Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Feb 1918, p. 1

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+4 Tise S<tggest IF Kmarmumo dte Md Cre a n dab.I t vevj.war te valua fuMa -ruetin wm aout a uy ré.1 -psi ýiefar co.unanty end1 mmm --. s.ite " 8 Nol-a de o*er. wlU, wobcm 1 gei ta inte lu Nsfumwa SU. toelllv *Ai wlm*UN.or u» *o0 t Not «m'Om. lg fuaia Sa o" #%M phsl btUititl aoe fOmq 'W OWM't Prsldté mmlhe .utu&" bd#alai. ohVaiIUae Rai Oo.s1»4 ouet béo gli«, dea 4mmtelg ce h .~eoilfei ,sIt. giSaau -vug'slw bua NOW TEEN '- IfO=r President- would dictate -a reord exploting the. work tW1Usd orm .and b M tevictwIolaconîpn1E put il in thefr lista gor sale et a oumn cout., wouldn't the sale b. big, coudn'tthe Eed Cè0ou derive a big sum frei The victrola Oompanib pqsibWlwouId be ýdo- nate thefr 1slme ndharg- Ing eily 'fer the >actWa o O reco. there aue ill"ions 01 .who wqul À* whnsomethin .ebe han, elinsieinapam.tth publk and, a roord Oft twi Uind,1 believe,.,w<uld bave iie î4 lu, es s tegive the. Amerlea peop&ea ebance t6 ELR ~T 'doub>t,.would sUirUpken h dorsal jthe wot'k iteaitad ow mw4ny wrkbq ei okr4 OQqp'tah "Se oï ' W. J. isORT1M uolt - 1I . ýasaas jma'osce lie voNt md the vabt~*~5~c»aM end uknew sssVoire t., la.en- vOMt~ boy cité a rec- ord et a.nommtuat el. - UP UTtlgPreId=t.Il ato sa ai" 10aq b tul 115 t= ~ m a bog l opmdu à ogtmmutrI tami lto la'pChue Mt# 'Wetdlrecord bit *o. éat Su the teugh Mr. tIB5vO Jl do se0.; 60 flouait S Cros waul b Oni 06 try Ont sué a Pl"an sd ne- ceutjar, oex irte vdlssobed to cms ZmoU li gun oui tbog la Il.mat la fIla ltter printed l l Ofor. ntaikeSeadieluke enhmt ýÇoufwu prueat uot~avuaI~bo mw rua ~ i iaawbemmnoregrv olto V 67te t M lIs Rjoce o theiat thé " sla a m d eu se mef, ahs are the vawbord vOl roo i-m-ý ât t cecanfd én Mkf or T Days 10.mal lodbae- UnI. cI ofA«Wpl outihaticalli demi Ils uaport ruet- iy pitel la t5e (CIcgo MNaiall a, la attu*tto du 0hp.titir-Mm toi Wbahi afmrsl viti end bo m"w ss t 00mtofcS.u ot flir TM n«rpot midaIl tsfflar action "i~ b" 4rgisml to the muem t una lom ilpreusr'amai mmmu facm lte »raashorne Ui & UMMi aml'ia'*hio leay tbÇtlq~ 9 bal ne troule wla- '~ar*4nWmqiM 55fr XaIk for oislé liw to 201aLls.a~um ba.ek' goeê,Ptoànilai de bo t oiqwMIato AUER pl~sUggsli "ue à* *0 lsewNlmum. w Hoa. sHý u * 4rtbu *:' Whbb ilqrr. 111110 beai ai Lwx1rmO. ON£ National HEaudquarterws Washingtpn D. C. F'eb. 8, 1918. Mr: W. JSmith, Care -Wai*egan $un, Waukegan, flL . sayou very much for yonr most interest- ing auMton of Yeb. 5. .I wilgive me great pleasure to bring this to the. attention of the Red Cr0s8 War Council. Very truly yours, JOHN W. PRENTISS, Plnanýiial sitsant te National Headquarters as D.' EditorWaukegsn Sun, Wstikegan, IJR My Dear Mr. Smith: *Your noté of Feb- 5thi lias been reoeived. Your suggestion in the. Aret the. band w vo,oer rneeived, or to usiin oreL Italco isa oneo, po ite i can be ear'- dpnsaltogetiier up. onPresident' Wilson. Wheheror, not he wu coxsiderii adris-, abeto-reate su& b arc-, o d o d not knowbut will'tike stepsfin d your interesttlà. tus matter, I rezusin, Very truly youra, M.'