Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Dec 1917, p. 7

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0" LitS b IF. 1~ ftPae la g* -vis -- -' Wb - ----. -1 'i. Feh Osias Tasufortis on,"Won lapplicationa t. B. na. ViMb "éDmt 15wsdCilha 4ob PaM.sud CurlsTatul tesratas oelaOio vllt est OI. ià A. jlber raadt traboa e buiessre bu W&Ukegaa uwear. Brinl WanW hihi mto ol wJ.9t A*kga atpw(no bore a w mthe rotk$ iber, ur , moe Watrenchultza. isba eWalnbgalu 'MIes Sondai. " laWhite vislted tu Round Lak. jgIqa MuSs V"rsdrcks, wub o grksat Lsttpvle, @put Sunday at bomne. ,»M»» aoWhits transcted busd-les n jmss- oss Garwood of Cicago, tribu- sts'elssber Ibis usot. *.ehé thsbsle lallar bers la MOVlug fUrsm the Bfler bniling toa te J. Book bilding.' pest Wrusu la alawly Iaîpsoviog at l4 MeAllt, hoipitai as Wanksgau. Mye Limer Breootesaalmd tb.500 ehb ** ber home ?uesay stsrnoou. »Ir.a»d ir.. W. J.Chiena-motored la 114oms b Thuday. -Vent CblaS la layeS op nt is homo é#& ,woIIfrom a scratch on i lkW@, le» t. stl for sonuetime. I iS" reporteS ta bc sligbtil Vhiolta Kbaupt of idlusutee. Wl..l vlst*d ber parents 11cm oser Bandaiy. 1 Ur. Smtoiat ou, Thureday for Nov J Yor ubes Wbsuilorat wib relatives for cuerai geots. lirs. Bunting isesmi tu b.very lbu at boa home on South Inletrot. JDau Thayor vas a Chicago passenger - evrai frointbere attended the baskt biait gante si Ubsmly ville Frlday ovuing boIsson tb. Llbetiîville and Autioci, beys. Thu sore wai 16122 lu favor et UAborti viii.. Mary Pcford lntboe'Lltte Aericn" ,Wfllb shovu harm Chritmas cishI misa wbune lu aft.ronooatai2 and 4 'lock. Usie. Iorria Protor entertalued tii. .tuuh club Tbnred"ayairuaon. 14 lR1gb ebol paper "'lTailler" la fi iea cbbisnsaws okes. - IvasSdstlmao rnat LaIesTraining «"ason eomousover Suuday. The Ladlo.' AIS huaw gimulu abs basesout, of theM. . abutai Do. 6. vo. a grual enessu. Mr@.Adaus' osia sohoot edams bh chargs f aitec cndi bootb anS a smu of $20 vas eallsod. Mms.Dab' la mbailaabootS o Irwck- kte*sud a uai as t 10 »dlO uS16 ol..The DetaeAlpha gikW b"S lmi afticles sud a grab'bg. ThlbadWs Aid oiunprlssd testueeonalstiug cf asj, as'*cls apron booih, bous baeon ae. àa e"cen supper uas m w nd Slu lis evsstng ssa trtalnwntW&@ Xsas by member, 0f tbe chorls. LAULLA bor. adMle. msiG0~gsr pna le- dage la bicago tbhfe o the Wlb. g MujJ& Dahnyplela quise lIt and again eetsol ber b.d. -Thp Anglacoemetry sociti met Iis Vutol brsday, it Mru. ASis anser. - Tb» Ladies'&MIS soeti R ava a MOthor *poo paryttheI b.cburcb basemot Ibis ussItTbnrsal oveulug. ,Rerusu Wlst movr e b tuboid Ùýod& tu Wsut.baLet Satu rda.y sud *lutali ent Sonday. tir. Witt bas a polia a 04the .1*train. lisRou ;" ssoclsty viiimeut it - n.. . Rugssa"d l"I. X. Douglas .1 ~ ope.?srr1>ttss a stercoon '* e7l"&â cari sorofelu 004 iaiullpmoved tu 4*lsageli' i *e le W. ftso bàoa aposiian @a lanitor. -Utlil sse toph uw- injureS lact w,ýek be afan groin memwbut laable te b at sobol .qp MOMia ont hfadaw. IhL Ap.M ',A sIUfM th emae 41b.oug pooPisO lpb_1lJ mat witb ib *IIIIb er 6%orbt IS LT CfM Navy Authorzes Laraes Avia- tIo Trainin StUnin Captal otett annonceS Iodai M Ic v Deatuthtmbs tb. ,rts" a avuiilau moe ot a(West vil 'i.h iiu a' ullI bu. 'vIL*mmwôticd a m 1. mAia Slti:t WN , «*km boa beco aidrfo iq chol Waman's f*rie.s arge Thlsrin sud compleion. A real aLla t.. "el a 85o tiSaIbotti. ai lb drui H'. E. Wilson1, Clored Organ- lst, ChqgeMd WIth L~lg 'Kiting Cheok W. Volva announffd todar that il. B. Wilson,.