Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 14 Mar 1918, p. 11

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END]NTrTHtR$DAY, MARCII 14, 11aieThe Thatre"thattheGe=IA#l- BEAU 'tOf WAR CODul f r0m, tboArniiifi séO4irO1' GUhe Eg!iWg'me.Mange ferMCaflh Says thaï tý _________* ~~Practicall i i lyr 1(00atài teeteocfi~eaf h ouo Are in ýService arny, Shold b. uorn4tbun that aSnY clvifizé4 nation w'Ould HAS BEEN MANMER12 YRS. be Afr1d of. -1 ________ -Syas He ProbaWi WWIIl Have News ba" gil onn ppw Sre yBaker TemaerW - ie in wie cellsr durgiW Pil td" Good thlng it wMf't MilI May IIàve Teamn Bull Eryan Who vâs .oeoêsy of war a"d who bad talion thé urne trip - t*.br » Ur 13* r. .,if so, If ho SoUght For th, finaL tinte Ina nuniber of refgeinwt*~ eD~r~~UGt 3aa iWal eanm i-i, unies, someting unforaeen baPpens. Well, n0w that it bu béoiflm Iowf that it 18gig Thomai; McCann, wito haisMng to cost mmr to We born amd wlth thé. kowledge Pdi lYfl t a tpenm In Wiukegan for 12 coi- VMn-Waué4u uzSutoL s tle ya .a 4One odftýat helpbut top ~ ,.d od@r ov#r the.fa.ctilat, "from th te iSult sidpwili flot put a tfam ondeWthe iôw'- thee fieldistnce sw yer. 1Tbe W side did not bavee l eaniialt year a-days thour fore- e dured. Iand' theré la nothing to indicate that ,+ -- 'ihere will lie a teatn this year. Thpre There aem= t be 4 goneral feeling that Billy Sunday le the çosafbllty t"at the Amerioen usez too rnuch vulgmrfty in bis taike-the admision la Sti'el and Wire companY wil base mnade that purbapt h.o Iiasumre persons whom he! a ta-arn thb year. but emi-Profeaskrni could flot refch by uet, g xclusively décent and cean !i,,, Ma ,gpr 'tcCann llamea the words but as a rple it io"flf ho vouldn't loe many if ho <,ondition to -the war. deleted hua addresses a I'4so bd ecesrte. So many of the mntwho bave IfaW&Ukegan M.iggïtr sIoiild use langugeii Id& pul»itIyd rh@ smo tceo hm. lay th us-iduriaz (lt- Itw uimiar Wwh~tSwidj ~êwlia woud hanmn? k. esraInthlie service of the- United sùilrtowht&moà mm wa wul ap S i tas"1 fsl, -that we hasve de- would be ostracized. ho would b9driven from his church. sided ýnot 10 ciakte any a-Soi ta Put Imagine Mr. COhduster, 00O>IIn 1r. Ganster, Mr. Ru- a tean in tfie 5Mldtiii'year.* therford or Mt. Ei~laigue 1k. Sunday's in; Foilowing are sôme of the men their churches la. *POQple wouldn't stand who lpayed on the soîtbai de fria ant àddraws the crowrds and,~ cut o aotindtî takea down the mon Ë r OU explain it? brecauà;a of -the w _________________________________________________________ ud Vost cateler-iili h ais-% W¶U~UIL' the fathet- sais sry friendiy ta rd 1 Niky II~A'I~Iln Hie naVY. film but fIîncdiately aft.-r lie bd Fellf Jakuhlik. frd ha- I1 the baPtiaed ii.