coagty Burd4- S maS >guSio *W. h V tig»wb o àp*go I* *lU » aè oshiIBan fliCS>~~~ .Il........t81 .1LY. L. AN. sallonts,, *w the "e thi imrim, 1 that the.-en repraci-là thein wfth0 ai havj'l IL fthe able.dethm bw t Mat th 9 clnaty PO&or tarm "mutly xobor e-ttbo kW 5dt 0 wouldlhkO éeàver m ~*uat le uame4ie tbq an- qfsitcb na atro-. àmote thst tee fine souples and blgbý-seted eth- 1 t, give place 1 careful judgmn.t boned on main- -Wtt gil il "f inthe arm$ Of the coun- be' .orar- ti .-mefor the.pauperS et the VERE1fËDR.ElAyrN wommsD 8HE BE Mdif the. head of that hnsttttion adniits, yes ul, tiiat hg au weil ua others have contffibted te able-ondLt1wbat tien? It seàm anubelievable iva verds disprove azy doubt that-might be ex- hg the natte!. mafl lu. not the Word for t- It lant . str9ng iatrocous. 'ere the girl sound minded tQue, s oumwbat mitlgatingcrnh.c - no, v. b»14 tbor. woulUnt eb.tiie. But, a haf Udi su te the. outy faim te b. looked ater- tom dvantage of. *0qe u dan m t t .faim wb bu been orforty.blght long Yom uw. have cor- but> bielong eeri.uc. siould ~~tm'~~oe *M xPoiIas à a f hieof tho 4 wb. Au i<;I4b. e Wbfttosuor tbuw nd rm"dutR m ia ex- colituphi.hbece W ~~ORTO A rèNbut b. hoberted bu1 Min".d omauà-,- Ldif vs ver. b"d et I bis gul. ewonld ad. d bave bm. lom con- hwdtha" ug is aved fy's good nm. I pie bave reasofi te hlaey read lie -dIs- *$vs~es'ua4o lu - troepi~o0k w~umadeuduU'. .~ a T*k~oouaW Ilbeinu.amnmsad- wua bormr, for Il vuau M MM4, <oUe latO o!tslbheUq u lIe tbensaumd of m m ri ti lthe m odalie *q t, -ni 1ha tboSaifo Iis distinctionu to b. tim éae cu1xtV nea? tàrrly in sud lIere- -ffl wu ib oMty.qogouhave hlwsaI- ~Ia.lttas uvlan lb. Initial Î*IMMloom te . rot a4v.a goocd accunt brave i a tram W - m zi inu o dwuuietr H êp tlquor ,> la laylu Is if <ptiý 10 fedoe4 a.Sruon oft' tb mât0 iI igerus ,"Âd ta inmu whiiO 1m4ht seUlgl~o must ezpecý pezàk t Ibm té,la*,becanse b. a been warued amply that the goseruaaut lu going te pro. hibit the. sale abolutely. Rad tbis raie bén put ite o: ffset two years ago it would have meant the eradicatioùn-of ueventy-five or more saloons. eut aince then thle teva ývot;ed dry and therefore lier. are ne iàlons perating bere.i--llt i. hebII$pigs which are affected by ti" new rnis fromithe. secretary of the. navy.. Âny .man wh9 wuflling now te fflr with UpicleSai and see whetber ho means business ln the matter cf entor ig the. rni le wld out quickly and he Must flot expect aiiy ionieny fom ie authorities. In the ase etNewport, Rhode Yldd as residt'ot the ruie goiü-nto mbect SattirdAyo, * « an d *holewae i1qUior stores of Newport have o u ut of business Effrtste el oretlie l w àchteposen ef theïrestocks of liquor -ver. unavalling sm tbey ailjust had te close wrp ther stores Baturday at 4 o'clock. L AIG ÂLOk Tii.pla"etuvigdqlgh omsraiebul t i w neyer lie noticedat4ILMie.pulic va wak. up on the. Lmomrnnq et areh 31atý look at the . cha s sd ses" t'to tinin l u JI; At ls-aad. bat'a ailui.iêln ho It. It juil, m.eawt hat It's *e3*'olo* -that il tg wtim you lookaI tbe tbno-e i. orêt a» fyen wakla4i suad ladAt'is 5 0101:M. buda«Ugt, y=us»y: 4"ildontb aet o get1P Yeti. ut fsM»bedy lad-ilipped th*i. oboo is ud nh sbowd uô'cl.kyeu' beU redy e gt x.