Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Feb 1918, p. 12

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1ê t AI Tii I isisafly s t uese Z aémp ag nd i auh ve icm ii. la tthese sv ~ ~U a 'crseectiom? 01M W cs ho ba» tift ai Amarican de for'iagy asthe vas'- ïïth tii. i geatciles. flaI nà"tuhe i *ju ight be expectoito, th ltb tus#os bilai -Addreus wbhli lias Impresi pMe *MII aur geat nawval and peiatlaaailathe expression 'gIsbandaot tise lovIng kiail- SAinerlean men 'and vo- tom ban aof yaiiin your the was'il Of thsemoister u'ia *thse declarattoea te the mem at Cam»pRosa tg theauditorium of 1a #ean Red Cross is a 0- tifis kindnesa"," 51., - and tise Red Cross ý,eolllent a tIse argt * evorer ssriue ta à pIsi. Tii. Y. 'm. C. A.. lu ai orksplsàg up the~ rs*ldiersa &Ùdsalirs, bois 4i laitume a uas sfeart r1boe p*1tI lapoile lIas Niser. are ae'.tër ofe Colmbu Suad kW- "d î doeiippe ubat ii h»iatbas q = tLoy:latytii. taika a tIse sudeueiofitiseq me- lb. armtal u Ïa -word te au. -la Ibi **it th gl. bwpuisfg Irs' ~di T he" fiion papij ~Ola~but tumt tboh Çtm a otry lad t' *$r*asiu 0G.te -e .4115 cnrs' tac tna1 ~ei'Ig gatos iei a ntion "Oms.egoa le ~Iaprepuqed .ior Lit, Ilh lId iaow of aur i#ber bOn, . tIat vc, to ý«oe thenor- vm logea lis' Germ"ns ah b -lrsalie ta 1* a" n ipitrimmet af var *Want ffensive bu tIse SVIiS% exceit tIsat aisc ~.IWOwsat maw h Sf t %Mvau itroiuced ta W js*hie iiH.jP.B- c y.4 T.LM C. A. actl- md 9»as aia1pre-st- ê«mtkiosalecuait. a Ip ya»thsg lantiie intrue- auditorium viien 34r. $m t»sebaya of camp ftre 0"e Te m1".1 ou noeting vis-t thi'st aliroe.e.vlostise el- * seduei te, giva ai Pms beos, sd do amat tp m - 0. 'tIe vormisito W.- saui Ms.TaftIte, lb. »Ias la lh. aiIem. 1 ,»M1 s'o bes',re tise *e smp.'ý StulbueàMr. m st, Ilha ?Pt necesar Mig mislcOs ta yasur easn wee e ,latbÉ'ly. tiae- auses tisat bave 0, 1ry alatover. Yau seyus vaut ta S I 10o tii, '.Potsdslàw g"andil s edi- atioal sciifeewiiIhIIreate n Iio h Iim ns tommon German Wèie»V that Germnau90 wèe super-men, 1Tise deatis of Jenels Seara ls the «Tiier beleved tluat they were th, ieiets af Ood,1M~ ~d Mr ,'Taft. *-Deond dcath that ;las tak"j place la Ilevng hta the eae t, reognze the Seera faniiiy ointe.last Juiy. llelngtbÇ. tey ameta ecanî1 William Sears dled of tubercu1ou1 thse policy risat t vwae tiiejaduty ta e Cul"ot 8~ spread tiseir so-called - kultur' every- hv ypts ~~e visere by forte. .amlily 'aethese rhyo tee ~OCfll"~itire comnsunity. -80 -long as tise G 'L oenlç A new kindergarten Ciase la now ffld the Gernsan people are obacssed being started at the. North School and wit t ts tlsongbt, 80 long will bc an ebuIldren between five sud six wqrl be aublect to war of gges!years of ag.e purged to attend. àiov, $ log wll hîrword b ""ýf obert Higgins. ibrottier orf Mrs. &*te for democrary. Thati13wh'at *lames l*dwarda ai Vitoria atteet ileil Pupideut Wilson meant when i.' t 1the Jafte Peàiester hoSPtal Tbursa Mid tMat va muet 'malte th ise rld dajc atternoon. 