Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Dec 1917, p. 2

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Pise GI., t ~neoeyWork of Everý~ ...scrIp$ ion 4H. D. BOYD *hm. i B..wuit d fLD. Boyd. Lbm"11., D Phono 53. -'l». . L TAYLOR Braw.opposite Par DE GOLDIG DENTIiiT RýouiS bo 1&a.m-l t aS p.M. Over Plrat National O*Pbou 1.i. auie. Phone167-J. DE EL IL SMITH. DESTIOT. *Tm Ul C OUMT? TIONL DAIM. @eau-S te l a. M. and 1 ta B P. M. 0%AIL G CItAS.0N. STPuENM.D PETUICAN maV.ITSGOII UWMRfg, N ILLINOIS. SYU seaine lmm OU. onua n. llinohaYis . obm MOL G oalM o i... -- ILLIIOII ISRATEI --- --- Ï A L M .10 0 me. nid. 4. P. lDoyle, Eeretlit. PhOnc lake Pores? 690-1-2. 51c2 MIORSES SOLO, bonght and exlisnged Second band haine.. sud Wagon'. Cash or terrai. .: Laed. plgou. 4, LUbetyville. l + REAL E8TATE + FOR SALE-iU) acres ot land aituated on two main roade. on four corners 1% mile. vuat of Lake Villa, nebr Fox Loire. Splend id location. Charlu ERames, Lak. FOR SALE-We bav a anuber 0otfle: boumetox.eorient. Dymond &AustIn, UbertyvIlle l FOR SALE-Boum 0 n8outb Part A"e.. vibli ail modern convenlenoe. Cali Albany 8688 Cbica0. U279 FOR SALE-158 aoru. o-.mile baaa hal nortb a9 Lake Zlrrelwadus tbrougo premisw. Eleolelel bd gae ud lvin rater. duav!p.ebbe w buldIngs,malrme ta i*8 ziglt Dur- ehaser. InquIre Paul Nse0uiln. lOt, FOR bALE--Çioioe raidoS i ota on ugglaney Ait-AUSip~out 1M . .J. Grime.27 FOUR iItr-iaBon South Park à-s, 09 ft onvealek I' ut'fflSader. bs â&At or saS Ak"ei US6"952 MISILAEOUS MON~TTOLOU. Wso 0 lu h.i quipÔplçe 401miilabomom> on avNIiUIse!apova LskCont> Usa' -it. mt aioaBank. UhierU'vhIIs, Iluola. SUt WWJITE-l0 corde (4 cord vaod WUI pay " alUV 47 LUtertyvile Lember (In. 40t? lug for tva persona, every tva vooek Inquipes t The. hld6psudent or phone 1 Business of thie pcordées ofie for the week ending Dec. 22, 1#17, by A. K. Baves, asistant secretary ai S.curity TitI. and Trust Campffly. Nu-ber of0ft yaio5, Number of ione, -25. Total number af instrumenta led. 1 02. Total amount of loais, $54,115. 13uslneop bas beon culet durina tth. week- and ans- blov the avonSg.. Follovlng are the more important deals:- il, Waukegan: C. Louis Dodg. pur, chs.sed the James C. O'hea houa. on the west ide of North County etreet for a nominal consideratUon. Slgrid R.dberg bougt the. RettoIt praperty on the veut *Ide of Dtbi street aid Lloyd ýv@aeurf a nonal consideration.11 hINorth Chelggo: Andrev HaIW and vite bougMt the Dovecii wopértt on the eutt. side et Booth Uncola Stryet, south, of Pfteenth b»re,. f«r ln Highland Park: Gulseppo Ltaici. ont bougbt a lot on the. ve.t Md et0 i reen street nortb utoCOutra aes. ers thé Danmer eartata lW OxPAO. th bi"erlId Viilage- UtuabetlM. Clak bougt seven lots on the wemt oide of Springfield as us asiave- us frOm WllBsi A. WhIitng toS a nominal cansideation. In Waucoa: Otta 3. Phlilips pur- chased the Uury ansd nosc prop ertY on the soutiiaide of loeum Lake rosi! througb tU Mafle avenue for $3,. InW*M tieth: Joseph Robert pur chaped a part of iiiock 5, Bhady'Soci subdlvision, an tait. Vare from Ernat Bo= for a