Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Feb 1918, p. 5

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'lu. - Good, OId-Fa.bI~a'cI lirduWooa Chupks $ JÙ uMt4.tla o I 6050Deu tA5G W G YOU-N Aàe .Lad ....... n~sI.00 4-q. eWrlflProe mmd SbUier.. .00 - s sVou. ............. .2.50 ........... 1.00 Uq ýAmll Rosstse... ....._M wlims............... 79 ft« ~................. 1.25 .. ................... 1.25 Maas. T. ....e.............. .2.50 N..IlVi rs Tpe..doz ............... 2.00 ~Jg~uehftqk ..e................ g0e Woui*ol thmeupeoeCarimoSets . . Iogtwo.0m om a§mSets ...... 1.25 via r snc klKfe ................. lOc Cagtl oli MI................00 COMMUN 34IT .SLVRWARf - SCHANCK HARDWARE Pha.COMPANY M 'r vous Kinds of ~* M tèY We havo a Irss. .c osm Md A~~ loi~t damat u tb*i. .sIAkM I I ~ ~ ~ i UokaV*fitm 2@f kindlj' JO@p W . vas a i hugo au ~ IS k Eseli WlcbasaGlflESt ltu EVTIN. IIbertiviBe bu »Mo. ______O IMM- -8= . 1vood or b, cOeld.-6tleUblaBC anu Seui J, ailgr, if la» vila. W» a 19me 00ol abou l etton ln bi 111 oeitis ml*iaO 0 blMO. ad the qulakor *<leclll.aavadepi <,uhi b.wuku is.5e Nm vuu te é morswood. UN' I~leIl. . behailii bege *lO bu e dlm hW "316 aire. Ouov <ma dwteing aag, Mai Ih a Do a abovi ler momag tlu sbls f or »wr~ 000 N~Ua57i bs dsies are.~i lo hit p.. ; .6ou $Md" v w UN foi u ete, bfou lP sres eIZI<lw he iscouma Md. Ilb M. Aadfli ' tu e % l «î m.u 'i_' b am eJObS cola u doBubler, lm a esmk: On W i orn vedeliverei '96tbipu. von.Wekfflvialtora on o 10? fa .milam ta Tmaday t'O95 huila.. UNesvwse&umber of iamiltaa n Wise bOnhb Hchls. leatier Of tUN uppliai dailbekt»ê Josui bigb ehool la ageadb ibe wUN W5tu Thtx. budrai aU MI Ityfamilles bava" - ", I oirî. bfrur ay',or lm. auPPl f c"oonu MWIfliue of I"ver haba. ae vltnga . fin b. adqpted-hbabi bonda,-Buy Wat The deoleru bave bee 1lnatructed ontl davinga l m-pfi. -toeW oal emes,. «ept lu extreus Une.& Peter Petgis .54 danggbtsr, Mlua cae and on pbdWelae ordore. Tb.p Berthe. tatTmul aymornlmg for Texs, OnUlWd teul ai bons vend. vhf bpe Nwii apend a.veral veea.' Thons hotu Ver. 5ln iealerdep ai ta C. Carol bs qovl bs amiy nom te a n nsdent repreeenlativee UN AcI bu f a o d hiehAv.. latin UNheoffice of1Co"lAdinlatrator Peu" theàebs at n &thPwkAye IMGUffin.Jthepuqeace o01aMr. Buabp. Dr. si m 9 . A. Cran.. oi Cbiefgo, of UNe Ubertyvillember Co., and W. t ve recuit visiteraet the home. of UNe U'rmun, it., k"aisoaldealer. laIare parecte. Mr. sand Utr& I.C. TII. Indgpeaduat vWa"akdto make it g Tom«m.-plain teNpuoile, " thle. osl short. g *Waler Wltaeî va.tabac te UN@a&m bad not reàcisi île criai. pet and I Jane MocAlister hospitla uWauksgan îts la p te thepeople tlanuewooi on omuea, te undengo an Operation for' freely s«d thu. doeatl ithîn Iheir power 1 ap' aome et our citizen.@tous, Chenuse Bernard, of Camp Grant, Rock-. nlg before uOrslug cos. ford, W va mover Baday, te vieil lb. 'ood alto«olohansything -but 1 hl@ mother, brother ad oUNer relativs pWseeUt tthUquanlbdéie aver. Tha sud MoInde. deresarem having tliri trouble galone. b. W'.PC.T. U. viii msîvltb Ibm. Tber anldopàtmthe "caehartage by MdarisLIUI, 'on Elm Court os ruaidaY "I"g contractafor vood. but#" the artarnoon. Fe. 12. The e . wplc ib.e atotuionvary unlaorable ln gettlsgflae "h.msiceatalic" , Wood te lb.ecnese«. 