t t"NI (Y. Î 49,-* - Abers lWC l e 1 i .W I40W0M john bWuicMas honLiving ai Local Mote Five Weeks Wltout Working. SEEN PORII4G OVER, MAPS Tela Police Registrtion Cr Was Stolen-Invesigtin Being Conducted John Gsic, au Ausîniu b>' luth. vise sala hobu s29 yeffl cii, bot - féled >'essige, vaWs taUai« tee OW -: ted>' b>' tlicWauketM police Tues- dey afternoon t 5:30 olck Ait tbe Instance of; Paul Williie, secretan>' Of tise Waakegan Chamber o! comulme Suspicion vaw attachai te GAI"k becaune lie iati een taYlngtise t Edmund Halai fer the isat 'Ive vesSal and always seemeai te balve Pleiity moe>'y despîle tise tact tht lie vas net vonkIfli. Fromt ime te tme' lie ,vas epnite pore eigeriy evern Mip. Il vas thouglit possihi>' ho might lie an alleu enemy>' ewingmilita7I>'in- formationsin lg <bviciilt>. Thea police queitiossed Galak t c.1ýiderable length. H said lie vas registened at St. Louis. Me. bua thti bis coat. ,cotJling bis 4e@lttationi ota, iad lessustien. - 1Tise peiçe have p1ced Qi. Mat" te#lfthe ufs 0f-thee proper autis« orites 44à an.~e la-1sboetmg-me le leafli#hietbser ornet b. roAlIr d014 register. GaSiS 'salai that the reason lie bas not-beets vorking lsthal loIol "at, lng tan a position i thlie tenner>'said viii go t<ýo rk ass otise POO' tien proeeu itselacf. He bad ecosuder- all> over $100 iu bis peeketi vhou tiSsu Ito castodY>. Bocauso thse felçv told inch a straiglt tavard star>'tise pllos vete incllai ta belleve' hlm and biouglt it votld lhosuAn ijstce te sola i bm aith ts tati, Onho ase lie vsalvd te return te hua hoteLl.intise meaiitle bis stvr'.vIiihbucbecked ap COIN ON V BY au%. oIR Plan Beîng Followed in Lake and other Counties Recelves a Bump by Brokers. TO FEED IN THE FIELD. T'hat New Is the Plan of Mdany Farmers In County-Stld- ing Cern for ale. f!I LYSUN_ - o- Mu~ od>Ss. Wo.d. Slxty-one Momber of Home I Guards E" nitIlîlînoitS ReserveMilitia. JOE DURKIN FIRST LIEUT. Spinited Flght for Second Lieu- Itenant-ocrPalm iAWIlY Wins the Homo. Thbe Waiskegan Home Guarfli were formally organized TuesdaY Pveinng àt a l*eeting in tbhé court kouise witli thse. tollowlng offeprs being eiiected Io lsead the orvinlastion'ftWch lm to bel»p roteet the home or Waukegan against peseible tresener>' that s$len ememifla may apek to spreftd ovPr the commuipit>': Firgt leu teiet-Jose ph Durkin. Second lietenant-Oscar Palm. The omeiers eleted wili appoint the Other oiffiers who wiil direct the work of the Home Guands. *There vere 62 membera enrollei -Tueeda>' eveiilng and ihe>' tisa e- came real meinhera of the HoMf. (;aard. Man>' mare vere Prisent bul did not enrol-man>' raid thpy would ba ter. It vas der, ted to hold regisiar d4111e escli Taesday evening tui the arsno$ 'on Cousity S treet. The EI.ctie$ Th eu:btIng wsau entbusastkc C4d $nHendee va. eiected althoat 'lie iras, ntet eent 'at the meeting, ¼bain& out or tihe City. Jssdge P. u. Pervons presided as chairman of the meeting and Paul Willis vaiseencetar>'. The eiecttos jdges apPeinted vere ~ Cntinued on Page TWO.) MsS RkCUNE EN. TI3S R39CROSS 'hila Woodmansee famil>' hoîda i qulte a distinction i the stae 4w- caisse tis. toIser and tue sons are ln tise service at the present tinte--sud Mms Woodmansee iz as prend et tise tat as can Se. Tise tact l a tisIrIfyou