Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jan 1918, p. 9

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- -'i. L LE IE PENN Lae.-,Bi'*13g W«htiy W UCG IWIKYSmN EsC .uimm .~b nl ii Ofi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LEINDEpME N'ITJý£AIY'24Y 1918. ~.' XXNL-NO. 4. e POUR PAGES $1.5OPJ~~~ YEÀ kOn *Estimated That at L'ast 14,- 000 Tons ot Ceai Have Been Saved in Waukegan.. OWNERS t-EAVY LOSERS. , amoite blhetd foi-h agaîn tus l lnîo!uing fren Waukegan's 75 maaku- ef faduing oustabllulîmenhu. l1h vas aW mont welcome sigit tb hie 5000 en- ploies vie vers returang ta vork I &fier an enforceti vacavioua o!fit'ea I .days. 'iresuen vere on liansi oayCI> ah tie blg factortes lu orden tut the tires whici have been allowed ho goT out or basked migit b: golng fullI1 biast wien thie vokers re!urned. The anuouneeaaenh prînteti ln Tu. day'. Sun ho hie efect that ait de-t4 panmmets ah hie Ameican Steel andi Wire Conspany' vouils resume this îornilng vas velcome newa tus tie 2.- f 200 men eniployesi tiene for thie plant i 11*4 been ruuulug uack in %culte de-A partuients beflore tie govenusnsst's dayseut dovu. 1hI. laest.usated tbat tihefove dsJ sahat<lva cent einployez of! ti" fac- torieo lure f011>' $100.000li.v8ge.. Thun1, thley casmot be accused un osnt .doiig their bit" l'a vin tise var 6 The estimate o« $100,000 is con.idu-- cd vn> ' coniervative. Thu' numbert -o! emp~loyez ln tie 7-,local plants 1q - uasrer 6o .000 tiu jela5000. But tak- lug 5.0M» ns abuis, ic.tglaconserviut- Ive to cahîmate that eaci o! thesev - orersru eéeivesi an average wige of $4 per dla>. Tuis la $20.000 per day or $100000 for'thie ove day lierlud. Tiere are ho b(- ine more blis. lesa Mtindaya vbe.i tic planSfts n close. l"lguri;on thiesainebsi this neauis $180000. Thisa&de--t thie$100.000 fon tiefove 0.3 pi-ind maieés a total o!f $>0.t000l. TiatI be hSidsl o! tic 75 pianstilyl lu- ai liaantthab mucn tdurîng theIi.ilday - shit Oew. tg couidereti ver>' couser- vative. Thus lie tonu lu vages and business vuil not sdrop Uusl.!$60F, But al, the nme tinse thie saving lu cool hais heea conaldemable. andi thilt was.the ai of the federal fuel atin- latration in closluigt-le plants. T'h:e'vire mil]ialone l lO id h ur behvsuen 400 and 500 tons o! coul peri day vien lit la opei'ttîng full ulas'. Tmat these tier 74 plants comabineti. bura an equal amotant sppeai's cou- qtervative. Tias il voulsi appear that the ansount of coal savet ibas lieeu 4h11>' 1,000 tous Ver day. on 14,000 tomt for tie 14-day perloti. 1hl has just become inowu that Mns. M. C. Tucien. graudmother et Mrb. -J. W. Mllur o! Green Bay' rondI, veat o! Nort, Chicago, dled inluChlcago 3 veek a",o ageti 87 years. Pneusuoni va he 'cause antisevas acibo two <ays. L'If n. Tucker lusetvîi Mrs. Mîier up ho Nloven*ber. 1916 for a peli o! offive years bi&.vent t hil egota hlv: vitihber son GeorgeD Gansmua on Calumet avenue. Ste Ita5#lçf - A.Nanucet ansi ber boa- baud <ied 15 years àgO4 S he vasa remarleslhy briglit olti lady sud bati min>' reudsla luNorth Chi mo. - Everett Mason o! Hallf Da> vhîo val bMdj*edInsane iu,outY Court On <uMonuky lue oe o! Vernon ovushtP's 'weUl kuovu resldelits. 