Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 May 1918, p. 10

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PWOTva BOARD 0F SUPÉRVISOR Offiiai Proceedings of the Regular March (1918) session, Held in the Court House at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois.1 FIRST DAY AVON Waukegau.liit., Henry Siroher, Johnu Cleveland, Barl Mfarcir 4, 1918.î Converse, Jo Davis, Frank Fiany, Lute Boad a Suerisos 0 LRe oun jWait. Abert Siroomaken, Frank Galli ty. Iflibis, met lu reguuer r 19,n6atDgal Cn eWin. Mor, Berti WlittlWm tire Court Rouie iu Waukegar i vth WARREN Cirairmair Kirschner presidiirg, and tire faiiaviug tombera presont: Supervi- James Armour, D. O. Brown, War sors Bairstov. Banstaihie. B' ,ren iFlood, Henry Fl, Fioyd Faulk. Clark, Crapo, Dilger. Elger, FicRe, ner, R. B. Slrang, Tiras. Rudd. Holdridge. Hilton. Kirschuer, Maeth. WAUTKEGAN er. Moyen. Monahan, Murphy. Pad, dock, Ringdabi., Rockenbacir, Strat- Burton Jensen. Arthrur Littlie, F. IL. tan. trang, Tirompson. Webb oi An. Krebs5. C. Siruitir, Geo. King, John tiocir, Webbr cf Waukegan, Wiite-24. Faubei. Wari Merrtt. Ciras. Drink. Absent-SIipeirvisors Martin, Me- vine, Henry Haiiaw.eil. Barney Boeirm. Cullogh, erco--3.Wm. Zoeilriem A. Vogel, S. E. Baoth- Muinugt, es ocoe-3. tmt l an, H. B. Tiromas, Jeas Uphat, W. Minte aiprceiaimetigr'ad L HsnleY. F. S. Ertsktne. Jay Mercir. and upon'motion of Supervisor lod. ant, H. Selis, E. H. Braicard,, Tires. rldge approved. Moan C. Redding, Fred Sirober. S. Lewis o. irockwa>'. Circuit Cieni Pillfant. Chas. Studiey, Wmn. McGov. - p4 aerder, aubmftted tire foiiovlug an, P. MeDermot. Burt _Eddy. 'l'oru report: ~pellman, Peter Neediat, Mat Hall Ta tire Honorable Board af Supervi. Jr., T. 'E. Murphy, P. Wirapeg, S. sors of Lake Coînty Ililinois« : Bradbury,. Dave Lux. Gen. Toulouse. Tire underalgned, Ciemk of tire Cmr John Gamaah. J. C. Cote, Wm. White. cuit Court and exofficlo Recorder of; Frank Hermfan, Cirnic Buck, Robert said County, wàuld respectfully reportý Baircox; A. D. Webir, Charles A. Kit. tire foiiowing Receipts and Expetidi- 1 teridge. H. Milton Bing. Ge. W. turcs of my offire from.june 4tir. 1917 Dr>sdalc, Win. Ceint. Jas. Keiiey. R. to Decemirer ist. 1917 Inclusive: Nimber of documents reenndi'd dîîing 1,ý year................. 3195 Reconding tees carned .............. $3147.45 Recarding tees nreived .......2945.15 Recordiiig tres ec. pni'v. rep. earned. 295.80 Total Recording tees received ... Cort Coster oarfle................2083-51 Court (Cagtà-re tbfd,............. Court Costls e&f*.e 5mtb d Total Court côets rereived .......... Miscolianeois cefsa earned.......... 914.25 Mfiscellanecus costa received... Total cosa ened................. 6145.20 Total coess eceived ............... EXPE NS ES Saiamî ...........................5 1600.00 Clerk Rire ........................ 3791-00 Postage and Express................. 27.37 Total exPenrSos............ *.... ' Total oarnlngs ln excese af expense. Total recelpts ln excesof expeusea. Stale orillilts CounIy of LaRe. as:* Lotis O(. BrockwaY. belng duly' avare on eti isys that tire fOregolng report by hlm made la correct to tire irest aifii s nowiedgif, Information aud ble. LEWIS O. BROCKWAY. Subscribed andBavan to1 befare me tirs 28tir day of February A. D. 1918 A. D. BOTSFORD, Doeputlr Clerk. Supervisar Eger moved tiraItiere. port ho retert-ed 10th ieCommiIlOO on Settiemeut with thre Clerk o!flire Cir Cuit Court. Motien caried. __ , .b Loy A. Hendeo, Caunty Cieku miîted lire tolaving report: 1Repart ai COunity tClemRkta bo certi Saed ta et eacir meeting ofthtie Board of Couuty Cemmist(ns or Super visons. etateofaiIlinois. Lake Cauty, as 1, Loy A. Hendee. (ounty ClerR lu sud tan sald CountY. lu tihe State aforesaid. do herehy certiYty tiritire folloviirg ia tire nate sud reaidence of eacir applicant detet-iued hy A. E Brown, M. D. Examiner ofthtie Blind for said Cointy'.lsi tire lest meut' Iug af ithis Honorable Board, ta ire en ttied ta tir e hnefit pravided for hy sut Act fer tireRelier ai tireBlind appraved MeY Iltir. 