~wmt - WMMy~ Taumplwas fiwabac i. Llb.rl0illO audinuige; mtaUe~ .i~ Lfb.rtyvtlle. ut., au SecOnd Etaga Mail Malter fi Pubtlicaton for Thea Vllagge ofL#Mrtuvit0. lisa f«o ar cufty Berd a uerof5'P~Odf fmi Adertain Raas aieKnovn pn Appllcetan PRIOt, --1 prit9<5 LÀ*R r- iTY-f OVf0 ...................... ........... ,..................V. ditor ............ ...............1...................... MMAn er .........................: ............ Rasideni Malager e#v vondored if the 11eullýeii-Xondayoo bau "gt- Remis Hr awhat t»-Pue1 Âdmbdohirtor wt ays 00M it1% ne car« of coal-the daily consumption 'of many a r-wMI provide heat for 100 familles at least a week. bee the adrini ltrations industrial regulation 457,- na of ceihave been delivered or are en route to le porta for the coaling of ships needed in the war. i oe'eSouthern port 30,000 tons of coal were dellv- waiMting ships in one tay. ig- regidation but it comsmnes more liglit and working on Mondaya. ftluTed-in, the flve-day ehutdown of mue indus- wa eoügh k o fürnish power. for maldng ma- iS1r100,000 i Mn. 7" to fda aed-will send a transport of 3,000 ea M lsneare to -vito1y h. asond day ôf the industrial restr.ictïbn, one dona sent to the mines 400 carsinore t1fan on the IM7ýof g à W'bat ths Obloago Dmfly Npws disussios wbich have roIeýdfrçuù the tests- 4pkg l' orraiev ing thi. f" el oIge mueh bûÙiot too 1e-fboe't the d4.tUonand of , * a o s on econxug hb th. M nd1 - ue *o bon~e ~1ioalc mo ay Itlbm utting douwn their plfats at 4Ake. xil a laitrtor, . a1t),à ba m b drw upos a t4&* a5lupouli othé ý,àiELi i seteosdeus ~iaiàn un- atbi a Of exri~gsnesdar- ~Iew~oru NotThé s M.aus oe con. ~*SWI *mY@ ago If àPe ib, ogli evesml ""ni, wll reaele "rdi abd 111» lbt"Weiteidhi.atmdngiStb -)0,, cean Pftted i.te 0iplfh anything -dh1hrU(t.1 WoIi aren.n*apriseht *ve iboueusoe Wpalj lalube escrd Ulitwre Att wltncs.lno lt g 110,4 nthé &W re'put Ilvougli the rap.. Ia-4"epew et baSa eieimast fersoinetilme t h* @0efpria a r m WefilclasMek t t the nItier 0of revlvlm ins *,Pr4 orl. WAtOb t brkçiart ammpsiet c f lime fort, idafie veaI' h* bottà wvces iiudIei.it te.my daIm M7 ..~ evr mr la rth* mmt e lD pmi. nud bdpo ~~ 4Iotvld.nly believd Cept A. A. welte. fw astquite b»r eem e mmi. el of 4a *4of rasseawliy -t e *ýbnulwme hcuoo wu vas-M et hi$lu*e"- a cilef poil"eta gI"eim à@W te ep Ite Md' aeewtWees tiiers, whti o4 Lakte Pag. a*Mrs$'oomne acrffl sd hsip ,theý Wo-kegmn "Y'whse theY O COURE ln la+,num ire «'he Weiikeoau " Y" nade ihï4p- ,nd If Yeu canuet -bidP lte*etier direct ln Lakee. o;ea,"If' yeu'ra tam- through the.Wa.