Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Dec 1917, p. 5

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imfSoreg ihaq>kme publie for the patronage g-v IP0 gi rlngtise pat year and àolicit a contimsance of thse same dOrlng JB. MORSE & GO. "Evry*In~F~rMen." lb.wih all o#Wp~rn .vdfr"ids a sy and MW>$r n pomq i tm . A4i« f 1-T]EPTOW & MASONI is jP . -z:-- u-~ ::~u BARGAIN S IN THINGS YOU NEED 1 -«. Lard or rn't P »........ 4uqt. Lar or ridt Prfl... .... ... 4-qt. Iterpdm Pros. aud Stuffer.. Quis. Voem Sweepes........ gg Aàqmgom -o% ste-rs....... " - m .. ........... Lai' folP.Skate........ Ab.s TaKOM ... ....... N.,. . ...............o ... . . . . . . . . . . W~s$S~rs~Scs arf4agSets i.q-~ ~.s ( ~ ......------ olçeSimsdK ........... '0 i " f $... ... .. . .. COMMUUI1Y SILVERWARE $1000 2.501 5.00 2.50 1.000 3.25 70c 1.25 1.25 2.50 2.00 m0 2.50 1.25 lOc 1.00 wrt~ j' il you knaw af an item of local itrtktndly telephone No. J .--: --------- -------------- 1a1t I. L ied Ote. la. nil.î the n .,.... atAd@. now ou yon.Im .* holidVab aiWeçt Bond, Wl.. 1Mli. Pearl Bavl.y, tram lMoutana, la br for a iovdays. viola Bd ard Igisi, of loétiord, la sponding tb. holday. vit rlaàve br. A Wath Nutig viD be 'hid ast ii cbu a.n on u I. mp ls. e Chrola.vl1 h. daLvo u. % t A hmuly eoMn vs 114Cbinma at thhome etlKr. 'd Mm ..IL Lon, Mr M Mi.m .L&J. Doluls omm a bi iamJo"bs Wli&."sd dauglr. IWo'aveu Chi.«e vioi.ounUmi- Dpro w mti, cof bmpas, la b. b, a v..ougie' via hhreliveo ma" C J. Jarmo$o n 1oatdow tuate"Md afsoiy oiu asti. ho. la ms- Kr.ami»dOda eorp, T. Carolvot5 alsua toal11 W. W. Carrol boffl ou Min dm..Km"u.,rmuar subool tosiho. la ipodiag a.h~ bar bomo lu ia Iva,1 1KMd airN. L tZ.ProUe. andsoaa PM 01ai (uiao, opst briema. vitb rcoimilvdsbsud bohre. Un.. Ide Latabav l v tmoro for Donver, Colorado,. ýhooe oh. viii Ca11, phono or vrtto and lbave a IM1t Ad. st Tb@. Indepofdont office. Tii. coet la nov anly on. cent a word. I1r. and Ur& ohnob Brevor, oi Graye- faite, @peut Bonday t the home oi Ou Krumery. Dr. and IMro. Bdvward Cran, have cioued their home and gane ta Chicago,.?vhbrs thty viii #pend the vinter. Mrs. M. Macaigu oviiwll cioe ber hanse on Park Ave. on Jaauary 1 and viii go ta, Chicago ta @pend the vinter. Mir. and hire. Frederick He@ad amain11 a pene Christmas otBt<he hume aio tiro. Be' parents ln Chicago. hir. and tirs. M. Rilliier returned Frdal irom Brigton, Vaiorado, viiere tbey hbave resided stace last April. Mdr. and tire. Go Krumrey andl fain' llY êPent Xma. wlth Mdr. and Mns. A. J. Bennett at Grayake. Honaco, Buller, vba la In the employ ai the Ravernment. le s-pending the'bai- idais st bis parent&l homehors.. George T. Carroll and %vlfe leave <bhe firet of Jannary for Nv York, vhere thhy viii mako thefir future homne. Mn. L Z. Protine accompanled bY Boy and Rom Bimne aiofChcago, rioltiA relatives and iriende lier. laet veek. Harryflalland hbasreslgaed a. sore- keeper for the Public Service Ca. B. Delthann la the nov man on tha job. Theii.lee Shance entertaineil at a dinner party ou Thnrsday svenig 0 isot