1903, and reviffed by an Act approved Joue 25t1h, 1915 sud tirat surir alplicailtatare entitied te said honefit frornr snd aiter Aprii lit A. D. 1918. Naine of Applcaint Realdenue Chartes; teicirenbaclier. Wsîtkegalr, 111 lu Wituees Wirereof 1i have here- nta mset urly hand aud affiled myi ses, of office et Waukegan lu raid Cetunty tiir411î day o!fliarcir A. D -1918. LEW A. IIENI)EE. ('ounty Ciemk. Superv iEon Balrstow ntoved tirat tire report hi' eferred it treFinance Com- tlttee. Motion csrniëd. Superviser Eger , f Itie .udlciamy Commitlee. sîhrnitted tire folovingr report: State o!Illirnois, Lake Caunty,. ,F: Yoir J.ilciary lottrtittei'. suthor1 lied to select 300 names tronrtirhe Jury1 lista repienisi tire Jury Box, irere. witi subtiltirhe follav,'ng lilat a nanes no slected: BENTON E. L Brown, E. H. Bola, D. A.1 CMIphoil LRe Bull, 8. H. Depev. Rnrry Ottorbiocirer, Percy Robinson, j. P. Over, L. A. Mitchell, Arthrur WareB, C. E. AustIn. Win. Edvards,1 A. Gollanger, IL H. iishop. W. A. Si- mou. James Hardie. J. A. Main. P. M. LaRose,.CC W. Crane. J. H. SieuRs, E. G. Toplin. Roy' Gilin. Wm. Couneil. NIDWPORT Gea. Dartiett. ('.0. Brave, John Bon- 14t, Fred Castenton, Ciras. Casltmare. FIratik dwmmdu. Rami Henry', Ramet King. Wm. Riordan. John Sirea. ANTrIOCH Samn Torai, Geo Hockney, Tiras. Cool., Sat Strabu, Tirco. Frazier, W. VaWiriuan, B. Nabon. GRANT I. r E. d Muencir. be Pitzen onsead. John Walshi, Ben jkaTom Maib. .James Beais SusLavenc, HnirnlCahier, Edv fteV< ou>' Daistel. =§ EVILLA *Jiiot DOUgIao' Wmn. Bradley', AI. r ' buNorman Bumetl, Fred ,tien Sunmersq. Win. WalkPrr Wrura ook, EverFirh, J. C. Bannàrt fl~7.;, ià 'i! 856.83 3140.95 1676.50 9 14.25 6631.70 5288.37 343.33 E. Wnels, Ernest Lercire, Ed Tyrrel Cari W. Lindberg, Wm. Braîsiri, A. M MOrrson, Andnew Wagner, Frank Reardon. Hart Tyrreil, Cugert Hom. George Neeiey, Ouet Walberg. Harry Dietmeyem. Arcir Dsrrov, Enacir Paint Oscar BJorR, Andrev' Sumd, Axei Gi. derlund. Aibrt Gorenson, G. Olden. bemg, W. Lindirerg. Harold lrodbeck r. J. Noniauder, Tiras. Baran, Axel Lybeck, C. Fosbirg, Ciras. Walker. S. Bertin, Audrey J. Cmm, Leo. Dirkin Richrard Brunke. Leon VenHancke Chas. Diesuen Jr., Martin KIlirane John Guthile. Lewis Chramberlain. Water Campbrell. SHIELDS Jutes Wall. Johrn Preston, W. Brew. ster. Wm. Pusher, Otto Schaeer, Har. mv Smitir, A. Enmark, E. Monairan. Fred Dickineon, Auirrey Warren. J. H, Devey, A. D. Jackmau, A. Kelly, Tiroh. Quayle. John Wiralen, Wm. P. Cocir. rane, Otto Krutbzerg. H. C. Rehînsoný R. Rosentirai. Conrad Bissel, J. R. Boyd. Scott Durand, Wm. Atkinson. Abert Mihan. Thromas Fagan, Bd Weich, Wm. Schrumann, Bd Kely, George Cndahy, James Kelly. Wm. Dickinson, T. B. Marston, James Har- ding. W. T. Oeaood. F. A. Chantri', Leslie Raogs. Martin Dobbins, W. E. Ciov Jr.. C. E. Pope. LIBERTY VILLE Herman Aliriglir. E. I. Brown. Harry ('aber, W. J. Colins, .1. F. Du'er. A. C0. Fipcher. Johnlilodge, i-arny Ifel1 fer, J. W. Hair.t'ihrnile Jorkheim, Scymourr lîcClain. George McDonairi Ott,,) Boin. Johrn Dandelein. Tom Hoffman. 'Ton r K'n, Hioward Mason. Gardon Scitanck, Aaron Stafford, R F. Wnigtiî Frank Wilson, Ley Witi. fney. FREMONT John W. iteese. A. 3. Brewpr, How- ard Converse,.1ohnFrederick, Frank Stafford, Jiohn Tratit, Frank A. Wirtz, livrmfîsuZers;en. William Porîcîtaý George I'fantientlî. J. 1i, Chtamber main. Lewis Rsidke. WA it(ONDA D. L. Pîtuam. Lep Murray, Thomas Vaury. Jason Waltont, Owen Paddock, John Herziug, Ceô. Benvel. James Gainer, L.ouis tironcbpoii Jr.. Wm. Dillon. CUBIA Win. Gottmchaik, Frank Ret. LTouisq Nîrîman. W. C. Daverman, Ceorge Schnoeder. Wm. Pelgeuhauer, Emmett Rlley, Citai. Freseir. ELA Wm. J. Blute, Airgust Froolicir Wm. Grairer, Louis G. Kulgo Fred Grimmi, Howard Davis, Daniel McCar. tir>'. Enil Frank, George Tiries, Wm Bue»cinlg. VERNON Rerman Broekmanu. Wm. Born. atp, Vncent Dusirck. Wm. Edwands, Chas. Foote, Augîît Frets, Wm. A. Farter, Ed Giseq. WEST