t *1 w oi.eluill j., i Irayvital to th.edOruam". riti sii4ddecreame, the u1u!cpwld- un- W e' a the e r p$ab id gît lut as inaY mr spuhl. Mo,,po *iproudly 1ayed inthe. wbuiws et ~ - laie b a to waa, siiowulà' W8,01 MW. Qyla ldCos g W roti4' Étha b the. 1a aa, i fia b. . b Xe~ot Ph.Ip prolide for bis cornfort anad saloty. as thé var continues, the. work of thea" e go on And in«wa achday. %Ibo tipeadous mfor.~ ~~~~th M1eo'~,tonrqie b ost OY tlc atsu9po*t f am&l-tbti..peopl u thlb. » e i an*'vtake tin M ay thmeda, ~ti oreded tileWIim Ross Lloyd, one 0f lth. Owuégu at *0 . IPTrgbun%,and rprlaW. 040tu Eqe vs ee tlyAue Sporc vas a Ili~eMo psthy a! nomat, aie 40b.ii ooOabeBrop117 va mm Nsb* Steuba orteaYmm "ad a of the tub is tc.its l Il wua vlutoris'# e e*-b«d Ituri XettbelsUm a(thle in a 7«Ylu mmrý1 pes tsnth cils' z i0fàWu m - :àh*wo ne V 1 ioff AVIATIONSIOI AX Tisommon t member thebl « cluteago su bou.d ha» Jis tb if sa avwiatn Mrresd 'vi »* lieurt L4k" Tralniow coi tir pbyoigiau i. C. ku~èy et i>ý "d udCorne J. 4 .taylor cet wlis reune homo 6.. hse: they attmed a allIM ta * tiiers nto Iborti be n ço«mr*ut. le ï W" kt. -b choir, ma iasseHoyle and je. 1h.o choir; reeltaticus. oyd Lewis; romtlion. Aic leVa.i realtuton. Ruth Decier, oferlng qnd loalng soun. moon Î4y. ore l rqaldent Iaat & Proclampa. h'Y î"Ii lt taxe er the lhséfq.da"d44av tpontiàj ecrsu or a r " f o me. arv o w: èmLu mssswu'us ait61 Adoo, 4frudtor sgemetcfraiivayo Per 4Mt 4l4ir totil capitaave*. wls **#rgw eOpsvot ~ bir. e*adoo vl reéa e eor~t et the reaaw. uMd lu W$ suo ale D fes* b u l. twha", besvlly con vi h is mu pore u owlm a ias à.jMsb@uê8e. tiy cf wSUkO- the 110 » UM emet i* Prénden. cm' »ioite alU* perfod.of l Th ?bon.kc tils *4cntinue to be 34ml.*&qUbas l ued e e flsly operate4 Iay liir reapetlv e7s démtUt -l it wu *et. ia lattas. ulider direction'- of MM io,M *s~S~sTuu*er Who puan anud tihe pnimnay t umon cf the linskuu I ay et boqti- olloeinga aa vill- beeme .the. tmfaporte.tln of thse tqd**eà#A a ýlk ,trtasnurse $u'ops Md var suplie. ad materisi ft h~~io kfe' IMuhod poison, te vldbicb «Aother service vill h. mIal4lnq It i ol mp Proporties WhiehAre Token WXr m4 F uaris th bs ty troithe 11 sovereflflUt re. A%éS+IJiIItR . !J". 'Xi a1rd3do eoeoptuugM0,00 7or oeaueIav.' ut Orayalae. more mle. of unes, veued a£1 17,000. i- o h ~ f 9' es r ffll eutwlae, lâte and, trer team- IOFOgbrother « J"a. S>1p Unes. lTUksE4 le 4 aiMý Okle.. on *M1ý terminamis,Isrias? camiies, àr& 11th9a -*»'*0mieof as; destis a i. soialu.. à r -L fflvte ar mnes. i mesi.,'a., AlU t c éMosarndesW 1 sre-l ul.set Ail iulluad telegrsi sam tèe jïý;t » ý l,î ,debâ "uug due phone BUes. bumutn~ ovu. 'Hevlm 70 AUI nteeurban electrie unes amyi- taee lng freleht cusy. »AL MI o ro street Car Lhus. Exempt 4W eSlit Wtuke- Trhe PreMlent fviiiMua isste e *,, 51' lb ie-ay telcro a 09. Ls pauseilger <5riyIIi l0fintrr"laa sst- tS . W rie Uine,,but he provides ta lus po.k.M ql > eéd lawmikeoàn, Os- clainstion ths* by subaeaslent 4xOer 7ahs3,16;. tlt.