I pg- -- -- ------ - -- INTINGS YOU NEED 4,4t. Lard or rwt Pre ........ 4uqt. Lard or hruit Pres ......... 4'qt. nterprise Press endlStuffer.... Queeo' Vacuum Sweepers........... SmeaN AjumninuatRoasters....... Large Ablmiuwm Roosters ........... Lever Skates ....... .. ... tlockeg Skates . .......... La.ee'N. P. Skates.......... Alumuinur Tee Ketties ..... ... No. 11 Vidor Treps. doz........ IJgtu.Is talKnes............... Wo.euIoIthree-pim c arme gsets .... Ivort two.0mece Crvig Sets....... XWIr..'reMd Kaff.... COgmW CoU i" .. .....U.... COMMUNITY SILV!RWARf 51.00 3.25 70c 1.25 1.25- 2.50 2.00 m0 2.50 1.25 lOc 1.00 (CHANCK' HARDWARE COMPANY~e $SiS New BANKS - aBrotu ilo *~ ~ ~ l 'WWb nnais stlaa baud ubes' eballtie ggrSoto edoUraisorts ladelvetl#car mail.1 Wh" mow beaulsbavetula W uebl I.bis wvan doubljbard. Owrioer la 10psld ta deiver jourc ýë" ot ta von lb.. rd&, sud Il1 pas expos jour Mmeilprompil Moaci *r as5£. uile lOie »@ neth" à ZO"Oppromchtô jour mail bol le keplc *sa go thal lb. carier eau eMatir drive1 îe-«ogeJMlet sud depudt MI . il .Iggu» seuTlb"i drifé is os b. road .g« 'our land e bat lb.> aie UlibvU. aMiliFjour nlgi-b» iasua bi ~ éiberosi -m 1h5 b. don. Pupes. tei.bacoUstheel ds aU esieu i tb 1w tovu sud case tesa5i.bs5 b. gnou eo.e-tbel js né1h5 b. berosie areopus. W. '118tIi. 1tr to 1mrporStausMaMY f etio ai> tci. @pqot e1warrier su vu viii po-ptly take 11w maltter ptthb b.propet austbitile. but ve W5talett&i> îuadsrtoOdaI lie sot ai un i t tbecardeor. Tou %ma u ine tbtat tb@tire opus "ud vo teeIbis MOUaofa os»iSvu uset lb. alter $Stt wW sot .t» dset 'BItpombs doa'plm,*ve pesea e 5 gàe ou ervievuviSd *tby.l ÀASURLLFIMt- -Tbe boue ot Andysu FIay, Jasé b.- jrmw the oueru lmite e of .VU. las.. use ellahty damaged by ire. Suaay veua aeot 4 o'Mlc. Tii. ire use esuosiby à d""e1,àl». Win Is prenoleceor pr.enimeul lIaI esuoed George Triag, ubo supplice lbi borses> for lb. *15I.. bh," b t.ll a nelgbhor, jusétwIo bout. bWetbeb a&W.use gtven, 1h51 b. va. bing out ofttown for a feu boue sud iflitwe OboeuItI.a Ire*hhe.nelghbor uould &ud éb. *'ire bote."lu la b.bars ruadl fur "tb. rua?"l' Aem ajrate, It va. a good «P. sud tbe melgabor. ubo vas Cbarles Berrlug- bu@, reopp»ded obly. sud th@ Ireine mmi. "Ui». ru" ilS lb. bob. letead of tii. Ire tick, e«Mryfrgon s»d Or.ex. liagebers. uboe. chemi" ai.ps ont lb. ite ulth uile diflIVut. Tii. ote tmuck i. "seol-bound," blnseue. b bb. MICTION SAE JNURY si 2.m m idpaofMUlvsuk«oe M, 1 mig$ oisI of Ubeulill, the Boftk se"sto i i nilet poa auditýBo.uio ,TIbtm*wsj 3aum Sr lim10:80a» '. *b. foiwlmaIn: 70 heondcéssie. S21ge, oIseé. wwmt; sera le'SImomgau"ae. George Yogi, auoone. l'r ter"I dw iea veb ot. if you know of an item of 1ooa3.