LIBRTVILLE IfflEPENDENT. cI1MWRDAY. DECEMTBER 13.1917. ____________I -' TER Ob f WAR Overseer Vollva Comments on Developmnenq àThêJ Are IT'S NOT ARMAGEDbON NOW Wllbur Glenn VolivaOVerseer of Zi- on, Sundiy cornuleted on mn rtle whicb appeared li fthe Chllolieraid, and which deait wllt tise Seeond Cool- Ing et Christ. The article vas argm-1 ally printed the l London Chrstian' World anti wap sigued by eight prt- luent lergymen of L>sO-mn thém A. C. Dîxen, George Camipbell! Morgan and Y1. B. Meyer. Theo article wms drawnu ul by the London clergy' mm n luthé enu 61o à a mmfemia. sud1 wa" elbodieti la moen etons. No. 1 ofithe setionsmof the manifes- to rosd: --That the preaent criais pointa ta-I ward thé close of the Urnes of the! N~o. 2 That thé revelation of ouri Lord may lie expecteti at auy moment, wben He wlllli e maulfostoti as oui dentlY &Aste Hia dlmcipleg en theLb.o- enlug of Ha rpsurrectlon. No. 3. That thé completed êhurch '*Il lie lIanglatie& Ce lëIéfoniveir wlit thp Lord. No. 4 That lsrael will ho retoredl to ils own land lu unbellef ,And be at- terwardm couverteti hi thé appéarauce of Christ on ils bbaîf fi. SI. IS 9 TSAR OLD Woe to tas rocks whaut. "alut$ ,major" Jan* Pxwvus. co .1 the "OBoero" at the Houston. Tes, camp. Jan* le tii; youpageut "maor" Sa the Untatst stu. M vaine ber laM itbrtsday.* 011cm ho tayed at ft» MeI eonducted 1>7 Jane's fathS Vibl the. camp was buildéng& for tueunUform. tw fer ber woe la entetfl toelders une veais titiý *oamuatly"eou t u4 WIIAT I AS WC>$ 0F JIFATERINQN TOWN PÀTtLO No. 5. That ail human schemea of îcrcHae lsatdi a reconstruction muaI be,ubsldlary toi Eeti etrIsaldi a thé second coming cf Our Lord, ho- trol Box at Pearcels Cor- causé ail nations -vli hé gubIect te ner Is Missing. "lm rule E No. 6. Thot under thé relan o !POLICEMEN NEED IT BADLY. Christ theré will hé further great ef-' fusion of the Hoiy Spirit on ail flesis. Are Obliaied to Stand In Unpro- No. 7. That the truths ombodiet lu teoted Doorways Dusing Re- tlîls statement are of the utmont prsc-1 cent Zero Weather. tical value lu determinlng Christiani charicctér sud action witb reherence Waukégan, De«, 12. 10 thé pressiug problema of the heur." ý 'hat lias become of thé eleetric COmmc-uing on Section 1 oh the1 héater that wauc Instailed Iu thé police manifeste. Volîva salod: --Wîist tis paf roIliox at Péarces corner last vin- Mtaternent we are In full accord. Jésus ter? salol:'And they shaîl faîl by tise, Thal la thé iquestion that ulgist po- étige of thé avord, sud shal hé led lice are céking 10 figure out as théy awsy captivelluto ail notions: and je- hvrnl tn nuPoetddo rusaiem shaîl hé trotiteu dovu of the wsys Iliroughout thé night vitisout Gentiles, until fthe limés of the Cen- sur placé o oltain varmîli. W~es lié falfliog'.-Luke 21:24. By 'the 1Wheu thé Police patrol boxwvs' lime-s ef thé Gentilés' la meant thaît placed aI thé corner of Washington les-lotI duriug whlch the Goutlues rule and (Genepeé streetci it vas vitjs the over eruslemJude and he Jws îlcae thcaC Policemen who are stationeti ovérJersaln, udo ani té Jws.aIthbat corner eau stand lusdé of Il If l th Perod urig whch he ou t ntra nîghxciand eep wiîtcisover érument of thé whole vontis lagiven tédon tw ures hogi h lnto thé baudsetfthé Centîleo. tedw ongrestrul h "There le no question lu my minci xindow.,, This la rallier a colti lob but tisaI thé Bible fuliy psettles tise bon ihw ethero mr yiinswl question tisati'ise Times of lise Cenbl h-er ak tille' vas te last Preclseiy tva thiou. Thére have been severai sucli nigiss tiuc w inter but up to thé presenl lime sauti ivé