Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Dec 1917, p. 8

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LIBfTVVITZ I~DRPMDNW!. TlIEfl! ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ _......___.... giving vacation ut the home 01 tbefir parente uit Wsukegun end Mcfleury. F!RAMREVMEW1a ___Leonard London of the Rockford. train. Claesur Loomia ib amimly @pont a inËe namp >$pont 8aurday and Bunday ew duys wlth bis parents, Mllr. and IMre. wIth relatives bOrf..'A Parly vue&@tend" Sidney Loomio,. L4l<l lbrch, Cr. ,red hlm ai the horme -i ie etter, Mr». Frank idolîje vlsited at home L3undaY. kdllibAlMch, Cr. Matlke ilehm, Saturduy eveniug. Wl s lr. Stanger sud son @peut the week- 1 onder If Leunard la swsre that hie <ni îlth bier iii'ter. 1111-e. 8B . Knetdier. M.urriu Wilieuof aCamp Grt-nt, kiîakl unirorm la eo mucb 'admit-ad by lMr. ani irtu.est sud daughosr uni id. pea Suday ithhieparns of othefair melîsuâ,of Fremnt? it-,sumi lre. R. Lyon@ of Oble@«o, agent Wd. mat aislay lthhié!parnta henkiving vili thaîr parents. lir. N«qe»h.l1ores. epeil t theweek-end DL431 M LAaad mma. F. Mitchell. Mis. Kiesi rM vustiieiu $ UAA JL1U ftb.~JmaiDed t4UI Moi is> $Mklew.llsr of teeFort fSherldaz r.iBre Dieu qut.tan w e tt h0* irisnhe wMarmotte. Wl... ilgtd 1 fe"lqg camp.eid ihbue eon e Park Rige ith Perker Bemittansd 1itah frene hwek teia, emniîg 1 nsIrcub e bus laceli bien smiîy ,bsehoohm vog etbis stu or Monda k seulieo. asmecoud Lieutenaint The'Lms' Aid vill meet vith ise"ihers he . b1nhestd o h Kalbl. Drin. msNli nd .julie, Barbares, Thursduly mternoon. 2aev. Hauptfurhrer and fsmilY toot ijluei Brows il lie ain~- Dec.of( 13. ,ipnTbàulmsgviog dinuer vith their children . t1ý o y TheiitsgivIng vîdh lMr@. Drysd Mr. ena Ritrenthaier vas a taller ln w to Chcg, fainlly ~nc Sott ~ Rond lse Tm ny fino fMr- eso ntf ourrg ane day luet week. Itisis wih er istr, . . Iwil lepanYiedsto01ow ei Wdolug f Irma ltittenatbaier epent Thsuksgiving (ýsdywt ersder r. . icle lad t aud the week-end ut bomne. ils. ~ ~ nie 'r "' '"i eîraie M udlr. L. Mather tookin fte *mail daught.-r (fil, i, Lszi,ei hadlMr. nniMr@. Harvey Set-nid, Mr. ir sd etork sot]MonWdJ ay. ndic »il% renîoved Frinday rThe nopera- lirt L.oweliand tMs Wiurietta Loveil lr. ad lokTire W. J. inguer and ictu ir se very 'n essuIaer Thaok@giving. i Jret, r. Tand its.nW.-$ini wthb Yannag (ins Choir so>'ý,ie n eet Wii Frotter of Chicago,. e;ent the,'weeit pan.dmratR(id Ir W.isij itf. e gis Lueite Kuigit. .Fridar, De. . ndait Bb oit. s.raugl r i rbS.I.da iSewth r Bd Payne entertained ber brother titre. M. E l)orau or Ciagsi, le epend- aglr ts h rpSsra le, Mr. and Mir@. tustafso:n and îng the week with Mns. Art Holiand. sud suuday.1 (abicago, over Sunday. S. Loounis Insu becn sonne whist under1 rprse Pardy wae giv'.u Mise Nellie - .--.