ýnterest, kindly, telephone No. 1 Good, Old-F,,ine H Har id-Woo, hunk A- @ET.TOSIER MEETINQI At tii.re* ofthe iii.Uhtyviflo demi.eualcu mma.D o , man. 30, 1918.m on uhe w.. lii.t Mr.enm.ei C.Domn me. ment Waltes iaio ulhLte front John. B.. hape»Wof T hicao vIdo onk *8a We 6edsy. ht)rBndy iisé tor .ugb.n tWnew a er Llg «ub stdythesBuehome.Io Ervii Gldsebuirg, ofCamp rat4 @peut Bunday ij h i pareutal boni bore. f 1fr. aj itsIK. Krauepr verseen Jvlltor& w1tl. the lIi-'elarfflt. The. four sud oîîp-liIr ton truck Ioaded w ' th furniture. wijvh wam caught here hy th Bret blizzard, ile enroute to Mlwaukee, wvs.onu ionday'reinoved by; ts'crw froithe lIe'. gargae, whore il bail beuucnce h@ortu, and vlîh tb. &Wdoff ourhboree uastaken tgTreptowl Mmn' Useosnre, uliere the, e nIent Ub. $tock wuse rtored. after uhiculb tick us. looded on a cai sud shlppe bacS to tCiaga. A fibreïucli choyer va. given ou Satur.ý day evenlug lu hopor of limIm.ledor Naeihofr, uho Id& sSunday ta taie up em, Chicago, Sb@ bas bsm on empler of Me âbidon ochool for_ tbe. peultwov ynre. bis lea daugliter of' ir. sud Mre. J. Nadehiioffer of Guru.., formeils ruadeâta of Ubersyvllle, vbo ived on %b Bh . Hecht forum forainue yars previaus ,ta tbeit moilug ta Garnie.. àr.-Fgrt Allenson leon theet, k tlier.' -liuke Wolff (A1 Aron, v4àalocel viltlor on Frlday. john Cle wate a busineéss yfetor lu Chleago on frlday. Urli. Powell $peut tbe veei!end viti lit, snd gts. B. Snyder. ,1 cbarleeC. vu«et 1Pr" is.ev, vu.Ob LibersyvIlle vilor rscently. Mrte. Barmon lu .qriously lMiab5 the bomn of ber dsogbter. Irp. rod Kins. Midi., bés beassdoitink lseauai. Kern.t Js.m on b»UeUsIsilathe 6aviation orpe s to1 report for duey os IP*brue.y15.t Humry lhilag sud UmseMargarul DIselerviiti b.formr' blte, lai wakqasbu Iuuia. Tii.puac ilbtaw iii lb. loe.d on T'udsojesud OSaduje, but opes ina lir, sud Mr@. P. P., Dmbud are lssj- lag todoi for'Jackeoavllle. FI&. Tbe vii epend lb tb eiider 01 Sbe ululter tu Mlrida. The B.d Crose Auzillary viole. to thauk ih baud boy@ for tii. splendid muslc eudeted ait lb. dedistion 0f tie service gag. Mr., sud I s. George Trigge viied the latter'@ mother st Nortb Chicago on gunday. Urts Ttlgge rsported chat ber luother *as eomewh5t liprovred la beaith. on oniiey eveDing tii. Evet iliesdy $unday Sebool isâwe. nd Itis ciam.tacot- ing &t the iho t lattl, Litbody. ie. Dorothy Iteatiu s. th e cher for the Mebeing. The lRed Crue rece.tfy teceuved a ci-cl lut $2' 5#0Ironibd re. LElleBrewer- ton, Who in a l-w nieier of Iho auuil- i,àa. .The moue> ia tu Le oued in pur- chaluM gmateriai,ettc. w. E waàtkium.Frmi Advlor, bai, nîuved bi@ ntK"e lrom the & tc>Hall bwild- mug tu tbeVi'ret Natonal Bani building. ou accuuu, ut the former building being uheàted during thet uai churtffle. 