ýKiowILon, Chcago; Mit- In Bartîcet'. north alsore acres MMSitf AMSURRGN detA. Frogner, saine.$18. Sm raaetow= =n,Dla,rnel Howard N. Tot, Milwaukee; Mary tin Winlhrop Harbor Buhal~ctresd5 il. 1 5 Hehtmaier, caineWilliam D. C' ns su ue n Aaror. H Winslov.Ooiconoomvoc. 732 ntvret to Ernest n U NOV5t CChA9tO ILL wb oehavo theb bacoibe th ier ErvIn G. Kruescber. Seos, Win.; te lIzabeth M, Henroth te sur lul" Oaft »» etto ont of gear Brma Mc>'rs. Union Grave. Win. lots aut hioclrs in tise subdivision ~~~o.tUV4 Ose endefor 104 Ilvar Leis B. Mitchell. ZOU Cil>'; MYr- bled.' 6, WlnthroD Harbor. I~~aiI*er..~rJlSI botstle E. îeucenorf, saine, hoNewîport Township i~a.,,in. 14a*I Jbatais 0%9M6Mà. Wbtsrov, Wis.; Lena WWkters heuglht 40 acre Ê 'X * n m , S m i .n o r t ha v e t q u a r te r se c t io u l e f i meicter, ot 9, Rogers' subdivision Fox e Lake. Q. C. $2. an ARE IN LAKE C Nov. 24, 1917 -Benjomin Hterau vite Io0..K. Cohen. tract o ato le- ea..î sidi i(f rond near Druce Lake. Chairman ErSkine of the Fuel nid Auna ~îtz- and huFhnnd te, Hrry Commission Obliged to Siup- hpBorn-. lt 8, block6, Kijs u'.' î* Iy Ail Minute Details. ion in Section 36, weut Antioch. Carrn1"siWo Li.'ur EtE. A. Atîridge and 'mjfi. 10 Heury' yViciiernian and wife, lot 99. Green Blay ha. recplveub ln,.truc icru, froIn 11,' ld addition. Lake cForest, W. i1)i$.- scato mnsfit trtn:ic"0lni-cuIr- r.."t MaryM. Slawand a.ýnandIo ly, thab iv trîrnaces wherf- anovgrPéit %van Johnson, lob 164. Shav'5 Fox, I oin o!ftiuel i.' usI-rb, n,01 omr-nftrc rcL.aesutriO. W. D. $1. tunnaces but o! the kind tînod lu tarc No.21, 1917-Flora E. Curandtlo 1 tories, Pte.The Rtînt.- ndrnlnlutnot on N. E. Durant, lot 1, block 13, Wright's v ante this informatbon lui trder that a addlition, UibertyviblO. Q. C- $10.- he ra>'9 .ent out 1to h operators of John Griffith suit vite 10 ,ChauislsY these titnaices Instruction« ns to boy Keep, tract o! landtib poubh part Lake Ihe>' can conserve th, fuelý The se- >m Bluff sut nortb part Lake Fortest. W. curing ofthis Information b>'Mn. MY t. $10. Erebine la s ver>' dîfficult probiern ind ne, D)avbs Mlii Machiner>' Company tO vili entaitlots o! york and bUnie. Il uh. Dnvis-Watklis Dairymenls Manufai.- is Jut suothen instance showlug boy PX, urIýng Compun>'. lots 19 aut 20, Noth the fuel administrator bas Rome Job Chicago Inus triai subdivisions. Deot ou hle hante., p Mr.,liakne le Juet nov giviug 10 lar- irnil Rutent 10 John Western, lobs ail ecoul deeler lui Laie countv a E-6, 7, anut, bock 184 ant trip veet lsuk termedi'A nrec'Fe i-and adjoiniug North Chicago. W. D. RoporI." Ever>- ceai dealîer la toIt ro. n'000. tsatitlbtleexpectcd o fblm that vlth oilt H. H. Abreclit ana vitfe et aI te, sacis orten for coal Sent te thse vholc- 42. William Bouton sud it ie, lot 8, bboc k taerho uet fI!out ibIs empreri 3.