Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 20 Dec 1917, p. 6

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érardmo of Lat&tJudge BIod- e~tU~n sIwha Honor for Work ln Trenohes. 'OveN BY FRENCH GOVT. Went to France to Drive Am- bdlance but Later Was Sent f0 Fight in Trench. Hienry Warren, Pan of tirLn, otarj Wamrn and grandson o thie lair MWMe Henry BIodgett of Waa>legan, 4"- been given a medal for braver Wn valor for figltia>g in the trent-he-3 Wor# tb that effect baR uRf ii.51en !scaved Ita Waukegan. .WaRre ea brother of,-. lAning Wsnen.ý Their mother îtveî in Cali- OWMas does their aunt. Misa Cýari-le ibbâmtb Tley bth atteuded te- kaSafo dviersity snd vere nt Nth«lace vlien the. vanbrake out. I&* ueited as ambulance drivers ,*W ch. Re# Cross and ver. sent abgt"ai.odrivre th ambulan>ce sent &Mitem aifonia BNever. l nov develouis thee *ffl »ny ambulances sent to PAUflOe htthere vere more on the -1M Ilb.. ueeded and snany of the *Ivesv v er. asked ta go into the tfbt" Henry Warren was on. af *M o ovoluatered ta Chang,- the Oi f 0f ork and héienat Into the »a.aa a fighter. Tbl. word aow <-one, that he bai 'bee iven a croie of honor for brav. l"w and valor la> the trenches. and thonsa former Waukmgaîiboy 1,; bug 191=aly bnnored in the. word war JicCLANNAIIN 6ETS 4 RONTIIS IN JARL; ATS'ROBBERY Jobn lnger, Facing 2 Charges. Appears in Court and Pleads 'Net Gîitty.' BINI SI4OTHERS ARRAIGNED. Urt Kukar Testifies That Hus- band Has Failed te, Keep Up Arimonyayments. Juige Edwards Dec. 1l tmposed seni Uoeibm 4 Circuit court by whirh tvo men 90 ta the. reformatorv and one fa Chi g»Ulttry, as folovs: JýR>OtWnd and Tony Stackey, r.- to ea ff,. Prauk Stockey, penitenttary from Oue ta Ove years. burglary charge. The trio ver, charge wttl robbing lie 0.11vstr. ta Higblaad Pqrkon ouer 5 amd tocist vas trnpltcated tu the. Btdiager store robbeny ln Wau- AIlthre ma>pleaded gulty but' IPo holiuestatutse " tte lia t lm la a cetin amouatof evidonce 1w, b a eaiee an le Imposed snd - «M olie. 1e" sei. a Young man, etered 4 OU Wgulty lu the.caSe vlioretlin e ýý- îîebstusi vttli being an aceuori -W M, t@bM u ofthe, MCandiesstore -aft 1!W, lAk. He vas cbared vib he uflb.a ie vlile George tehiid "ni c. T"elatter -meflwse rieota ir.eted athougliho lms o t om uglt ly the autkosltles. Ibo Vwbberw accurrod i laSepemiier. lat itae 1 A" udJoe Lini appear- ~4p*vich - Dme. chir lýý, on b*did "otenter plas. 'dtu iiCOM1iOtoff w"tti le Eatrov hoSuleal.entered -M ý - of au t plut! taia charge of '~lmng aau und, tla.pretenses " M wb uobbed -the iesa et phltv auI 4sked for len- p ti.dai tt e bau tbre la Okdiot su The Sunt yul vii aste LaMoiw bq o wkl e <as mur eate p&uitta omaPnuecploti. a fuann WW fora&H formasof Eaesansd isSu 8c lip trial botti. as Attorny J. 6. Welob Makes Circuit %C IOk'S f)l SUdIlU Joint 0r.. àglae alaki. Med 29, the Sttm np~w inu RuiIng out Nouté oThose Who young Germa. vboae c" blas be Of State Supfeme Court. AM UT under Inveatigntiofl bers fôrthe lant fev weeks. conttnuez ta puhzle the. CASq AROUSES INTEREST. NATURALIZATIONTUESDAY. Thy & .z e h Hundrids of Afttoneys Await - Action Here Is Being Taken There are o many tflng-4 about hlm ing Final Decisin of Case PFoowing Reoeipt of Ordes 'Whieh evas o be cutd foherir WIth Interest. FroinWashington. W antoa bg d h alsai, -- - g*rcep da feron TwentY-two Austrian and German APiarentlY ftozen ln 'ksth. but lit- of the word that thue tate Supreme reeldents of Lake county, tge major. tle