Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Feb 1918, p. 2

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PII~Iand neyer bat! said t! nyihl'about _RIU E F U taklug blé o"u lue." hé sait!.*'go ,~g4 iAiuDt5L far as Xknavliehé d odOl8 TjIR S-e &U I ~j troublés. An accidenti theori e« ED ta liethé ouiy one tib a c e hé jetit saiet or thé rallroadt ragslnal Chares ang ofPubic er-Laka Forait. Thai bat! ivet! lu thé CiialesLang ofPublc Srëlciti about fîvé or six Yearu.# vice Company Leaves MîUhou h îorried lii thé siglitthat With Draft Sunday met bier gazé thi -oir, aud réel. ngfroin thé overpowerlhlg. fumés af DELIORTET> AT. PROSPECTS 'gas, lira. Dell hastenet! oui and - siummonéd béip. Dr. Paimenter hum- >Iad Practiàally Abandoned iedt t the scène and! applîlét!rétara Hope of Getting ln Service tivés and artificil respiretios, but lu When Aoceped vain. .'et 't hi -Thé Inquési wassefo h alr Wsàk«-,fle. b21- noom ai four a'ciock at thé Weuhau Chance langée541, g Sý;&=n oetjndOttiAlue stablishmnt. lira. j. Langéof 120 Lût itréét, a ____1_____ eue Of thé Young mon Who Winl lavé Wauliegau Ounda rnuiig vith the ÂflIIDUS HM AT drat ft i75 hicb la ta hé saut h> 11M Camp' Grant, llockford. SRa t! 66i91 a bit or!Sh. né la genuluely ticklét!, 'IIO u rdW miUFIN tor hé biait!about déspairet! of bin'~ pérmlttédtu tadon tb h ki ah et!figlit MINEIT0, DU S tor teince Sain. Langé submitied ta five phyical ézaminatils-folr tinieslhé vas re$eCtet-but&ithle Mike MoGuire, Ex-Saloon- ii th turne hé wu aes cptk Ther- keepe, Goa 10 County Jail foré bis Jubilation-. Late Wednesday Charles leangé has beau employat! ne electriciSii bi thé Public Service LONG UNDER CONVICTION cospajsi C Waukegau for thé lat four and!e ai!arls . About ninsé Has Enjoyed Liberty While mothe gosvérai YounggInsu arn Fight Progressed ln the plovet! y hi il comPani vaut Cbli- Uper Courts éseut! amought ta enliai lu thé signai carpe o thé armp. Lange Waukegan, Fah. 21 ,vas a nmher o fibé Parti. Hl ié Mkd icOulie. proprietar O! the vas rélated beceuse of fot trou-tý¶Hlth Ragot" aion élsIngtMî blés, lu athér respects lhé passet! attbai chaugét! his résidénce tée pissicai réqulrementU lu fine ténporrll. Ail mail sidresekdto abapé. Ihimashouit!héeant tO the "Hote Lange vas reléctt! b elaha de Gritnn,." for tihe next fortY dure ba! ated ta hé lu thé aiméunit 1et ai Ias. Pact la. MlkA aPPearéP vith bia fellow employé', buttbtatteCuh llieWdad: dit! not déer hl1111 foin tryiug ta aftennoon eut! announced that hi get miat thé service. TvIce he vwas réadi to begin sarviahbie fort: applIet! fr antranca tu thé navi. day sentence. He already bat paie baplng that bis siiht physlc5i de bis fiue o!ft'b50and coats. tact wvould! not bie notet!. but it IMoGuré was convictét! of sellini Vas. bihrd ider ai blis place a! biiinesý Thén along cama théefinit draft ai thé éMue turne that Jos Polannek lange felt sure hé vonîldé eable jOtta WalliIu.Tamin %lcCann, Géantg to Set lu but rgaiha vas t!pomét!iCemaandt!William VcCantii ver, ta disapointinant for agalu hé va% conltd. Ail but bicOure pale réjeedt. ibéir fines and! servédth-Ib"r sentel DespatriliS o fgettng inta thé ces lu thé couti j>l1, MoGuiré er tblck 0f thé figbrt au a soldier or édl a fév dais, or until bis attorneé salies langé réettrét!sévéaidais coult! perfect au appeal to theaaa 40 s