(coloreSt)baSbeen capelleS frontIda position as organielat Si 9- 191% Tabercacee, Zion Citr, sud ex- pelleil in diNgisce. The, Overfter oontasuds tbat for yn essb bas tried tà i"e lblg out o flic orga- niat. but bas falled. . bave dons for hlm ubat 1 have neyer doue for any allier perian ln the wonld," saiS the Oveiscer thls morning. 11bave donc Ibis In ordf'r ta set hlm ila repent of bis misdeeds and make sominut ontfhiut;but' my eflorts bave been ln vain. and 1 et compelled to admit that 1e le thç, Roy Dou9ail".andoned in No1 Man's , .ster Torpedo- edm,a iacky. HAD THRILLING TIME. Great LakesI 11, Dec. 5.-Roy Du- %ali. twlce. nasaruef as dead. led tie vrfloaci Çt MMleSaway fron thec admlistrtlep buiding toward tbe special trinli taI ure ta carry 1,000 Jacklea tu an .mptOM 1port. He tnarch.' e. head erect, abouid.-rs back. but a critical eye would Itave discerneci Ihat' lds Proud carniage vma" camouflagcd ta bide a llmP. FIlseagolng shoca pincbed a pair of feci flot'yet healed front the laut atack cf trenceh teet." He had mauaged to b.t, aken from the AT MiRAT LAKES SPREADINEi RIJMORS, False Stories of 111 Treatment of Meni Traced to Kaiser àf Propagandists. MANY 'LIES' CIRCULATED. t. Among Them Are Tales of Men Being Shot, Bombs Belng Found, and What Not. Rumors isyeteniatically apresi h, German 'agente ta embarrags. th. work of the navy andS arTny are lie- ing centered aguinst the Great lAki.' Naval Tralnlnig station, aceording to bellet of the commandera and the sec-1 ret service b,.rcau. Flse report. that jackles wCao commtted mtnor of fenses wcre shut by dring squailq have beeu traced te. Germnan propa Mr. msu drt& Bebcli and taemiti qmà Suunday tu Wsumganm. vlslSIng M..ud: Mr@. D. Wollos. - Trama S uton tram WWOntlf,. la vlsllng V#sid selow. 3,B. E M4arsb Wou Calsd ta Basulon Tbur.dar ou a-sount 01 bis su DOuadi belmng Mt it the lb. p Mailos Bdew 1 . Ti(D vie t"age et tle a i» TbUrsday The cala,.ni~.b)lprogram loao iveu1VMy rt.«aooê.Decmber 21. Tis aWe ton shortto lIflas a slatOits ulftBOUUttbut the playing 01 .O*sand eXeliSUBO niRfflto uli matse a socia timt u hbeenoyed t.y &il Sc&"ol Notes Martha Amna. SeilleFr Prteg.v and itarîba Delloyer reiverl uon-whisPerlng @tare. A great matir acre elîher ab@ent or tardy., Tbome perfect in spelling for the week are Mary Portrgy, Ceteue Amann and Altiorb DeMeyer. Lloyd Sebreck uts absent Iriday wltb a *ore tbroa;. Ruth Knox returnsd ro oehool Vi'lday alter îâ aliensuoof twôageete. 5Mis Daw wears glassées whsu the studio. Tb@ eblidien bave begun is5rulng tbeir Plaesf for Chbrlatmas. Mdiss Dorotby Matab viulted seboot Frlday aftsruom.' F.. D. battershall baman adl'srglsount on page elgbt of $bis lsue. gillog you many ougg«eotofr 1mai gifta. fDont overlook t1. tato lta11Dow. CARS OF THriANICS W. eslwrs t'O spro.. ont dospesl grati. lads tu th. neigilboro and friude ubo éo 'tndiy redsdeWaid, extendsd »mm. patbl and cont.tbutèd Irowers uthe ocagon of our recrut beraavsment, the desthof aur mother, M- sSarah Knowiev, laie ol lFox Lak. Mir. and mm Audrew Eliuger, Mr. aind W rs. A. R. iRu e, Né r. andM d i L .A. V'ivo, Tiutuau huowles, I harlea Knoogle AYL&TOR mmASÀ CLOSE ESCAPE AS 1115PLANE IURTES Alister MeCormick Strikes Wa- ter With SuOi Force Plane Bounds Eighty Feet. Alister MeCormick, son of Hamil. toni lacCornilck *wili neyer loge hlm nerve urbile ln the air or alibhting from It.He han bad is ietest and 117 lemmon et Great taIsTuegdaY