vere ta goe to tise Woodmanaee homne on North I Gesses.. treet andi Inquire for ltt nIai members. Mns. Woosimaseec venld probibi>' anaver: ,eRlis liere?" >ou mtgbt asic. "Ne; hes gunners mate on tise U. . S. Wyoming," tihe veman vould repi>'. -Weli, la is brother. Maicou, 'in nov?" "No; lies a cu;or sergent lu thp 149tlLFild Atilier>" Dýespmtiing o! speaklng vith tise sons, yon mîglit :2»k for thir father. s.Le.. W. Woodmnsee. Ciicago grain -couales a"reo- "Bry1bt0es 05tw Pr lng vits dlaaver on tise practi" Oft anr>',beutfie nt th evs pur-b tisa formera salting tisoir PortI 0m A. chastnbielulpse, t."wtise cm*pi> a. me&assorfpreservatioS n i s4ii le9'e"se ha'nacon thratein tOeutth pre*of sotedmîbelon as caplain et orainance et FtL cernfro 8 e 1 cets ~isi Sheridan Tuesdi>' and le preparlng eoratro 8 o 18cen# abuhè un 10toliov bis sons te van.",J don the umarket pice. Tise <rSt 1 b telae fWoma ei regaraied as al effort On tise Part Oft Wor te euso o! Woodsentmaen tise grain dealers te terce the bfat.. iîe5shgvn t niemi ors ta tbrov tisir cer n outish srto punlvflationt tUncle Samu, th. falier vhlcls viii resuit lu a dochlalupies. beiisg tise lâaIta go. Mr. Wooadman- Hundrietis of 1*5e counet asmors "e,' won for a score of years an engi- f ame sainat iaI sotîcern althme ieft' on tishe lag North West- vol veathen o! tise lait vsek seriouos -arsiSlt0d Andaitisoe are leftIon 1>' bandlcapped teine atiseir istipkimg. 1>' tise mother -andi hon daugbler, Fl- t Thloseviso sre tn>'lng eut the expert, len. But tise>' vii tell yeu »roudlya ment report satisfaction vitis <be plans. tieit Are gladta keep tise home Arnes1 About ton quarts et sait te the aeer. buii' as "'tieir boys", go _pve theise &Co v agons lead are useai. or <v M op 101ater Bill, <bo kaiser. .oImo.lialf bushele te eicis 1,00 baisels ýqI'iSMCuraI Experts e vetgae. 1.. iMiON S OOI.DISTRICT$ SAFE. Stage tise report vas sent ont tramn Pi'opbei th<at the tforme>n t <al Stiigfeld, Ill., Dec. -Msi sotleg et fis. state bleî os ltlng Schseel dItricts createti aider the <boit Oortern sinco the plan val Ot5Ite"~5ll hiphgis sciool act et 1911,de- ouffpsted ui i1885, andaihave isb-- ase uncenstitablonal b> tise Iii. - *àb u gV~U *oai sucoss, msual, mOi, Stipreme court, ver. ni ab la t<i e:pofta trou ail sections e!tise YOM~e3<fi'vsn thse court dessittia poj 'w ,èi. ha"vitélît ai fereto, Set lu.tt l o reiseerlssg f tise pesis as ________________________lut se' vasadit> efthtie cui'ative, adt Head Nueof County liomitai Retires From Work to En- ter War Service. Mis Giadys XMeCune. uho lias-been isead nurse aItithe Lake cousit>'gosier- l isospital for the past thnee Yeor. ha. revtgsied lier position and left, Ibisa morning vits the Intention ot eniterlng tse Red Cross service. she loft for Chkicgo bea>. Tise iseeptal autluonitles regret, ex- eedingle to lose Miss MeCune as Sse bas preved isergelf a ver>' effi- cient headsnirse. lise Ban sated tisat Miss MeCCaii had recelveai a notice <bat ahe badil been centifieai te enter the Bed Cross wonk andi get ready to «tort for Eu- rope ln accordfice vlsh a previons oifer of services. 5h. tison asked bhat ase le reicasea idt a release for tise time lieisug vas <rentai. 