........ ades, of the Roi y Roman Empire, of Maria Teea rzatcb, -Francisa Joseph anld tfie rest, what a lu for ,own .1 1e! esterday indepexident, the mWs =-, = !naetone-, today the white slave of Ger- IThat is. the present ' 8itidfi PreSident Wilson'. bp uüs t: AS rafInaY, and the faets sus- m%*isbsgtbp ema«»a,»l stâteuout apaa,à. ri" y frl.dly b lte aUe, for an O pt.. 4 areacc y 0" 0 ~ qit.a cmplmt to O aounts lr e Ot ohm QM e~TRier lob upada ffst t*a dmi te m« w usced. u3 aeo qat ae .atet oCuntCer e omme ba o a w 'aseefro toue t" U wu aVet zId luith ,"dm5 or i u-iie, la tU1I~u **m= «iNGE. g Ot iebemut -vis. choi.Wusae, & adMe iwtth*agoMd orp o fle omthon*ghei à ait msua sla -ge t Ob bquld b. lunaàboùu tRe W*ga. lt oy0 nuMbeoMrolledat thie tbcA cme csaoth;lp b% ,iRS be ie oehun corneam btai Iipüvb4beas bd0 foe It, a dw* Morrivuatt iMffula plan- Report of the Conditon of àot ietvvilein te t .e o f Innis. st tm 190»of etba. N oomr 2.197 a. &A A I ~ s d nu .............h... .......... . u es e.ig t5lqm ueamanedilSt er M sud 4 vt entriuiai - e, M ...... ....* .... .... ....... .... *m7i boui »du leMunPO esin ......... ........... 7.ee..i (aie mieasksl . .*" *-** ......... ..............'n 9 ................iaeus ..... ........................ .......... ................egme gousjusi su ........ I I di....-2ý» 4 ARE TO MAICE CULTURES. Theu. eIù1U BeTakon Mofiay and Cfildren Wtt Stay HOMe fr a FewDays WI MJKRGÀN. DMIO7. Fviol1>g tie breellasg out 0f sors cansetodiihciaý, tva eai iîcae resltedl a degil. City l'hiplcI.. V. Poloy today t1005 activesoptae t prerent a more generel epiduMa ifCf the <ieses. Ai or the caseapgea to h. traeeable te the room at Ibm Au- drew Cadi.echeool vblch la taugbî by mi"es Foulard. Dr. Troley bas sent te Chcago for a large sspply or culture tubes vblcb are expected ta arire thi s atternoon. N'ext Monday ho wIll go ta the Andrev Coolie ochool and vill take a Culture tram th. throat ai each pupil la Miss Follard'. room. NIe vîll tabe cultures algo ironi those who have beau ex- psed ta thae chlldren 'who have the disease. 'Phase culture tubes vill b. sent ta a laboratory lan(Chicago, vhere they vil ho dereloped. In the Mesn- time the cblldreaa ln Miss Folllesd's tonnm wll ho sent home. Whoas the reporte tram the cultures coae back lb. city physIcien ,lfl permît tbose cblidren wha show negatIve resulte te returas ta achoal. hIn qs ee here tb rs am positive resuIte anti.dPhth* üria rerum will b. admlniuterod. TPh.Ittîs Paeacblld of 410 Ravine aVenue as on. of ths Oirsitaecoitract the ditnease. Bruno IMI ofa!716 South tîca treet la another vilin. .Harold Berg. 9-year-ald son o! Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg of 417 Marion gtreet. <ied of the disease. Hiafise1- I 'r. Mary, who 5)3 hatIse .disease. attended the Cooke school la Mis& l"olllard's roon. Thl'h. 1111Amnschlld of Dugdale rond <ied o! the <lisae sud it le b.- lleved thît an aIder slalom, who la la Mies 'Folllurd'a rocin, c..ried the dis. case ta, hlm. The latent caue to devéIap la that of little Catherine Smith. 9-year.ald daughter ai Mr. and lin, Thomas grolth ai 312 South Sheridan raad. Thon are, ons or twa allerdce o!, the -sa i<lases la the clt3' haitup ta the presnaitiUms they have nol beeu traeed ta the C»ook sebooil MMONTOSIMNDOT Aul Mon of Draft Ago Hero w in Recolve Blanks Immedlat*t Aftor Dooember 1&~ MANY ARE EtLisTiNO N ow. Long String of Mon Are Ap- plyNg ai Naval Staton- Bar Ane Let Down. 