11e vas hov" - lrk of the village follovlng thse -s 5flrament o! "iMaude of Vernon." He Iha lved in thie townshIinsu>' yeari, *as hem lu Lais Couuhy sund fei men iare better knovu lu thse commu- màti visere- i. Ilves than he. Tito =14d b las gradualir beau leWing bim .*0 fi.11>' tisnts gto 8bas Il1hv. seeesss teho bae hm sent taE lgin, nvbere, alter teahmelith foxa tIsA 'il 14 cAà a COAL FOIIICOU» WILA. fIELIEVE IMER La&ke count>' fuel reqoîrel ulcely taien cire o! for th ast a resut o!thie sMate lue traton ou Wedue9day after ine ii-giiad to the' coDUat -minlus4rtiou là cars f coul lot o!f Meca-swhic lihe mînstrator confioattd Mq Chicago. These J16 crs *inuti line explained .onWednes, iug. *111 laite cane o! the of s-rloup iovnsu in thi- cou have ho.. runitiiug short oi tII more coal helus comtal .Ater . le receis-ed notice 16 cars laid been aseIgnesi distrtbilte lu 1a*ke conut>' emiergency equreuiets. .Ji ah once gel bus>' andi allote i ~ ~ ~~. 110 iasnanre- nf &Il thse presing needS 1 He at once, as'igued foi X M co mteZon City', lieo- ansi, ho takeit' ieplace co loasis tiuit hd been en rot City ansi vilci vas Inlu i.e 2600 cars confiacitet b adminlaînaton lu Chicago huis Zion C'iy meruly -gt loasis tht sere en route t mme tIsemte stoppe inlu The ouber commuffthîes ounty to ho ilithie thyci wer: dverted &)y Mr. Ersi follovi: Antoci. Hîgil Leite Forest, Lake Villa.,Il Aptakîsir. Fox Lake. ID91 North Chcago. Mr. Fr'kiile seemed plpaêO edhn lie gave Ou mmilou t i. ebcd taOn cacaber of cans% hecause voititaie car: o! an>' - lu thiecoun t>' cndthougi pie &Il Over thiecounty W isfiesvlthithie tneahmei tht' couit>' by tie stAte fl trator. TIEY CAUSE M TROUS-LE INSTANCE 0ON Waukegal Befoke Maglstrahui Tayl lu: was lieand bte case Of king or Warren lowue' Mlesurs. lirosiel'. HoYt an J lirs'c mou ivinlart fat, clarft. got out snd beat1 wien lue refuaed ho, pull1 o! thie roasi to permit hl tn an automobile. Bis exi rerm.iuWtu tori out vas t _____________________Mrs. A Reie, Obrtlly B A-no tJ las GuOLt> MINE jfl WIe h i.ptIN Ftrsie edi~tou NothIng e Z ', OUT YM EWheu the îOiermometer Hours Aller IR ppod. .1wiTu gi8lers Below Z.?Oe2VALUABLES STOLEN DY II~NIES , ,f it taiceri ament a pound et coel MYSTERIGUS ASSAIUMI' niet a Iine-ftEleeflî ~ "to produce a 'pint of beer. asserto ____ !