-o t E e CU pi ar pia Odelt,r*d hl..fop e$. cde àr. iiiad lâboss 1.1 %wII Md ar b. posim I. lao trdS.Maoit. aem Sf K.ohscspea tUeflbrfbWad dskier. udtsllur*ymlff of Se.Moirro foi4s Ibe or, .i brae la 1h.i b&g seond fooir. qfflc lèbv. Tb@ lothlng whbe ~lum. -___ 40eh ros. vii W ied rabe uork vbon , rled b« îes l Ui Sf vhtb vii u,a e.o kde s r> ê pmoo oro wm*idt d'elanseai 3-3 v i~he5feleotlMe ltDoluer bs ues mon tias .m un lil Mosabe e ebor~ ies ti Wofte.uli *Jllçwo . d amai Wakquu viter jtW.bn llt d bel OVTMI Md gwag o w* a l4ie* vrspe& Uv..~~~ < tUq e c eu>. ~àu& ba abk or eso si lv If a*tq ho yb evo itr. vili~~~ bsvsll hft 1 l prMd Wiakssmu stIraeffort ite b John «rose sd fan'lly sud Mr. Çbarls Thomis h.p.d esebrte lb. irlbdajor b.formeWos fathe t «limei sandow.. - wu gfft the v5*400 asi Ibir borne. rme tlaGI.e amsi uw àqadeSWpAo Vue mi b~.e. lieus 4.538. 0m111* 112 17.eS.U p b e I s N 'J w 'i lwusse . . .......... a................................ ass % .......................'5 1 21 .. ..... ..s0s1 ................ ela ,:"~~~~~.*.* " * .... ......... ... ......... . .tf i ..... sa. ~. ...... .. . W .. . ...... .. .........4m 4 . 1 . 1 uhesemal ceis eeweelm »RmdudOu uef s. husmm e s »wwbieh wlon re. baaflt.sl se s1)IIDNDSALE i iIte7 u 10%pn i ho. t ThtyDay -viS ol>c.%10.. titis bg a11w, TM 5< M Wtu ~frbeatodajare' -.5Aî lealbe ood aeshor»e QMM. ..ot tin b. tMfof oût w.a, liam, couelsnly Ineraehd@0 vbql le .s NNsg thl per *.' ireftello v. fi. ,iwme i t.P lb ';eidbet po ilm th s t w hb -,vr lte b 4e, W-tutiwTrimi bk .eym e-Greateat Savgsad hA Th b me« Vit MIL&MmbS bnlbSi h. Zu~Ié a mm, on on lb*sta ber npr -.-.uv u7.- Thueia u i a.I i.oUse~ mi à"she.Wbock.r, of Chi- Mlie. J. bIen, of aChlo - 1 lewtdim wu bier dot1er, "E.. Elle., aeSor. O1 lbr xà.4d alaisho_.. Uv. si Mr~ Lso mJbeu,00f =7 VIes' pès l sudw.*.end usts c 8OIfMW .71 m . m m a c o .o Mb. Psetu fon aslb 1 lof q fruhW. uAdaW 10Sd d0. a'b a eu. A. oOl chai lllalad Pak sud Frtdp. bh o ev sWs vlmet et bo B0&Gor. t Mesa. k. . Pbl ttld ue.nm rlteit her.lUe"t" -1 ~ IW UJ ' ae~ We parw~Mvu. aad lire. John Cro., la,o vert be esk.d. ,XM s Hn.ýof Pols, ted Dr. Mail, theCo Wdata ou W.fdqms.isyaflvois. SInu$*mi és'e, 01CfOlo, u. 0* wesk-ed gmtotcfhie paruate, Mr.,&a" lblul S b.Lyum nubm vau dm bu, d» W U iuJohalon 00GOb'o $eqwwr id ', et 0f - Ow m*ule, dqy bal lbul com, to *,"no. etbr bliCaa~h hoe0mw rTflM 4 1~af iwI~4 FA tee.le lBq A5La b Tb mzsisenthaen uellestemr bal l b. gIvea lâ u mu'. bola, Boulet osba. en mondai "!eOR. ,Apuil 1. lu 545w .ol qqnWett4I b op. Osibliyeeàff Oli tLkio, o. parIt»iib M.rvd b*e sé 55AuOmo r M.9.meeow-*or*tÀBrsWinlltiaw ltulb sul. m&rgefim «eti attention b- lb. wftes?