«G. SOHgrffUN, Dàoector Ne"sSrlo BarryA.WiqIraI asnt aU astod la moupli deW ioT * v.y ira--tsey la publit satina Plu-ela t la» utas. * Nu umpjer W »lbo b.veeml. *oI 1WVlaai a~u 4ý - , - Lm m m kbe t *" M d'r r 4 bM d -"wiir Moia tvlv of ileu Fot aud (leorg&u wlth a hffl The bodjl hurla, lb. b. meb"b 2u Ooqc t o AN f the hlét.'.Ir, jito bêta of bk auJaun i av 9wda, Poil. 19.' wsMMt -toç9s etnai là 101 a ec.. W.l whgrt b~ OwiffOwlu l ~ito -r ka * b.moral ,hw mg«o tir. and MU hilloruaswbara 5 bouru i s boa" O s, ho am:: 01k W. fla3irold W. Jr. Ma, bath Dakota;J ~ 641 corpe la France,, bu hrougRt bon ' foi Orviffleto be b.ld 94 eb, Tuesday afteréooa ilmT I flSb I'U 18 DUE lui th ai ta lm na4o e o,sprilug l tiii th bm huins laues. xUW0& talsarial f1- bimuiIý; 16" b" ipehm nP ait tu Pnaaea. tisa ratIer tIasaa Oas eWarden HütIcu 150W'reeir. M6 a 151mr rou the *Çpnma OWMW g I.attention b 5e salatea « a' tiai betveea GreatMtshn andI a 5be United Oet"en m rbird. a"l #the omef game menl Mt the a eata% Relp Braford,.b iu mte ba-.lm lir lefidhereat cbmow et lnusta. th* ku dqIaLne citez tbusBomm0fe tie trIBu belveen Isturra u M d &aIWDillaoun4A pt S.1918. tg wid*cMI t aaClouad Imm otwae l 'Poo~i an d AMahL t 'I* IsMats liv, un: bhesfl exm- pjtas aa n t at.ibootbgnmaiboula a nosmat lat sud, c4lqg,.mmbwu it-Ibe 4ttorlxey geqM4 Mr. fBra-il aqd.'Mis, ali iI tae t flousa rBpsalOn »a» lmealt b. te. o 1111 ama *hlbAwV ital MOMO 1i fiIf h. îilvtams omtw te lia taerai trutr' wutbam".tala JJW16etate law dsapP MOltt iam la tbo oupeansd lta ph1, viii maee regaflala for ani suailob1tkLe. - 41nbOu tlncka. gasuod lta Wbo'oae tha -ksn myes. th oe ap 4cnt "m ate vonk'Itithé « MtW varIee. la scalg tbat tate wmai tallai av à"e not violatel. Umymfoul, son of #wIvaY que 1 ftuseli,. liaenlistf, la f1. hearmi t al bas been sent toHhnmtois. Tex.: rfer trslang. lufe"e imie by the r wae Formtatiper f0i a cllte vdtbmot lIi.par~istE RlaqedgeOor1 a cauent la denlel aikuba*ltay. unr Ruocli expla!lnng tb le vet wfth ldu éte C.dl ity e 1001the r Birst step to enilat. . F. cKeowhi, 4 fi vln la WOdlIOM-id se t thissansd who oopos ctenuive a hra yl cINori I~~<tla chi. it ca5u, Studai uI4**i@ lisMo - fçepan(dfa couthI# le sre il Car aI oremtetÀ a is W 'ek ar qa -aî 'pd dou. W e ahaflovaw 1a t N- ust.Is t ,charge Made. by -:Anti4ilkProduoeS Say "NoNthno NeW" Tdo liiis worm votA ibi lthe grand ury of Cook couaty Monday agaltit Milla . .Kittie, aoclotsry 6f tii. Niiî Nmlsenrs uaociatian, WhIn la io a amben. of the mlb't cfimtsmlo f bc alite foo d'a!nfAtratioit, ad' RlInat caeue other Ôftcer.9 or moto- )ri of lia produ':.ýr.