-- the weatber wif h a bad c old whlch kept laut Wednesday nigt. Ailt oms e a~ ZJIH Ihim namfes daye.1 rd ime cnitom. -MIl pent anulir. Wlsegerber and iamîiy liët for the4 ils svening. Blilansd Ester Mut-ch and Anna Frant city Saturday.1 mi lira. Aibert 1k der @vent 0f Chicago viuîted ibeir Parente boe s v- Mrs. F. Gerberd and daughters vere qlln t Wauconda. er Tbankesgiving. cty vIsitais Bturduy returningSnuduy. qyborne sft wednedy for the . P. .Cart and Emil Smith were Bs1r. Elder-Scbwab viliipreacb Fridu.y nlght her amding a couple weeke vitb rigton callers Mondsy. uit 8 P. s.., beigqorll onosc i, lite. Frant Knigge. Abet Prehna, Fred Shumater and &lac conduct communion service Sifnday Fred Algrlmlt-arn 'Camp tGrent vers igbt. A cordIinvitation tau et. - vistore home aven iunday. The Ladies' Aid wili ment la the chut-ch -i IesDad, f Ciçao a vsltngboe sboisment Thureday afternoon, Doc. 18. ami lire. Ediard Knout and with ber brother, lit-. Dudd, cashier of ire.beAa mldtb saeTatg.n 14 Of Doîmiers Grave. voes lb. aur benk.vihbtfsnlutGyake Mr. sud lir@. Roy Pederan atelhents- msigm o fa Dr. T. L. Kua. P. Yaunmg af the Maple Lealbutât bai glvlng dinner uit A. C. Ri'barde return- tlhbth Bechelt 01 WlIIeSon e bundsi guesle of the Prairie velting lirgborne Friniuy. Q#gMb iîsitaid ber parente Over club, of Chicega, for Turkey dinner On The Vernon Cemtery associution have wàivînu vacutian. TbaukWgving. làrnany useful articles for sale ut the born «IL Ralph Horenbergeruud Ewald postmater Gla. Spun net. of Berrine- of Mirs. MLhughlin ut Hll fDay. m vers ets et a bouse Party aI tan cosed bis summet home bors thie lire; F. Neemar @etit Tbankegiving ewai Bev. F. Bosold et Mannbeim, 1 eet. vlth frIende in the cily. wmel Pl a ti ek-end'.C ijes i.Weetrsd on Dec. lot occurred the deutb of Ors &i Pye erth week-e Ms.BdBnd'urnWalter Prehm took tu the fat stock show Wehrenber. ObturY luter. o baeagtr r.E iga t Cicago Manday. Mir. sund lire. J. P. itteùtbulier and Plit Bruceiline 0f Camp (Grant, HermaitBenshlng bai moved frorn aler fr'atteNorithe otned.rel M. 1 't the houa of lirs. Frent bers ontOt b@ Wtn.Grabberfaro., tibia elne tNrb otfed 1v oi~the ws vsst. . eet. Vu Mm»ha amoving lu the Banptfurbrsî officaei. altira.M dI Thtusa of Hlghlsnd Wew.lssr homas vacaid hliMr. Bsstng. milt4is .adey guete of lMr.e»d Minu Nttis WUilamvigtedrelatives D ATI ITE ~<$paIas e mgmore over Thankagivilns, retut-a- IPIUdIIIU* »lao«th iyeri1esttah" thlIsi*boreTm"ady. DWII¶1Af q bou Tuaaday s'anim. TIw erbaom el ftaitstingtagcet4er S1LYEKTOMD.1 IVI Ir_04rtla 08 Larvr, eSdM M. teom ibrehr aids u ha provîdei 4 lt-as»tIllnéa, 'vis tth e t S a ut-caieegasollasmotc car for I O& -T iA w lb al r 57 sav" M" cf lut pennasu @ir syon IoP. U Z. W. lB.R.5aIL Atther r Blggsbougot enotiet-carlodi ~ la cfChlaonime ofcIdelry cois lle ion., lait îesk, hrlag. Samuel E. Wootley ies at Nia Odd"is N bIês bt W@*eu" bad u o 8o ond.Hom nBe' r.Ra i Fient Not-tble ouai li bis fat-w sait aif WOmo o Wake an hoile.f ars. - râoan a î ol ise r5, uew» thé___ OME OW d~LETR pls e veiggis cf lMr&.W5E4 **lWlre luMous vsbera ____________ Was One of Waukegan Town- t p Ois. IOssvmlmwu fflut Mg. asidMis. Fred S"cim damgh. Stip'a WeI Kn@wn Mn- 11111l. ,tmraof Ilane, .havs bani endi uiea Caflout OatuseDeath, i Làk lyfcb île!teiber u", le, fouda it ab*lotsur'. peiscie 40tol 1Weuoda, ovr théThmes i-, d lid re Hsnery Kuebter ami son WAfkei. tIe. 3. r "W . 6 . of W < antg, sud F. LAsuphier of Çhle.