Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jan 1918, p. 4

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4.Wuuo OAsFui ft j Tbei lWM hba ut OQM t0 410111111le ra'ir g,*'ovelme thieb long have -7.. . ..........,-.....,. o"tUImO..100* sa4tmmè,etor--*i tii iç ar- S-- ., .. ROedSNI .rto f Miga forwmrd on t ho wavé »usng ic uiUdeoatln a t id - i ,*ýiâàl swth until there a I ao1nU8W dpubt that Utýo tti tp b oii jrth*PuieucService otwijtic Sun preMïtï brielly Companl. liathe I1of ai mmetc fe w ieilt m»r tachieve- thé Rtatp lub. he Wosaa M6Cliii o '0fthe yoar. mentiôlstna cumi- thé Rtark IO, îý w-mï a ly a few cf Uhe thingos Icisare and thecPeoratOdf VDiU 0U51ta 4 s taken ÎsD nduring htie new yoar. sations oenteraid vigormis preetatcm.' tmPt Car Franchide sldrin tie drkeingai isecit1sAter ynrs of delay, ide ~to anc sitroth a rkeinsgh dngOfetoSiit tseI reanother, 1Vs aukega.flhaf - - Iet dwhtd m a granted a nedo.street lar ftanohiae Vat,, property sad it rlsa!tMepu and. ahré reap Ti HÂ P~irrw YE.R Ilie. Mucisaifihe aid truck lias been re.C HAP Ir W Y AR-Th is ttement bas been made that' iioyed. beisg replaced by mucli iseav-a .'a,~od~aOr pandaray rens!srohotL.k er steel, Geneee street lias beei vv51 lsppy sI.Perad osil y, rhaens therodhoeivLaet was, conidered a patriotic measure 1doubletricked, a line bas been'ex- Iehya 917 te ho ilromembered by ms, but dOapte tisas. facto, to adeoit thse "idîgti1îc'a tended. up -Norths avenue and dawn rucogunize ln the se er one of worid-wide. aorrow, affectiflg millions of that It waa ln accord vtth Use- vishos Glen Mlurs avenue to tlie Wilder tan- W wil sr o lu Inthe motter ai businqss, thanks taOurmany of tise.oderai fuel adminptrati0fl. 1 î ler tad eyin tiseets ad have bda a tisfactory yeur, ail thinge qonidered, and for tisat Thtrisat ta anauunwarranted as- Till e srehtee inthe scity eve g*sfel ta Our patrons and trust tisai videeh&iaIl continue ta ho worthyThsevctghebtte iyvr ppsort durlni 191&. sumption la eytdenced by an OrdeT/ bas bâti.a havre eàdeavored. ta ulve eur patrons a newsy, drellable news*Pppc, Just rocelved tram the. ioderai *gàe Pasu $69»00 Bond Issue1 je. lswoad luat. tihe hom o f Lake ooufty people, and bedoese admilnistrations ahsautely apeidtan Soveral montho ago the, votera , leusOd cr rac euse cf thse mauy expresions of approlation Ushe ctty passait a bond isous for e- Urn jar ui onedcontaiued many tMage whilch we sold b tisank- 'Uattbo dlminahing of llgltnt shall 000, Use 'largeat in thehisitory of thîe flot apply ta thse maihntenassceofai treet city. The money raiood irons thse Uights by any ity or tovu br wfthin sale of theso bonds wtl ha usOdin 191-108. urety or towu except *hao e ~ltquidatlssg Use ctty's tndehtednesa wow roie h roed rmd d 4101:01coufty ookng ock"orand establsbing its crodit on a Sound- uther . Wr heu roile &11trouud mel LaI hu e oout l ord baicordou are .naintained for déorative P odr bhaits. mon iu aV"e>' AtMaty mau ue lb iu ulsuof the va~lwae tdlxa. polu nda o ecesary f thUe Th. New Park Systom a eO»oeuti. u gur Ume, or luSasetMee@maul cfrUeyusuiuiula soety of the dpublie. -1li.CT e etblishiisnt ai a systens 0f1 "Wbwe