- -~ *-'~.-,t~ t., s ,, Y bsBig We1 WMJUEGAN WU'YSUN ýffnsBDÂY, )NA&T 9,1918s $1W PEU Yi Rlgt H i m 'naid'i DONT TOURH YOIJR CAF No - oubu Th I $vWo * Are Expeot a GemII- -temove ycýFrbat mand Ioldimt it l a% 7=ur ight baud, plan.elaveu jyour1 Lewt sund Ioop t -therewvIlle lihet coloms are pàoatan& .Tial a helb.correct vai' taialte thme ai. Don't think you am s alutlng -lthe fig vien Ibn @bu tlie edue oSreou bat e 111sn.nssogcn for a hp. v>. JmÊn een Dion'l tizIk abat jeu are ftllfUng tlonal umlmm vn yon givç IL vimaty jes 111mb lea aMULrtr iislut.. Un. »M e«i' la e l l.United t&î;ttueuni, lornu you bave no rlghtla give a mlii.d Even lthe soldler doe net contentq imomaiftijuat salulins. If iou aeveu happen tb notice, tle esoldiers 4and saslra vho are houe on le siâd aetsaut. uanithe l iea We eil -Den'1 11mb kthcttIf jeu aàte limé fmtRet Ln l a parade tatyen bave doua yor full duty. The ftai la lIs ait 1.euh'a pIe, of cole' cçih, dealt! 'lu acord.à amc. vtbcertain Pm"a Ton uarm et I saluUung Il for ils valua a. a veul of art or a cruchon et'beuti. Tou are ulug ulfor viat, il symbole.-- liberty'. Justice, berolgu suad self - riace.. Tuan e S a am à flt pid à of coloret! sllb, but ti o'agWt. of i brava menon vie e0r]ilve* te idesce dumestars siMd' tr1fpe»présernt tb. holtait tradétions la jb uc1i TJme 1111e teu."s*amigeurwe l je parade by a *dt! mbsollitaact- ly lie gamme tImi, tMgaanar pre- mated hi'theO octlyrds*lonMid soI. lutugedbauner oSrrled- b a veaith ledge. Riabsoff vien the sas, gos iii' -vietier lhinemiled t! ' t0. A. A., lie Home uun, lime reglar an'y or a crovi 0f chldreâa. Tf themn mu ta 0 ou doeboit tak bils bat off, remove il for hlm. - Atten tlacallsd l lie btithlab * Section 116 oetlb. asisclive rvice em toapnovtdes e asfoliove: * Evrf motent d" lal, VI"biav* 4fdis a % islebappago hmi'Ibigfreport to Ms al baud mi ltat.wlMic mWi champ or uSlhice m auIU"ù. ro aut Molere cap tr statua a. bsm'slm rele4 or uma aise report tioqofleha i'deaaaopunt.iabh br ou. Vmar'm luprlaomaoul." Ibis "oblaion ha. ie lme fores sand ,ffos l a1w.. h behoviee mri mmm nglo$edunuder lb., Soeoctive Servie La - tvl'obes.ve-Mbq proviiaon.oftlie aectiou explicitir. I abe biter sud lie qpirIlo! SecatIon 118 sue'bool ouloncot a" !ob.jed lb. llaetof lathe e "Peu IW@ mle h arte To tht.s ed, ii' is Irkts Boardt!bas ouunuied *Itbth le Ulhed Stala .Di*itmos or Jà»"ce sd Amweia Ppot oaus vil a vsv lovait! Oubtlm la the criminel courésof ai' pa" ho Wehf telareport changq et %Io hlormauloapmorlj shbovid b. la bfou** alda$vils madt! cmflioale, to 44 5 ýli5 w bo ho italsan made krn$i te $lebeol bm>nd, absJoe bc *111 i lbaruet liaragoliute ville t l partlsularl I'lmpotns tulam ocikatiom »rport -elea à ofé amusri -bon,»of o!emplojure. 6 m atis ai~ augisiormn. lua t Mi'W vumtm Ow amt ..Idlof et lier«b*rmt MPMle * ouaub4osd. vililu av.