- Dsmont Lais Park. W. D. $10 .ue! report. The report lu' question J. P. Bldinger to Albert Hugo, lot COntains al lis O! detatIR s O 1th1e »rt onesat site poplar Streeouthntsofi me of ocal. bbc amount nected. 1the trt Conter mtreet, Waukegau. W. t. $10. monthi>' average, and requirements lu Charlotte m. Stesrme ta Abert sales, etc. Hugo, lot (in vest site A»h street 27hSouth of 'enter treet. Waukegan. W. rm Nov. 27. 1917.-W. W. K. Nxon toi CALL M F E TT ArhrPtitchain antl vite, lot 30. 1 II , Nixoin'.'West Plie adtliti, 134EU B g i 4à Wsîkegau. W.'tD. $150. ,A E 1M for FF. P. ullen sot vifete 10 Uzzbe 1ComsnntAMofftt or thse Great 1 r'ond, lobst 27 alto 28, blocik 1, Wauke- It.sAkeg Trabiig station Fits>' vas gan Hghlands, North Chicago. W. jsmoe aWsigo.Oerpr nil- T. R. hatylu sud it ie to A. N.vau he tg te ho mate a refin adanîral oIt-. DeVault, cast 4() acres uortbeait quar- Anothor, hcwèver, Say@s the Nav>' De-, "te r, section 7, LibertyvIllO tovnshbp. partinent teolres ta consult vith Cap- ndy . $10. anMfetenenn nagn h tI' Nicholas Baker sut vite to iH. C.1jtan Moftb e cmmodlige nlr0,000 en. i Of Suodgrasseacu i ie, -tract Of tan li. station1 comoae1000 au vent quarter, setion 16, Eaut Anlbocb 'Phat in helleveti mono neani>' authen- teinSill>.W. D. . $1 t ic. ,y-ourteein 1buntret Jackies at-tise a Au Mark ULoy>' eut vit 1 HH. L oet- sttwVrs w te n gn f ie.d, M lot at 3apsAb, W. t> 10. u. voyers W MayA, X ab 1110_d'.T. QUW.o - SHOES IN TOWN Wear-U-Well Shoes $1,98 to $398 Direct from Factory to Retailer-No Middlemen's Profits 1 Have a Fulll Une ini Men's and, OY'Work and Fine Shoes Upon seeing this line of shoes, 1 know you will appreciate rny offorts in securing one of the mont widely-known makes in the and 1 am, sure you will he with me when 1 say WHY PAY MORE? These goods have have just arnived this week, direct from the f actory, and are absolutely up-to-date in lasts, style and finish. Just a look at the ma- terial and workmanship, as weII as the price, wil convi oce you that we have the goods JUST ONE CALL, PLEASE, WE KNOW THE RESULT CHAS.KAISER A 1 -. , 1 m. hE ?Pl ue ai me Lhe Ieý êfi na ýer r roi lu, Bu! m PT Mx 27 a(v k 1 un Ele en Ind )n ay 9. Dîxon for nominal consldera- son, 80 acres lia section 33, NevPOrt II/YA>CIIV for a hallttéle nd kiîr blowing tovrsilp. W. D. $10. D ELÀK4AA IEIl, their hem sand final>' wlen the, teain lion. Nv ,11-Romaine W. Wthers difotpto,1h.lrcr' n A. E. Oens bouht the D. Fahrney and husband. t John Griffith, block 1 BEAT M TO 1" 't question jumped frm i tarm of 214 acres inb sectin!iCs 29 and 16, Lake Bluff. W, D. $11siTI 30 froin Johs CG. Swaflson for noml; John GrIffith and vite te Romainle rein UV >to see WIl yi jt N% cnsidoetion.W. Vithers. labs 3 anud 4.lriflth'a oal cont thea'Mol. jubdlvisiofl ot lot 54, Lake Forest. W. IN COUT 1 KIACIOIJN IThey cdaim tha:ihebn 1h.