'Miiss W>'etntlien nurse vise bas been et tise bompîtai ton tue mosiths, suoceeda Mie MeCane atutise boni nurse. JANE MOALISTER SCHOOL FOR NURSES WAUKE- GAN, ILLÎNOIS. Jane MoMise ochisoer aurs. of- fers ta young vemen visslsg ta be- cosse proteooa Jauos a syotomnat- le course of <breyearslun<theyvrac- t1ce sad tieor>' et nursing &Whcs s set forfis ln the.Curriculum oethtie Mlinois fitate odea ofeNurse NXufl5 iners. RKQUIRIIMUNTB - Applcante muni bu 19 ygiTs of age, mous al sti assd <004 moral cisaracter au -ust. bave aI toat ene year ln 151gb seseel. Tise liapibal providga scai'd, reom, ilauary aidtext boosio ea mter tise SPrbobn term et tvo itOtis a s a -«PilU inth<ly aliovance wviicis on- -ables stadonts to tel>' upon beIr mms 'lacee. irin tier course. $ond as- We tti e upedottendahsnt, lse-c r*Ise Haitli, WiauevM, iI. ~PjDErp2 fM 6, 1917F. DEAL Robuy At~pOd Robbory MWd Consà%# MCharges Made A r Iiem. SAILOR INMM-OTETWICE. Ab Daed Wft DeaStleflos Junk et Boys., Mal returiied b>' thse tisOO ber Grand JuryI ýHAVE' POUR PÂGES 4.... $1.50 1ER County Clark Hond« and JosePh, OurkJn Wore Respecti-ly 910CIL î 0 Ceptain and Firet Lieutenant of Waukfflnle Home Guardi et 1 ne. m Statemént Shows They y Be Caled Out Wbt-I in a -Few Days. 24-HOUR NOTICES. late Tuesai>'aftotisoouithe presientSoefTes W re enOt term of court vili lie atuPxef0dinigiy Sm fTe eSn u bu.-I one. for not oaly are tIbte ecacs seks Ago>-WiII Send Re- ta lie tried, bcçt <bars are a numbhr mainder of First Quota. n toiller cage,; wbiathave bee placed AijLeO. Youngig en ss saorder on ie trai iii ot ttisterm *of draft malles ti s ubject toe all ()nsf tthe mosi itresttiircales t tei feiret quota. mnay expéelt no- vili ha Ihat et <ie mon echarged vwitisltice vitin thse next few daYs te lie the nobbery o4et IiLP. Bidlnger store t de en n Arit not ice for at Waukegess pAtise attemisteaiob rab- t dv ber>' of the Dt ireat Highland tue ointousmenit at lempDnapt. Rock. Pr.frt Amnot vtei e eo the Michael " aokyadIcjj nIme Wh jeet te aro~e ~eaî lno ey asa u lfçr tise frt tqss& 4- eie Doeiick MgfI, eOsge,15tif1ur 2 sir noteiw" *iii4 means, inlltment w w A.; eemsitted the tht bey'are liabile te W, câlied 0ors. Bîdîner i*bUp<% IOlif ileva, t an>' ime wth bate i o s>' anotice. 7 Frank Stockey a.14 IM !Steeke>' are Borne of lhe Young mens lieahave la charged viftisem tt.shptfd nolier>'k et Hghiaai P.' $ZtOSs RiletheIn notices for tihe tant fev veec Joe Rne andul .101,8Pllvdtq, tegether vnelgbymc . t Mchel C tPf,î l.kStocke>'on« eYwud aete vait ef and I2sInIci' 1M404e. ar eciarged the>' vent ite training.11 wth cOn8PIrsc,ý liuila charged i tis Tiie statement received here front tiîeY teck stolea itih te Chicago and Brigadier Gênerai Kennon at Camp dli pemed of thpe; ýt~ucineie Grant that the nemalniug 34 per ent could fltlie W- M to'1r 1h, aactuai !of the mon neceseary taeniake up tise act of dIspoIngýk tbe gootis the>' fint Quota vili Se callid out befere vere Indlcted toq'Ulytsg forpsed a tha Chrigtmça hollOpys maiens ltels colispirse>' ln i ~qulte Probable tbat score, of Wauke. Frank C. lKit , tbse 17year-eid &auYoungmess llot Pat tier Jinekle from ""1ii i station, must Christmnsa dinners isere. face tvo cisargs U.'resait of the No oeknosvijupt vhen the Ciii Marniage, cerem 1- th silsvich he IIicotaI; but the belief prevailialu