the>' am lluu» dthft 'thoy>' de oMe have rne UU-P A- cpy et t»ls oro *00,5 publc ie WaS ialo la an achievemnent ai vbich theC ity la juath> prdouO. Thé '1 0 1 % a re he m oat'"u e ff e o tc u in l b r w eh a l bi t "N o c otiie te * Io , -a o ch * ie s P u ff-8 b o u t h m i a u si d rnp e nt l m« 1i the WN*% *1#t'Obu mMed,.w oU , - o ?oyeRMe n oeotract,.ia<btud 'ta tu p aite buosinéess off twabshlg t yl8» JIUatuth ai BOIVIder '410; 1 Streeet~ ItO m réb"n tiiel option on a «démm abo'» 'oemety ôdeutouawo orpu~* itber ai otber tracts la tiier barta -1» whowele 4wfotvw-ithepçqrpoM..M ocrpo ra;ai 00ition~I. BàSOci the Cty., Whounthe Plus tla car-1 "taqkl s, Mpa rtn h p Sfl mf-re u atmwI aeoeo '~pi~ U4aw-s ~umi. f e is, te ubi taluaIaplat Ourthle porpese of top-the li 75t iD8 < f publie parka in1 Wb" th* g'e l - Of ,>lytaIM -ler »& the publietlthe états et IUIos. vu fdwLfor tluhinatilodaor D~sa' latU A-weU paed City la aIways regard-i ~f.'eel*at Stiiddyt>'hJuqbflheI* t e iutbliuaie hi ~ -s.-e.~.î c thé ei esi t tis e. a 187 00.1, OU. godeor otber fuel for dodit ua progressive cosmunlty a evu l fot il lu the ellw of Wa~kwar but Uepips islpyigeetlfvgaod or blas an ahumdaao or lack twmre l »oyt"lfy M M. ÏW -for lbimntai rdipay 0dvr f pavins. Wuukcp an staken raptd * ll it t hora l' or0fprueit> hr. tihan Peopl*tie t sn*,naticea, annuneemeistB Orstrtdos along tUsa Une durtng thse yoar,1 upuuue v i aav taken p lacoeet aOest Lakes Naval signes deigflatng thse locatiotan a nis7of tho treets bilng cared for l id e upon flua beu~ i iecut.Hlrd fieor place of business, or Use na, hy permanent tmprovensents. rNortis df o ~ uen te brpiuen.tuhg-e r0uti- Hu"'ds Ofi c n s' avenue. Norths Cousty sireet and oti- ofan"cue-d tsusna Isulv"aaiomndî ofo,,arw',e',id orfrnr.res for etnaliin- ~are to hé paved m soan as . Lkeo ad houans. ndthosad pf ofl*tre hy searchights rfo'i. a llmn-the weathýer.permits, the Improve- r-euit. meri ed men and othor poItedbtisîs tion, for ornauientttinoi0f ,fy bulld- Sment. North avenue, Norths county Md gisadérig te yr aicty k count>' men wC1C îng, -or lighsnteIneriro soestreet and other streets are te b" ati isedeing he yar ue> inerto 0fstoesPaved ais oosi as tise eather 'per- 01 Jopetancu lu thai"esvln t Giet Lakedratiton. offices or atuor places of husInops. mita, tise inproveuients already a- have leeId a >«nl-ie mOlea, bt uth aerf tude i ear, tYwhen sucis stores are nat opens for îng heen- declded on. hm p bomfuel ehludutliug thse preceilnla8menthe thse doatha busines, éxcelng snc ights saiare Bultter Wasr for Scisools thaslu se revoti var. Nuevr, u ncesarfor t..pubic ufoy o ai AMf important stop. tendcd ta safe me e. au e fiUMOçfl hu -l h rves5 -HW",O eefarfrtepbi it ruguard Use healtis of tiesechool chli- ou e-Jids. ~o luhe sme *Mb ydre roulreby lav; for for' exces- dreis bas less takon by tise board of -W ý bad ooqsde lod *»Mrmamel&' dnLa- he ewu of &Iee50teqt ')ginteudod for dia- educatioos lu cauing a deep weilIta Uehi hl impoeuuuelu uluiio, play or sdvertiatng purpop esthor Oc liit e hehigis acisool. This vili op mewqm .wI 1 - uk ud liisa aul#aned by thé 5upplY Use pitls thes'p witbpure Av wke "01±k-o