- And the. ~ - sL. 5&.1 La.... îà. £Limam- -~ o - -----o - ---s ~~ - - - i bien ide-ln ii. iulngborM. To0%a»Vu Untice y .cbupge la bu=s, do you, vbgi you Posu froi central %0 CI. te »W tkqa-wkb~la ITem the liélhhVievlnt the. nV Iaw muonsthat tbe wrvo wWvi b bie b et u Anb hblet mu- sbi" f«othb. ýlpua-oflii dlay. Thi. ogsavlug law viiimmnboieiu an sd mqrfood éWosmie tAisu o et ooy ever *lskais.- baieIo" ailh ttbquaot. I WtingabolU pour. p.a ~0 be ni aturel. D you w yVS auDS Ie FOIN VMS AINAL If y"a. a aubia 004 ow .*hsp*og ~, gl * Ammai t! yS wat Au sgU4onbty, g06 two w~mispite*.vuiim ba*'w STIJOY QF FRENCH, Tb$ study ofFreocb le mp1ày ouipsin that of Gromen. Th#s FrenJýels. 9»> bherces otitevet. Ourbovoe es.eds ta î1o ther ilghtlng la Francs. Thsy a&M atudyinq not French ta the oit the terin but ta speait Frencb en ae ta b. underetoot. It la vel Ibat., vs Ainerleajis are at teunt re0azing the ffln. 0f epeaktng c#Ume foreilan goage., We ail ought to ho giad that french ta oncit an easy language to mauter and sncb a beautîf ut une tu, epeak. The grammatical foret sounde like a lot 0f grunts, but te languaglens epoken le a deligitt to the car. is le.a teeguage thati bostBorne of the most tetereettug 4 toris e eer wrtten. Iflans bas a mtud for that. It csrtntnly viii ho a splendid tbing wbsu th. btgh .echoot vii lake the French courbe. YE LUSERTYVILLIANS If yon'vs no girl on yonr mind, jnd no ebtidreit loft blnd, If yon've notblng ese tc do. This titgte tavor vil Iaikýof sou. 'Andi tlo-lins. 1', jottesi dovn, fipreaci ltsesvs tliughout tho tavn- Thot our Anuais viltnat fall- If vs 11ýt a lot cfoar . Andi, on th. lev el, il le tkm., Ont yonm bsp ijak of sou, lo If monsy yon'be ta sPend, To the NAt;TILUS bavsltat. TH4E NEXT 89 FIROT Do lte neit tbtng. *Puttlng of the disagmesable work moasIt border. Don't vabtayomlime looking aronsi for a botter tout. Don'l yonr dutkfuil of thinga la order ta pisi the sasist nndertaklng toit your Ont attemipt. DcnulochS throégh thé vil plile o!letters ta ftue th.e hortest on. 10 read and aevwer. Don't valse your braine roamng tllrough yonr leesons to ses Whtch on i. the «'nap ". .Don t go Ibrongb thlb.bouse t10 Sud the sinaileet plece ot turniture to due% or the emalleit dtsb ta vaeb. Bsport carde vore tasuel lest IMonday. Ju4gug y~ te. epothat ceMe frn France, bONo1 nf coure, ve dtdn't bave a funey - Amil lis Who «.In- iti'enchs 51aiQIIDIhhir feeling vbsn vsre esivred, tbsx. ovilu luehap, lifao,.tbey afe surprhhug i rtlb The freebuten are eatudytng a vert t011Mela g deI:, aExMpts tou tIi and Freoli gair"i by tWer tUufty "dl é*Ikeir ,>¶ . rOuleouess Lasi"Exrt r h ibantlethiebi '10Ma , b & bav ibenplse.talu s -I . ît t to roathe short stortos chrg. homass sd isEtWdat Ie nardw iasipoeipe, for vbieb the latîn, a thq. headAMm à"s lad n tdho Wrvbut 8@o@irdlDg