1918. . r4i ta@""bush...la ii!udo llthudo* Lae Salr- wlhuda u a Wflao vwb ~ieu Us.1M vS .»6 bé. loueTumdi. om Vu-embu-A van Aue4 'vllou- q~ ~s ue-alan l vie b besO * W PM"n Laie oeboe imbu osscled BoiletOl lie eeslo- BS lIU' u-aIaBSibosuume la -Notice te Taxpeyero cf A-i .1 viu b. atb ouchAmbm ' & Paumw bMi A uemie ou Monda. Weds-. der m aidSaeudy ead ah t4 1 DORMI lai» boui on Ts.eiay of eh -MI:e IL YU . V. -wdmsasiroilh. Um-.i.Bayait buu-siuu-nd bous afie Au l v o.ulteu.a yeaof aNe Md 1~lot eepociefita Mreglel su- Sle peut- eUeou e, " I soin glot lulo ctloa Mondai, Pub. 18. LeWb nomiole a.houe ou-eu-sandoy. Mu. md Mu-s. auumbal th v. 40 ai iboir cotopen osigoid $bore. Siverel of Ou- dmsesdaAtoaumes 'voue la Libertyville lat .ek ta, attend tée hie asIeo! bau-lag ior lainéu taz*djestoi. Mu-s.élila 0. Sierwovois.. Veuke- am. an Saturdai. U. moi Mme M. Kimbalf(rom Round Le e vsalore ait Use W. hL. Kimbai ouer Sandw. llrs Jrm. Lumbet vu la Obleago lai on budm'e ~ u.Cluet traumehsd busulaesl " u-.W. K. Kimbali upet Mondeirla Mmts.B. bnrc.levstn eu- msotaistLake illa iot'& kv dojo. Mu-. Alls Kesuon obiatel 'lévart lalo tlie MymtileWoriesofai bm World. lis vil mon maitouia lodge bor. Ven V. Jack@"a lea fia.ito Ma bei aïelu virapeesmal. vi'a.%ehile. compani etau-lud cetting to agate oun'Puodai, but the vombor l vus »nmaotabls ndilm of poor lagieide bu ol obtatego o.hal SU. allovese .of MW lue vSi, hini h baljubioui-mime edcàlly vben Ih le unt m *laId 1M. Brown loft Tuemdey moraing for ,Ukvauke. viere. ho vili attend t L.mootmsAmaocahlor lu-tiresdojo. oP .Seu-ooi vu jte Cigoo 1~n ba a oda atIse chnici lui eMs hepmudion »id fbeWr, Mu. ao* ffvia eenThnu-edae i vIlirymi m oa f l9e o*» touneioui l. tweo~ohoul go mo, 0amto Maie1 Mu-s mitsalile umesi niay vii '4ablwtisa4 rtotbWm au Walteu- Da tIshle Ob«beh u a IliaaMve mêrdeela lie u-ee ud hoagbéeà. liii vu *titijon IsanariSi.' BMs euu-yCobles vu, eWWsd o Gru. Kls lui Thrda brbe l.stote lIum 01 bWot ain, Mu-s.UihIs XaW «aip44 Rob t' u , MWaid gu-lve la limr o! bl@ deaîb 18*1 ne ZlRu a iot beeu lu uIaualll hla& nmu &. v*, Qui son »4 a donghiN s~m~'et fonm Wôeranma" jetem-r.. Pusu-e motilsis WeflhoBSturiay oni urla Bu-s.joie ftisl*ad Ulma Kgiuyn ..t.u- Muo. Ub#w~ iO mib« b;. vtw, lied b- îmepge Ivrni v.... - - -j îwe Teseq ,eiBgieta"tsue a day. w t g dm te o gMd etUMad izfl biig4 pu tSèitlifr10r:&1db-e- Md JWIiUOIUdlehtbU lwa aIr= » t spsiof5M5b! As vltb bed. n usJ .ilg Il ANT=iOCM am-sb"&deSabla ealsd ti9» -ô" clu01b Mond a etemoos. u-s.oba Jobsem of Wauiogaa, le lie donen gl- hi UUu*bond Meain o evealmu m55edi0555MW Mu-. r , S ai aad dagilcu- Mahe vete ChimegoPaousa 1 o Thioday. Mu-s. W. W. wàanipepsufft thoeIro paet of kverni la Chicaego. mm . Gebri le vloliing rilaiu-s ut WblUag, lad. Mrt.sd Mm ,PliIIPanovsi e nd danger vo teda thehome ofiaJ. Panovoil and ialy the fBret of 1he mi" %Vila Kubaupi 0f1Mi*aukeo. VIs., vlttod O-eu- Sonday vith ber peta liero. Whllo trimmlng reu.aiet eboora bit danghieot aIMl@, Michin, J. I. Crlbb,loruserly ofl is plam, vs. kuocked Iu-outheiladier by a fallng limb. sa bis t'tu"mon".o.semrtous ho vs. taken wt a boopital at Southi BendBoe.It va. 10und the aum va. broies mmi outuido th@ abouler and the aboulder b"ad vm tujured. Tt-..Cottage ocialmet witlireM. Artitur Edgar on Tueaday alternoon