**téTgiqpfordot.Wgeq* Mt5 <had M.Ueorp g m a m uo. M<flb buegavb taie onagpijo. mefl udas ili r.. Mmdlr. Wtt Ev. md1 bate nIun Ms. UiTnIe sudiaubtr 9Mi. jehn OSUIUge sud dBl5btr L"ie forth vlqhl *luWomeobdsfor * tsi daim mbtii ls< Nh elyoa i» VI Mir, Mmd unre DBgd"l.en bock l lu ou~~Maar d ber ,,.= for a " Mise M Mer8spet Tuemiap sud etfl$buveo 8. erladrvlngfa »novu six.wosto#ýMse.eWlaoSDore, ta *fin piuaduirlarrdvadaîubeRovsrd,, Mr.ud. Ur&, N4&aMolidr Man 1fr on Tharedi *lle,. bee nWeM.rfieM atma MmVIWinliotor *#MW th@ebeli« Flou AgI4Sb..alaitid l e t Weukegaa 1imaIThure. b»Ofze t l livingBoock Md tris"tihg, Sayeeota.Ur. dl Sraa çep sumd@& viti tas fot..'ê ireJob* a elt»ma Isonanvarm dey for FOI Psaalo bo. o5a15pgaitmoi'fflapiTinsis4. their faum 1 mas éisMdM Mn. t*, U&M, éwi*ha mu lagrvuag. o<laa Labe.,wvire uglnm,.bes.Eode. ..j"InUAefl No tglGugeCommertal Mis. elit.Muie wbbUo bon q" t:,aiilotgun1 Bho& Nmefm bdm M& Job 841111tard'la vldliag I min. ?hUl5iIl!Wl5le hovhted hie eabuictJO - M1ý tle w*natalS a pifce fora& VOMi. heparete l i-- u te SIVimO la thé - Tm ladVAid. olet vi ivo YO Mr. nid if-&Vil Hsuieag. Wl MTrustuM eDmy or wlamsk i LitaiBrowa, lHenry Tiiomes &W Laara Uisi hbava biaon tIbMsa MelnThilsavlmléd rlativée.a Sputng OreTummdm. lMr. aed Mms.(LA. HowarSd diMr 4mJO@ beDAVUi meon e uVatke ian, Sturda. viee s îtmetrbrt Hovrard, eho t.an»v etmlloned ah Camp Dedsp, lova. ý ' ,Marta e tanton, of logis"ti, boarda th. e theudannSonaday alght. Wtt Sanîhi, of ays@te aka a acaller hore, Tu""da. Thérewu. a tmgerovd la mteanm ab lie movegrngîn luhesopera bouse Saday ngit. Forreet Thomason, vie vas mc Camp Ormat, ba nov ICamp Logan, Tein. Os Tnnodmy, AprIt 16, village of Fezt Lais uiscledt tii olowlmg offine: Guy Eonni, aort; Louie Kaumman, Paul WiakWsibruiase; Bd Tweed, îe.ebctd trsts.. En. H. Radfflahisud MlId . JBrown hwiacwtm.lbum e la Chléeglo Wmdnem. Asyptlm.f vesi. Uvm7body le bumy planting var gar*amaidfarmere mie preparln M&id for cor. Tb@ eprlag seodbla lepractl. omtsangii l falid. Maàrdi leetle reilevingioe"Mner, thé l mail dolîverer la bouae vithitii. rpl, wbv ie mnon hlieb.pnoumonlm L6inis mmd post cari trou Géorge Tisaifie. France ho hieM sater, lire. 54qri Jackson, mht.e l"aIhofit yon mmd wôrkb nmt hie cline. -Tb ii.i et ofthlas vlalmly d" rete thha Uh livi o u rbut.dto thboees ef tidtr card party ently heula bre atma te maie a correction oflelat wvomis report. The. total'aet profit detlved aiould la $118.10, Insu.ad $93.65, am vs. reportei lest vsei. John itraton a»d Alvin Beetcher liai tie mtstortum of et ltlnusîhair me broies wiiulscranklng tisir mschin«* lu n«»m ilenI ery Ford le novmklng a cmmbiné teo lgit Amenlc"a4 W eilI a Gormémusse o leuh, boys, vlan yen omk peur Henryl R. Iteadrice return.d Meuday tront Nebrueka, arborehlahmbu ievellng villa rlative. and frieuis. He reporta smail grain In fin. condition and farynere vetpoperoum ud patrietie. He@saie Ilmir puLtia ronde lok li.