Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Jan 1918, p. 6

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-w- lieba» rifei vti inLa barv tma te the vrana liveSMbondsi i F. 3j~g~çto bavin ne IPiiveatint i clm ,ieilo o1If.111&d a of etlm,=fau oe, a e Hestgi bu latar releeed as havh Y ~ ~ ~~hmé AR-MTiFRE.iobîtadvitit tdy ise 1Are Urge to Look Into the IatterCareMlgy to Avoid Possble Trouble. 5W h e1 avi-ceraze professiotilanti eanes man ln W&sihegan lias gui' i- me lhoilnht to-bts ncotua tax teinle in nta eneraI va>' Usp.eaare s- 0f tisem. juig by expression.; Md on ail tilde., vito bave familial-- id tbemielres vIti alilthat le ox- CWi ai Usain. WIt te mIliiem- Wpui claks adoffie employas ào in cUbject tb lic pravlde ofa 0 "v there 1B Dot ana -out af 20 àMa glyen thse mater mare thais 0"a ti SSeqetnis doutmu'ole cef 60a.17 V. lalméawmm.r - 6 ai t iepo, bap snomatigmumtt __Smsta e lie Imtoe tutbea ci tc aml pll. sUi utBvit N. Dha»U$M Wb shert durallou tltact nma have lhe neceau arylaes-matie arm =la nlC",u wthay bagin tbeu led« SI at one, Iucidentafh îi7 May be si-pattE ulat Unssarri-d i--ýn receIrginl cOntrE nof I10i- or more lier v.& triutf il- 'ii,.- Tis>'are e -»sted fot $1 1-11 N!tarried men wi inickm u i'- otr msore min;t_l scisadut- 1,1w>are exemptai opt 82.M00. OCt - r '.-,t mptiontu are litli t-i 'but i i.i.-.lbieta give a d, talied aceo-unt oai'tiseon. The ou] ate wav for a mlan vba ls an> wu dasibttu) au to whther or notb abou le Ica uchurdule lta ay ,r lil ta Mr. DyulevlcZ Who o ais& 001e.ilut thi-pSotnice begismn . Iesamdandtai-ho viiirem@& dmli sinUsteniaius,'9. linformation i ta suppliadi pulls. Tt»a will a. Possible l'otbie for huavy peanatl ara prarid for su asteton ne t ?1u la snom ram Sation U Cat hbOMe Tax Law, whicb resie au t »Vmt,~a If an>' Indviaisiablei lIe rcilsraor gmg il. tux " te aIlPo 0«-»tcI lmho e - es eSU hatae lb or ecraie h.uaauemetr - tis Ututata a de, all of lab Udie"mou ai su alr roa t. dcyurlYcenMe frm e0ý«poate, bonds, notes i .,lg»t ifflodedi pots rece wbtid poue dt o ecea obatu' .? Mm ~Swbat taues. imipu oc î t'Uk#bav-emu poli baety ta camut" W teur aue f wu bUat t ie. dla ou pê tbe vaf. l. the lamWau 4.2. TIM lu aflydotd il kmbeen a ta lbr 7peurs imA a mimber or daaho sItic eNavaI Station, ~UIts bOWq tan ont hb of peelite at tu UlOeer. of the number 1ha1 bave occurrai here, alumber ai peoPle wha tl hulihee hava bfýenacii a oliter pointe. IL s ciail IW litar 0o!deslhe in Wau -'utAll 1917 ha. ba no la ta laatepoulatin, thar TEL.EI O-4UIUTYTI1 UTRAt1Eop TTm ltI- or.- ta "t. Mt ha M& ln ex- li i ' taý 'v- da- l>' ha au on nve ri be ta Mil te- ail on 100. meL ha "FI rILES Fý 4y' AD DD TO iSTIN, ENCI3DUYS OF RIY Not Due to Fedêral or State Rulingbu mBcuse FishIng fnd str uHated. Tuas WON'T-BRAVE ICE. wg ute Februt. Tooeàw, a uehesWiedy 50W15 elld uante oberre aàBM. But the. laldit abstinenice &sylas dueo, ual te a ruliiig of the food or fuel commission, but to clrcustnatc- e, for lh. tact renais that freeh Bash ver. uaLta obe itai la Wtukegau yetardap. lotsurpsitows ltaIthe conition hie bean broughf about b>' the teuparar>' cessation ai the 11gb- a iadustry ta Waukagai. 