- Samuel E. Woley, on@ o! the best daon.l Fitsch rturasi ta ber go, vers gustse at the' Knsbker homo kuovu raRdante of Wauiea townu lesàgo tant Friday ller hevk»g Thantsgllng., shlP, former tovu collecter of thej a aulmber of vue ts sIlishomeaIf ,LittlJe tenevleve Hluebscb vas serlnueiy tow'nshippsud former supervisai, dladd A ,il Iuite I Friday but la reported ta be tter. d ocokthem rnlng ai s home t>hrads, Mrt. sud lire. R. M. Vent Mis Ane Wirts, visitadInl Chcago 0'o West Belvîdere etreet, a short dis- 8.111tqelrnts M. ted lira. 1. . and Rogers Parktlait veet. tance from the city limite. Hie death1 lai, lira. W. Iilmot and MIse@ lit-. C. Dorier @pent a day Or two vas due la cancer af the fhroat, tbe SK.ys cf Weokecun, und lire. growth baving ppeared In the vocal Po udidaughmter Laurta o! Highlaud vith ber lttIe uew grandson iu Liberty.b. va ieteenm thmo ville the last o! the veek. bx twsJs.svnmnh g luid lire. Ainn Frost of Chicago, Fred Wrtt sufidadughter aoflRogers t>asv hat Mllr. Wootley vas operatai the week-end gueote ut Mlr. sud Pst-t were guete ait the <iÎnedmu Wiriz on in thé Kenssha h9spital by Dr. heu Frost. home Sunday. Cleari-, a spectalfet on cancer, ani 9lirae beile of lHo, ktnrn, îisit.-j Il. (irabte and H. C. Pay ne main.beain D.Aheatr t-suie lait veet. ou the selit l ately. Since that lime ha hâti worn a sil- Ois Almon Roctantacl ol _chaicke, n« tbOUn guett Of ber ps-enu. lit. I lra. Ot-man R)ctenibuch Imt veek. Or. »dud lre. W. a. Kiesî of wilmette. vs ths 8unduy gueeteof Mies Josephine "M"m. MMIre.Mtah Adame sud Lois vers the Wés cf1lt-s.Fred Kimberk aofliavene- ai es eet. - Wa 9omm1 01afCamp Custer, Bttie ÏÀ4 ffleJ, vliied his Parents, lir. und e~ FbilP Rommul ever the veec.end. Mr- Ond liM. EWorge Pettânansd son Wti aMi Mre.aM lire. Ed Johnson ,W0184MO.Io Arthur Dicteneon of Ki& nd4Il lROmuel eutentained ub W8anday evpeg alniIonot- o? ber .90" go iILm8 lire. Jas. Hertel au mai s(nssgo paielrs. là u Çs s Psalag severmi weske $Çiss iQUtola aller ihicit ho top ta lava vhere b. 1wuthmpe sud IssuKatbryn Xon liaiy etLihrtylils. oulb old som, idlMr. bli enI We i a li-s Nelori uni daugîtn-r ien t iii1 ver tube nunia 8tnroat anod ddal i)f Thantealvlmna vanation withItLkeVilla bis breathiug tbrongh ibis tube. 'lh r1port --a- ne -af eatfn î 1-1 -f- h- li. n.duîd lre. n. L. Cbausterliu enter. tainai thein children sud granichldnen aiblit-Ms. Alma Pat-neworth o? Irving Pat-k, Thuradmy. lir@. Stark sud lttie son are making mu exiendai vl i 4 ber parents ln Wisconsin. Mise Bar-led lrslneat-d dMiss Helen Raridng spenli a lev duye st home uni allinisi lhe Bralnerd.Meyet- wediing, Wlrlz Broe. have heen mating exten-! nive Improvernente on their houes by building ev porches and puttina lln a bassinent. Bott Chamberlin bas purtcaei a new Fard. Misses Emma uni Baby Kuebker vers home vlatoathe latter part alte veek. Mrt. and lir@. F. S. i>lph vers Wauta- gan callere fiuday. Thte niant-mage of George Bt-amner uni Mise Lnnis lieyer vas solemulasi ut lb. home oi ,<e brtide'@ parente lu Ar-eu Thantagiving nyiavtev. CarneofficIe. ag. It vas vitiîn.eeed dy about lhirty- Oive people &moat ni tita bolng user relatives. Theyouugn niple havs grown op lan1h"5VIinîranu.i, nilverj popular sud prominsut lb thesg-. n. vot h chut-eh and commuditý> nid everygie jois u hsihst cngetln ns Thor lelt lIaI eveninx fer anunxi-dit-p tit-angh Canada, tb. easd unii, tvmahng. bau, D. C. On their returLiin î.y mIl raide on the groom'@ fatr nean here. if Wus o! anj niewsvaeu0, yen vil Mad Il lu the IUbertyrUle pedut. on NOMi avenue and they livsd tiers a number of yearsatater he relit-s trem buoI»es. Later they moved te the Weelley ft-m on Belvidere Street FuneraI Wednssday utten-noon tram, db. bonns vith hurilin uOsitvood cemétery. LAIE NAVAL SMi Rev,.