'Ph. Wuukogen exemption board 10. day reciveq ooples of the question. airso whicb ayre tao esent out ta thre 3,803 moen vio reffistered for 4 the draft ber. vit lbhe exception of the 192 ia a seady Are aerving ut Camp Girent, E.ekîerd These qpeetonales are bela; ad- dreeeed and viii be sent out to, Was. basa youfflaien lmmdstely star thse 151ho! Decnher. 'Bach mamnle reqallred t10.in1e .quetions vhlch spply ta bis particular case. Tise qaestlanalro IbeuMmail Se returaed to the exemnpton hoa*wbre It viii ho useinladtsamlnpg the cisseil- eatlon 0f geci usan. la the -ont 1,500 mon exazitet oeuro Wszr'ea's quta et 30 mcm mayver.e em" teSor ce toin or, aie'. XY5der tie aeYr îeats lbmic sm et amleor thc qaewci 41 tie4mumlasim d o oaS .d 'ta toitr pdloucfau.twsae MarrieSmmieauvt desesds me in f«laelàsp mus 0lila ' Ilc ttis e icmcm la tlifa e mase Iv II le dwawa. 'ummetel un .0150 depuels en se lifa lise Ms Madvin b *"a*t l Aile Deset sier »» , 155 f.hl- mmsa v r«00e ' bav eln e *e loeiW" %0 ' vlumtàstI. ,la . meSttm stb. la» bare o NB&W leva ag4 aieMme allovudta sellaI rogams' atiese tthlaitish""Y bavlre mi«41Ia&Tisa r«ulta a Imsus re t amms re lisci 'tgai tiseW aevsi ltf any, sailotblufa thse scrime.Itl lau tilt seveisi irom lueue m4itt. eis. h .t tosas lion rus ~pmb meaWoed by &aI ie for~ ~ ~ ~ t tbyssvillgt ecel,. aujy AIIb0RIIIl as bien'voiry cold thie vml ias eM Uwm oatgsielem of- thé maboul ha5 pm'ed very s»W&femory. Tbebstldalsvry omitortbliset aul glus. .Mah'morelug t Ue vbols boaS. bus system w»vas npeûtod sud vas tound ta be ln exewbiit Co adîf [on. -, The editorte staff aiuonnoeha @Dapehnie. lobe., cartoons, #te., bi begnconusla. If icu havesi goad susPebot or knpr a good loke baid Ibem In. Don't torget thal tb. staff le auxlong for aid lb. suggestios possible The regeler edîtor le Ili et Ibis vrlting but weotrust thet the vil) b. bacs lu sehool soou, bul judging by tbe ability of thmie %Uigle editore vs do noltsamr that th. golummas vii drop esber la quanltyq or quality. NiasAlla bas Chargeof thebm rrango- meut of lb. llbrsry, as vo«bavee mane uew shelves la the rear of tbe asosanbly roorn.-Aà'm'y cômplet. mystem iletW b. arrsngod Imegai oonaspoeeible 50 lbat erory boo0k eau b. amcuncod for ati ».v simeé and tU»rs ii ho no daner aofblm ln cees on. oie needs a book sud, le unabls la Sud 1%. Soins ver>lus vomisls seing <0.4 la lhe sirls' ph""sceltrlalgclasmTiml ars twa aaesm which mMstvlqw maCh wesis.It la boWodtuat vs w111b. aile thse viek mil year. Thie 1'*be type of edascalos vbinh vo luI simili b. yeaw every girl wyUl ho asked lataseab hflut Io lears, 01 physisaleatsi Wheatiie ladom St ill ualetClail bard for us ta point out tise effecte of ihe Conu. Wu take notIce that the accIdentai N Asbmead of last Frlday dome aot keep hlm ra oin smIlng aI ibm îrle se blaasdly as mueal. Bien Ia notod for hie @[ile.-ï Studeat Cauncîl met Prlday nlght at &iero maasy arguments lb.> deMldd ta worb outias steem ouch as Highlansd Park bas, that le ehat thora yulb. ha seanclar placd lu hall auteide, of each esesrbly halldaar. No oas eau Vas through corridor wîthonl a paeuvhib the toucher la charge of main raam i<lys stodeats. This (are hope) vili maire au end ta ail confusion la the hall, aMd baiser moam. 