Good, Old-Fahoe -ýHar.d*Wood Chunks Just the, thing.-for -Fjurnçe, GrAýte or Stove- LIlIERTYV1L LE LUMBER CO. Ph... 47 ee.ubyw u. o t m UDERTYVIE, ILL., -s..- ~ew~ Il ~u no o!aniteVo loalintest, kUldy1 -------------------------- ---------------- )Ire. Cba leq KeIni le qute 111 at pou.. .J. A. Treptow vasa vietor la thicago t uilWeduew.Lý ~ l+ 'ut : S03.. -,ý Mies McBril, o Art-a, was alocul vIe. El! Triggesg ao eu fi itron Tuesltby. M fft j 4 fb dayt<j! seVeraleeke. ire.. 3. Il. l .Iali a espending thuej 0. P. Se.yros le ob bnem.eeV inl waek lu W Imaton. !~wYr k City lb!. ç ian-t forget the band concert Bt thu is eirtlija ProtiDe. of Sprixn lr(1 . sudItoriun, to-uilht. Il Vibtîlng reltVeehnd frieur.,Ip * Mo week »»Oooeo*MlIg Pe Frit ARGMINS ceived Y U NEED.- argei Lard or !naît Pies -.... $1.00 Ms 4t Lard or riit Pfess ........-j,.2.50 aipi -q raqt terpds 1e Pres.and Stufer ... A Z 500' L.p Roosters ............3.2 Lorie e;iWol 1 Skèlese.................... .........1.25 on 'Las. . . ...................... 1.25 .AIuW.u. es Ketties..............2.50 Mr - N. 1oYk pelu. dez ............... 2.00 t . qKuives ................. 90c ruj 4UISuhISIe. tho.',ic arvIsg Sets ..2.50 ci 'I,~vtw.pi.eCvr Set..........1. vlaIk BrisKlIe...................Iloc bon .................. 1.00 Parkî COMMIY SILVIRWARE e SCHANCK 'HARDWARE CMPANMa«e boy@ juin enpôrts N 0 PE 18comple.withouta »ooefortbs -ouch or dav«mtr inlS 'cm, kgives ySu &Wp =~it9for rrem içatlo& wtihivt oz alt Various KnsOf W. have a I g.uuoctiao of cuchcS~ davêspoMIns &Il11the p6Opula uihletoidp >c44 dvenort luthe lattut desijpmý w &Maséon te For telephone No. 1 Cwreh Jrie foi ne r. B. Smith bas retnruàed fromn a Mire. Eli Trlggi bai gon.. t, lhogo h se' vleit ln ('Ifflo. t, to 8peud tire reminÏderof tibi siîrter. "M if Elizbeth Doyie,'of Wadi-wortb, &kMr. and lire. OeorbiBond liari 10jf la récent viltor bere. bWIL -tbeir esideuce and goîuluie tilago» 0 kw Our-ltutiusdoym bot- -ven- bzabyWlslfdbtrnauir a -b y k avinige etam p@.~.- .the vinter. - B sou vas born ta Mr. and Mrn. fJobn Bernard vas a Chi-as,, vimItor e ait lcDonald on laut Frtday.«OZ.- ,on Wednesday-au< lIt snow.-l, as ia Î!tjuYgebtl*Cebeila sprtacuatOknaoj Whou ho visite 1ti1P, Wiudy ra t b athoté8bcff.âillb on (4ty. lif akJouUdetinu De bie îThnnsdaby oeintripe there, JI Wioed put bti, nOW h evRo e ulunrds. e1=a. hovelere'nion ous ofbuliteee. t at the auditoriumBn J .ée a bertyýivlle t;QÎi-Sdb7rtedtot be M ette, February 12, . *- ê_ fuel admnietratione ordureou on .day, àe Pneebyterlan Ladiee' Ai Id tuait the eecond of ton "ieatleÉte Holiday@*" ho home of tire. I. B. Conlett ou TitI seaine pirttof co.olreralousu ad eday alternoon, -Fîbruari 7tb: iipatrIotiona l ioed hi sîxirci lsieg - _-_--____ meu,f Who bave voluutarl3 uffered to P 2re Ie joso onu way toget out of th"s closie ibeir places of businiesq er erY ereu. that le to Win it. Every tlzue you ng ~<ab sIx r.ockecpirgmtfe t lu a tbnift staip you are' hastun- The p-rj1rï)rletors O!flte IMac,,,,,re tWag L Pace. barber, chope ba&veanujojrr d thelr 6 ntont at interegt takes Do boll. ÇutFeUtiou to close eveny everdrîr.r it tight ieon accotent of coal