-e-*--,i ren E. H-teanh. at4lMtrfe In-a-0 fuel id. ~fjp-AfJ ie admit cte n teDmgeCaemnlelrator of Ohio. as- Myuterious as ~U eladiti i utroday.,- "If the Lusitania were now fluauig MOOU hav-the seam, Ithe coal used annually ln Ciew to' MiscreaM: ýy "I'obe'ýAfW Hfff-ML RP«-thON ILmaonufacture 09 hee- tIcoD. most-Kied Wonian. out of the NW FIfl try would furnlsh fuel fori2 on i sta Id tripalfor the giaut ship and txansport lFOX L.ake, Il.. Jan. M2ibo MY't* le îles. !ale o aBroen oc;; ensIi ;i;;:k o he tor frVi-Ale 1A.usettaife fthe 90pl day even- demantn toDi.JohnDil e&ernonbeer lu 0hio alone would furuluh more noon remainle unsoîvel anti liqn ésiý e deandsWaukgânJan.2.".eity health commlssiolier. thau 60 round trips and carr-y nmalî etm oso 3MT iptY. wi-h C a man go Joy ridlng with he Dr. Robertson leStîmates B l10 lier 2000,000 tos f supplie ayear ton , tlu oc u h oer zuetm n olu-onwfcent profit to the producer seilinq li allies. th eliWe whispers of It Iesked «t4 gi. TiIs question appeared to be an mllk a t $2.7ý' a bundred poiuds and It reoutren 8,0 as r ts -tra snn. . thut tJImpotat lent nte aa e nstsrovide's for a ehargi' O! -,cets .a trains a dy omvth a a1 tadnouastéeN*0M te hlm toIo rtntquaetrtth amg csfor diýtrihu1IlfTL 1térials 1o the be le.'features of tbis. the init it taghW to mili .,wbtcb was thrQshed ont ln CirucuitD, oetp'fiueadtear hveer aga elalui tir. Robrts9ii' fCourrt titl he ar- "Wtthave ear.lcaseeaofdel atîou1 case of the -ktnd *a!ilox jAa 4~ r. te rs 1e Court td.'.Els t e s ! la-guni n b appor; thu'm are conta 11i the grain in thebheur and about the1 claty bas ever sienp ait be '0 te c r ie 1 w a d E shcr Batwock agaiust e'pli n lisbrIp!. whichu wl1 lbe fied sugar in the bepr, but leshave heard oqT -M m no m wa* lée, à t t ,' tookncir ae Frank Ludamu. hein g an action tus re- wltb tour v i F. d.ft. '-**nu" '! ....t.. abot the-1.i lssber. Cola luh a-ocev rdasages of $1.000. Thse youug lun<Chicago wtb the spe<Y8l l nitcimlou fteinrdet. h nSO r rlaswomen wene drivug Ili a 4>U99Y On mill~on apponld b"~tatf Fuo Ad j takes almnst a pound of coaitto pre.hhome; al~ lthelb.viluo" Mal York House rond lIn.t summer. wbu'u ilstr'ator arri'A y elrt itdc lt0 be.-uo inl uî~ s'c m four car us aeaog ua uoibia çilmliflneUt mjlk ç.prict for ('hica-f _________________I.~. q four car- Ldscm ln I ucb(b TecommlisiOn i., eci>ected 1o ma-Rt;e aMiIU ~ sud crashed mb tb em: The buggy'Te Wa u îrpie motive was ehoewu by th. fam,- dm li amour eau sma.sled and both young wi u-nlits fludinguso0n. vîmîuwrtbu. vert- lnjured. One of tien s it on- lt l FirPrce l' T14*f-Thtt allue .te. f )Y the stte 'clousneis and did flot regain her ITh(e briefeconin widly- van ing a bd ntevla e b,* i ensea for several hour«. Tlte auto opinon, s Ib what ta a fair piep toi AM E FUELIRA y u.old "fins mbuo ,va at ,rured.W..hLutnslnth 1îîslîcur. Thé, esilties range the i»» heu. ss.t " t" auto were IWO men and two wonefl forband . vnud' jarrived home ot Tue ounsl fo th plantIf î.