-; body. . tlbe nifk producersa ,are chargol vits criminal conapi1raci tQ net the mi" Of mk. ÀÂtetheU d bc< n rate. at 844 ta151.5Attorney Nîcholai luisis declared the ovidence unI. 1*1t. be *0JuryaBhovl a nAtlin MIe MMaiÉMaeywltb ramifîcatlons. memil" bgSfrom o e oat and sto every UMIIrodialnt atate ln au uloe. TIc.. nletol;- Wlis J. Utml. Cd"w JLaIe. tee- Ntuy Me the, l aeduuSamowk lm ail a meuler cI tbo .4k-coM CbaMas IL potter, Ugscbacm or 1» M Ibmofahet et vwuuaet pNU »orm mmbori a the -berail i. rmn fbl tr«M l îli alat Win" La .Goolvin. criaaw LSie. ]Loy Lewis. Whom*Oe - câDtom . L oopob. GOMse Arwold Hale. SbhrmorvUl. 'No bbni"tnietas retiauel gama raI -T. Boit of'ptesant Pre, Win., grusideaf M the MUk Peaon waecmIlvm reporte. Mmb Way lochaI liaI W. J.Nl Ue W«s mo liaue a«M ois bst ma l tfkepoutf ramI »Wr- of last sMash & emtiucm vas cpfteme. t bor ti5 . Itrodsi udt mioact. tales,1 la theraidlbat »on the aficeu ot the Seti x^ .sali. truet U lTeomlaiasmsta. coaalt g bteft ly of errempaposlo been Kittis Md momlera « putueu %vio*r tions la ~smlte lts eM*NUaItr, R ItsAdoIby the pqousram of i CUMMo anm . 4 p allta -rat*h ho priso M inLAaalotattàto seab" idn ttroduacal haC. .pot.- tur atIthe msatln< 9ofe ieoojq$lcmà m out.11 21 17, vers llaatMO& lby' xiar (I. Page, oISeairu% _4. muI boarl, orf vim lPottar zla ij mm. te sot the prise tor .mliiforP the noît flue rmoufle, alter OeIL- provldlng "11mb ne-priaS lever 5e in $4 a 100paads befhLel." Uentit . Loolvool, . vIa -egortel the eoaroablon qf Pcb. 8. 1917, te> ItiiedthatI P. N. bisetresaurer. porleà t te l corufios 5et I1A bal bssu exPenlel for «f vorI"w tas cf aingiors, te béat uP o furmer& al ,t. aUet blair nillk'At y., Mialialiseorted lait ulgll Nothlaj Tlew, S-*y Produsfe À -reat@ 1 MktwveS. of the prolucars eMid I»ai~att '- INeonas vuelLoe agaIat the Pro. 1ducmr,-mbcledevl0od mInce lmat Octobîr,vantctrfl.ct ;gare retim'adI. Ilappeais ha1t th Ira., billa roeiwtal are- been rot. ed yest«drlal a nltendal w punlab the. proliuais ombanni gos. ýbli- f ora eIs, telual commtaalofland gIron etoctmomi 5W' te prlcec anl oondi-1 -tiens. fe cf the omfoior ctiia p91 ur iblato o ult U.4&'»m4.ta ew o e dapa$uvê kmt«4pýs bal bdoag to *ebovi 0 Fountraiqunisse ve ataâtxrd boue ou me ut euoaaUê 'ov ~-Nsmoi p~Wva U~Iord ~ jbs diesel ... '-a-- -"a'- "--î - aIl lb PoIo. The lad roadsIS ilh,&fr Potouattoudanco ai tlM.n owclineot'tto 0be very mau" à ordlut heceara ogbloat Of nm" meet$na., One. tbiq* * a but a e bel&l i 'tWemmbq tret, Tboamday 1TburedaY out Arcs, T. M"osabo Fsrairie Vlewý. Tha bd. 'In Il aleme bolem> o N am p elbro 01f lIait wt vn ge ;clmo hiidte ta orothéaIMal va mand leetw& Nb. iljt ,5 91Se - te nieraI * * peusape. - et .ftbu va »*meno var. . bponn* Om*& V",Ila lu dw.b UcalRUcà Sp. seot amm, douta t lwova; $"bm or tma" a lsiIqh. FAREWE ~wamd uon ,.ode - 4 I- O ff J@M MJO i 'eh.iô m. MW U. Clu omb.,,.'b.d 0010 eobmto eoh yM mta fdlu Pai -a wu en bac& v", aq u t. aI talïtudb . bnoanietomjse L peas ~lid 1v PTeeAd xsIul~etlogo bOsm An9U *1010 thgfr am, tu thIi lqeu.t -lo ~ON TO.

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