Ç. emmai *O4muoa o! 918.6 ùàI~5l *., vb. reoei *m ~.lae s*?* "0 Màsmmsl, CaL, bh $Sapb10b»& ihifm Mips . lb.tomae ry 5el -4g ti acts ut rsvblsn h oU,I *0 ,~I~t e_ s b. Do bai r la U&. .r eaie idj Wedi aor pumreV* uNIai new boers lstu agris'wp Ipruum a b.vaer la r qoaked maO Meâ M Iasll avai. UIf sojQw.q> i ater ta l9e .rop. IN$ ilàUaibr.. u» fof01 CeC4 '- bol magar. *yOr male syrogun S bremarlu&bole fçhlg *tour, rjeioav, poinlo loD? or eoiUaela , b p4rt 01 lb.elhoii our, pmua molsese, huesd e oý part or sIwlieue. oiàïi raseienlumshlmg sn la là ue1 cup Ots§Fm m Dme ""rP doseâ« so t es mwm or atbo.. Following er lIieliatous boy. mc. prepare 4sud44druqemnsSlfor t6ae ts- bers aI lbu AwWua xpdtlar Forceluauoe Wsstlqgom. emaS, pu Ovlug te 15tuilt xprlscsdla poelmt.e.np.qoew onotlfreue or Sb$ Ameeenc sIoSr oe s1~oedlhao.us*hi hble 10Write tiyen sams. letuwlpiIorfo.i bils explsIi4tielbiVr Dpstee babac0 ar4d tUt l'limoWib. cou. tw Iroope. re murn 10vhle lsfer. ni" isn, laform*foq, *ben à lutter aldrm.-J. i$, tlb, or.,tamie "J It eau tib. desMlrnd vIeller, > l or James P. im»tj ohn F. smtb Mrý Jeemlh 1. Stb.15adffitlos t4l1 ÈWODecaue .4l*$àddnee sMd his' tile, there couli satm b. aedt b. fua céme càthlbniS t o IistIOp Ste vblch tbe addiim-esf5Sgud. l bd«m samlemï la th&pq> .01 fur*«hadrosn 10o add th. vords 'Ai~ow"n lipedlo 111la DStculair ajolaM Itbletim posé psrd. a4pwi*aqebo*ddE0 vllb I.sd peneýd 4bÎ4 517 PWo *iail matter , bg 500 * çnsmdt'cis logthe sonder çài"tea u c"eof uoS delliery eirtee d_'ý b.proSpIJI te. turu.dltii, OMW Viw long t ~sb tlb. b.frô te «4,-M tikîlveri POWac abroad cals b 0f isaotvelops 4s are abtaullsg ff a, III art l~ n5 5 lemméneS laditWoe, ~e ilb eorrect a*s u" mwâti Par et b. Mr lsSowteeo1. si *ved * boqueni t, 1 0 A4b an lwragfl*g fo)l.ls publb nasà a lhetfereef" , POV«wIp -mi~ cu M -il wc rànm& Nmo -J andm Attraclie Clubbini Offers Way Below Publishera' PriCes -Ask- f« y peia Iic-o a or)News. paper you may wi8h MRS.A. TD~ R assadêmi WBoe Pis... No. 41 Orgauied 1 907-Incorpoted 1915 We ar pacing on the mar8ket a limited number of muaisl l a rap-, Idl-gowugoo~or -PRVEEDCUMULATIVE T ER CENT PARTIÇPATIN(* STOCK, $W0 FER SHARX.. Itwould be tô'your intereet tW buy 110W, while you *RIl be able to jivaïl yonni ,of the. bgot chance, There will not Uikely b. allother qppprtmùty4o pick up this attractive stock. IT 119 NOT A T-IH-UIKSCRME. I. WORK WE H AVE DONE C. alysoorg'uow ', ...............Obcgfhul ........... Lake poresth il ...... Ctyo01chlàgol ~~et wonsP4Ocovum» W1TE zduo &nu btso, iio oe'aLm»y qeçity Det t pdSb luf thtbut vork'ua.)upnyqs t--- il .11 Lima