ater. If the Plan la a succeus sim- mm wmuI1 U U i UI- n lpju orby letiear wvele a-,ta bhoeatabusBhed et- ~ thpetaue c eaviog a Tepmbuou »dlaidot aithmus 5b 0f the schools bao. dèri*wt te *y 4 i 1 40eiYoiýtbUf d .t'ul 11517 Rail Factory Bom i4wiell= # ftwýyYr I o att owlofo*_m_.1 __ e, Altbousb Watkecan bai made no pesa. Tse haba mi>' 0fese ONes-t>'-~,deteruslaed efforts eai factor>' grab- 10--* -*h" lMd0 M h* lliuft haui Ini U# 811140t te thle >wlng exeptODUa: it.evertheimasmaanov ewIndus- 10. W ue. al&W tlue PrMF iapouu Iu ~ ~r - «(&) Ths. orn i 1.1 otal*ta tries have beon added durng tise ef« 'A bua vY 11M Uaitlm orrarameilporos«yar. M)"sy Of tisuoe Concernae have If IN 5 piq0<g ~ij l55<*4hlsb Uii fl gvuemma I~~~~~ located lua the manufadtuarra'tenu ~ wefê fuis. Urne >'esstablee, osil>' b>' tl* r ic inaÏ vertable be-hie or - 0 t uier s ed1w d wý a veev l i ÏHuYflI11eth e seuu aio OfM OEUOBWEIIUs Iduuir>'. »UtivoImproremesits Net - uuauvpela0 for thaïe r Dii -flOUSoO4W or tat etcfthe IJate ttue; &lmo heve bean made ai the Wilder 0(h) iaThis r du" hm tappl>' ta TMUMe7. ~ tie6a eao f ru lit y Thse Ubfieh Waukegan umade te, auy oit>' e.- tsWU uier àa gu*daepesmthe isvNrth shore OaCn neý,1«ww w a MW -obam of d po wth the, _ oollutisech~-for amolpan, ta put tuto offet is oho¶bli fmuldmuuce;meept lmine muui- tant t9reaio ln ratesvaes aise af the, OUI.btggeoetitiA te etty bas bad ln ~'. - i, ~cpalit>' MaY los fuel fer the main. yoân. ' WlnotUe Public Utilities O dn ta 18 st aaum *11bMAISN Imuance cfIlgista omUoY k- 88 acommiston allo-wed Use-. compan>' si Oit f lu~ U -fhiuluewy' or ChleerlgisIs, or d~e.make a-15 Der cent Increase tn rates OVE. eOoiativ ilreut lghUui, c e Cty succeeded tn knocitng out MUtlii. Set-C 1' Service " charge and ai- be il-en dnbt fuio*&e- 4 »e.-iL a pu3*49the Iighthug cf«fisCson provonted tise hilirates tise cona- si ia toepà1mu 'oyto at. w a l@ aime, e e 0480àuoi culn t a4 -1c11 pan>' vould have l1usd ta put lto ligisteam are eery for tise sfet>' of offect lcos uFr tisepublesln the figit ta,'prelent tise Chics- d<ua ofbis atlimak arif n Ziozl made "lc) Tiisorder obitaîlflt apply ta go, Nortis Shore and Mtiwau'iee rail forId ~ 9a-brngfoth smlgeuo bchscsprl iu ua opso o od ironsputting Into effect a boast 's <grai4-taid".ply and hlieidd tly fished tel, or ta, entramicea ta buldings oc- in tise rate of frare tise citY wvas set id atak ii ufiedor or.ingresor egrena no successful alisoughis hjoined ivilh hoI i* flQ>U ta tblnk: 'Why nopon k heotiser cities alang tise sortis shor heaa-during tise -niglt timeoÏ.i'ta ltin prsti g h( matter ta these tat f WB what i donde;hehisat upan piivate d,-vîeways, walks or lnPbi UiiisCommisîsio. ý alue, #4 hqallng-powers, is genoral effîcay tise grounds of nay liatel. manufac- No Filtration au Vet te tmii, 4eucrp-hoap. turing esxtabltlhment or residence; or Tise fallure to secure a filtration upo tie patorm0f aila> sttiosplant tasasne ofthe chef regrets e »m«wibbatcoame doun tllro gh the ages and uoth ltraofaiwyttontlug year. The matter bas bees agi baibenueas~~ y par ii te Crisapproacises thoreto. or lu ratiroda tatl dconsiderabiy and ai. Urnes I - *u iitedYvaOTpsi f iipsin h hrs yard.s or grounds, as ara necessary ta, iaeked as If thet problens had be-, p.a.