THURSDAY. JASTARY 17. 1918. Paa~e Thrè&~ BsW theoLakeo 'orest mlinIur Ôb i~alyne~éze~tngby mot thoi osi td tape? TUE. BALOON AGAMN? '901 lThe Waukegan Daly fMn o q Wedn endar printed t>iK editoril: NWthat thq mon vhoboev in a "wet"town have tliey aré gtllng ont petitlons calling for the te- Oé f thé dr-vol question la Waukogan at the election, Te Sun deirea b nIat. liaI Ibis P r )~. gainthle reméstablishment- of "of liuor e mjarty f WukegntO the. extent of Mo0, Iv voted b obandonhe saloon. They .lckýedit ÊOvever, if- the men favoring licenhed saloons deire .to = t4queston up-agan tis yearthat îstlir rigbt' *lw. Eutm s o have been ablo b discover m'àoe giueW. as. a rOu]tof ou.iâi lhe saloons; on p*co1t~Ia , a gstal lmpro'remenl i the morale of the 0imlltybas b!en appairqn u Sn ia"e. Xany nIt the UM fed t ho buildings vacaUéd by thé saloons would be 11ýà lng ime, but th .ooutrary ha. provod 10 be the fta. Therefors very f.w have 10.1 by the. change. OneU. dsW teaid, tatin*UaI the, City officiai. ,bave had a iarý&tilher djntlnti emweves financlally 10 b1* chamge brought viien $0M slooulicou... uuddenly - - ' lopped Off from the. olby reveueO. Pouulbly mapy e "pove nsd many things on mnaint.enance lin*t iaw* .6IIDd -uaomplied as a rusulbut WIl r lestUie Un redus hese mattera sd Ibey .oem bo % ming bos lovly. There la one, tisat auNOT &acc=p U& »&. and tiat la meetingt c conditions b ieng ibo, -as tie dry advocabes cAmdvudb ofblby, S~,cutlg dovun the police teorce; s 'na, cul* down ti ft. depaalaet-aiUd a uld inUplthi. vay e.gen- OW7lus sustalned by ýtbe >Im_»1Ao ofbu lon. j EXYT, ve have plu 4alon'a vy; vo attlbave a suuftient plie oce tefire deprtment lsnl cu dowu, ,4 vlether. l.n't as uch mouoy as there usod to~ in h# ityfunds, li lime the taxes yul b. readjusted to ainssd we'fl l be ail right again. AM dtva yêsm vithout saloons bas ciaugod the hearba ,an fel#gsofmauy potions viio vere akeptical beforo- were uncertain viat the change vould mean; lhoy YZated on trying it but nov lixat it ha. been ried they ZIot ISIIous t10e.the saloons back in towu. TsTe Sun is against the uuggested plan of re- llooulng saloolla, but at tii. same time il does sncerely dd ONE TEING AS- WELL: It hopes that concorted b0wM vi b.imade ho have thie sate lejisla.ture enact hâvdéclaredît to bedry. We reforbo*the lsval- suci a IOCXKER CLUB. If beer and aretoisnda omlunitY,thn LET ITBE WU» ALI not under a law vhici CI& 1TUE»of the majoiity as thepres- lcrcUlb does. LeIsail bond every effort and have locer elub Iav kickod off the statubes and thon Wau- cau 1e what lthe votera declared theyvwanted it 10 Ti.votera had -their uay tvoyears ago, and ve don't ,bq1ovo lier. has been any marked change in ieart favor- SW heieot deulres; in fact itaseexs o uithauaben a de- gàctange the. other way, namely, that people have SW.tii experiment more than they have dialled it. Twus, ville those viofave'r a voltovu have thoprv. IMg"t rat.. the question again, it lis ur &=r opinion tiey Win h. vastiug their efforts, for vo don't h.