'The coasîcl hop«e taput thle ln seetthlouelasoai Iis vesisor drsi àt nezî. Adfret aid kit bas arlvsd soIf you m vanunoevlitb hie haid baudagei to bis elbav jon may tsoer b.> are practlclng on hlm. A coures la firai &id sncb as homne nursery. handaglng, etc., vîlI b. conducted b>i Mise Jacksosnaune mseeeer. ldany studeit sec planning on tublag Il If they cman arrange tbelr course. Tihe SenIors are golng t u tertiin, lhe sinden ts sud facnlty at Itmhe BI party erer givon (la.s.a>) on tb.e veulng of Doember 201h. A campalgu for sesof Red Cross ma hue bie tarted ab achoal. ach clama hau two persoastu, mIl'tisen ad tise clame vhlcb sellemontaityli rocelve a banner. Hamore are llosllng about coutiauaïy op st ochool. But the latent aid but' "The Faculty are thiublng ai living a party for studieas.", The Phystes 0clame svbes the l mille Tueediy bu, sepulles, etc.71"A ais trip ou tech a cou day." A uev roadlug gable auvlved op el mcbaal. II. vsry sulic l &U althb latent magasine. Bntaise naoua vho Ruds a D blddea sway on bis repoiS card au be allovsd to rrend st table Sa oreryans vake op aMd iry tol gmt a C a oea on ereadthlie latet. 1 Basket Bail Gae à t'rlday eving, De. 7, vas au avat. fnl nlght for L. T. IR. 8. Autloah Yova- shlp High b"holeau. told be.yvill vith ite basketl bail eqwAd reie. uisee lasg to add tIv otd. s ssm la liser colletion. but siows agSlet Ibuirc: put&"%o. tiA.My Nts owgles. off 9bir 1 has L. T. S. lu thse ireti d,éo éema g "le il. . H-lm Imm"8 tee m as forr alle e ueq ék*j m ib ama L T. 0. &-14 ft pS TsIN* PaS gSHofrverd......1 0O 1i0'O MsOsO,ftosvard...... .. a 5 O 0 rJsmataw..... .... 0 O O a A*iongurd . O O.....00 1 i Tot&eg.... ... O 1 8 1 Uehi voud...-..... O O O 4 . rd .... 0 0 1 ~Io~pr 1 I 2 2, R .......1 0 00 4...... 01 192 .rd- .......... O 0 O .0 0 1 î e-. OO; ..00 0, 0 luait vs 9l et"r tbu 4 @ rai alp&ma* 18 aiL? ..16 point%; Mos - e tise hearig supportof bis icI. teemmaen thmougolil'»sare la lm .4moaus.. of *c vmineg L. T. B B. linsrekadueldAallaeb' or*, Wb Sbard f*molt 111 lbtoo,,, i4 fIrst 15 umiaules01pluy 1 va bewu i 0"I vie vas te lievWcowk for i o vuouli b. elmesi sudmtis lb.-a9r. Daringl g te uSmiaule. ai playbL Te, R. B. book the hed. 'ýýDorIuisteentuir. hail bon mts te emvosrscepg Ib c o.opertioe o.tb.lr lessmates. Viret hafededvllhbLT. B. S. lau l bd 12 ta 9. In the second haillbuthtoamo cernem back with lneroeeed déerminations ta t0e borne tbo bacon. L. T-. R.S. er. playlun lb. bitter baaket bell ame 01 lhe Ivo, but nether omod ta b. <ing asy good playlog for the flst 10 suIautes of play. L T. H 8. soali Use lied end were nover overtaken 'lor %bey worm puttlug op à fightlng games, and vo-f araiaally opeued Zb. lead an Antloch. 111h only 5 minutes ta play, ont ai àntloch'n playero, fowled Asbnead, th. littie gaard. Bath players vere tbrovai tu theB.oua and la tis e rmble Amhmeed ont hie upper lip very baatly, aud vas unabilà ta finish thegagne. Grummitt wsD1 lu for Aihrnesâd for Ibm remelader 3ftlie Lame. Let hait s.d.iwiîhb. T. H..on the bgesd welêsbcoure of Il to 7 lb. econd hait. Score tu 911 16. The llae.up vas as follove: LT. 0. 