dtfficulty vas encitntered tln ré- Court bus denled the petition for a ty from North Chicago.. are barred viig hlm. Wtril vas., thouglit writ of eertoirart of Frances E. Thiom. frorn obtaintng their citizenahip pa. atfirgt that hpe should be removed am, admiaitratrilxof the sate of Har-' pers at Waukegan next Tuesday ow-' ta a 11oePItal Itivas decied iter tbat ry Russel, deceassd, in ordertb et the Judgment of the appellate court tor tng to, the fart thaftbey have beE;n becaUSe Of hisl pecultar actions ha the second district aliglit le reydeved, doignated as enendes tailen by the should b. plaeed In the. ccunity jli ln the. casaelu vbtcli Mrss.Thoanas a- Unted States governmnt, 1and wilî fa, the. Praent nt ipat. Be 8t111 oc. cured a judgment lntii iicircuit e t>. e .ble <, bowe ci<tzen@ of this uMonsla osethete. ntWdukegsufor $14,M60against dS, the r. i.uusa at WeUa.Uaro re»a Co., foftor onryutlate hewI10t1ee-ote 4sa1pr- «< Rua5"StaWs Attorney . W=lc. Intrîctiotis ta take this action GO& bu beau vorrvtng about the ceuimolUt Mie. Thomat annouqfcuI ve.renoled Wêuesday by Circuit w8r. S b iJMtR Ib'Bt s ey0d ta tiat an appoal vold b.ocake.direot. CloreL ,0 Eaockvay. sd n cl théAutatan amy'. A fe* 4.7. aNp Ir ta the. Suprenue court of the Unted me beg pre vbrd vhmhw l beho ren a a aGerman saper that fthe MOtUa. »a rfo t oàt'1t7ta naa bmia o uers Unted Stats tlntigltentng theIi. n Wënamaro ordNhmud "»aiw.ila DMota & Ppeer ln court mit Tuesdayabout ee..* aen. The. .rtirde a raUaoad accident tcht accurred < tu aetereannto o ia eto .btn Em..ii~ luatamThe.suit vwa tried la ehCirCtUi t si vxin a tin f or- t i-t a*t p papetnor.oue h inI- cau« t mAWakeg=anLd ludament tfe aese tiilaalto ohn.otcd« f aesw the Plaintfvau givon. The. cae 1 n Utc. i . et outsme Ovýt a m O sP*'bridge h la icao. mne 0<great Internet for t vwut~ Urne ibis vek. WIIA <M, t Cfd-bOe'O ylIt iret Umne that an exprss compaad At the last naturalization day the e . "homoe.ed. badil een made defendant la a stml" emnaDIe5i oretznhp Àhmt*ah i etlcu action hsought under a federal inter. emnaplat o ctznbp Af414 ae1ighlmna o state commerce act. ni ' pers wer. barred tram taktng the dtiU advaed hlm to go to a sanitar- The express company appealed teexamnîation but at that tiene no bar l umIn t Kenosha for a time. snd gave case to tue appellate court. where the had been piaced against Autrians extlict Instructions as to vblch Jud"ient vas set asde on the <roud a. the Unted States wvas fot for-, street car ehould be taken. The next that Russel vas ktlled ln Indiana, red er aotth elo a where It f*as held the damage action mially at war with that country thSren sadbotheflwva phould have beau brouglit. Attorneys the tîme.j that lie hd been picked up, t Fox for the. plaintif Biled a wrlt of certoira- Following te a list of the Autrian Lake. Hov lhe got there ta an limez- ri whicli vouid bave aliowed the Stte end German residents ot Lake rotin- 'Pand Puzle. , Supreme- court ta revtew the case, 0.1k asserta that lie bas been lni Thts hias uit ,nov been denied and ty wlio viii ho notlfied flot to appear titis country six years. but neyer a havini exhausted every remedy ta> this for examination net Tueaday: .nuodta eone nuried smate it la nece.aary to go hefore the O Grmni nevrdt ecientrlzd Unted State upremle court. Chriatian H. Philipp. Laie Forest. Me mys ho ec-me bere f roi St. Louis It appea.arihat boete i.Ume the Henr .NneLietvle lesays ho was reistered there but case vas tried la Waukegan and the Her .