- inother and daugfîfî r, r. the tatbs-r urdered fimî fron in ff -SpecrH ih ic -I h À SINiLE IIAY IN bouse and Iii- îad ne% ir a-en blli n irhls nc-e-i -i 15- THE COUNTY JAIL FhI )ëy *;-trýpi7 ni-i:l 1 W-Ater iaas t 'cê-li lE av andwhi- f fas' fl icfargîd i 1y Le D flafilder-S,'ubect t e- #comuetme " MUOt Ziorits a.- I*tik a litti' ua -oundil'drait. abhonti-ce î(am" tiîcî wbth thie repls-. mental y. f119s iiid ,eem.a tu sork ad"ficl-I te'&Y f. ry- freel) and jçIf h. fa crazy 1'P1, rsoî-nte ts "We entered aur piueof et tguity o atso sr-n-y iu fi Richard Bronke. 2nd, bas;e-it the Tuesdty and w. areow@vg t. stick b 'arnof Tuesdy an we rt ginq e etck 9In tact hie atillty tu readily ief-r il) ry it Il he ay lorq.-certain irasaagea it the Bible to carry Ma ng meCn fias e bgat "'We areot gulty' insistet d ii.n. *ILL 3.: ul» ailt 1 maII Young't - have be ale l'y, un -woe M w w Ernm rty SapU rea. canfî Las-e nlitmed n th Mda.»that t the ast dWeci." Aaked ubat fie Fldity thteîîrea.-sed ahalute-th, 1,vY ttth niti ie an lha laid "wa' and roe- Fidb xrmdablt ot-number of baseball fana bas belen f-rred tu *'our" fInhie entire cons-or- n the jury bx r te ae un sadiy derlted. crliion, and thse reporter aîtgeated; 1ml cut ha iew nj utt .1 s vry poselhhe, thua aferthie -la thurt court that; hapwaarnetoguiify aar is lover tand conditions have re-~ i'tber- ioinebody ase?" bauMes yof ~contributing ta t-he delinquncy ofadjusted f hemelveea that 1I wlii or- infes-aad ihe cae. 'inIt~the Sityder -girl atlîough hie wouiîil ernme haek witb "e.tbere tg." ganize aohr lea e mr11. le l"a ' kedthe reporter. sot offer aity ex&lart ifion as lta how Il fU anotai,-but litteall ent .' beLord antd me," replied Find- watplii o iradle aeiq1do'not conider it advl. abl e." ley~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e omake the epecifit-eliargeFai 4l st r. McCànn.firat efttered tha base- :y I «Ilmincrity addng "en, lm and on which the grand jury in- aMe1 easaoa aae LrncIswtereeItitis la arn. le %dictnti i ndçtd b- of tbe oid Cubg .Athietie club teani. No Auh id rom Zio&dT am." FlndIfy -s " ice b itfi or six yeara ha managed ilteWauke- No Aa Fro Mon ity. cember grand jiirs, btiot if'Aa alîr' F-'ndiey said thait ha was nul g.-' found tiii an error fiat] cre-it îIio I gan team, occuçiyiig West- ide paa-k. f în% a cenit of id f rom anybody InheIdcien , teitnnt Then a second teatD wàU.ia r.lztd Zîon (,ty. le aid it nitstrue (bat wa 11 u lw eittiit and h opened a park on Marlon at. n oupl ofZio wown ailbroght. ept'injai un thý M 1fur (Airsagu. lie ahwaysa b hlm down îialrkaCiiu *ouia*whlcb tw) er fn ai idI e adigrand payedth ue gaitéesquare want l-ugh fiai got front ths-r friands, but ibis-t lus <-itird (14-l o ti 119eforts lîa.ebail litWau'cgan hait nua acent bail beffn cotriblfed t aaiiîa ehaî g. sIifi i h i. nW olîîn ctfotred and kefft amse siaiýs is bl~daf-tsml wlloili fas ~ eî'to tle i i riii iirf fcn IlNrIid ati foi. lt, aspiairîs i lia-t, an i î.is-iii 'vl lji it i NIomqi . li.. i. Wjliî îr~ ieîîrii ro fin lt. lias i rai-d t Il tif i ar 4ý5O tlit isUilit-s îlefrià8fc 4a1f id tb"l .in" beau i-.ntributi-'tili 1-s' 1,1, pi-i lN(untls. ail voqintairly f b- Iro a-s i, fi ia-,i lu-d af tar anidv l.a nuu if onfIdepnce frim ail pr i t i lie i fitlii t'y. wasb ingti i ie i allifiia, -f'ansd nîany e., f Le i Ji'aph- iv' . , v ntfi i fîf el sii ofi iitiiylusOi ibis iief Ilse ii 1 ii--. a ' i n(Ilt-Y lisri f lu--h ii lî-fi.I iii,-,ailciii- fhrolgh On Ibe lt it l' l. od tfuis ,rnt if N)Illii ht l11"fil fWit I lie l .iîrd w1s'lii )111il il iîît lî-i liisîtrts fi i înrttiiy b to ni'Y ri-.s ne A report liait îrevail-'il f ah-'lidl'y lm id bea u siîpoited il 1alone lîy a Zfont Cty goman. titt he furnisli-il fimi moitaifor living ex peesf. î-f v and -lad es-an lîlreil bis lawý"i- Aaked tebat- denomntlaloin. lie t- louigedfin, Flndley saddlha belOigad lo the Chuircb or God. Asked fa ex- plin tehere t-bis o'urch i tis fa hd- quartera, eaiplained: thora ts- né ad qua&rtera hte , t-at it lès tie chtircl t-bt caves-arttue oI. lut speakelng futier about is pkluîs for defense, FIlDÀley.aid rbe wou9d' utot ie wiUling to --Ptt oe day flu jatt saaa cOMTflo<tnLsa Ibut that lho ssfll -iiwt tailth-tli aireltfir si-fl tritte hi ti 4o deib ti giseJilin i - ntire i1euviî Nobot>' Elce ChArvget /Asked if flic, thots'Ib lièreif; a au lady l1,eInjp lt in-It l iis'affaîlr iti zion it itswhuertln lite gn - c hi mi s it--b bec 1wtete c r çuifd, ide> rpe Itbrtea a mater lie didflt C&M e odtfàcuia andi wouid't 4lsct-sIt. lie allO aded ~t-I4up b ite tlme thst he as a mltir 1&Ptlied 'MMe hýilyder and 'te lrl flu quQ4tluO4 ta jTe Telli thse 8pssd ofTrains. Amoter Ato Dýjde ttA ditnrt eell te heoprd .very tinw A~oUr Aut, cor baetpagres ovpr a rail joint. An 0ictrl Ilight that If 'l ithpdWith wath In hand,.cmilt thse nllmber en Io Illiirunante On ssîîomobfie jSfp tR~ON fo~i 0SStdaD htw the <or iq tsp'nedh@s betà p5*C#e'd of ce lamberIn 2 miles 1 th"n s go hy on Englih hInventor. 'e o ninbper.o ie h@ iOnI AS t- Buildiiig Uei Our, Lineés Entrent-iiîg oiir tiüsée jalike f uîuralgia and, aujiatic& . h waa D guarding our' litalth-wé muet en- Pierre, who disýcovere a ùew aeût, courage the eare of otir bodies- edlled Au:uric (double Smrèb)5 train aur organe fur bodlly endur- whieh will throw out and com- ne, efficiency and full aeliieve- pletely eradicatè thiis urëi d Lent. We must take advantusge of! front the ystet., Aý-ÙriC bas .&H the kénown mens to conserver proved ta hc many tines rnfre our health. It is iîîtcresting to'ptent than lititia. and conWqtuenct. %now that Dr. Pierce, of the ly yotî neail ino longer fear mumcta& Surgie-at Institîîte, B3uffao, N. Y., lar or artit-ular rbeumatiank ai bas disxovprfd a new kidfley and g)uf. iir riany otilir iééaawhi2h ba-ka -ho retiedy whièh ila *ha"iigara deppnderton on an ctumiîjat-ion îplennid ifîea n cîîriuz mfuy of ioi1- . ttidiwthin the'bodý,': j bladdec and kidtie.