s the long run 1 Woold hber M60 - ~keeping g lba nd l " ikølgwo s betkncre of. I isisted that 1 was elag tïO h rhat was prdmised me*ad ndgod 15y wtde rmthe companyand eeame terefd wth Mrr em of Ù- avie-de laWanwched the dGegion Camp ) 14. 44d Mot U.havàben11 tng ørthederso OYER lEAT L00 S ASA - NW 5 N- imam-nt-aAt Washingt oose , ther HAS MMBERSHIP OF, 600. W ie evltin thFnee ""'"W* ntoAt.. 1 #lSD YRU NG iIl N ED BilÙ5H .WIÆ Iaif . . . SpplanltsN'and Machine; jh,1 oeyai Ni1o1 alðpati Naturaly I am zomch elated at thé e yg t* eto Ce0èmonyHeld in Parish CLAIMSATU 'aut Zoo°mef. w.igt" Csaso M.Admninistrator Erskine Sugar Supply'PracticalyEx- Henry-BaflzArrestedHere IWith- Ho1usej Wednesfay. • S M RB E AITH ""' a'""""*** ***"" 90ns Out Ail Confusing Sit-' hausted--Only Few Pounds Se niWf Fst '. on ths.very limltant machine that Dam.setf$3.h • • ~ecW ife e n ifThø" isonly one Woodmen lodge, i ta rsat Memachine of the 'ed to, Mise Lebie alo o uations That Afise. Remnam in Stock. Mwaukee Comnplains. l a .a*n u nye, Patent Office atHýtn vrivne.i te atb.rs.sane nasre a . OVER1ME ATURAYS ANY GTORS AR 001- --- " "" n" '" camFor as a Corrboraes is fr e they havd Ianclathe cyut in ren otea a teT ~on 'NON-SUPPORT IS CHARGED. rooli ofalcêent votée ey lA-k- tions -Relatve te. ny loue Fonce comrp"y-hod ýto muin. @M btroeet, wek, aa. ear a840. 20rl f al G A. No Idicatio of immdiate eon soie!nit of the two camps Points-Ha eue etheir facs- by hand liut the machn ere.Ms .rnW«'.1 o oc roces R af St oteC"" -'&nd th"e°'""" "" ' Off of $5 00nf is (does ail the work now automatcaaiy. sengeron & .tre t when anothier s' yWitP-Close Their Relef and Srict onserva- 'Baltz Said to .Owe First Wife sttinata4m,.nerghld'In the Watt Ofe f 2,CCfoThpre are 97 clalms issuied on thh, cofrided With it.- or0saf ŠÛE - - - iGE s UsMEA $.1S,600 in AliMÓny-Did Not M mn oewednpday en Paten patretwhich IR more than ,the avêe Phe hadt suedthe electric rail Wýaukegan has not yt een reducedl Support Child. -i aMhrefe h wues ,, ., gecKiney a. ra e d e n any patent of equal for $ô,000 duaae, en reres gel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Adittao .PEe othe "siugar line" but It may com. ode il ekon yten m ie ela about the happiast man li mportance.1 havee -drpady receivptl a by Attorney A.. Beanbien.A [4kept quite busr today ian3werintoha r bi ulesthl«anon Henry Ioltz, aged 32, residin:: n0h of "Wde an my1,4." The mer. Waukegana&s .a result of the acion oneff ler ntf S5MInfor myrinaient ut tlement was•net efi'ected today entions abtout heatlessda 'nt 0isrehead wci-i nifthe e t an: a uswif.an.cildatne7Stuh p"agedcap tkeei ameofWaue o te pten dparmet i Wahig a no teanin, o a ligjury ro aferthefurnws tihth bbx, a ,t4day. lifany -people entled Iup Itofor the supply of Stgar here is no %- 1avenue, WaulWgan, was rplaced i"'ghcamp and t' ,nulmber of Lakeiç ton, which ha& restored to hlim com- a il ean on 'e!h het r tecs Il thiere had br-en anY chnt ' patial auten f< t striest Friday night ai, the requPet of Camp lt ptnrrih othe only auto. Carton Pene Company ami now fl'i' Verdict for Brewing Co. bg with regand to thrlr ch f psai ther e proabh ste.I xti st ptnotitt