huntirét anti tweuty yearm; thé lecîric heater which affordoti the #bsat Ibis period-.lwo theusanti, fivel r!ght policemen sucli comfort laut vin. isundreti andt îenty yéars-is divid titer las not hééen returned te the patrol Into Ivo parts-twe thousanti. ilvehoS. hundred anti thirteen years aI vhich Sa for as knowu theré laemna place limé thé Lord wîli corné for the whére tIis héater la needed more thou saints), anti seven yeams, thé ped lu hia paricular liatrol box for it la turing wviicisstJ-Chrlgt vîlireigu uc,,d more thon any ather pats-el box antiaItishe close ef which tise Lord lu thé clty. More zéro veatiser la not wilcrm bc wt te- rh nfar offant ifilseema Ihat there uaulti glery. Anti thén thé Millenium wili lien more detay lu résteriug tise 6 eat- begin. er If la s"king almostol eemiacioh a "Thé timés of thé GetIes began policémtn toeéxpéot bhlm to stand lu vîihhe cspîlvlîy of Jeioacisin, Thé a nopen doorway lu bsero vesther and worlt's foremet chrenoligiste pace duty requires that théy relnain close the cptivty o Jehinchn inthe 1ar ibIhs parîicular corner. thécspivty h Jheadiin u hé es. ,Wlire's thé heater? 597 B. C. By addiug 1917 le 697, you t'sseha lartre, gSM 2641 . Subîract fromn this 1, lu or e -_____a i l etrnd d er ta cor. -t the addiltion of B C- anti A. . dates, aud yen. havé 2513-or thé ANIMALS WILL NOT ATTACK files,' ndig in 1917. Ths you wyul Creatures f Foret Who -WI uneatn, oa malter on vhIch no Fie. nt i-bi Approsois. Chin's caPtlvJtY at 698 B. C.; but, at venomous suakes, au eccaslcoal oit rnst, tbhe iistiie canuot be more shé-hear, wif h very Young euba, andi thon a few yéars, se0îiîat wé are un- peccary or wild isuvilina sthgtf go doubedl aPPoacing he '0 ho luindroves uuong thé brush ef 'tise doulely ppeacîn tie wois. southaiest, hère la notising, aboIuýte- sant, ive bundret sud tilseeth year y nathlng, lu fle ailci animal Ine tuat ef 'The Timues eft the Gentl..'tise merest chItd ouI alone aftér tank "I blievé that tée present vorîci miecs 10 fear, says a aitner lu thé witi war wlll cUlinaUt.e la thé reviva l î',Iacleî-liia Ledger. Suchla thelit téti ef thé Roman Em~prete formation'i nf man, eugendéred hy lice long use of tof a League of Natiens-.thé ten-nation fireacrinsansd traps afid liefore tisa by tietfedéacyantith&Ilb.atout bowsansd flinI-polnted arrews, or émperr f 1the eaue 0of : Nation rs udhciy pieti wsr ci*s or yull prOve le lie thé Antîcliist epoin eoeugli te sent beurs, wolves ant iCus of eh80oten lu thé Seriplures. siong wltîcthé dater and lessér créa- "Ftor any one le say thlat thé saluts tus-es, scamperbng lu retrest. 1iare lu tise dan as ta thé timé or OUUI untI undi waedmeu déclare Chrit's omin, 11 unX - tht Itla sctually more difficult, as Chrst' colng laum~cniptural. Iu générat Uulug, la come wthin shootlug ail PrebahulitY, thé very month and the distance et a bear thon ilt 15 of déér, very day Of Christ's coming for thé ant Inlumsny sctions this le prorveti by saints le foretolti, the tsct finat thé heqr stîli hlaitIheir "Thé différence bétwéen this val own nftér thé teer havé beén exter- andi thé batllé of Armageid On la sîn- culatet, Ihougli more hunters and lyiis: Thot Ibis wrIf das y oga go eut afler bli enmét tissn hose aPdcil- ,sîgnificance, -marks thé close -_________ of tisé 'Times of thé Centle' sund tise pnogas or net i-m tazoo beginulug of thé fit seven years; !t lma oten aldt ta"Waîlgoc visnej, tsé atte o Arageide. noughi for thé fatherýl@ s tact UInag tweretai e a t thé f sAma eveufor thé on." Tise statesunt 1iaoe YOepaceti il helIclose e& tise BvO rectprocainss awritér. Ih leafegtise