- Bernard i1. Bell Tgkes a Census of the 16"00 Jack - les at tue Station. 22' PER CENT BAPTISTS. Twenty-One Per Cent Are Cathollca-Many pecrults Are Asking for Bibles. Stiteen thousanni jacke ataf Great Lakes Naval Training station h-ire got religion. Billy Sunday basn't beau working bis hna,,vnnly p ropa- ganda and thare biven't been auy revival meetings, but t hev've got re- lIgion. Rav. Bernard J. Bell, . assistant chap laîn at the station, bas loRen a cen- eus and provai IL. They've gat at least twenty kinds of religian, but al- moat aSU, 96 per- cent, the chaplalu States, bu3ve tome orthoiox bellef, vwhie onîy four ont of oue bundred profeano pardicular craed. 1'weuty- tva per cent are Baptiste, reparte the' chaplaîn: 21 per- cent at-e Romn Cathoîlce; 16 gpir cent are Metbod- tata; 8 per cent are Preshyterlani; 5 pst- cent are cf the cbaplaln's own falth. Eplacopellasis. IMany Asic for Bibles The rest have varions religions, but euougb do prove the Isekles are good boys sud .gvery mother's son aI dhem la lu gooi company. VWhat'q more, the chaplaîn reports, forty out of every hundred a! the baye vho came te the station for training seize for a Bible te carr-y vlth hlm vînen lie 'lu orderaidote go farward for sea duty. licidentally the tensus proves tat teSt eut ef every htindred men thera are coilege usai Packey Biarts. ii-st cie ehtip cook, lu charge of the detentleai ga]- lsy, ha. provei bimsel! a tins W. Wmathioptit, egulufor the thauoaudîl rime. He t-satsi 2M0beys frumi the quai'- tsruaitee-s adbeol do a tw'iey iluner Buaiay bscuuse tlsy bai ta do vt.- ont tbeirs on Thanhagvinh Day he- cbus et cfî5r dintisi vdhlcbkeptthesu from mesalug vilh tse olie t he r-sguler holiday touit. Paeksy stands lUiIr vili ths boys nov ttan evet- belais, mas arasait. qfisuase Prosute Pmcksey baibeen offoeei apromo- tion WUi a tng as chef commi- eaxy sealed n ttbmare psy tIsa h. le gettlag now, but he refuzatdo se. cePtIL Idif b. laelsevaesIn rank, ha %amya, ho IIIno IongeÎ b.Ouana!or Ite boys bimnsîlf and can't set as chief gîeom dspeller for bomeslck recruits. They wouldn't couiide ln e superior pet-son and tell tlei troubles as t bey do to Packay. thaeoook. Ha knos the vay ta thair heurts. Tbat's vby ho cicooses ta stay lu the galley and prepare mess for tbe newdômerts SUEK TO DOUBLE NAVAL STATION IN 19EN AND MATERIAL f nbhi was not the tact. Capt. Moffett Now Pleading rAtter the operation 1; vas neces- Wt W s'ntn ht 1n esarv for fMr. Woolley ta go ta Chl-i Wih*asintBe atEn cago tht-es tImas a veak hera ha largemnent e.rerd neceived radium treatnýent fram Dr' Puaacy, a weIl knovn radium expert FORT SHERIDAN iCIDD ln Chicago. Lter the trips versýGn atrAssfrEtn mande tvicp s waek and Ialely butGe.CrrAssfr xt- once a week. Mr. Woolley bai ba.ýt sive Improvements There- the e.