1, hoes laia Orca mIt c$ ou~ Marie DIdîfflulite ogel-vood.meos eat a»Y pricé. bas buen vieItla hsruntis, Dr E,. fOne ressna for 1h11 a heb.demand. *ére Bmith. UNe ach<aol theon whlcà abe bas bose bas for enow.abovelera, sud aicUN hmteecbiag hsvlng buen lidon lu lb. vooda. What cutbere have beau aceouaI oflbheCo&) lamine. .meursi haveaked a hlgb vaga. Im Mr. and air. George Bond asuaou, ton, the ronde bave been ln snob a candI. Donald, M Tuoiday for Chlcago, vhere lion thalt only the emalleal klad of a tUey have un aparn lneutluhb Brout- load iouli ho b*uled, and on abcoIms of vood apartueul bdlldlng. Tbey wull b. JUhh edUI of fed îeameteriq htvt 10 gone tvo monîha. b. pald a hlgh price. Orvllle D. the eigbl months aid baby Thdelrh.e ai bao Ny ofMr nd ir. D. pet, as talcum acOuffin the exact coal oflplaugwood t th Mir, tr lu a UN bntath oue, end the Ioweal aveigcoet, Thureday uorniag, auflering trom 80 not vlthetaudlni' chat e4e Éoçbd vaa abomla te be.aecound on contracte and hem .ai the abese lathe ead.loweel $Ôaalble prige, la thlrly.lvo cent. MandAa ltrnoon a numbsr'Ol youngpet haudred, p9unde, eut lunf00isufftbe. ladis[rom hure atteaded "Lilae liai" 01 colurea u noue bo en aa sewýood lu lu Chicago. Au6ong thean ver.: Muma longer lengths vii ha gîven à reduction BeAha Petgee. Mande Butterfield, AIqy tram ibis price Boue and Della Bart. The prieso! thirty-tvo tstae pr P. P. Dyuaud. vrtlng fra. Jackson. hDndred pounda, the actuel cost te th# ville, FIa&, vhsre ho snd hie vile reoently deaiere, y9l for the preoeut flma b. the went to m nd te . .,Ir..MY&Vthe.desler., price lathe coneme?. Thsp veîa evsry lin. Ibare, b.lng evenly otxhtp y"degrtcu lu the abad. Mr@..H. J. Becuann sudl ber alter. Mie Frnt.Gn.lnrotureed Suaday fvuu rou a irge. veeka' viaIl et nouston. Tex., vhare they had basa 10 sec Mr@. Bsckan' con, Corporel Wiliam Bekmanna. vbalW eatloned & Camp Logea. air. au dMr@. Robert LI I ers alvan a vey end" isaurprimesa Monder. vb.a vto eIegb.ioade-of Iuede s"d formier adegho. came fram Loithos sud l)imoi Lake, to rsmlnd *tis.I i t va. b*shah Ullelivddbg maaueura, and Mr. IMla btbd@W. Flairmoa, I. J,.àtn ULaitmur 0o!Libtuàimu -» pra.a¶al.An bruogbt uglidUelbatse ,*",&a excellent supp@r va.Mes . EVerose promené bai a MMsO iutu Slb. concetgiven by UN be àrlyvIlt baud ai UN* uditortum ou !buuiqr evemitg vas vl .tlaud uifpov s Un ualtt. Everpaulro" id wa u l noalvul1. Ieecesi, buittemaduelby Clair.SuaiMnimd HIdila.o ftmoteL ai I lqsr oboïai l.rkrbli% 'UI<l ben's ebm lI& veimI ve" B. ah. MW~t Nom uataHs, a9 go"I. gedt I hum, gave by Usure,, thet chat, je poeltlvely th lovee.tcost 0fbirag Monntoo o *",de ut the vood and isilver llt, o UN coneumero la town. Mote favoile veathercondItIon. uay suduàdoibtsd. Il viii lueaen hile prie, but UNth other baud advenue veacher condillioe uey causeIlte b. le ncra.ed aomuhal. Theruiors, Utîtme to gel vood lh right nov, or sa. soon a. possele. .* b. Coul Admialtratet mye UN idit' trou Wasblsgten la tibsI ploasanumot have way oal tram vllbost UN éats. s»d Ibamuanathat ubai 1111. e, She ommuullîmai gel vMiiib o$ Ut. »AMasfn @&km eveycS to nu *odate toWble, d*,ab* dyM *os. ad back the Or vitb sui safab Llhertyvillemuet hum a Pprozîmtîly 500 toie of vood belveaa nov ani Apli 1, vhicbh eouiatei U n d off esatisate of vbat lb.eorMpa ! ni " viii bajor *6.1perlod. Vag clffl o! UN mbi uma aboved a great faillsof[ Mr bJaaua. bec. UN a hortaga *s ual le g tomheai mliby provlwg .ieue b portagio. Thal uuer ec. onpOa lm tàogm o fua raon»V MtaISApul "a u S - Obus Igru.ait o.eýhonë c *IW uei b. braken, Iouel*i vo ua. i h.vhetIbaeat m e4 fo-u-su Id&1 tlb oeui tbe n.os»t c ao etew -éocu Wly lopmto *,o ~~ta pehhatb.raop WA -abilff M ,nSS.bov to od. *àq IswiI 11!voc bjwiw* B. D. 111dlof Chieàgo, vaeroet loal vwato,. ~Mlm-Wl'4N v u va a lullor lu oeloag. 