îb". David B. Brewer. aged 70S, or Tîhe loîçeest ita agrped upon by DrPMT-ht t~ *w O - rosîng arguments 10 the jury hagetSaxon. Pl'3au bit n litis jîlture Robetsn uand Asehtant flatte M %,- 'cîeek that ber hu.hoW" ude i-e cirlonsi" à t tLudasthie two married couffle:-about tu CjO r ,oiitan )tk ie 1Mce h lP kineare ut oy ndlng f uonir.'l of tile gold mine he dilî-i tonne>' Nicholas Mihei' h ol-Fuel Administrator Erskine Se- lier ln the Vie r fvlm là il~ .luand '1 "idyouetr"huro!a tai. gii îverîlLachl 164 t oft e-taigue s ftid uihe- rie o A IetsAid Wo iIWShoTht Wth UthSéeliiilf bee bOn Lit. y idngletîllie wnwiu'AI,: tinie a band of Indiaixi-.came tomne>'Chines S., tlieni. repreAent - Mra pMtleentory au tolti by' th Lke a.' a Przybn iit hok i f h t,:ie dfnd sluîg dowvn andi chased bhla. îgii u rdues to>r- Law Is Observed. iîgratulede glsd adyMa rybrk ortedeed'Niw hliasî-.relocaheti t.c mineipa .Balr, na. 0 ildi 1bý aturay et 4 oOiO't-t mm U* ifit. askedthie Jury ln hlt.cloulngt li e ýays. and ievpects liýaI lie wîl ns alr.i -re le eW TH"" ;-yuul saeet t-e îîer-uiiît t> fwork veli police. bal' o! the C(lîy Club, Èfxes the-figure Ij C UELLLCS§ MONDA 'decîded %ahe wolîld go' 1*utg*0 t the irfOn Ânotlicr uLusuai phase o!fuite ~~'- - ai $2.94 a hundrml poutidSua - haa-Co- pi ap 11 a dw , o àgt"en tinit le ~wafltu or'I~A<51a iiii anThe argumntr.s ofthe briers -as ieWIqe htCeiCn i t ls .fei.e! he el i sd bs ttrny aunfali bai otI'VO*JU CVI' ~marized follawt: signe4 flt$f A 4:0 er iahetSnM&uê~ adlhiDaBEFneyadmie hQbaiRno-lDr. RAertaon. for Consumerua, ~~~tr. ~ ~~4sa ergn lie s ilgtest Idee w1iere lie lu. ANS FýR'ý,OESIN L ht tint pe Th sa lm bar ronhunWER, 4 TIMEPoutonS-tINi1 AelaLi uL". I ois sI rIk.H lue" b Tul he ,ast ime 1rvey" d fromi hi b ufftet' fat vailup 'basis. as las heeflte h1 IUe Iower tas't. of LawÙV !ý' ] d i a a nHre, M.Pzbr-lfrciemnc 8.'tni kliia' ueeuidmn. rtok te sp ueceus- *y 4qang4ou. nt acciondeti ald, -but a ltter I sent ta ou nithere îMrs. John A. Gale of Wauconda Telisle raice xngalue ltt otl rbt a 1'e niuutrakthre sitneSsnTue'b"; upotam ~lW~ ,el admîni!d tlling hlm the case wa o one up o GaBite HouehotMeaAtof275 a luundned lii:afariner ru- i _____ Gale ourhld. o! At rc75xi a nrted tthregferumaeroerrniocemntand b11008-gttlg ipf for trial, lesasneturnesi ho me UuoflOit eie O- tipoutt ls 1 erlu ailcountry district o! Lake couuty n1. e ie lolin mys oa ed. 1 have flot the slighcst ldlOa Il it-.. 'i tr eîi,!arnasglng iosi- cent profit. îProvided Sù'vValue of but' orfuellewMouds>'. tie proper de. l i lly decIdes i le would 9t1,'1 O Wlstre le lm aithtîe present tip.- livery cf coal consig:ted- by hlm ho supper.. andi. as aheý keptai Attorney' Pnzyboràki dld flot put'i tion wbich Mrs. John A. Gale, a r,,,' er and ikiuni"dmilî f rom 100S,1 ertai..i lsfreege u.s [Omt o! Waiicouda townshfp, uot l'ar b>'purchase o! nulIt iself f muR fana'crta-n in freirel u-and lais hîreti man. ste agie. on any witnesses. conhentiug liniscltf posesa, tact ho nepresent hlm n a e leIwatie ai 1 s'ifrons Harringhon. 