ý3flAN Çf s"lo i 'e ab*a Ma4Wsh woy ,Work of Ever> mon mm e l pu." e, mame des i0Sp... S -.« 'it duE.laa 84 A D AN W. COMI laps. 0>05Ave. Pholos10- JSe nudbla. n On" co hooU im'uAcGF OMM£ LW lnoobrulwed~emt.e l ýbbom sUWtMdami Ï il" alcré on itIi'oà v ,-,', co Gonto am fldI& Potter Md itf or * e000. bi WeS0wlsud Beeton Toua. abipm: Jansbs Futon d te hoit the Ni. Ihuter firu ut80 aef3t 8se. lfor 'uks5 .00 & la wotki ckIqaao: 5sàkAMass d ff4Che c, rnslmrboiglt là la ISWtle Pr ruita'Be mcii ibout th*Mi. etS m'li. veoc s'54l& nto<Berdm R. bftgbt the I& Oi « et Dopor. arti et 8e Nvo ave..tr8. nit $îuarl bukw et elge Cn Zan u3t hiçM a tCnulot 20~ ~~tê a9e a W . IL 1, umtr vet cf Haveol Uimm L, erIwùtA: Evely 0mA.Sles houa t I sfile G. WcndU pIognL on ~ ~~»i aoaiaieUcoaaeu !S mow .1< av..for a", a COMI, ot la Maom afte tier offler lAnabethe yé,R.coi tileh"ndm Park. . . av&,: for.84,00for lauie Dispuais:.JohDusemokr ltou T»Ics.ut (19Maftni omnarte yi la Waooia: JonW.pau lwqleR. Aio010o4 thé .GottUlel tmaiomeriua*ty mn mre aide mneea*&ley. rot'si,500. In Ne*pot. phait J. Clrk 00 titie to lias AbumrChlrktaie0of 140 acrea lb SemcS. 33end 83, for nam. lu Wasvma: Wrn V. D. A1mýes laouM~t the laivio D. KM Us t in .9ecs. a8smt 34 for 083.0 ia trenomt: - mrnunPLA.. V!roa. 'Ds . fomaomIetti si iaes in amc. 7 iwi 13< faAuI V. Pester. taL, for $1.700. la Grant. Nesiemn H.Mmer Ibotght the C. C. tory pruerty on Long laieln S. W. 14, S0e. ., for Assis V. Peatmai" alamtet ai, - lu~~~t mva ..»[Md-qW0116m. Iusa ~è*. . ILLNOISsec 1, FrOmit va,,ete7 1Md0 ~, ~sT. E Ore' du vifte GymsW. mou*vmtAda. Uvibeoa, W%.~ - - W*,lotonM, ni te. ota v q. n. ft aavua *e-,i 0e r mm EuesUwm 40 w. Va, Am"le.0" or bal te soS naa ~. A~ -~ IlleUa.eSbal 4, bSea MpW». t*um atio. wbueom fuoOftoam vil lbs UaOàg 'thlIe mues a "0 Abu, IL psa u»0 bumd te J. OLkIer lt la v1W9ue 301. atmolmal mais t J'M R4* . i*5s fflS es. a. .MILletu anm vIe t. EL.1.ami N9"iIL Onatmeer, swuat 40 airs, ent&vst mft xS-e. s B.S. 111milw mtu vite i. (Rato ~~~~yM. StsW S044 Uùrndeo Udaw~ mier 4vIS e t. 7=ï s~S aec. 38, ue0ou TwpW ». $1 I P. IL.1Eafltta"d k wte L Xtdbw &Mi vitelUt 18, blk9à, as m.. mo mablns WD. I. 1 luoim 411* aMd "Ue.te.]P. J. 7-, eluv n2turo l 1 a, h oseisif sew U 3"ma.3,?<etIOt T"iWb, V O H M mu kt 1.mivis I~ ~ ~~b jW ~~et ~4~e oi County 6wl4r&' h. Beatngto. Wl> 36 4 7. Wioe ai, W**W w ak, Mortbeuco- a. R éseamitif.i. NmbaiS 1, teinS. mo Déte WrIght. bloeuOb 18. garin aA. !io*., 111Uukee,t24:. WviliP4obt«. , es5a il.1 ,Osar Auderuon. Renomba. 40, Mol- Unam PM -.tmrne. Il. Heruss. I. Forert. Chium 2. 