-out boule Varda, at ach rata.' Evéry fariner 'Iaso mauy mles ho go oe m erpe. rbu beeoadi ae fer lahund tbir Msoring tte Mr. Hendricis. in Memoriam lu loving momory et my diar bhzebnd Mmd eut bilov.d facher, J. B. PlumD, vlao uebrmhsm hilsforti-elgbt bibrtadai la i.anmn 4pril 28, and who diid ot. 26.,1917: Ton suffrei long, but mormnred o, Tbongb for saay.yen are net forget; 'Tor..& i. t ten gnlre.a s@bock @nvoil, '%1e Part vith eus vo loyed no dmr. W, @av pou linger dey by day; W. vatolaed yen aly ipaes oqvay, Tel lu eut bearts ve lv.» hboped %Mt lrpou migil longer stoy. - 1 1 Tonl ts . emde dy o lt heelotir. Prom thon thattlove blmudmart,. Otiy vs vhelinr uinow Roi mcii ve loue si aeMmag. Lqvln.g Wtt. »d mii~Ure. M»IN#Rli.Po.rleuyle asreabltter ai presetîrittim. M* lamd UMrsÉ ClarensHarri. mehersi "I183 cmeed0e dy Ibisswek, 1. Mt E ud Mmd lts Shijki nt9rtained k4o4etros Laie Foze<'Bnd&7. -enultraiu bore aie paning te attend hiebmskeenolwalt Gages Corners Frlday v al. liUvelyn A gdéb basbsen utabte bo attend 11b Uhee ah Dunoe. for thi pet ltes iseis.& Fred Strhan e osrane, vasqua on oui Bute tWml. soppar liimev ain t 9a b ahurit.,à I~~~~~h D0uifamahmisopenw.d. AU.Di"" mtraMaoi btul Si Sr«"gelsk Ores ft& d.vek. i 'hE»Hochai.7 saool hm a. el a muellarMeeg for Satevdoq.,ApM l27, Itasi0"ltv. dlrsteysDonemeIbslsg eM ddt toatrdm". k n Umm c etlb. rmin Bundmytbsa. vs. no'Sadmy ichooL- -k Tbe* dueh"t vaugirenIl the IUr,. stem daims iila e dcdk Frlday - vuatmg Segeer viti hias fiasOUby -C. T. N.elaes. I __________________ LARKE VLMLA mms.C. Jarvisepl t I$huruiay il The villagoe ehllan. TuMe.ayfetlm bîm.i wa@ the quietot lnueré, onirle votes sbolus eut, sashaoie vau ne oppo altion. lamee Ksrr, . D. .masser and pWin. ayloi vern elSeta trumlee'u Th coqeesi Smuspeltng sud ncadlng bj tb. nelghbortmg mbouls te belog -bsol teday -* The folowîng merasta of L14i Vila vItecms their tr every Thorm day evoilng ah 6 o'ctock dnring tlaani' mer: D. R. Manser, IL Vendisma, E. L fgald & ce., H. Dizon. Mr. sud Mn. E. b. Wtd, lire. PetIsi »d lin. Dmmlele yoen Vaukegu vl iters Fridmy., Elwia. Dbblie mmd Rossesl Witt, et Waouk«beslm psmt Friday ad Satrday vish hoiir graniohen, Mm. Toison. Mm. Den Sommers enterhatned a lew indI.. as ber homue tus Frdai atternoos. Denltt hrow antg aay whtle lemulng lieus. outil onemqad out vieh-i eltcaabousdintlb.&auction sMl.to lea gven by th. Bed Cross la thie nem future. Ilpyou bave a "Whimete pat," brinsglttont for aie. lits e arist sd Eleanor Wald «peol Saturday end Smaday vti Sur. llngton relatives.. E. L. lrrie.was elorteil ecioel dîrec- tor leoweed W. J. SObora for Ibres Zoah a meetIng Satunday nigit. The mAut -Fox Laie. Cemet.ry Society VUSsit soth a emmyfîvle oebeohbous. Baturdel mft.rnoon, May 27. Ah the lasl umting*tbe olilovlng ollce re r elseusd: Prie., MIné Mary Wlson; V. Preu.. Mm. Frank Bebanis; Sec.