1 1ev. T. E.Rosani was in Chicago Ou Tueday. atteuding t, ciurcb matters. il. rcpurt tîli thie Meîbodtbt lmnites 1u chat city viii continse tu buld thuir mbeetigigoset the V'iret Il. E churtcb thete Mdies E la Podelr vs. a rncent gSxeî1 of Corp)orl P#uL iche, Co. 1), at -Camp Grant. Mr.. John William@ and deugbter, RubY, vere îvishlin. w Wukegan un~ Mlouday:"1 lire. a. Dockveili".1a Highland Pabck. @peut lait Thuruýda> ith %lie@Faupit Lîghtbudy.- 1 Mimes Kerehuer, of Waîukean, vas a local buîiuee. diteur un 'luedasud Wedneday. The giarDoe& Workn-rw ,unday eehool cIaeà metate Mlre. fi. B. Eger on Friday safloia. lirs. W. . Colla ine eu r Jobhnice. Curib"t, witb he icLituntympbony Ort:'seetra, iîu tleagu~, un 1-rday. Anuber of th m.-u4r 1the tAl- pha Club attended thr 'reutt i strict * Oman'@ Club (uuveu tion at Eveaston u Turada>. u Monda> lotige t tIl o'eiuck, as Thoue C. Schoblel, lotuîerlyemploied fojerly. s mcanle atRets garrae. sdiipu Tiie Royel Neigbb.rs lbave instalied th.u l rsiiug la, Ce.p (orant, le ii vlîh fuilu0wing oiiers: Qtacle. 9 louis Fr'lggmusis, luthe Bs.e bospusl etliockford. vis-oacl, Ils Ul. eaueiirJeunle Iemember. it 6 niez& liaadj evenal,1 K]eru; recuiver. Emulyr Luok; recorder, uai8 o'clock, chat Edwin . Dyles, ua uai;marsieli, LaisHarrting-linewme axexpert, viii explain the uev ion; manegeor,1Bute Bapsn; tuer 1lacouie tai lau. The noal* lu iho sentinel, Nosîle Meade; noter semi"u, heisi ln the Commuercial Club roome. lieruha Joebheioe; isiti. <ette urred; The marriage of fie se '+,.ri tu Courage, lertha Lundi*; dlleiiie, Jossepb Dianneer, ofl dmilboas. 100k jasas Tripp; liodoucy. Anale Dru"1; pi.ano ilu Wackegan un lust. $idaj rvin- Endurauca. Lors §briun. ln. The bride iseaeitir 08 Ms.IRelk. Do not maike &&y appont-ent for Uwb ho, aud bas been ouilojai as 8 M the *vsningou Tbredsj, Jauseri 81, for Foulde Mlilng Co. You viii vaut tObbtend the coet th"B aud mboy, lb. elsum &Wauonda wil b. given aI lhe auditoria on thal end La, Zurich dnuo br ilboed out .vuulng by tii Lbrqvilebaud. b- of the owo, vorifug vithoulM..The bos âl eauN5OmaMag,-crul tauearticlet#ii .ho ond uadir t lb bdito sefofr to Srliom MmSua"; luo a "ntbl-. es lb. Shoe.le no quseson Stis h"j iWU, h4 mWauamoue;ub ww Woii rk outertalla s large sudiffSac01aiMBUst fotrs r&ilraad itbou.t 7 lovera. Tb* baud 4~916 vos lu 1 ii.Oi Ti.LIeryBode gl4 seleibj unepof th le stir. eoýaaiiti. 1k, loal books on Tîisj.Thq are 1Tii. pc.5 QUo d@Padmeat à "14- I b m ol: eumgravud àM aSsemble lie liaI parcele for aembom et % b.uADIWer pavusoq 4 par cent. bof ise fBrut Iais ExpsdiloIRaq F oussé, addtesseud . acemsr js'ua mmthe l.CommniU dlaGenal. Pot Ijr boad.lelug eefaM i",for Par of Bubaukstiloa. uwhlei.r Ihr velgit. aneut boude on suddbiser Nov. .15. cantib. acepted. Paluel. aos 42. 