-mo, ietvle that nmie one stole bis rosi contait'- trne It vas appeuied, the $linois Bu- Ei'ieit Hueline, Hghand Park. preme court entered a ruling which Miebael Kuieger, Waucopda. Invliii registration papers. vas to the offet chat a damage action George W. Bauman, Laie Forest. 0&boa been living ai the Edmngnd of that nature liad la b. broughtinl Carl Kuil, Laie Zurich. Hotel fer several-weeks. The fact the. saine stateviiere .1h. death oc - Robert E. Hueline, ýace lForest. that h ld t mtork and ibat bie curreTd. . trgn eed to bave considerabie menas. Auitranî rouaed suspicion and ie vas piaced Michael Arbet. ZMon Cityudearstoachgeobega DO M, 4~ U~ Wiadyslaw Janlk, North Chicago. G.tnd ep Gs onalichaye olie aen Czeslaw Pecak, North ChICigo. Gemnsy akaah a en Ftrank Kendzior. North Chicago. eubjected ta lie sanie eupielon wher- Jos. Karnasiewlrz, North Cicago. ever lie las gone. It ta flot kuowu 4T Janoe B , North Chiago. as yet lust vhat vili be doue wijli Anto Yuus is~~gI~~ve to Fran, Podjed, Waukegan. Athe1 r Nace Gacel. North Chicago. SLC SL K R eased t Isil Jore. .ohn RIankel, Lake Zurich. il Doule-barrelLe justice vwu meted John Kenk, Waukegan. ed the court of Justice Harry Hoyt Gaspar Flku, North Chicago. late Thursday afternoon, ta anaver m to a charge of having soit ld dsased JoefWejda, P14" Chicago. l1.ereilavieut happened la Yuccas:t>~nlP~ ~AIU R FIE8-lte va bound over to thé A~DA ~ Rpr I htYigMno grand jury on the charge o! selliai - HolistdS gM' -o diseaaed met. hUST!îwema Waukegan Hk the Laurels S» N-H uoree 0Py a uua R, 0for Ori lnallty. Judumat of 863 ln a. civil suit brouglit yuccas occupiez a tami just noniu tiÈw A A oyfrs' ouke av eb. FFrankrSas- AKI UNDER KNIFE THRICE. avetoli vOt ta lita pleacend Pur-4 chased naliag weluling 316 poundsai arBta MinSc 20 cents a Pound, a total a %* John Traypor of North Chicago -Thmes F a . Hes ouldN nSoh H e tSol the âmg one and butchor- Suffmt feactured HIp and hpTa H ol o ed t. Then it vs hat i ho ufid that Itra nuis Be Talcen as -Soier. the meat *»a dtaeased ta uch an ex-. nënl nuis letthat it gave ff a mont offensive ' , , A report ta given- te tihe Sun that ador. Ijulh >authoriieaof North, IS RENDERED UNCONSCIOUuSi aultegan liasn te aiteiet sacker DhicaoN IUOUitbaveanarli. Bts chat can be produced In the couaty'. Dr. 0 . mth a - taïe sTraynor Wa-Weting on Top lHe'sild ta ho about 24 geara 0f *1Bury it." hoerîtared. aet of a SffletC*'Wben Knock-- age mu-d the way li e l keepag, out o Tom* aabm *otteln ed Off byj 7I'OOy Pol. e0 le Uat ~~ !mltr lihe boa vua- 4tsÀaý. The - wu John Traynor5, *d62, living :at O*Biton-thit lias been diacoveaiany ouly' one course ON& a t evttteh 1934ffube l u atie North Chic.- vhere. oid lie took Il.. He resortai ta tlie g, lies &t thO e lciarhfapi- He lias adopted the course of liai. law. te laMw a in b*Iffl ta e ln ' Otate'satatorney W"lel sesrel e- fth le BupeIrvlinePntay .ad ex- piai Ial the veitatitonla the. Clyculi Cout mmorlat5 Ï'4bd and Irg'ed -the bossuto do - uethtiug albault 1addtng tilai frequsntly mon Whmo are-tbere day aller dal, tulud- ing Judge Edvarda, have bualatos à$ a néul of the condition. The W e r s .ewd ta lte buildingsand gromtdu coniitée vafli paer to t sudthe reWut wlEb. fIat k c en th le eytumrn veatilatug vIE b. ard«-si if oaci.- i4iat.Peeidat. W. 13; fBMW, Vice President., F. W. Oburchii. 