-Tnea., Mm. ReraceCuirer; trustes, Mm. Ever- oit Outrer. Mir. and En. Jom Eborler, MWt PeaIl Leonard and frisaid. Ruby James, and Edward Leongri, et Chicago, mmd En. sud Mas. John' Lsomard, ot Laie For.t, wore guneaof henietoîke ener 8undmy. Join expet.soon te enter fie service 09 inela". SMn. Hasee Davson and dauglor, ot Ciicago,,4p«nt a 1ev day. tut. viel vitb ber olfor ASbsn latbir and on Thureday atinaded the louerai 0f tisîr osin, lun. Day. ah Wanksgam. RassI and Lvoy Stopbey, flarrhs Waid, Eliasbeth Jaivls, Geplrude 1eir peu, Clarence Sar, John Wslims, Ken. nelh b iepêriso, Leter and Dorion Beln l ePrday and Saturdmp sold a noaonsq »4 turnsoi l $.20 for lie *loi rois. Ties n buWalloss vlhhbis roller ercmu and Leter Rmln l vfhlb@ wagon wu# alcfinilb.he wn and gava concerte, tskhla lu l5es. Who aps. lthe children are sotbolpingî Don't min tb. dedcatien et lb. sir. vice fins fer Laie ViII. e vnalap Frlday eoeni 8. asthlie churcla. Anuad& drseuwllbe giron by Beyv. ompe, of Waukegmn, vieospenjimeutnt 1hme lh im, vila bobys fi t"ItLke. 'Os number iviii la alveàby lie AlMbIe boye ad18 girlsunadoi the direction et MWn vaIhoe eand fllMIe cN&mnaaVOS orq!. e mdrill. Theio tlla9fg eon wIgiý@ aéprlt.the ptoole b nctl, viellas or plano: un.lani, lin. A. Humer. Min Maliou?, Mi Sapier Ge4orge litdcbi, IL t Wald. John Waltasi»adri pomHouse. Ton vil ailbavaa ance "te Moi;g;A uwloa4' "Star Spsud Banner' sud *hUlo1ols'. go pou ami Oïïlut boanthé wvrde bu. fore Misy 8.Tinen vil neosla aml charge Otiadmieston -Wa# or ub I eS in:lMWlV& vh OI epee 1% aInterluaes Ur Vilten asa aanioga imn S te h boe hCharnu ü» somer lia KuhamPiet laumke parenits are the lutter psr mMr. Mmd Mrq.'RamaiaFox loi, Apni le,"wl s. me Drugala lteWW attii or ièter, MWs.nuaibDaie. lire. Pred C lsa it Satur 0,Lake, #bel»tlamY il mai rbouse. tI AumeeotatoW ini boiS à aFrida e.misugoft"ch se hmbmami ofau gnvlalt. la ime la Vaniegma on rda V*bermlb- allrea ot J. Chien.,reffis e a. Jam olmu b liMeaiq, nàralgin for a 1e ekaWW' nul illa elahlve s Denver, Colerado. On auaI t ofie; roaaon Satmrday abtrao6a e spoakl, iblarute have Ien "~i on Man etreet, a. a part 0et isLbereyLoan driva, wvas ld la thé %»or& bous.. Noevlislmndlog tiie iemvY rWinhoaewu 'a tlitbouse snd eIveIponetiaegit Il va. vei Worth tbeir vu le co tu obaer lu. Dr. as uts.Turner momibsier bouse iaold gamniture tle Orysimie te Ila 'deniers paresefor sterageonoaSatur- dey. Tlaey laluon QSerdmy Vng vitI rolotivseeamlake. .nrj lii., qxmw ho go te Chicago, vhs, Mmn Tueur. viii roma". Tie domtr dosn 2%oîew asYpt ulare la viiila J30#n Corbets dg Fox 1Lak. bua. 1 titan ho bmsnem cf red Ciemmn, Ibm Place ep»ean uner Ibe nmev mam5i Ment let veei. Mr. andSàMn. Dimul nad i fl, ame hie weni movlPg hbeir hounebotd luraleureà aitoe Bm ayueflot ver Hllbramdt's 1 sho estore. L SAUGATUCK 1-Viter Delisyer,.ef Warreston, vimti st Isèdevs D@Uemyr's Wedn.Mday oven. MrU. an& lMre.Sabreei attended tb. dance sh Llbort7ville Tboasdmy evsntng. r Mien Ballis Amana aad lMr. aid lirà. i. Arthur, Of Waakgan, returnsd haturdmy o Ions