Yens- ndIt ihébeaI that Umne hat wheel OU s siopé wiseïe It auUi.k d ~us Chal* 111hireturn *th ie taThé Instant If cesssita O ual *ucis lu cglory anti begin is milieu- gins toe mute town.. Au, withtlbo f4 di- 1 nreiga. vdual. uo vitis cmmint mf 4 chgrelles In a ie prgr- - - -O IS SOON TO BEA HlM ANOTIIER BARE ice Stoleriak of Lincoin Street Proves Veritable Demon ln AttackingSpouse. WIFE IN CRITICAL STATE. Husband Arrested on Wife's Complaint and She Is Taken - Home in Ambulance. That bis wife hati borne bim hre rhildreji andi was soon tulipoome the mother of a tourlb, titi not dter Joé Stelprlait ot 1224 Lincoln aIrée', In Northi Chicago, f rom klclclng lier lu thé tomach, knocling ber down. a&M beating lier severely Tuesaday] Miglit when something wénl wreng lu tisir homne. Thé tact Ibat se lied doné thé béat slip could under very adversecircume;tsncea lun tak- lng care of lier Ulte dock of chiîdren. the tact that lielias net provîded any oo -well for lier, Clip fact tWts tliéy have very lîttIe fuel Iu the boute, anti barely enougli 10 eat or clothe thenselves wth anti that lie po4hi- lly was reponsible for aenme of those conditions, diti not Influence Joe Sf0- lerialcuInuthé léal.wlién lehe ame angry Tuesday niglit snd acleti thé part of a dérnmnIn attacking bis falth- fui wife. The wife alter she liad tuéen se- verely beaten by lier bushaud man- ageci to malce ber way tu thé Nortli Chiago police sýtation wliére she ré- porteti thé attack. Thé police -vent over aud gel lin anti later thé wlf got Into sucli a condition that she was unablé 10 maie lier way home alone. Accortilngly it was nécessary to cal an ambulance and shé ai.s taken to lier home *liere alie la stillInl a véry crItical condition sud waa not able te appear Iu court ibis mornIng wliént lier husband waa arraignéti for a bearing. It laetiectared ber condition le à1111 seriou-c at he présent lime and hefore the case ends ber hus- band may have something moro 10 answer for than merely being disor- derly. When the police arrived at ier homne they tound hre chidren in a very cold house wjth hardly any clothlng on thé-m. It was one of thé most pitiful cases thé-y had seen In North Chicago ln a long time. Pathos was added to the case bec3use of the father and bu.gbanda vICious attac. on the imothér wlCh thle -aubsequent result that she la now iu a vory pré- carious condition. However, Stoleriaks mcther came te bis aid this morning and signed a $500 bond In order that lie migit lie réleased and bé et liberty until Sat- urday wbpnlie lias his hearicca. Huta on Btliits. The early (ierman and Otille dwell- legs were more buts, nmre raised abo, the ground on stlita, andi ouly accessible hi ladders CUke many of tiie housS of Ne oCua t tiheprao- out Umne), snd others reteorbling nmre- what the primitive cabins of Cthe pro- historie Isice dwellers. Their roofs wore low, tliatched wlth conse traw andi reeda, andt Ibre was uually but eue window, fllisup under thesee.. It wsa a long trne before tisomo were duaplaced by more soUd structures. NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN, That the Board of Local Impreve- ments of the City of Northi Chicago, Lake County, Illinois, lias filed a cer- tificate hat the following Improve- ment lias been completed and con- forma substautialiy t0 the réquire- meula of thé original ordinancé for thé construction of thé samne, tO-wit: The construction et a cernent sidé- walk on the Westeriy aide of Green- field avenue from Blgliteenîli Street te Twentleth Street, aIl In the Cityof Northi Chicago, Lakte County, Illinois, the saine being North Chilcago