'Captain Richard Smith ai tise Smith Company. Use biggest coutmerctal liait- Ina Biru in the it', aiseerta tAb la i boats vilii ot reetyma operation u itl torar' aI .ansd posslbly even litr i codtians Uen are nof fav- araible. "la. geit y"pear vbave audeavor- ai toA&aithe. poar ramid," he sai, " ut weve .v cms ta te conclusion Ut il la a lamina probositiou. Not edois l 1e. vejublo nets hbut Av- en tissu a"- boule, l1*in sitawhon the lae.Ji full of Aee. The ludusti>' la a moet hiaassM ana la the Wn- ter. Ou » lo.t lissa. boasic andmcn ln PestyI e t isIbaucamaieuns ta absiin vOwS-a or tise PrasuDI at touti. Il luposible ta gayp mt what vaw yl nequip." Was*cgan People vito have been puseshalag tros slul an effort to reince the lilgh coulof living, auiu vho bave booem. aocusaoeeto tah.v- lna Beli eval Thursday or Friday, at least, Uli regret ta leurs ai Cajît snilhhs intontions. Efforts viliiho ,Maie, Il le "i, ta ahtp Sshaie iu' Wt sua t tipe a thu supply offire*l fiai ln avallable Qeàlft. our 'Usskugti. Dec. 29. ý ..Au tic Chrlts-.i1wautei vas aum a brlafsm.agefi m mco.Char- rty, eica." ndMi.Ommiffl ïi cS ai avenue thitesatia, &adittquicêtly, tie "Ttl diai't csabu t lSafst~ this imorilua miedi1 ave At.tfor Newv Yaer'. 14re A ebuirllatter «» ca <0110v.: and "I rrivai O,0. Lla iance. The 1veather le ulce Ms u wrsaid. Ilm ive feeline fiue, the forignas lookit u- ny. Noboy aiu an lk Essallsl. lita barcut ,mlwbtit tMynov bat WITh write Iter. Wtts lova, Claence."ý ire Cuasslge for peurs vas a dateet- 1 irellb.thensloy af the "J " lus Wau- any p ban sd leaone eitishe citys beel inatan puna men. I? Présient Dudi af the Chîcago Blé- ratai VEI11roadsansd vha a&Ton le pres- YOt lient of thes North Shorea Dectrleana- nae l i te oosesp voWu *ii t h M nae ultI boutd for pernttisl tot tirge à-g bbertfie amid.probablp WIte Ttla lklp tise zone district viU tac Theo the haste for the propaei lacteai rbY rata. This viwu es. 5celîI en. ere tle t De el.garta Irarai .w-here tha la a certain zona,.vIit 6 ~ente for eae. liard lta anther toM. - -'ht ir ndil- Icel lenlt noarl>'sas big lu purc:cu et paver as it vas la thsehorno-car dape .-Je aIller. Tf pou thin it iln, tryIlon uave the bat-cdrforÉa 1est of tread, or aos uisi te mliimes for a quart of mutk, or ýmai on the gracor for a pauni ai engar. uit.- They wn'lt taeI Il ut 'Ihe elevat- rger ai road% have 10 tai.e1Tt Dodt you t ln th tlikUa t -lust a littie unreasosi- able" said 'ur. Budi, W. Wa. Smith, Vîti. Président; Sýeras-cansd Manager MRL & TRUST, CO*- LE TITLES GUARANTEED - ILLINOIS iài woe ele ods tbme~. l m e ce ÏOo Uva-l- %yrtitaibo ecrap beap7 Iâ .gj ~ 440e WIUï #tl a 1 e A s monta~ fli tAm. ?toig i49.c t CIIWWett Unes'iI&hM" ava lu- or la stg. wu boau dce sse»r as The récenut 1. l* ~ W 1* t in et te prelli. ventth*s «aUavei alivsuent Of00.1 canatlo wlh tte aadl et0f tiUe. wicn snob lumuit exitatethrough froàStb*. Relua cam Doc wheulié à T1EETFf,,HEARII&G, EYESIHT. -t h odt u h ol. .aM ë ibrIýéog epé bebir cèý thi Chicago by Dr. EL 3. 