LIBERTYVTLLFvINDEP ~T.TI À ,ÀI1I1,98... - 9 i4ortern Miois' lieut. e tbm oýtre for womels am obidIWB "àYvto' ix S26282022NrhGenesee St., Wgukegan. s Anu1l, Raifroad Ptea RefuncI.d~ s I teoees buslneds boms ta. . u . b esy *.ula .zumentIEIà H E IN Of, Women's Starting Saturday, April 1 3thhà Great, Event Will Break AUl Former-: ASale of 2168 Coatsand 1803 New ut A ndar are ineverygrîtt AMotiiiiso hs n rearbe i eedve (aiiei in teseassrtmntsis NEW and of the înost desirable style, eol- oan wtra.Terange of prices is widc indeed. I Coatis to $9 $598 Coats t& $1i5 Mires., sergesc and Se rgee, popl ina. A great varii'tY 0f 1l novelties insvea tweeds and mixtures in the mont ase-for pleaslng stles a nd colý belted and pleated styles, colora and fab, Yoringe. -sic>, aIl izee. styles. Ltýo Coats io $12-New Spring Styles-$7.98 Coats to $20-AII Sizes and Coors-$14.50 Coa te to $32.50--Including Veloar-$24. 75 Coate to $50-Sp"dall9 Priced-$35ý00 _____ Kaki Trech Coat-to $2250 at-$15.00 -- -- ------ The uther five prieediulude coats witlipleated backs; yoke effects; painuelcd sides;fancy eut beits, pockets'ct>lar, and iniitary -touchest __Suits to $32.50 1 -suits to $47-50 $35 Ut.dermuslin -Salé 75c $values ' -in womian's gowvns, draw - ers, ljrassicres and silk, satin and iimsl~in cor-set covers, * at49 1 Envelope Chemise Anextra sp)eclal Item .Ai l szqe , a% gcre af PrettY styles laceand emi- broldery trlmnied. k$1.25.. $1.50 $.75 values corsetcovers $ 00O night gowns petticoats - chemise laeluded at.,$1.00 are-C4ISISE of tiîii'tiii ir p1)0 (ripp voile%; GOWNs of musîlu Or CrePe;e iin PETTIII) vI'tand Iandsorne new CoREET COVHR of .11k or nmslln. allk rHiIWE Nad CO)RME COVmeRSbaaidsom rtmued wlth lace and embroldery; aiea B$..OOMERS. 19 ai ................1.9 Woens BLOOMERS of Bat i. itall.u 911k and silk crepe de gne. iemr lîtugelolts cland voiles flnifihrd witth a lîrofumion of lace adenîb-li'rY at .................. 1.49 ITALIAN 811,~K, flesit or whtp ('IMS~ii tirprr'ttn"it and Inluded are serges and new mix Poplins, checks andý serges lui These new suits are srnartly ' et wls Trîcotines. serges. velourchk. chinee. léboey trll;zl Idanà.i,f 1 idth eh'ifllt tire. Good satyles and colors In belted effectanamIcota wth rip presentative of tie newest Sprig n e8r< srges ort 'îs Jres aiaad itrs nksnetbveaîi ney.... 3 9 8trimieaul agc , 1ý, I 2 .9 8 Suell trimîîîiug features as faney stripe, plain white or eolorîvd vestees enhance these stylish $UITS. Also there are pointed, pleatI Itafian Silk Undrwear, $ 2.98 &1- upJ ed, fiaring and double coat-skirts mîany button finished then the ncw beits, pockets and pretty collars deserve special mention-__________________________ 1>1.50 Petticoats Waists to $1.50 Little Beauty Waists SOc SiIkUisIeIose 39c Cor. Cov. $1.00 Dresses $ 1.i7 5 Kimonos,' 50 c D ra wer 1' yartety of colored effects Sligitly soiled $1, $125 and F Te famous LITTLE Women's white ailli hale A special purase- CHILDRENS wash dresses Womena long crepe ki Ail* X i 1ii %lue In blac, mny tyle, $.60waita i prttystyls, EIA TY nder waits or bose in ail aises, relnforc several gond styles witl i nl the empire modela and imonos li a good range of woilnm>, ;Ir i IdrJt4Lrs for al gliss.J good materla:> boys anld girls. ed heela and tues: al slzes included. new Frenchi styles. pretty patternis. titis :ale n T mm diaso$6Woo1 Serge Skirts to ;$5.00 at é$2.9 8 ThGrat rlSale f Tiffi n m ed H ats to $6- ~There la a piuniber of pretty skirts In Vool serges. white wash skirts and navelty fabrics. ikadwo KT lu1A.aid e s'Bs & D r so clored wamlî 'kirta tInal iras plain colora, plaids, checka> p vr clre oplns, taffetas nhe CO.ATS Saea nd imany wanted ..a..