C1tiornta viiereiiey hbava been épsnding tii. violer.. FrIdmy oenteg aboutaftiy fiendq r Ratiiered Ia a urprison lir. Ocreck. Thé. eventag was pleanffly sent lu piaylng carde.lire. licAf.. readered a 1number ef muiloal estetions on th@ piano. Folovlnig thin fa luneoon va. served wihlàb vasenjoyed by ait. At tbmeachoot mting E. E. Mash vWs eelected echoot dîrector. Min Abbl. Sage, of t"ieForent,,le vlitlng.lirz. chreck.i eTii. farmetse amtted hbyIdr. Sebreci ba b ar lisFrday.11 5CUOOL NEW$ )IgWtba leMsyr rscelved a star la sp.illng for th.evel. Th-n eeivlng deportmnent stars for the vmsk are Manita Aman, Martha D)elsYer, Ruth Knox, Enâma Deieyer mand FlorenesKenneedy. Selle Pontégy tiiough mach Imrpoved le etilU absent troin saboot. Parla Nucholista e w pupi ln the @-Bnd grae. Parle and hl@ mothe, arn *tallng villa hie sdoter, 'Mre. MEcAie, Whie .on th$e K4hx plac. One et thé muet enthaslatte Liber- Y !»em metings that hboom houl J4 e tecouU t, .aat of Tbureimy evmanmet theopera boume ah onom.. latq. It l.e ait Ijat almout a thon, ManSVersons -crovded Inte oh ilt ho bear 1r. Ge'r., £baaket et Ciii 0410;gesallalaneraotethlie Uberty Igai and fiston ho other inhsrooting *Imbuson the. Premram. vbleh fta. luim al.uaIiatet froni Chicago. Tii. Wmuegan Rtfe sud Dram derps fBmiled munie ferthie ev.enlng mmg W"tianiiproved a very lntenmety la. t"ottng meeting. Agi a resit 0e ti la large number ef Ltborty Banie bave-been placed in Grayslake anS $hom poopiebave been stirrei Up ver' UtesAttorney James o. W"I i. gave about a 10-miànttmiwk la wltiho urgeS people id bey erty WllIlam Ayttng, hnabmud cf. laM Aile. Ayling, brother et John Aung, father et MnB. R. J. KShb, Uta. Googe ýL Burlingani., ME. C. C. Koeh, W. 9-- »ling', John' Aylinz, Thomas A. AMUSg.MUs, A. A. Pivuimi sud E. Yttrli#hn, dt.d Chtcigp on oday. »IriastahAntloch, Wd»Moay ater.t noon, Avril 24,. support ofthle lj, t.hyLa "u mq paciclpaitb tp Pelattvento tho sood thoe tit."&<re orthtie.. C . nmon itvc h y S. Deu 79IC.E5usi£0 Zn tor an hed lllnair ymoesno. nod TO50Ui4Uamid 15 WAKEGla "Iul X11k. tehaet .hare n te eeJ0 E. -o bnd"dd -VVÇ date at he le sereVlc.v w », cernt at-tp----ve"mg Equpmet r "tarcMahsstattit vowmor cuetc lhoth W &I.GneaynoMdicine Plant sW~~rasla a netdrgly tin. fronesor VoUya &iTAin T '~ mtheafes WhatoeuY. m0C.u. =r loi .arhull lum bPosuitin furiyea. alffe ean w.drw it te. nin N. Arth cloe L of t erv e ay iei s" m 10,y.wr nhmr. mmaanS te wD.aord ba ndlaead ratdl __ __the._ __ _ __ _ _ eut fexjt.t. o!tii.Oflaela e neer stdeacieagnta I n te ro.j vo d -for yeers, ia a nd reb. SII r* Tr4116 t ie eeslg > tac t tii. thY. M. C. l ienan tad. Fogt at evra ay uj f . 1 I ha susende pg~jgegu abouvtlgh v hrt toO IRadàii. eremato .t ,tkn oer 1»' o hsaGrngue r la tiigolate at the services.vwithGohe tnger: 10Em im nt U jt>,vi. a l- onat aovi r e ve ae ios ek * t b t ttim t eeh a it t e f on~~~~~~~~ aoar molto a e. n one.' t 4 f0 hV Ud ilii e i G einrAb Pati dcase W.1q 'lnsoe 'UO 0 OO . te haasr. Voh. a mgo wtM a i.iie One o ot hohqied euchattendethe Cm $ tii. eo ~lne hl~ u tef ~ù. M toil b the prY rm eet.ing14 onr.