Îertbat b- been taugwt at hsnoso afet>'; or to ilgso fr auy imlar àettled but up to Use present time nd at tle he a-fdedite eteps have been taken. Ti .-of the. nation and of tiiworld, a prayer whloh purpac8es vhen autliorlzéd by a15>' tgte ia ose or tise things tise clty isapes'd do much aid bring so mucb'eomfort ta n ple gn fuel admittrtor af Use stati vithin settie durtng tis e iiOyèar. out b. 141y dWuscWdd y a man o - Ir ~Theisoi trolei anotis- vtded& hawoVer Usata scbh igts misall hait.thecity ibuuaL tboen able I -1 le anly ln aucis nuber or ise a p. etitie sattsactorhly. It ia prastcall 1We be *Mve th Vla.'s edeav«o 0d10i" »mmasryto ms~use e quiemnts,-f luipom@We e Ada féavacant 1111u1e I doled ibUjoah te 'ity. due to thu-u.osal icusmif Itio~i ioivs oIvtm p«bu:blc 'e iou ut W aid lu ilgîtssh0- porweroo ty aothangisthere' apiifl o hoZaea papua *thMVoilvau bM ov o d i ovupeope. Xe.m iit n drectionoaithUs tate fuel qM- demané fer apartmOits. TVilas t, to OU..i wsy c 0 *-.-WdUc Moitof-MtMl to f Useh. -" ti.,Mh, hslide this ,rdlonsua>retard Wei Vdlvlum ii410 t.CbpRofl tht ti.Y houd Thes.Naval lStation *4Po iTreSpet aMd4Io W rthe abldrethtLt U s. TS o tNo reviev a f Use year vonldb IYC o4 0maif ut la otlaer ords, ho bas in- aUte Wppdooo n aval station a Gros Érdict fthe. home, hba bu UanmedTaem nnujrnrn uàestation~ ftesIgied f men iL bai grovu ta a glant mdiTft $8 rqbblylb.mail mared of al prayers fiFAthe taon acommsodatug ulpards of- 3 -'--s t- o 00 jaktes. Insdcationsa are tisatJ bultead, là ovi deas .TIIO ~AUAauRÀ, LLSwlUha made doyen larget, reports b mauI ci metnd ou - Igtisat tise goverument plans..t Washhngon, flCva bas s%,,asAe tri rons W0,00egan10lias0fen dir ,m 'ol« uovorsfto Iabounids and that «ar department îaday ,-quelWao,<,d t a ie .000 to 100,0as estdisei Ilm t% blis Giudaatage. possibly t is al]iitisne ser bin, produed on. Use benolité trem the. Naval Statim Americtan ide of ýNîagn-a >Fansta ad- Mas> ai tise offiiersmake tiseir lionS undoing. The Lard's Prayrer Is a pyer whneh eus-b an ads.nuatê asuvrly of elfetricity basr and, tbossands oi tise inae ho "mak.el' wth bY a mai -of Volvlas or ory flaeorlin usffaloanad Nagara apond maney wvus lôcal merchasO. llmited eapailitle& Hoeniay b. able to put it '1'lire viili e no eurtalîmeut ln The hioven tai-west of tise Yo '- ,la Iipop, but ti. avag-- hini foJ-- -- -lkisrhîb f00hicutlitifs . cli-cb.lia bech JP TO FUEL AONIST'RATOR 9 ro p s e dA ta A H ' CoalWhlo s S~podInto Pl Cc, m tby *, ail.1 ato and bitonslos coal tiroisglsut Lake cçuntY MaY ble matie uniforinas Use result 0fet tneetIng held !n Wakis- coai mercisant ' bureau. Tho propoq- ed uniformity or price la te lie estas- libed_, If possibl'e, tisiougi tise sloP wai -be te lm eea-4 nlu eSt on. 4irwd àeo-- p"ete erton. vusomtos, prset mes, .le- -4bmMtjbcf iL oW ont oAlt a., *e .prioes lbols rged forNe OHum eAut, bufte ta salut, ïh@wevor, tbiit If 'Tuc" ilau. it Dos exbaimêeta . t la n»misa"y PROMOTION "VERY RAPIO. slip 00.1 hors- by rail Ü th ie re 1prie. may .dmvee .as much r *'StartedSixMonhsA oas a