$5 satins,. serges, ec at$ 98 styles,... at.. 251% Reduced at 3oakDul-i13 il lv l9 Z$5 Trmmd at tatBel egla M ha k ouleTP 139Sik9oe,$1 $3=1, $5, a7= Trme bt ht elreua.We are sole agents in Waukegan for Mohawk Glovea The coat illustratedl and otherB 6at 17 et tram $498 tu $6-corne even A cîn cial lut rodtlctory sale-rully guaranteed, doubie-til) $1.39 Mohawk aillia loves, very gpeclal at 81.00. $398. Others Ilai al aises in paplIns ýljgher-are speclally priced for $1.00 SILK (GLOV.ES-double. $250 DOUBLE, pure silk $275 WASHABLE French gabardines, mixtures anid sllks at $5 and this Spring s» at $398. There Is up in white, white wth blacka gloveg li grey only. Ail sizes Ikld gloves in ail the new sasdes $7.50. a wide range'o! 1tylish shapes in titchlng and ail black 75a wonderfuî value 1a68d sîzes......98 7J D se - the newest colora and trimmings i , ... ........7c at........... 1 -68 at ...... ...... e.J> se _____________________________________01_____-11-__in__________________________ -. Other New Hats Special Frosu 15 to 17.50 many of the mut beauilul new bats wilîl bc foufld lere ln tho' privcefrtrm$5 ta $760. Every iabas ls idivlduallty and style; thaselea alarge seiqtion of pretty utyrlea trlmmed witb Sios. rs. wb.'st otrfth faneles, burit gnose, wings &"i rlbbons. AIea tthe popular pote andd muphrooni shapes - Middies 93 c ---Smocks Girls' and misses' $1.60 nilddv bloutses. wbite or coor93e-smocks, ail colora and styles. Infants' Washable White Serge Coats -S1.98, $2.48, $2.98, $3.48, $4 and $5 rîîese piî ti> ciats fur tbfP lttîr "tots" are creating e great deal of Interest amang inothers. spectally prieed. 75c Aprons with or without l3ibs, 43c Woneu'c aprons ln light and dtîrk chîecks, witb or without bIbs, eut good and full. fi $;1.00 t O'm RA1 A"RN lt $150 }IOUSIIJ IRESS and $2.0 UHOUSE DRELSSE¶S ln s goodromy eizes. llgbit, nei BUNGALOW. nprons, pietty score of really pretty styles ___________.;:' ad dark colotinEs. tyles, ws.nted colora, $ m atty eraibe ÏSale of Rain Coats at 61,98.6 5$10 Womel'a waterproof rata coata 25 lier cent ne duced. Ail aises, plain colora and mixtures. Corsets In thse April Sae 1.0Corsetsg $1600 Our NEW OCRSEIT SHOP Ia plete with corsets for everY fig In elery style and SPECIAL PRICED. Suck world faaned ies AMERc4N LADY-FROLASS. NEMO and MÂDM LYRA here awaiting you,< selection. varlety of styles ....... 8 $2 values la children'is waâb dresses li plaids, stripes and cbe&s.aail i A mixes at......... .. X.4 82.50 values in the new gingbamin ba wonderful array of lever coloringu and styles ....;1.98 $3 and $326 values li pretty gtngbam dresses for girls up ta 16, 2 4 verY siPectal at .............2 4 -White Dresses $11. 1. .98, 3.98-&~ 5.75 75,c Rompers 49c, SI-Wash y< $8.00 Maribow. Capes % $1 Handbags 59c - others In Oliver Twist adNrokstyles, cumit a tin j srchadmaribowat $950-9 ianlon styles ia sad tu s !19719 SUR or Wool Dresses In A Sale e I1luiw Sffes for .Wome1 Msse' ad Jniors ? ' and colors ricli, beautiful, elegantly expressing the good taste and mnoigh- at relis of the careful dresser. as are $2.00 Corsets at Cosesto5 0 Corsets to 3.50 $3.8 Dresses to $12 at Dressesto $16.50 Bt $25 Bt $35 at - ý ýý. Aml d 10 Am au- (F1/P~ j6.98 9.987F 14050 I 18.75j J Taffetas,=tnsilk Grey, rnavyieefetEo poplins eogtt i.k green, rooke khki, styles,sicve ess Icrepe, -silk crpe, de new blues, stripes coatees, tunlics, beits, chine, serge,, jersey, plaids, black . n sashes, draped ideas, silk ginghams taupe. etc. $ ~$37.50, $35 and $32.50 are the p#ces these dresses bring when j- 4 O ~sold ini the ordinary way. There are many styles; unusual, differ- Ij nt, NEW and temptingly ,beoniing in these froeks o satins,$2.1 g* taffetas, georgettes, poiret, twills and -jursey't_________ Junior and Misses DresseS Priced at 3.48.& 5.98 'lUM51AT5"D1'55.~for Ulja Jnorsad snaal omeai-deelgaid v especialhv fer the». of pratty ane- pflad;aigbaipo la a varid aseRlgeENth newest styles li nit uualsiand ttIkIig rcningo with new h »ý. ct ol I lare and cuffa. 4I0**o Si uits to $18.50 Suits to $22.50 -Suits to $27.50 _2 $1650 $ Ove 5,000 WAISTS in Our NEW SHOP- 6.50 -SURl Waists 3,98 Greorgettes, Satins, Voiles, Messahines 9prlng's NEWEST ,tyles In modlsh ailli georgette crepes uaable satins, stripe mes- mgaie, lace and embroidery trimmed voiles and slli crepe de chines bandsomely embrôIdered, and beaded, ail colora. % Waufts to .50 at 1.00 P1eatý'of aew styles lID pretty wite andpUtrpewains $S'kWaigs at 1.98 Hew walsts in woaderful v&rety-Jap silias, pongees, batistes Ch"a susa ndVoiles in plain colora and new stripes. 7.50S'kWaiûs 810.Silk Waidts 0 OO I 7,50 damesot PMf tlsi shades, coloriage and trimmings of me.-abuvariation. Ai& 1