*sgian BYMPÂTHY. We desira to eM*xtad ta the editor' cf the waukegan Garatte ou,' deepeat eympthy apaui the occaolon of. the deeti of bIc Mother, Ume.i..P. lodd, at Dcôrflld. ianth* pamalal of a man'* mther ho ioaaq thea kat the 1.doa est friOlid thc ver fiadv One wh00e foretats limallIte tht. aven "hgi ite lied rsschcd -un advanced *e ln lite, eur onftemporaryMay kdow that Our oynmpgtly-for hlm le hp&rt. fat, for Itl lsI' long since w. pauod thbrough ismîlarorisS-Mi aur lite. ]BO YR MWEL OêRD Fru Accor4loig ta tfwiai reporte from Camp.Grant, Roolford, the. deuIls rt. ln that osntanment te aly 1 te 2,M0 Acoerlngly Lake county Peopls who are. raadIng wlth, great concsmil the. statements sMde ln Waahlngto aby Senator Chiamberlain nead haeano faar of whut the senator le saying ns partlcularly applicableaote .camp et Rcckfal'd viare no iil5fy«Lake Lakte county menailin truhlng. The general iedical .upçriIelon of the mon In Camp Grant hue baen pro-, iouncd ideal Maj. H. 0. MODon. fanIt;r, amnwioae tnowiadge of I*ttiefield conditions, hoepItai terv. [ce, alo., le ragardad mort hlghly par- haps titan liat et any etharrimen In the coiuntry. IVIJT TUE BOYSý". Waukeptan Man Telle About lb. A Wet«p I;m nui ueu au là*te tesau etOrs Bomsm cL el!Uw mslu (Co. IaI wliti c. fis JaOum«etng wl<a busa -"b fTarei.Po-use te demiiftteo ve l*9utfeud tbtis lta ms au * e 4f meesuin tb tic osun n" lta vas' oeet rsc«m lovant Me > umfor brialiw. Our ror& but viti lia Umml aevwer-ydlè slt et poi" aid ramalvelta ipalte iblai 'Vie letaliguva u e a~ierl a àtaete. After super bit lIha le lae avu ta * . a i la t» we*ws pwfl mi'te a Itmaa Iwule.. t»c w"flttat.etuct - w 'lm Itta a "da"i eaiuse* Dmla s m tyuni uomiy ose. am" eut. «taelinysMea heurs-me at:StIft a buwe ara- ieuffeue, coSIvatg.At i:$. I ui u vb touse goulus a slaglotiO .am aub heaqtiom leu:mçaId trOe ammMe ,itecongtana v e ail tua. f ieu or a rem..wu ttb*sUnB te- c Tt 8l14ea1w laic .tboe*, sud baer evat ioosyaak tes y fl inthi - - i h b loffl e nque it *0e me ia .s fett w sOSind 4Or e :oi, utViset DIMIFOSl, fi -tititienu.«aneîtO ave ayez asécnmt ajao ama r tu liegauie>rt i s-oi 1,las mso le" gar es t ii.tte lm laou pliu.Ia 04isot * vns u etisa , tlmou,~ u 0 'aet u uc e m ua à ý & WaksaaUYsel. audmaidruabftu la et cflte aetoeivo-law, lia enteima. Mont or wifii la mater lA.Juimile. tlo th 1* buraau -cf. qiup Mnin-* ,l order tlititaey u;v ' itlAue a s Obslncaisdesunlu thir Pro- Poubt lIaniue jb t dioubla ied expMieutec, Jofftw tw»Ma anec sd etu, 111te ecmpe etlb theesootve lus bad bpen ex- touffin go àà ugeta»n pgilclang ffd droiosâea. T',44lime An witîch liey vil, ho reqilred4ote ae ont tbe Ilcengea bua ot becs Mtcf. - Vte exteusban of lie mbeof lte lav wusbroushi abou b t Iihé dan, opi 10 airerty ltiroutb4ttit e ù arouhbe & ad enculas et t e offl tri. Zt le. rnovu btbat *"Wy1uset ise lie nimbeo 4eul$vesla vit- lrmutsêsous lime ~4b u n tWdmmýf teia bllit Bof' ta 'b Caee or terme. N. a., Wd, phne 4, Ltb.ryv---- -rat POR bALg--,CbolS e ueedenc lots on MKneyAve. Mr. Grlimu. M. FOR SALEÉ-W, bave a nuamber oi fine homesior mtaiorant. Dymnd & Autin, Llbortrville. * FOR SALE-Honhe on South Park Ave vh Auil modem convenlencos. Cià? Âiban3y.8SS Chlcago. 