r tS.TruMIcDrver-Has Shown VerY IRarked Abillty. E N AT.ROCKFORD Wta Perskstent IVARfIY -CLAD, IS j rIrsalled ltlrmmh yar,-cf nc S Irai work, ha!, wonfor* *flowaa« O«ulu L s ' "f Il, fý OFFKIÀL 1tPORT Jahformer Omwfir of theiaiu g arnad<,'v prom>' aýji ttse' (irfut at lips Tm'rin- qfn, sf m lie F gi-as arinviîci vs ared uon Provided With Suitable ji-bieff mai'lsîssit, wisî <îîpri witb b>' il detiers- represented at tise lsrno rîk t- i rs meeting Weduesday, Includes Use ov- Weai-ing Apparel. theran oft recels,' lfln t-é-w oe-- erhoad expense of tise de1lr lns handl- lhsg cool, and tise net profit vistei Camp Grant, Ili., D ec. 29. - Ass or- lng withIsn fhtise oîs'se f th,.nf-it lie recoives. ficlal report that »tie mon ai Camp - as - Grant are net sufferiug for want of I"'0 promoSloi li." as'"niti lo- 'ssii-t The gross margin on Use vexious warm clotimg hbIeen forwarded ta ai piseuomenal. Wlstenp. i' enîjatin mradon of coeil as fixed by Use dealers Waghlsgtcln. t.a «fagwss. tlu a tise reply of Brlg.'0e-n. Lyman tise navy ag trucok driver six months W. V. Kennon ta tise Inquir>' di-,ctei a go le ic<d sot mention tise faet tisa On bttumtxsous mine rum ansd scroen by tiese Sntie committes, on military lie bail iaî4 prar-ticai charge afi hie tbteS-Pit par toi.s. &fl au a effort te determine maet fatlieag ge In l Waukegan t-te re- Ou prepafed ise bitumInous and bow man>' mon lu te tise a- are-arlts ceived ,tise iatiig <of macisa, me- Pacabontas-$3.26 par tou, ont overcoats. voalen nis, or AQ1 e .lm On Pocaaoutae mine resi-2l15 ver altockile. Théra lisa a hrtao iln blouses, but iHia elbiciency vW" goi deanl> cvi- ton.f ifl eortnd Usai loe tis-us700 mein den t Usa&fier ibaie1-n ai the On anthiSe ol*.5Pet tcus. ahi Upe 18,000 o Ii i cmp aentre m'nus MatiOUon@Ceemonth 'he as gîtes Tinse pt-to.. ae toi apply ont>' on This pathoititcupnase second charge 0( ail tiie trncle. Althougis 0111l' vêli t. là' p d th.-' Tbis &P- bitter celé »&V of tise vinter la net. la tht. execatiVe conillusthe rublan Of - plie, teanailtUe tôvns l a Lake cout ting tI The Uessompter r-glstered the n,> ry qure that a mm an i ad- ontiMe etWWukegai. l In " cit>' 4 bl-vthhe Mcsnat. aconstpigeol a rthp lie VuesMarahisl te le ift>'contas 'Tam't. las-setth icglifta aoftie- vneosso Ilrot'strlrs dreda aetiscimetsa sud iufflooré aim. «thns. At tiheexpiration aofilires. pur tan lent visre the coal l8 obtalu- Use Il sera eather, therp e il e eanthi e vas gitan tise rakof ei il Use cul dada. ftttea reported. - maelit, Orsi cias. vicoisran hi' Dagletu sgroe a mae an at- liai held no> te I-ho pre.nt tite. WiU, tiouai chae rg ai 2conts for conl s"d Utihi- expiration of another three menthe la quantifies of but s a hlor quarter <61VES UPCRANC hs,- nov tia been psomoted te the ton. ranI ai ciîf macintat, tise isiaheat A- gchednle et rates viserp -1oal at N VÇf1DCM atarled position of an>' ni the chliot te ho cerried cnly vas fixeil b>'thse IN UIIAfiElàJ CAMP petty, officers al the- - Urin i. dealers. This ia ai foliavo. b3s@ëd On E U A7IT fliewbch leIirp,>t!y isider Lieut. R K. the tons: I E> AN AVIAIUJA ','!'7111. s rarmporsatlos officer. Basemet-6O cent«, per ton.