1 thtu4r opinion, Voivas acion in veat a marlous fuel shortage bêtra the nalsolden, a physicen who bau gain- dis=ad~g the ILaDre Prayer will not Chainitar of CommerCe ioday dirècted E Besides 11em . Things, His edrnuch fume d.urtng the poat year libe recelved with the licitement untd A letter ta ]Faderal Fuel Admilalatratoi' Meaume IsW61M, te, tire,.ugh his treatmen--u,r- ý *nors chfe ieprobabiy ect (l8dloid, eklug ltcv-tas'ie steps, if i*r«Mze the Onze. In ather wordir," atv~~h Are 100 Per Cent. Boiltnéar nd othar imlar caesý.1Mecion a aochîldtsniel toc<un- liere for local consumption. jhan drawn a periional letter trom the aecuable ta bc gtv7n nny Bertous -ASecondlatter watt sent to Laite, Who in the Apollo of Wauicegan? Wall kucyn doctor, who. prier te bis considération by aitybody. ICotity i'uel Admnltrator Il. P. Er'- Uta ove ben bougt at bfor apaarace ii ht'Bolingr csavas The Bei'. Collins of. the' Conregi uskne 1 ure film 10 radoiibled efforth m but, heverbisn diacav.reutw. r apeaObcenl~ he Bingerutae, wstlonal churoh, for instanre, Pp.teo(I to provide for the fluais aoftiiiscity. bý bt il io HaadiscBea ngso n obscue Èsiia<> < buat wai no. !the gencrai feeling of W' ulugan min- Wbtle the' féderal fuel aiminlttra- m Hu eah fréryofte echl kon rm n proo h landi Inters when he said: " At thie cen- tor Jeflot asked openly- te comnian.r gar Bhfrage.i heBechtathse other and wbocila reeculisad ai cOnterencc iln Chicago duringt fic deer al the caoi bere thse rilquet.t ortal ThatIo.bel theWauega Apolo s agurgon f nte.Word 'a ir" in 1892 of thc relgiomif hil e couctied iD sucis terme as 10 Ifthae l0. petcet h W aean ol s ugai Dt;of the worid, tiit Wae the one t hing carry that raquest. si Luingvn ia the 10 peet hyiaiem In- ua pcrsonall i rittenla ttai tO tbat ail deleogates prosent united ,on. 1 The two lettprs foliow: 1: oftheio Nvn lm ytho otheifio ali iThe SU, Dr. Hailiati. wbo j lit.0 amely. the retyution of theLrd. 1Decamber 28, 1917. la thlag ani.d, ug t roli the manner neotud wtt the Chicago GermonD. Prayar ID the liturgy of ail denotuhua H. A., Garfleld. C lu which ths u mr them iawn et Aiuarca hopltal, maa tion asaithé e thiug whieb ehould Féderai Fuel Adsntllstrator, b GraaAe.Itmtm ometblng io,0f1fTh net ho ilstrba4. t vas Uhc common W"allgtois . . C tn have a 100 Par cent credit ien te f e Wuguru. hot ngik he oldalunt.:-rBr a man r mBi:- kIo iatalio.t tiat evèDn menor it a eetugOf the board'0( di. cg Demb Whop la 24 yesrs <014 jloi I W~M àtadinlaDr. NesUt% a ullatic teundeitotaiare preptred tu otMO f the0< WaitkMzbChatoeila the 53.57 ais u0tbB 0= 1 m Mue- ari e &ma .o f, N4v. j1. îaU t*140" 01m .typloalof thair c 0 - ae e-0 erda,. Tbuzuday al. s truo driver wvif lbo tt W"rVawritn MdIiA- ~ - srY blant Md i; stdonira.. Negt t«0m000. Dhmber S7th. 1 wsa jj: jI ,et accord a" e . aR. he bu a id. OUte lie Word 'HaCher. S-uFthar 1laeth- SU4411101111 uPlaCe iirectly bei.,. yoa. Moeth wbaa ibesdin la akue, ile 0f v t'Sl ý.'lbPolêt thb umqu$*IP' d m onmt Meacrel ors 1. aur lmag, Pi f throffgh the A"La owUsty iuei te tm m f er tcr» MiUM be Mcbo a i sd p-"-«MW". Md livisat can lirebava botter tbaa the AàllIsistcr. eubmflt ta tbe Stata Va oe t unebRit iiaefl n O Uitt ma 1r o. e h@ias tba edlath la a. Vil MUhI"Wition i eth ee oIl soi lS JUt bava pemý o athe lâgeolE btate Sais =4 C~ &aparéer dosate. Itt«se uunhawar. 0ftblug iV& bn t t IM uel dirto tbandmrln- raMIL of chie! t mîhlaist. te hlghest ~e ua~ti omrSlifI.ft0,00t1 aUcdvlpet felu 00gai ÏOt lte iarcth* sail sabried positiont of auy af the chie! g.uditefre dtiM O.curr o h eeomn etei ue u tegaeretS o petty oMcars at-tise station. Ho asas coyaithat tii. tate, >y'tha mottai agicall Uiougbt, and thse 1inerpreUtateL . s e .MM, s ali toce. charge of ail Lhe eighty to nluety'o0 f aifeedilitaumtes raw toreular of relig"on What'e the uee of eayiîtg Waue lait year hai an ample pi the trucks, Isavung 109 men under uî,b asiiflae.rwig anything more about it?" eupplY Of bitumunout. coai. oer 11,00W milk by its hamful ver-roirinttons of coke and.2OO0io tontiofa thra. him. byIpoe urig Ce ti b xciteéroal. In submitting ta the examînation b mroe 's *is P'1L fll?'IfCThe anthracite- cool suppit' j,, ton.EN Beach vas toid by thei surge«u that! 'tramee taleet of mont Oritay ai7au- I 'T R f ufined f0 the' C. Iteis('niy Dock,. heî-, H-e lied 100 per cent teeth. (Net às: tary conditions, vas douinIs utioet, Ohert, retaili dýers me> obtain oîiy s filin0 af an> sart--every- taath per-! ta leasan the burian of the aie i; N 'I D ET5JJ the <a' d,.nsild'malie by' ht' radte fect excepting ane wlsare, when a Iti. cartng for liesdétectives. >P/4îU0.I iaA hs'ar tht-ri, lha,. bee 1 a lin À ho craciced it bltlng a nut.) 1 1 4MZ DRM U N eTi' ou .tttno il uiio, 100s per cent hntes harren a. Vh F $59 i P £ D DdIT coal andinonc o f tteSÛ)i.ntons of o 100 par cent laye sight. thOUTo utruaehndaeaa ViiV II R coke han bei-n ai altabi. Tise Relus 1 Furthemore bis maasuramenta and klled off by giving them iseasea or Ï)___ e0ple provilng for onl>' b.t00 tonR i lght ver eze3tl vat the>' shouli b>' making such arrangement thot f -coke< bas been larailable. The gh t <or 2 peret ms.aeidsulsa ivem ay bewm*.pidemiec While Atorney's Donate Smi- ORates People Providing for oniy 4.00(1 Waiht-4 ou' ne. thus . wn aup e oted. ijus. nternrntarm Are Char- more tans anthracite for titis point. i notie. ' sisvus do ~ .---.---- ~D~O' oreorer, titisypear. coatillas been 32 1-2 lulches; troyins. ing Large Fee. dallvered for mites around out of tht' Cheet - Contacteli3212d ahe At ltaI lima 1 calledi t Uic mini. *mouut raalervad b>'the Reia p-t. i 100pa cnt~ ~WhI icslauxhter bous, of détectives. mma i DEPLORES THE PRACTICE. for Waakagan. 