ashlpbulldér, thlnklng that If pellae court. Thé appllate coui accéptéd lu t*t hrancbhéli ionie! affirmet! thé décIsion at thé e bé abe to 'do blé bit." court but turne dragget! aloug an Thén carné thé «Il for thé Youug MeGuire Mtil anjoyat! bis libeti. mnn eludas ans te rsappeeur for BaveraI dayis egathé statesatto, phisical extamînation . lucluiug thase nai obtui.ied a mandata freim t] Whvie bat!béisrelactat! befora. eppealate ceurt aud iniarmedt!t - lbata thé uaa--tbere's no shérif! to pace MoGuîre lu jail1 chance." Lauge. thougbt tea bimsîlf serve his sentence. but nevartheiésa hée appéarat! beforé I t vasfount! that McGulre wv thée eamînersaneut faiblégreat sur- Ili. Shérif! <ifilu gave assunanq prisé at!dliglit vai paseet!as phy- thé axsaalaonkéaper vonît! hé place jaically fit. Physical requiremieits lu jall as zoan as lia vas able .ai nov ana nat quihé as strict as thay ie hai madie goot! on thie promil -isre lu thé tiet place. McGulr's foty dai sentence w 'You bt Vin glat.l', Lange mafltkeihm lu cutodi until thé fir fadai. "I bit! almnoatebaudouat! of Apili. hope af. getilul a chance lu flgbt sut! nov 1 am ta hé prmitta I toTO go lis thé bét cava Ivs hourd lu N Ml1LIT feu yésra."w P M9Bf r TWOIrnm0ruNDEAI> PunD, UT ÀS 1N1AÀLakeI3DForest and Lake l RR4EAIILY TODÀY LeT-ogethoeto Settie Po tirs.GereDl of Lake For- lem tht Puzzled Long GrestFnsHsadad Ta thé 'golf spécial" ouf no: restFîns Hsbatl nd boné fume, m b.haddét! thé «S Small Son Dead ln Bed stageé specia.". MYSTRY SROUS AFAIR At as joint meeting Wat!uéé MYSTRY SROUD AFFIR glbt of théecti council oflAIre li esn lake Bluff eateé vaseslai Many Believe Double Tragedy for , garbge lclueritar.. A y Resulted From Accidents e $ 20.000wvasooéd hi Lake i Inquest at 4 P. lm. ers t rethé plant, but ater f, - t attempta ta proviiie a site faled George Del. aget!45, éemployi!d hi causé af Protesta of_ véalbi cliii 'Webani liveri r ai LakéForéét, ta h. counucliveut outaiithie Ciyi gether vltb bie elgisi isar ait! son,tu vawon ut! deat!luna gas-fIllet! ioom -Thé gavérnient frovuat!onau a t bis home on Wtslthiavite, tu builît!au Incinerater fléau' tefié Foret, sri tris minulu9". Sheridan. lake Ile fhaa ogeré. Dell madt!éthé dîscavriy Ibet site vent toa ber busband's room ta cooprata. eallMin Sie septln noter art Theeaci location viiilb. k«~ ~e thlm.bousspanlu adt nar partsecret untîl wvan tg atartat!.Xit 1 b o! é baioa eut!ba!nt ilcét!e probabli hé near thé vestern limil - -thé d ir ad'a f ai u tlash Lake Bluff, eut! a garbagé train maid art babsbwasui rom ne:thé electric vilI carry thé vastef sait ilit ga va ponins roinan ake Forest. opan gai jet - Thé' génrai belle! expressét! la MëaYor Atdlungtan ai lake l'e that thé traedy vuana accident, ai-,sdPéietWliai sdn though thera are suuy vhoad~mit o f laise Bluff, attendait thé fflé -iévé de mucb mîsteri to ILu. MoitAddluaian announcéthé Oneminuln suiliorti iodai sait!M 1'0 OBfoi'reré.