shortage. han O'clotk. @eept!lg Uaturday'-. F irge sitajs er n leret for FOU Lih*. ColLeS ttesCIi KMr el Fn deys and loidays. mission le adrertlelng for 1 ,11lI the rids of )r HBarry MeKeen bave re- orduauce departuient of the arTrut. A p Id mordircrm bien tiat lbu bas been greafît ay cileilpoîiForre arý e B d inîo active ervice lu one of the for men aud vomen, t ai arîr r rarrging. < .oîbnon y7t1M. C. As@. f1rom $1,000 tele.. Dugînetrs, r,.e'tant M làotTbTCdayuvvfltflVBelod ud- engliefre, Muxiab"l, drett.u.I& sad ug panity vaigiveit by the St. varione kinde of inspetorm, airo ame vreuru choir ait theparisleiabos. A wanted. Coinpietl nformatlrn ma7u«r et elibtu iýèi;-- n -ieby tend by appluing ta the Civil Servie resut e 5~ CotfmiiegiloD' Wa oblngton, 1). C., or ta a se Epwortb Luague o!f1the Metb- &rPe* tv f h o Býglnat i et cburcb *fi bold a ociable and tbe postofice or coutombrumë in auj ae ness meeting lu Ibe cbnrcb pariors city. ?rday sveulng. The yolong people The itrt meeting 0! tbe Libertyvillea lntd., _1Parut-Teacher Auisltiou wlll lb. beld ird j.been reeved .boe.of!*the lD the aSesmbli Ol o <of 111e bigle hool >» illiteeeof Mis. B. M. Albout, ville rlday, PsbriauSU1 t, aih3:30 P. M. Tb* M ormeun.aetoiof th. local Pussby f lOutetlgrade béà saud agi ender Um j éfirr. T -à-iîrs -mnoié-StocktOns, 'direction vii dramatise n chucli. he A uit, ' DOv "Bnrp.!.tiltekla" B.d VilI aima gie a auj Mn. -George Lintletua, - AslcnS01."Vltn yMs ,Lahe Zuriâ,cb&hQ;haveb.. elti&g g Gos'Wkedb. VIII 1e ruitbg rus. everal -dy.aiucts boue 0f Uteit CiaaColyf. EveujOnela urged loto.. Ian au dnim eMrwad i ountsud boer Ibisentertatingpragrau. are, ?f th.eeSk. - EdVard Heusr and Uir. Jessis Suitt.h re red obv b eau... he ber bath of Uhertyvilie, ver. " 1, lue a vib is.M.W .Spor.o t 1mulUon onday, January 21j iV acico Cl.,li ls1> IisVek. 1 wVOs tII th e stmazpricedlua iti !h l dtitnlfdo 0 lasVîr' nut i ur.iHeuer'<flilidrsn. Ith oth.ut teraad autCtZ ~j~~lh j~lngbaunther sisnoe lt.e Chahs... hOfldaY. Local frinde of bo*tknw eo W. V. T. U w iabhu t ta uk t th.nothlng of th. marriage. Tht e aone. lu"i aDy vay coetributsd jo Ue vaà psrfouued Bt -the bftiâroom'e brseÎuutof 1the uavy boilsstaI l thePafsatalhoue Bt Qnincy, bie s ant. w io- a-ï-â apprwaodCbj telIa Mulvsrry lté day piUeedneftMU. la &u tlayej .pressd a dere Sm"Esus dMas v. iaudren-Jo., atémdioi îk t. ludien of UbertIvIIleid ArW & .t Cbanpaign, MUueb Jarbs slitIl es gret."DOTolIÉ11,0 Day and Paül. ateaudîeg seeia teHeckly, a teacher In tshe - olu ab@Itegrade@. Th@ bride bas r Subooi.wn e sisita1ber houe la tire Ulducu-Clara E. Ouila, a ft'es. mua 111., b3,tse otéeof ber fatr a", ISia I&X4bcool auj Orme. aMd lam L. uhezflsy bbooeurrs on GhfMes, aUettuiusq.bod0f fij@ he &»84«moral. -UrM. Hechiye.grade.U. Hsuer i a bcflaMMuun ab-hm ab9put l VeejOB a", B.d NO. 5 Md 6, IVo of the but Itran. on a mo.b.. of te local Wo t hie 11& Mdivilon of the CM.