- Geratlà 1F._ Monee>' 0 teUÇ1 l-.D. $1. -Xalns on the loaf and h--ganr' vinle farm ln se'llon 13 'and -24 aseo P. H. Bartlett and wife to E. S. prmn l o e ligt- lsection 19 Bentofi for nominal con- Elllson. bhçck 46. 'BarfltetliNorh John Bro7ier ExpIains Status, re rimahl f wy otr r ioFhinif PideratiOn. fPShore Acres, Wlnthroii Harbor. Dged of AutoHayWagon n e tl rgtovs.hoedam'ha Frank T. Gleaou hought the Matt- ;1,879. . . o-n1 1 cient Hnklnz ral9ed hic herse vhip and he' P Mye frmof9SIlaces.0 J.- G. Swanson sud ite te A. Il Last Thursday P. A. stsrted to enkt, hl nand the oth">r he .Myi amo,88 ce nOwens, 214 acres. b sections 29 and men with Mt.Jumping ulown from 1 gouthe55t quarter sert Ion 1 3Ifor nom ,NePttosh. W. D, $1. MENACED WITH PITCHFORK. îoa.d and offering te fighi. The>' :î. bal concderation and gave badIt a j I. A. Cuminings; and vife to IC.- htthrthro awd. fn' P trust eed for$9.500-Trimmer, lot 59, Cujumîinge & Com- The occupants o.f the auto mohilés httebterofHwI Fmr lnor $9. Ochpanys Northi avenue addition, Weuke Who fibgured ln a fracasse ne«r the Hwis upddonfotte'! I Pag .Dý 1 r Tond .Dd wltb a ptch-forl< in hif, > HarryC. 'BnDgraund vite pu r F50 . D $.Warr»n-Nêwport towun .nAast Thurs an a.Up tethelb.qiirtêt throaten chsd1.Ncoa ae am of A. P. GayJor and wviéstg. G. that the H9wvdnq hroth- an a it case th Mo lasBakr ttin Modney, tract landfa ection 24 jtteun y detclaxel,4Rete 68 1-4 acresluiisection 16 for nominal Newport tovnship and lin section lie' ers 'ýbèat lhem te it'. in tlv inaltpI't in b usE inerbc win ade ser coneideratttl. Santon ovsship, W.1>. $10. otfgëtting action la thp cours, he ads eraiOstht . lI Vemovi T .OwflhlP Ema 3S. .Melvillieet'ai1te(G. P resuit <of qîestlonink of rights o uld brathsrataendlfng te 11- d- Josephte.Johaans boughtbihe Ba- Money, tract of land ins Sectionl 24,1 the rond, a loati of ha> or an auitomo- suh tre atsn. auigndakns ff erdto der armcf 8.1 acrs I isrhestNewport .tovnshio and insction 10,bile.teemn oigRwihsoerd1 d"er scti on $14 aresmlnIchd aur-Benton township. Deeda $1 Tt*lisrecalled Ihat tast Bat urday Or- settie vlth tbem for $5 at that ta- quarerforein193.800. rdBar- T. E. Gray and vil'e te L. B R r 'l rinu 1awk Ins of Warren township.; plant providîing lhpy did net malcp atb -fOrý ~trustes, four acres i un e» qortfra opan gnttenf) i. The Fsairfield Cemetery Association ler, section 17, Waukegan. W n1hruh ;tesAtone'hVlb l eoraI colain ith a intthemand t. of the t ovn of Ela andthebbDiamoni s$1.0aninf ,tton cbarging assault -. t1srat teywld viti a tehdoit<,thea Ladre Cemeter>' Association fled cen wNov. 30, 1917.