ý-tràtîblpr. E%-cf'nii catîfîfl îiftltfAtiricai aIyour *tflce thé e rotêry of iiri- àtid li Us-aîtrt-t1d. i; o- efir axtytcnt a thé 1blôdby Sibl,ien 1715, .and large pac-kage. - the bad èfteet it hàd upon thé body, If bakàec, . cadi~ urine Or ieihtlit-miad phyaîiîâI. h«e .fmrqeut tirination boxer ordf- Oti-iveuto'ti-]id the tisties mtîd the tri-ta yaî. ia r you slitpeet kid ncy or 31,1 al' tfîi poison. Beeaîtat-of llAl-urlc will anrely 0 oý'-r-abifldaflce in t-be aystem relias-t' or cure yO'IL* st' bickiche, pain here anti Send 10e to Dr. Plet-ce for tTrr - v:ciu=itism, gout,'grut'c-'. 1 ofe.ia"- ut.iU-IŽ tàbl-'- PAtl4ER Wd6WI<-gfDtOR EARS W UEiNRÀ~ of Thitrsdrty lnt hie 11001OAR0 ED TO The ESC@rt.SN 9W D A The e£~cort wiII be e Xiwf 1l ti fI SN I DA Chandlfer wamoiiar ifelifeiat aî a fntitted to under 'mlîitary rufi -s, a.s1j Three Hundred Class One MJ folhowâ: Available te Make up Aný de lf One clime paMa oficr. NO OFFICIAL ORDERS Onp uger. Twenty-four menatiasga-l Two aergeanfis. :eivd ta akgnWI InitI althere are t-hua 34 ni-ii. etBeve takeWfouMoean Wl Son of George Chandier,.oS se o oeta Chandier. iL des-elopi, wais the -c Thirty Men oîîd @on o! Mr. anid lira: i-ara-r _____ <C'handIer %tlijo for years fisvA ont The Waukegaîîiati lIîrd lf a %?eat- street. juet iorth 0fof ii' "I'awafti-definfi.-nider-,s. s ftlic lob"' itefornliad dhtffh. Mrtfîitii- numitar of .rnît fha( sîilfie î-îlfed tfrr for yaars worked- lit fir- court tram be, Iu hrfp make ufi fia, fali bouse as assalht ta frci it 1Crik of 4-'.000 Csiled for îîîîîfîfnla1ion ini tbigan. no t dceeed. liets Iii i,- he '7 d Sat-bgitn-gMareh daugtvîrtif.iattei~TiiW~i29 antd Coitinuilg rivet a peaniod of1 WashiLngt-on af;rect. Waukî-gqn. The fis-e day-a. The c-ail for ftlie-aidiliOnal Beels fanîlin, for yoariis i-il iii:rdraft çq lni froîn %Wa-tiiiigion Tues,-j (',-ange Hiall. day affernoon. but rip fa i:oami fmay f After feasing Waukegan >'a& ý ag hie local draft tîoaiî laid not lia Mfr. Chandier sais h«ad o! a y'ýwairY 1japprf'ed how many men %%Iilfie re. bouse la-n ilîcon City, la., and lai'luireti froni iae. Clica.uî fia-,lie-aul teturneti ta Chicago a-bore fie Iatt-lt asked in suppiy a qîlaiu orrîriait o., hait tha pffition Of *iisilair' cufier I*tFigurfng on flic sanie ,v ti,î- f i infendent of îthe- Butler liaPs-l' fînise Iured t4fW.t Wauikgan ii atf 'or fe on Monroe sfreet, onie o! l(-iii fizze- f1asked for nmore- f au 2 i, :m iien. ppalir Jobbtliesft OW990 Tfi, tait. Tîhe plan f Ilst-edid rrire ien orut ili long lbas lised aü llnsditltî f114grouPa On i-a h (if thie I-i day- Th-e entire ualliarY escurf, wiii uOf eîartIng. the 1.h.Thîs wouldnie-an Il c.ourse, accompany 't-e rémnina ci-ils tUat %Waukegan a-mid seuii unr afiut the Larseën parlo a he t-le oniters a- fis-e or ai a it nd;i lv. M'arres. M-ak el quora iimier f lii- irat M A R I G E L I IE S E . d ra ft -a s t i n it Fler -- -.ill ý r MARRAGELICNSEi. aboutf V. ta 4iiilil f0 hl- s-ntftrahi M hal Dewitt-o, Oicazo, t, here before the firrt iuoUti a-ilfias e lorence .laniowaiiy, ailme. 