& .P LbftS é b n ft e o m r The 342d regiment t itOCk ord. lu I Cub ffIym a o 1h. Qouer.vIach, Most etthe Lakec oaty men Clb njye anisiflisila scil reeevlg Ml znvlng fo I.pres- lst athe club roome lentsi ughoutquarter. at thueowk»eu&.Mendoet r gamea bililardi er.onlurso hO Uthé> 0IDqiinrters vbieb bave th. evsuiu. About il olok a'hm ir vaeated by Me ts h en- wh.on@4tit c sadwihes frnlaglaclellte uortbeantern Dart of or.,I PickqM aonioe, wva erved. DItaewn ebegun Saturdoe. LAIl Com. i of tb.enieuber. 1014the. wrler t gules ezocit 1, K, LI ad Xilave ffliug Ilibietl'il to di buteg. " 11bcun OvedTescolparded vill b. Inalepeuitle lu uelPt o! & 90PY til taI Portion of the 351k cugineeri b.é tret louéo! "Th. Smulo evlbas mveit. Iiab heralde tb@ bMeginu 9l0 a &liO, r ioFrt ol~ f Ml.,Ailies Hart ol Northt le* eal of "mîleage Booku»ury Chicago and Arthur Hagkc 0f Ubll. 1- faImt, théb. traclitt 11W.P&Pfaps stYvle vere enin¶raeid ulk.dy to dic;M alea t1he "SuII5ag Dooki," Imm Ofu oS ir marriaes. Thcj lait or ile eoutalu coupas@ O Ulg a ChI cagoTburday imormiug aud fro. Iieir. or a civiliase, IlaCoupauloal by titaveut ta CronitFoup t Ibd. coldier holding sncbe a book. ta101 of h 1e erumon! va porormed. 4tiaatrical Or tyreSiti attractio120 a Ur. sud UMie. Hupku fbav oitb ca r c~ntoueuts.empoycd aI the Pfanstlebblboe'tory te renevlng bisjiub@orlOioq te Tb@ and A"e verY. veli kn«m, la titis VI. tepeudent. George Uerblo, 0fciLake cttj. Thte groom lisa. inn ret, wrIteo that be andl bis vifs, Ur. athlelte und ha le Nbae bal vitb ad Ut.. inoenh O'Neai. sud U. "dl Vanfoas Waukugan teaute., Tbcy ilI Mis. j. C. Mrebaul, of Waetcg>a, Sre muke their home lu Nortit Chicago. buaving a splendId MmUn St18. Pstesburg, Olii<A.8 papers are Prialtiug dtals I Pl&., the 'Sunshins ity." Mr. fistlck tbouàt the gourt action tartcd iun(chi. favored Iis office niti a 00oPY Ou@DCOf esaol"by W. lcKay malte and bis the lu. Petersburg paper., lu vblk uh ide atnd 'oue, svd Y>. Eaaoou. Mni. zotîýthat hundreits of prveou e MWhite suedt ber .busbanit toi' separate searly ail part@ cf1th. Usiit IlïSats. malebdualuue and bu ai.ww.6 bpi ar* srntvltIg Iberé ddilj. bil b _sroeuuiaw ami ale a As&a meeting bsîd la th. Comuceldal lN4,fft aienlation suit galut Han- CLubroouse « Modaj csulag, Rdvln ans. Tte »tiou*ta Uake doun, M. Ojalonles, Inuïoelet"«part, ex. h' peo, because lin ali, White plaine the » Sais lbitIHanon andMMs.White eno ansverins qustmb usealby. bis andl Joticiid et Lbertyville,-fr cousider. bios. About néecîstr.,personr veroa ale peuflotlest year. Wble lte.flv utInlding ocky a We faruer.. on vîsitrédin lu ertyilîle thebiebsand as mccunt of tbê b" U às M. DyoWiso rts, Hannon and Mrs. White est ln îvles wiII be hie. aala là.buuauy 18 tu a &*nu togethen aud ublqacsed en- 16, Iuclqve. vmbe h. nbt m elbs5deariug naude 10 us& MW. c'.BoUl Ieiqttosîsiaausolhe Coao-j Wtqt a alitffAsr*~~f1~u4 lier aOtub. ' VUry v*u%$My men:, Pruebyterian. Sunday school 10 a. ni. A lire place or live people oif ai ages. Ilorning worsbip ai Il a. ni. Sermon )y pa»tor. t'iiiii ani w ,rhi p w t h )xt Lprd'e Dsy. areaijcri iving our inorning merviv-e lu the l'ae ment of thu ciurel. Wr. an-ry e(lin.j rtable and eau ea@ill tati. cure ofi our >ungregfattou. la tlp e i.iiaini uon .eetlnu wlllibs ireld at the M. E, vlurcb rmon. The paetor of this ehiureh Mpectè tu bu out of townIn llthe eveaiDg. Methodist-tposcopai. Pruachiug service@ uext Sunday will bu aid ait the. M. E. chu relà at the usnai me. tu the eveuing the services efli be UiJuon meeting 01 the Presbyterisu and M.E. 