111ni 1ihroiîgliMon -', rs outeide ChiCago mille zone. RautlbY lkl a ild 0, n ltli croqs-exantilnnir the,,witneasesa day afle-rann .VîSoîîîtv tCourt Wlien J fîutng rosi o! production rfromt lestl1 sud thieast-elnnthie vairius sections a reit. lRe ddlh ie to au5 14 N tothie jury at no.she aîpan -u i t iiii i -- ki,-I )lere are tic mein lie namnetiwho But a .Catt cek hleaho JNAnother Getz Damages Tlue lr-t qi. h11iich b ithe FirinîrooklinUli lcar fuel situatio nwoo1er wby eaie ilept 50 o0 The MurNin te cise f Flre %,. à mraiteoul heu uot ofPast- l th~e bei ter tplc: stato Ti Jr> i hc aa o Fon- sput ho hi r a-as s tq iwhetlier hi-r tnztoiecause ibey teep lerds o .ho went ~Mtiire. te rouae.eý*ý 131auert fIxed tlie valune o! au brokrn h dlOl in .nuI>f21brcsit:eclOi n 0lr Hiram 1Ferry. Zion City. colla .hoîe i $15 w lî'ti ti-~r' jJame A. Reves Ronel1.î a UBty aiglut met Ile oyeu.,ao n. .. e 2' bapi vlilii- hunid ix'ai.wc-rîîl isus tal I Orciitif wblcb h. diand10dler'Jmes Reesve befos 11. f In an .. uiiie a it-rdict ion blat ainîliilxi iuwnd it1, -niorChiciagoî nuIt receivedcd eiitaini Ina SImoufn.Antloci. III,. Il he r. at a omer efoieu or titis morn court til. is urinig. The i..avaw was nîanri-d fourin ii - ciu-r ailli. tiucornit i~ta evi H. lHeudricks. lîîglçmîdo, I ho the mzoom iatlh mrly eeSmÏ Tic Judg,îsî î ut- pt. Pi-lt.1. S. Daulel.i. Lake Villa. III. t ttr30o loco th hp * agaust over a cow at llighwood. otitnh4h WelyGyGnr I. mid Scilosser liugiy ho dit. niii - wt)lit bs*preiiîîiîs s I a o,(-itiàqat Ma ryosl orhCiao is W a onher r ut wu 4 Om The seurey l n thcca vs. o les eîlt. wri ,tiWe bu'.tiîniur should obtaîn nIlbil( -" Chairles J. Wilitinan. <irayslake ai cosle hra % o ilsied heansoui vrdits1orl>' hfos'e reh cents les a quart ah grocery ianti on - -RondLke ltwhioh later Wasll fuz0 aseh hi elf u d a vritsorl ee4 o'clock i OITICtinte ut benochl-iler storeu lie shouldl pot psy forf RD 4 uua. ounda I 1ebu. 1eu.etri -1ru11tsiuI-aa l ur--l- scuig ~ls.Frantc. thie iautge he h pesWsieam, atrnou 'ilsLow vas io he e<4 liîuho eiicelie does flot oh-'ztAUIItHoeft, Lake Zurich, IliI legs IfWedpsecond uuurri. gi ss I honEl-Ihl- rnaiiagl u tu red1'oer ber andi wotU planatlon for given dauiszes of $440 andi MimesBai- madren b tts niatain, aitat present. "IP.Hutchînson, DEl.,field, In. pbtued41 nhu ifr thhaltbo roas ceci, wasa swardcd damagea o! $5600.,~,.,*. ., 1 fiýr. Doeseen.for' PrOdbjC*lrt» . -eS Itr ililalisiPark, sud ber",nus (,ae-Wh ded. ý cilre. JmAnsif. Relu ns. tasnne sxo. The case causesi considei'able ex amount sued for. i -- e t hid -tc is rudweîe mnetpiefr îic eeiss Te msen i .ll ate IWO Pr. 