Peksed vith race* Seiliagker etfmais>'soareoS tut Itvilii Corne b>'the Zioti Cit>', a 14 ye.4IIT gil. oei lfteestii et tise menth. It la comuld- isiarges are teul> eioa Van p reai quite probable tht the essie i34 1 u3rsi cbaace . lalo. Percent.,iwll'bue rdereda aai t me liva's thurcis. snd f tl5er et.tise <W time lnBtOâd o! mikIng tv Osaité (n tise isse, . vi b 1 . euigdrafts. ultises. to KriIennoIL asserts usat the W. C. licCle-nahais i *b;gad vill reason tise ethers have nettleecacil .isavImsg cmîteia teb1'b" it heouthistore vas tbroagii a lacis set .James Caliuban home s, s. equipsuent. The govirninent evidenti>' Abe bamona la c a 4iithe in. la catchlng up ultis aidera andi 1bl dictmnt vih issDUg ptchiastifrein te juppl>' sodiera more rapidi>'. boya Junk whitflsie>' baialet . Tiss 18 théeiiratfie tsýaîa imuFARRaction T bas eenbr9uhtagalinat ia 1=siua deaer audýit la expéeai tisaI fi.ac- tien ill7llui tg er@ ItelTalN1m XT On te Pat ofjunkdealeimaIlu'tisefu- turc ItiscissudGeorge OShabe SP I< IS E OR are cliarged witis having wobiied tise McCandie store a!ilRd IoS.. -vhile,Beroatsgvlmn edafd 1 Y.h. e.,.. , e~fore rm bnda? me edrfe seid tsstoxicating liquor * vthosut a license John Unger wis undinted *a: cisire o! confidence game lis cotiutton vlth a contc le bail te baud a li.11 for Ra>'mosd Balrstov. Gruat Lakee, Ill., &44. Si-41x*sei hundred iseuare lea àntiu hors tode>' for s1111lsisi4Sx had actuelly bçen uttaeffl byth ds.. osan thbrée. bare*a pars,. eider. md in querantin.s a prseeutiee. $TATE TAX RATE NICHER apmlngfidi, Ill', Oea. 8.-The tate tex comn ots i>'fIxsd tisae it tax rats for 1917 et 50 soue, 10 gets lulgisithfisseuity*aM@ &««t. Tbé rae lt àividÏd ne folievi: Fer gêerusai re- veumi, 875 conte; achoot I.75 cents; Unisvrsty of Illinois, 10 cents; wafsr. wsY, 1.2 cent.> CIIAPPION.PRIZE WINNKRS AT CiCAOO STOCK' £XMPOeT.ION M~e,3 yeons, andi ander 4 yoars1 Won 1>' Mme. Butterfi>', IlYl FArM1 Nfirem,, 1. and untier 2 ear-Weis lu>' merlin Prinuce»s, Dislyn PFansu, WaukefVl ut111 Vanit>' wlbn isni vrté s Eohett' fo ser, vbipatnds? .tieagi culturel xemtfi. be theas'> Aslturlhe ptoieboareadsy? bes uthe medisri esve menapylts tonhe i aSiu btisee.d amen aploytID fobau. ithe bueeral eat f a dri syea.st la le v et et If vaii 15e sysro agis tise eoutea. "arougmtean baIcketetrm.o "Amr ansa atromtsent ps'o offIetoffIciaid a the Ciagotedeaub bufildfI. "Tnhe Che> i saf0eu truilaing.enTboyardtenc ltles. 6giI tr an compnitonsd hep ofted b>' andtropi nv m fermie pithe te trilsaemen ote Plinhes tet tpeets ow werm ianasbac gtiS ov en te n placeans or de baeis mn. ntei lce rd Seecie rftSgga*d "Tlilp mtgist Se vorked vel lirongli a selective draft. Conscription oe monj for !arm banda ls quito possible. Men 1 are gel ng Into tise trencises visOfhisr <bey 1ke il or net. Why nt te tise1 tanms? The necessit>' for tisem tisere la of similar Importance lun niis tise van. For f ood fertise alles muit be producea iIn tis cousntry. Eurapsa fieldisaid laor are dovastated!