0 100aiodver 34 c en t rec,la. wis teThe Watakegsan district, sncidg sugen cl t De.h ba h la dSa 1. taa utarila atry ta North Chicage, wili need ail of 10.0S0ri iallabui. Tharle .etaY uh othore vwho silenice mE.,' As8erts That something Should ten@ udditlonsl' during tise next e« bave attaoloi 100 Par cent lu, ail îitleeber on. notre, patient B oe i sbeto ay.litihemeautime the Reine. e tests, anIdo o ,-u0i rie1oidok*enarshlpping outa« lte ti an rbtat an try ew aitkegan, hr uIio i2.-camn rStop the Practice. couaty, htindroe ofaitous a day ta oth. the erie. p ,. ybeel syPhillis andi uberculosla, diaregard- o . r pointsansd the suppi>' wlii soan be Nover Slk-Uut JUS aheolutolY ail care or orditazy T4a saine or the iutes.prters who tOtali> *xlautd. The interesting lbing taut lits exr body funetion but ha vas feu tbreeliare Basslstiug allen rt-gltrants JO fil] Thie la taking cars and addtvtg up' anmfation, howeyer. Ji% ti: He bai times a day ta )reep him cliva. Why>q Out tbe anc-vers ta their question-ocata wheri the coaliis reali>' isededi Dot tieen sicit for 10 yeairs. Hoveyerieetrng$ psçat ghhr.s aweait after beng acceptei b>' the Ethanaila luncases of ttIo ki adl re ar oextong 5 tees wte gT he re.utwl etattecmu nîïivy, ha vas talien villi a severe chould ho demandaitb>' avery hument. 1îcnown local attornsey' vho savo the' nit>' wiI. ofarced te undergo uutold 9 cod, tousilitîs dellieiapad and ho w»i terlan., If immédiate death le nbèt1 maftér lias Iten called to bts atten- suferlng or perhape tske long chanc- jq forci ta go home for threa days. deemed adrisable. irisas sbould be' tion caveraI f unes, e on gettlÀg an lnferior ceai bock outp Whether tha 100 par cent crédit was ua fa it ii Min>' of theaailens wbo cre- r'cetv- frOni Chicago and ather points, us. i too mitaitfor hlm. l"ut known but, aircu wbich oudofe tepaintlg ouestlonirlrea are tiabipt ta in- lng additionsi cari ta maya it back Ji the local Apollo la scell., 0. K. andithe maximum amouat 0< Caleot itd,4 dertani. se vheu îî cames ta a qutes- Out fram Chicago and an addstonslti dloi bis bit at t1lie station. which would luciientalîy 8sud mmvi- lieno f râinlz ouît thalr questonnaires penalty te the consumer here ot about tably ishorteate ini. befare an attorney they are complote. $2 Par tan. uisaauàlm-rsrljBae viit t tiiai po ta gilug~ Ily ai sea and are callai opon taeeu The Relue Coati Cmpagt> ceclare UIE!IE1 JR UAI l yurtelUuablkyer gta snspc 1iterpretars. Tbeseelatter, ILla nov lita>'are unable ta hou titis 00.1 for0 B YOLr aluale aPe tO llè actaimaed, are reaping a rlcb barvcst the Wautma district, under tt-e «- spllendid exposition ai the "hfabar det fra their uniortimate cauntucu. iiLti«In istuctions, Thie State Suel 619l e TAO , N manda ai humity. «18a fer -a'e lgallitit11%concernai." Admudiatotas uta .data faiad taJ slucarelypaYrm, tise local attorsney ssi. IlUhseaInter- apipreclate thUi srouieaamoaith coati9 proers probliblp arc allowai tal oJ.l iIttlâtion hure and haa refrained tram IJ.i. H ESUDEN, M. fD. lct a 86 -fee if tha fnel go lisillied.' correcting titis pracotce of