to amsm, Uonte tb it lramy daiupmrtt;nF re &tqfri . G M ra g&6W# dsnoythey have T..»nltbm'edays of sebool obsaugmi tiOt ta" 1. hU O Uf&6F4 &waY 0itiO taut weeh, on accomint of Ietere' et-h ljbeoe h.ygellIw nA lthit, t*<4 W. tltg ITnredoy, Frldai andi atrday. v MBI & bout Ainercan &IIOM p àat - TIhe onre erscoufsmmsrid' onday Amsrloan enaolty. omutng dnmtng <unraumesably. .Tb@ liOh Sinbasbouà A wkeiouent lu ueing au.r anr&Bdlng, alsibtm aheera ta Vb eong Dl18-10; Pearl Dryse salnlatortan, m 1 *-,tIhoie ie f iD88awI8p. 8-7-; Hsf» 4s., d- oIt. t 5ii51 é8i$p t h"bêtlale ie laut WMem *% O% QU a85 7.1-,; Ia Gottl, elâse hietorta., lb. 1108111113M u * ùbe iny IA7pl. 84 8.29, Fera u.clie pos, 481 8-10. elêeAà- tbn e-bon~orswr lo I e bséWo w etàft b oubýt 1%# ebase 1bailoÎquu.mou o tsmval. boe o r u <L"uo .6 st ope té vii n a2ni'. veaune - »d â b n puW d moh esTh 1wM* *$,,-Pqxwm Ofluitwa round la dry enougi., RcM =dÎrth m wo âv 0e. Ce uir. ' w arem rry In tdssd, but b __________________________________ concet viiibave te be postpoussi opt ______________________________________________nutil April 4, foierafaotliy on manut ,cdlseenery utlau &Ms S ectuntos baing dolayed sud"Mnx 1, inL. vehli oly v*MI:anùi I}IR j ~Afrsmgmese are boetng madefoa Rab! Rah! Ra!-L. T.- H. S-Rah! Rab! Rab! %- ismcret@ (obi joy.) fle"mai plans bave aireàdy beau FLOSENCn OOLDSNEÉRG.Fdtce drava of thé htgb eachool gronds. '110 gWrainly are « IWO.pvl u orely WAR l AVINOS STAMPS and cight. * W proud ofathe fonade. Itis Impossible for ne tq.kceP ont« unr acrlice iay provio metr o o ulesi cl.orn, ta a coe day a> Mhe Var waitil18efor ne to hgeP out Of a gIn, butin eoàgs fore miof tber 1h. fle, W. eisy loch Oureelves lu,wvs ta; esacrifiemust ho Mades. one o!fîlik boat WAILSON SIGNS TH4E DAY. cor Our syee anA stop onr.soars, but vo meane offered for 1nktng aur chilsiron LIGHT SAVING BILL canntsescap thevsar. It la aMUnsinie'itbësy ar lnan of titsva CWihito,. . writ10- aitsdo.ver ne sud vithîn ns. Se may. & WhwoDCNec19-h I-iepiore tI, wu. mpy pmay litai ieible rea1 Part, 10 th@ w*i ssvbtP stamPOdaylight eavlng bill vuaielget!todat @courge viii pais avay, but thé.. iy.m cmpalgn. it app" tl.aibir senes of by FraidentWiltson. it -puts au! j ett1k ?e'@rayon vit it ildsproes llyaIty, ititoucha àtisimotionms- but îî clocha fOrvard .e- -ho- - telt forebodlng ans alrme,,orffl .a egoe- <ose artbereansi lpe, Itùumr. lten fld ay in bIsirh andi turne thom âl valsi 9a»0«9 anfia pI .ellc-sd a ra hufmsrosi &IssvtSa pt utelait Sudo' lat "ber.,J béezL a. ls cuit , a» ta i noon lu tthesemu . . "ai w SUONU ic ii.-3ln Ap d rm > WA NT ADS RATES-On.Cou& Word, Eseitlne.rtioi. q N MuM Chamg*. P OR BALE + FOR SALE-Two bories. Inquire of àderchants' Delivery Co FOR SALÉ-Six Çoweed barley -,and 100 wbite osk poste. uo. A. t'erry, Libertyvile. - 11-4 FOR SALE-Or ehhbnge ftur 4 or 5 peseeger automobile, Dot longer than 10 or 12 lest, or imai; auto truek. two lte.'25lQdt ,'h Io RondAn. ot.jsu I4URRV-Give ue your order- for dry kindinug Wood t)nd gooud bard Wood chunke. Llbêrty ville Lumber Ca. FOR,. SALE--Cbclee Iots on 'f cEiuley Ave.lire Gorimes. 