00L l! k for w" Iwil b d Job WOW le I.budtff e a 1 base. bwsa dtvlsIol r : p 90505 lu teirni mou tb5t" WgulUl.wtbave couroselu Itislmm asi hi' L*, , Adv", teM tausbM a l. Oo*"meaorif. 851 tOUS 50 '-l et s e ofI O S , naàtw?-boir.tjpioft *b mooalàsS W0 of wbtw 1 am es ai-mo , W" bM hfUhhi5lf i arbmodS.ààuotbe ba ishasice "d tbmn.t MI Ibat we Sfte 1. m uDdte. 10 tek* caf vint 50 lapins upo Os' liii iebool ip b.ous..et oh» pQgto m Ib" ot«: Oi)0a la son It WIMI"b.tU*@SdOhS0?i te Sai ton*he oit olaealpctiof URIeS. tus e m tle VauId r"il tbe elosi hordswluPmthe».liee lomtq la dv 0£o Aofclafe 1. The 40M fer êx.mutioa then ai.. turuel eyw u *S0 dbltlltbrlstrto ly ma" the. adustrialor agricltural olaisu uts mUaiOn. Tht. rMay Tomait au ac et cofphumficatlofl. Tino Nuer Dosrtori T'he exemption boand tdiy gaveq out the fumes <k the following -en Viiome r4lutration b1e.nk< have beeli returaqi.d, eulug tisa au near de. se4esu." 'Tisy irll Ib. termed de- mrtm sunieu endoue corneforward Sdgivo tlieïr ddresuoe& Tii.names Me Petozeuk Northi Cioao. * et A lo luke -êâpries " ar enit à 6e samme, but. may advance an turne. Au .tmdyord« i the. *prias. insures pro mpt d.lvoeyiz FIJLL UNE 0 F FORD -PAR L.A.WALKER, eposvtts tla et- 'Qi.5,. ne daedlb>-.lo de51 fber b~u mm w ijtheX plaàisr l1wIzj bsd ,ldJ. eltb-t ea, &d »aid vu Ç" sti e 1917. .eSA IWT;'W;. . tlasGao a pt mu teOus nm Sp * gr"qt lio tiavil Tmla liU gm 5oe4*I7 a MMt1b. isuul eetorutw fle 160'ior m* . ~ amomdt un Onlb. xmislawUsua& a Visé êile 4i;i.ua~ub*g tie tute . lioS, * Vaot. t1 li 5eut 0? of io]feime4to hi Re *.thon o i » aine"',IFI. 1 . #6bas t6 mleL -YoM e rc mvto vist ourjetftoy at Ans tu e- the.istureutiUg »is Thio proGl in sm mm4trigaeo DOUOL~ Uie ttsCr «sinise~oets o'w twmon éspitai invuot auRadiads, Na- - dm, ~unp (), cent.whmhthse Cap"in«"iw e Ineii~coùstyn ,n otgiugog wtgl.vugagem y met w a.w. *,Our tif.fe ry i AmaARE smiking snênq *-Wb" 'o iftet in thisoc of a cQmpanýy, do uot~o for isýe bot, for yS wiinarurfind_Î h. Lqk era ood oéneý tçdieu vetquick D~o eWàktosooif t'pane ot aIriiLtfor dit--iO wbéieyo Y yow oppSinumtY. WIten. you bave wle ame~i asouqte'yotp wib ave ta psya prosotuni tathse stock. *bd you WinI have bSt thse bpt acvanco hi velue. , YàW=uàt neeyoutrmoney on ybur iuçIg, men«9t sd.o ih n lt ndmntae as-Jay,,Gold. 1 r For- niformation of any nuturo ta aur factory m inAreg, apply ta thse JOH: BLEU SeIIh s puS Orne *05149< Ifs. -- otlt mi Gesous 05v. n i hUaS NI*BI