lut tiDg the INA but JI, in the iMca 1h51 tiey ahauli icel COW go Ott liai h"aha glveutise la> as m.r saau<auteu lcge tistt iitenr tise clrcumstances. ncouutY admîntismtar c uthorlty to- JA.hU~ DIA ILLC~ Oua vouli Usink t t Ithep *«Ild ex. hold a réecrve cupply ta. meat flie ab-. Milton Chaîke, FinedS-I - ibit sufflitup~atrotism ta douaI.mllenaa0ftî MvI5511.;njliS, ts$100 Lvca>,or if tise>'mustf charge. Il does nt Occur to us good policv é and Yur AUDhANm s ta 1 mai e e l. mc tionllr.The or juactice te taie the use ai carseh and ostaHue Yurs Ao, ~O ' attorney& Or Waiukcgaaro dosating bath vayis ad ads $2 par. ton cma N b e by B LE - P C 1C10 O that lut e-ne king tom ssh of theuvrthtbersa ight Inst a vei, haLei WORKED- FOR A 'ýtàACK'? - icpeters to do Ukael jnties ta#monetheUseda. ~i aea theydo hane leirtacten thnk e blie th uat tion ofacsert Was Emplioyed as 'Pharma- WaUkegan City CWek Surrises tu'aste other course shÔuld bc Polfu 4el, tuesoralnotcilîtsad j cenoul, the isdiltoat oucilis n mlist' byDr. Lieon T. Bur- rieds by. Taking Bideu uenltetpieothat yu n i nd gess, Now in the Toils. VeÎÏtY QWtly. H N E N d C stances are as Ptreaeted. IIIVIIIR IAYV~LuIWa hope for an eaaty correction of lu 0aupeclion wllh Use campsaig'.i e Wapigaue. 29 I tba05ue caudlllons and avait w»uli aa. iu« coniiucted hi thc lierai author- A censatiouial cueprise wac created I USflhC "fl est anulet>' yaur adrice iD tbe prom., itn ssna ilac qac acor litoay w'visn t berame l<nown that IA LL L D J1Q, i«.. 't'o Moiint Uege quok doto I Cit iit lames H. Maralies o aivr tuy Chien». reculting Irlisy la the ar- Waikcgan. bai been maried toaav intu luugv 'uul Yous r> tUl>, sPut oi Dr. Laton T. (Oh flaS) Sur- lu Chicago. M L IAU YP LWLLS ae 'waUite-n people arc itente o a, ou lhtre 'nother att-se cam- s I LEéuieSceay b-«casie ilnA. Ohaikoen.ating au ing- December 28. 1917. I'l 1111111,,Ix l -fotr eas. vas titek' He vas marnidtà- .AgutM. lP. Lrekluc, as~~~~ lt ooyM5IteU.Cak4-utietMs. ai-el Mrs. Caroline Hudson I ns ae Coal>nFelA 111.tiat <oinrl a. ered Ata i îî -Theleýremntttoi place ln tise of. . 1 1 W Wasiegal dritg tore, ramaising bora -unW til a 'Ode llof IdVUIlo Dear Bir: 0 u or iira vas Plokai up hy faderai luepectars Mr. Mareaillie-le about 50 petre aid - Her to See Chthd., t e tin of Oui a rdftne ee u he rord"i h e a fnatrgtMercd. sud bic wife la about the asme. 'ie ~ter an urgent profte-.t agauit t a'11 heara ad eita esiartaleut aiusai ta, ie a dresmalcer, vith roomi Halles.,crpus vas Inroked thie practîce nov in vogue oi permlitting reisrtîn si éuîio co' isilu thc lIrurra>' buldintg. t, muiorl ty a motiser tb abtain cuPthe cati cf the Reise Coal Docks ta Chuiken Pleaigi guit>' of a violition Ur Maralles la veli knovÎwn l' ti 0f er lld hmth csbt eeîpiaa'ta ir-vtsu o!