1; Kathrbxe t6e«,i% Cigo. 21. fdloyo -«à .Wmetean., 25, .Remi Vmm. N»ovaw*se. Warren1 TwpN.. 2; Iresb lo. smre, 33. 0,Uvl 40giel da.21.. una VIL .'teitos. mflvanhaeU; ýýpà m bq a ne. 13bo 11é dm.z Soi, E21.sbe. la t Ombu . »&'e. 6. 41. <late Rlae, marna.43. . Pau iligel. le.fet. Lents, 87., £mnm Ntta, sMn%. 7. HiyWBeyt. w àism. IL; lgb*el 3. OiMou*., MIlvauke.. 97;.hiI Tanuit aine. -36. - =hm.. u. o, W .i .W4 is., a.. mii Î.Lewis. Racine, 31. alames Balie, *Milaukee. 28: Paul<a. Eorkàwsk. -oue% 32. Rok IL NJackson, imite oreet, X.; Ai" 2meae aie 5. Ft«O #. lait. RFacla., I1; lrne Iteuat 4IOàmoit. liSe Nillooiaohe. %28, Eve Wal- GolieIot ale, lJilwawSce, Î5. :NSup Wbemdaager. -, 0. Wlh MeCleIM&Wbskaa. 31; An- us M. Provett, Zou-Oty .19. tolit Evans, (lhlg, IL1i: Mo mOle2r. mre, 5IL. qmm Borautein. Chicago. 33; Peuli ERosuateln. marne.29-. o "éSelelm aw*esb 27. Nrnl CWa , e, 3%2.: Hwll *. OBUse', Ornât IS&. es ; :onWA. Inmon, C~iag, 25, -Vhu PunoMw. Ulu'kee, 27; Caexa'p.v1ngmr. mmm,- 26., Paul FcIrÈ. KdlfomIan,23; EffIks. »&"«o, Mme, 23.j nom u G.MW ra m LAames28: Asta Ramaov, couse. . Frani Ro2amw. - Kemdâa. 21. M*I ireiMit mre 9 six POIIRDS A MOIIIN -MAY SE FLOUII RATION Cos mid te c«tM»eooumtry-vll viMa'lrbe mat oena la rapsbmc *gemia p« aom i fgerpersos hi Sautsameeting la Chwo iase cv i rme ffl agmimbtauamis"M vuS 411c" 0o fMe «Min uni et u e 0hstsa Lian dlmatio u lw iialWi «Ah modaL *tiv4«" -mtii -t Waie..,eiwuio k Mm* Uales te timeir emiptuts UV <iI s-OtàSB al o thon lu liesoie fw-le0"I 3matud 5' CENEVA DAM BEl"MAt aMd tq*ldam the tmobse L ,gof4a in lutiheQeeva- sohool. ai v60S laum Inoteai Louis V. wlft. sutw«& 3r48mle - titu S 15 ton lev oW a a t- AênsWa nânàb ppIne& v.we âQ glinsg "the, 0', ebisas ver>' evideail> WO b" êm$U orne rais -. ewwwm bSe omesi - tsdlu a uwpss Mr bus" batl bmi ~roptegims â 10i usdive eoaUnusi, ooyg à 10, *lufs.! À*k 4VéA' Il là emembesm é,oUls coate ~35uroslln u an Dlsgo pn i agsmeesrmi ""mdvte laismaroflgbodi verie ooune? 1 flUIO5értNS3*ad is thrlil or ihat aëd- of ot5W euasêisbuta noer ve 1 boom io a>'lm m 1 , b nt iba Bonsdiv t*r .4 m o io iqkg Md 1 mg dgunai as Imaine reuhieoQI t metrip. C. l10m di"e outil 1 tbouehit Mài vscotais>' would bo*,té huaacqoalInte viii iba eb cheema .liemr I> as Deneory amd <len muideu>'Ir * lok carne bacS oharphr ai va vers ltegon oeea .Nov theenglm eeded U oe@ sai ad ve boea daimOn<o .ý1The ni thm trip vw"soi n Important.t vile &bout, liiongli vedi a con -oenesd .and a I"llghi spIral," i of vhlcb I1vas *blé <o taes vithot <juiver. Nov vo vers on our va>' bacS t.