DEERFIELD) ffichard Tilîman. J0e Seyie. Cires. ter Wolf, Wm. Hoenhorger, James1 Dawson, Joe Tare. DEiSil.IELD Edvin H. Steele,' C. T. Alexander, John G. Bell, A. E. Oison, E. R. Ray- tond. Fred RotRen, lAd Gourloy, Cea, J. Muilide, C. A. Palilamenit, O. S.E Poabody, A. L. Rennlng. P. M. Ton- îtey. F. B. Green, J. C. linylan, Fred J. Merryman. O. B. Brand, E. H. Purý dy, Aonuzo Jones,. W. E. CunimIn à. O. Q. Breton, A. W. Oleson. Waltern stupey, Albrert Olander, Cd Mantague Ben>. Fnitarr. E. A. MARTIN. H. B. EGE. CHASE WEBB. Supervisar Eitav moved tiraI tire repart. > . rcppted and sdopted andîy thlt illee sioua rtir.- coninitr<ev ' LIB*YtIL>U LENT, TUr 9AYe3 291. ' ral1 Motion carried. Supervkaor Maether af the Commit. tep -on SettteMent witbthtie Codnty Clerk submltted the, tolaowing report* -State of lilinois Lake Caunty as. Board ai Supervisars, March Trt, Mn. Chairmnsud Gentlemen af the Board af,,Mpmmvscrs.. Your Committee on Beltlement vîth the Conty Clork, to, vham the report ot Ley A. Rendae. Couuty Clerk toi the hait year ending December 1. 1917 waa referred. report as toliows: We have examined Raid rePort and verified ste with the books and ac. cQunts ot the Caunty Cierk Office sud Suld as folowa: Earning for said hait year . .$9390.61 Receipta inciudig teeos re- celved previousiy reported.13440.74 Expenses ..................6032-66 Balance due Lake County .. . .7408.08 Which said amaunt iras been turn- ed aver ta lhe Couuty Treasurer. We therefore recommend that saad report :ee appraved. RespectEUiiY aubmlitted. ALFRED G. MAETHER. WILLIAM ài. STRATTON. supervlagr airstow moved tirat tire repart ire accoplod sud adapted. Motion carried. Supervisor iiaelir nmaved tirat tire sut of Tirmee Huudmed Dolars ire sp- propriated for tire Lake County Fart- ergl Instituts and tiraItirhe ClorR be directed sud aui iori.zod 'tadrav à warrant an tire Treasuner lu psytett of tire saie. motion carried. Strperviiiar Eger moved tiret iere. aller lire Caunty Fart Audltlng Cot- mlttee and LaRe ('ouniy Hospital Ail. diting Commttee ho Instrucled to In- clude lu tireir reports tire cast per cap» lita per day tpr came of patients. Motion carrled. Superinteudetit Appiey Of tire Coin t' Fart submltted tire ioiloriug e- jport: C Repart of!C A. Appiey, SuperntDen- dent of LaRe CountY Pbar Frt. LibertYviile, Ill., Mameir 4, 1918. 1917 Att. Pald Out D)ec. 10--Coiunrirmn Steel Tank Ca.. stove fon vagir roon . .. S 33.60 Dec. 12-C. M. & St. Paul-,. tt au groceries .................26 Dec. 27-U. S. P. O. DePt. box ent ....................46 191- Jeu. 6-LaRe coînty Gravel C'o.. 114 yds. sand.......... 1.8e Jan. 28-S. J. Denlein. 15 bl. flair .....................195.00 Jan. 29-C. M. & St. P. Ry ft on gracenies .................26 Fe.2-C. M. & St. P. Ry. ft on grocenies................ .84 lob. 4-S. M. Isireli & CO., gardon aeeds ..............11.15 Febi 9-Lew Flsgg. lob lot of tabacco...................2.80o Feir. 16-C. M. & St. P. Ry ft . an gnocemies.................2 Feir. 19-Wel5 Fargo Exp. Co., express ou read macine parte i............. .9 Feir. 21-Weiil FargO Exp. Ca.. express on garden seeds .. .38 lob. 21-A. Radiaff, hauiing te 7 loada .....................ý.60 lob. 21-Geo. Triggairauling tee. 16 loada ...............12.00 lob. 21-C. Wiicox, heuliiig Ice 24 loade ......... 19.20 loir. 21-O. E. Lester.,irauliug tee, 12 ioads................ 9.60 Feir. 21-Gea. Sage.,irauiing ice, 13 icada ................... 10.40 loir. 21-N. R. Ladd. irauling tce. 5 loadS ................ 4.00 Feir. 29-. P. Evilsizen. eiec- tricai services and material 3.20 Feir. 28-H. R.L uire, services and materiai repalrIng veil 19.40 Mer. 1-Dr. Chas. N. Stevens, services ir epeciai caes .... 2.00 Total pald oit........... $333.06 1917 . AmI. Received Dec. 21-Richard Canady, mon- ry due Win. Endenien ...25.00 1918- Jan. 5-A. RltY. ane cali ...20.00 Jan. 21 Cirlas. H. King, amountt dueeonuil. Tirseherry's board 394.00 veb, i3--F. converse. 1 cow ..100.00 lier. 2-A. RiLy. 1 calf ...20.00 'rotai received ...... 