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~et *Iapsmc'lv'at a la i> havlug lIrai bere ma>' yearit. he~Imrionai b> ' rhusblnd « as i tie provision betng made- ta takel $100 andti os therafar before former Sonýe tvre, ears aga or no bis wie o) att- tl f be i in o.oe 1cr fte ed f-is oei Justtticeof the Pases, William p Wols ..h (-- ,f, f - -1- %r"uîî f hc)U a ote ire-0fth- e- .i.hi - rlt.1 Inlspector John J. Cauro>', wba wus the prasacuting vitnue uagaitut Cbot. ken lan bat Instance, lias thrawss op au bis bokes n that Chthkefiit rec- ord cea uta suus "I1 canght Miilton Ciaikan vorking in -a drug store lâ Waucqga»n uini the assIstant phirmaclat'accerttftcate tsued thtie state bidazd ta bie bro- ther, Mendel M. Cbalkau," Ur. Con- rap mI Ioda'. *"1 ba idhm desi la rlabte and ha vas lockai up lu the Waulcegan jail usil i s brohetr, fian del. pli hi# l.'isse Iw« eMlton'@, second. offens." met vhat vilii habds ewit4--chd. ken la Dot knovIi, sud proialyi> ii ual ha untiliItlà edîtesminai. vbetliis or ual he bas bean u Slt>' etanother Violation aitlthe pharsmaoy havi. _Wlnt Par 1asie . u ad$ ite IN. DEPENDENT s-saab114MW !m hid ckiuia thelr home on 'North' The mother la Mss. Caroline Hud- etraot. Then. a >-ar lai-r t-ht'ber- son of Wwouicgn-tiie-father of ,tise self manied, .a former tir, et betirti eslîd te Abert Hutdson. sud she lives In~ Michigan n(ftw. ID ber petition, whii vas tilFdt-lu Mr. Marsailîcut' reporte t'i tuglgi Circuit Court toit>' by Attorney m. ment toa aisther w-oh icnowtî Waîska- V. Orvis. Mue. Hudson relatai tint w»s divorcea bai taon rumorci about cite sand hpr iuaband were marleêd lni tavs for à long tima but It seinissntSaptpmbt'r. 1909, but bave lirai apart ta have bain basai an facts for tthe for the Itat yeer. She ocys that r%~ clIp clark euppai. off. ta Chicago ta- ps'ate.ily she bas demnded lie riglit day ssii bai the mal lied. Mrs. Gam- ta seO bar chili. but IbsI this rlghl hie 'saîng is brida. Tiser aret ta bas been refusai b>' bar busIMuni, »tari hausekeeptna lu Vaukagan andi -visahaisaya. bas isulrsonai lise latly haroveenuIltng ont thoIr.1fi. chilianti lcpt ot oUt ai- har aiglit. Mr.s, Maeais bhubeauri t>' t-erk Hudson vwas bIougisl Into Circuit af Waukeaan csiéecommissioni form Court todt>' vhere Judge Sivaris o! gorerninent vas lutrodsi.eed. -cosierai tise ardence. Ulton tha m otlter's reque4t ha Ingtructei thse Wonan'a triond le a Large, Tril tkhier te, aliav Mn,. Hudson ta have Botte of Sanol tn.rirptiob, flno for tise chilion Satunday and Suniap, blaeais,, Oeasa sudi ail rougit alla af tcb veei. This oanar la er leo- aiàd char campiexron. - A roiani n ie. er>'and viii ta effective unIli -se a 35 trwbotte wtthe rugfurtiset disposition le maie af the ejo s Aetilbti It macase. 'rTeéchili's naisi tasWiliamn tos-e. - - air Charles Hudeon. - of bituxitnot coati ta.t enr and ni'- er 8,000 tons of coite thcst- soirces ara etther cotMpletaiy depleated or were- nof #vailabie ut ail t his pear. The avalabl- Waukelvan suppi> )i anthracite whilicoui>' 4,0100 tons, big- ger titis pear 1s not vitin. 