of MdIme Mary Pollack ai Chicago, $peut the velnd îti lber-peruote bore. Mr. J. J. Mdorleyentertalned ber aiste, Mu-e. D. M. Wood of Wa.eott, Win, tbm peut Ivo veeka. rMr..mand Mu-o. D. A. Wnlliaailet lent Thuu-eday -lor Dexter, Kanm, viere bbey yul maie a prolongsi vimit Xlth Servleeo vlU be field eu-euy TiurodBy bevsulg ihu-ougbout Lent at St, Ignetico 1EplenMoyatchub. A dîffetnt pu-lot vil mpeka Dac ight. r- Mr&. R. Yom. pent aut wves i tb nolatise orainlngion. Word buaow nrecelu-ed Iron .Wo. GuflUoud chai be le mgeins along 1 pàendidI7 aud expecte tab b orne ln a W.J. Mohin bu umpisi a postion lu Keozebaleadxiecil to romain tiéesthe F tess fth l i teor.- Ia.mm : [WbJobonaoti'o! hf g, ïsp6teore parlai0lstheci k t ar o bou. bore. Wh Ibu-oving aeonov bal on t-ila of S lu iu. ilau-iChina bai ihe utiethne ho o 0 I s laum. - %0 boIM. bolas thle elbov. At«t] tbu achisiUs e-msUsei i tamai 1 Ibe til rs Mln Ie01ua kon usU 11m 1 Thureda, i o! iIs vicb dsovoi the I buokea lion. CARD OF TI-ANKS r We wleh to ihank ont uigibotsr ani fri-ends fer Ueir Uoughlflum c' oui kineostu tIe preeniAaiDonpeu yeam iafor tic*liautitul flore1 af-1 suo" at thi Urne ofour 'lai. lieu-ca ment lu lie leqa of ou hubsai agi Uer. Mu-. 1Nivin Ray and fsrnhlyt NOTICE, "WARRM4 TAXPAYER# 1 vIl b& aiBrniCcher & Penlau's.4 afoouIe, on iUeuiayt anmai etWBt-1 rêuae hardware store. Waukega, ou Saiurdays fuom novountil IMam-h le. 'Pown Colactor Warren 'Pv. - - vu-lt Plie Inip@Piet u " b -esit lnï North Shore Electric -Subway Flooded as Thaw Cores- Cws Cannot ilun ln Water. FAMILlES MOVING- OUT? Furniture Outside of Houses Surrounded by Water Seen 1 on Rondout Road. Tue tuaka r irebleueo North Shiore Eluctric.oue the Laie Bluff Lleutiu-ilIe lino vrer.e etirely uub-, mergedfe fr about anc quarter mile ai Laie Biuff JnactIon Tburmdaî. The vplcu- ralued very snddenl t aiabout 8 o1cloci lu the aftrnoon ntil It vas a et tirce teet deupg*mu tic sub- way aidtie car lu golug eat founi i iccesqu-y ta stop oue qusu-icu-mile veau ef the main Une and passenterp vere compelici te vali throngh 'Use ieap clusb moe-el blccks lu oricir. ta reach, ;Laie Bluff. .Aibout V o1élock the car maie mie reqular trip vestvardi vîtItne signe of tlie impendlug flood. At about 2:48 ou the retun utrip cast the train dis- cou-et-c the cutirue ubWay vas mli- merged sud duclded tiey coul net run the car through. Prom thonuntil toiay liuy.coutlnued'dle"tng pas- sengers aithtie point ventl of laie Bluff viiere tic Bide track c-oms e i Iagonrouil. 'P loodiai, -il.dout Inuiitated the vboe urrouudug couttnry. eu-eu = ialsg a number of hommes th the u.teut tisaI several familles vure fat-ced teaanadon their bornes. Thle wagon road Jilst eest of Itond- dût w&i cou-eu-citaoi iepth of severaI fet, muaking travel ou-ci the roai lus& posible vith nmoi Uai. f tu-au-e éeept a boat. Baal'comema' Pro.oIplm, a "aOUI ohd remedy for 6aIl fou- dm. YbsMd skls dioses. aol I iw--iwmahse temedi- Gs" a S5e lau. ,ule) iýtl!..ai lie dtug UIbre- - Adi 4 Prm High- vrent erob ers. wbo bave ýMe tfl, tulin l- stock éles b he lic lelaboxe noPtierau- oMMl ai thc Ma»ne li Pnctics Jonat- ,oa cambmaofetWqèievertbIi46 ase ther " M IN« e helhmup limole dieu,- Mt tiswé o 5*1&oi ï t .e ebse la speoktu of et Ic tterlnu caomé s cai, "I bav- e aitmi abat lna -l lb. pgpu fel1i