one hun the]Mfilwaukee sheriff. Raitz was .ir As ar#tuot o merger. WaLulc- mtc ec tahiet a a eeaMN r rpatýnt rightis ..itail>hei The Jung 14ireadn;: Company was1'- iness~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~1 Afw xmpon avdrlpuu o ualftnth tkre<ted on the.compiajnt or a divore il gan-Camp 174 now ýh an imember-htn Jbeeq Invented and by se doing ha%': ,e stergdtomnfeuogvnajdyin f$0 nteee a mde ut or he o, arcd<> outed stoesila the preinte tOm. ife in Mlwaukee wh c hIIreýà,' rOf exactly 0 )k apha -0 IS-ReoeIhef)enrpt "I"'bv mroa-lon<rv and wý agalnst Williarnm BiJnae s e WIlT he little difference in th,, in tieltheré- piohably are not maleorws lher $1,6000 for back alitiOmnv T and Waukpgan wamp o. Lake Camn ent given to Joseph Stomner, head m e jir, vent nwhiody else fromt in, loonkeno>er a' I aie Zurk-h. The suit Wrvace f nxt fonds mr 10 han two or thirP tor e s in the en- Poific, charge aginst Baltz, who wvo organized :2 eagO and Wriu*chanic and part owner: of the Cye-r n .ni - for ia e a vradup1eini fgos Pnie iy hchhaan dgra alsa(d by the local police to ha' h11 11kegan camp was F:ermIed 2A yAIrs affn lonte reme r Ompany. and. and tIp dhài• 4 aè W» we l m ê no e of lre ihe•rrnan vs. emeof he ocl gocey Tor"'hose who do haive any are selbing a inghr-u e adfeetro when a numbe r of men deculed tI'n SECONDl-Has fully substantiatediahle lri en th ,wldf l tvu i ten»gT't1. fra l e -announced fitat tey v.ould lots of but one or two pounds to< i wa tt o hl bneoiet 1t v a iger t ai t e"Tousch's claims that he, rather than hBtel ri, arn hooml rr Irw bo r t ihleof cna< tat ros se their Place$ PrOompt1 a-ltno()]] cusoerton support- and canen , .For en20 years thI ;Siomer, Invented the very Imrportant IE'li h-ioii o h i fmetat t M PdayFor that reasoni theY iesgrsu t iWueu Deputy Shieriff Bn B temrn toor(nztin he anttplmahnewic poisM! voo:o ann i' l paa ll' t 'pten7aorth-so- as• wr urgg thirptrons to ruasei evr asben1o7ri a eo illwaulkpeewho aln, soa asi Pthe ir own idetitý* ni have.erdu' ze the manufacture of wire- fences. M ms i< il f lidsir oa o ato reoece Øeases early. The fuel admina.nw, nedalrasetd oay"eresentative In -W11sniti, " ný tc ed their affairs sép-iatelv .However. And in connmition wththe r- tort i t'l he 1 th, r<al laventor of tho !on.Pa< tlldil of the smgke O=s provides that linsome -casehv pti orodrsfrsua sWaukege.n-dhiS morning and ton krecently, it was <1peldp fli.ha amer fromt Washington ofilttIv made thatIa m0mrn-kh et o , a now have been dismiýSed. %le# sl tores May remain open nRIT n ssim ek g u h Blzbc oMlwue at's P'Pe-gPr would hbe ben( ficial to everybodY Tous. sch intitled to aillthe ;>atent ld.' crheniitpwti trfa dc:ngopr-uehs maelaoapeltoth at-Ahls-aivrvekbu s a o te b On& wife &spent the entIre imorin«, and go it was voted bIy each camp and right-, covering the automatic maia rmvmrr rthc, hl.