't 0leetl h otwsenpr f Report bas it tiat tht jury regret- jae eseonliirivîde ee a cîtemeult lu hie untiWeshenlt part torn. NMrs. prudeitti-Gale asoisîtasup lies. Temnwl aeinpicp. the conut>' but when Kh wasa flished ted that thie lio young women balhad "Gifford Plnciot quoted au saYînS duies:y aie Assistaut State's Attorney John Welch flot sued for a langer amoont %a they i dBies fut araed."t é n h aiylse aersutdl n IS-T e ai tu aukLetiMr. Taylor ta dismisathie Case coulsi bave awarded tiens langer - mý e i foirth ir i., E aalier aitb regdî> e a r:inltt uin IRTos: ththi anool dam>' cattle troam 17 per cent tho31»Ustiy lu put ta the uses inteudesi fer admittingttise evideuce wau SUoi ages. It rccîuired nearly tiree hours In et1aul>.itce iui1 a eth oIzlu det:1 jsi> hlIg n fthe hoa rrive ah a verdict but 1h Is report- 1nTclenitaier centlnk a coîsilletoe tireit defendauts. ed thatthuIs resultcd fronstIse factiin1tie wnyt wtele ety s vn nuthtoisspntçtmadtleer] INSTANCE TWO. tiat tie jury couid fnet decide Jsipropetv sud about $$500 n io of> Tprtoductitoenas tstf>'dOt fr.$v3.lu3ht cseah $5.aM feajusoudn!neodctIn ro 1.13ho 5case ameandegecleas ani l epec' I t Ia ls t t r tlat L c e ho w a spi the dam ages betw een t e a d p r-lonal elects. liundred pon ad. cd ho lue delîvere t ah certain places w toinbil ner Lbertvile. cSring T . e'fct hatLuda- ws nt pes-Milt coneldernug nutritive value. Ia whîci are short. FInbis l rm. auan luh hWlm ent la court an010 flr dd ot iiT I ow cieapesh aninmal foodi. SCOND-Tie local neprneat. n tombilur.uhrt>i'tieAtiOrduK ,'defndfnh. ' ~1 A Consumerlia-s no iterest lni seeinu Ives ire expeced ta watci ail rest- automrob Cileg, ait I siiahim i tk h ustand.endGerr-tmlii uold beiow coul of production,, as dents and sec ihîît the>' conpi>' lt.h 1 bi auomoile nd maser! hesult attroueglctentaeatn rui w t-iUPEVgLo! _cdeLOrGyShITereeutuwuldtopitarViieno dao! tetIi.rcmefeof dea'al hawaw r uce mn's car considem'bly. He de- niesses t ail, Is saidtu 10hai wurked TLE GiRL S ,MFNINGITIS VICTINI lutryut asd. îitiately, . oaring of pertsitslug ho fuellesa Monda>: the>' -claresthie Chicagosu lad no liceuse Gugaiu-,111 ii. . -i n. ii- ar pices. r ree arpr aM.Ukn ou bis car anti sys tiat ever glace "I dont sec wlierf a verditof GreIlJu utrpientafi etfrml h iltosta cu ne hi ehie Crash he bas been tryluagtato ainaages wouid, amount ta muci.' Ah i auglilen o!fiprrarGeorgý-e rBuesfr buicer nota aisume fo m iii ie oltIonsandhat onctarauuduu reInr servie onhim t proAt. loug o! Warren towuship, diesi seric ouhl hoprsecute hlm. Tt enuey Max Prz>borskl forthie defeti- tisnorhgfil. C niie.. anchsd ofhen a mene Incident ho farta- ho the sate adminstrutor. vax- notutil Tueuda>' tiat service dant asqemtesi Wudneatiay ahernoom tI. daedrn rt i i e inouhaleig -' Ev-o F-i I kO'. er'roblb' .Lenlont New xas.secureil aud Fini came ho Wao- ' Eeh 01 nikîiouw ere li lor, n uenol îîîllrtitli Mr. Michois, for' Sate'sAtornfey, kegan wierethie state Preseutes it Oh o,'he cani be tocateti. I dont ee tmingtut o in aliilePri l git1- 11lik production shouid be figureti A report came toNI. Esile tint- case before Justice Hoyh. 'rvechanaés how anyene else coulsi ocate hlm csci e LThe hul wasti.ti-l.Itiiiid on farm ratier than mariet value o! tie salons o o ae00'o h s er pacesi agalnst ibis, tiat of rus. tint a Jutigment Coulti lie Made effec, Ilately altier returningt honi froni aicolfee4 sttiffsa nsisupplies, serve fbelles. Monda>', hhat: the>'nt auug bils auto into hie Hostie>' eüfo Ive." fdyad et obd h et A prîce o! .