21 been compieiash. Titus if f li- î Lawrentce H-. Sfilfi li r.-, calla for a smaihar numifir tof men llaud L Cfatfleld eanie, -1:. if t wil nat Le necaasary to dr..w on Arthur N. Wlngerden. Ca aîi Ilirths city's second draft or quota. gan. 22; Gladys M. Hayes, %Musaegoii. Waukeganit fanot worr>iiig afîoutý 21-. 1nof has ing suffi<ient mnetaf11ila Frankc A. Johnso. f~ion. :!r:.ditkon I quotas Ihaf iiay ic a.,k,,d bl Alice 31.Y-rs.sasme, 31.1 the governmeit as tLliara Pnaw arej »l-i J. Luk-s, Park Rîd9gî' f11 , 29': i)o Class on-,aen ait s able for îfrarC Laura Roth, sanie, 29. Thare aie an additianaf ,() or 60! Leslie A. Kelley, Lake Poui-r-r. 25; whos as aes hae fieen puf up fa i)i 2larjorie Straiglit, Ravenawrxai. A. niedicuf adsrsory board. Thus, it lt' at-en t-fat wllhout i r- effort Waiîkr- gan coulil suppiy a quota as large as MITERSRY'PW 1 th1w e eoriginallfy asked. BENEFfIMAN 1 II 8 B io Tue local draft hourd v.<ll fint ean d Tbouads fmer, bvemdLaisd NetC cot notices for moblitation fnf il Ih Ooevf Swte oPoer em reezeiiidntsrewkni e»m oopmà.iBe 0rbeadaece. cIde. feer- oml rdrarcivl. sotit ISheuerm.hga mabliieisrind boeel105irrifità iut bote Many moni wifl harequirail lIes f u icb chiUre, enirer. ?Th-,euacey a" lftiase t. titke -det- ameî i-fhs-so-a? aukegan. If ni -Y lie a few laYu. numW,sçIl-d Cvth-ilr - -1 iib1 ,s.frgh3 0 9. S3ddb, Drugerf1 aia1vh-, 0 Oeota before t-is ordPrVfs tvlf Ann:ouncinq complete readinssi and i~vIif!jyou to cornme and view our ~ÇhudY,,,Friday and March 2lst, 22nd and f ashion has decreed shall be popular for the springa 1tin oey -Suits >Desses beatïtiful styles that and summer season. BOYS' AND GIRLS' APPAIREL while rôt( styles wIIl b. sÎroùngly featured Ev'er y departinexit in the store is com- plete with thé e iest s pring merchan- disé' which'.has been assembled with miùch painsta$k-ilZcare, and marked at prices as -lo'as posiib ..e côi1iistënt with good quality, and wé invite you as personally as possible to this -exhibit of'the --Seasoi's Newest Fasluons iLc23e Bed S oOn the 1>orth Shcr& 'è ~ Dainty- undergarments in silk and fine sheer nainsook neatly riuie mnael d ât~ lower prices than the materfals can. be pur- chased for today. Log lcvsNIGHT GOWNS Lonsievesand slip -over styles mi 79e up to 2.98 ENVELOPES- Made of fine naixnsooks, silk mualin and silk at 79c, 98e, 149 and 2.39. CORSET COVERS &BRASSUERES An unusual big showing at 29c, 49e and 79e bilk crepe de chine at 1.19 and 1.49 Innes Dry Goods ____Store The Most for the Leaat, But Alwaya Jor Cash -Pav ýhree

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