LI2BERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1917. lE nacessar>' getion hy uh athèse standard scales and mensures aitould I be purchaseti. TojEWhat the Law le. i j~>.s. That lte state law gvrtgthea s weihte-ea£urs 18a avery dftijatc erre la shown b> te Qu"ttiong of the"s1 two paragraphes fromtlthe state I&V State Law Giveinng ights govecIng saine, showing as they d wd WeaUmesjVery1>rs- ttratite- uny cler in laabsoltellIy holdn I th. mtte ofwatching thte tic in ltis SoP agt nimesrs !lt 010 16. Every county clark Whto negiects LIA BLE FOR EQJIIPMENT. te have the standards marier bis charge compareti andi maueti asreoutreti by Law ProvidW e , ieIs Am eble Acor:051lc0ts te keepthsan to Fine jfsh lO@t H fers any et tin, titrough lits neglpct, Loes Ap~ate bs.est 1., tiamsged or tiestroyeti. hl fartait te te coutty iot lems tItan Moro dulies andi rasponiblitiss arae»000 nor more thrait $20000 ho ha belng heapeti opon ouly Super- recovered bafore an>' justice of the La-w A. Hendpe». flcently bq weve peace or ether court of compétent mir- notice that h the lite Scia n0o. jadictionbInte county. ler of dynamite suad ethel' .*poslvena; 17. The State sealer or the sealIer tire he uetlunepentUs or bnd.or Inspecter of seiglila anti measuresi Ihatha uatissu panila fo bad-of an>' count>', rît> or other municipal ling threa,. lac, corporation In this Stale shall have the And now lte 4ePartmen~t of traite power anti authority te seize and :O]4 andi eommerce of Mi».i, W. H. Stand for use am evîdencp In any nuit brougitt being » notfied lint auder te statates of Ii;stPate o un-* baln ulannn5 as otilat hl liaider any ordInanceà or by-law of a muni- anid tho uhunt>' bord that Ir la up te cipal corporation of thlei StaLte any th@ board te0 prevîde hlm wth te short messure. or fauli>' or tncorrect standard weighta ànd measures witera- welght, arale or other Instrument useti by ha will 0" tirt al il velgita and for wlghing or measuring. or auy mensures cf the cut ara not ouI of commodit>' or articl4 of merch andine C4in> soldf, offered or eXposet fre sale. which Plombi. *Here lit the letter whlch la of lasa wlgbt or mecasure titsnlit lm C'iairman Kirchnear anti Mr. Hentiee represanteti te ha y he(h ventior, b15 rPcaflved bearlng on Itis sublact: agent or emploype. Sucit short mens -Thé' fiftleth Renaral assembly, ad. are, faulty or Incorrect welght, scale, Journing June 20. 1917. b>' j" op- or other Instrument used for welgilfl proved June 26, 1917, transferredtheit or megsua'ing, or surit commodit>' 0f adminstration of' the la-w reggrding article oS mercitandise (except pariait- wlghts anti mpeures te titi depart- able commodltles or articles whitcit ment. sjhal, have become oS no value) sitail 8lnce Jl>'1, lte departiment ban ba i'5l0*sed andi returnedte 1 the owner been engageS In te rreparaion of thisreof, If no sui t againat macht owner mnatarial anti data anti tae scumulal la comumencer! wwkin ton days from lng of apîtaratta th@liensd ta t e the date of pucit seizure . Any surit law na>' be- matie mors affectviv omeuIer or Inspecter cf weights anti the state thaa iteretofore, deemng Ir meaures wbo sitaltmaire any such espaclal>' necesa&rY tiuring tlesre selaure shall net1 ho hable te the owfl ittrensful limes wien te@ prico or o r of te property seizeti for damages dînai-y npresaitîsa of lite are ne high causeti by auch aizuie ln an>' case Section 13 OS Iis la-w, as amended wltere in fart any surit messume selied provides as folva:s la short, or reas>onahie groundis axial The Counti' ClerIt of eaci court- for bellevltng Ir se te bc; or any Iy shall belte sealar of weightls weight. seulaeor othier instrument used jand meastures for te S t anti for weighing ln aSul>' or Incorrect, or shahl have te cmand mtoty reasonable gronds exit for belevitsî of te County glandtartia. He. aial fsta10be; or an>' suci acale wegitl Procure, et te e