-r rnrh a e•the stint has ben, extracted atý éfthe grocers by easkng them- t bsupply us. We hav. receved the wt ia4 h oa i n neaa tteeteino fer f :k hn hr wi: 7 C alM. isued up eni" from the Ziýn City at mkn f at Inoon. li o h uaradh ent tù,atnd by him Camp somne of lf mPymbers of th@ on it. comne, atory of rnther unurualn of dnn. 4iniance. lOcaT factories close tonighitbinlfor e . sugo nha, bt t According to Deputy Sheriff Gmttet. taukega ap r lcedt f nterest which,,-hows how an ordilineonea'nIar d mi rior *o remain cloed ntif next idoresnot a ive.enh le w e arbt eIman. Baitz divorced his Ivfe in 10 l ire reenttly and th(, merger was thui nary pemploye ha, hatld, to regrittIy of Invention 1i a ad.-tI Im oioà monig o te eeoie aeobliged to informi our customers that an'asodee1t1ayhr.1M on afctd that which is h i nd acrirg to his fTunhe nrprt ln the heatless gonday or- (anoiupl te f $8 a 'week. later this es ut to 1n the «00 lm!mPr.q Of thý cOmbfn- srorv was threa'ened hir a big corpor - FRANK C.hiN-i ien3metes whee the re s $5 per week. Pd camip there le represented a million ation that It "-would cost1 him tOd . * FATRPAX RAYAitD, O S14 YC Mrskine today Raid the rule liie upyo sgrtehue ot soe ery long ago Baltz Win dollars ln insumance, as ln effect al much monfey to prosPcute themn and. 6.E MTs oviestha fctoie cnno wveshae frnd sugar ines"1 a arrested in Milwaukee while em.ploy. the present- time eoRt the-ir cIamý4to the patent" but Esmnr n-chi-f. or employea oveitime on Bat-llc w in legthan have allme ed 'at the Gross,.Coal Vompany for Installation of 'the new officers as whe re, Instead, hie maniged t inoa' What Report Say@sR M *nae p In a wAy for-tb.hearited thinturn t and avoun loftelluretetopay had .allmoy, Tho, made quite an évent at the Pýarish frfhndswho we-re w<llIng to .ack h!rn B low are .tome eree.dingly inter cloglaguwill be enfored very sgr hi ol otb osil ngurt showed clemency bOecm aus atZ House and the Royal Neighbore, thé" And he eventually came out cmpesttIng quotatione from the forma re Roofs Pretty Apt to Leak FromS He satddthat such a, pr eWuea igtnwbcas hr ad been marrie, in ihe -m eani auxiiary of the Woodmen, alsiiin- victor, the ultimate outcome or whIch 1Port Mnd- by th-examIners wo rt viòilo ochg fe d -wol e osgaxo upy hmand had his second wife to support. etailed theirofficers ln the great! Joint wi111Makre him a rich Man for aray1kdSlomier'Mlaims and rpo iw ---Ro f ring Nseyt alemand illmeetwithSuc -a ondiionmay evelp hw. Son fterIthat Blls gare up his aPD- eeremony which was attended by o0- h.has refneepd one ofter o ' 00inthmtTa hO 00. samnteve whn te~ irs liite suplysition at the coai companty an&d disa 'er 306 nie* and womsen. cash for his patent"We teSom- With th- itent of warmer weath-. nprat non eerache the That some iea Ur my yae. Soeineditft9ulty was experl' The Royal Neighlbors officers were Tt waso.n Novemhl- 111,191.1.-ha, ehîe had aadvanc. al to thib stage. file r mans huarol e a likely to, tlie lcades dinsrto echeir next soeek sygtheMahopened l I idiig where lhe had gene installed,òy ,Mrs Childstrom of %Cvan ' tbe patent department at Washington !to OSon who was helping St3om.