Special Amemment of said court Docitet No. 1& The Board aise certified that the cost theréof and the same éttmated hat la required to pay accrulng Inter- est on bondis andi vouchers issuéti te anticipate thé collection of saidsasesa- ment and make application to sald court te conider anld détermine whetliér or n01 the tacts as statéd la said certificate are true. A liearlng wiIt lie had on tlie said application on thé 31sf day of Décember. A. D. 1917, ai thé hour of Ten o'clock in the fore- noon of said day at the County Court ioom of saad Court In Clip Couuty Court House t Waukegan. In said Lake County. Datéd ai Norhi Chicago, Illinois, Ibis 131h day of Deceauber, A. D. 1917. PETER CHRISTENSEN. FRANK OPEKA, JOSEPH C. MoLEARN, IL C. MEAD, Mem1ers of the Board Of Local lmprovements of thse City of NoitisChicago, lýake, Cowf lUinois. wky, dec 1»-20. rpls .'e1 [iAS- MMLlTARY AIR l'haete ta ometning about Cii Ichaicl colored wool velou.' atrep suit, wi;li ft*-.isart lt0e bat. rcq-t tinn Unes, and il,. many buttojns la soldicnly rowsîv~ii i haugge.î. its veinrrMiglît b.<."il appropri- &te walkiug compan ion fur a Bammy 41bsi i.'edforai Net Then. The maxiM mua : "Put your best foot forwmrd"-but suPPose you are beiug treatbo hi a chiropodist? NOT ICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN, That the Board of Local Improve- ments of the City' of Northi Chicago, Lake CcSnty. lîlInolaf, has fOued a cer- tiflcate that the. folios ing imîcrove- ment lias beau. compifletedl and c)n- forma subtantWaly iii the require-1 menti; of the original ordinanck, for the construction of the sarnie, o-wit: The con&trgctien of a ci ment aide- walk on the Euterly ,idp of Lenos Avenue frott Tenth Street 10 Elevenli Stret ail ln the City of Northi Chica- go, Lake County, the ame being North Chicago Special Aaaesnîent of said court being Decicet No. 11 S. The, Board also certilled that thé cos( thereof andth ie saute estimaied that Is requiréd 10 pay accruing inter- est on bouds,and vot*hérs Issued to anticipaté thé collectIon of raid as- seasment and maie application 10 said court le censiter sud détermine wliethém- or net thé faets as statédu in said certificate are Cruý. A hearlng will be had on thé said application on the 31aI day of December, A. D. 1917. il thé bour of Ten o'cleck In thé fore noon of sald day cul thé County Court moon ot said Court la thée('ounty Court House at Wauiégan in aaid Laie Couuty. Dated ai Northi Chicago, Illinois, thîs lîCli day of Décember, A. D. 1917. PETER CHRISTENSEN, FRANK OPEK.A, JOSEPH C. MeLEARN, E. C. MEAD, .Némber-, of the Board or Local Improvémtents of thé City of North Ciick.Laie Coumty, Illinois. viy. dec. 13-02. .. NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE 18 HBREBY GIV- EN, Thst thé Board of Local Impreve- ments of thé City ah North Chicago, Lake Couuty, Illinois, bas filetI s cer- tificaté that thé foiiowing improve- ment lias héen complee anti con- forma substantialîy 10 the réquire- ments of the original ordinancé for the construction of thé smre, te-witt: Thé construction of a sewér vitîl necéssary manholés anti housé conne- tien fromt a point in an erlsttlug ewer lu the cénter of Elevenîli Street South te a point in the center ef Feurteenth Street, ail lu thé City of Norths Chica- go, Lakte County, Illinoisa, ie garde be- iug Northi Chicago, Spécial As»ess- ment of said court Dociet No. 112. The Board alIse certifiéd hat' thé cost théreof and thé same éstimateti that la réquired 10 pay accrulng in- terécit on bonda and vouchers Issuéti te aticipais thé collection of said as- Iéetament and maké