veek la honor aiftMro. Ida Latebaw. Martin Dahiquiot ha.e r.turned t Battie Creek, Mleh., aiter bavins Intaled machiaery la the Fould@ Milina Conmat plan. B. Kano, af AreS, van the. vpiaclpede affered aas apnila lbte . ontet cou- ducledi ecetly'ty' Lfoere Novelsi store. cent a word. . . Uhf~uf'WU cYprgg<.q Dr ad Mmr. LRHiartln spent Christ lit. Lwence olcopal. m» l II'UW*qê A iv.IL S. White, Prloo-b>ebar.. Gar i oh I Ç4 oat, vau a l"cAl rviens vii b. bMlai. ii. Ua5. Hall vila uUiPi- until furihe frit Banday Ni..F aAffl , ot ilvauku. Boly CMmuaka, every Bonday 11:00 N. oeqi.oR~Dui.l,&p.ut Church sebool 945.ILm. Ummu o w biUuiOI5 rom CAMP B m Oedy ool 10 &. ermi 1 imi B ormug v orublp eaIil a. M. urvi U.*u~.41 Eiiord, le ChslsO»Bs adivor .usinugeta. 45. ~imdÉg a bsWa 1.e~ Nabe srviée at 7:80 vil .g.eà Pavi ~ k..aad es, lysai, .nouéby abia. voie m oeeuujpO edsi.ia,. oi"h mi 5,sé W §Oior 111110laiI . Nui Seaup uhnlUviibeed atlbi mas Os àpflbd 10 "4. 1* misl glu.. hada5 i F ol I 0-aclaei vas a réel W Oin*0 patte *oIve Ihis mosi.a Pwf.hiparIuset il O-om to a.he dwo& -m m.T auL emwiii ~esai Nu.LE.SviSfuuduisaa hall Mev TW sermuon. la the .vmit«sa $me el... Mr NOuegiiab ber houmo.7:w0 Dr. J. IL Kffl Win M" MiW o Il. vula. l. WOWnimat»enad srn sil.9W busl: "GOcs.or Pinugi, a. coupWsMi vo*i.Sivflto1à!Iow ibarro sd Prusluoo&e"'-"Tb*M1gbt anuti Co *$ a.14 9000. o f IIt Md h e lb Ught of ll bme kt MISS u.wa llon, Who la attend- vi 1 lii*uua ssovea a. KM NOU*ueeu Unvrsty as The. rabli leôrdWty le iut.d laattend. ~ ~ ~ The. bisofaithe Epvort Li Lagu. bbUý aî 'àuIoa tb ber sanat, are. servic or it sSandeyy vilii b.a tiv andi anuber. mr lenvo on qoksobjeet. *'OurTsar Atv.mCalbymmd asgbtr.of Jubliie." The. leader viii h. J. W. Tbe iMWdmffbflOf aih@ Evertt Haie.. A cordialinvitation i.extend.d Drage CW~b vil Rive & miaetrti On- t au~. Md daea t Everett bal Choir rehearesI iii bho.ld tbie vee Vaiday, Du. 28, sit 8 o'Cibck. Massc on 1 iuraday erecing st 8 oclock. Al viii ha iruibnl by PMille.' orchestra. memnîers urg.d to attend. Prof. 13. IL adebrlak, of th iLbrty- The. iii ho Bn Important business vin@. Townshaip 5gb Sehoo1,la I.opedlng meeting of tb.e pvorth Leagne on th. holiday vacatjôn st bisebhon, la Plday eveniug of this week in te Arabie, Ra. On bis rtura trip h. viii gymnainm. riait.J. N. TborgoortonBaCamWpTaylor, LoeiovIlie, Ky. ÀPIN NEL Grammar sebajl teacherâ eatertained CMÂINI L the echool director. and Intructoro lu the aosemblY roum 01 thaechool 'un The eau va, 01 the Y. id. C. A. lu FI& Thorcday evening Of In.t week. A township ba@ resulted lu raieing con- delielous unacheoit. dancing and other siderabie more tban the quotaoi $8001. amnieLafate made a evening a uegt meeting lu <be interet of the Y. NIl. 1enjoyableaone. M C A. was hld idnl-the village ball at The '-Roll oi Honur- andl"Service iLake. Zurich. Tîîurpday evelling. James Fiag" at the M E. Church reveals the Dymond, chairuman ofth<le townsbip rom- fact <thâ lber.Bae elghtati yuung me-n mittea, premîded and introduced <ha elilsted la th army or navy whn are