$275 a hundresi potudg onl>'kept open 'butthiat thie>' i s. ,s sud aso dnlvingthie car vithout a Il. .Nr. Przyuboraki la pî'cl,( tcu nd>'adwu ubc.Ls î s ceug. Tie as -orteena f-lscle t bo-e heiuncsegethlng vorse ?rind for a few- Osys bl ahofaeruer$ persIts a profit of 10 per pe bhait. He saisi hisat leutenu> -wo a eg. h age'ceutii5ed foeenrevt of cricliicahlwe' r,.lacasecent and should'1ie fixed enul>'for vi' bta1e siowu ou thie -Ot Monday but - heu desys ansi 2'nk furnislftid à$606 itdeveîoil)s.t bat he lias preveuhedbenvr ci - y4ik edring va rm m aoutit ece- foliov viate rsctionswi lk le bond. through untoseen Chain of cireu-. Mm. anti Mia.IlcCullougi hiase ot d une^vra anis ol iltos ez on stns.moogisnlorei clsr aîn !attind-othen childi, a girl of lbree y ýars. eCammd htcmaiiI a stanesfrou amîvig hre h atend Because Ofthue nauire o! tie- lit lls iad itcmiat> a w the trial. The attornuey as matie saIshdlwn Iarially ho producers aud also Allowod 25 Cents a Ton u* Cimgo>apM mak a U adota.motion for a nea- triai ansi luthie girssusclness thIe funeral a ii be 'in4otha ebrofhep- tg Cla g o tetbpers aie3. A. Blg adoaie-wjlloInte ouiryipomesiiees o! hie l'O- Mm. rs7ki salmo 4ul. tiat thie -uda oerth tctti . a BrOfo meanhn i miIvrLposbe -pnvt.- -ducersa association bave heen Indlct- Ouer1^s e Iilecotydsrcs n H9IivOOsi Sa>'. i. sa,' a robin Trues. fort -ho locate -ils client. E-e believes P~' s o mIrn> hlgapietnLi onyb loei2 et U dey. A Waulksgan w a wne- tit if he con locae Illi Chat a dof hie accidept ini which ttachitîne $342 a -iîdred.l poondi. ton ans iZE, cent~s ai! ton expenue a, laut wee& 0 au, iUegaua.stbu a eaà forent Phase VqUd)eplacetion thie diven ly-.uia strui <their iboiggy,, Abuidmhnt evidence ho ludicate thi a,,ueti iy -tic bai veaoLhen as*-an 'i *th vhl oi hr. 1'»yb ae ent tathie Jury withoiut an>- deniat thxUa ekloals a anextralUt-sa" ta eq tMe I"oe-"roi boubo IYasyb. o,8e .1 . j (Cont nUeti 'on Page W. rua< too riêt ~bfUay, lst. te affair. Thie voian doesa' l lu, 4 etate, Oat ns u>body attacieti hou mye it mutt ave iagupet«- bar mbee. But, ah tbat bIf&-j la dail- a boveruilow àidnti" anditemimreduuael lu hi>' sge avare o! the tam t e tBut. ln ber caaue esabs Lot recaîlt atig ahmt I#-th a>' dova andithie Crttthiog *, miain vas wien ber isaleai ber ho." -RebbOry Toek Plm.- And,.the village gê»cé nt» er. çwere -toîsi tuet omebeiy b teresi tie roons ybilé sbos ber a blow ou tis broat wlt haut luimuienlt atas Iu ber reoms'of Lhiu'vaimbk& Herear e iehgu ro.SW nu: Watehci cmIn veffnle ring. - - ttuya in», $13 tu mme. clisoi for 87$ý. 1h. w steom Mcw q reom iu« f~u a lft a" the o - . bad uoo 4ttuih' amtSNmâIBSS - POUR PAGES. ey

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