éictiou becaseo l- hré vas na inticaton as pet ihat Pressure a! privais affilt. Am bat! urué! onthégssta k hii. , MUIUtlés as candidatestheeni ;; L.1 Signel Cor" Autlsorifies lise Cal! for Patiotic Young Womei Who Are Able --o Speak French mdt Are Willing te Go Overaas young- Wonén of Amnerici. Attels- Hére's an apportuniti <o sérve pour countrYinluFrance vlth Gén- éral Pershinga Expedtîonary Focé -a chanca In do as mncb to hclp vIn the car as thé men lu ibaki ,Who go "'ovér thé top." Unee am vanta to bave is tats- thé mosai'efficient opérahors lu thé vont! aund that zuemna hi Améican young womén. Thé Signai Corps haa-o asked the téhéphone compales in thé United! Suates to securé thèe -swtchboard soldiers" for ibéin. Just bacause pou are or bava beau a telephona opénaton. don't thhuk ihai pou thérefare aBci0"1al7iacr ea position lu ibis eipedltli'i Yopera- lug foncé. Thé Otrut!nlied ne- quinémant Is an abili ta ospeaksud réat! bath Frenchi Md EngllabI-ut- ly sat! hé ahIé tu nudérstaut!rend"l~ French apokén over a téléphoné line. Thé Amarlcai téléphoné "Yp' te in luFrance unio aui nks Gan"rs péinsblg's heat!quaitéra vlth varions points o! mltri mportance but IL silo connecta dirécli vith the Frenchi Goyrumneltélaphou0 sys tem, and! no umiees pour Frencbh l vany,vey goot!, do not coualdar pour self a qualifiét! appicant. Kuovi et!gea!favichbhoard operationIl also nécessani. but If pou do not have ibis knovlet!ge eut! If aIl thé ope', stuas nédét! are not obtainet! fan thos irsadi havlng experlance, pam mai hé acceptet! vîthout prévlous ex perléncé andut!gven the nfeesa training hi mre téléphona campsuiî Thaefre, If ion cen handié the French lanuuageaisvél aqpan di thé English &Mudare depsudable, n aourcful, eut! able, If écésri. t -go it ou your ovu" ai the uoltier ai vhen the t!. of battis cois pels prompt. indIviduel action t Ment a&airions stusiien-thén hi al mene apply. Néarli a hundret yotnug voinenhave siready beauesM léctét!.andsut!dtglng bain théin thi unit VIII mét ail thons e qui mente aud b one O! thé mont demi cratlceuadt! rulY réPreseutaui Américan force sent abroat!. Tt personnel la8l>ing selecit! f rom al plicants fiin ail parts of thé coui tri, vbo, asftat as tbey are alectéi are givén sucli training libér1 thelr home hovss or l~-y- Ptt son training cenier ta vhich tléY 'mare sent for final prepanaulon, andtfrtrm vhich thai vill b. ardéret! to a Portel o! embarkailes for outtittlug as die - fanent groupa bécome néuidY to sait. n Everi mémber o! thé organization m muai. véag a standard niform that t bas liéen specifiet! hi thé War Col-f legs, This unforni mut hé voru et t ait tisuéseut! cIillan clothint enu-el not beéorvaindu! iii hé o! na us.e ta thèe Young vamen soldiens "aven ibère." Thé dfferont ranka vîli 136 diatingulahet! hi différent inigIaI on théevhté brassard wvun. on the lait arm. Operators wil véar f a vbite brassrd With a black tale- I phona trausmîtier, SupervIsoa Il brassards viii havé a gi laure'l vreath underneaili thé trausuitter. Thé brassarda&<of thé chie! operterst vil have thé tva symbols MODUOti01e A 1surinauntét! hi the glt lighthiN0 boîta uset! as lusîgula liy thé Signaelt Carps.1 a lu événi respect thèse ypauma vo- pmen vil! hé oldiers comtatgenad«r 1 miltari nestictions at ail t#twiéS,>be a pai viii be $60 a month for 0o0>r- ýatoll. ?M for supervlsora, u«A 1126 afor chléi oporsr, luaddMit t g- vbhballovauceu vîli héa sadé for1 aratiens eut! quartera vheu thés.1 r- thingi arn not provîdédyt!hi»ieArmli. 