2 4 FOR SALE-Forty.ttve Ilheseof l4ar- queee #eed vbeat. Albert Haler, R. P. D. 2. Groyake, Ili. 'FOR SALE-fi turkey gobbiers. L. H. Krueger, Prairie View, Phono 2"1-J-i. 12-3 7 lu bioek 9 ln Rostng Bletgbte. Aditreom FOR SALE-100 buthlo l ovoa 103 l1ttr tu ovusr Frank Mtebaike, 2W68 eseci oste, frees tram foui esdyle1lu ts 8. Kenueth Ave.. Chicago, lis. 11.3 Iyssr 84 hushels per acre. A. M. Casey, FOR SALE-borne bonzo t283-M-i.b FOeR SALTeI-Soi6n oeetryphohe FOR SALE-1Boletelà Bull raif, 6 moniba 78J211-2 aId. i oeetdtWbmPeoî ____________________Vlev Frt, Aveia, Phons 258-e2. 12-2 HURIIY--Gire us youm çrder for dry FOR SALE-43ela Darley and Ofte. kinduiug vodd and zood bard vood 51k. G. Bobo, Ares. Phone 261-W-i. chunke. Ubertyville Lttmber Co. 12.2 FOR SALIE-SU0 ton@ of baled boat sud barley straw Bergeron terni, lphonle 278 J.2. 1_ I4OTSED SA8l4-onty a few sf t; <et la vhtfr ts e ttin< tei <oc. Llbersy- ville Lumher Co.- FOR SALE,-100.basbole Blue Ribbon good *fient, fmi front fout esd. Ber- geron farin. phone 2783-.. ltf HURRY-.Ot.e ne yonr ordet for dry kindling wood sud good bard wood chunke. Uberi>'ville Luinher Co. FOR SALE-O f uit bloAdDuroc jeresy boare; 1lueattb breeding; readi for oervits; very reaisonabte. E. J. Oies, Pratris View. 111. Phono 258-8-2. 11-9 FOR 8ALE-Whtts ifyandott4 baby ebleit. me. A. W. Bait, Are@, Iil, Phone 289-R-2 12-41 tn whlle the gettlng te geod. UAberty- vila LumberCoù. FOR SALE-The famnons lova golci mifnseme& ~Osta nid eooï Tlmothy bay la barn, ia quanitis. ta wtt. For prie phone Carl A. Behrsek, Ltherty. .111. 2A7I--d 1J(LA FOR SALE OR RENTr-i55 ceeik dairy tam, Sweettng, Ltbsvtyviile, 111. poreh, bath, elsetrie ligbti, voter and funace. O.k and Og0orgté,plnseidouo sud woodvork. Osyn. ciken houges. fruit trese. grape iou. hsrry bush.., set. Pine Iava; 1 acre <round. Inquire of John W. fisse, Are". it., 12-2 FOR SALE-Extra fine realdence, 10 racine ait front. ln extra gond con- dition. lot 64 Mt front. at 410 B. Sher- idan rosit, gond vtew over Laike Miech- -igan. Inquire of W. i. Sackman, st 166 N. Pa&k Ave., WaukeMgan. m phonoe69". wly s FOR SALE OR RENT-Roums and fermfe Inraosament andi colietor. Edwvin' Autin.Phons 26. 9 l0ffl! TO IOAN. n sldi b=ta qniry o!tbassdsebwutoborrow uosy on Farueowellprovsd l.kCnnty Rosi Issu IeOb" Naional Bock. Llbeftyvilis, UD .. - 9. FOR SLê10' coa coin focder, m *bouseadban, 2% atis kosvy tu coca.Mt W slI e .1'Deenffl. Atîrses. me. r 1 Pl. 1 _Bus lie. Coe, 464 eisnms RssiGlecos -11- , - e - Quaker comn e r Pa~ s...90 - WA1IiK~0UOripoper packa~ .. 'W 100K jar ............... 150 . eeaO»veu 8ý ............. =]POU.sfloupi, p"c.....100 Nèltlig Sw ...... 150 sked ............. lc r Sa nKiut, 24b. can.... ...12ç FREH VEGETABLE- & MEATS PROMIPT DELIVERY, SERVICE 1operats My ovu delty temneko, hence whsn' you order goode front me, you don't have ta watt nuntilth l6. WOnde- S. J. 'DEINLEI N- pherne31 H-l 1-1 . 1