o-akex.. Mr. Borebeid. Y. M. C. A. mombere oi tii. cburch, Epwurtil secreiary at Great Lakes, Naval Train- -Leagus or Suiidey Sebool vben at honm. iug Station, w80 the i.ret speaker. He Inl Libertyville. \yas olowed by Mdr. Parker and fiey. Heae ai Iairfield. Mn. Gobrecht, eecre- y Edwin M. Dynievlci ha@ been amslgned tary ai Lake County ai tb. War Counr.ii . by the govemett to L.aie County tram ai the Y. Md. C. ., mail. an appeai <o th. Janfary 2 çlp Mardi 2, ior the purpaseeocmmninty ta do1< li prt fiaancaliy ta of a.aî.ring the "paye r ,lu prepairlg make possible the extension oi the Y. M. hi@ incarne tax for ite yosr 1917. He C. A. aetiviiy lu camp.. vii b. t the Lih.rtyville 1ostoffle Over 8100 va. rBlo.d ut1he, meeting. Februery 13 ta Vlruary le. Inclusive Thrcelgb tbe effort@ of'th. volanteer y many home@ vsre tmde happy hy the cammittea, the chaîrman hieohu abahi dbom..comlag oi the. boysarOIDthe. dît- ta tara In 401.70 ta date. The lotaof isrnt training moi»p. Folowlng Is a subocribere contain aver 200 names. 9- lt ai boys wvisA et.home-, Hubert 3. Dovdsn. Hksny 66114. Lloyd Taylor, Walter Llabtbody, Mark Nevilie, John Muelo Hall charme. a àllen, Byron Prosort Hoard Mrris Fatigue an~d tireil nmerv oft.n ac- oandl Eraest Brava, canal for restlesaeas; Ilauuch condi- - tionso < nohiSaibette than Soi bo , ey (leorgia Langvorthy. vhoale attend- iag 8t. joseph@ Seminari. at Kanka- k... insopeadîng his Chrstmas vacation Tii. arnot Worker@stises ai1 te M. 9. chnrch viliimuet t <ha haine aihMr&.1 John Wllams, on Friday aihennoon,1 Die. 28. Mir. and :Mrs. Aime Todd, Ir., epent trom Bondapunatil yuternoan at tie parental homte ai lb. latter, ut Evans- ville, Win. Tii. meeting ai lb. Rosie Gu*rdo vae blid lat it lt, Inoteail of jTneday .vuiig, vbich la th. rogular meeting ngt, on accuaI aiftth. latter h.elg Clrotmae. Chrtlmas pragrama ver. Iion iby a.e Susda.y Sebool laeosof ai hPro.- hyterla and d. IL. buo ou sn duy »md Nnday .veekwg, reulfui,. the later baviug a ire., The douartiome laa.hegramm a eool rooa4verq approprialatathéIeidii eau sud".volied vamp omplifmway um mahtrmil vbo lad the phause Epvartb lfasse biýMooo medmas a. 1111. Lhueb rlday evUbs Ma a'oei. The <Cri.Uas Eu.ovr vii nneSbwvlthelbLues B5:M, tu dia emu plame for Nv Turc Wai.h Nulft- TiilPublie Service On. gave oeeh0a il. olingl. emploeuetva dollar. a. a Crltma<.pruont. Ta the. married men il gave each a box contalning the. toi- laving: Tvao pylUR eblceous, Ibre. pouadu ot svuet patob., fuart or cranh.rrieu, ctaiuoofP, eau oi corn, ean ai tomata .oap and ans-bal dosen met la the. star. 91 J. B morse & Ca. un Wodnéïday atlornoon sud trans act.dl routine bndaossand tormnlated plane ta Oak@ lb.enuit 1i00a reord- breaker. Date.. of thsebir viiiLe de- tormined by Presèdeat W. E. Miiler andl ireclarseB. W. IButledoid and Chas. H.Cheever. As a @top tavards tbo eorvatioa ai fuol, ail oriental 111l, vilct cde outoide lighte. signe. se, .bouid b. *but off Snnday and Tliuriday niubte, andl ail show i*lndo$rf .ould b. dark alter bnslo. houes,. Manaer Kram- ery oi <ho