Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Mar 1918, p. 4

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as ~eou. sîso ns ysAs ~*1~,#v't~v M. - .-~ 4. s t. g ewbt ýed- wm n. fluX" 1<g. The ichool peph iba» bà ~ oop.1ela >bIw1Ig l ;I;ru;« aM urmis -ta oal Pit *tlwop wuoth@-auldtsIdo.csth b. 1cr liïMaI.MUT'y C",u »W de o.altb st W«$0 i1 <l. a6alulOm ii IhIac. cortlulyava thlb.i i "cb.uésI.~a ~Ug - AUUEGW ~bm1obve Rab! Rau! ub!-t. Tl IL FIL0.d s" tfo rash. appnahla. a 4mai"nl*.»I onmo bu"eod a pie-i-m, W 0»h*,4 eh. *0 tA.5 lé%o pw - noos, fa, usà et thedd lcq - dme a01'" pmtqf maloJW upoful es labaie 0l.lUuI clB.o d1tavea" 1 bMVIWuh &sie a biw la rofissa Diaca h4ak W". i vas ouiau"* *WW&W -8o s i h ilmiV', a*wwer i o vo ,uuy hI.seur- of heai " hlm oonagmln. ' - . &Wm Mdl Ou a -TIEAGNRSAN! -THE WA i t IU~I fo Nbodjaif les s a.reponsi more4 pi oopoe~a<Insanl* *si rsm luiIi 1 ati for . 4giileslma tb. isaobi iais. At Uii hOTfmt 0 snaioy, n0daubl, have M Ilii l W m *avru~MihstbrrstadiY nad ibat Uwa ttjbIsi ae. same boo otlWiqai atusc mom oUQ bt bw ariuaidma houropi! la lb. saitfelà» Prsol daa ai b. ~Uout . g. ovemmarte ulim ,»M , mm l . ittIm e ho Imm is boquetionnare ofi c usnid msissle 411k ~ ~ l aE0I t ciilulise. heau i ez olr oi ad te *»,)&lW- oet-6 Iid bids adai to 1h. usus&amai à Swt but.e*r fa Mque pocullai1 o bool roo1 Antnd OUIiia-routine. 't mesnt thal tbeouml gve j4a..4~jqjg p * Ir Vert faires heurm.Il ~ ceidut. famesml, la msj 0ass Ibtheby upd Par lraumg expM osee 1 gePèe a I 'IOU e U vbere Ib# o von vwu10o, edama. le wrooneeau.I mm lmoua l mseubalhsymuat ,bor lb. dhooail0o10a00a. vis 11001 mm "'id melt"vam Sohodi matas ulsolmgs aofmi&àbi".aboudrai thousmM Ichare bivra parformed for tb emuonmt a MaildiaScu0i mmdpoinut Phu e01 voir. vhl" olbbteimrlnw ibave cool If à Yu7 ~ is.goveisai ntbonres oai hausandu m~e bb*q ai ofldouarsa. U.S. OYSWQqkiNG RFbERVIE Tho Unl aitea "Bus' Woring Remrie la un organisationthoeamu of1 vbbcb laie paéblgab oo1 bore on VUS ~ ~ S. Iiib fisfor somme or ol.This. ha * approoblng at4onal organisatIon &ad thoré le a mut.~,ag.dJes eDajipiO55isila otuivmeCOUIil 1 lIe Uniue i Baies.. Oi ouaty iprsuo.1 t*olve I.Je. Shrvisi, aILake Vitis. Riesiarvîm eas ansgvagraine te Ibis organisation ami th"j ommieai0gnraI liuk 1h.100Mhorganlation of lIa coÏýnly, *0e unlou lfl R.neVisite achoole a sud po l b.eboot t»mbot heboa#It aie motter. Rs maitea a uni of auvoj arnog lhe farmero ami ftado omtnlal eu1ma vo esu uslu lmg vaIais i Oftiéi - summer.,- Aller th. boj remplamd ou s~~'a y th Ie faims. b. VIls ue mbeps abaut1 moh*km liai vry Iwo osis ami thm eoeq veip 91)7P"lbl*g 11btb. eau to belp lb... Tb@ lb bilr Pt faflavg jaàabri ouliln.ot lb. PI14 ud horlo or- Il th@o7 ela sues jsai fafm soa 0. Mssrlr 6a oiua"pMditlb.smmer, oo ~ Was FolloWedby Heart Fai-I or,'Dat C -VontSAd denly eSundav N~ bo»-if pu4utod rr9a Wau1 - h~ à&- lt ia à1L. Rab! $Mt oraU:w» * c Swiie = !Mdleaid cf* uU ~S.4p#' "tut R suI. L à ~iejfisu eib"e oboi boA h,»MOiuta M, -eiho mdB Ub io Wi