549.00 Summery lIer. 8- Italani'odue Lake (10.$3966-18 Total retcieti......... 49.00 'rotai credU ........816.18 Total pald out .... 3-306 Balipedur Lake C..-.- 482.13 ,superv@at Moyer moved to. rer the report te the County Farm Audit tng committee. Motion carrled. Sîîpervisor MeYer moved te adjourn unt;d tomorrow morning at 10 o'Clack Motion carried. SECOND DAY Il nty report as totiove: W. toak the malter up with the au- t1borlt1«et amZon City, and the amouint vas refunded ta Lake Couny aiW fDe eeOhbdlr 24th, 1917. We subtnit to tthe Board the bItter tram Wiibur Glenn VolivîaGenerai OverseOr. wblch tuliy expiains the malter. Respfctfile sBlbifitted, B. C. THOM8'SON. 1. W. MOWI8IIKIL A. S. BURGESS. ADM INISTRATION BLDG., Zian City, Illiois FebruarY 25, 1918. 13. C. Thompson. Supervisor Bouton Township. ZDan City, Illinais. Dear Sr: -Several veeks aga, on your reluru f ram a meeting ot the COUnty Board in Waukegan, you re. Ported that a complaint ilad been filed wîtir lbe County Board ta thre effeot that tire aum of $20. vhich Ai'ouid have been refrrnded ta the Cointy- having been advanced toward the tu. nerai expensea of Mn. Cumminga vitir the uuderstanding that it vould be refunded If SMn. Cumminge', son paid l tire expenea-irad Dot been re- funded. Waukean, ll.. H, nnin Hedin ...........10860 Mar. 5. 1918. Dec. 22-Cash received tram Bloard mat pursuant te adjournment Frank L1lor.............. 1.76 wtth chairman KIrschuner presiding Dec. 27-Cash roceived tirpr and the follavint members preSeUt: Miidred and Katherino Supervisars Batt9, B5irnsteble Meteaif................ . 5.0 Biurgess, Clairk, Crapo. Dlger, Eger 1918- F'ioke. H.aidridge. Hutto, i.lCrchner Jan,.1--Cauh roceived tram Martin, Maetlaer, Moyer. MonaltaÙ Laiko CoufltY............ 1000.00 ,Murphy, Paddock. Ringdahl, Roelkon- Jan. 4--.Jash m eolved tram bach. Strattan. Strang, Thoawaon Oscar Rodewald......... 24.00 Webb of Antlach, Webb af Waukegan. Jan. 5--Cash reoeved troam Wbite.25. .1tîargaret Twchabold .. 5 .00 Absent: Supervisera MeCullough.; Jan. 6-Câsh recelved framn Vercoe.-2. Auguist Rode............. 13.76 Minutes. ai preceding meeting read Jan. lo-.-Cash recelved tram and upon motion of Superviser Bur. Mrs. Leofent...... 12.00 gess approved. Jan. ii-4,ash received trami Supervisor Thompeon submltted the Mrs. L*ffert.............. 8.00 foiiawing repart:. Jan. 23-Cash received tram, Slatp of Illinois. Mrs. Hauser ..............64.30 lake County, ms. Jan. 24-Cash reived train Btoard of Supervisora. Mardi Term Mjii Loffert.............. 8.00 1918. JaàK -24-Cash received tram Mr. Cliairman and Gentlemen af thre Mra. lîrumuurd........... 1j.08 Board of iiupervk>ors:1 Jan. 26-c"14 received (rom Your speciai Committee appalnted MrI ofet............ 8.00 .te Investigate the matter af the D-y- Jan. 2.l9 -Cash brtreeied tram ment (iftthe fuiqeral bill of Mn. flum. Oscar Rodewaid......24.001 lnjng ia mounting to,$20.00, by Lakel1'eh t--Çlash reeeived rOn WYre.LÀert .... .........« Feir. 4-Casih received tram 1LIIO çmtY ...........10m.00( Feb.""#,recelved frmm M. ýLelek ..... ..... . SO Peb. 7-Cash roceived tram Opscar RodeWald .........12.0( Fob. 7-Cash received trani Ure. Staffig .............8.M lob. 9-Cash meived tram Mrs. LefferI............ 8.A lob. 1-Oasb geoived frp Walter Whitney.... 36.7e lob. 18-Cash recelved tramn Auguet Rode ............ 12.O0 lob. 19-Cash recevied tram Mns. Leffert.............8S.« lob. 27-Camh received from Mrs. Longabaugir........ 48.1 $890.34 Dec. 1, 1912 ta Marcir 1. 191.8 Total amount disbursoments.14682.94 Marcir 1, 1918 bai. lu, Trea... 327.40 DISBURSEMENTS (December 1, 1917 ta Marcir 1. 1918) Fred Buck, Provisions .............. 13-29 J. Blurmberg, Equiptent ............... 