-tire use of bis volce and Itn Big Thngs iR Sight. seemai strauge to his many friands do sea hlm about tova vritiug dovn o FotSheriaansd Guest Laites are what ha cared ta mny to, thern. Hie about 10 to ecame the meet nilportaiti other senees vere as good as aisi establishments a! their kini lun te but ha had absolutely tout entîre use Uilai Statem, if planesnbmltled la of bis vaice. Washington Moudpy arr aepraved. Mr. Woalley vas; born lu Waluke- These plans contemplate-thee 55- gan on Chspei atreet and va., the sou tlantng of tram 50,000 te 60,000 Bol- o! E. B. Woolley. He vas married to diers and sailors at te tva ceuteis, Mai-y E. Hamilton, vbose sintlu4uwitie tbey are atadergolrng training, lau Mr. illam amlto ded ansddte expenditur e et millions Oetddt 1 fai weeks ago iu Nor-th Chicago. lare lu the enlangemeut O!fte B515- Tht-se chili-en vere hbote oMi-. sud tians. Mrs. WoOlley and they ait 11ve ai Wouid Care fot- 30,000. home 11h lIeu- parent&: Milton. El. Capt. Moffett la te father 01 ans izabthsud DEther. plan, ihicitrals for lte doublit Ofe1 Mi-. WoolIey vas a brother a! Mis, lte capacitY O!fte station anidIsh John Powell ef Wauksgau sud hI. trainng o! 30A000 asllors titere. . motter, 74 yeara...cId, la etUI living, Brig. tien. Carder. ohiet of lte miii-1 on tender strt-t*Wanlegen. ia bureau. la the' father of lhe oter,1 j% eam Mu. Woofley rau a fesi vhlitb proposes a>e o!fPort Sherida store ou Waihinigton att-est vhere the au te mobîlization point for lte nov Raull hardware store nov la loctel. it national mliia, vblch lete deob.oai vas hille he vas thsre"tbtho vwu ganlasi for hoe guard dudy sud le eleefeltown collectai sud served a lu rtnht- 24,000 mon. tsrnm< Pl, vmen vere belder kaiow Mwa aBvy tGm plans cf tse amy bn Wgukegan tIa e .dsrlng)&s res- - oiitwlt vit dse of lte navy. (%PL. idence bers. The W0OlU,71ýoe v.' bolfetd swggets lte.use cr part ej Report of the condition of Statt DaU of olCktZurlcb Loeatud et laiteZurich, lStateof ilimoia, belore the cnofeccueî I u&ineýe on the 21et dul of November 1917,an made tu the Audtor of Publie Ateount,, of the 8ste,.of Illinois, purement to Law. RESOURCES 1. Louss Léobeon MW est. ...................................$814.0M000. Lmon c olleàsoe l earty... .....................s àc O*st loms ed dla &..............................68,2827 0O 1 2. virdmab&.... ................................. .., l nit 0" bo ............................. ....... 8,000 00 @fflh, 0007 Madmuelsipul boada .................. 2,478061 Pubrieoro>WBUO bonds-.................5,872 50 Otbe bouda and oevrie.......................2:500 1 fl 1 4. Mi@ullaonsleou295 0 I4,l5 8mkn c. ................ .......................... 7,088 2p Praiatare esudfixtures................................ 690 M Oumvrsom ........... ................... .............. .779 18 5. Dus'fom Daube: Nstlonâi... .............................................. 48.4-112 (12 48,432 <62 6. imhôonBaud: Ourreiicy ;............................................... 8,19j7 0t Gold coin .................... .. ............................. 572 5 flver Mon ............ .........................:............1,078 75- Mînor coin ................................................... 4 77 9. 85! tf02 Total Reeurre ................................................. 141,,641 :1 LIABILITIEb I Capital Stock laid lin..................... ................... soî > 2 surplus l'uînde ............................. ................ 