- the o Wauegan vant to open their tovn Hereatter Single Rios WliI Cost $5 a. Day, '004pe,9 $10, Duç to Co# o Feed.j FUNERALS TOiCOST MOR. Carniages Now Cott $7 Instead of $5 In Waukegan mnd Go to $6 ln North Chicago. fleforp tise receut heavy sorm tie prici. for Singleige in Waukegan au reuted out b>' the, ivery sitiblea wàa $4.00 s day. and $8.00 for a ieam. The pice iwiseuthe toru camne on raloel" tu $5 a dây for Single rIÉS andli$10 an day for a tpaus. Rt mow devlaps thst ihir prlre iP. ta be made permanent lu Wanitegliîn as a reluIt of tihe greatl>' Inereased cot of nets, iay. s on aud so forth. Tisis fact wus reveaiel today bhy Austin Courson who it alat> devlop ta tise on ly livel7man who bas con- cioded Io tay ln business ln Waukeé- ena. In tiser 'sortis. be the only fellow lft aiso 'l1 wiling ta take a chance of suaing is livsing by rt lug out horses. l"urtbermore if 'sas discovered ta- day that whereas carniages uaed Ir fuerais ln Waulcegau lu tihe past cosi $a day and $6 ln North Chieigo. îh, price for the*e aiun bas humraipd Herealter ih la golng to coat $7 for a cariage lu Waukegau aud $8ln i North Chicago. The price'on fun&ràl carragffl lu th, country la flruged accordlug ta a rer-I tain distance. A régular schédule la ma.utafnied for tbis aPUrpose. . sked today isow it havspenéd tisa' i the. pnices of rigs a& as bged. tdr. Courson salI: -Weil., iamn0111Y paY. log 92 cents a busel for oats now and a fellow t010 me thia mornung tIia hay was seiliug for $Zà a tont. 1 couid not bellpe JeI. hut aItishe saine lime 1 paid myseif as iigis a3.128 for 11aY Ibi% 'sîntpr. Purtiiermore strav at the present time icasting $12 a ton, and e we an ailremernbier .when iH uséd ta rosI $3 t0 $4 a toa. Sa yoil me- witis hay. eSts. and Straw seo iigh . la mast a case or ha' tng to charge more for riga If 'se Are giug ta 81aY lni buiness." Tier, 'sas a lime 'shen tisere were ai leant seven or eight llverY stables ln WhukegSnL but gradualiy tlsey have ail been elimixîited,,lise owners be. ing unabie ta curry on iheir business wils thse high sts of feed and get a'say wthii . Tisere 'sas a ime îlseu tisey usel ta charge ouiy $1 a day, for single rigs end $4 or $5 a day for a team. The Courson ivery. formuerly the Wetzei barnls on Madion treet. be- lug thse oniY ane lefi ln iown ln the; business, la ual airried an an exten- ive scaie as tise tveries isere une; te do. Mr. Co urson at thse present time Ias but 12 head aul says Ise-doei not knoyw bow long b, 'sili keep tisaI many judgig b' lbe continuailuln creae l n rosi af feei. (0f course the automobile business bas Interfered greatiy wthtih hors, livery busines@ but tiser, are certain Rinda of travel- in% men 's isalve ta bave team,; for dêllivery purposes I umed of automo- bUes.Durtng tle, Pregeni cOl spel -e dsnand- for lorses bas been IM- usually great but at tise same lime lthe danger to horin bas also increaseti accordingly and on some laYa 'Mr Courson refused absoiutel.y t0 let auy of lIhe hoares out. ht is noted tiSitishe incree.sed cost of carniages as a resultof the generai change of llyery prkwe meais% su ln' creased cost of ail funerais bell ber,. ater 'shere carniages are used. "U soMd tessine, visa Md l '-e84, and whsre &ac the shkasiuity or .!r yadofflieney re il epen ut the b;ood ina iowcst. Cosequentle va 'Leo B. 