7 UQXXY'1!0LOAX. Wjvnmii Uilit seat Relate. fretNatonal B4tk. Libertyvili..fua. WANTEOD-Tbreafuit biended Ebads, Imiad Red nos, wleii r.ord. .:~W «D"ne, Libertyvlte. lit. 2r WA4T!D-Bi 1;mgedQcoupe, a "nma fAim $0 manage. ,Aar àbertyiDe. . A4. drom Faim, cia f udeeudont, -PA1TUrýiooèm*4tt .d;;;0; ,wil pae ".C.&I up47 Lttrty,,je LubrCo. 4 Aj S er*# of Artîice'ieau.d by tho v S.Food ËAdmînltration «4rIUlea.edep it wth arielus thoe g.eotn-4ecson@m. este avopou ta nslatorbrlaiy a minimum 0f ai Ou ww"apheday each vemd uÔ o wiàOntmeubMew imo day; tua w . Mmés day tletg Wedn.say. SOn. Mleatlm e dy eacb vase whie'b shlb. *usalayed and one moattum mant otay. rjir »matieae lw. mstq ta ami. lambi- npre- - 4à moat-huld, bacon, bam o, r. Ont Portelm dY eaeh ve* Anladd& tion ta 'Puemday, *iilcb ahali b Sate. day. y pon*jkm we mean no frmeh or mittarr,.bw.m,'lard or ",ih - 8g@snJ-4 OMW*n iateriaily roe"e sugurbrfiaalg tha -use of éaady and affut dilae§ W. yl lMaire every endeavrirta ms tilet tha cuuat"ry le pro- vidad i wlupply ofaibahli nagar an thte buseittre pounde s nrfor mceh POion Psu montb. DCa mat cou- au me mors. Human FOo@de Comprime Tht., Principal DEmmsts: Pratelm. Mainy present lu ment, beau.. flIr, poultry, mllk and ta @mrn exteftl iiainbe. Fate: Thoa, le, butter, cream, lard, bacon, Margarine, ceaking fate, beanm, ,Carbobydrtme: Grains, mgar, pots. temes Mnd cUis.vegtables. As a nation Wabest and wast. 80 par min, more proteint$han we requin ta réduce the amenaI ai ment v.est vls. adI humz.' W. nt aMd veete 240 per cent. more fat than. lan8cseery. 0f tSi castbolmydratsm vo earijumi as Wall cou3m.Ototand otberoeareass au whass, aMd citaveabuida*iîenpple ai palatoes àmaiveuablea. Do nat lIrais younr supple@of mlite and tabla butter, but consme I ail. Don& vaut. a»Y. ' 0e. quart of ratite outains protim quai ta 7 0& 91 Imlanmtmak and ennui equI tail o& tg dilaa6tea. Ton ecs -udieu 111e eosummpd« io-e :ai by remaclg gsti and f risioise. emomber tbsaepof ib.ean plat, ibe merviisf aituportions, 511.pur- Haarding-Au Pees a lthebmUnied "àeburis more fçadmsuffhan b cou*mrllyhuge ai bomme Ia peae fm k411Is pepo. a eava à dwwsi luo orP11d*8ud la île gels uvor ta, relePrate.Vhsb aIge obod la o.mol t e e n1 ar Mqeeearv, au pply of aur people, but ié 8laiii ahMd *> »Matons, rautIpWs by thonueMas tham le dmndXpot Our rellvaye ftss a lroady, b«wee.otr didiels vaMev more ibm vtalyr pemeary bcd ta MUaihmL luw*UIam44g s5a* vA, te ébue v 1 le diesel asMW»imas la i - ebm"w.i *'.4-.