35.0 J. H. Bartiett. Provisions ................50.25 On recelpt cf thais nformation i iii mnedlatoiy dimccted tire ciriet accait aut, lthe general .fiuacial ocrtar, esudoi .e, A tcr 0investi gate tht malter sud report ta me. Within tIv eor tirree daym tire report vas subtil tied ta me, and 1iimtediately instrucî ed tirat a check for $20 plus tire inter est at six per cent tram tire date tir maney varsadvanced tram tire count: ta thre date' the chreck vas issued, b, tirsnded t0 you, 10 o b auded to tir Coînty Clenk. Tire report in substance vas as fol lova: Tirai th(- County did psy ta thi Zion Undc'nîaking Department $20 tirat tire Undemtaking Department rmn >dered an account to lire Cirrcir for tri entire amourît lesa .$20; tisaIt ir Cirurcir paid tire uudertaklng depart ment as pier account rendered; Ibm' tireeauonof Mn. Cumminga, lu vartout Inatallmet, .sent directi>' tO tirecash Ion tire entime amount; tirat tir euah 1er put $20 te one aIde tfmrtire CountY sud had torgotten ail about tire mat ter until Iris investigation, sud bis attention vas called to It Tire mis take, prImarily, vas due ta tire tact that Mr. Cuminnga tade remittance directly 10 tire casirier. Instead of tc tire gemeai Ituanclal aecretary, vhc conducts ail correapondeude. Tire cashier eutered the total amauht ai tire paytonta, minus $20 viricir ie put solde for tire 'ounty; snd tirer., Pafe- iug ou ta numeraua other dutles, ire fargot ail about it until, as stated above, iris attention vas caiied ta IL Personaiiy, 1, of course, regret thia oversigirt, but it la o11Y aucir as vili sometirnea happen lu any office. Tnrasting tirat thîs oxplanatiOn makes tire matter plain, I am RespectfullY, WIL13iJI GLENN VOLIVA. Supervisor Raimstov movei tiret tire report bu accepted and adopted. M4otion carrled. Supenvisor Meyer, Cirairman af tire Lake Cointy Hospital Aiditiug Cant mittee, oubmitted tire faî, port: State ofIllinois, Couety 0f LaRe, as: Board of Supervisons, Mancir Tort. 1918. Mn. Chairnian and Gentlemen of tire Board of SipervisOTs: Yoir Committee ou Lake Couuty Hospital Audiling vouid beg leave to report that they have examined tire accointa and booka ai A. E. Bro*n Sîpernutendont cf tire Lake Caunty Rospital, and verlitid saine viti tire Treasurer's Books, and tirat tire oi- iowing le a trio snd correct report of receipîs Sud dlsbursemreuts Pu acS.2111t of aaid Hospital trot ,DedembîerI1 1917 to Marcir 1. 1918. iteapectftriiy submitted, H. C. W. MEYER. Cirairman. A. T. WITE. A. G. MAETIIEit. 1917 AmI. Dec. 1-Bai. in Tnessury ..1 520.71 Dec. 1 Cash on band.......... .04 Dec. 1- .Cash received frot lins. Stadik.............. 10.00 Dec. 3-Cash rcuived trot Ruthr Bsirslov............50.00 De. 3--Cash receivcd from lNin. MohbY.............. 15.00 Der. 6 --Cash receivcd f rom Augtîst Rode............. 12.00 Der. 6;-Cash received mrom Violet Porteirs......... 37.90 De. 6--Cash recelved front Laske County ..........ll150. ou Der. 12-Cash received tram ApostaIl lunowff ........12.50 Dec. 14--Cash recelved trotn E. Ilapke................19-30 Drc. 19--Cash recelved f rom Mn. Mobeby.............. 23.60 Dec. 20-Cash received tmom Mns. Leffert.............. 3.00 Dcç. 20)-C&sir recelved tram Mn. Cor................32.16 léCea. Balrit9o' Building sud Groulà.... J. M. Bidinger. Provisions ............. r.A. E. Brovn. (e, Provisions, Cen. Expense yFred Balrstov, ýe Heat.................. SBurke & Wrigirt, Equiptent ............. lIls Jean Crawford, e Nurse Wages .......... Chicago Pliartacal Ca., General Uxpeuae... e Chicago Market, e Provisions .............. Dr. A. H. Ciaeboo. Airestiretics........... Chicago Toiephone Co., Cenerai Empenne... LW. H. Day Mtg. C'o., Equipmentt............. Mrs. Margaret Duning. 15 Gonerai Wages.......... ;Daim & Broecker. t Provisions .............. eMiis Raselia Evanson, Nurse Wageî .......... Franken Bran.. TieBuilding and Graunda fTeFox Store, t Generai Expeuse... C. S. Farvar. Geuerai Wages .......... Funks BooR Sirop, Generai Expeuse... 