ont lec it u"idaei au 't propose te have asytilag te do WMii leu. hmi tW te t bostm i Uttis but lie itu bit a ~s tbotlyma liba $abumi %» doms e Pet a stop te thie Mot de ~u MWs.I y the Set" phene zste. %%e lut iqffl trou 'Anduevs & Verpauy ther Wee Uylg taosenl stoel l WIeIUiiy 09 Ibm Laie but Tt nv eseme liey bave $evltciei eu «w» u-s. o t le olbtSr f aé, ouutv nesu-Wai.vortb. Lile the prenant time il le »Mmltiser. are very fev mes via have iit" on thelr poposiion. Hevoeu, a eame come tottauhil WankukesnvbM osman *411l for iheir gmue" and purciaseai a amali amauni af stock la ihe par- tlcular ruhher Company viici iiey are tyllg tgliet. SUR SALOONICEgPER FOR .0110,0 à suit ta, deterate 'heticu- or not a saloooiceper tla It. la came ho supplies liquor ta a man vbo aubse- quent? le killed vhlle imdeu-thlbIn- fluenceo e Ti quer,. 'vs. fila i cu. cuit court tpday. Ttlaluthc case ot the peuplae of tthee for thse tieaueof 'ames Itou-an aidlizbeth Mrin -galant Willim V. Jackson.,Euxt Dunniiand Jame Baiplu. Damages or 1,000 are southt and an efort le being made te, recover on the. bond. Jackson coisinets ' saloon ai Pou- talce. Hi@ bond'for $3,000 la slgned liv blmoclf as iprincipal and by Dunnili a Rupin as ouret es. Tt tg charged lu the. suit filîci ere tOiày ual Cbistapher Hors.n pur- cliasci lnlaoellng liquar aitih Jackson saloon on Degembcr 25, 1917, and liai eltiier partiy or vbolly bc- cause-0f the tikuai obtainci tiqee became lntoxlcated and vas killed. - orauI. ilaleclamed lu thebill,-to- gether viti hie %ister, Mi.. Martin. have becnseupportlng tiselu- brother. James Houat. for thelait live years. Me vag lotally dependent ,ou ihein. Il le clalmed. Thie support no i l re- movcd, It la pointed ont and ihere- forethie daIm for damue ageemande. 1 The case le dne of the moat unanal of the kund ever filîe ln thc local ;court. ,fl0D AT LWE H R1AVETWL Thatbils conduct vasaebouefUI and vicions that hbu «Àept lier ln a "te of constant terrai and teftt ber praétically a nervus vrcck. 'Plai shortly atter their mirago le tewned ehe vas lu a delicte con- dition and uxpresmed supreme illle for au heur, ani thnt lhe aseauliai ber mle brtLtaiiy. 'Phat lier lsusband le a guaduate of tic Indianapols Dental Cllege "d that she pad fer a potgtaduaiu course lio 1001. Thai lhe terrarized -ber teo suchs.a, exteul ibat she muas afrald ta ieny hlm auything and liai i. bullied lut tat* allovlug hlm bte quander $16.000 of lier Meuey andi cause ber real estte to becotue eneumvured ta sncb an e xteut that lse uov tuaiesahe vWIiiloge Tiat lie boate e ber et hW lu- timate ireations wvlhbmanY Of hie pat- dIents and tôli ber lie dld not love ien --4leomenu-led ber anly fou- ber monoy- ire. Laughlîn asserti the Oam trieh uaes of seevral obimffoOi- enta. Tuai he deasrted ber Jue if, 1117 sud on the ISili of the sa«MMoniX enalbe luInthe navY auas augeenM. Tisai hiesaisry la $2000 a ysau-. Thot bu viote te ber ftmW&Uiv gan, asuer bulng ttatloned a et éGrca Taties, ltai lie ntended ta proulie a boute faor ber l4ure, but tbUt Vio seecame hure Suptetchet - Ittl 117. lie abu*ei ber ehamefulY. tàlllUgthe- proprgLthoth 'le Wasibunu hal hob vouli net bu reeponsible for aay dcliii %bc contracted. Thot abe bas appealed ta tkc gqv- urument but lias been unablû 1* $et au? satifaction bucautse mais bel liusband bas mlirepresentied hein ot he autharlties. That abe has been ruducei toaa condition or absalutu want tineUgli i tact tiat ber hnaiand basa uqandered aIl lier mouey. and that ae*,noes aeparate maintenance. whilch Oii@a, ber buMbani la arnply abIe te uo ji SMOmetaoC istgels eSm l joui 101e18 Bamant a elot mm~ bave tu-led toeMes lier, libo la the c one u.Who succeedel.