Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jan 1918, p. 12

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Lr]BERTYVMLLF, E »ETTtJ1sD)AYJàNAn~Y 211. 0 hi e 'B w t' a t, i e N girl.91%e also oew t be danse ur!d f *'-k 314dt~ o ue l idoet th I »ls. ioa ?hc #u«in wbhch Mitlte 'oflter City cvery firnOon lstI I> b ortiJound. -IL focs-not-miaea OIC T stop at Waukegan anid wuas nning at a speer! of betwcen 35 ad 40 miles- r~~mer, Aged 13 a n our visen the accident hip~ened~ I.F i~ n o ,Cvl h tm mised118ée reuredbutproceederi on hie'wa War Survivor, Gives, Hints in fath of Train. Whou he fou"!ti.ld a eciai on UtHiing Corn Veal. tisat tiere vis n ntling lie couir! do. IER IS PROSTRATED 'Rcli'oad employés picked op the DELIG T E U INE the' yardmatcr's office. Dogtis oc- tin Purchaaed SWd for eieddodee iv iutes,.crrir!Warns WomnTh'TieI Stp oatig.2(W.<of tise accident wv a <>d COmng Wo lvatlon and 1'.ftieO Uard' 1611te to tihe mather by compuaron. fth u flnoWIII PreyerI. StO Ca$tg- dear! boy. Bbc isurried t the Canrd & Wbfltzcl undcrtakting rloonts. Pear. Y wmsdntko wer Ocats e 12yeirld orm n g thatet Uc bacilwould lie tao o, i a u ie'y.ot kBUT 1.1e genti o ot Mn. sar!mn. -uci for lier menibers of thie irasmc the rn, ltentt faBUTiy wh. l« ono r.W tld ler the boy ar! been Injured 1 yme'te gtiment e ral t;y ean. Wso va«, cruuiser!te decthisSveyclccy. bccule lab ont avlm.lewehr f a Norths Wes'te a fyèr a th ls 2eve ber son hlid been remover! ta î.w t h aveM i m e 1klifte hed W Otreet cORBisng late Tusday tise office af a phiysicien. flc cllis- n.tCv ilutîcn,"Maag. fre ln . éat W.d lisej ht. al'Levmaue ltrFranb@s' aid Wau'<eu.n ba bailQuîtgge yen.t ta ier ifat f o k.luai-, cciored womaln speaker ai the par ru. that11elnewe te ber. -I tt eeting. ~~~ ~~~~fllla eisadorf. tatiser of tise!lis ic eta s<ai~ Musually atbpretemmional l tiena -on cansiderable "r aWu h aea eta colhl L ýwa W» ise irst lime tise youag* lkegan ar! viclnlty. He waivat wonkreçrgular meeting Ttsscsfy afttcrnoa Sa d iier! the Bled, and lie vas Sa Racine ffucsday vhcn the message thc DomestecScience rooorthse 'is dlight viien scisool was oftiie ns deathiwas coîsveyed ta Centrailsehool. Mn.. R. D. Wynn, end for the day ad le, Su coin- hlm. Hé liurried bomne. cisaîiran of thse program committee, ils a au*lber et is picymetes, .1 Police Quand Hill made a variation ln theise aai tals o t1e MlarlouSitreet bill te Ah soon au lianneti of the ru-ci, an maitens pertinent ln the velfare Tii. sied vas one hie motiser dent Assistant Chef of Police Thomn"-of chlidrers wben aise Stroduced r! lu kd purcbrcseri for hirn. an Tyrreli -dispatciscd a policeman to C. A. Chandler of South Carolina. whoý Sf Ir only bar! net isouglit the vaîcis the.'isSl anr! prevelit coasting. taîked aou "Thse Foaod Vi5ue. andl the tise malIen wailer! 'a'li ei b A policeman vas placed an Suard :n War-%Inning NeccssBity of Corrneal." 