1919 coeding savon pouads la uslglit mi hob oïnu-dirscl îbrough the 0"ase bereto- The Commioercial Club ounlionday fore, if properi> eddre.iid tba cmemr eveuluselete d lhe foloioulg olfce for of the .Amerlcan Expeltloary VOI MWe smilu r: Dr.IMaths, preldeul; While asu eucàapaceia ai ine .ueljJohn Doileumaier, vicepreeldeat; Chas. peclud, îýerois Do ePWuftequlltemuns aleu".ctelr3r sud N. IL Eisvorib. for the nuo of voudea bosse.trosésutet. Drectore for lirese. sars: 1_- Rtiîeelgeou ol.Ib . A. Bieiop. E. E. SiJsv.rtb sd Dr. On f it, sud ire a &W i u r t - R tP.B.Martin; George baba viii serve jliMg ofM.m mIs .L u.o direcior «for uns jeu, tOnISU ava prloudthe couple 5utIhir bluée, Sb blug mw sbir tueif h umidimsaaiosj.cn lVrogtso » olucbrs2«» se 1 erisia- The Liberlyvilie Comms#elsl Club le meut t aitheeveig. . Prie., ues crryingsu aunoune.mmblls.IkeIs aiseded, tb. ladiue 0lrVgBue"tubib. eled O Ufét i h.. orsW*M b s 0. sud lie geWnîlenu 0 BaoN Lij».Togeiber" meeting ilu 51* dut ronss Park All.oa sud lir. C. A. Iietb ulà- ei t ifedinesésevà1eniag 5£ blsh a igcou.oLlou. Il use elels tb k- luvied ail membere. es.&.mbsre and ty.e.veuth veddlu n aiesy 0" f lMr. thmwow Iculd liii. 10boudinsemea- sud Mm Lre nayder, A mOS iadjoja&bie ber.. Thorae vi hob. ataul., slugla evmufluiE as @pot bj ail prssas. "piell' sud ,t-5loI d4og vii à boaad perlod the cOMMos kial of cou. The Lak. Conl> Roi Omde' Au- vrstion vas ubetIier lb.mou iaii uocltioa biidIs quaripe amtueetla l va.i 9is "grealsel@ver"Ou, old tb.OmuiiiClb roiéen Tboftdayl olemau Who balle froeearWDlllluoOn accnont ef $he begi-ugudion s9f imbrougt, toTb». lu4qWadsasoSé.a omis. 1dusesutaide aoft*0couaty vw» ellppitig ft(lluiTIfhi ftblesJour-"a not topteeeed, but teptioeasalvo Irmm publish4 à9pl slb tleo ;a Uberljville. Auci.*"- uaDorl.d, "Idsep suov" shas uhus tho iruosat oiu Shield@. W*rren. Avon, Du.td, Fyu- lU Sodé: Hke a Piler. Aubila« Sb aeMontausi Voron velu lMeant.W. B- article, dort«ng 11e. i t i O 8i t» Wathine. Par-m Advlsr . e s aplesdid saourw aihhr. el ivé tel ala ~us 500<! ronde, '4 WDr. Berry liauanio co dm . bot u raorthb licEosa ve au addrt",0u boer rtoada fi uetaded wvest enausle » y. Thebt 1h58 unelieilived. sortary RBo *"eepoqpu" causeS utoid mertugforbadti rostutS.dflrl 15wè tieevéfQdi b alritoatieug '0l9 tbveeifIPe oonaem-r3nugtlý vork dois bj, vublab remaise5.- fur ie.uesi e r e lb ilsecounul>irond pflge the Po. -eeLé,crty vllkil% ---.- tJu tui-,ulhto'sA CMtrch JerL'gcoî , St. Lawrenlce Eplecopal. >..S.. Wblte, Prleetln.cbstge. S'îvîdaikvservics sfollous: a,îy ommunion except Brut Snnday lu mnulh7:80,t. cn. Cbutch Sebool 9:45 a. m. .liorhing Servie 1:00a . Vietore lws3e w,-come. 8anuday achool le i liorning vorship aiIil a. m. Both ut thtea ervie reed l inshe ieent of ,i.cu-tisde found that aset Sun- dur tiat va eould bekuits confortabie e.ud tbis @avu. cosàglhrabie fuel. For the evteing wusvili unit.e t tiie M. E. ciurcii at 7:30 frea Union meeting. The. peeror ofi tue church i i ipreacbi the sermion. i The C. E. wilii old a Union meeting vith tie Epworth League St 630. 