'Me vaà esiloyÇd aiu sale as deoeray.' W cannt ra - i~jf5iwip5fl5r afc't17' ani vorkett ra or ibts Gem erman p ope. és- ouitil Tuesday on of thls weh< wea With he ÔTmanpeope. T e ca me home M -Ife grev s'apdly mnuibe bit on thse iesd witls a club worse and becanie unscansacius We4- for thé' surgieul operation tisA an. neeIsdiiy mornlng. A doctor wus calilei esary a rhn tseata br ,uss bille wva t once taken ta tise boas. essary to Isbàg jile o tie ssés.pital. . ie ,condition Whago eloti l la you boys o wi odteb tis tat tise doctora gave but litié bapft dle.ot thst club, a! bis recovery. Waso wàs sent ta biâ tathier et Norfolk, Va., and lie vili a- Germany ta Sa Seaten. :rivé to-day. 1 Thse Park Boasrd meft ln tiseir regular 'Wbeis Germny a beaten. tben viii' tue samies aI sUMIoMMnt ta,, trom,'moitlsly meethig Tuea3iay eveni. tise'eyes of lber isope: thse wli îseY Tise Auditorium dancea 'i'uesday evea asi visai the lIssme POleY tisaI Ueir h49 are a Popular place af amuse.1 g»veramant bau prasiheel. iad led ment. theata o.. lse Gernan ba" 'The eightis grae of tise Central beasubeaten thon,. aidal ft il theik,, VIII tIseorid be sale for demaeracy. jsthlsihave gane over tihe top. This W. cas then acce pit rom tiien a trea 'unamna that théY bave so014 $25.00 .1 _ l.f 111-- f- - ý- .ih- 1. M- . - i w tuat viii mua» the uaugursuon of1 v Given Big 4Oreetins- Th4e akies trans CaMpVFarragut tno tise main camp sider thse ieromai di- reétion ct Rnasa Joiia Shappe. U-.B.. N., vile the. Camp Rosa; boyst were ussier thse comniand of Boatswabn i-I les', tIsetomer commauidiag off lc"r ot Verragsut snd ithelatter commanil- Ing affîcer of Ross. At both tise en- tyglsce efUýTa f It sud-tise eoaieon et bis -admorasset51eécb tIe ai 1.1- nocaendal veniug moetisga. tise former, Preident vas giÏn ainarked oa.- tiens. Tise naval "skyroeietL wus a fetture ortie approvul ozpreçrse,4,by thea Jaches for hus sidreess.. The former national execuliye vai met et the C. & N.,W. station. abortly bies. 9 'clok Tuasiay mrb!as 1. lmt4)oassmander C. i. Roberts, exe- ltiva affler or OTtat. sh, ta the ilpieue af 0epWsa'W. A.eItfett, ommslsant, *bp lis nov lu Vi'asling. tox conterrk2g viti secreta' ni t!"e Nkey Zaus s anirle...., Lient.Oommander PRose&tSa compeleil bsa îsection0ofAise Grata lAItes Band. At 12 o'cldck tuis ai- lernonn, Mn. Taftt vil deliver an &f- dsrs tftanlp Perry drill hal for Use Prehdet dvotd iIPreMertati«o f reglinental cui>rj i t e OIuuiI5at o a te aviation reglmoat. Tise Ianilsome i~e-~ùla*bu laij ih k -enssen I la tise gIft -of-William b.'i .thse omunWrlgey. 3r. A battallon dilI viii bel d re -'mmmgM 7 «W.s o f-tIse tetum. eto!tife dn hlait S ole o! olmssalprogma. Mr. Taft vii le me edî- *>w e th Ie caLs, iiiSl'set »0e ow ka vo «, . J . qe euhgo! oftisa »r. *Oss itmia etue sali5 t~*% I*tenta - esle ibehi K NEW wommra otlrred4 ne%*ubi 8atuti ' " euê i.tise taO5ba emy vise meut4 asaar isipypvri ý-tise rgmottatý ilon eIRle', I Tro 0ffeýw M uadA out 0ofvisolit clatIs 'ý Li* ea4lrota èâtt1580 verO la seaatinsitisug asprlftftl vi oevr.rybady tôneérofid in' the Maiteri biait deisîbi iL abaluiel. u te visale a.rticle to takot.» al.kci urich ai, mereiy an_ ast#nse out ueisdavor t tîr u rfeiOnal feelings la a ecasnmuîity. 