nomainal considewa* tion. LueUla F. Nove bought thi. J. W. [avIon a t f87.17 ac««sta smonons 9 sud 10, fropIRJoba B. Couveixe for 4sUbjlevty Ii ~D«1d 4 1der Dur- ebà»d.t1p10=V et17.88 aRs tu section g9tsr .WO Redi ta i I'*mI ams.19, 19-0ba ltbh"ad VU@ 10'J. .Li fts*SM I lOt U, iiL 11. DuoYWsVe abulvlel North Chien. am. W. Da. as, (Uher Us»M" te Dsvld ler baS aid Wise to gis 's~ blosge 1teI5. bIoo Si, tu PR-Pu ~vMèm bte WaakopNOW. a -exue aupftega Daer ta GW. , .Sdmeimk -t . lu ,JIs hmbl Part. Doid, 9. 46*AW onwle t. . o. 1151e@mio Mot IL bs* il. (MimiWsksgoe D*& L ý Session. 'Ititde 'tnÎt 41ionp .Shows Ma&OAout -0if In The Imaity Sun itecelvetrans Wah laztnreceitl>'SaMniervan ensatIon- 01 facto vbioli teli 10v Lake count>' uim~~t ortShermdan net oniy as btpoosibly a at goyarunt reervaton a areauit1 retfeldlus a 's i oIiSbore vho swdeuly neam o kacil>' Intereat- edlnt chanuag enerai conditions andj ni ,tire conditions as Accoruilng ta tire sivices given to The Stan, the. goverimeit tIsrough tIset =a = 1rann wp.s onbverge of a'eoéngFOt heédn. In other wordea.-it va s goug I. lesa It Jut and4 moto itt o »Me otirér location liecauWç théiaterrible ploture vhicli 'lias been panteg as tote conditions vbLcbsurrouaaslthetii ort,. ùt ther w.vj t k as a A, e c f t.n M"c rtdom effort not buact on real odltortlu shalort, v er. vo» mas>' e*ntiumade aotit Sheridmandsiala-rouadlt ultons which vere nol soabntlnted by an lisve3ilgatlon which thse gdvernment ordered anid wbleb Inter revealed Uic condtions ta o cistirel>' opposite to vhat the. retorm movers bad pictured lit lu WsaIblngtat. one of the picturespainteed ar the conditIana about' Port Sheridmn v-ts that thore vas a lUne of qaL)onsaail along the private *laht ot Va>'out ai tlie fort. Thse pîcturs aiso lncltidod dlsorderly bouss, mai"' Oment etc., and thle government ai Washilngton liad a Ypry reprc'ienslble Idea aof the o, nz:i s xIet' ar Fort Slst-rdaas. Accordingiy, the war department had taken storp, tamie a clesuing of Fort Sheridan, remave the oflicers' training camp eîtirely aid lbave nothing there posîbly' but the bare buildings and maire'no furtiser ase of thé igovernment reuervation. - on C lttMeCalci àHait A Up came to Chicago Ih ia under- stood [bat the -overninent vas plan- ning ibis sort of-an action virereupan a cammlttee f ront the Chamber of Commerce burried ta Waaluhngtan and nfter severtU indys effrt au.,ceeded las pull>' disiiiualanlngthe govornment oMR" anad bringlug about a decis- ion tecause a direct investigation b>' goer lieit authoriti's about Fart Sheridan. Thse resuit vas that the var depnrt- ment sent bis reprmeentativ o 1to Frt Sherdan to make au exact analysis of thé conditions surrouiding the reser- vation, and tpon tint lavesticatione bingel tisé decision as ta whethér Pt. Sheridan shouli lie reeioved oitrely. Âccordlng[o tire resplt et [hie ln- vetigation, ,It vas Ceund [bat Insteal af [bore hein, a Une of saloons Up and davn in front of thé reaervatlaai. thse nonrest salai on the weat waa elgît miles ava>, on [he south vas go »iWe aay, sud one tIse narti vas 85 miues&,Ma. .tISI ~up ta Local Oflilai Teposition suumei by[lie gy "umentletht Iif bSoheggtag ia Car- risi on It I& up t. the. local sautsarit- tplm to regulate IL If thie local sutli- oritipa cicnnt re$ulate IL, the 50v- eretmt ssumet tic poe»ion [bat it cms move 10 otier qatbrs, Rou- eso, qrîthr -hc dlncovery biigmti tbat lOMO', ve no saloon», near the. atttio a$ bat dry territory OçtfrelY suirogssdé It, thre Wnr lïataniut ttold tihe Clinuber of Commerce oMM- .mittee tbat nider thos. coaitiaaia it v puld *bol bo logical [o move tise training ocmip >but [bat tihe govern- ment Ileif votal hav.e 10 regulatelils cvi soer Mei er action-4. eTheii.tatent pion nmiue by the people vIa vent to Washingdton sud platrred socb vile, -onditiona about Fort Slierid tiss[erefore merelY re- gsuited la the entre rensoval of thé 1station ralith ii riaing about a change orConitiouis, The a[ermath o1 Ibis chage s aiae at Waahlig- ton came blë et heicgovrerfiment oMoocrs at Foet glieidaa resent.d the r tntamenlp belogdoade -hàebe »d WU *t s-le surroundeal M tiisL î",e vers falilij vkd* àta tise teUta tp*- m a li -, tuta U<kind lot a boitl tut13t ibiata -'vitaIsertIs la îleWhe visi- Vis a* m bib l t Md [be aOl the 'oulpaeme.. - o 0 enIl 'ut, ~ ~ t t~rvs araesau t 1 churclese 4frthd. in e maukecame 1wf o loecalnftce wltoit Seocêtary gai tis avind IeRs and s~,aid a>botlÏ r i tîi tt e o ut.ê 0 [s . tWnWwo h rio 1I undermtad your towe in lnf.ste.d wlth blind pIfie, that ther.e are blinU pige or selepai alMong ther@*d 16 frn of a e sainAndFb. ci ad, 10b'wtl hlghy l and dreaUaordiaiy, ea4ou aI "Jodn eneabout lb... conditIons? l"a the Nçcfltr", The nnaters, ta vhom h. imade 'hie rcmMe ta fjý,ch case répiied that iipprentiy saftobody' had mi"nonied #i;n. -Mr. Atitinson [hen ad thàt yobm~y liai given tIsat report ta and <ter Iner or fthe. N"and -Wor Nlpartmocnt had plnced wauke- -W oÀ the s"aepar 'asNevpo.tand otier pIMces 'aeinch Es et amonut 19»M lip .." a*t, Çutonq . . bad tound. , va macatota ffl thn Ie local julijqlters did rot. cou. aider that kWii4of a condition exlst- I ng in the omunity. He côunlnt inderstand boy s$oi a report tou11 bave beeu sent ta lb. degartaeiit.t ls ie nt &adsy or ns o hrsmklnq iaiqul15' odl tian liefore lie vont away lie madê the iemark mhniltera that h li 14 Rt fSud th.conditions at 84edbecs gistuagel-t% 91P hn0.V bu it 8481»4 à c&» 'of"I gll'i!g. *g a bad na-in sudthem klkikng it sroud."t The bellot, noV liievais that il vis bis report ia B cretni?'Daniela whil ciag'ed thI lus of0f dep&rMtin condioe uta mot st In t til coin' miunlty as the oociala lad laces told, - oom1ic My 'Vina Inductio'o- istZrd M n May 11Ene CHANCE TO CHOOSE BRANtH Applilant, if PhYsicallY Fit, WiII Be Sont to One of Several Training Camps. tincle Sâmhan a re-opened the door for Immediate service to mon of con- seipton age as Indicated when Wnu- kp, ConscriptioUn Bord ,ecelved autlletio toayfrom Provoat MU- eut Caowder h"t, by I"voluntary la- diotion'Il men vIionese aklers ver. Mri down the line mlgit b. sent lma.