1- Thé Signal Corps authorilé*pint1 aout tuai ibis openating forcs la mot gaing aon a pseurs trip or "Joy ridé" , eut! that no evéulug dressés nétd hé " takén ant! thai social OPPoetuntiea " are vntet al lucludet! lu lié pro- I- gnsM. Itvwll b avwa'tasiof the ,y nature eut! aiée thai alvapu aPppala s. trongli ta Amenîcan vomnahoot! ae ait! for beudînltl, thé Signal Corps » ai séelvél-hédet! Young wvamen vho . -are resource!nl. able ta sisielse 90od o lu!ginn lu ernrgenles sut! vilhins ru ta von hbart! aut! veu sadisr hard- s- ablps If necesari. Ai thé*smei&DO s ea thei point oui ubat ail ladicationa ,1 are liai éverZthlug Pooiésthlé vlo t! done te, lusure thé comt ut!Mveil e- belug ei theis Young vomeu lu thé se service. a. ' nformaton as ho boy application n.- mai b. mat!, can lie obtaiét by cali- 'e fag upon thé manager oi pour local st tlphonéCompany, or application Lp. blanka. etc.. can lie ibtainét! ironsthé [n Chie! Signai l cr o! tis Army, t!, Roorn 826,. tills Building AnneX lu Washington, D, C.vhO malas tih- e ..ppolitmr,, 't,.- iiqwork. OftP)étANAGE IN QUARANTINE. BURY BOYS 0f laie Bluff oplanagé la lu quar- '~antineasa areeuit uf thé prevaleuce CAMP<iRA T - of iiipsiiiéra tathéegreateist et ÀT - in ta istr.Witb 13 cases Iu axis Slwtl~ fnenv'u ith thé pSrgnas of FORT the thraat almet belleved.tu t héIn lcheur4 thé 16q lutteé toik vho. are Resrvaion Cemtor Seng ara!~fr e th s a m f csbainS Res atin Cmd« Belo refnywatcliéd andt tisfelng la USed as Burial Spot for Un- thst théeépidécmie s vel la bond!. cîaimed Soldier Dead Aititii bas been. isaé In gréa ________ abundanca liiDr. Pai'msitér eut! hé A faci o! iterast sut! net gm"erlliba heen givén subtautial ait!e hi huovu la that hurli ai OfyouX men théeiaval station docora visa have vbo die et Camp Grant take a ce., réslletthé possible aarloasiésso! Dot t camp Grant. but ai Fort St5r thé situation. idan. It seéma th.t Enocemteni b as Wih 160 chilt!méu ai lie orphau- héen pravîdedatapornu Ogansd 1luage,t tanézsy to seé boy once such cases vbérs Youug mméfi dIn luerice a disease gai startét cnt! Ont o! con- there eut! vbére latîvido net ai trol. h vwouit! prove mgsi aérions. ta bey thelr reusalueShabppet! haie, Accurdlng ta the orph«sage fous., no thé govrumént bingi théitn Frt caue liassbliovmserniU- fMas aiYét, Sheridan, 'Laie coustY. and hurle btut Initathavé béén varp slighi ai- theus lu thé réservatIon ceéintesy. tcandu! uat 1tS wbphope la helt! Tvo sncb casés toai place ' lait t2at further %gprédatlg Ce tIsaal- weék vlin thé remaina of ivo sol- mnu:viilnai be seau. d1er lads vere rougbt Oe orsit he Among lie l cblldren leasi fart eut! luteme at!luthé osnetery four Wauiégan chiltreu, aM fliovi: vbich bas heen mainitaluet! for my CMht o! Fre d Watva îcarastu the notDan prtf thé résar- Tvo Preder chitran, vation. Litile Julia Watts. 'l in.ail ear e 75nisîldaen fou Woinan'a filent! Ila i LargeTrw i aks 1connu lunthé qrpbincgé. Botiléof Sao prmeiptlan Flntoi lài a resmili e! thé uarasifnlus, ot biackbéot!useema ait! ail rongb "allansetfthé béip noraay'o! théelhi-. Md4 eli' eompléxîoh. A réMel lutauledren havé héén alloved te leava tisé [ose a lf5otriai hotu. e M lbedvug orphamige. Théefint i@sééappeanet! -wa mm- L a , A v- i . o s e s,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SCORNCRO0RASE FIVE VICE PRESIGEUTS W UIE Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, Arthuren B Roosevelt Sucoeeded on Death M D O iS NOWi O I of thé President. UII# ~I Five vice presldents of the United i Than 3,000 Million'Bushels Stated have onD thé death ofthe presi- detiuceddte the higher oac. in~ Raised in 191 7-Givos Theé Irai president ta die while 1,Inrffice City .s Nol Big Surplus. was William Henry Harrison, grand- ted to Sprea ather f Benjamin Harrison of I- in Local dane. Bis death occurred April 4, iES WORLD FOOD SITUATION 1841, mast one monili after bis inaugur- DR. J. C. FO aton. The vice président, John Tyler, the .. ot his ,ountry home In Virgini. 