2 Ia Forvor, GoDeraI WcgoS .......... Miss 'ttaivlna Gitzloff. Nue Wages.......... F. B. Graves & Ca., Genemal Expenne... Crtffiiu' Waukegan Garage, Gon. Expense, Eqiipment Conrad Holatein, Generai Empennee... M. H. Hue>' bomber Co., Buiidijgi% & Grounds .. Huila Hardware, Genera Empennee. Johnson Macine Ca., Generai Expeuse... Agnes Johrnson, CaGnerai Wages ......... A. J. Jewell, Generai Expense... Jennie Konine, Generai vages .......... H. W. Keel & Ca.. Provisions .............. George LeWIid, Cenerai Expenne... Dr. Frederick MieRler. Genemal Expejirse... FranklinuMacVomir & (Co.. Provisions, Gen. Expeuse H. K. Muitord & ÀCa., Generai Bapense... Dr. F. Il. Martin, Anaostiretles............ J. D. Merchant. Provisions .............. Miss Mediey, -. Nurnse Wages......... Miss McCune, Nurse Wages ......... Wm. J. Moxley. Provisions.............. Mandel Bnoa., Equiptent ............. Northr Shore Fri.Prodoue Co. Proviglonta.............. Ina Neiuy. Cenensi Wages ........ Northr Side Hlome Bakery. Provisions .............. Peter Oison. Buildingsanad Groundsa... vanie IPearson, tienpesiExpenne... W. W. Pearce. Generai Expense... Public Service Co., LigirI and Paver. Bihid. ings and groudil... Iienmy Rover. Buildings sud Grounds Roardan & Wall., .Povislans ............1 Robins, Canerai Expense... 1h11 Shridan, E4uit ............. Schirats Furnitire Co., Elquipment ............ E. R. Squibb & Salns. Clouerail xpene ... Rioss Royal Co.. Canerail Mpense... N. P. Ragiumsen, Gêneral Expenne... Scott laper tCo., Goueral Expeaso... Sharp & SMIQiJ. - Clouerai Etpenie ... Scafflan Mrris Ca., EquipMent............. James Salmon, Ceueral Empenne... Sirad'a Hardware, Cenarai Empense... Standard 0OU Co.. Gonarai lOpnse.... E. P. Soaoling. Miik. Canotai oxpense ...1 Soensan Bron. . Mines Geaies-Tire. Nurso Wagon ............1 ensalie Prendlaeowr, 0 t I0 >0 De toi A. or ProvIsIns......... Volte * Zunekor. Provilions ............ C. W. Webster. Buildings "d Ground.. Whitaii Tatum Ca.. Eqtupmebt............ Misa Agüos Weytilier, ,Nurs Wagon .......... Lir.............. W. wa=.ué Rinillugansd Orounda. WaubU«n 10e Ce.. Generai Uxpeune. 8.0 10.69 96.00 16.87 210.00 14.45 3.36 182.88 8.30 10.00 23.81 23.32 62.40 48.40 20. 72.38 20.76 14.1 20.00 24.40 1.0> 166.00 19.70 160.00 12.00 2.25 180.00 1.50 160.00 101. 15 27.50 8.70 3.70 52.00 4.00 2. SC 120.00 24.40 120.00 69.40 30.47 100.00 160.39 4.06 60.00 80.06 52.1 200. <AC 96.1.1 140.31 20.30 160.0() 20.22 11 .20 90.00 360 121.29 186.70 117.40 9.47 14.00 18.75 17.28 3.90 13.15 20.00 .82 13.78 2.8 36.7 179.21 3.27t 1 1.0 io 6 '0 t liba ' . 1 .84542.94 Jord of Supervleors. Marcir Trt, 1911. ' Ige- COàW1ian sd Gentlemen o1 tie Yeu YoniCeuttee on ILàRe County frowptal Autfin& fè luoin * vuàUaUacu that tire aveesife cool Per usalet_ par day for tirepast three 2motra iras beas 81.80%., 10H. C. W. MEYER. A. G. MAETHER. oA. T. WHITE. Superviser Dilger maved tira tire jI report ire sccepted sud adopted. Motion carried. îà Supervisor White, Chairman of thre IMBance Commlttee, >iuimitted tbe i6 toilavlng report. Baard Of Supervisons, Mardi Trt State ofhIlinolf;. e Lake Cauty, si,: .Mr. Chirman and Gentlemen aftie 0 Board af Supenvisors: Yaîr finance Committee, to wvira Ctire report of Lew A. Rende. Couuty Clerk. on pensons viro have been ex- amRilued iry the Examiner of tire Blind vas referred, reports as foilowi: We afInd tirat Chrles Relcirkubacirnof MWaukegan, hIll sOi. le a blind persan suad euîIied ta tire peuiron provided by lav, aud ecammend tirat ire ho 0grsnted sucir penglon by Lake ,Cauuîy tram sud*miter April lot. 1918I. 6 Respecttuiiy submltted, A. T. WRITE. 0F. A. WEBB. Supernislon Meyer mavpd rirat the 0report be aecepled sud adapted. Motion carrIed. 