1 of the trsgedy. "'if 1 bail thc evenSng se. Thse fioure tisat made the prognain Itetit I my boy woulr! net ic distinct.lIn Ls differecce Cram alfoUi. eisv dlil! i do it?" enrprogramna vasu, chdémonstration~ W tpeiesne ger 13, oftChair ai nomse. o liseoouiSsonie corn mccl si, a trieur! et tise Uitie vu- dlbes as made hy the. aostbernens. À ani eyevtncLs tuatlb. ccci-Mrs. aPunces Robinson, a colorer! wa- man pist lier tisnee-ftone -yeurs cunr àfifo us niéîfiydevIsthe bl l àhié . fe WIK, -Jafi:. -tcii7 tene, Who br Ic!uagits r be;,gate. vent dova,,,ie sMir!. iag la (lie report of ceunty clenk tise daym ef starvatian down South during rier! to stopbis sicr!-but be numnier et marringes ln Rock casty the Civil var, nat oaly iprepared somem a«i de It Qulck--snosagi. Tise &Incestise drit o e cycar il a r le- deleatable cornmeal diabes ibut rmade 60uied just as IL gat Ia tise loy Uic average -of any previosaIl dorhly iateresttng by lier' acive ex- ýW thc tracir ln front ofthtei years. Only six licenees bave licen planations. practical sense and isumar ismued ince tise.tiret tise year. Tbis ou ibuesaet yeUeir man-c entre tise Qulagie. car foreman. for thse iii a decreame af 75 Zen cent,.visite mccl sbc ke la ber ginlîsooti Wes-tern rndrfotr meny yers. days. ko ecxtiy va pensîoned, aise AIl ort of tilgs are kept ia col- lie aise tld a number of Interest- mgO tise ancident. HIe scys Uic fers. but Gusy B. Waite et EaiL Otta- iig ways of deteatlag. var.pOverty;, id Bled vere hurler!ifttY ftest. va,Ill, la ProbY tise onl yman in. af ew tise Southerners viien -tiey i1fr. Quiggle vise braite the tise <venr! visa .Iseps a pivate ceaI- Sai.t o at mtdug sp tise dir1 Poori e tie m9tiser.i mine tere. Wlien excavators vere af thse met bouse tint vas sarturateti r, Austin,' anolrir yessugter doig tise Preilmnary vonkt er Mr. witiste brin. tisat bail dipper! dur- 1". 8 Udin deva SiI at tise Wate's nev residence a yean ega Sng Mcany yecrs fromt selLer!méats, vus jut butote ieblidort tisey unovenef a tvo foot vein ofthtie dInt vas put la' an cmli ispper He iaw the danger la lime and cooaI-cnd Drs. Oarfield's Mlue Moaday untll tise.sait veler van ouitiis vat- 9 bii lef bte a snov bank. A ineant nothing .te lim. lie lias dug er ei'aporcted, and a tim cake af sait1 mpii-cd brotiser eftishe dear! boy bisetaielOut of lte coller evar ince remulter!. Wstusfeo bill viti an eider b. mover! tatatise bouse. Bshe llumlinathe Ucaternoon witb Many etoiddut, wbllhe ii.çatC these ver. smeed ail prensehnt. Miun Bc.- o ives at -1lu Ma"tm91*t In tihe Ifiret Wauk fWMio reglètered la thse rece reglatration wfio bas been boler!t "uriea" lna mcrdance wltis suggestion tht the vas ready to ber bit. lt vas raLlier singular th&a misé, et Ublthorn coôloïer! w-.Q 81iauldb. hti ret ane compianded to coatribute. And, mise gave b lest for thse women wlso ieard là »e douft viiiProfit mucb 'by wli sbe egpia"ed jto thcm vwas possibl w1itiscemsment Instead oet four. I1 ilà urgeed tint others take advantag 01 tli.Old colore! womuls'sdeliglit fui talisa aur! knowledge af Souther Tis7eMan ln Lake couinty wbo likety coverer! more miles lnac single trip' OIPBWW wsisees aines the recent sno6w stori tisan an>rbody eisc, lm