1 k I n Pros Soglnniflg Greatest Corn Con. was offIcialiy noified o!fithe event and AiIIIough uit c impionIn istryUsig Cr«I on reaching Wahington, nt once took tion He WiI laio i M i D ry, ius ig erei the oath of office as preaident. Near Zi le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A MatDlcas lhs siis wan the firt case of the knd tiiere was niuch discussion for a trne City PhyniclanJ bru, Aznerlca'a greateat cereal crop, lu and oui of congrées as ta Tyler's ulualy aroused, ove uw uiovlng rapidiy htuimarket proper title--that la, whetlier lie was e faaaltf [ore thanI 3,001> millilon bushelas- 'vice présidenit of the Unitad7 States gr0 cra uhela fr everY imu, womau and acting ais president'. or president. It menace Waukegar A lnàmeMa-wrt msedin 117.was fiallY conceded on ail sdes thai suit of thé allai LinAmalc-weé r.led u 117the languagé 0of the Constitution la ,égulatlon,5 In fore as a, igh&ltI ,0fj»W ééaiialV,-»I4 1athat on thé des» t' Mthe presi- uplaniata couduct -e la about 5W0 m'Ilion bushels. dent In Office thé vice président ha- gation. Mio propt ibis extra store of grain Le coin- jcorne, In naome as la fac, président i h aita on ta thé market la thé nck Of Thé frarers of thé Constitution did rmtea ha astucs thé American wheat sur. flot beave thé door aopen for troublé of thé féver lu tbf bas béesen t te heip fond forine é hat zmiglit risé regardtgthé egaMliti résidé outhé Nais( = Mé nr.. Ofacta donc hi an acting président" rond. wést of ZMon me s I bapénd u té Clonal On thé, dath 0f Président Zachry 'That dos not M. th* WAZ af thé Bevoluion. ad I'ra LJiuly , 1850. Vice présidént lurladctlon as hm »Clvi War. o-neoin heaactuaiiy hé. illard Flîrnore succésdéd ta thé prea- kg.>," Dr. Falél a thé,et n et of >ricaefoodIdenci and vas et'a later daté an un. proposé to *et u. istl enre Utu o Imm eta fa MSuceaul candidate for élection to thée~tédagrt - o d u l e s ic o r an I t emud d i a t. l a o f f c e . A d r é v J o bn s o n , t h é h i r d v i c e l a t e d n r h il t hu , a n d a urn . l u n g s , h r e a d , p r e s id e n t t a s u c c e d t e t h é h i g b r O f . h é c a r r e d l t o * meat: or eggs, corn la wllhoiit à10 o h at £i 5 SIth iypp h Mr Housévîes m u are inglea ater théeamassnation af Ple* eschools. ila ir laIuge number of délîclous d4Wbe dent Lincolu. Président Garfield wui évary possible pi * may h. made with corn sud thoir ibOt Juli 2. 1M8, diad thé foilowing bar thé dlseané fi Ùies are. bsuefiting hy au lucéa- Séptembar 19, aud vas lmmadlatelypatne fth nue of thi cernai. Corn, mors th"an éU ed d y Vice Président Chester A. ein oth yother céemai, contaiu ni lot thé Arthur. Vice Président Roosevelt sur- bow laiZMOU Cl aneuti ésseutial ta nalntainlug lits ceeded Président McK inley, vho died regard ta quara dbhalth. Septémber 14, 1901, and vas thé onuy Dr. Foley atma ru aider that thé figliting menoneflé i ve vice présidants thon suc- that Dr. N. j. IL nd and lu thé army camps et home eéédlflg ta thé