A itler soared M1gb la the cloud, far above the bllnding tolet flth perfect assurance. dipped and circlcd. tien divcd atraigbt down at tiche a t maIe a landiug. The fag faoldShlm and iuatead of dlppinig 1*1 and akint- mlng acrostie u'ater, bu Pencaked iand bit tiecflate flat. The force af rthe ilow tiréw the Plane cigbty ted 1into the air and Jarred hlm fron hl 1seat. He s rescued, by allier inm rbers of tiheffylag corps. and Imm.di, às.tely uout bock Into tie pilolseat af ianother- machine and made four pur tedt lltdl aflur ratier long Illgioa. Lieut. Lee J. Ilaimond. commaiw der of lte sebool commented on hb rpluck. "Rle did 1the proper tuans," bie pgai "And bad bu not usatea sa g ligb bock Into tic air snd try it tgui1 would have insisted ti.t ho do no for his oun good. Il la tie cant sure way ta, keup the nerve atter an accident If yvu want ta, lote ail tie nerve andi assurance you have tairc a rest after a fal." "'Dairymen eereducing their berd ^epoayqurntt1 but bankers are advising 111cm ta ne- main in 11e business. cautionIar 'Farmer Near Gravslate SUyS EtlJ ODA C tient tht it uould he a vital mis- That aviniskis MMO Mis- SEQUL . D NC taie for thera ta absandon dairying. statement of Fsota. Daneuleahave advised thel cropei on FIEilt IS SUIT FOR the dairy fn be diversifled." Mid Ândrsu 1%anley uho conudts t Mn. HOY. fartlli e vinlty of. Graylake. C. .J. Smith, bauler front St. Charle cam $W51MnWeuea aS~ OI.IJ. IN DAM ES ýiii., twbo aiso ln a dalry frmer, calS visttithle polios duprtuent. Ho herda ucre bulng reduced by sales- came bere for lie sala purposu of de'- e rs enftDnea He esttmatcd lià ccclta produce uyng the statemeuta made aninst RdCosBnftDnea nulîl at $3.68 a bundred pounds-.lHil'hlm rccenlly by Chare faviniakîs. Antioch Precipitates Trou- admItted wben questidued by Ai'a farm baud, uho chargeS that bu diS ble, Aired in Courts sut State's Attorney Michels Ibat net register for the draft because- ____ »mo t e eanimais solS rentameS lu Haley baS ordered itinot a. 1) The Sauce gîven In 1the Antiocb OP- tic Sairy businesui19OU sR<bsed of. tbneatenlng la shoot hlm If 1e dIS.1 ers bouse Thurmday evening of lust1 lie rest goîng ta the1etsodlYaPýà for Tbis cbarge, accordins 10 RhnleY. teck for t11e benelit ofth11e Red Cross elanghten. la absolutely tlthout foundation. Ho wu largely attendeS. not onIY by la- «Onu dafry fariner loIS me Tuesday said tiat navlulslis diS cal negister cal people but by the peOPle of th1e tiat. bu vould quit thse business If tbe simply bucause 11e 515 ot wlab 1. surrounding country and tram neigb- price oftmmliilis nat rabsed," MalS Mn. Bavinlakis, he saiS, tld hlm Ibat If hoing lown u se ul. One regretta- stitlt. ,"fiteonidaininsen bave sol4 icregistereS It uould b. e utthe le Ic ncident tank place uhIchbuba tieim entrpelods usar St. Charles aspic as golug la jail for threa yoaro. doue mach ta mar te Occasion anS In te lent tire. months." He aiys thal Zavîinii amCi1e taubici bida f air ta bu yeltanurtrow -U ]M. Swçet 0Woodtoci esti- Waukegan mveral limes ince rUBis. the finish. mateS lie- cost of produClng milk,*ou Iratlo day. slaylng bure for tuo day A nmtber fron thli viilli fi ils farta. at $.luS#hiladred Pilla. &ta time. Wadsuorth were lu sîlendancue M- lTrMus th e 1u91% P r*k Eal4er lTbe Police InfOrMeS uni that tbe ans of lie porty bi tbe nana. of Man- pUt lm c<neton is Z et Ç3-43- T"h$ uatcr hsd beau napoted te the la- ice Lux beolmne ratier boistroit. eau- eOUPrOUsOOu XÎOp 0904euby tb. P9- cg, eumuPtiOn board andt»the lîy In lie evenint. Beeiug thi& Arthur duom rd i le i904 'pPUPWlsOD 5el-4lst -planfor ihi=tu b 011w voId be haw Ifaugn Whuo Was ectins -as on IMa Sclplu 19 ie prapau beanu te ae tbe malter u0 vth the -local, manaer sud atlie sème tilDe as la .