g ti Sai-Mr* Mdai utila bey mi Wnmlx omi ens i be oomfada 1~ te tl1gbhqbol eun do la Ili au blab admooli tis malto ebobo. pU. bd.m ar iw. e n roUai abou tes ber me werk mid oxpesi b.,a*a, y"wIf tli bops .JlI «»ela mvoe whool by -lb. affdbisêll0" for tfuir fim voek vo vilam«0 *1 rau er. uar 4ei weo8 vil vhbels lbor, plan woWl o, ibai ihop' makublp biS, aign vwork mil 11w isoave 1h51r gradm es, do mol umsa by, that t tbq hoyl have w1ibMvoik eterud a. lb., would by slayisc mmiiil be omd of -ho %ormý bus vs muai ho viiitu do oui part md moite d Wpof tb. sacrifies. If you'ro lolmgHldS Wo' dulfty.0 Whou job abouti hofeeinmg Sf53, l'Il teliqjou ameged thrifty thing 10 do. Go collai very dolla That jour mquebolgcauood 10 olor, -Ami buy TRINTAM to mo rtho Kalwer bise. Y«.1 bollov, e s"ailltho sor play 0 0 . Oftbotls b sint to teste Morris WilIoi, FMI Pro" sand Dai Colube ave been mdd o te B.onor At Imiti the b el qupments ham 1 rrived; Il.time to Sei boer,. 1Th"j are comoldsoelg orgmalsmg a Junior RditCrase AulmW I Sbhlgh 6 obQol. If ItlàI.oag.amd tho aewlmg tan .1 WIUdevoto thoir lime sewlmg for thé Ried Cros& Nei u orammarehootantedmies atoi W.'llbey Tbrf i*miUPOla Ibis town, .And bol and bol by uhuadort 1Catih wo rip oi ItRMdaburg 1 Amd biés iomg BUn*soier. 5rldby mfteroou ',MU. Shuar, li 1photographor, waau cvb hemelgb hool toïclng pleturs. of lb. vbrlous classe, isu.,ৠetc., for tho Amnal. Don't (aruot *th'ObW. ptim Aprit 4, aM lle blsb achool. Timo., T;8Q p. M, Ad.- b mission 250, 85e Md' 80 QbM» bieve ynte oft b.smo. r Içook thb.e1Êont UI0f W"hlM. Bj Mm MU lg Sa o a ommt aMrz mtgln& Md i vls h u mmbo" iotmLer t&MOt Mm tuteamo CoaIrva"o a a mm il. Wlto *=i quitte young me affltu, w« buM Msd lbait Uv.i b«oert ie. NraW Belle Ths. 'IRie a. m rosdi r et aU* *051 A" ofBUu e MWayaiisdm t iqa WWau.NeréIL <oi t lhe boue. 8e«. IIL Gamw n i ule am1 vit-cfE. 5 aie "utg. mtla ps lgbt .st1:46 o-dm*siaI lu loie ________ ~kmiamIa,,iuusmi. me emm uBd-emOS us 1h ~de Maveu"msite IL0SiMae enowgai fer thsptut 1 Ae 1 e by tissu l lit nil ut wvus cm -0e ruaite roeiew. 'wr loi alApr i. Utly vitisout abim.<e aou 0u 5 s t la r s g r" s anse h a 3~S l a g t e u < b a ' 0 hueibo. et Mis BsD, aMte«liai - âr5ff fimemis ouima vmAkw or audle 10mens oiillp h fat bdila a elgp.W.UOti et U*t or obhln, -Md a WNme. Fisoms 1ft me" ff t be ew saIb. o ime àm t.ekè«à emm a laMua i t 10,1 te10her 11tie V<td Soi ~ wg lewu dotwu lo. 'mai"e *6dhamM msMn b. 9 lu ba r reUtudy a*ê b"; bom vit. he t ai omealosepfe qMUi. tflo bai met ber oies. deitfagy. d"iniugIs gulit la l«W une la mnOveelve, yet mph*aic DOGRafsb mrn tel. boâs ..iM4.immd nuaorne & v««e w. w.oul- i in to bd *Rlttw i asjun ostheseatdmla *THD<yeu bltea e cureet- tis 1e. od~Jim1 mm Cmmr mm o uola euil oeut Tirsgia e «1.98« a 14Ymrpii «W s se or mivOa. esdeuîoehg te - e ba p'Pte da p.flflmg d0* Um 'fw 9 vhe. i*0 dats lisuali M ber 41%"0& Ilevébue b i.rosI. mi the -bi, e s aimutig ta, tie tutlusymd, caS te stand the. GOeb Bo* ta'pot @amdlong enough forkl hlm tecatS. TIbeogirl oi ldo tafla ln her tee- tlmany mosiar, ée.recited aulthie f&et@s iseoenxyte isioae thie'.