aenseof the or measure, or any rommodIt>' or arti- ccuni>', when suthorlzai by th. cIe, oSinierchandise is of les wegit coutl>boardSand fnt alrendy proor measurg tietnitls ~repraaented, or vided, a ful net ofstandar-d reasonable grountis ezial for hlieving - wigitîs sud. nesures. acaes and Irlnoae 1 h. Upon te conviction of te bealns. which heabshai cause te lie defenantn the ecomrt-shaill ausit any tiler!, protiet an tiseaflaib>' the scahe. weiglitl or moasure In respect OaecrelarY or stare as iteraînitefora uhoreof the defentiant stands convict Provideti. ed, and whicin remaina In te pases- Thte tieîarlmont lm rontînuaîîy ra smien or under thé, rontrol efthlie prose- ceîvîng requesîs fie mvarloiseson a cter or sealar, te ba destroyati. ever te tate.asaking what nia>' h done lowartis a baller enforcement r tl a anti wa have referretidtm *Nrh h ca o ta their respective Couny l>' lr, vtoi * o are the counly seiers. A ltter OS titis saune general citarae I-HOME GUAROS FORMEb. ter la bcbng sent In titis mail t0 Vour At te reguilar meeting of the Proc count>' clerk. btlte enitit.ât cosoIIU'5 reas Club Tuestia>'evening it l vs- ilnwtY bar other yeSi ma>(lfStei vted le erganize a company of iheme havuntbaredoSyouroOnt(idlthe- .rtis andt ttarrange with te Naval thavle y1 telroaycueiaIaereon) te au 1Station tehave tent end a diul ihoîzeyoutaprouraa et of tand.- master itere. Titis in a aiepbI lte ard we'Igitl andi maeurs« ocalOes ant ight diracîtioit Ial Northt Chicago beama'1. wbicit, witan Obtanei. sitoulti bas been contemplatlng for . soute ha sent to titis deportment te ha trieti, lime. The tact taI lita Progreas PrOveti anti sealeti asrequl-ad b>' law. Club la bahindthie movement assures Ttan lies fti co thaoficaIlis aucces. Many men have already elan4'ds ! ll~ cotnly.signiflati their intention of joluing t( If favorable acion l atha y te ema> nii a ott oSttt boardi alona- Iis lina, ail purchases atoiu rad Il hall. ett ohoulti be matie iubjecl 10alite test glv adtru e rl al en 10 samre b> titis department. in Aite te Closee ofIhe business session othe wods.If eigts nd easrestheelaclion of efficers wae helti wilh areth er vortis.if egti ti as ures te following rthitl: Preaident. Dr. aureaslepcitasne i uthe iutp a- U.B.JolIe>' t0 succeat i lnself; vice puitaeset rntiontauoniei pas - ypresident. Max Pryzborski; Secretars-, ibisgd(hartuet.rqrTi10 b. artetb>'William Waters: Treasurer. H. O ths tireptent. Titis tepatan ot basThoinpson -sud Trustee William muni thtie sarne as yen will ra<luire. Schuman, le sucreeti C. W. Wa<ter for $187. who lias moveti out of town. May nettheefor seure our The club broke one of ts rides Ir hearti' co-eperatlon. 4othelieandti lt the election or Dr. Jellay fer a sec- Your counîy. If n01 alreati> equippeti, onuti tme in succession, but Il was the may take tite necpgnry stops for 50w wistof theu Club, as ha has matie dohng aetlite Daember meeting of lte one of te mont popular présîianris counli' board; anti vi the it oulfit la te club bas evar hai. io secureti. taIttis tiopaftonlanti ROYAL NIGHSOR8 ELECT. 3ourself may c"-perata in, o Sta a it la possible Ili an effebgvs atîmînis- At te annual alectien of offilcera oS tralion eofte law. te Royal Neihbors te folowtng Jit wht muse-i Do? ladies were put ho charge for te cor- hOIlOUwng te Introduction oSfte log ear: Oracle, Mrs. Clama Titomp- latter an th ie commalrlit at oî}ow son; Vice oracle, Minnie Niabaus, ei, te isoar& vas consiierably par. Chtancellor, Mrs. Bullerfiaiti; Record-. pleS as la litI vit Mr. Hendee's or, Cara Watters, Raeiver, eMagie doutes woulti ha The menrbers won.Qartîe>'. Marellea), laîherne Draty, tiered uIft voulti b. neoseuary for hlm Inner sentinel, Nancy Hiyde; Otr te tairete vaigitta and rniassuras îteSenlinol, Gien Eitnet: Musiclan, Mer variants poInto 4 ýi*ogiot'theuau.-cetes Neaitous, Pitysician. Dr. 1 . 