'congregations aud Rev. T. E. eaum wll prescb on the subjuci: "'Not Ech Toward God." Tliere wli bk iepai music at the evunug service. Theî pubic tu cordialiy iuvfted to atteud. 'How to Reacb Epworti, League EoBIe wilibu thoesubject o the Epworth Leagud meeting udit t4nnday t-veniog as 3800. .Miss Ida wheeler i ii 1ad the meettîig. Ail are vordially iur'itéd. _Yhe Àa.dlipo' Ail sii ety will hold their rebruarv meetiLg îrext Tupsdaày alter- 11u0 wlth Mrrm.. arn ui t tire M. E, parsouaire.. The flrrlbrwluirgemibere wkil &t ai hosteece-: lre. iluliirev, lMr@. Rose Taylor. lMr@. W. I. Colline, lire. Îraceetlrld]eY, M-re. b.E. Goldiiig ,and rs. Ream. ,&IL.,members and friende %r cordlalli nvited. St. La wr10ce Ep!scopàl. The Rev. Jamei B. Elauî mwil olilci. tedia t . Lawrence'@ cburcb agitSn-. "y. en 9" echol wiIl b. conducted t 9:45. and thOe s ill b. the nuai celebratlon of tbe Holy Encharlut as 11 'dovk. The 7:8Oservice iii boom jtted, aseudna'lon .tiret Sonday lu eauh îoulh. The Snnday c@@"lcmelanthe aucceedlng wveke VIIIb. tabac ca ro. T bers nuIt b. no change la thb ebiduWs Bihop Anderson bas writte. th@' fance commutes, that he ii mahe au àppol3tmont lutias econ a- h. Sud a M«u sultable for the charge, and that b. l novw correeponding vîit that end la viev. Father Banlam la a promainsat priset lu tbe Dioco.. ot Chicago, at preeut belg fild eretaàry o?te social St,!.. comuimo,. Be$vas Dea umner' predecemsr an De.. 91 tbe Catiieds ud fr $01o ne jean Vsa lustraictoir ia leabotait Theologicl Uemunq. M oney o On ImprovedLake County Pamý []if,' y6u fntend to, buy, to improvea or to stock 'up a form and need money. or 1If you haveD. n Ioans folling due which you mýust refiîýý =do: fnot -foi]: to secure our terms on Frstjl O]Mortgoge Form Loons. - 12 ç we olso supply mortgoge loans to lnvestors, SPECIAL PRICES ON MAGAZINES andNEWSPAPE Attractive Clubbing Offers àà, >, Way Below Publishers' Prices',',ý Ask for my special price on anyjMagazine or Ni 1"Ifpaper'eyoumay wish.EYJfli MRS. A. TODD'qJR: Independeut OShce.A BA-SKET BALI! FRIDAT EYENINO,FEDEUYI L. T.H. S. im th@ 4epu~tL5 TOWN TEAM You se8omtviotect luGNl SCOOL AUDIORUM bhhm f.o N..eaie Aduieisu 1 ujC ha Podioo non itprqdtaoeswamtbo, s u uU.zedfer L FOR SALE- House and W and bahing purpous«. ]rnown ms the Acker place W. F. 'FRA N ZE N. $500cs req ire. te «' 15.LOe &W teà Mr S"rhLmho~_ I UnsualPetticoat BN Fine quality black ateen underaIrirts, mre plain, OO n~ and, mre in handsome floral patteis, t s .o î Colored ukirta of heatherbloorn. with taileta 9&l flounce at .......... Warm pçtticoats of outing flannel. assorted grey and light patterna. sPecial vialu at...... ..................... ...... ....... Knittéd petticoats, in white or grey, with acr striped borderin colora, at.-'...... .. ...............I3C5ca q Gingham uËirts, macle of good grade of r with'full flounce, at ............ Soin. real hsrgaiu W. W. CARRQlL I *- ~ i NON nuree stripe gingharn, Mmd. wdm5 ....................k..... eoeoeoeom