Mr. Ruas. more, telephone manager et Fox Lake. Mr. Rushmore, made thse trip fàm" hii borne ontheb. bankicof Fox Lake to Ant.ioch, cevering thse entireý dis- tance ficre and back an lhe îbaés. cutting &,cris fields. fences, etc. Th'e distance Muest ic about 15 miles tiscre alac'UeL It>ool 76 inute. to ia* tic trp t5y fri s iome t Lais. Vil, 'la but atter bu'bad got user te P, mude ~I»twe. tIàýe on thse balauc.e thse trip. 1Mr. Rus more has ocoea ion te cover mucb of' tic telepliene, county an th ieriefore whlle tise roade wcre blocked. be bail to resort .. tb. use of aunow abees. And thcy sayý lic's now getting to lic meme expert. Up to, Tuesday the roads ln tisct part e!t tc comnty har nfot been -.bro. ken openi at ail but new tiscyre gral- ualIy bcbng Opener! up. Any'body vise vante! to gel about ihaîta ogo vIa snorw 5110.5or stay at borne. MARRIAGE LICIENSES. }Ienry U. Oiiwitz, Milwaukee, 21; Rose Lindsky, ilivaukee. z;ý. Atwcll T. Mance, Aurora, 21; Flan- ence L. Scboesberg. Aurora. 18. Paru Jauker4 M1chian CiOy. Il; Bernice Meîart, Michigan! City,3-5. Albert Suhling, Warrenton. 41; Car- olia. Kueslcy, Wtr.nton, 52. Lake Co<mty'a Graie.t Store for Wo~n*n a Childswn Tluat peopleap preci9ate tuhe advantages of ýéIet% frQîn:sucliau cîtormoîts stock as our-s ije vIdenced by the wonderf enrease ii oîw business" At the followiing four priceà we have coàa of. every de-. ffliption, al colors, -size@, fabric-asa4 tyles. The peop le of Lake County woc#o i~ten thfsw*VU' Mwd the same reductions to Feb. lit.' 13 231 19 C oats, Coats Coats Coats Worth $1 1.50 at Worth 12.75 at Worth 13.50 et Worth, 14.75 at 7Z;9 18.CoasW orth $1,5000 at) 14 Coats Worth 16.50 a 24,,Coats-Woth j8 QatJ Ilç~t Worth19.5et 25 Coats' Woth- i19,c Coats -w-orth 13 Coats Worth 15 Coats Worth il 15, 10 12 Coats Coats Coats Coats Worth Worth Worth Worth $22.50 at 23.75 25.00 26.50 $27.50 at 29;.50 t 32.50 atJj 3450 at 75 Extra S 1ca-A GgnicSaghtr- ing of Ailr Pluih Gots in T» ry cie e rin le The. Greatest'Cut-Price Evén t Waukeganý Has Ever SeeI Durig tis GeatJanuary'Clearing Sale we have marked goods down to that permit a saving .of 20% to 40% which in many cases nieans a reduction of $8 to $12. face of the cloth shortage anci consequent increasn ot t ssl osy these sale prie reaotha*wa merchandise will cost next jeat, but our linos are inopet. and we are willing to take the Iona. s*<lt. @vrcots 0 2.50at13475 L yyTIPyagt VTIn PMI Ad, - l 1-%,. àn n m£ t r =-àddm ,SUITS UPTU -$23.75 ý $1 5,o75 SUITS UP -TO: $2 5.00 111775 SUIT UP, TO $27.50 ~19*75. Choice of, the Hos.-Suita to $35 Ine fuding Blue Serges 1124075 OVERCOATS TO $30 In godragé $ 9,975> IStyles and Sizes IChoice ot the Housýé-over- coats up to $40 a ~,Ae ~ai~ a i ,I> ~ a ~ L~Â~ a il *à.I~VV ~IM A ~.Tv i 'MAN'S HAT INj $1.$50 or $ THE HOUSE CAP IN THE HOUSEJ Rua~ BOYS SHQRi4PANTS SIs .v ti Lrbos utéetie $7.50 sUITS 0$*W'I su l $SStJTS, 4J5 $12Su i, W prices In the the same UV EKULIAib IL 10% D bIscount on ail othier I OFF o aR ENI $25 9

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