·r hait sufer fromt water leaking thIroitcathe th@ te himetsofcol adonttogrces ut he' ae« otbut by élever detective wor'i. it was ston. distdiet deputy. and C. FTown- Issual a patent t oe Soe o o-aiytrouboeepha1 >rÈ him rooire heavily laden with anow Tho Mted by hia ufb' lw ery 1 Ioptmgtr er utthe ytation. round he ,wa,_%enspoyed as hoittIng ley, state dpt ffiiosietle akea nte1uontc ec aaway from his work for some time, &ln nýtelt nes.to eroot1. g 0041opertts dh &anl shfp Ee h upl flafsgrh engineer at the Reins CORI Docký in for the Wibdmen. It w as amofts ei. chineAt the time the Daily . Sun ard Tsusch wvas put to work un thé-in a solid banik. danming the 'w44fg Ie seInes toaa dealer lan. dinsappeted from thd m«"ket, oW egnThe order for his arrest nificartt occasion -eauS a esItgave M lme nehausotiv'e write mcite Somrcai lo a ack undip enth ote ore n d bit fas te cetal pon' tee ha ben te dman. ad i iswassent ito the Waukegan police and of the merger of the twro Ucnpa tlioo p telling howlhe had workpd day woýrked with Taumch six (or usemvon tupothrofntirfnd or er n oimobehto ures. and ola he was found despite the fact that lhe past conncelse-were -installed. Georg- and night, week after week, on this 1weeks and then, INadifÏik that Tausw it iewhen te ma ýure lsuiw 3aeth valuabetie ar4ttered or brown s ur In mnyca- ssaid to havechangdbis aname. Monk representing I< Camp and ieryimportant dice and how « , n as nal ehncadhm htteso et oterof reA c» rjlt1ots. In the des ted trictest ugarrIning cas "1just couldnt pay, the back ail. A. S. ath'orne representing Waukpt tui1y lhe had zained Stitcess herau.,4 cenrsiert n the company a gréar but Il is'ye.t sairold 'ha' the mou*e 9l0 tbs;ruh; it Wiln Metanes' ei lowed. sugar i son ly 'inmony and support my,,present wife," gan camp. the Patert hadl been granted to hlm ,,deal of other work.. 'uIno h.tewes rsenoed ork thcue ar t eW of oatto au egang olwd oIB aue 11 altz said this morning before being Atrteisalain0 fits f'ws' ileft Fa great deal of the <&" illof :ht <nsfoe i ol uei or mmll fir akfltrtet 'fd· for table purpoes andopastries, whichm at Aitl mov-ethe, enn fromt the roof. W-uy witcome iet &fr equ air sweenn hae beenaban taken back to Milwaukee. He cefU%ý the Wymen. George Monk in bý- According to TauSch it wtM't S!,. machineto him, and siid mo- nork o kega, pe-ople lhadt a PamnVPli-.this doeio h rsn ed to nrske any further statement• t,9f of Tee O.,Vip presented te mer who burned the rmd-night ci]l1,n l' after that a had b,-n dong prev- some ypare ag), lt yar of hbg rau'ed the admninistratWt saying ni-wspaper publicity would not Mr Charles Willerton, adviàor wor'aing out this patent hbtit I wo io gsly snow" whe n the na more1of"t o*uis particulaercase this ald him .for Lake Camp anil escort al"o cover, hie himen1If and he, as an unider e:n. -%er Arthur, -the president of the alleeid beutfon 'e routhan ilesad' h la n a uil.inliIng a period of 12 years, w[th a hand. playe of the Overtone. Fence Company Company, sttteq that aft-r Taus< h spru ng eake aa 00:1 'as the merery eMvdto remain tetda ome watch fob with the emble al01 permitted the fonce company and Mr tarted the machine, Slomer worked rose Hesidi i ex ex othe Woodmpen pon Tt. Thfiwa net ,,Blom1er ta go ahead and take out th, with himt and devotpd nearly ail 1h i at May hie added 'atI& sro ee to shut offthe heat front appreciation of bie servIces for se paenrnder the distlinct agreement, time to it.ter sar to hop he throughandIrt