LY ILLI bier lOMM.I4tIYUA tes iýu. an&. as o~ t oPl a. friend a emot gimgebA"ai ,paon "ld r" dln the~ hé gov.irmincapeal for sorts .6tleretoi'O the aie woqdIdt do ber' bit bY ,tu InUCi iwhedteleniope ad ber bualand used en ~~~~I wuv-a ~ -» bas beul Very ialoi hwylaent l.a!n le hffOswau tise uay yeari bave or machI or thetAm. and bet carimulattention be ué» aIeat la Mi. w10 baalr«ady'tman soeul 1 7te oenvey Ot ber flue pmoxwtywl *tht e U ekafrOd 1 r r. A;." v a « *tud ir lattiea have iee mUtah ty few. And ber. la doc ftlb*:t oes aat' kant(04 the top) maneuverin t for position preparatoryto swooM 0,g uti. ~u 7»e Germ sPlane waa dovned In a Sharp Machin.e aaduel .d9oftw y 1eIr liitplcpm b5. hote fa. talon hi an obsrvr lua agher ]Preaci bateulaae m la a orn f the cIty,meir anie. as beeui as active as a de votiai Albul perq&n -or ,îblrty -yeur. . She bas ~,*eu selsg ab u tblnk that bier strengtb because of %=yAU yuare. ba b*n Val.fg.rsle been the surris. of ber frienda ta à, WOiT,4 lu i.ep lier age, permîttedllier ta àdý tiiese Var- lae' Asuat- tbln@s. When the Tide Tuam. Wiien yoii getIl mb a ttght place, and everythlug gaes againsi yau, tilt 1h Beemu as If you cauldui't Mboa Enin. nIe langer. niever gve up then, for It la lust the plaice id Urne tithet. ill turn-tarriet Beecber Stowe. Wi ntlfl Th" %pe«Qda!udêng iteratute and thQ convrsation turneal ta Englilabau- tlý6rs. '<Rave' yFMresal corlyler' lu-ý quired the It(ieraryeonoisaeur."N, answered tbe Iteri, pavenu, -.but l'y. viitea fil diiap melhoov. v ~ -- - liboln 1ilnk, NMiiwaukee 1,M Mefine Jonl MioMlwaukee.' 18 HttU'y 14adétin, M ilwukee, 21 --Roum. Page,IHarvey, IL., 27, l W»ke tn u*'irs- the' Çp~ Milwaukee, 29, pe1mtmsr et Entîre -Winter Waukfflp. Pets. Io.- J~ ri~qusaltitt el,< verjr7v"n Ote of the Most asen 4tbaaegê" iti haefqpa aie Etitilit u diSIW5~ 'w.tlst bas lee.n Preeîiptî alu m «L siThema a ekO& la ~ taet ei aï:gthi. *Inter oaeson whlc uIo etIw n a-par wittiiadflin came Tu.eday a nlibtianâi blu marit. Cboi*êtveéI uadeè tlieh,'ne zotWl* -. tafi Ilm .1s aieCB«di lng, zwle Mise mercury,-lropod 1On1 theff* tO ra ie r au ,,4 4W dl@ aii ÏTueaday sueo>nded are pacteê In olive oIt. e*et lower, *oeeordtng te. a ome p i__________________ 1 ag the mercury, ta t 's lX Bi>ovt'ý I 5ereaim ldt»Ventured th* stateiflent that It Waa» two below durlig thef Party ibodîtï-0f the uafhi. But, a dmpD from 44 al'ov'-t p.çro latiesufficlent . withoitt argultf~ further. It'. the sort of a change. that makes one feel that tiM. weather ma t t~Just as îndependatile'as thel liqnsit. Igneugh for a'Party. Gladya vaU villug her afii. One fli. as thèy werp 'go~ink don town algidys notied thace rother untidyý ebidren playling In front of a hnis m.d remarisi about t. "Tiere are tes ehldiea livIng In. tit hébose Anl a.#n. mme unJ i. UCUSUAur *il a - THISISA themt. ao.atm cènnot aiways ke pthem. Oai0V71i oub7 ae u S as elea as motliers wiio bave onoi one are yerformnengthe work of mien or twq to care for." saist ber sont. l ian y ocoupatlon., They vii "Tens" à sked Gladys. "Teên? Why, aometitiea do the eavier vork tbey eau have a Party witbout Inviting for îghieb tic>. 