$s4e . - .wp, 1-1 ux:ec«Wipolice, Invins beau suera in ~ig~4 pov ave~euprsflU- Asb.lnI Glet Tyrroli44uetdt,> fotah.iepurp.os f ie»lg#reSainl t&L ' . ppOW »U t bdlfonl r day liat thep bave - MUMMIlcsthehallapproanhed te offenSer anS thit. lié j<IbUtM ijMe Off Ithehige, ft lit 1,Louis Oelalatu SM ont rMasectfulî seS hlm la b. a 1111e eut tuls O t4.Wblp bW4ard e 5 hii b elier or Dot JobqPlai. -allas mure qwM. To hii. reqe*etlum ireS liaI ontule iibeeci-,# of un #copat. W'vas rasssd tiare. tma".a M Meu Qgsauer ubioli va tarin banda ass.Protigaebg. 'Tha l)«apolice do not phffl mucb aItlte*lUme igacr&. L4er, ioW4er1 "If & stringer sld 11k above & isl on liaheport liat Galai may Whou * yomeg fldy trouAuttool va ub4apcr la dur bains Sins lie iIhi be a Glermen COr. fueS hlm a dance bu bacame aM7 -lut tluac theecous 'g.ould be dlsturb- Md______ Us uelanUage veir' unbecomln eS." maIS Mr. Buunle. Banal gecma Pwscsption. a lamons tb a gentlman. RaUlilt the Itbutai ai remedy for &il frma of Ecaansd tered anS Eiy ]Keller, a friand lof waut. Fer 80%«tis te in .luthO le.@hic diseaso.. Banl la a quaisulssd LIM, igod uitO thea8aalr bY suggueZ- SUPIN'5M .mach 1000 Percs» ssemuS. Get a 850clargetrIal botlls as lg tbt th.o 'mtaS.0i m IL . e wod 1the drus store. - Adv This nemari vmastaâmun hi avISa Pr "Ail Leadher" Skos This is a time when you're going to look closclyinto the question of shoe quality- andi it's right that you should. .ln many instances you'I1 pay about as much for poor footwear as you do for good foot- wear uncess you knov what you're buying. You doni't need to make any mistake.* Selz sboes arc al leather-the best vou can et fgr the money you pay. Just look for the name Sciz. It's your safeguard as to quality. 5110E REPAIRING OF A. KIDS DONE HE RAY N. SMITH tulaey Building, - .-lj.tljjIlini mdclsitaneful bar ltatI t bas ever id listinb lime la go 'flic ses ullb mont sitmuul Bar that 1 bave ever the men of bis 0faglm(.rof front Camp gandiste. inRose ouly by tearful entreatles ta bis Polsoning or the wter supffi.andi bad suy experlence with. sud that l luu po 1epurpat i IliantaI mallers hi% disbonesty la Officers anSd1the sungeona, Oi esse pf e pnSower lnt, baie- simply indesenilbile. DUgaîl bas been 1the favorite of the eee tdme subndecthrf thre runarA "Tic statemcut madc by Mr. Wilson yard for four moutbs. ij torî,y wSaprben de brouhots the our liaI 1e bas severed bis connections learned uben bu cnfl-îed and w os@rd tcf mout tdheslcou tnfr- asOranlit la an absolute lie," sald asked abot ' XeosReervice I ences In pamphletusud circular. Overseur Voliva. 'Île tas exppellsd TWIcè Mnurned as Dead. ~ 'e evc e o h h for lpng, for check-iltig and for At the outbreak of the war 11e ran 1F'e evc e rmteCl veriOus cieralcsOlutely dictionest auay train bome sud enfîsted lna aCa: sue',buranave enPthy epot.ig financli ldealinge.l" nadian meimenit.IHe maailathe firstbu!rmeadalntyept.I lu maling the tatement this moru- taverse»nUtent. 