0Supervisonr airitow Presented tire toiiowlng resolîtion and toved ItL. 5adoption: Wirereaâ, This Board at ils Decem. ber, 1917 meeting apprapriited lire aunt otf Ive Hundred Dollars peri manthi for four m<)itirai for tire Red Cross society ta ho divided equally between tirs Waukegan-Norlir Ciicagei ('hapter and tire Lake County Chap1 ter, sud1 Wireres., Owlng ta tire fact lirat there waB sornft criUàclam as ta thre1 legallîy ai tire appropriation, oniy t8500 iras been pald to lire atameîaid Soclei tien, sud Wbeneas. An opinion ai tire Attorney Genenal ias been received by Ibip h oard viricir esotaautirize tins expenditure; Tireretore, Be IL Resalvedl, Tiret tire Caunty Cierk b. autirorizod sud lu strucîed t0,lIssue Orders ou tire Courtn tY Treasuren totahie Waukegan.Norîir Chticago Cirapter sud tire Lake ('ountyl Cirapten of tire Red Crou Socieyt fort tire balance or tire appropriation ap psssed aithtie Decetirer meeting of tis Board for tire purpose of sîpply. Ing necesates la tire familles of sol iera vira are In need ofai assitance1 fnom tire Coursty. Aye sud Nay vote belng calied for. Stî)envlisor Bairstow'a motion vas cart ried by tire tollovlng vote: Tinte voting Aye are Sue 1sn Barrstow, Darustairie, Burgosai. Clark Crapo. Dilgen. Egm.,Pleke. Holdnldge Hutton, Martin, Maotlrer. tleytn., Mon ahan. Murphy, Paddock, RIngdahl Rockenhacir. Riratiton, Strang, Thi>t son, Webb or Antiocir, Webbh ot Waî. Regan, White. Nayé-None. Stipervibon t'lark presentAd tire fol. lOwlng resolution and moved lIa, adop. lion: Wirereas, Tire prartire tn maiteme, Or probate 18nI uniformn ln ail lire countlies of titis 1tatf, and IL la (otiere hoat Interesto ai thre people ai Ibis county. owing t tire great increase la proppmly values lu receut yeans lirat for tire Impravement of tire Sdtinis. Iratlon af law lu tire caunty, tire Jidgea etthlie caunly sud prairte courts Of Ibis state, s&ad Wires .Tire mont praotleal vay te% Obtain thia knovbedge sud lire ex. a chante of vieve aon itissuîbjct la ry 13 th ie association ai Our cauuîy sud i IProbate Judgeg vitir lireotirer corty 'F ansd Prabate Judges ai tire state, and b 10 pesy t atir e fus 0f nit N oftecounties atfirisstcaIe for tireb Whery e ail stir «eucoft u mail &ttOrneY@, ciftol snd couirty cherRa ' Probation. offieru, onty, fart super. VIROM n ad superviaok%,, te tire state 'V teUO Ong f tireir nihpeOtiPe asocia. P011,s1ai .be atteqiance.of tire cou*a~ ty fladPNUIJI Jiudebs of Ibis cOuirty a at tire Meetings 'of tireConty sud Prohate Judges Asociation af tirePl Stat. af Illinoiu, shol ho encourage& st Tirerefora, Be It Res0lved, That tire C CaîntY Cierk la hereby directeti and Ordered lta issue a ooumîy erder dravu S au tire eunI>' Iromuar, f (ris cun. ty, PaYable bte ecomyliigeetr tis c ioublty wvireoyOr loch judasshah pre. sont taelaid COqnty BOIStil f Super. yisors a.certiôcaI. sigued hY tire Sec. D retary Of tire OonnIY sud Prahate Judges, Asgaclatlan of tire StaueoaijI, Ilinois, cOrMif3qg tiraI uid Jîdge wast 01 lu attendance at tire tant meetin* o I .@&Id agociation, viricir ardersalien dravu feos r a a l>' suf boli o ybe tire ueceosry traveling sud bote! ex1v pense O!fr"id Jildge villa la attend. a auceai ansd g01Ug teannd front said <e Recetings, âatter'sald biliras ireen au. Q'dited by tire County Board. This resao lution shall ho eff ective onlY me tc t2 eetings of said aasciation hebi af. ter lis adoption* 0 Motion carrled. Tire faiiovlug petitian vas prient. Iled: 0Caunt-Y af Lake,se. To thre County Board of Supervisog 7Lake County, linois. Oentlemen:-Comes nov Rose Ger, Qbiacht and shows ta the otaty Board tI ai thé àtire Owneg)litee Oble 5aid la PMoseSiron aet the Nartlaa quarter (ý4) of the Soutbemet quafter 6(%) and the Southr hail (14~) of the Soitie9»t quarter (U) ef Section 8Number twonty.One (21), as Weil as Lot Numie twa (2) tur sait! section 0twentY-one (21) and Loets-tr (4) and six (6) ln Section number twenty-two 0(22); said iast montlonod, lots co. Prige ail the land Inside thre gavern. 