1are auppoad to ___ ___bennftted. Tt.'ll depend on a womaiiabealth anidcsondition. ,If WhM..Womnan xos. a voman la wek, lied aid l Ut- Anotber eVldene. af the dhIfreace jeusa thle lime, dite to the visk- betwen thie maie Inteliect 19, any, and mee dsaéowo nlu Il. tomai. one la thei. y a woma eu r.R" o om Ï eau atew eberries na ale akp on It viii b. hpoaalble for ber to adjacent bai.. i ofthe."me . lavre. .p- I akeber, plitce among lithe~v paeOlty witboit lncfrring the siight! Âmeie» wcmie[Irho are ren er- est risi of îettlng tu tblnking about iZIg a518 h very way to tlai , omthiai eue and puttlng oce Im- ut the front. Thaisa in proper portant IngreallenÎt o the one tinothetimre for eve7 vewini I. "puýt er other.-Olio tte JournlA. hbou Ine lu leMd gakIn h f 1 atrenig*i aid energy. bomes la te.Hive. A trong, bath>. wOIBa*eau b.i -it l vi. vtioa whlcb bas ssi nstained aid ber condition im- un tihe woinax vîo toila not. wiaolilvea ploed -by "akng a velI-kuevu for pleoasure, *Bc lakes front lire. faIherbai toie whicb bus W.da ror vbich sit maires no .tom."- .tho111rougi ltst in the put fMY change.voqae. BSncb lDr. PiercoSFar- Tro ASw rapted t&' her dllae raniuon. rand novaer oniiodting ith MaY of ber exodidem lit-rg u "ad mo;gthe- plr fonctions, Mu1s~ad, bivigratea th@es- tis qatmrna id torm beaith aMd org 'i "I'ui.4oUL" an B kàlThm ithe Favorite mmrptimn...w be Mg o.~oa I tobmthr' r To r 1e I 'atUdreg stoei labWe por lkuld form. là tablet fegm MO 1or Mmd 10e to lav9w u'Botel. Bufalqg N. Y., for trial paebego Itablet. or' write for f ras me"ia aDr. Pieieeëi essat Pellets reg- Pulate a tomaeh. liver and bowel&-- sugar-mod. tiny granules. Ail druglma. In vials. 25 tenta. [MBAIL & CHAI LLS1ED GO., 2834 LmsSt, ChicagoI. might two carloads of beds from the Ulnited States J)strict 'Court through ~ L. WINTERICNITZ & CO., Plublic A2uction-, r30c on the dollar. The Kirnball & Chappeli Co.- were oneè of-the oldest .,concerns in the Bcd manufacturi*ng, busin ess, but to heavy advances of, Steel and B3ràss were foroed into bankruptcy., Their, stock "was sold at public auction and" Mr. Blumberg ý,pne.of thé succ essful bidders. BEAR IN MIND!I-IF YOIJ WILL NEDA BED this yearornext yêar, orhave the least rt- of 'bvying one, DO NOT FAIL TO -ATtrEND TijIS SALE, for yo ill-buy a- bed -for legs than the, coat, 4.7,iafactuire., We have no fake sales; -we givv you what we advertise. FREE DELIVERY TO ANY DISTANCE! '1specia Notc to DeaIm. ndc Hotel. Keepers On Feb. 25 at 10 amn. we 4v111 Bell any of the rMmaïning stock i lots to suit purchasers - ~iIrllI~~W i sti b 6it weylàn 3-4* q........... 9 etk Sae. I 1 ML MlleI lxVl bajlyAé, ,ooth. finish, 3-6~ six.g, 24n SQUARE f08? SAS 12-lnck ot OD SEP)S-.i- qbd olt p t ., Sbaypsea 0" 24-15 * Lake O#~y'. L.~'pst~ 21ê.212-214-S. G renu t. Waukç#an $45 SQ'EE POST MASS 8508 Colonial atyle, Kruucan finish, '5filieta, 7 t. .1995 '~ I ~L $40 sBrAmI 1899 1 wt.i.Cý ft$h. 25 t. .gat bsnkirt ao~qar. is ~ws 2-lnch con*hauous pout 5T1U80111 S5~S;5 heavy flUet~ aanooth Inlsb. A regular $~1tO value, 18 .tbemoldfor. ,1 ofth Id i15