- llatcy to ane of thse trtlnling camps for service. Tho mon In thls case, if acccted by the local board viii be seut te, the camp viiere instruction tu AIggiven inthie bimae orf'service vhioli they have ehosen. Reglstered mcan maay no longer voluntoor lui the routine method by applying ai thé pistoffce reeraatIngý station but by Volbmtooring ta, the conscription ex- eanptian board, thse vny ta opened for tiiem ta ses Immedate service. Thse tplan ài a part of [tie original seemne devisel for the. application et the ëoleotive omucalptiem 10v and inl inseE on section M *dl thi esaid seguiatimei, vliecirsectiona rbes 11Ma local boards@aund apelieate for 'u'luttary induction tg thea- s.redt mobilisation camp. 157 orier to maie the system, flexible islbviii permit men ta b. sent tuo oher liai mobaà.- tien caux>a, ne*a ule buve reccgsty belg recoled bythIs oé board tu gablnmtiiena tunev vohitaa'yinduc, tits Into service. Attention n lekâ- Pbaticsliy callel ta thre act tlat un manIn ta ha current quota may bh vol- ntarlly. Inducted and that creit for thre mai no lnduoted vii b. gIvecuon the quota calIed te thse taot that no muanIs thse mOltary service and not la the leurrant quota. LocaW mon vif Internased in the vratious branches et service vhioli are tutus opened tethrn. Âeoordîng ta the. rling tire7 may ho sent Ithe econscription lboard ta the. .lioving camps: For the aviation section of Ltire signal corps,, iCii I eId. ams ÀAutoitlo, Texa; for IscO division of th eignal orps. Port Leuvenworthi, Kàa" for inciheal corps, Melba)l eOm1cers' Training VAmp, oBart Oglet- 1 #Qffl, Gogrla; for gitarnasters, corps, Camp JOleplt oi6o Lstaidarld Pullman- *W5 me. to b. pravlded Ias"b! rIf tibey are furnîlsed. tati et taaninn entraisce -esvlde lanoxPected te wau*&iiau as Maaiy men &pe bem ertilurths iUOor à>ar service asas Vni o e rescht M M1a5Ibave as yet berca ,or thre it>' or counti ta e4 [ ithecax Machines Crash Tropthr st R dICfty. NEITHER WAS. 601H FAST. (M,,e Ddr YerTur fa Th açhlne, Irau t Approaching Auto.. Wiîeiiva. Dec 2. - ~ - -~ -s-vMm o vus'.aory shakeau P aie Not ad clos, calistato seriaus tauri vlan No O BOZ 'id*--Is One tîseir automaolescruased togetherg Wher~4uitCpeêAp t.ock- aIe rili>afternoon la~ot ed'lp foràOmi.=Us d.:nucl irrtz residonce, Wbukg«.Dec.20. r ere: Winkgsn Dec 20 UlantiP. Blaiclard-Tor Mnouso I M&. Viviani, vho, iii tii.palmy dnys r( 0ft A. ç. Fr051 and lte Clleam anad It ei <Rpp)miIer-Cbaf- mowlvnuak e o. Ma1 , 5 h pOSISCt> leur for J, W. DBarel 4"i rtglit of v7m", as lau hWnuke- Botb macines vI re ffked As a eau esllng on friends W.doesdY. ad.Do no OtrOiS the suit-cas.reautfthefUiccrash.Os0»et tsa 10aP ohciles vas liurted-um stirepaekvs". = W ov thse drioe sespedsoe lu- j uqqsv-otrop. sa dte -tuttin elpao ~~DrO, ,ilbe ocidenttloch Place et 4r60 P. barm m., W etduit. TiMe Blanchaud car M e 11, wu lasproeedi»g nortb. vile tise Rai Thc euas.bave bea umit&W allel l v acine uie v a edl o«tu, A tie depota 0, 15 litront lendlng rA-tirilM-MchM led bssdraia p 1sa . ~ i Ov b tisdouatry and hi il, a'ogmafathre cub on the e #t aide è1 rflUW #M or lteécases n ne. 0f hIetréet. e seamules trou 15 to St4cm- Asisnaiy 'as