'A e are hoilditig our mildweek prayerI uet.tîuge lu u iflretthmes eud tiie place of rieit.îîg lot Onxt W eduesday viii beluuuced on tionde>. -6- Mothodisl-1.picoval. Services ei ut nade> iy ii bu iiei eit tbe iM. K. ciiurch s. followc: Sunda" schoul eit 10 o'clock. M àorning preachlug service, aiIl o*elock uhen 1ev. Beau ulli pteach. lu theeveninget 7'80 ch.r. yuli hoa aUnion service.of!the. Methodisi sud Pte.b> 1er-au cougregaclone at lhe là. E. ciurch. 1ev. C. A. lionanu vil preai. Speeiai musie aItii.e eveuiug servie.. 'Vounur,ICiltlans Reaeblng Uuuad" viii hetheeuhjretoftheEpvortb Leagno meeting Délit Bonda> evenîng s a&W8. Mise. lisabbi Backley viii iead l1W meeting.1 Tihe neit umting of tbe Ladie' Aid soleîy vilI 1w beild vith flims.T. I. RuanaIt ti»parsouage, Veb. l511. Mie ladiesepslao lteledue The M. 9. Subdaycechool lesebre aud othSer are plquiig for the muùMaStb. dae Party ta lie beid lu lhe Gymnaalum 4" ocal romof aithee homb enos Pb. 22nd, Woehiaglon's Brthdal. Choir rebsar Wlvie1wbsN (tO.nlqb5) Thiredaiy at lb. boune of Dr. 4. L. Taylor. 0«i NainlaNew Yerk. paor odd naue New York InSe I D"M e lmue eercanils la somm e anug lie mamie tof rNovr ors bifou -evui title, physw.Ica, çi te] or Moral tiY and evM ybuas ans blai familier la man. Rets ane "me Nov Xork nan«: Outlaw. Hogg, Ocohi, Dom,,Toly, Nnffy. Loney. Kisi- deu. T ou t, H urt. Vabut allant.D arnail 3'un, LSr.Ktasy. Garer. Buui,, Tuh. Pain. Orpok. 60. Dams, Wit. muIt. Uaty. stdinga. igit, Bravi. .M oneylo--Loi On ImiprovedLake County'Pe If you lntend to buy. to Improve or tô stoClk up a farm and, need money. or, If you have loans falllng due whlch you must refinari:e do dot fulte, secure our terme on FIr4l Mortgage Farm Loons. WC 01so suppiy mortgogge bans to Investrs.ý;ý SPECIAL PRICES ON IMAGAZINES and NEWSI Attractive Clubbing Offers 'Way Below Publishers' Prices Ask for my special price on any Magazine or paper you may wish IMRS. A. TODD, JR:" --IndeenàenpP'0mce Vo. should hav e bought your omsl fiM 'f,l 1et, purst aMd hast ..t.g end ci Better Order Nov, 1.1.,.Y" .mFt We. Fe F'RANZEN. T.eopbois 5 L#bitvii A lot of newly.designed ailover aprons, ins po&a ot egect. on black ore navy. rnediurn-ight blu. and' whitestipe and other goad pat. Long-eleeved bremlast aproue, g<oassaaortmeSt of, I patterna, ini blue, am y nid lighs percales. al q neady trirnxned et ...... Light, colored apron.-côveraI' styleini percale or cres.gi .gba~ Small lt of blue percae houa. dliétie, in extra fle s. Tes. -e gemeously cut in al dimensio'ma and of good nateriaLi pde.c.. s s Jus thte tha for Fui laceGrAtOL mÔY IIUITVILLELIJJIER 47 *9 CM 41 m A"