- fi vas sali that betore tise pla- Ing seagon opens lis tiese ping tise departmelit vîli voit out a more dir. ect means ot utllzlng tise sorie. ress- dered th" le POSteffîcea. Letb f0tise GovOMmt. -Hev mueS mono>' voulai po>'v "Itav mucli mone>' vouliaiyen Pt>' for ralîroai tteketa?" andi "lu viat Istates veulil >'u accept enspie>' ment?" are qustestis aI,mlait pea- sIbi>' Se lett off tise application ilaisks if tise govemimenb docides apen &a s lective draft fer fars, bndO. Pot, it le auggested, Iffis&' arm bandaesM aptier goverisment directiOn, Coir traimportat»n andsaidIpsa, I vii.s a Ato sgverment opaums .tise tatiée aimai ispoal oft11414 Capten Hendee. Rot!dHar, Aged 65, Teis Lo =l Olie t WExpn enme in Chicago. 15 BEFRIZUPD , HERE. Local Police Cive HimLo - ing end Clothlng and Set Position- for Hlm. Robert Harýrls, vue sald. hls ate vae 65, and vbo looked eve?>' bit of It, enteraittbhe Central Police station iat Waukegan about 5:30 o'ciock Qu Tuesday atternoon, and iieultatiisgiy asrced if lie culd bave quarters for thenigbt. It vae easy to e e een that -he- vws nfot the ordinir>ype e!f bobo viso beats hie va>' from Place to place wlth no particular objective vas usai to vorking tMn a Ilving. Tiseisard iuck stor>' lie bld <thé polIce sitoweai <ey vene net muotais en ln the va>' tise>' li aisisd*hi ilarrianild lieolitailniesseeilte save $85 -aidvas eut lookIng for a job as janItor. Hi met a couple of 1eliova 'near tise Flmone police ata- ion tin Chlcago aud findissg they vert quit. jovIal li e eame quite loqui> tous. Tise>' told him the>' knew visere lie coulai <et a: position as Janîto ndsa offereai te take hlm te the Place. Ho val deltglitot. The>' took him ta ttie uppor, part or an apartmelt hlie and entereai a vacant opartsieft. Tiiere tise>' roliled him o! bis mane>' maid overcoat and locking tise door. I.! t hlm. Hie linaîl>' manageti te bitter dovu the dber but was areste b>' tke rpolice vbe bad iseen calleti b>'anot~ ror occupanst of tise building. At 2i police station ho told bis ater ndasa viareieased. Pennuleu hlistison Seat hie va>' te Wauke@an, loiopng to flidverSliane. Tise local police <bis Mming <itted irlmup vibli a suit et cfling and secureui vork ton hie v 'itbsa loal. raliroad, gang, Tise. e' r'me i asmore tisais miatefssi. a *son vue boraon Deooqubr. 3M ito Mr. sud Mns. l'ria* havIi , t 1-L mis P. Erakîne, Fuel Adiulm istrator for Lake CouNtY, Trakes Up With State2 do Ahiinmtor Who t 4, Terms an Unjutibd II crosse ip Pil..01tHard Codl in WaukegsiL. S*U le my oP~n. ig th* etll Ieti.itUs Foo i Apinlturor fer'tiQ rollovinq clos enstMe guml rtb root toit> by iÉs Relimoltu. epiw et 84.1beteeffl r 9 >ssu t a P# .1 n set-e bnd., i4 tre he 'fUsAsq.14 mué t t~~ ~ ~~ eMei"l ie.5 B51,8p lt feoi lielçP.Ukeeé eltr , **bL3 .uur14~tu bave uto'eat e V~i sistaetnida...... *c4 m Itée Cunt ~~eas~ê.i poliocu l...... 7.» .P oaii ean.i t.4lrée,*»01t, low4 coa. P.i% oitu »bingtqbe.D.C, e. 0 k'o Nal lcol. 7o.siténa a"to ;v Ba0liwte te VrCO Of .. 1.13 1* aea efnctie a cf35 ii tb e v coldalea te rie eawacIe ebt mte as teb>' Pffet VS~ 2i tise isiiuso Pi 'AtIsWd- *Sor "The u ase rt>' e t- ceai de laeet th de d prevhicis tishRle P09.P 0OM IlLiet et the actil tson tby P"eetie t * ur4oIw t ecue ot go." Ms.boo prk%,if,. atla teat u~e UR a uc at*làoi tolq~. 1. ýt thecol e»ê Mi gilt b prie iWicisthé ilbswprgs q i tseiraiwbgtisgg a pbaR ' tcti ï- set100 t à*dIo 5sthe oàeo u li0i tise mue bi ititaoS ber.0 I eB. sau sliILf O1 a teetlrUel <U luereus. Ml,*eeb¶r t tis 1 1 $1.50 FER' 1