0,000Otones a! tae neadd a sousefta oMardi, 1918. hIthe rneantltnetht' suppi>- e t he docts e Isbang seisppei tvaand iusn- tng ctrs,ýeto. Unqles, vatre ta face a vinter of tremendons aeutertug anti lnrdshtp, coai viii havae10o lUser be lieldbers or elippi bacit lD, uslng aidititunsi rtnaporlallop fitcilttes and aIt apenalty in aftitional qosI to lte consumer of about $2 par tan. We do not belere titis practice te bu lu harmon>' vt Use faderai fuel administraions ololeadas1 Ismritalc- tng thse mater up wîitpais and di- xr-t 'wth.the-iederaLfuel adinisltra, tor toiay, acoordlag la Use -action ai aui board yelriap. .1 WIII panbtaeo klnd as la do- vit- o.~~ua w~i.. s Touts -Tel of Stormy r ou PaLlhas fiatturci thip arrivai uorsuing of a ipti-r from France. by o moldier hu)y ai tht' front tai motlser-but , bto l'Pauimmfta revan Juust iaiii'.k hi-te et arrved.3 Mrs . .Moras, 31t tri-et, signet] lour lovina c"N ly. eompany A, 503Id emSav on Amerlsan ixppditisar coiedaiUptrageiy ad-Pathmc' brougtbaec tlathe. maihurt IerSa homo the tbouabta 0 mometr'. putauia et a tuie v sncb-lovedaimsieJoint or« 'raidi lipat. - IlS>".latgoer tw moilie, vhicif artdfflJuila w* ter bar d.isot, fol»"g:, . A. IL P., roue.Bo. le1, )nr Maother a"i Ail, W. arriva ed cq Z et,ek gIN tg wue à long tte-4 Beve 1.7V vas go mue trotter le wos-id. But i eajopai the trisp; Soai Meals and couli bu>' c«i"Y Ptuff ou Usa boat. 1 iin'tgel. easici at. ai,,~' guette the hui-cL tpartft iim fssie ai thens vere no durit thy waai ei -ta îuusp ovesioard. W, lsd a coiple of' sornhr&aM, and tlb,hot rocied ferre, tisai. wiuld bulé- Win tht' air aIl iae àj,& At ntigtit m,- cotililhard>' uta>'fia t vR,auo rouglu. One nigisi1 I d outf.. One of nu>'bai stksi broie 1 1wet tout on ltheIloor. I ttuought4 world vas ,orulug tu au end. - Saise day. if waesfiue and a.1.W rhere won a priect oce ibouat 6c111 se mici mau an Suilitie. Frank Gibbons te vîth us. - WP r#reon Lise boat ypa"td1804 know just vu-n ve are golng it elM Well. iou't womr. fil lbe bacit *4 -igit and ta bacit sometime. i -' 1 Thte vreather in ftne bora. -'u grasean asiavensuthîna look@ grecs tha ehore lina m vo atproadiel.:- Wiii close vîts love tauait. Yoiir la-ing sois. &dwuî N. Dytilpetof t la States internai Rveua oc dressail fha Lake Oat'baio. penvinors titis afler-jannan the jert of Use Income tax law. Hé 4 piatugi tise lav ta thei noIa th n tun can explamn the maLotte theur consslifuenfs fhrougltout th- o> tir- cousit>. Tan tausani dollars la bclng aectai b>' Use Iinpois Catlioltaet ot Vertueears fer rellIgosm wvaeia Great Lakea station. fi la.cte the <nid vin t complota m Ianmry- Thelladney le to ha prlucipalp la maintenance a" mnt o! adiîlonal CaUialle BDo pou gemb uP St. gI~ aus-olp Ibo bd* Wi il&but k ~ __ der tsoeboe. Samel gir..Sem! hourdg bssucn baehadm am troublP. Ossollea ~i~t me andds$100 a betllcaft îleo 4s-g Duckee's Dsm se.- Lblt, Wou. P.obm Uuidwwco., lsksâmisl à.W. ,am &c. . -. ommos I-lOT Hot Chocolate Hoi Malted Milk Hot Beef Tes Hot Tomato Boulion' When là WaàukC4 stop atý THE REXALLSTOj For'Hot, Di oellatSnu Som

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