1! tas wound l1a ý'ed. has been madie. ta Washing- lng Voiva contendemi 1e oued it ta!cd by hibrapul at the tatie of Yeestai' A systeanatir attenapt tu branS the public ta Inform them nt iIWI- and leftIfan dead lu "no man'p laud." j01n1a au to 11e sdas ulîbin the ne son uasadismissed tram is position. Ta bis parata Ix a Wlisconsin harilet adIstbem ewihnheex "If ttny man Lu Kenoba îeudo hlm a he wusreport0S 'Wie~d la action,fw* elbytePlit hr3 dollar," sald Voliva, "11e may as ucl l'or Iwo mOeiitli«Y mou cneS hilmas In Washingtou. say good-byc ta IL1 hI ave expeUcd dead. Tien a Cablegnam "brougbt hin Thatth11e uOnl of tbe German Mir. Wilson fronlthle Christian Cati- ba.d ta life 'fur i# announced he gas agents bus been aiarmingly effective ale Âpostolic Cburch lu Zion. sud bc TrecOverlug finIe !onnds. and.,liavingIxis videncemi by the number Of lot' bas no furtber canuection uith- it., beun honoreably dlsCharged, was ta re ters receivem front relatives of jack. directiy or ludiruclly, lu any uay.'- tutt borne onUl. teArbie 'es.AUhbave beard some sort cf a shape, fora or manuer." Sf evenal dais later tbe 'aitIes car.sellerai rumor pcrtatning tae1the dia- I ix not yel inoun ubo the ueu rled the tov7 ft the fil fated steamer comfort and 111 trealment ofth11e sai. organist ai Zion Cty wlli b1e, but Itlel sunk by a Germas torpido, The fiia rs. rumorfd a capable musician front an -%ates said tioes er.' oly a feu Wboleaale arrects of persoasBUS. adJolning state visitai ZMon City on ksurivoi7 of 111.4tl paaseng.-rs tbrown Pected Of belug German sympathizere We<needay lt bta0look thte orffl nt t1he sea au lb. evening of Augusitanone of the touns adjacent btabth 1aver nd u e may move ta Zion ultIt 19, 1915 .- Uâsfth f e Sead later car- aa tto rePmcp o h hi1 wsf ltbgoUouinglsaditWOIN ... ,-tcd1the came of Roy Dlî.gall. liaurn- near future. hoi wife anS family, lng agaîn teck Possession of tifsborne The spvcsding of the talc. storie&t( fbut a cable front Liverpsool IsigneS by Germoan sympathizers bas been the Son' returned' bappiness ta his par- cause of the' salIons belng denled the D-À-IR-Y FÀ M RS ntsa afew days Jeter. Il told brtefly ta' tradîtlonaî prerogative of "cpln bis story: "*Tua iourc In water, ne,- iing" an occasional yarn. Ordr r A rcued patrol büat. Sae" hibltlng any jackl.' from si' n n AflOeIIY5' Longed to GelDInto Action Again. kind of a ysrn tere posteS îoday, TIMI BE T DE li came home, but t1e cal tas ton The orders explain th1e nature cf he TIERBS EDS, great for hlmtu esu ad tour harm that cau 1e ceuued by even a 10'ý Monhs ge e eliatei asa searnan, <ular remark pertainlng toa1the foodt Officers trieS ta luduce bilm tao ay on sleeping accommodations. beasuse1 1Bankers Tell Federal Commis- in the achool for petty otfilcrs anS coming tram a &aller, many persan%a sion How Milk Industry is train rcolies, but 1e.tauleS ta gel of exaggerated credullty would ne-t Being Menaoed in Dist. bock Into action, 80 ho rerused the tPet the statement witis embellish' Bankere lu 1the Salrying district of second clos. One ofth11e rumors repeated todal nortbern Ilinois are advilng tort- The dîsease "trench feet" reattacked pertained ta the suPPosed finding of mera ta continue in 1the milIt business ihlm several ueis ago,. but lihe tan-.a bomb lu the poer plant. Whea 1as a Patritie dut! Tht' wastce agcd ta convince bis o1ficaali at 1e many persans beard the rumor it bsdJ ebttrden of the.' tsîmony lte Wednea- j as fit for ses service, And nlRoy groun taa st81017 Iat the pawer plantt 1day la Chicago betore te tederal Dugaîl, 19 yesrsa old. la on bis way had been bloun up and tbat 1the tater t oodi commiesion investigating tihe