- Wgakcgea Je: o get oheaper tact, Iti IIlbe.je psp aetrom ioday. coal vitbthlb e t daYe. la Although tic plo i w nat b. as good as lh bat lies.lauhie Put. This 19 due to ithf#iti Ut hMeeCoal emnTitny todar la 1 admla tra- tar fl-si» tua b kbaino more of he ilgh pric.e- cenA o band and hat tbey nov bave. ta uEMMtum theti 76c a ton leuo han lb.? bave been lover pieci iu'tlbu *old ai sellîng laidy. - .64the qsAine,X~!r. Ekine Wa oud mu order wboetdP beglnulus Thureday h l)ft* lthelMc vbich vu alloved ome Umne uqo Ion earrylug rg..j sa recuIt of thc u-umely' bad veaubur, a1no<*i Z&bt 5cent to taiee hm- of thcesia ost of car. Whou-ii~gy vi oM lbeginulug carrying sneaalmnovwtisat tii.ve& tiser bas Clered te bas te5iioved IL. ioda le 75c a ton cheaper, ater Thura&yit vllreey'le a dollar a toashaf cboptahe ccantnera gener- eliy. Tbi IsapPlm8ýOrft-to aru- eaài and altor Thuteda? the prices pieu-aient ln Waukegma yull bu as fllevi: N 9.40. gg$925. Range 19.50. Pua, $810. pusivbeat, $770. SEARATE I;UINTENANCE. Wife of Ueut ~ud Laugh- lin at Naval Station Makes Sonina l wChages. Edmai iaUhilitic deuhit at the G;reat lAiesNaval Miau, vl wth the il"o i et e toaan, 'M m M. u-O, va imaiedefenant todaY linaàmesatlonal iM forspirai. mstenanoefileInl cilutCourt hi AMmeT -ILV.ouviel, »-Pesettic wlu Mm-ts.Helene A. Lapsisilu, OtEvsJtYiIli.d Among otier IliunMr is. ILaugItilu charges ber huauf vlti belng a moral peuvert aid °enerate. fflovlug are CdaIMsset u n luhe bill: Tisat tiey vere maru-ied at St. Louis. ]do, March 2. 11911. 'Plaim oon atier maMtage her bus- baud began a course of unklnd. cruel. and luhuman treatnt. Tbai he -stuuc anidiest lier Ou Mmy occasions. andi msny time. tircaienei heu- lite. One specille -> stance, she sai, nccurrud octobeu- 25, 1914, viien she wus couu-e»Ocing tram a long- siegu of typholi feu-ci Wltiut provocation, elle uab, ie kuocici ler dovo onu daY viti a blov tram a beau-y valklug stick. On another occasion seu ali ho beat ber so cruelly that she had to sMm- Durlng Present Year They Have Contracted to Make.1 $96,000 Worth of Parts IL W. Dov of tlie W. H. Doy Mfg' Ca., of Wankugau, lsp Insu 'ecoed o deal 1vlth the Hurley Machine Com- pany of Cdcago, Ill., for $96,000 wortIt ai vaod parts for the teniaue Thor. Etuctrie Washlng Mfachine. Mr. E. H. Hurley. chaîrman of the ahlp building board for the gaveru- msent le presidunt of the Hurley Ma. chine Company. This la the third year the Dove b.d the Hurley Machine Companys con. tract and it la lncreasing lu sîze uach y ear. The renuval of thîs cantract vîtli the Day company muant a contnuud capaçity apuraI ion of the plant vhlch. for tome tInte has beun duvotlug much attention to the Hlurley contracta. This big contract hnp kupt the plant buav when otiiers baie beun vorking par t Inte only and therefore It làgun Item of Importauce locally ta mcvw that anotitu- contract hais been made for the enauîng year. ARMY PAY FOI DEP1BNENTS WIL BUIiINON MNDAY The govurnment viUl beglu the pay-t ment of a mwnces ta dependents et drafted.nien on Monday, accord lng ta a taegra front the adputant general Bt Walington. 