éae et 44, due h. may lake poaesaouofet ny auch hte eoelditut udmlnlsterhng a( lines. ouM deafrahble, lnoludhs<. esuh- poisMn wa.ys snd tunnels. laUn aiom , wWa 4he deatli 0f The. iroobanUon 00e. anet specfi- Geore. Iu*.rwsoedeti eiam t ( ealy mention emprmemaWeosoes, -but at kawbeIN4' ~It la recUlled that t, the langue n h vbb te, eaar bbs ymIdwâobter, isees. the varda "sud #AIl O*er-iuu ment 9sseSs*t» j.1mm sbeor. die .W~. r lud aPPurlunnees commnoaly used fre , dy..Ie lai. un brm*bt ta uDon or operated as a peit et mach laie esuay hrltMenneu. J ~1~U> -. '~j~'4?.~ 4. ,.-~, 'J. ARE your dollars WORKERS orLOA.F ERS? Money that isn't profitably invested *ùIilke'tri chat isn't planted. It brings no r0turns. fZk ba à iutc -the history of practicâll>v cry great fortuite aud yol' find that it was stat.d tiy,* 4@@d'lnv..- met tt paid big returns. Every juan or woman with money should ee1 lamakatisa IaibY «Un Smorkey. Jay Gould once aaid thmCI $00 invea*eoin the rigi ht g t ibtte right lime would earni es nuid à% a man steadily emploed. ou ahould profit by that souud &dYke. u iotar biinîes. 10advise inveitoraWHgIR and HOW tain- Vest M Mfai~uoe~c s t.a smatuisrwaI gOt wùb g a o imum, of néféty. Let us teaiyota gbout oui' ptaa. The Secutitîn rufut Co. quotes prices on'Iitted and unlaaed stocks and banda. ý We invite 1nquiryt whether youwsitto10buy or self. We cai% oatlasuve you massey on the igwstinqo yau wiah 10 make. If yod bave àoS-ggvidend-paying stocka writi'for our plan for exchanging thesulor stocks that are pa>ing âtvidends. 41Ve rigidly acrutiaise and carefully lnvestipte gofflrationa that pply ta us for aur flusacal services_ Thiy have th ,pm A-1 il~ our examjnéto .beforé e Me urtake ta present their tecéurftie for iovfhtment. Wbeu sdue puas. sthe test we conitract iý lthe sale of its ftecaitles. Thisl*pe f àtiemt-wheu sunW4d asfl man- ige, swbtjay GW lhded ta as "The gUle alUt the t tCo u j charge for Catrelq k». 7out*tedbep ment Pl"anmd q te ihe 4 istibu$tions of dif4ns boiaes, etc., mâate c lb. c * asbichit mhol t ibis otqck frout the. der w. reod 1i~ ree a4*mme Let ias tell yk more about Ibis p1sâ. aan of istock inu-s"c là u d O NOT DELAY. A*k g«r c«rOFw .2 Prl eu e t O-rclqt Eyu~e~lOFF=R Seurti.Trust Coimuy ................... ..... t4*fr rss. Y j..' *Flne prujis eer one-eoats of warm miato.ý At the fmiimi Wv uOsM..Prtes. VMhb omd cmt.s -~*.l 4a~E it!ttm, t he caoiI6wedUn *,mi Coag. t. at4 7 t Costa UP to s.O t - #Z25 Cotut> té, tffl> *t - $34,5I W* ep 4ST QY ah Fox vffl apodI« »W s vas.mutywooi ~ lied t only- f tr Wusi. 10- $1W). Black Wolf Scarfs. s9. 15 raok WctIf soïri s, $1650 k.d Fox i 1 sow eat S~4#UetOII at ~A L V 5i.~ êxt~ f na s ts o *ed Children'la[FRST rcdprq$P I N r auyY ouw DM" With a Liberiy Bond BEIEDIU8SUB, beautdhù beyorid description, in~ styleslike thooe ilustrated in the mnost wantZ 0010r: ingai bustie effects and braided and.ernbroieqý els at ithe foilowig priees: -1250Sege Drques at 6.98 -16. 60OSrge 1> UeSO, t $Sl -4M.,Yerge Dreues 4t xf-C BUX DB*OM~ - the most elab«tateIý ed cmations imaginable, ini every n~vb~ new style and color comabination are-,ber. naotin &W#nusua sale at prices whieh afford =uny rare sav4Wg, Týe aasortmçnt orf de t thebeb. I eftxozt.S, treet and party vearla a vls me ~1or att. ar-.- 7 ie-