<lt aérodrome, cytimaa a gond alitude. Wonld v o neor biglain descedI kev tht ei m, <sumas. ere aMW'i up Bamithai C. vouli vie n»?sineMm en. me. o oi almuoi bove MUaid inot jet llatovard - lamdlng plac. 0, Ir v va eis alm ô*-adi quis e ao-dive, but olou o tila "gflde eaulre. Rapidili e ueoindiff l lng 10 me, bclanlliésObpwtumS villa laleiQ. At lim lie lidse- ppfflid rnei gb make4t#u br bIoUn nindlmg <o a.gip distance te t IlShé »de1" i li 'e *Pail>' ISSuIIOISlta otiadpu grainlu h vbleauil>'1101Wvil jntoi bove 5WOd. Orlid 01 nuibu#a, pa*uuau<*V ~*uih o i*'fs svs-,Mdie &SIadov aIlhc.ut b a 1 Ncy I>'lm"~ no~a5I1I 1~iyevIlS ~ 'ubi> IMM,. U»t ad:on » huto Franc%*e, a1o e S etIkathe jo M04teet <o Wor-et0thele tbà d ornumm le miné - Pptqcê.d T.pjtpy Couverts jo. 'Auto lato a-pow.urful tractor in 30. minutes TUHE INDJS IAL TRACTrOR UNIT odkfeý P5O00 ;,"Ce sa ppwulTractor ci any Auto in thity minutes- a drqonvens from Tr*toq to Auto ini lhm time, Evif y farmer will want an INDUSTRLAL TRACTOR. 46iickiviesi, - 10"icliface, steel frontrim of improied actor type, .3-point sus- pueMOIa1. hordened ioder ears. It is proctially. Fociproof. Mochanicafy richt, it a"vethé £LRýmero'Trator, power and lâbor pvoblem -in a reiable mnd pràc"io way. A SUPIIOR, MACIIS(E, P EASY TO 0OUliAt..lONTRU E - , AN EWUETle Ii4L It is strong and of simple, Construction. Any anon, boy orgirl who con rua' an Auto can op.rateii. Does the. wSor f from 4to 8lborumand twofhumlianck Piowing, Harrowing. . Diskin&, Lismn Mowing. Rood-gvodng, Harv.ating. Etc. Let us tel you &il about this WondeAfulTacr Unit. 1 . PNRCNCE. SECURMTES TRXUST CO. 910 8e. iIuw"Dird. cIOCACO FOR-hi WlÀILE» INFORMATION, ADDMESS INDUSJRIAL TRACTORS 1"80 Mespos udl CHIC4, aG.. Norti Sore -Line 'Me fait and -dependbi.ervMi"emaintaind from Higld Par* <o Waukgau Koosha Raineand Milw o f gret value to towns IiHourly Service Fast Trains Limited traiis leave Highlano Park every kour froi 7:40 a. m. b 7:40 p.' s.aadit tv.p M#lwaukeefroua6:45 a. m . o SAS. p. wm Rumni <a, l hour Mid 35 Pinutes. Fare, $1.30. .Theatre, Speclal Those havirig buminçua ln Mlakewhlck-detalns them to a lite houa, will find the train jeaving Milw4ukee at 11: 15 p. m. very convenient. Tht. train reaehes.Higland Park at 12:47 a. m. "Parlor anid Dm iing. Cars Cocfortable-pgvlr cars ev. iihUland Park,- at 9:40 a., m. and 2:40 p. e. id'ioalvM l"wake. at 9:46 a. m. and 2:45 pm.Sas28 cents E~oIla~t4ffin ma srvice at moderate prices onl trains leaving High- ladPark at 12:40 p. m. and 5:-40 p., m. and o" trains leaving Milwau- ke at 11:45 a. m. and 5:45 p, m. c ]Expresstrains, maktjo on.stop 1h eaoh to'vii e.ve lghland Park ev~y 1a1 Riupor anega vd Evanton. XliwukS.Tlpket c'mm i : 138t' Tehgahoma. Ceaimai sUe - mmmm_- 1 - - 1 ew,