application 10 saiti court 10 t-onsiulér sud détermine whcCher or not the tacts as stated lu sait certilteate are trué . A beariug wilI b hlation thé saiti apphicatlorfon thé 3lat day otfliecembér, A. D. 1917, at thé hour of Tén o'clock lu thé fore- noon of sait day ai thé County Court roon of sald Court in thé CoiutY Court Houai- aI Waukegan, In sait Lake l'outl . Dated at Northi Chicago, Illinois, Ibis 111h day of Decémber, A. D. 1917. PETER CHRISTENSEN, FRANK OPEKA J1OSEPH C. MeLEAIIN. E. C. MEAD. Mendiers ot thé Bocard of Local Improvenkents of thé lilY of Norths Chicago, Lake Ceunty, Illinois. wky. dec. 13-20, I IUE UNIVERSAL CA* -THE DEMANDS 0F WAR COMPEL, THE FORD MOTOR CO, TO CUT PRODUCTION 0F CARS There will be very few if any new passenger cars for sale by next %sprmg. In any event thery will be bard to get and cost more. On Our Sp ring Dellvery Easy Pay Plan- $45-- Down, $8 a Week We Buy Your Car Now at Present Prices and Thus Assure, You of Delivery and Low Price Wil son & Ohm Ford Agency Genesee Street Bridge Waukega,Illinoi - - - - - - - - - - ~z=Safeguarded Invest ments= A RE your dollars WORKEftS or LOAFERS? Money that isî't profitahly invested i, like grain that isn't planted. It brings no returns. Look back into the history of practically every great fortune and you'I1 find that it was atarted by a good in'veit- ment that paid big returns. Fa-erv man or %woman %vith nîoncy should Seek te niche that money carn money. Jay Gould once said that $100 invested in the righî thing at thé righlim ine would earn as much as s man steadily enployed. You should profit by that round advice. Ir is otîw business te advise investors WHERE and HOW te in- vest where their money can carn a maximum of profit with a max- imum of safety. Let us tell yo-a about our plan. Brokerage Department The Securities Trust Co. qîlotes pricca on listcd rnqd unlisted stocks and bonds. Wc invite inquiry whçther you want te buy or sel!. WVe can often save Non money on the invesîment yoî wish te niake. If you have non-dividend-paying stocks write for otîr plan for exchanging them for stocks that are paying dividenids. Underwriting De'partment WeV rigidly scruîinizc and careftîlly investigate corporations that apply to us for our financial services. They have to pasa A-1 is oui' cîamination before ave undertake 10 present their securities for investment. When one passes the test wc conîract for the sale oi it securities. This typc of investment-avhen sotind ai<d well man- aged-is %what Jay Gould ifluded te as "The right thing at the right ime." How, to Buy Securities Yoti can buy secîîrities through the Securities Trust Company either for cash or on easy payments. We niake a nioderate charge for carrying the stocks aie boy for you on the <leferncd pay- nment plan and you izet thc bencfit of ail distributions of dividends, bonuses, etc.-, Il cile liy île ci npan icI ilc avh ch y.'on hold Ibis stock froni the day wo record your firEt payment. Let us tcll yoi nmore about Iblis plan. Two Unusual Investment EOppgrtunities WVî have aI prî.n.ctii ulTfr Cw e specicchly attractive ivéstnent cî P11 Ilicue offer unusussl prefi possihlities.TI, amîîînt of stocck i10 crbi- l limitid -il D(i No-r DELAY. Ask fr mir Ut-BEll B Securities Trust Company 122 Souths Michigan Boulevard CIIICAGO. ILL. Ycu Canc n c7ie Coupon in Writansg S.-cîrities Trust Com-rpaiiy 1 2Soutît Michigan Bticr.,arà Chicago, 11t. oPli-a.e .end mé AT ON L3. oer specîal OFFER am vol uuir ca,;hl or pîrnerit plan 01 liuyiug and oei *.ia idb nd,. h ci agread and endleçstoo4 "Is Srcju1t c inno u ay obIig':cs rme. n -1 . ,téa