8.ceUtav aff anagerI .A t A ft~1VE'ft - - ILUNOIS dying onuutan as t geouli thea Obicgolýlrt Sor r sudMilwvaukee Traynor vas ernlqyed on the top o! one ott4ti Q05$. *Uaed lu mnakijig some repaire. Acesding 10 reportP lie vas bnoc-be frni lie poition ce the trolley ,Wol isuig at-olnd sud- ýdeiy. H4, en4eavbt;bd tuvain tO gril> sometiing to spie himeel! Inotu a lau. Me vas yaiuieed unaconsclOUS by thefarce-of ttribng the Boor. Tbe Co*hd4, Wetscl aaalutouce vas rnüe ee "dIle victim mas r«Md te4 n e 40"pU«« serboea1 iou ahoved lie bai sustsined a se- verely fractured st i p sud Inter- ulinjtwie. ta lieygiesi. The divorce cage tu vlici rtp L&rsn asked for a divorceac %vif e, BEsieLe'I-acy4e. cl-gugciie ton a divorce ou statufory gc Blie cbrethat Itor iuioed company7 vîlIt-aMMn. (borapfo cf Wankegan. Ma-. lirans rec.ivd a Indepeaden rir«4? BEON&. him no lie vont b.o CePted- la iii. drat-at taiutbsl's tii opr. 1 ta eald tutt ite lieo bas bd th-e minor operations 1; 3fMAlitr hboa viaI sud bhsreappeegance tliere us "aldto be loolced open s a asort Ot a loke by the attendanits vho. report hma it are "On." Abtmm neie re on, opertten bel vona off adthne patent fully re- cyei-ed," lie cores bac'x for &,acthitr. Of course tbe doctor vbo attends lm cnt'teU wrhether bhl liUthura hlm and demanda tA'an u aidla1 "ade tu renedy , lt-e-t4f b.saye 1< il lu"sI le go. 0 coure the deton eaut télu if lb aais cldtib do.. t blini hob. n le se go05. 0, tivr- tfta~1l~ii*>~ 1%T, genera seal 6"1'> t ad attendantsaKt the hoqgtalut cat hla taJit a slacier sud eading ch. aqty ervice tiiroue wa vit héo0M. siders a lever rnethod. - SAVES CITYI g ou ialc. n The. Sertox OU Conmeys bis plantt ai Nortli Obio Rnag b. -the. fret local maauufacuring CMicoutuiid1 ov-e beçiutely ta thi e inent forc service during thi. vr. .1 1 ' It wuas learned today that Jde Box-1 ton, bond of nie Comnpany, je nov InI Washia>gon viere ho ta Conerrihag vlth goverument offtclaja relative to, tumnnag hie factony sor manufattunlt0 OtU qver 10 Uncle Sain ta, ho usa osx cluaively for vôni don. duning théic ver.1 Mn. Sexton wu s iven hie 24-hours notice ta appear for draft service soinsc turne ago sud inoe. thea ba« beau subject to the. call iib mglht corne auy dayt.1 tdevelops, liovever. tliat las bu 1 etso. armamd tureugb tboadj.t à aenmt i agea mthe case at ii, li.ld sud: fLatla o ho i, hapffe.. b. low mev. sexta. gM thwie-tmadé1 àdoterà kil ut te ab&afl b 5ble b.. as baad or thit il oauMl, mal M *filOn i er sgettgpgioh atBtufdta o embis e aat e.4itai nov e ou Cferduig vthi offlcats vho have punh Mtterl l- band. a ne doesnt believe lie sboul go lutO, the aria> vien ho suclà extensive ail contracte on band andwvile It tan't s Case of shinktng his duty, lhe vin be vtlling ta give an hie ime and lita Plan ogverlIment use-thât tghal&i proootili If nie goveruintt ac-1 cepte the offer. lie vili et Once beau ta do gaverimnt t on eiciustioly, vilI be nder goventllent control sud vilI speed up the vork tn the. Northi Chicago factary ta 'ts a psciy. In the ainount o! money repreeuied. hia offer ne doubt ta the bggeai chat bas1 been mode lu Lake coonty along chatà line sud the chances A"e i. Omen 9 ment vIl avail i ttsIf 0 the chance. Mr. Seton ta the Sanio! mm .P. J.t Sextan or Northi Bleridati raid sud oaly about tvo Yearsago came into &a millon dollar oesiaUo t hlm byhita1 faIllir. ALIES' SONS S - ARE a flZES t, The Sun receives this communies. tien: «-If the father lias neWler become-. Citizen, are the sous born In tItis ocuntry citizen. and entitle4 to a vote 4 v»liot taklng out ibeir papr?" (The cflnAIE