__ _ _ __ _ rut, sevc ae nism o Weiae ofay vealng mnd o at n lu "M aiufl N I'AII 1 ______ mino viithm M d~ oad r . I s «Meg ta als ho Aig.)»J Ii. bi e lUneM twg= no puores. àMand f eth ng bs «red ady tr i~.cô I onciéà the aatin. t Rm er Sim uiàT.er d Tc, F 1);:I louo idtem i*,lthe Gto b. a l'e te aieras lbe aLA Trbu4 i tlo g p fe lilore iLneyer Pira ft h a erM.Chin f o odîvuufo ,r -wa M tr bASE Aueasy Tu8i natinal aga.nesv s ;ncIu-dl À.dWe Pe.thn.lat formerai 41va as bud v inuseii pi anrem a or gined g th* oet the omsated bIce aken Ther tyonld Bringr ti MUSi honeren..ah ii n. -UQmtet~h ve : prmeutOf Pricf eotE Dllar TwhoaanNVIREJ) Millertu e moiaedhieGraalke ri lfate bte oahig i. buvlt tt Mneb oiith taI 'quit magRet forti , vros fCdfi1 son. Thposon 14ead*ustod lnt o ne-v i " D W I ent _p, rd lh eseG - - bu sutie i. aprotth e U j it. m d ttlet i C h e "Y"but t e ggmn ot 1te haato, u ti od eC. liatt. ftaejAem i mot C one ofan =Kmt ate fiiit. nd, th Nort Shor a REC[LESSfDRIVBRrne eoms:ny laWî te al. Who hecevtll »MeaI «0SItiste" ouneor oa bmgh:r prie.. h, ip nmcclth thek sS -'u mane r edîtr ave. Alida) I maked teee o rob e vie à lotwwrn g et what la Yeerday 'ananorlty Inanela ebina b e h fu o â e etcthJe rnu l itesf- Lýjv sie .Vi msuia t rts3 e ethmed e hireen ofheEhçttRff* etigBnayatr fottt agazie-M" emalg"ant., ;=.eMernmlty .daanddd ___Mr, lzkt»'wj fahondatatebe hideitae»bers mtae Io;t charge~~~~~~~ et hé tfllts et heneenOfta ormirmerrgeVnotit M'8 lmaugat l pre md y 1sf c. £ va>_A. ________u *" Ormy lTiune reues r mnd la Alfrie i ldn . aeagu d80Fm in terhoemejrae l 1 novi r' e s otteupl-pmc. AnAtige. , tendeer. W<I~l1 n o uIlrce. 1 cnt. Ti igi 'Ttv. Mier. fl iatathedR. Mras an ltnosatomns epifal ce hnte ol ar ou ht. e awiie b u httOÏ op hgplaln i fln 4 aga frthe valos ua" ote ad of,69etsaer arsold t p smap elut t18an lkl taie-tPmOU 69Oetsmem1.Citybe. ~ son. Te con= = ilfor ail-.aufere v «Boutdbao rn Inthe mejh SCiJOL LI3C EmeftElVi etWaukgan"urate fsrou nd 90the nyshor e but theccompanying Ll code lnfnd GdB --on y i m o b siea s ln bvlis a C C a tOlN A T i se x n K. RwiceivesPnfuîInjuIEs apn' tonyo h at b&ckOnmemOf tWL. klitod the Tro th s rt.oa Chiagor anier laja, ock buneurod pmhnWu-,, Cre.turdaybave Thece fly e Gar ont &oke. n. lVl 80t Obaialtua.Othe CI*Wte muen 'p.' iina atob le tii ilest0 iiar engluaiteio h ment laitiven byeThemma Brenna, Dunt.ee 2 emr cent orgin&llyopa' Houa Cutoavi ., Kenbalsabera ptaern MoÀM batN statent sommd.b i" cageetea mla up i uorf th. a *Pee~ tmned lisrormiby-prduc a on theSp 114 n Sturay hevctlnao1 he-ei:ativir.J arti n'spiti oln fld ovn0fNdI «Bm hlsh" roor: u el a te lfred Linist D r le a hee GrLUêT0S ruSH OTER andhphat, eua W FttmrThis oat' e dropsmairateTit ,.