6-28 PositionS Baskets Foula PT FB Teb P«~ Kaiser, farward...... 3 8 2 1 ir»«.forvard .....0 8 0 1 mauleir.cht euer....O 1 0 4 aunfldg» ....... 00 0 o buydam, grd .......O 2 1 1 Teuug. soter .......0. O O2 omasum mI ...g....O 0 0 O0O Antiocb-16 Poition Basets Foule FT PO T.ech er James, torvard...... 1 4 O 0 Tiffansy, farvard.......8 5 2 0 Triegoer, ceaIe ..*-.. 0 2 0 4 Omttb, gisard ............ 1 1 Naber. gaard........O0 O O 2 Rtunjard. (tub) .......... 0 O Berîbil. (sub) . O...O.... O 0 0 O Kulser and Strang vore the martîmeil for L. T. B. B., white James looaned up brigbtly for &ntlocb. Noit Frtday vs go tu Wauecnda. Wites si «HMfem, SWset ltaem The vorde of!-the popular anas, -Rogue, IveetRnaime"Vire vrilles by Joba Bavard Payas, au AzneicM revnaaer«. vWho was hmba SWNue Tori, 1791.and <lied la Afrea la 1M sa" aoerr ad muci of a bWineOUI viero. The muge vas wrltten hi UMr H»eary Elsbep, ai Engilsicompose, bhrasilu17M6 anS <lied la 18». vhsltu- oorparated, thc sang la au aPara sen- titleS "Clarl." The sang vwu pPOUle la Bugluud befaro Il vwe ever bhutr la the Uuited alutes. Glet ber s tollet set, w. have thesoeill klnd. Deckeit.. h I 'i W HAT betlir çhcan you give than fum turc. FumWkùi nAùmicanrou and wiIl makç e gifethmt wiIgive r«eesevice. We wiII delive any time you wiah. Surprm your feniwiyhs,n ming witii a useful piece of furniture. Remnemberr, we wiU any time you desie., hold it and deliver at 1 TREPTOW &MS I 88 88sem M MOR -TUE L11TLE TUTS Oui Toylmud is fBed vithever"rtu <that wilî belp the. littie tot. make amy on a "stna day-tii, grtast annual cirent in the lUe of ciullrea. Dol,~ mecIiaaiW toys, musia instruniejita, tuzy trunk, toy beds, wa.iing outfits, toy piano@, rociring Loess. cooster aleds, chidren'. books, garnes, and.oeii. tiiings too nunmous to mention. Just brin« the. children dawn and let them eamil the. lovely, interesting and amusing deirices cspecially cou- ceived and madle for their pleasure. There are doggies, sheep, ponies. buggi,4autcmobiles. cannon,.aoldiemstea sets, peint boxes, work boxes and huncireds of other tiny,- tasteful toys wbicii we want you to see. Velocîpee Free: We wiII give away a veloci- pede on Christinas eve to thie person'holding the Iuckycoupon. With each 5-cent puirchase we give a coupon and for five coupons we wilI guve you a ciiance on the. velocipede. LESTER9S NOVELTY STORE --------- ,The proofof the Pudding is in the Eatîng.' The Inde pendent's CIs.sifled Ads have brion proven by hundrode of satlsfied custoiners. Ask any user of theselitt lesmn There h No Eànd ,to It Conditions, have raiged the co»t of living to a point where a dollar la onlY about oue.third as large as it used ta be. people no longer wAlk, nor ride in carrnage.. They now travel in automobiles. The man who bonght a bhonsand.dollar policy a few years ago wili huY ten thonsand today. The unit bhm been raleed. Izvery rejeGtion or.death.without 111e Ineurance Io a f oreful reminder of thie danger of delay.,or the. resuits, of neolect. . very daim pald -lis a couyincipg demlon- sttablon. In, tact, al"oé every condition in 111., di- rectly or lndlrecby, frorf one angle or another, points to lite imurance Theons la no end to IL. Mee Phone 142-R RevsMoue. Phone 296-1. Organfrod 1867 -Our 5th Annlverury" - ,,. - '~ r, ~ mmouddaim" -