't»e ultbmatls outooigo of 'uucs-voelàia beiard te detel DIe. [Ishe Gaott¶ wo#t alsead andl Pqtntel thse, Rqtaitât 'lai i ho village maîl'- MisbJ.aIà aId thuss'wae i; nlii5g faoflhc ýncident. andeluo etaf lmw u~sîe sai ther. vas uahhing ta il. lItat a relative hofttse paintuer Sild tises vas itiiigta IP, and uintaet.,'- bsody Wh!) mlgbi have linavn anyting about as u*aocuirrec denied If vils émbaS 811 the papes piaI' eU -itjas 'a (t fia pIte the. emphallc denials ail a*rmini. Feeling ha' etrweley bitter hone against lias veisa vuld priat snob à statment I9eýs aa.mingly vras de- aiqnel fer li. er.mpurpose oft s ring up feebat lin -àcammpi4sty asf viser. vilatiser. mas' be a lot of German people ersidtug tiser. liase shovn Ita loyalty ta lb. eon try at large ln sarIM es i sduring tii.r. cenit criais. . ln spaakingabout, tise matter ane oî tise pyrmhient'business men of Lako Zurichis *gi: 11cannot se wby any palier' sisould prliit a tblflg of tis klnd' -,Il la a dauiaiie ont- ngo. , To thLIaes eou4J W rto sttup taei à ln -'in s sy -la aur, vtua,2b w n&hag tsa - . canilot underatani. IL locnsa IV isosig Isirawsinalilour 'nul nolli hug ca. Achanti Coms Otewieg. Coca growing Ili rapidt7 icorint s praminent undus3try in l'senttii. h hast iitîserta Iseen. ,a?êclseted vitis atueles horrors îierpetrted by King I rempeh, wvues néei*b" 4supeate punitive exîueditiuaa d'à&"at. ý'I lii mant fautons Seing L.ord WGlsiees campolgu Ilîrougs tise'trachiesa jungle 1largesit exporter oficaanlutihe warid. sud Ashanti supplies a very la rge pro- portion. Ars'iiqlisîoi Marrisoîî vniteg frot Kuinuiai: "tin fAve years worth or sursît stampa- soey are go Ashanti lias umodae gréât t Ines tusconi' lIg ta n'y- andl go over tise top arain iuerelal progperfty. This le owiugr ta iAil tise rooas, artie sehool are Ithe ls.i'c05. Wlien flia nubben boom came saine <matest. ta un end there was stagnation for a The oYaiNeihbor bed thir eg. 1iort tine. btintcocon batusore ilîma Tis RaaiNeiliorsisld isin oitAken is ptav-s. AsisSati iinakî'i an ular .meting at. ile:r club rooms In, ideul ecncaîi-growvlng counitr'y;sud thie tise auditorium. induatry lm verys' ultable for the Wei.t Tisa-veekis' PraYt'rmeehug oa!theAfitan. am St requiret nun irenouit i- Picabyterian cisurch viii b hel atput aoflii,,or." the home of Ton, M . Kinney ibis even- ot n osicoý hng. Pesm eîiita Banl Cook isas accepted a position Receustiy elected a dWeroof. t th* at tihe Chicago 15oundry vîsillb.ielma Nontis-Paster» Railwal, cqplfly, Vie- waîtîng ta 1w caîles tu lise service couat pGrso:t f':ý . Ota:rd of'tbsse Rm. ,'1 'it-Bits. Ho bistes îafk and ofluit I-hardis' a word lias been heanI about diaplsys an 'amiabillîts' viicltceca cil, fpitties this Spring and tise Pri- evea talenate a bore. 13e la Mai ta bel '15557 Iuo aly a le vveeks usway. I'vald .tIse mat cordial ho« ua oev al.0 KalviL, vIli nolrssagataIn î»thee. ~ceilO a gisat. ond