c ena b.ismed, thea Wça0fsuersn aMai cnmloete bis sivl machine iverved tu Pam the stionu.or Sa ot sud baie il 'ept parici! machin. anl th. driver di sot ÀmIf lent)lô -rotures. Thse dime la a» tha cUrher csar oscblng. his 411ebs i p eaojr Uie tthe compart, vilion beliag Mociroafb>' the ato dl nWant hla i Moa"d thea milmalsdo ecU>' Op front ot bleu. Pc« the ma»» t» obeckln W upssndilsg ti5'od a a.n i. r» WBlâCbard 'did not notice qsmusot a, i~Cessci owb tir er the apprtudl eCtuths her car ufti èsluoting therUlmioouuasion. it wuvasle tb *vert ai accdent Thél, AUl th* ccM»aaY bau tudo la li la deolared that neier of the mu. te kW"editise e«, rompt for the chines voie goar At a rupIol sseed, oaM' a MaMWso repaire tiant are but la ppte of titis fact lb. fronts voe oUdai, nd, as Uic>' are of steel. aniahi hal> Mlo mai>' are needed.. Il nov laokbiseIteMr. Vivin hm a big thins a s If cke cMp.Vvsabsa lyISA Mi'. Vivi a tes ire tas been t1014sa. aJ4M a tbat AX C. rtslanov dovoting al or bis hlme te lunher Interests l .tA 'IIVCR V udst t ls Oumta vhere ho lamomt 911I8111a fI t6g M ie lmber Mill Cbis OvI. 0i ovis etensive hImber band tlire and Intel>' ias beguaksto develop [hems J n EÈ R À E Men Long ln Naval Service Are Rewarded by Being iven AT Ë" ÎT LAIES- Commissons. Tc m. t7woo FRITMAN IS WVEN A BOOST. V l s -Made Junior Lieutenant- Proposed Buildings at Great Promotions Due tb COm- Lalces Are to Se Construot- petitive Examinations. ed ai Camp Pei'i'. Il ba sta been leaned hsnt six nev ennlgus have beon cronled nt Lexpenditure of approxlmateir $750.- tGreat Lakes iatoly, ail bélng cases ln M0 ta contemplatedlnlupais for [he vhlch men long in tbe service bare gret ground aviation school recentlY been pa-amoted &fier neyer. campati- entabllshed aht Grent am -.. tive examaunathona. Fiarther. Itle1 Ainouncemeit of th. proposed new îearned [bat IbaunMortin Prituan. building», ta, ho lecated lu Camp PerîY, chiet drisester ahi[lie statlin. ba on, of tc vinter camps veut of Useheci epromotel ta Junior lieutenant, à -main c1amp, vas made hi Sr. Lieut. jump of "hnif n stripe- Thn>.. làeut. Ramnsy vas ortierol The Oirt four men named belon la Great L4ktam fru ngausaol, Lhave [lthir ensigs ordere dn[.d fro. ta hoasSocatcd vit Ir r. Lieut. Hamn- Oclober 10, wvlle the luit tva have moud in estabilphng thoeOtent Lahes bheuun sl"ed smceDecember S. sciacel -AU bave hem iii thle pervies tram 1-2 Plie décision te ?kI>lih tbe largeal [o 1U yurs. The mon Promot.d: aviaton ahoa htie United Oate. "Jeelk' ltebedy.gunnr; bas beem at Girent [ah. catsei dissolution of ocher boulmg tanbuetor. tire gensunit, operated under Uesst. John liarpç, guneer; ln charge af lrismonid &uring the summer. PMI) the detention eaup, wvie o âbens e W»fgley ailP. H. 5tar tva ci the for n yenr and n bait. M . Udnt Siyers, bave been proisti to l'arry F. Quandt, hoatavrain; ln cn$jgni and ZpI romain at the gnotind cbaiw« oeuuwalls a- snbolc. Icistil.P.F. Nslty'bolatavai; ta chuge af (.1sor& of thse faincua "mllilonre qsartermastera achool. gW'dl fam i ent aviatoap have been A. CLsoeuers, boatsvain; command- 1s f uIhoBoston for furtirer in- or Seventir re4lmnst. truotion ita y-lng. flAsign Blair,.as» W. . Seny, gOnnr; battalion com. salted Wh Li ent. Esmmond lntire mandes' Second uegimeit. Greant aires mnit, bua been traasferred ________ ta. Hlampton Roadi. [ah. ltbreata cil> coimil deiborat- ed in favcr ce thle mils>'movte iFnl- ÀLI CM Ci Z &WnWglt 4_ffatim on a mend lb. bIna lawg"and alov lbhethexter, ta r»main open vas la«ee by a vote 4j~ VC6IMW E o f 3 t02. 