'A*ann, WS5kgnlfenulfe Whets*0r re-mont do eierylhing te tbaov.aR tbf. femiGmesno'.mothdeeniuric scid poison, and impe- mth àC. Kennedy, Ltbertyvillie. ~ hUUbeinl thse gan. I u are -boat. Fluah thse kidueys b>' drink- William KaUn .1ilwagîkee; Margar- Il lakookdowg biow tu finish a ing 6 tu 8 gises of water betweeu et Garshe. Mlwaukee. m"a MwtI sipi'terres, wtb beadgche main. A tiniof hot water a half hour od'$bukha e, biilous-wit kifincys or before me&s George Rtumboif. Miwaukee; Hilda iii wzd* 1 l'eke Aurie double îtrengtb) tbrêe Thompeon. Mlwaukee. xi wumot o ti ediaeo b 1Sir mes a day for awhile. Invigorate and,11 Aithar. ered, i ID ni rassld teîidneiys tu lushout thse Ur i oertB. WIUe ,Mlwauke; RIe- of gut~ktlets o rinecî-.mi" --IdDuiui 0 _or rin7 anor PNelfer, Mi-I'atskee. aexeeesively large iudMt,'tstm ethetitis e ionation ie ait to bc Anita Aldricb. Lake Forest; Laur, attectiou wa. a pil *t0tbf.BOubjec. luggish ani tbe biood tream retarded sc ulpSniCiao t#4$ I. ehui& e àé .esrued t4at i t aIlepeent il if &Pt te ciog iei'is *êt, "iserhemstfm, the kidueys do tbe capillarite. Thtis secoua for mauy Lewis A. Walah, iét wg.vôi weaiproiaci tethro otlb. uacute .equditiono,. snob in headocbe, othes F. Aggmn. Newi Holtein.'V$,, ese tl7 Uie aciducuralgia, patrie disturbances, aud William iiassett, Chicago; Gertrude 'Mffldoi ind stecondition prgres, >18le;- . mm 1a, be e .often have' lumbago, dises,, of theSil, boso ý7 ià in t oncleswher n beart and artbries, breakuug down of William . LOre..OmooWOC, Mai- s7mptonis.BEt lose t, drink score Adison E. Hindes, -Grand RaPida, 6184 mi, tisat."gent ie rheu-w wg«r' a ï aRe -Aa.u-4e. (double i.;oeuMBrksRan. Mdmal menatisà 1e gut-"' if trengtb) aiter meals and- at bed time Me. ee .Bolî aie as formel îècs wlthiuiithe for several weeks at a tiseansd you a Norma aeli.ltW* ; Gracçi tii> e" ontu ::nmRidacfre sozw ieumati&nd »e ayer.s Kaab, tkuue .pIot2fthG 4fl5 , ffl 0 eIx%.4 AnBie la arécent seientifie liscmV.U' PtrScne.... iw te theted WMUsbu y Ur. Ptires Chier of Staf t t thx.MiaucP the timea al 5urEF 11 t.,m i 'Bwa5fL l u ie, Wéusau, WIJ. ist0e BS' .ut12 te, ono isuselB gonl 100 *0 hinà foais LdiîGroote,1-ioreeOn,WVIs. Jamin-e-ary Clearance -Sale!I Neyer before have pririps been eut as mucli as during this ale. The reason is we a ie ,vexeîiowited witl<drils and ends, broken à4uites, spécial purchasesandm discontinued patterns w1ich we are plaeing on sale at saVIIIîga Ail We Ask Is That You Compare thé' Priées At Lake Cou nty's Largest ldest & Most Reliable Store with any one else's. You Are Sûire to Sve Moôney Here. By honest methods with the people of Lake Cognty dig the past 17 years, we have buit up an enviable reputati on. We neyer mis- representîaý always strive to carry the begt advertised lin es- Goods that we know wilI give satisfa4ýtion-There are hundreds of other special values that you will find here. Piinlug Rocuz "Puiture 1at Speciti WriPces $M2 Tabled in Golden and Pumod Oak--.ý$ boards-, to..........149 $5 ho $6a Dinlng Chairs _,Qoldeind11(1 funed ilk seats; Speelil. " Odd Diners-.- 1.39 A.; low . $35 48-Inci Solid Oak Buffet - bqýnpd tiîisl:, large caliin'py;ý .$25 75 Hamn olas, a s large Plhe~hne Goodl, stroug ntl large repro>dueer; rivh niahogany finiSh. Sve gain. -As large as anY $20 maehine ; i onIv ..... 13.95 BEDROOX SUITES --Iii ail finishes. 4-piee 01ld h oî iBdi 'iisuite eoîisistiîîg of bmd.dresser, chiffoîîier anîd ressiîîg table. $13 ,.0 ..9 9 5 set; speeiail. . . 