134m. qoti van boue trom Camp a".su liam IR. ILSwifl aes noodifh le vukla etLouis. AL'P. @augbtl a quit. III wllh pose. momm la S om bkm. >Mwmba Wýgas, of Fieméont CasIer. «»st laomumIeday. KM ta. ItmbEbeua. of Chicago, $peut l~ ame o-Okaboa si. , -- 6Ua~tuu. wao ,p b Ou#Camp UWAmvu w hueulamte Mv'lr toméeb Bok Ie home roc, Kana OWV, ot as Ut Nit tevel Ihmpurutel àmga Jemsia Loek of Bravo, Ilich., te #bMu fin. Famhu and nlher JoWa NMo atioaylor h. tt b. Pmoby. prm - hm1pta ln Cblga, whers ah. adeuwusl anoperation Monay. Anàotmor CoalIsas moud.!"lia. corne Md sgou. Haweven, -te national coal &dmlnl.uqtion hluta that noIt ionday, um b.UNe l"t "coalie.hldap. Au bo cllre u t ihaodg ehollny 98.onader ahealo 0ftas "urel,>e achndeocleausplic euofube badaielobrÀ»ltof.Rmm theeav u Ma dvr 0. ht nI%çR; su vand U. r..ard 8. toi an nowad JretyIl., thedator ral tro hie rtaemue pataoflbea. ba hmnt ark Uloapastohrchor the MSaly arkomtluopIalmorur. Âofrt- ieoloiiostlesis me in . Aive-l euptoüo bonr kuma evl hi e la- trbail, hal. Kaibflan4 Larue Kvm- mnss*.--ChIcago Buuday ilerald. HIGlA SCHOOL CLOSED Tb. supply of" o b avlng exhai, mmd lb.' boakd bainS unable loumurs fuel, lb. high echool wvaecoupelbed toi close Tusoay for -Ihe reualandsr of lb. v s s k a I ait " . - , M>frte are bq»g made la obtelu -a auppty of vood, but the condition of lb. roade makes dellveq difflcuit. la the usentlu. lb.board avait. lag the arrivai o!1coal, whlch ha. been ordered. THAYTRAW? Everybody euII.d Wedneuday, for le vae the unIrelime the ana had beamed Bo kindiy upoil onr citizen. for aver two monthp. Old-imsro predicted Il van the bsglcaing 01ot1aoauçiry tbav." sud doopite the lfc$tbsthuodai I.lal a0 waru, Icfa hope they vere right--for the coel bina eurely need 11., and thu. make a proportionale redue. $ion in the price tq them. Bornvood and vge pour neiltbbor ta hurm wood-49t. IMU nexpected hbppens, IbaltaSe lbentpvilll.'@-ouly galvalion. Accordlnfl 10 tb. information the wni<et recelved ai IMn. MacGuffa'. office yesterdsy. SFOR SALE-Hou.. and lot knowb mi the Acker place. $500 culirequired. Writ r« upyte mm .S"urah LUgubau . On ImprovedLak-e County Pis -If you Intend to buy. to Improve or to sioeq up a larm. and nnid -mone., or If you bhé" loans failing due whlch ypu imust reflnani1 do not foul to, sécure our temm n sonFfr Mortgage Farm LoariS. t We mortgage loaýniito Investors. 4 SPE<JA RCES,,ON MAGAZINES and NWPI Attractive Clubbing Offers Way Below Publishers'Prices Ask for my special price ou any Magazine o'r paper you may wish -MRS. ATODD,.J.R-'. You Shold ProtectV you holthby-k.Pné tiie hou. wazm eau with madt, bdn e of Pttmsu coelthd Lest Prôdum rkna>wm. It'. Pure, ltes CIen, it produces w"rmth,' sd is tmercdad formc s~dbsngpurpames. W. Fs FRANZEN.J Telepho O 5 Lab.tyvme ::0b::s. s s-s-:- - - - - -055-0-- DRESSES ANO parn of our Spring purchauç of wadhiN. punwnte h»u uved and we aeady to placon ukea finfuaet'ut of 'Hous. Dresses Wss Droums 1vbeter, APM»Oum f. Theuse ooda weopmuhaed'boid thecetbig advmq n iâa kincle of cotton goodle and we beEmevyou wilf find I o orumpq to purchuce now as the rd-xegarments areu in nuy musss cLmper dme you can now make diau. 4S t.. ~1 -t. ~L. i. .~*.L -------------- ---

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