âm accidelitnt;tawam dasange1. Per 1t,000 . cf Sno t fes t ofinhe 1 e, l iga.. ed ârtn d i te titsl eu e t ii- EMlT L. Wue gan; mut In cube d , he m nd m ter a g ud o ifr fMYOs, &Voers W ere laoen aag.uI. ehm ie a t r at mdea of 9cntpe I .W r cmiesia et ska dIe.. So As Hens Teth5 g n l lis o Wa. -abot $1 for thfri, otl t i i drubl e iy. O tOai=,c foi Lînuls, iiobLdlt ea 11gb.sor d %ud90ets mfor l b.dra los ndistrIct Scheoel eectin ln eue, dis- trit m vion ien- v*rgbut thre. ta theo ther mmd six in anotiior and. ln eue teYhad it oeout and ms'k he voteraete come i nid vote se 'her. vOUld h. a legal ectiap, If miovu tbat Fox Lake siil la on the mMP pelltlcally and Liai tiiey moi b e ho a i hout thiene alen aý renI calUet ta vaging. In the Foz Lake district, district 114 a8turimy vas tield the~ achol éiectiou and iien the votes vwer. coneS lu va. found that Niciiolas Grentor had Sefeated <,-rhardt Lai- "en 129 ho 79, Gneuter filling a vacan- 'y hi-oagiht on lestt),car. ý0 All durng theg yçýuar heur t he pi ver. *ei.Ai tôs *ve.hustling about, tho dlItrict brhnglng in votera &Mait1 rmemntzie a regutar cîty elec 1 , big toin. J.à-sen repre.sinu ttIWt le termeS the. O'Boyie faction e orit liii. and bohh factions put up thi. fight o ftheir lives. The Village Elactea. lu the recent village éeeeion Roi.ý « tS Scoht, villago clerk vas dotesteS by Guy -norrell y a goed mlxeil me. otum P. aut Wlnkler andS Loubs Krf a defeatos Gu s Lauadry gu4 Illgme Eidison for village o0 members. The victorý r .epresoahs the ireL clouent of the village gQ the irty ttus ent down te deteat Tiie boldever imemi)er. o fthboard tare: Proaldent, Wm. ljNag«i trust tees, Peter Johnson, Ear! Rushmore, and Prank Pasdeloup. 'LL SND THE ' TOIu L" OLIVÀ TTIREVe IWun Oveseor, Asked to e 00 I& *New !Y af ZMon, Makes As.; fonlabing Reply NO 'ROON IN ZMON Thef'é. Whaf lHe SaYsln tAn- awerlng Requést thaf lihe AWàl I edication,l "W. are about ready te dedloat'e tbe Y. M. C. A. lu ZMouCity.md va venud. lik. tsi have yen aloiefo Ah forlhey*amA or Il ILI10w *by4ft 21 kte Mt wiîll r«.is m Wur s or 1< la * To MY Custome-rs WOULD roquest ail those who are planning tri plant vege. table gardens (and everybody vWil-on a large acale than last year) ta place their aider. for ail veaetable plants as mcon as possible. NOW is not too eariy. You know what you are- Salng to plant anid, therefore maire up yaur aider NOW and let me bave it and 1 will deliver it when wanted. Avojd diiappôiritments like luat year. WHILE you areabout it, Yu wil want a few flowmr cdearound your house thin numnmerandyuh btein cuethern in your aider. dyuhdbte n A WARING: The USFuAd" ýa6o bua t ail reenouseoîwnrs t co-perae w t iin saving cam, and they decided ho beat only two.tliirds of their glassa&-» and toamvoidi waaîe, will raine only what they bave orders for and no more. A fint :o teWise Ones- PLACE YOUR O0D" NOW. JOSEPHN KOHOUT Greouhouscs on Chicago. North Short and Milîjuke Elctric Lino Between LibcatyfflI. and Roudout ",Mme 11 ID 19-- .j a 1 9 - .11 m 1 À