offie wbO vas enlié-rIght sort o! a m ty be fad, aud lu order tipat actu al queniiy eiected ta I.'lun Mon Ct, mine rICibé képi frornthé nations waÎ wt mreInthé wr1t as Jut cc e cltéiz t Amiericaar indn SING TO SEUTLE QUARRELS that Dr. LaRose m producis deliclous and palatahié - beaith officér of "whéuileii days" aund glory lu thé Eskimos Have Peculir Manner Of «I a intoît! thatt t that "wbeatlesi dayo" hère meau 1 AdJustiiig Their Qrisvanoes-Eii. on nowblds oré vliéat for thé Var voru alie! emy Muet Listen. pt .hvéu ions lu Europe. aptw hv o England, France ant! Italy muet bhé Thé Eskimos, Wholve lu thé tee- lice yeny keen a ifrom America's gréai storebouse. bount!, barren No, rihlaut!, have a ws a tinie. 1 shall éy viii gai soins orn-éspclally of séttiuz quarraIs vhich seerna y1 i d that thé al-bui mont of their grain sblp- iétrange. sud amuslng ta those who live perforrning hîs1 uts muei be wheat Ther ahiîtyIn a land of policemen and! courts or lna. Rcause ns use coin lua anali cornpared te thé justice. There, vheu quarréla aris, wIiities they have for usiug visit thé man wbo bis a grievanee vrites a pie corné ta Wali d It la thé opinion et odid»Inisa gng lu vbich lie talla thé wrouga that seoloOl cliildren, iihlngto that thé préset la no is bhave beau doue hlm Wbau thla hbi téréatét!lu thé eiry sud change thé eatlng habite 0f béai composet ta is satUfactl oh quarantne situ -OP. invitai bis nemi ta conte sud béur have font! theic .nierlea ia e nt : t u né 0f éaiU M b i lm B ing ,.ThIS thé ele ny m uet do . lis su agréeabis in thé finraso fco n brea d i on Md hé bringa vlth hlm ail hi s e W m to cara- m, mixét! vth whéat la thé maklugtié' a" !maaY et hiefMode. vhle mr asl leavened bisetth. - agerAl» bugathefflbisblipdea sprat! of coni ixét! vt 80 pér cent "et goû sud relatives for thé occasion, wich wm eoéé cen hé uséê In brs il m alt, a ena derét! sarn thing f a gêner ai W Ig. prot!uciug a bof more nutritions éntertalnrnant by thé peope of thé i boa bréa at!hkét! ith VhO6t 8111 kg.itslu vbich thé men liv. tla a futi coin mets viiiveri veuwle otir men othe vilag J ht doséns Of thé large Ainerican u- pol mradly ou hug" drams, théea ga »M. re have beén accéfulli ualug Re a ltwrcolebga.Wei l u [ral, ra aig e eem éibed, If thé audience expresses ap- NIAD Hornn grita, aervédl et breakfast proethe singer la cousidéred, ta havé ith a poaché!ed e, or satan at amY won sud ta have a just causé of ena- nber mca! wlth méaus or gravi, laea- lalinitBut If dissatifactou la ex- Wasingtan,i ber« us01 ofrn tiiet viiibécomeun. pt55sed, that la conlidared t! aniMnomaiMoffett,? Mai popular durlug thé vas. eUiihn - .Aféthé scMg everffle Great Lakés M Coin~~~~~~~ gou aeééé oncaed.lcssdteparti breaks 1p la iherisét! hi Se Lt! co mn n ifor u ne ina n in d s j s t g od h m e. o ta t e i ,oklug, are tva mors prod -éti th t lr m ac fl 'e a lre d y e lc o n e t u la th o ne f D o B ig o b s F i et tfo r tt larg Lnérican ornés. , Thé more y "n pondes' diff eultié thé r ertto. f -______harethey mon.go tth tiag 40 ta ,IDwo etf ~~ ~~ g;ét«théix n theélBais as Mm »i 9 pole uae As ~ ~ ~ ~ l anIb.htiSté* e. Ton got thé. olffIi golle fs ~ _niolm" thé ~ d~h ~, ~omi Mo fRim. Just casé Up thé wtitk ofthé Gréf A14M et LâMuai âà o upfl ha ééeelpsiday. nEstimisthé toil lu a s prob -___________ ugé u. 0 ebuas tea sitaa li~.Tacite thé