à ohm bar ois euic. -And then tante fluiy, thse preacli- i O. Who *rOadsed a Pecutiar doctrine In Nonm City and eleee throràgh. ra0&theb woat. T1%e)mjuryvs urpris, b d 00 iouht when ho made otMde. niai of Q~ the ehargéemade by the, aii.' Nia counse, lM. Oa4i. ed hlmn Ir h. h" ever easmed tisai amy mWoroeeait of the.girl bai boom h affiloa thie vord" but h. deniei çumatlcally ho baido"e go. fila hait ctslnsed ho. IuSIIOd bis aetiane on lia.' Word," fta eba id mdelier 9belleve thut lhe Gooi Book permit. rted a bejarothaidcftle.sort h. ex- plainidto ber va. ight._ no admit ted that b hld ac]ukoitto, her motiier about bethrotjml to thse chilibt That mii. refummi ta lot Uhlm <iite t«aabout h heaume ppa wou11 objeot strenuauely." The girl mlai éhled met film ln a htcâo on fmerous bInoione. The. Mat. showai by the. girl'. adlnsslon liât eh. vas but 2 peursold when the bocidente teak place. sle verely Grllled. eue*& totMlarsy W4dgaillld 4 ileky umeroltfly l In th e ex- cafustion. Ttme aler Urne Wpfley voff eU ter the .Bible ta Justlty aoutau bots ailéheho du**&el Mont Watmsiiet eormiihoclai btis "beatbWr te uer girl vos mot usls. liât o ossu d he 0The atate'. attorney tises eine a leftw*wvl* ii PWbor-wm llegmi ià 4 avo vrtllen tethse gardersirl% quo, Ufllm es ntogvisaI ho usant by oqp«pm«M Videy qa-W - lia""no ,Oommtiy ed"9g vUM te th e i, os omools on . p a Ilho ilot tboWla1ula mww ou*8m.oBlbot ler ýwhuî ivone TmYn iai Uns d s ud osare lymg mev. m vyos mM~ R. g yosdeus lis aisisuAl of "*.0,YeMU g ooas tL ,auI i.?dad Mr. WOSOL. ilaiisg thse roghed. '¶*the i!.L Me'. Io& vu.hors fà Ad»ala 46aM*iut u 4igadedlfa Wsutueata 61» aboqt 8jse . < theb lire, ~ars vs - he »Ut dbmIW nw . 'vwmr vsmk qmatl M li4 PCM SAL-TwIo-offlasTeaTuho Kitu, Piri. Vie., Phouo 968 U. Z. ftIl -f R -.19" mww. ipow - Yom"., w~nTu-mgaqIslp~10aMN.-e à-wq0 Ok M, am- m-o a odek ù,okâou. pou SL-Nis 0* tu lma10'3 zom.umftmlet 9flSP- 00& hISsé.-IoI dafa. &àtu ni 41. lier. Mmm tu& ecivi evwarlà» e> - wra. laguo tW. X. -gUamet . la6 N. Part AVe., Wuuke8mu, M. Phase Im. w sm FR. U7ILEUfUGIIUU RmuA Im ge __________________ o1. -ifl ssefl tclhavPnmilg..18114 VIa. Faim, Arn, Phono 88. 9.1 FOR SALE-Sousemrly mnd O&m. mite 0. Dola, Areb. Phono31Wi .FOR SALE or * Uxi üf5emno mm FOR fig, -beca. Mmns ma.1.00 porhdlg of ii. W. IGLilmoqp. MeU?'io 41. W. o00"stheb.on- imbryofonddslnlbaoffvumana hi Sasis VImINalim"l saa. *ei i oamd.Addsos. MFe ID. 114 Young Men, yoi; will wint somiething new -ta weSr on1 Emter. For your Enter needs we arm sliowinq a fine sr"y of d th e ae uiun .... TIESAfrm MM to.50 SHIRT STUNNING HATS LOLLARS SOCKC, u s iii an id us <QVES J. B. MORSE & cou, ..w oumtInmlAuvem DedduslS. Cnam. mmd. by Mei4bdBro. & Kmobbe.Of i :gio. s.ft <1,1.1. Of aui ki. LESTER'S NQVELTY STORE LJBEkme eau" ut ai téB ta: 5<. .*f*****~** ~w. W.J. oe~ JA -- Vongmen and. Easter for m Sc 4r*' Tri ts Ap ni

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