wlaia4 ii as sas." inMv..d ýof A MYSitc il nda paSI t art-iie tovi' t A g09d l 7t e - aneeded ta iss$ beenaccusaI asýt i in8 gera belp C M ~reg epreseat ttra «ver" M iota'i lasa wad ý,ý1 politicienby o duty.loir a fiarelD* vi i ed tise veek. Uit.d lisat vit SU&sI sbo#w b.hoovea oui g~saIr ~Ms.'llaw.d Of Il ta bis country th s -ep ith i MirreNedaîsba rseov. luigeill laponIirpa lav'Iihea'eoatiîes.' tennhis; nov ise la th is ieln xe 4..' ___________sent oif Ay'ising la xnola& No Off«cesta. ~Ui~ ue A trsilion-aithse office- ctalSrmnd PffTise- f lre i e W rlb it a nWffPdpr Surviveç iras. sai halererles'd ftihttri tinse iu~îî s il' trshdojer a t 'deîend&nt camsp g ikt OUs btise". im 'nosucis animnal, note, an eou Of his Mules. CiM l5.Prcbis'4e rsa he, w» -Newa, Mr. Joisn I kendurai becqusaa oî q us oed «e fer Use corpoation te t5e Iee! As a henter af rateanumi... çatls' visa cupled thelb.d ne ltM odem noclch aiew«44 ',i mmu klus "*11 tI. athe radentA. sud tîbefre tn1%n t5 R 'mor.b« otyur ulie vas oe u iwsiak. th* I sans' tis Iit aboulai tolerqto a est *'berl1 or tiie deulat4 WbA a by. héelht"' ilnt l thUe eueu4ee. "but hske Label s tas' on. supposehissa mua '"bi105lft To f£"teestise nam*-uI&bels an canis a y"uMI..TisaW"i t555*7 sla ~dbatits emtatitutg tostugf, us.ý 100e M raiIeck«nl 1~tI 5 -, Pitce Os'adiiesivo pianler. gss yl l t 0iter t«blulan ta 'RU -l sey urfae sud lii anhe ' 0rige ise*«th"tiss e sa, ve1 i Onut.~4~ mse violali. ilf 0,bis M«e ~%e Stcm. YeR eigtranrlinary-that alain. stly charactsrizes the values vweplies before yosa tamo'ovet ibis prite'aand vill sqpt, b. oued eisowhere- The unusual quality, expert wuùkmasialip.. and ultr a style t.î%tai.gASaex. mpliein tj»<boa.ehahrmtng greot and sft t mn 1teko rePrepuaL îhq ?1xtasul afvelue ciVw. ~ in Ibis rou 47eta.' Wtine. .'Os su ad Crp.e Lhnes anS Georgettelm sbnaisuiÏh ýtefsaSîi eg Tce e st*yles are niost enticlng-uncu scae fitting bu d- Jo.efec--tright plaitew ddiped skirt. See Widdow end Girment Rtoom Puisplay Wben yotmak ada aof i& &Wlkanup am cm JuY -. coats of such good qual4rizy edstylii Ai are oci"d luie Bt 12.75 I yauwii mae ec h dollar do dtevwozk that two wiil îlui coinm . Ing faI. I Adhering lu Ibis storo'À policy ta aleaot every Sarment ofai pnoceding soason-enabling us lauluegin each sucemding acasonI with natbing but mreuh. new meobadis-ve are dermiimsed la close out thes coast t the lait gsrment, haies I.bia sensationdliy low price., Wool Velours, -Gleiv Oa, P m an d 9Sisetoees, and Black Pl",b AiU POPUlarColor second Vlees IAnd Only He'Such Blousés at 1 Ail Wirtmor modele-and true tothsir naie wortb more'4 G--o wliere-you wil the-nation ovr a1md yu il i bowbere*flud waiste that irmal serviegivlù ff"~tngV"Ufalt1e5'. -q. ieWtmr that We- -and We s lu Iý.his <é4ty su aC& *1. ddto ibis qtzsbty exuelli J onde the fact thst the$o bluses salWs smbody theelfeât sud most I' Wirthmor je tbe m. ~us tom sula ets~in oI~'si 1SeosuudP-14 BDatgoàSq j Picturing the four new styles on, sale 7

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