-A, -hie-i î's-i i. i each viii Second ficor-75 cents ps-r tois. i,- in usai-g- of 10q sis visa <sper- Tisird floorIl er, V ql-ai-k tg horne fron rlll s-ts 0 a9)tuk s i, ttc Third flor-11 PFTton- (;Gini 10 a«PondlNe-w Ypar'R vith s bail'It h ot 0tuk ttItJD Lasice County Fuel Admlnisirator 1. fi-en-la Ms. li tiste satIronla army.- lits dutir-a rc-<jir" ushast Iv.siiline- th- p. Erskine ai Waukegsuu. togpther tM,.. Scbank 'sas splecteti for tise thIsrdi -wurk for a01t tis-se mes. vith Ms tva assistants, Paul Mac, officerti' regrrve trainisa camp ai! As recently as5 last Nliy tbî-rc- oaa - isonor te lois tise aviation depansment,!btoetuc -tenv fltis 09 Laike Forest, lid i eetintýIn Hi e-leaves soon for CisasPaign, II. Jwlien Mr. Beach enlitçteil therr uses. Waukogan wednesday evesing *i te uldergo a course- of training, Mr. between 20 and 30 trucks. NdLWp.iure whlch lie>' roaITed a commuisatlcss Seisank in agerte an aviatOf are béteen 90 and 90. iro li osi imoersvt rgar ~ Tise follovhng Waukegan Young ______ ý--bom he Ami lorsmon ategCamp G rant are -honsefor lis prie« visicis bad beau agi-oool Nov Year's: COrp- George Zellaa e The fuel admlnl.trstlcn lai suis- toise.,Frank Moite. Mlle Lenorcit.z YTuiiA A mIttl lte ommntoaiante tteJohnu Jartua. ai lof Waukegan, and Mtte iisSmuictin e taeCorp, Charles Bavera ofai ZtusClu>" il LANDPARK ? 21puiel Admlnt.trater John A. Williamss Caapar W&tdo Cox, visa a iev days 3 tt i arecomeumundtimtbss tfi hoILbago wvoded MIma Iltisabetis West af Wasington. Dca.111-1,001l" O f put litaoffset. Thse new achedisie Waukegazs. hai been appoluted ta tise an army hosPîtai in HighIlanéPWk. r a eose nea~~ tiird Officers' rouerie training camp IliI. in leing ccaaldered. Mal. J*a WUIt boo operatieulesi iat Camp Orant. Tisacamp olponeus R.ILMcinight of the medleal carpe va - caufirmed b>' Ur. Wilias. Jonuar>' .'Instrusacdyeueteria>'te. proceth S Rde" car-r-ine cout _____that place -for the purpo» et iaeet- inqutry ob col aldealrs touts>' -TheaMEIng crtain building@ and propeet FIIIRIIT N AKECOUTY andi raportlng spon lie puttabully fer b roughut forth the fact tsat tue PT'n- ludet uea eislhola ie l to ut in eS ue tt o or ta lis in~ ber t0 A. s to hat to~ ng Itu- 30,- It be- to re et tn. des ork hy loi ahs aùy There Is No End tol It Cuonditionîss liavte Ialsedthe titi's of I ivius t, te a pint where a dollar i only -about oiîe-tliird sa lage, is it used to be, People ino longer *walk, nor rideini ai-aei They now travel in automoîbile's. Titinaxi who houglît a thouitand:dollar polit-y a few vears ago wiII Nîy te-n tlîousand today. T1?he unit hais bison raised. Every rejection or- death without life insur"ance is a fcrcefnl reminder of Che danger of delay or the resuits of tiegleot. Every claim paid is a'convincilg deinon- stration. In fact, almost every condition in life, di- rectly or indirectly, from one anigle or another, points to life insurance. There 18 fno end to it. John Hodge, District Manager The OId Michigan Mutual Lif e 1" 1uranëts Co. AREA ILLINOIS Office Phone 162-R- lisience Phone 296-M.1 Organized 1867 OUr tAnivermarv" 1 b E Iv 1

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