0 îy vitere someitOdti> lgIt vîit tsir JolIe>' ;Manager, Mis. Gus Schimanl. smules or meassies leste4L Thora e a diversion o! opinion de vtelihteýr1 T. H. MdKnnei- wa&a sChiciago vis- Il would be necessryfor hlm 1tio de t rîdla' tilott i Ilsathe.,American section of lte towen. AItlthe Politsh ool a lue Itihy md istered 167. At the Eiaenburg andi Central scitool togPther 1063 w-"r rogistered andi ai tht-South z,-hool 12, making 276 ln ail. When we tak- Into COflideration the fa-ct ti a nvern- large number froin here reglsteres In Waulcegan a few weeks ago ail ffel troud of the showing o! cmr il-. Lie town. . Just the numher that regi-.î.retli n Waukegan from livr e ,idt t1, ie-arned, butif these, colid lbnlde to te 275 we fet-i a lin. showng would be madie. Great cradit la due NIrs. Rose Nel 'ton who han had eharg. uof the woric here and wlth ber bis b -n 'omp ablp afisinaAitti. Thé Store for lien m Little Me n m 'CaTies ' Ille stre itW a colfipeie fille of Ni jzwcai We sue smiing Ailthe new ec 1 t îîîd ~stes sk to seethe iiew ru4lber li.ned tie. 50c to -52.50 IIeavy fece ined foi- street anîd auto ij(ý Dress g1ov es in grey alîd tauî kid, uîîlined, or 'slk lined silk gloVes in aIl colors. $1 .25 to $Sc flflflflfiflfl.fl.sflsflflflflflfl. ~- - *flflnsenflfl.fl. Smoking Jachets Y1 willî1 find thein lien iii ail sîziii grey, brown and greenu îmixtures. Thcst' Jackets are 1,1 sit' at a wvhîmIsac- price-, $4098 Muf flers Silk knitted and fibre 8ilks inî ail the new eoloî- combin..t jous; the' îew idc stripe von wvil1 find at Our store'. $1.50 $&350 Slippers Don't w'orry about what yen caîî get for rnother, father, brother, sister or sw-ethcart for a gift, Just coine in and lbok itmî UUUllffl w - of Iî'atlier and fel pers and you wiIl find just thtv kinds and waîîted. Prices- S»cto $3,. t.t.I ime elt slip- c olors Sweaters We bave theutnu in al t Il t' coîhîî-r lU n ilt. ~tr-ipes. p l ail1hi tlasli sti-ipes witlh uapl te mlatech. Foi, butys we lhave theniin 1it Ianda1 blaek anîd tîlaiugi' Jer- t'se 11 i iniaors. $2 to '$12e50 At lthe Southt echool NMrs. Carl led- ding and tiyr Audrey IjIeli, At the Zell anti Mrm WiIISchuman. At th, (entrai srhoul MrsJohn 1Hale, Mrs. Elmenburg store M rs. MsKinney. Nl- Irenp anti Mabel Coýýk. rs.l'anbiriu antiMrm. DeYoP. North Chicago la proiio!fh.-î la triotie wompn ai the lioly Rosa' v tciool where the big registrattun Oas made. Thte following ladies ha.d charge: Mrs. be and Max Przybors'il. Nîrs. îei'.pak and Mrs. HyskiItz. North Chicago houa. ni,- weather Sunday. I l I was 2 above al noon whlch was the walnipst it got al] day. Th e mbiers of the Progrosa Clulb are diseussing te question o!f fxing ther club bouse up for lte jackies. Trhe members feel that tht-y are flot doing murh for thte boys anti are will- FlaîîiniSý'le1ing C(irncnts kiîîds inî strilîts anîd figures- Ing to let them have lte tuse of tir litIle club bouse Ir satisfai-tory Ar- rangements cao ha madtie b et mj,'m one te take care of Il. Mr. Martlin of Lakte Bluffif lao,,en- log a restiursot in lte old bank at the corner or State and 18th streets. He ls puttIng in a full new Une of furnlturp and Intentis te rnra afirst clase place. 9 fai 85C to $3050 Shirts We are showiîîg a iiew fine of both soft and laundered ciff shirts; also vornplete line of silks- $I.25 to. $7.e5O Lounging Robes Wc aire showing a eomiplete lhue of flgîîred patternls iii a number of celort eormbinations in ail sizcs- $4,98 to$1 Overcoats g& Suits. 1 Wliv "',ot a Suit or Over-' - '~ ~ - cot fi'r the boy or dad- - dy? JVÉt the thing for - a w-î-iiie gift. We ir havec thce.î in ail the new styles wijtY pineh back or beit al around. Open Every Evening Until Christmas *5S*** t B11k and -Linon in white and fancy pat- t çrns ini Xmesboxes. HO8IBRY. Bi1k Lisle and 8111Efer Men and Wofien inXma8 Box.8 ------------------------------ in, 1 LIBERTYVILLE lNDEPENDENT, THUMDAY, DECEMBER 13,191 1 U