-Sellar nullardandT .honrmhnBrozier, Jr.. George Ford, gta hyvul se eto the tilhctes o OrgnIfetote.Maion M. Peter. south 100' 1Ca e cian nhe~ Imalter. The>' agreed ln do ~ n titica" of )rnnttlo.feiot lot 3, block 35, Highland Park. i plaint ln the Countu . riHawkins. vere thslefre amaz.ed wbeus tb'ýY ------- W. D. $7.000. . claed that thene tbrep men vers iOad kn saturtsys Sun Ilsal iawkini n RWs Estate Tranitors J.M. LàttlSJhia sudvils te J. J.l n an automobile, that ha vas drlving hagaet ia te dacoPâi -'Filscèer, 'iots 6 te 9, block 42, North Ia Joad et ha>', hat be coutlnot ttuu ninitten Nov . 22. 19,T7 iichasi Kosar tO ddlto icu r t y ai on Ih a they w l re hé' prnnk Koza, lot 28, block 13, Wauk . Gn, ula " Buf.w. t .e$10. acoringy et the m achie and pr-thelhey gan Higlands, North Chicago. W. tD. Ba.e,,, u vf eR.M corigy i h mciecn w-ableou rton e ause tiht>'e 1 of $1. io l nided onethird of north- eededteb beal hlm up,. In the car dshi 0pretio i t h the 11? ros ýe Chicago Titie" and Trust CompauiY ect 40 acres, notbvest quarter sse- vlth the three men were Jnshewingaiid thIer s wtflos tte It th0t Bessle S. nullard, lots 4. 15- O and lien 36, Lherti.vtlho towinsipi. Q. C. ley and James Hay9,erl>'. elso or Newj________ nt c ..MngTeY' utl $1X. .port-tovnship, Tt vus because of thi i eginning îomnorrOv Tt vill cOst Lillie B. Davis et a,. te Georg .A hpsnadvf o..3 saî hlHvlsfltncm mre topiledeediin the recorder« se Knaist. 120 acres ln sections 1 and .12. Stone, lot 2. Acadea>' Park subdivis. plaint. office. Betwooin $100 andt1$500 lt c"es Lrmtownship. W- D- $10.1 Mlgeon..Lako 1Forest. and lots 39 le 45, But the aubomohilllsshave s differ- 60 cent@ revenue smpli, ant $1 for I. H . J Sjt a n d i si n , 10 r Y v ll . 4 8 t e140 j 6 e 83 , I o. 7 1 , 7 2 , -7 4 an d . n t sto T t ek ell . T h e îr c lo r y : T h y ' n o e do h la r fo r ca er i ,o$1 . 0 0 i n re q u ire d . os- Wo. $10.g sbi 75, Ini Washington Cirche, Leke ir-came don, the rond, .aw Ivo lbats As a resait Otflte nevbax there vws lsW. . Sfflh- sIfevite 1W. P. est. Deeda$20. o a babe b on n ars fppr IA n Pt Cncckett, Part lot 4, liscl0l1, Thomas oula ad<if 0Joneofet>'the ladhe tr he m Io nd a rusc 4h apoen ldatupo Grant tovnshsip- Q- C.- Griffith, tract of land ln Lake PorsîOi th abae.Tese o n d ond1 iv e 'clock 4 ha 9ben Sed-afld 25ne Sarah p. psvenport as ui bsahnpaeg.Te eodbt h enrumtet inla seed for $43.0QO ln io. ata . Dvenprt. ots9 and 10, and lots; 41 and 42» Rose Terrace. W.'notuit S t andi they thought foioder h'pvlhe$3tr C.block 16, Bord du ac Bluffs. Norths D. $10. 11>5.e ometlsbng vast the mater. pos _____ - Y Ln Ehca. . nhaiaD. vie$2-Wrrn Margnirct Appleton and busband 1t: iibly there .4a4 no driver o0.- FIRSE IN LAKE COUN-Th* HE.riJ. 20 oivesn n et 0 elreJohn-GrOth, 5trt of land lu Lake' lad They sa>' the>' traveled nions hvueP.seult toh lp e . re,2 crsI eon. (, helgForest. W. D. $10. ____-- - - st towsi. W.tD.h$a0. viete toM.C. lîzabèth Bauer and hushandte 1 nd Dcker, los 23 and 24. block il, Dre>' John Griffith. tract of land lui Lako for ers, subdivision, North Chicago- W- Fores . W. D.