1 i aââ1tion ta onu-hait a soldleT's psy. lte allowance, for a dependiat mqtlier la 110 a mantb, and for a 41fe, $15. An addtlaual $5 le miloved for each chlld. The allowauces havye been payable for several months. but1 none lias been pald. Much harpsblpî ha.- reeulted and many complaints have bees made ta local boards ho- panse0f the delay. IÀ ANNOUVN c.EMENT JAMES KERR wshes to announc his candidacy for thse Office Of1. oe f Lthe Wrt bmei SINCE 0OCTBE Eugene Strang of County St., Waukegan, Springs Surprise on His Son, George- KEPT SECRET'LONG TME Information Just Borne ta the son in Letter Mailed From Florida by "'Dad" Yan can imagine vbat a surpried youag man George Straag of th e-e eurlty Sou-luge BanY vas this motun vben lic rocelvai, a ltter tram bila lng tise vitter lunPMorile. vhlch toîd 'October. '-ust nglcd ta mention the. tacet ta you but as 1T11 bu home before long 1 tiough you might b. luitereoted tu kaovlug thai l'in briuging soupe- body vliiime." «Weil 1 vat do you kuov aliçut thar réuet bave liees tbe ejaçulat fou of tic young bai esnplaye, for, a- Mine bis iad beiag married aIl the"e snmths aid never' saylug a yard to hlm about It. Tuee snaunad limavite bave beeu keeplug bouse aithie Btangvebildence on -Northi Couuty street, Wauikegan and the eontîng of aC nev mlmtrnguof the bouse uaturafly concerna theus couaiderably. The eIder Strang in one of Laie Couuty'm vell inavu reaidunts. havlng llvod lu tic couty aIl hie lfe, hlisi-es- Ideuce beus near Mliburu betore moving -to Wauiegau. Hie vile, vboae nunse before It became Mrs. Siraag be didu't pmention ta bisesou, val a vldo, vlth tirce ebllirets.He met lier vhill speuding the vintet lu the sou- theru etate. Mr. Strang bas but the aue child.. DOWSIII3NF<î WITli ILEY CO. Terms: of 12. monte w given on <aoc!,b bm"ele note aingn. tefest u6 cent per annum-. ,No gacist o emowveuntoisule0d m, GEQRGE VOGEL Aucdom (OfficIaI Publication> Report of the condition of Lake filma Crot a&W SaWlisfBan Lopaced nt Lake Villa, BIate ni Illinoio, bufore tlie ecommeuagof buà ou the~ 7tb day af February 1918, a.sumade tu the Audtor of Public ho.ouaýq the tiale oaIlîlinois,. punsuant Io, lav. RESOURCES 1. Lbans sud Dscounts..--...................----------------*$ 73," ......... 4. luveotimente--------------------------------------........... .... ........ .. ....n...g..ou.e........-- ................................ ='rluloBd fiziro....-e-.........-------------- 6. Caeli aud Due fromnt o--------------------. .......-....... 7. Othber leso rom.. ..................................... Total Resourceso........... ... LIABILITIES 1. Captal stock PeaU lu---------------------------................... f. Undlvlded Pritel (net) ....-...............-.-........................... '4 Depomite A l i e r depomlte ........................... 8. Bille Paya"l sud Rediacounte-............. 9. Other Labilltloe .........................-..................--....... Total Llabllitlee--------...--........................- ... . George A. Mitchell, Couhler af the Lake Villa Truat sud 66vinge Dâi4' oolamuly swear thst the above stateutent le tine o t Mee Iny kaov baolAlet.