citizen,. Anyt persan born la thia Country becamels a citizen regardiez& Of parentage A VEAU. ln to bave ttei. tts S. Dhdt Com luth arue ithe iout or a umt.l usdout taeempoy foses t s.a.v soa a dofchet athey ept m35a yeo an lightle h va ou clan tofhavole nie Publ aervie om any âisiar pomien et tabta C»dg« onet but it ho oisny refue md o..p Btalitoe.! ch. er mey re ot mang anw cang. rctutII youl uat evel e"teu hin sriet aetny pari ié lall'üil pItif teyOa r ot o! tle. Te mdecla to th te aet 4puIt !efts t o save g*duziMgt0i1va1 "Wq tahk ui e mae oser "tds0 »Vafi ade'Ititis cht;la ctu" a'tPmintheua-tuaIi. geai. Iluv.IL la ademeton 1;1184 eamd, Emil Van Haecke of orth Chi- cago Is Proudoat Father in LakeCounty. Thfre le oa>e happySmi n taWbukel- gan today. Fis Dame le Emll Van Beachte, for toiiay rnaniied tii. arrivai at litabcnne of the, lt child lu the tamliy and tIb. singular an>d lutemet- tng part Of t mi le ihaf every-one of thein ta living. Ms. Van Haecke la nov the proud father of Olve boys and ought girls. A littie girl arrtved ai bis homte this rnasnsd tipped the seules xi 12 pouindi. 8h. Ila ahusky littIe rhap as yoo even env and Dr-. Joliey vho iattended Mre. Van Haeciesys ilhe tn sure la live'. - Mr. Van Haeere doesn't bAlievYp la> the "lioodoo, 13.' He declares that the. tile arrivaitodiy le Jus' as bus- ky sud h& beiiys any o! the other 12 mernbers o! the famlY. Misu. Van ilaocake la about -M yeara el age and Mr. Van Eaeeie in about 42. 4tb iare lpuod ba>.nd they are esuo famlly la thé North i cago vicitty vio a*-e Peobid of ithe ste Of< thi UIe circle vliich gathers aronud their table every m ncnifg. a-anoisd nlght. Thé Vin )Iiecke bomne là ,Green lay rond juet veut o! Nonl Chicago alaumgi htmaî che la ýcaà ««uofttett the veut end aua ibe bmg to> .at ff*udse a Nus~~~~ rimb.,wn~Is~~ JACOI13SREKS A SUÂ I Chief Yeoman, Also J.P. Prom- Ptr çiUst, Who Haýd Plg PiercoMuphZyan old. a ackYCALF' HEAD CHEWED OFF, Staion, va fwu end ûioobsciauset 4 Bors adte Rave Folowed la cmesf ta anra"-ge=a1iMal 1 Of fl7 t ià o ié =.-sifrd mOwrmeh- #MW, xf UW eOt lit s li-fl s 'unmiâbo f akta m 4 o b., apsi us. Me sa lits li e. te a a b amlet ln h Ws lova. ~ ~ ~ nu _______in qusUion, bis basé being c ev, #»W bctleilalllne, la$u,maioc ien neh o vo« tub unlou ahti 'belleved ta o b& ait.qesi tletoSW dsd Hot iifa ioma iR dt ~ j&asosM. îfaboser lqard thé. P14 IWOUIa1inbaudh. ot up HowevorWheo SprlugBid, UM -ec. 14 -The f8u I. t .p4 e 40~ l,4 d*e cor tdg g4e ii Oohlqm* MW,-egl ! aam rlion gps milma.lOlrrlIl flf0. t 0" btx et tbs e-à at Ce.-II, th el ves thé. feucebut pon aI. <US. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » »d* a~î tsii a U'daan d mm@ u %niealaW" f th 1t te ulo et Itue cma AgapuiateCour revail ic »Wg- te be a hwmalas lIa jusaQurteia mon e t M ila amull tlh a ts ais-oai do s Mtereta jap- uned = ~the. Ak.'c ouin llhnglvite gobtunm erM vas bii dPl Iaita noleldlcto.n Mt. The. an*cfts a t1'i"'W -rr. lunlthecase. dents ofthe wvomidsde chat ut maY'f- lshO& Thor perf*m thlr lunedons iaglo- ally anid graMiy 'the eyê-points that are OU important i bsleting Christmas .Pments EI.ciiicPortable 1Lam Elbctgk Coaklag Vém ovrer kb adlbof, Ap. pâmanes thmamid te, omb fort anid coei.ocs. Great Variety at our Sales Roomu Atractive Pricçs sUwso Ca., e. - Çhocolaic Maltol Milk B.~f T.. Tolfiato ~ou1lion 10 ~Wp.Ioegso at.p tt REXML~STQRE ~~rinIi hdh~ ami Coassas. us. ~J~m~)Savoe toi ~ssg -i a çapjw q

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