$10. . $1. Babieni sud vifte 10W. S. C. D. oea.and vifte 10 Loe Cotant>' PieA' .ceaute6nd 7, Waukegafl lu- State Bank, lot 9. block 7, Wasbburn T' o O ur Custo mi ers eh- vesment subdivision, Waukeg5'i. W. Park. North Chicago. Q. 0. $10.-- __ Vei D. $1. N. C. Kaiptt te Louis. S. Knigbt, to. W .aTIilD te A. pWBaublen, lW.52 lobesli North Chicago. W. D. $10. 62 W hie-Prk W'k " ' C. C. Ulivarde aud vifs 10 Roer>t IBoguknhesDidcamnber 1, we inaupaîated D.II1. 3tel B. 1, Pennock auit vite et ai. tec Drae etsl 1. 2. 7 and 8, block 9 9aS IM u b fl s.H e a«t Sara Pennock, lots 13 1te1I& block iirk & Povei's addition. WankegawL" i"sytnl u ouns.He. 5es . O&Ulad subdivisionl, Waukegma W. W.. D. $10.*ft un8 ,d rk metb & t>. $1. Ptiodcdvt eL R. B. Dixon aind vifs 10 Loua Wn- f migos durve utb.pd onl Wider, lots Il te 16, block 4. Oakland tors, 40%, acres in northvest quarter for es rendeweg. pu subdivislois, Waukegau. W. Il. $1. section 16, Newport towinship. W. Nov. 23. 1917.. N. Tontilnsel t>. 10 Rlom& (Jantle. lots 88 and 4e blok* efle ,11-.H.Bri! 91 at lots 19 and 20). bockiOS, North DeaL ,11.F .Brlt IBM M-- fWlII GARAGE Chicag. Q. . $25.ndit ite te Margaret E. Seblafler. lot ne- Christ Boyechon Br.. et il. toe .A 5 lck3 a'i lglns ihJOHN BeRNARD, Proprietor uibieim, lobets nt .KIersc~-Iand. Park, Deeti$1. 'est dvigion. Libert)'ville. W. t>. $1' Richard Baurobh and ite te Jome. G . B e x u a r d N a h e r a n d v i t e t e L u e l l a p i e J h n a r c f l n n n .' O P'. Hove, tract Of aud la section. 9, pM .JhsC, rctcWînAlNv YN~f ln West kutioch. W. D).$10.562. 14 sectlin 19. Vernon township. W, h~Jy,. H.L M. Gerrard andiWitte 10 L. H. D., $13.'200. 111 Hat Jr., lot 53. Washington Park. IýlUe B. Davis te Mary F .Iust an.] A C. REE Propriietor lid- Wankogan. W. D. $25. 0 IW.WDaitctolndnsein Rutiolph Brunner and vIte 1 WIL aitrc !lndi eto Wilder, trustee, lots 1. te 4, block 1. 10 BIs townschip, Q. C .. 10<. MEMBERS 0F GARAGE#.OWNIER' ASSOCIATION Nixon's addiltioni t0 Oakand slbdilvis, E. L. Harpham ant vifete H0l. L. &1 feet ion. Waukegalt. W. D. $l- F R. Hahel. lob on went sie of îlong 0F ILLINOIS ave.: Pauline Pfa ansd hushandte L»b B sel- Wilder, trustee, lobs 7 to 12, hlock 1 Lake, W. D., $1.500. sud lobs 3, 4, 5 amd 6, hlocb 2, Ng-______________________________ on'B addition 1e Oaklandi subdivision resl Wauukegan. Deetie $1. II< IR AU T MI1W --------------- ______________--------____ iune, Laura Zinngrabe te Frances HoIter -4f.VY S S-- S .08 s o- i cret 15'4 acres; lnnortis haIt sectiOs 29 IIlO M.stAntogers t ahý. t . . w ). 1. IUL.d V V a. S NW I;aa. DAY, IL)MX!EbIIJEK ti,