He wnte tekaew iflitmany years la behalf of the order according to his story, that he was to This does not agree with Slorner's tIL ilades 1oMIc aM After the Installation of the twolbe paid substantially for hispart inowtetmnadsvrlfthSUA LNE TA E - an aerwuItatWblesets ofrofperera th«eevas dancingan the patent.. ,$hop testify that, although they wort- FEAR POTATO F# r tate - Tauegn, an28 retehmnts lod44 h evenlie We h tione came for him to.ask _ad all the tnme where they could *ee hi oic tia tb arit rs Eioet Wego a. ug-2gam'. frhhbi edc are ewas re#eed -the machine and sanTausch working. "Sugar linee camelinto ex*4ïwoø dintodowoldbe o ta tr f Ms.Gerg Krkof atr •• britin.Grdute Short taiks were heard bh ir.it .nd was threat.ned i t a t r ied en it. th<y never ... $!amer do any y tiay, histo o eedas other tayrs treetfand widowoe Frak M au- ofJnfMAieWHsall.r-r·cfley. Mdru. Chlistruth. Mr.'rIaf-theorecover through th. courts that lt work on It after Taus.;n cm' *women stood iln lUne for hoUrte 4> erdie tis oringat oclok t i No i Meicl Uit Orne, past consul Offthý- waukegan 1Would cost him mor. money than he or t..i..n a snfi pul 11 sin ht e thefaly h orni dath folowi3kt Is o . ' camp, Uit.while Chales CrabtrPPe con. could stand and therefore the better "Tauqch's testimony 1e directly at XNo likelhood of reie/ from tba hbave bteen troned 'out soa 'n Mlssof' sevepral week. part of GRADUATED TEN YEARS AGO sir o t Cam, ws pree is« o héay ...ho b a ood 6 .yclàMd- , aroiac n mo hef- t in th tat lelof r-bpl lafuin sexpeted next rpIon- 1w1hchtime was seputtin the county e woddh n yMltejo ehdadg ha n n tme u h åtrmista ewves' grief be predicting a hosptal Merdeah taes nothr Mss Hil.supetintendent of the :Carpenter and.another by a young ventany other machine for the com. ýbuilt the machine and Slomer. tes-eieuls hoeere og of Waukegan§% welf known ,women, M.cAellr-ter. hospltal. has just reelved woman whose name Is not known, jpany that he could conceive. tmony am te instruc"tions gifven him vatIon méthode are adopted. HeMo @ becaIl few persns have been bet- Word that a formner "McAlister bosoital proved Interesting diývmstons for th- In speakIng of the mater today are without any corroboration what. "Conserve, but do not hoard. eThi ter k owntu the citythian Vitf aug- murse. MilssP. J. Christian. ls now on, program, Tauqch said. "I was working on, thit ever except by Arthur as, te the evi- must be our motto.er- fr. Slhe had always been, a ver ac. herway to France where she isIn do The new Woodmeni lcers: machine for a lonis time and MrAr"h. denice Of IExhibit NOS. 16, 17. and 18' ficiently speciffe as to what heowas te' i tve mRrer of the Presbyterien wOrtt among the soldier as a mette Consui --Chau. Crabtree. u - himtst.lf told me that If I ever fier and there ls no Ppoof that these were d nteftr echurch s"a her nutire beuhd àen ewr of the towa Unit which han lust Advisor-Edward MRice. fected it, he would pay lue 45,000 -ln abc"rnto Tausche .. . go nuth upie fndtat-aYn tfl lpnta Waukeffn excepting throe1embenorgaised lun Iowa and made ur Banker-Joe nebrk. money. toied On And inally 1 gote l'««auschtextilßeg that when the ma. h011tàthe