0 LY9i~RTVVILL INDEPEND . ARCU 28. 1918 .* , agThe1 AppèreA atAttractive Fri"es, fl Vie B? Store Oi~ thé ZW>t'tk&~ore1' .11 SI Inhle store ia the. mecca for Ea8ter shop prsths week for *é are maki ngveë-ryspit cWalprices on the newe.t and flnestvwearing &parel. Al stocks apîendidly complete and q!ËLt es up te otu ual bigh standard. This-page e»nmerAtea few qf the lnany excellent values. Women's and Children's Dependable Hose Vomen'.. Fibre Sîik and Pure SiIk Soot Hose-ln a very fine qUality, shown lu black. white and a good Une -of the fasionable colorq. 59 765e yawlittf aie ... 59 .ý,,iIk Lisle Hose-lii a good quality and meidum weizg for Bpring and iummer. Full tamhboned, slown in back. white and COlors ai the pair ....*..... 59C Phoenix 811k mosg tpr Wqmin-Arc the beht you cao b*~ti i.ple Shown lnx the popuiat eo~dwil nd black and white ai per pair Womnen'e Lisle Hose-QI ver>' good quality ln medium weiISt. The#e--are shown ln black and bi oni' and priced at per pir..29c Girls' Hosiery-ln a good grade of ji.le. ahown in black and white on}y. Ail izes are th the lot and. are unusual values at pair.. C Girls' 811k Liàle Mercerized i4ose- Shown In iblack, white and tan. 0f good quality anà excellent values at ihese prîces. per pair 35C & 45c Vieç dstore -'On 1thel)orti t âShoié The Popuar Sweaters Women's Sweaters in Slip-over Style- iMade without siceves ini the îost pci i u ( I ors Of the season. Knitted frorn. _$ 3.5 Shretland vaFu anîd prieti at ...Y Shetlanid Weave Sweaters-Dl plain coioi~s trimmiied Nvith Angora conîbinations iin assort- $798zatigclr o olr adefs Spning Coats, Suits & Dresses ijre S pedialiy Pricéed for Easter Clever Coat Models at $14.75 Women'a new sprixg oats that are very practical atid ~Jtlih are show» in»àa poil assortmnent of velours, popling anîd s>3erge-s. Tailored and fiished according to the '14.75 newer ideas, and then priced very moderately at Handsome Styles at $19.75 lExceedingly baîdsome are these clever new designs we are showlng at nineteen seventy-five. Coats that have ail the style and dash of higher p riced ganients are showxî in poplins, velours and serges at this , popular price ........................ .'1 .5 New Spring Coats $24.75 Exceptionally stylish and uoriginal ar e thib lot o wvomen'fs spring coat models. Shown in a large assor-tiiicut of fine novelty mnixtures, velours, serges, poplins and tri- cMines, eleverly tailored and finishied 24.75 Priced at ............................ Women's Stylish Suits $15.00 At this'price mcar able to offer you spring suits Mîade ipto the sanie style as the higher prieed inodels. -Natreiak, are all wool serges, and lined. We know wher- have $5 on these suits at this pnee .. 15. . 00 Popular SPring Styles '22.50 8t4l and, practica wear are successfully combined iii t1ls lt o woen'i sitsa popular price. Represented ai-e exeellent qualities of wvool serge in the inost fashion- able colors. You mill find the quai- '22.5 i;l es superior te those elsewhere at this price. 5 Classy Suit Designs at '24.75 You will like the swing and style that is shovîii i everv hune of these suits at twenty-four seventv-five. Fa- sllioncd froni fine grade ail w'ool serges, uîcwest coat effeets aîid trÙùuxiîgs are cunspicuous and they represent a saving of $7.5<) on the suit to yent at - $ tis price ........................... 2 .7 Elegent Styles $27.50 Pi iiiably the niost attu aetis c spriiig coats s'eu will sec tlîis scason are featured in this grîîîp (of vcry ha»dtioiiiely desigued gar- ieîîtF, nmade f rim poplins,- serges, velours, triotîiset.,into the 'sea "27.5UId% S01îîs faslîioîable garinents gt £l oe Exclusive Models $34.75 It would ttc hard to imagine piétticr coats foiwini thauî we are slîoying ut thirty- four seventv-five.. Made fromn the finest of IieS fabries such as velour delalîxe, anîd siIvertonc eloth. Full and half$ Iiiied with fancy silks, priced . 34.75 Eaâer Dresses $ 10.95 Easter would îîut ce oiiplete w ithout ca iuew silk dress and you may secure one lucre at a ,mnall price, made froni ail silk taffeta, ini styles that feature coat and dton cllects. Soine with georgette siceves, hand exnbroid- ercd in u'avy. biege aînd gray, $109 at a sl)ecial prce .......... Newer Dress styles Womcn's silk dresses that are ricl ini style and quality a re feaiured in taffetas, uîuvelty silks, and serges. Beautiful pat- ternîs ini plaids and stripes that show the scason's ne%% style.s at their blest. 