-l.îaa MWATR OP ILLINOIS, EOUNTY 0F LAKE, m. Subocribed and . wors tu befare mie ibla 14tb day of Februau-y 1918. Id. 8. MIller, Nolar? Pb*S (OMCW alPublication) Repfft et the condItion*f lit sState Duont 1 9u8d CaU Located at Rond ae Bae0fTlnoa ors lie com.ec bo i ou the 7th dal of Febuua- 1918, se Mode te the Audtor of Publie Aeeou the htate of lllnoie, pursomet to lav. 1. Loans aud Diwoonute----------------------------......... .... ....... 2. O"Mrrafle ........... -.................. ..., .. 4. Invelmuet...............................--------------. 6. b Cae a Dera.manksa----------------.. .... w............ 7. Other aomourc che and olier cash item@...........------..... Total fBeoource------------------------............................ Liablltie. 1. Capllaléitock Pald la---------------........... -----*..... 2. Surplus Fond---------...........--------------------------.. a. Undlvidod Profitz ................-.............................. 4. Depoitts: Ail olier depomîte-------------------------------........................141 Total Liabli .I..............................................- ..- ... T, E. C. Webber, Casher of lte Firt iateBank of Round Laie @ohm* sy au-tbat lhe abovo mltatement.i. tructhie litiOf m kenl belief. .1L0Q STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0F LAKE, on. Subcrlbed and evorn ho belote me tub 141h duryf o!ebtuauy 191&. T.yel ILH. on.rr%oti P Mental Meve. "Viat do ther mmnbly saylug, vwben tie spirhi moues* "1h Impul a mental procesa. Witis my vite, tic plItmûres every trnme emes a. noir bes.M-LOUlsIBluComtru-JOUu-AL P4aUsimm. Natural Hoalîn Plant û îg @~evee inter venrange P " lu the bd Lanis of vestes Daiete arc accuDow and, the etuted-aboint a gi-cl sure lu A tni blIate. Inu-e.tlgtioa $bu"a vl am furu-et of g rl itdag l the daun»trhm a btiunlu 0o wwneat.bliaraciei thos, BER. bgirl, The poil«c mehi âBý - -1 ll- - . . Wil Fli il 1. Having sold myfarm,I1wilseIt at publicau~ an the premnisea situated 1 mile south of Lake Villa id 41 ie notrth of Grayalake, on Commnencing at 1 o'clock p- m., sbaîp. h eloig deucribed property, to-wit Twenty-Six Head of Cattie 'Tele ows, I-fresbi 1springing; four-yearol&loer five yearling heiWsranard three icalvea. These cows are hiah-grade'Hý6tden. One 3-year.old Holstein buil and7' aone-yearling Holste bull. bath icgistered.. Four Head of- Horses One team, Ï12yers oic!. wdighng 2400; b"ack inani yme -Mcl, weighing I », bay home, 14 yecm àdweiew, ing 1100. Feed: &seloi tirothy and tlovet -hay, msack, m*g,, sorne hay iii barn, about 70 tons god msl, 300 bu. cleat Gaston cats, 15 bu. cdean Marquis whmiàL MachieryMdsudLphoents Deerng corn bnder IMlwaukae Ir. grain bluder 16-mn. rldlng plôw, witb sud bottos 14 lo. valking plow S-born, dime smectln.bro 540e ootuoer CouWvaior Di)su- g10-foot raite Soder Coru planter, wluh '60 rode of vire Falrbenh.-Mores 5 lb.p. Sau englu.' Carnage Surr.y Bora, grain buder Sbafiiug baugses. pulls», .beia 2-bal. corn @baller 360-sg Cyph.rs luenbatiom 41.. wagon sud grave] box rou vbwo wagon Mlk wagon Bob sied Corn &ad cab grinder Hame1st, To., ýES. Te.m nmd tango Log obalu. owovbais, vire eiretobar Pool,bl.dIgile.-, @e. Tis tea Z iau-.o Soi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a 8-a. âonr Oi 15hdoubit bauu înbars...dr Ml. y setes