1mont Mmder lino and veut af Fox -River In tho Southr iaives of sait! Sec. 4tIans (21) and tweuty-two 1(22) and are deeignated as "ecb Lots ln a Plat of lire Survey- et Alexander Wolcott ou file lu theoClOuerai Laurd Officeofotthe -Unlted Otites; -ail cf iBsid lands being ln Tawnshrip Nimber lorty-eix (46) Northr, Range Nîno (9) eEast of the Third Principal Meridian, .In raid Caunly of Lake and Staté ot r liinais; aiea tire North hait (12) of >tire Soutiret tquarter <4) of the Narthee>î quarter M,> and the Nortr. east quarter (%)orf4e Nitremast quarter (%k) of Section Numnier tien. ty-elgirt (28); aiea lire Northrhaill (', i ftire Nortirvent quarter (,À), the North hait (%) of thre trth*bst quarter (1/) of the Narthwest quar. ter (1/), and thre fractional 1/s0frtire N. E. 1/jveut af thre Fax River chan. nei ln Section number z7; ail of tire ad described lanrds beiug ln Town. ship Nuffiber iorty.six (46) Northj Range Nine (9) £Eut of the Thiri Principal Meridian, ln the county 0f Lake and Biats of lîlinOis. 'ahe haviug lnherlîed part of eadd land tramn ber moIrer and abtain part af siad laud by dieed. Your petilioner fther statep trial sire and fher parents have been in pos. session af eald land for mare tran for. ty (40) years lait Puansd tirat on Jauuary 2Stir, 1914, sire lllcd bil lui Cbancery t0 quiet tille lu thre County ot LaRe. 1'our Petitioner furtirer atatesa ta said land coulains la ail about ane hundred thinty sud sizxty-tva one bion dredths (130 62-100) acres lu tire meander Une aud tiraItirere bas bren a coutroversy aver sad owuership of vair! land for many years, sud tirai site la nov desiraus of comprannlalug with gald Coînty of Lake lu obtain. ing titie of cal dpremniâs;an sd <bat shi. la de>,irous tirat the bil ta quiet title t8o liie<j liemade part of this re cord. sire PetitiOns Couuty Board af L.ake Caînry 10 autirorize that a quiet tille daim deed ho slgued in accord. once wititire iaw. tiret ehe May sec quire ail riglits of said premiseo trmn tire County oi Lake, foi, a jurata ire fixi'd as rfeasçouahie under tire Cincum stances; that c decree ho ade inusec cordance with thre praYer of sald bill fled! lu said court as aforenaid, ber mother Gertrude Gerbracht iat died Blocs commencement of sald 1511140 and Youm Petitianer ielnitber sale ireir, and tir@ awner ot ail eisadad ROSE GeSRSRACWr. ,Potltioner. L. V.. Orvia beiug duly 'sworn ou his oatir ceposes and sastiraI re knaws tire fauta irnin 4tated by ltre petition Pr and tiraI the gante ar, tru,. E. V. ORivis. Subsribid and swonn to before me tris 51h day of Marcb, ]918. LEW A. HEN1DRIC., Cler. S9upervIso0r llirsiaw mnoved that the Pettioti be rpferred tu lie Swamjî Lands Commlte. Motion c.arnled. 1:?0 o'clock P. M. lire Bioard met ln thu' Circuit ('otan 10Mntanrd with 8p IroPniahi.exercissmOtSranved lthe 7911, anniveisary or tbe Art of thùIr. tgisia. ture wiirrr.aird LaRe CountY, ibis bcbng tir enîtennral Year of tihe State of Ylljil. Thre progiam consisid rd cf peechesI bY lion. Franeim f1. BRi. State t;uper. intendent Of Sclliocia. Of Springfild; Dr. John J. lIalsey cof Lake Forest. sud and James G. Weiir. Stste's Attorney Oft LILP C (ounty, sud muie hi tire, Great Lairrs Naîai Tnaining Schlool Orrhteira. 1Superviaur Webb n IWA'aikpgan ml ed ta adjoura un titil 4)r)rlojck tom rOw tiiorning t4 Motion cannieri. THIRD DAY Waukegan, illuola. March e 6 i&8 Bloard nit puraliant tg) adjpUrnagent s'ith Cirairman Kirocirner presldiug and tire fbllovlng temberg prisent: Sîpervisors BaIratow, laIrnatable Burgeas. Clark, Crapo, Dîlgen. Eger, !lk, Hddridge, 'Huttenr, Kirecirner. (Br.Lethe, iMeYey, Manahan funryh. PddockRlngdahi. Rocken. bacir. Stratton, String, Thompean Atbeb of Antiocr, Webb ai Waokegan. WVlte.-25. Abseut: Supervisora McCuhlougr lercoe 2. Minutes af preeding meeting read and upon Motion ai Supervisor Bur. gess tp)praved. Tirs ioliawing communication vils presented and on motion of Suporvi. or Monairan reforred ta, the State Charruies Committee. ,,WOM&IB'ORGANIZATrONS tir se m la lit th hi re thr re Ju ho tir Pi Ct thr ai] th W. th lis Bi ci an lic dc Ai on air In of tu Pa se fil an M th lJy cc yo te, dû lu ci () Cfr mi yo en M r of f rc tal on (ow Aut w.. uid i hf off lie pol an, chi thr yet Chr if chÉ bei los tf an( an( boÊ Col yoti fon and andi wis gpn avo woy and Cou' w"î ditfi gea Ipett Phait cak tire Cois willl Cam ire the lng Chi tuo1 tbm lire 'W Colt coml and tire af ai ms

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