2,:51>0 <> 3 Iiu(livided Protite.. ......... ....... ................1.187h 97 1 ése etrrent intertr,,Pirpei7rfl sand taxe it, rd 896<W.) 1.(142 2s1 4. )epomite: SaviUR8, subect to notice............................ 1().173 5:1 Deinud. oubject tuoceck.................................. 67,99.9 7m .................t.' ...... ....... .... ........ -4,390>.4 ........................................ ............ ... 132,55M 15 Reserved for tazee and lntere@t .......................... 540> Mm Othet labliitiee.ý.................................. ........... 540 8 TotailLinabilitles ....................... .............614 Î 1, 0. W. Dodd, Casbler of the iltuke Bank of Lake Zurichj do u .OISWDIV sier tbat tbhe aboie statement la true to thebobt of my knowisdge and heief. 0. W. Dodd. ('sebler, enith i tir i go atm *saM £ Sun ciii a". Di dut-. tom.k plan le appt-avec byy Secretary Dan. tlIs a rquest vOl b. maie ta Cong- rese forana appropriation for addition- ai lande sud bulidings that yullin- crasse capacity o! theeitalien graatlY. For MillîCenter Gea. Cartei-'s iuggentioit la that Fort Sherian b. usci as a training camp for civilias ergsaniued lunte nov militis, force sud as s quarter- misters supp$y station vhere mulid- lamen viilb. Iseuei Uniforme andi rtles. An Ovsralght. HareI vau eut vsiug idi bhs utotir vIsa P " L tsypasinem us-i, gooomas, mamua, did God iqt: tht ýmia ot ct les,vi itoft wa 4t te lait abaailnig match ai the> Great Laes rifle range Dr. Sophia c'serson. instructar 0f botmny at the Unilversity of Chicago, mdethe hlgh- est civillan score vltb 96,pointe out of a possible 100. She ietartccd* prac- tics laut Auguat. 'THEvgorous, healthy child today 1 needs, good sturdy footWear like the Seiz Waukenphast, Jr - and we don't know of any shoe that compares with it. Corne here and learn why. AUCTON muL Havlng dsclded to quit farmlng, 1I ii1 seilf. t publie auction, en the premisu kngwu as e bHntington faim, 4 miles sait of Wauconds, 1 mileivet of Ollmer &bd 8 mil"e notinseet of Lake Zuric, ont FRII)kY, DECIIB£B 14 191700 saie comnscing et 10 O'ciock sharp:* Tw.s'rY.oNt HBEAU or laveSTocK conitlng of ilbf ean bead of cttie-two foi muter., witb calvea by aide; *ený close-up apringereanmd milliers, oneYserc. iingbeferandone stock bull. Th.eut- tia are ail býýnraed adôti'ell 8iz hee.d ai horses-bsy gelding 6 Years aid, va, 14.00; bey mae 7years cli, il.. 1250; blaek mae 10 ymsrn id, it., 1250;- bey gid ng 4 yersoid, wt., 1200; grey gelding 8 yaeracni, vv, 1150; bel dtivlsg mars 10 jours old. Fory Plymoistié loch ebebs s lsA fuliblociai White [L.bor».. Co»n, DAY. GaAiU-4 tonm of soula ber lau hen. O&tons of 141801117ber la bae. 6aessiuilisdoama»d 6 qes W flodar ea la abusât. 200 hum"le ml,i â0 hbon"i oc *er. M9labu, swhi 0 bu"beà" lest j und mi sca, 20 bhé. potelces. Farmlas uaesry7, Rolow GOoda. Rts.-lIeCormlk cocra biais,, grelabled. or, 8 waelioplowe, 106le. e"ly low. corea belie, sels, 2- bemçh visses, ito dr-ill, 20 grain beg14, gaastméebe" raee, 2 biadiug polea, con. pial,. oulk and welking culT&rtors,roi 7, buggy teckI heater. lght mut wagon, truck wagon wttb Io ema. of ihials suris,, à8tallitcens. cellai, bob aihl bay raes. barrow, 50-»aL. ercîe salnk. 