badt. "uppîy liaS been poisoned.f 1cnof '-""' production. Lyman L1est the report would b.' apreaf!1 (Boy, former Unitedi States marshal tata ee'.esieieof8pn tand ucl noun lu the political se- IM tY III1MRil .meningitis baS brolcen out. due to thp 8tivities of years ago. uic le lun1the ~coninement In barracks 0frthre'.' * a«lgbusiness at Woodatock a ndl tP E EN JW .N comtpanlescftJat-kies toay. tto ether lotus lun1the dairy bell, empila- U commandera announced that the.dis"-t f IscS the paîrtatir paS in bis t esti ,ffUJflMM ~IL1' overy of several suspecteS cases hLoi LAKE BUFF IS LEADINE STATE IN REDJ CROSS WORK State Officers Admit Village, Considerlng Size, Has Done More Work Than Others. Itlai stated lu Chicago and at the. heamiquarterso f 111e Red Cross that Lake Bluff village bas conrbuted proportlonate to Ils aise more gene?' oashy than any other cmmulty lunlte state. Tbcre are 700 i'euidente la Lake Bluff vllage sundlt adasittuS la Lakte Bluff liatInlu veni Instance ubere the RaS Cross aïsetle vlliag- ens tu do suptius. tbey ays Sou- ble lie amount asIed for. J'urther- villagers bave proveS litemuslvas1 mure proobent lu the malter of mal- b4qpe; aji esaseingathoan "Yotbcr oommmit n e ttp'l 1e .1liii la Sue te lic tacI "i h be meabave *P- pieS tiemealvas Sllsiiuj!*c"bave matered tuis V"r* tlupprbtnltapi 1%ic LWe Blff bçeicl la aRMeSW ulitl IthLake Puret hainci., 14e mluffltaqf poe bis; laffs. eno0 bave a bipaci ets ne w. It Sevolopa fuat lina tar our 4o Muiijuas men Who bgpVe aIl passldeS lmiatione *fathelie aIaj1 cwo <tithé ovel'Imt .Tisas -O Maxg ue are: Wllbir Dolai, viela aI Bocbfur Rafl RitlWho la aAt AguOU&s IfllPatlesen. *ho lea stier at the -Naval ltho, or lu Cibago. -Aiflur DO.une. Thoeo ouas ma n usialslutli tue*.. Il lCi b i m Il11 Y~VSOaOPUIBdé varlous branches a"4 tion Wled to, admission ta the -aviation corps. Woffl ilas just now reached LaIte .uW that they bave suceessfuily passed the examInation.11 RUSIIEiTO NAVY TUHO CAEAT j NEW RCUk Recmuilirg t Great Laketa toRa5 bas net been an bim ilstu a1091 bie' g bast nos' ubsu meu are comtg iJe aI lie rite of butter tian an aams. Tic auddati ImPetus ta reeniltig1 la due ta lie tttblaIt apY 70uat,, mean are analou te getlt t li ,iefasuthe nom draft ciii for tie HVa lie bArecord Sthe slabif for tic »Ms av. dus. T r e u ..... ........ ....... tbo li vw u an putt. la -«n mean at tiîey touS 'bave Il out." But later Kelly claimeýd that , A, m eant bu corne.' 10sont.' undersîttand J lun"g by talking lte malter aiven, 110w ever tbat miay Ire, uhen the p.îrtu j pâ t e in bbc corail r'acheS fth., sef,i welly ,as Irait o i,, te lling b o w v b i H aw kin , rid îl uLxt a so am e into l s share. The tlarshal then book a. hanS anS placeS LuxIt n the village backupl wbere it remaameS for a bltle 0over" an bour anS was then retisseS on bail furnished 'by Kelly. A trial tas hel4 in the il. hall the next atternon. counisel represient ing Iiasvklus, and Lug belug repre- senteS by Attorney Shea of Wauke-j gan. Atter hearing ail th1e evlS',î" Justice leaacs Secided Lux tas guil- ty of Slsorderiy conduct anS flueS bim filftydollars anS eb8ts. Ttc S.' fendant lcsnedlaely took su appeal Io th1e tounity court. Kelly immcdlately tarIeS a V',000 damage suit agaluot Hawkins, in the Circuit Court. He la nepresente'd byl Attorney E. V. Orvis. He claims that damages are que hlm faor1the be&tung uhlcb Hawins admlnistered.

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