&.m atwolu -m- -à be MI & «ribers la Thi*kest toc That HasIeSm WIarestéd ln 9tNtm*er, MtiST E THE SNO W. Cause Jo. to Suuc Uihtbua It leRmioed Xe 1 ,12inobdit , btttkume", la ho ng eut ln saverai paate ci lake cQun- ty. Tue. activl âgat Antiaeh--De- oM17. are the kaspcst tiiey bava ibisss -a.-longtisi. leu.-mmon amy hu,- b- aln tb m.they bava basaâw bto è nt selà tb)drj c.. ei4 attlbute the conditon iii year ta the long sMd 0'ostiqi a ealif zera -wsatbeg. it a,.aomewat mare &6_ cuit ta cnt the. thiceaer Ice, tji-deAg- ca »eP4 ,but the quaiity la Iupch gupu1or tu oeetyears and it does net tae.8molong tua 011 t e h oua, ôna cfic biget exvanasesbetng encoumiterad by the ovners of tee boue«a te tha removal a01lte sn tram' the surface oet1the talles. Tt te seceasary ta nra e ciew Irmm large aiea.. fot nmerely viiere thle Ice. iý bolng eut fti.unlesa thile il doue the vwelght <of the smcvviii cause the tee to ainte bensati thi e e level as scan ai a borete iscnt ln It. alloving the. atr ta, enter. TIte velyht oftb ht mc amtounts ta thoumande 0t tons. MareUrne ta requIred ti a but. lng ibis, away than la the actuel cut- tlng and estr ig t tee.. ochriof a!laetng the. lreent source et tee," asie dealer tmald. "W. have been.assured ubai more coid weatbr in comini on the way but there 15 un osit ive a enrance cf tht s and the oniy sale vay la to eut and store the. tec white Ita condition ta excellent as it te nov. Ovners of tee bonaceshave exP.- rieneed anme dilhulty in gettlng But- ficient men te malca the liguai hki vmt but ilioy have supoeeded taItrlY- watt,a" lte voit la Progremlng la fine ehapa. Vh otfisdepttmeatadvlp. th"t m"y of ltaeuawrapped naddr.ua bueqgtneemaffled 11thebpublie aMt*the an orcnai poSag rie for soldier. aad ) aRore ant nedome for tt urpm i- s tded, morn» ing an aid am no longer s t botnylInteatomwaratonsea, anMd nît for furtiter me, white album 1areof mach charetera tobeowhofly useufied for teedlg matter fer soidisf aMd mallara Publlcatonsnmd und4eriltaavngs ula.ebold coam"mi01 610sa cPi. 01 Ormior a.pa.UVdy1rusas me ai oai.laldgmaiâr aipmaiItemi.I - *cd hIm or ,l IDWM int l no1 banderai *cutr smdeor MEETING POSTPOED Vh animalmuatinsof tbe LiffCoucig UIlk Produce oA»etia, Met fosilut é.il!t y, am adjonrned t e aturday, F*4ruarp 2, oas iaccoaI0ai be trms. Byron Praer, a umulola, 0f Camp Oumi, buebeen esidng, emvmrai daim ai une -bh" ne va. ln, a1ev duje allter hbeéarrvai bors Mie. lieueWrsgi t berna ubeou vUs Red Crom AugIfy. disriug b ale 0 eetMs. Gworge Bond e Its ioaiuer e.a»aay oett. Oonucil et Natioal Defeue. and fties limat,comiderlth.Ui sisff ttha.tIvM, the. dus -of the Ccmpany-S-2 Am bevs,-is va ery'Ittable; and titis liuudor lua SUthe . * tmeInceaang The. Smpânyecurad l Sen*n lt- *ons u.and ie&»"cs'lfefront the state The $%act that protee.pional boia bouts an. nermaitic tedýM,,W brt eritu 4iami tGroat iLek lm c o d 1in cf ilecusi àuttliehe.MavaTraln- 4bt otIon. Thara sage onon.agi- fatettou a _:et W-oatlna, me- gprd18g tit. natter, undon40b.face oftbl 1.it umeras hb eSiber an uublr sit1ing tr muIwaibout* mi 4MIeutUqréitàkgà c. If your uknisl pimply, muý &àl " face cmem, slvou " pow cocu wan' u ke sàchar sud% be Eat a'few igs and d" nk1 eeyndgtfortwoweloe-Avodpo Then corne tOus for àduefi« the mn heâluci Msp-du s mkamcn udu mm ncwuwm tué Get your. senna-luves fn JouteulCram,.....50C c Jutwe utie semna »e am reuly f"o eut cold c ejn, xxic. dw of ih mp'ts b.ha&. ýom us today. Pôwdor ... DEGKER'S DRU GSTOXý f YOWold Ib Rew. YOur e$oafor witer stoï. alge an,4 bavé them chabrged ari em*. a,,Jacteteram Uic Grai 1m î5v ,?maeAW*Issu. .l nossat24 1 mteisatimtaOau r»«nom Wet ai**erlh sumfby epIRm the t.lock. Dalt- týeom, yeutendmy 'ade W h'eevm4t l a omna~s om utOr oum la ir hoeste eu 'ld,'feeho vs slL -oe. * 1* r eroken ,catings, a« frtbm Sgomdi v FOR SAIlg_l58 acresona, MU«lesud a WANTED-BY middilo eged lade, situa hall nantfI i LÙ Zurich; rlrod rouane ton sau hôuekçepiar. 01v. refom'nù'Y thiongli praneme...ttflelitght and tdg@rei. Addrets -e eCia dependasi guAsni lving -valci'. - tiervernble faimo bujildngs eauy tonus t be nttmpr. fc.472 ebhar. lnqqura Paul MmuCu. 28tWANTEO-Farper touats ta unug Iarn from 50o 100ac&ee, nar Umy + O E + ville AddreneciaLLibertyvllle Indepen. dent. .4-2 FRLJKI<Nr-Uarn 1, E. Recht tarmn No. 1, 216 aerm, ftrat clafflliprove. mante. Write or phone E. Recht, farma Llbertyvlip phone 22. .t FOR RENT-Fiai on South Park Av.., aIl modern couvenl.nc.e. Inquire Rader- berg, tiret fil or Cail Abany 8688l. 52tf FOR BAL E-2 dosen Rtrode Iland Red puitets and cachereis lnd gaverai White Roc4 plultt.- Oea. Fruatorfer, Prirle Vkikle. ---- -1 44 FOR SALE-rwo Dure br'ed Onrn-» sey bulle, 12 months'old, 3ed .. Babrens. Grayelake, 111. 'pky.-If. Il NuwlsYur *ANTKo- Labaratory nautstànt, a Young man interested ta ec1euiattyt preterabiy vlth hlgb sehol educatisa,, UçzPerience ]bot necesaal. Stia4y work wlth good chance to tram £006 chnmlstry. Apply ln permon to sujiar. Intendent or chemist Aready F4rM# Milllng Ca.. Rondout, 11tt wky*11 FOR SALE-A number ofai o't' h uta Whiite Sws bred to larrow the-1i t a April, at bargain prie; aiso quanifty of Marquis ed whest and rhoie OSu Parey for mle. Ail grain Ire@ ai toui Med. Oniy one Puie bred shorthain Bull ieft tonale, a gad u. rt. cati flue by phonle 12-Wl, Rond lLabo, Mi., 'N. J. Amnano. Onk Orove Steýek Farm. 4-9, 1 1 Il 1 ý 1. lune Ov-elln1w D(n ODIV :Çlolues a N;)Ir-n UT ILF-C 1 1 . L 1 x L It