2 seils bevvhrnies, sigsbernes, 2 ineuhatori, 6 perlai aud 6 dlning room chairs. wasblng machine. eldeboard, 2 cook atove, chant bouter, cnpbard. 8 bedsteada, Pe., etc. CPlenty to st and d1rink st noon. INTerms of Se-guof n $10 and under, cash; over tbet arnount a credit o? six micntba viii bc given, onugood bantable note bparing 6 per et i nterest. No properi removed outi fuil settiequeint of liEd. LIZZIE NOMME t.>.. Proprietr.sms. Froelicin &tBIlanck, tuctioneere. the Fort S heridax r ese rvation for the enilargemnent of Great Laites station. This la considered impossible If tien Carters sehemne prevail». Washington dispatchee announcJ' that Ca9t., Moffetts plan fer the en lar9pment af the Great Lakes station vas presented to Rear Admirai Leiith Faliner, chief of the bureau of navi- Cation at the samne time tien. Çartor vas talkng over hies cheme witli Secretary of War Baker.. Admirai for Extension Admirai Palme'r, fthe dIspatcheBs a,. beld an extension of the Great LaiteR station vilI ha Imperative, as therp wIl be tbe necesslty of training thon salids of addltional naval eeamen. The Great I*tes station bas facil1 Ities for 20,000 men. If the expansion OMiare U a pe. The "lait," ois se, W*èt S 5lowl iaI mt hemagla- t-te vaU geatly sut-prisdansd le COW o ut 10 lite driver, "Hniry, my Uun5..iumt* r01 dou't lhlan o," Mid Bse river, Try coldly; "IMit montI gOWAI.UedmeMtfor. dilU belioni the llmstr Flnnîgei jaws o! n neur anchor ft gay v-e ra preai atter It la pinqi. si luntse g, m nd by turulng th. êbuf » S te irav up a vedge betwese Ils.. D 6. 1917. NORTII SIR LUNE The tuick, 0.aveulemat. C9n and Doosomisl wey Us&wes Chisego MaiAit Noah11b oe TIWNS AILY Fréquwit Lécai" Servin Connections wltb "Elsvts" pz prfes freine Iusalantg .ail parte'61 Caleago est etral Str'eet, Evenston. Dlnig Car andi buffet, Parler Car Service SCHICAGO TO MILWAUKEE Round TniP, P.0-flae, 2 heu»e and 40 minutes Save 81.08 On The Round Trip Save $2.08 The ,et way .,Iween E-ae-a ton, V w .,Keniiwortb, Winmtka, Gl.u'. Iaiis. Hiabisnd Park, Fort.dbcrt. Inn, Luake Foret, Naval Sts- MDn.Waukr«an. lion City, Kehooha, Raine and filwau* NORTH SHORE ULNE Lieut. John Phillp Sousa flot ônly Ueut. Col. William V. Judacu, chiet bas lem off, but hees going to ke'(-p of the Arnerican milltary mission to lem off. The noted band m 1fer ait ussaia, who was rePorted >Wednonday cflfled to bis bed in tIl Moraine ta bave conferred wtth the chief of Motel. Highland Park. with a savere 1 the general staff of Rusasa ln regard cold whicb he attribute" to exposiîrat> the embargo on shlpments to Gths renulting tram the parting with .,c.. z, was formerly statlcned la But flot even if he catches pneumoula Milwaukee, in charge of harbor im- will-he bave 'ený hsck. he 4prlared provementa and lightbause couatrue- yesterday. lannels? No. bis wia tion work an Leke Michigsn lnclud- kers. He ehaved oet the famous beard ing Waukegan. AIl of Lieut. COL Jnd- goule dutie. have been ln the engi- <bcod Moery. neering field. He vas eue of Geai. A certa umagistraeswvailua great Gothal a ssistanituanauma ceai- hurrt- tel 10 bis cout, and, haflint ai coiiitiictlOn. a t&Uice. told the drier to tafre hlm ti, MA p st

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