60, 4p tava Ma FIROT IN LAIKE COUNTY-11M MI RF R - - - Ilo no More Casei lU JkTiiedin' Courfel'e Until Second WesiIl rf ay court 8a1 or traim miatsly lesteom moer t. 3"mw>' 7. This acton vas eztipstt vrethie jury'la hile U'oaid ~e'vas« btaed fer aul ~iuesvmeeexcuffeIrm tru fr ~a~sVO;-~? V r, "'0 a RoBu.Ry TACI< la, vas, belloret 10 o 47109I t4 <bai eSnt>- hos0flgima lest gi- d* bnlviog bote, ba"stnunp* police féar ho mr .p$109 custory for cquétioubla wévue ta1se i51er b'Lieut. Iwd o (rgow t c*0 West . Mtedtb Strket staion. Mtua thelr star>'. the lieufanant *sapéd f10 amet of Wallace Morv, 9a saute M the . . 8. S.LAges. The.polloc s0" &Mso l.olçng fopr twe otiser sanom nbems Ridaw$4 Md xg. (-ovpe4blond*ad - viii %is ikuil fatseBnlkoagrlb lips' roomlng bogie. -$48 %U ess nue, &Bdtfo tiueooW64 ne'"i raoafd0 te sse «tal. tabe , < late heur- let AlibI hoeVas ne ah. te, tonel Msabry. manWh vlot e ltIse ocidins o The «ilMa »l thre *OersItisa frocs a trip t emiSahs=m»ii &W tw QuesUmou$ 0f11mg ?"W« be i fact thnt Buad"cIbbd cvwli bk lbe bouse 16mialealto as. erii Tn»r o, atbw t -.M t lk bonne, corrsvborâteiMW&. VIIMu The tact lIant Doud1Wstresses.aWt ahoos lad hem temovedau as Beciers lsd lb. Pol»s te boileve tWI anme men atiacisd Duudit 'ON À WIA4 Three Chibago M retda They b aBrIdewet-Are BroughteoWaukegan. Wlakogsn. Dec. 20.1 Wben Frank Bolliner. Lae.&Ad Frank Ptack ver. 4eloas.ed front lie Chicýaga brideveil TridAr'ate'nas aller serving .1511 montS Ou a SMr- ceny charge, a decUie vas ilé for tiem cm anotbe' charge of hi'- cee>'and lebc el dtâM inarret. birnging them ho Waukegan. ,- TIsey ver. taien before J-usti r'armer and their hearing contInuel for i() days. The mon vere cia'ld vi htirRaOf brase and coppe r Ima th iiOoToleplione CaMPOWY &t 'hie odalong Urne "0Mgo d lb. R ofcem bal heu valtlng for te,'"D Sinlab their sentence there liefÔre rM plncing the [Aire cOuly charge againet lico. Ail tbree are Chicago men. EThe LM«Vrtviffel déenodat bus the biggusa aru la ta m ac oe, PuNin notu la buro eve,& osihe thlb. ulrber, AdWWatmgtuz. et estate et Sa"b & KROiou a.U& vii attend the o.usty Curt fid country,-et a teru theeetg e~qi en ettbe Court Boused la imid CousU', cm the dAM of IlabruarTmal1911&. wbm~ viii,.anlprca al8 - -um mu t re reua.tcd tae stheii mete a1l Court for adiulitam. XUOGU MIL Wv4G,1 Admltrator e« MAesq-, tata et oSarL RKnovlse daeased. Heylccker & Reydectter, attoriS~ Mor estat. Wa.ukea n, Dec 17 1917. Wkly-Dec. f0-7. J".., ToQujrC .gipuing« ilwe iulouguza ftraioodsanda.rvioumtho.poid L as MEMMERSOF GARAOE OV"RiS'AMSCIAl OF CMIOI ý 1

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