3 prices $24.15, '19.75e '16.50 Alluring New Suits '27.50 Womeuîiis suits that are as enticng as spring tùuuv itself are show il in this group of lia tdsomc spring mudels. Poiret twills, tiri- votiîes and other populair fabrics are tail- <iret ilito garments tlîat show the season's exclusive styles and hest $ colors,. Priced at ,..........2 .5 Finedt Spring Suits $34.75 Resplendent with style and quality that is at once apparent, this group of new suits are rcally the finest we ha%'e yet show» at the picce. Included arc the uewest of fab- îries aîid most popular eolors, fixished anti tinîmeiid te ufeet the mosi '340 5 exaiig taste. Privedt ut . ...7 Boy's Easter Suits Dozens ot Nobby News Styles Boys' new ' spriig suits iii a ic it' ne ot iioveltity wvoul fabries the very newcst styles are show» lin$3 3 te 15 years auîd priced very reasonable ut. -39 (lever spring suit$ for boys ib a fine line of patternis. made from ali wool fabric4, lu the ver>Y newest styles for preuelit wear. Prlced at (se( You con.d Bloys, suis lu a 110e quali>' of serges an il mixtures ln medium and, dark colore. Belted effeets, cute sida pockets and ail tbonew Ideas are fcatured Floor) Il, Want a,".New EaûerCôrset S A correctly fltted corset means awell fittirg costume, giving case and graceful lines to the wearer. For ail purposes we re- eonniund La Cadl1e rit erunue ot these wefl *nbriLids wlt 010s#e you 14 eyery respect and mhe Prices 4 et ra ssocimblu. $1425 . .- W. *Children's Apparel In the New Spring Styles ('lildren's kinghain d(iesses uf fine qîîality, iii lai- vrms fluai show' luancsoine plaids apid ti Il ighI wais1d effefsh ique etoliarsS ald arepokes ........1 .49 to '2.98 (hildrenî's eoats that are nîostly saitiples aîidfine salîtes, li Wt)tl serges, peplins and sheperd checks, dark .n-...'vlr piedsvea 2.98 t 'îîdriu'scliver voats ini daiît *v styles fur sîengi weai muade froin. serges anid popliinw shîown îin$0 ages fronm 21/jto 14 ycars, speeially prieed at. . Ado* (lirnaand Mss slip uver sweaters. shown eliter witb, or w1bibout gbeeves. A good assortment of colora prbced at $2.98 to $6.95 S11k liile iweatf,t-4 for chlteýi ver>' ine îuality in a large i . of good cubors. Tlieso art, vx' tipeciai $3 and .5 values markeb to su ,lb$1. The Easter Neckwý Choicest styles iii a varicty ofu dm1, plie<'s arcehiîîg featurcd ili our nerk vcar sectinil'or Easter. Coluêr, Jabots, Vestees and the, n4w Aviation ties'are prîced at fromn 25c to '3.98 -First Floo- ,- -- - --.-- --. - - G'fl oh Bt Petticoat Values Wolieîî's petticoats in i lk finishi moire, with ail silk flounce and siîk uîîderlay. Show» iii a big assortment of colors at a Si£I special price of .................8 Petticoats of ail silk ini good grade tafteta, beautiful changeale Mors in the popular shades. These are actual $5 values $ speciAlly priced for Easter sellîng at.3.98 'I Waits -for Eaûter Women 's taffeta and tub siik waists, fea- turinig the ne%% ginglian plaids and stripes i n tle nCwest of spring Colors,.. 2 9 at a speeial prijce of........ Woveu à;tirpe voile waists w itlî utgandiv eoliar anid veste cifeet, aiso ali-over ciii- bî'oidery voile waists, triîn- . $ 1.00 nicd %ith buttons. Priced at Handsome waista of fine Here 14 a special value quality crepe de chine and in fine georgette waistm, georgette crepe. Shown beaded and embrIodered, In flesh. white and the $hown In white and popu- ieading colors. Very ape- lar color.m. A $10 value claliy Priced - " ad worth 't, fl at ........ .1.5 priced at...$79 -Second Fluor- Stunning- NeNýr Easter Millinery Withl aster only a few days awyounr Milliîicry J)ept. is pre- ~ j '~* p WWd to givo you flice best of ser- vice and exceptional values. Promineât for Easter is a large assor-tinent of classy ncw slîapcs, trirmned iÜ many fetching styles to suit evcry whimn of fancy, and ýn a big assortuient$ * 5 ~ t of prices. .........................95Up t4 195 Easter hats for the children that s1how aiii the elas nid Iyl et tht oe'ones are shown in milas andi hemps, cleveïjy triiexd init"wr xnd ribbon stréankers at thiese prices. 13.98'Se12.9%1 2.49, '1.9s,1'125 -coiid Ploor- . - 1