hardait: nesbtis Mu to aa db'-'mB sishUp., raré tiret!. Thot m-y ot héate, neéss 8* m té uht a hhé. @eid&ngtethprectiient but ILs aeeordlflg wmp à" 'q be ,ruptl «Mo tta gond! geueraisp. As sams»as peu lains' h thogi~t M'S fl5nid, et that off théiit tacle thém ez0flL ~aj~gaj~ é~éhavis ar is , thfng lu Importance. Kq e ep héyik 1W Pa thm évçy"'w&imb olug eut! yare bon"d te vin vie- rate a 1- théir 1110<*gg taries over self sud thé jb yen face. Soou theré vout b. uy rel prabléme kW » *ïa. ta anai yen. It vii u si h. a imater of itaeking thingé in thé béat ordef. T h f o d - â Ton have gaue a long way towardm o Fo iiu 1Mmaniery vhéu pou bavé léamned te deo e~u War b«tig i -rt8.1122a.-u leéhanders ase£migrant. lfl< bt 1 I la cisimat! for thé Icélande set- tion w4 , ~ OU pa t othé tièes iat thay have piayed no émanl 'wrd l i n t gte part tlu thé pragrésa and! prsperity o aill. thé position thai thé province or Mauitoba. Canad, sud ville r« newguin la lua 1 co LtIla as rte! that thaitary M thé for- on o bu ta thé stage élgu population a m iapég Umatnec- * v~ere thé pil- ééariiy beglu vlth the hlaa»dsr. HétMe i mary a ul- baiseOt thé Pacé for a*0 thé ernlmg MI partant thiug races.Hé la thé Musigetias par éeul-mi l lu l e la L nce of how a peopl e et ambti onl ed , -énongli f0ood ldustri cau master dI0IlcutIsi, tri- il iakou te kesp alîve unph av-r préjudice, and attala their of the ci Foot! bainov désuet!place lu th ecommercial, thé tikén e dori- paUtical, thée iléIctual ad social lO S nant uioin athé er.uThé lits oaià a hnatigsud gravins city lu stretc Aménican ropls m uai p reW ar* a strauge lan. Outaldé th e t it a v e them malvé'I ta écrleefeur more flot natioal ta Sud Icéisudo i v th thonu vas at 11Iraithougbt neces trins of 1,000 acres. n a e r y . iq s T h é c o lt! t a c t » a ms : F r a n c e , o y L c s P r i a o n " 1 I t a l y s u d MU n l a u t h a v é m u s t e h e ç l i c i t e ' s e se i t he n e w J e - la k e enougli foo d ta keeP th -in golng »y ot ohé q ali ta e t éw Jé-the > tan or twélvé eéki, X&When pintcal!, sa l i lsa Tae oui ta thé M Aiii rcC eé f ood uhipm enia stop- 1 fp as et onhé e enda, ofth é vsélkO lt 'P thé allléd nations btin consuhu- éi0asa1Mssda télt'ohi. n it to be Pennit. ad Countagion OLYTO ACI of HsJurisdt 1Probe Cases ion City J. C. FolyI la te, ren thé possible da] téver- «Opltém !n scbaOl aos Sa P *éd lez qiarMt ic n ua ZioO.- E a tharaugh lm"u posé! actionirend Sière -are Ove a aDupré all %on place. liaut i Ci. exacili cam la Il Mlth Offim rtwm ry sait! ioder."M bcause thers ai« bai thé disés nt Waukegaahy M 0 atend! Pu10lé nyair te ta-Ié éecauttou, ta t*ah trom WaukewS. 1 pout bau sho 5t officiais an I aniue régulalg aye lias ntm. inanfan healili oUN niné to Mny atIsiti b as beu dposod 1Zian," Dr. Foisi m thé chie! of police athat offie. lIn t fauulthé muO about enforcinug4 bot fe catet 555x nevr health oeles full duty aloaq go mani Mon City1 shkegan. eeWlaI vs w are itaw vl A thep baudb tmaian. WO mah bu very lez t I lsurprise te 5,4d beiug tairs te YW. 'S STAR ?smmoudsa t< 4avail Station, wu eeretary aieflE .xipdlt'e or-t mémit of tbs dtB s 'stitim or 6@ 11olalsM isaéPM LIN E;u midents tbe O eut mornin .WAUKEF :ity, rtvz" cm ncm 6LI4, t1m4n %r Tx. LUmb Bluaff UA"4 ,:"a. m to ., a i' u l.~ flot laay 1

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