7e,:, $4010o $40 Genuine Wal- nul Dressera-I u ge mir- ror1; plentY dram-er space; priccd at 29 5 $2510o $30 Chiffoie- Ail finishes: 199 speeial at .... Here às a Spring Value Tisat WIU Neyer Be Duplicated., $8 Pipe ?rame Sping- Elevated 6 inii>es; band on end. D ouble 19 braed; special.. $985 Mattress - Roll edge; feit 011 luth aides; center filled to keep usit- tress in sh1p81.. 6.95 special at .. The Tyuep Eauff largest Ifte of Bull Cases and «sfah Cxi .cty. Kitchen Cabinets to Reduce Kitchen Work. High Chairs and Cribs for Baby Ail at Special Prices.' Ans Alcazar Combina, lion Coal and Gas Stove ils not on! l(Ithet)Rnt Cî'Oil- <>riieail stov( btnthIle Iimst lîeaîitifiil anîd siînjle 1<> qbicate Ia w1W stove in the sanive withOîl ut vlniiî1gi!ig ai phat. Collaps ible Go-Carts at a Great Saving. Smoke Stands at Only 96e' See Us Today. f 50 Iàbrary, Tables-A ýýt i lihead-o>t puces. $20 tiý ""15 tables, in goldenl and fumed oaik, rnahogany anii W;lIi1t. eut to 1 lear ait .....1495 Kroehler Kodov i si nii - qiuestiufnalv the 1h e s t ilaide; sLmiple t> <peate, sprilîg ecstiei<i al ilot inodea'aely pîieed ait $2 adNatu i ra wn, Gray a21 Cara nBrw, ForCoverings at a Great Floor SavingI 2,000 YARDS LINOLEUM -The new kind that la water- ait..................8c 1,500 YARDS INLAID LIN- OLEUM-Sperlaaibargsîin in rêmnants: reduce i11 1,000 YARD FLOORING-. 50ckid .......37c 600 YARDS BRUSSELS CARPET-siSt. 98 grade; onlv...... 8 800 YARDS %iELVET CAR. PET-lInirowns. tanA, .green -regular $2.00 car- pet; sipectai ....14 700 YARDS KOLORFAST MATING-36 finches wide; bro, bine and green; reg- ular 75e goods on c ~sale at .. ....... 9 100 YARD RUBBER MAT. TING-i yard wide; extra lseavy; $200 grade.,.4 oniy...14 $125 to $150 Parlor Suihes-3-piece; somfe have dav eiports, <tIi- ers have settee, chair and rocker, walnut, niahogany and oak frame. Geniuine,-Spant- ish leath.. I$1.35 Fealier Pil-. Iovs-,Speeýial price, pair~. ..98C A Globe-Wernicke Bookum w~~ih1 iire- serve yonr books. ReasouabIe ili price. $1.2f RUBBER DOOR MAT Priced for thîs sale..8) at ................. $15.00 TO, $17.00 OX12 VOGUE RUGS.-Heavy grass interwoven witisIen varn for bordr.... 13.9.5 $30 TO $35 9x1* BRUS. SELS RUOS.-Woveh ln one piece; variety or patterns; epecial.2 9 $45 TO "5 9x12 VELVZT AND AXMINSTER RUGS8.- In ail tise latest de signs: speciai at. U36. $27 TO. $30 "KR AXMiN- STER AND VELVET RUOS -Reduced '0 cicar ........... 22.,99. $10 9xl2 INGRAIN RIJOS -Only a few lefI.- to go at ......... 7, $5.00 27x54 IEAVYVEVL. VET RUGS-Specal àjff $2.00 i1ix3S AXMlMt4flf MATS-Redueit . Be. Room *Rcokors and Ohairo.-MWa1nui, oak and old ivory enabilîc; values Up te $10; 0o1 sale49 at ont',-..**.405 50. Podoistals - Alil styles and 5 'i'zes; lp froîn 45 $15 Electric 1table, $14 to $16 Càdar -0h e s818 - Strougly eontret- '4 You Winl Alvays Thank Your1l for Buying an Royal Eay Chair. T>îsh a bîîttoîîanîid haek reclines; equippeil with foot rest; ehairs129 40,"- -V $12 to $15 Rockter Asý. sortMelut - Aliniishes: leather, tapestry anîd solid scats: Take voëréh icof 30 for59 onlly .. Otlier Roc:kers Up11)to $33. 100 Piece Dinner Sets -Regiildi' $24.i)0sets, priceti...1 ait 'oil ..1 .95 W2W5U~ -4-. f 1 II L--J- Pajâ Thrép ,.TRVRSDAY, JANWARY 17,1918.