Publie «be o. a advlsin)g patrons ai lb. compan tir tacDliorm ta tbhe" Instructions. Il yen vanl te buy, oel,:exehange, rent, or mecure sulabio bélp ou employ- ment, try a Wanl Ad. Ja' TheIndepen- deaL. The norteîs aW ie u.cent a yard; no mini.uii bqsi. Ttla uthe orust, qulekesiad toast *gpWéapio vay %0 bave pour vants supplied. à Rétie ad. la the. ClsWeld Adveos1 polumo vIiN arrypour niesaiteli. q t b« 15000 poople ont or 1 aivqgltud. la Lako coaati. At gMy M n* David 1.joly cwrliyties "malib* vide <t ha.bucomae ta thona z 'of their paungspt Sosjamfl. Jo0- lyn. The yjoug roaawhom »lm deah ouhsamaiydipiM i* s elM l 1b stem hecautéRbi I1. . goum mi tu the Joolyn taimliDaidtI ' r,, la a member of -*the5 £eioeu poedI tionary forarce Io tenov bog*e.d 10 ho on FYmeih iau«, no. the talonby death of on. son md the other on the. battl. front la Tran.., atUrally bring. grief ta the home or the. former Plates attorney.-Harvard Ha-Md. lanharmoy aaa. litla moretlian a iaying that «Music bath charme ta Boothe the. myage breut" l i larue cf that asufprimitive heing, pour eblld, viio needh ail <bit pou eau give bim.-New York UDvent ag Pool. Quer Mixup ln Nome. People wftt queer naine. often got BOcited la a vay vhich furnishes th. edtorlo paragraphers wlth mate- rial Snch a mzing up of naines wlth ealy one real change of naine vas <bat IR'volved la Mim Bertha R. Fetrln<sz marriage te John B. Bold before *Tne- tic. Covord of South Norwalk, Coui, withBU eSAnna Hug asattendant. Il p.rfaclly simple,. 8"Everyoae pu tota leep durIng hiW sermons!'"I9 don't." H'ow ever do pou stay awakeT,' "Don't go to church.' . HEARTY FORd And ta our mnany friands anld pt we uxpress, aur higli oPprpcfqiO% 011 the cordial relotinïw 4lChw45& lsted between us during the past y and whlch Itl l ou r hope and di9mr moy ever continue and strangthon ln the spi rit of friendship and service. HiappyNew i To Al With the. compliments of the nana. we thank ail aur patrons for da*l puftonage during 1917 anid wiRll. forward ta a continuance of thie saue during 1918. IF. B. LOVELL CO.* Kn ight Block . . .Luh. - r z:boom Most Any Cook willtefliyou that 'ahe muet have good cool witl wbichi to caok the Christmas turkcy. Thus Coal and Turkey g, hand in hand. Cood, dean c",i.the kind t1iý cook vWiIl ike, the kind you wilil ike. i's a c1og and will give a sîcady heat. OUR MM IS TO FURNISH TMR COAL W. F. FRANZEN. JR* Telephone 5 Libertyvile We wish to te&nk our many frinms, for their ptoae duri;iiitii. pait, year. With b- bt vwishei for Happy and Prosperous New Y..f, W. W. CARROLJL & SONS COM Ph... 9 cossm u00080080 USSUUU le*ê* s «M--ffl M -J The spirit o! the Seasoil us to express to uou o&r appredatlo fo th1e busne5ss: intrusted wIth us durlng the Post iLetr, and we wistl vou (1 pros- Perous vetir to corne. LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. P...47 Deva h he i 15Deps UBERTYVILE IL. SCHANCK HARDWARE .............. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- ---- ---------- ........ ........ t 1

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