mach iin, t Tw"nk Waakeà, Jan. 2U. yar' pet In Denver after her mar.' entirey ofiowamepople, , tCerk-Chas.Whyte. the thing poteeted and lit wsln such chine was comnpiplietherent lut) bcontinteion or r'atetrutioneth Awanls wu a happy man .this ing. Mien Christiian mas ggrdulated from liicort-VictorWerer shape that lit could do butine. .1 Mr. Arthur's% offirc and Arthur said See ahnta eamt-â *boa %9e-received aScMe. -Mr,. Hauser was. born in Wauke. the XMAIster houipit ai «chotlain p0 Watchma--Cha. Stahl. was willing under the chIcmstan 1«1 undertand that you have the mao he. teu tu ea ib ýre h hs o erehdgan M 1857 and therefore was 61 She hau completedher three-year Secrtary-4oh Wierton., to permit the Cyclone Fence -Company machIne complote and runninig suo- designed by Tausch, thattitherelas e in tha Yrm easold. She .laveis -besides her! course -heore and frtoferrad-Mpges-ora Tten tch hoghSoe, otk otte stn esfly...•I ups w w oreoaio fgomrse th Qodml ep. 110 mother, nwho le 84.-bhreitter,XMs.d0bonlTrvate sureist betere she left ard ton, Chatr» l getrar , Où it and they did so. After tue spa. you IM,0 00.Heohn said tAhat he o towa ntutee o h Ó oemnh J. M. Porter'and MI"s ary E. Kir1r. Mkig a negoteo Cedar Npidls. la-, Pyi.n-D..oreD.Re nt eeise oSoeIwn owud o s i hsroe si a Un fe r Europe* Ob*wua ister to Samuel Kirk. who where'%he became susperinttendent of noer and Dr. A twboe, lMr Arthbr and asked himabout get. would prehaby Inke hiMm' eInde- *rnived heresofe oq Satur. dieda few yearMs ago. Her father theBaterie. MeMmralhospital. She TeRylNiMoø er n igte 500 epltl tl epnetta, be omight mut and build WU buoe of the city's best'con i. eaiemtee ice-nd1 wswhen alalled wvere: that he thought that was toop uhnomr eahnet, for them,. la wde there awooMi ' etmn eatlaw tu hathevolunteered her ber. Aina Stafford. Ylee Oracle. ta ouldt tstand.-soch un setdfor him'to.sign which he'took - fW erlo. t he on'sdepr. ualWednesday, from ththr icetgoabrad. .MaryDrydalé elie ale. prosperity." and that If he shoildpayhie attorney, C. C.Tla of Chica- WUrasw1th bhim up to the time 'MIssCrista lb eebrd 'agrtD oßtte, mnltor. me that amount e-mney &allina go, who advised niipnot ?c sign tif, '&MWe, Naturally the b aypol hr bcuew It oe Ryckmanreedt. hnch, the cace uer ht i wo leturned-the enntt , to Arthur andHtChcae ýmuch concernieà 1»W& he waslat the hospitalsihe was one Mary Miller, reteerW.probabi q1it "Adthe Cyclone lweereinsed,to pign it. Othùtr' contrz:,• rt saying thevoyage wasof theépopular young wvomen empoy. Eiaehshum aasa. Cmaywudloue acontdihgi-he.IVeri vei6atliediscopedbut..were o)t T theed thre.lm.daBrenton, innisetiMel. . eauise ther would an o have at.. drawnip, anMd enaily Tbusch left thege e andtheinercure o im g Prncs ow*wyber'ei N p geofanty ferther inaetions ttl1 ,Cyclone7 1o.,- Arthur assertsthat he o" Bu i Mary nrd eechr. / The a"ci outy fobd administr. minnie Bena, ta"agâr, gt aealn uai.lne. I Vi4 was ".sharged fpr allegted diay'at. Ioh b IffPrevile~upon milkdealers imeec So-, h *ia d b«t he weo1&1i'aér t othing dise tytote o pny ouse ora tod!pSe', t upyle insdadIwas "nate toi"MaY Mone. T1n0®0callednon 8tomer's cqNqone