*aff w hi' 44W B otd undor penalty of lipribon. aintal -or u.gliot. DhUet ou ord for No. 8, Norlbérm -IsIrlaloo! ilflmois. ~~ ~-i'*al m v'1tri tIl Te lem Mman ï 1ftî lu un t* t.dsftsW0uA n bougbeld lb. à~ta prefe .dateM.e oin t ~10~ ut eue aeuelbg v amw tg' e réï M i dun umt Thul. or Wawa.Utaspe. or "b pata<etieuof thepsople or 0115 It vi l shov boy 0" eA Im e i %0 do v6libm> ob.Ip Wia tb. Var. viii liet liua.ere 4to r vlbeu 10 aa Iie. vOI pieve 10 lb. gover met vb.liw !.t o tmoh" vin do vit oes, la ore tiebat eue tijs, over Framoi eams b rpeequlipe propsot.'W d dpropufl' iakedtu *Mme dylvoe us e ieGerma Il vbLcb uremml maleas Bfrl. .b. Va sé imagepiqd card vhà jeu 49 eut aend lip ddîrg *"Pie Wesk" vIOIih b.d#ni»noe, yult direct %0 oncis. as0,uln ion.U vith bisa.l tJW a otIevi ndi&t Mbat Yeu do nol car verymuch viieth Mie va r von or lies Ahelute feu $00alPs Il may i era;ta, thsqui aleu ! youmpalhles lu tlii. or Nooaeeoorlcborteo poorlo ab ouecd ts.ephdgscoarde., The tact th jrçg Alrayaeao~rsnvuu lu Llhuy vBornIsdoes o relieve i touf tI" duy. Thw mmofa etbt eoatslbmdcoa viiroM s " du hmu6 Spb.o09Ilvbg la hfur ala ta. avwuo. The vbbrklsi', vi ~Wti5agmet n' o *et 1o thseoli Il hn mot a quedo. vbb. o edo vithoctls Wb"vh1 Wini do vUtbout, Sim edoit viii hukstu havè4vo home ab.d, a6d every l*an Wou Mad effl lb tthe talb.d te. m élft1 b. made of tbo.evwbede and * Who rdeto t ow. But çàgm eas t " of et rgantsalion th"thela.. poiblty mat osm. mai'beovarlol Tht. viii ot rehau mlb.. tro h se fkrmaipledefh praesld tu peu a Wer savtegu wo<kpt ,lmvi I h l kwaom& a*0ae mpsa ule on. - abd m be a MentlipIeMet'O Youi sadrourgove tMol<d kePit m'eim Illi.ulequota té Wt Savtag, Stem fo he lb. jmlah$125AM0,0W. Th mâe..$20 for evee mam,. Wonmaa MWii tu m a ltq Notl or. lima tsi t" tverien~ mt of liaI quota ha.ht "ld- Sou. plb.uhtalsebave domua botter. Nebrsa alrea4 ha. eold a "lma hait of Ilequota for lb. y« iimeleeub mk ad bupaisoue tI Neirasha-» m h. viu m ertea 1o vktory. Amter cavioa4 f oS eali asd coin hadelveved a hr vU tt ai -dleoolhule e Iog ai o th= a 1'ia ors M»aie." @w-aBnddive1 lodb.W P*,feaclo! tbre poald Tbm llêrM.ulabe ýOdii '9bu AueronsleWho l o tbi4dvesa ivu coarrnuie as 1ee t4 te. oin whhh tul é odeo dI b.* ha be vho lm*iuthudti et Dlasà»op bç>td eom *ue l ola là.laljloW. jelernI Werely ol o- ïMa idZa Aumpt.e an p f enap ature. t *oW ri atklm.v Lt»e.Oou4Puoraivon vwaeillga Cpigeonus ue*lalu i SU.t.teâbmi itli llgkt bat remit mea or goee e b.m .'.. bu %Mt vlat atd bo* iholhked qeWl' esmgbty uortl a 1i r . -*y u1v1 un Throlaa mo fit iUnde-. OUI119 stnigBtwe Stanld- ioLAWS ARE MI8UNDERSTOOD la Ineretl Faca Given Set bath.Varim SigOIi ne on acconflt ut thme anta rillmec -M lion pcv belng imade of ail scbbol.lj irs the cou.s mad uo on accout 0f lb. the elmuaabns moveanent tSrard lu standard schoùý9, lbere la a poelbillty i.thut . sanitary- and -standard" Mar' th. e nus. To avold Ibis possible conitaon, an-d for the benellt of al achoil' officein mand otiier frlends 0f lia ora divememt, the tobn =1eb N uttmn amade: doe A standard achool le necemargli'a teu sanitari'scbmol bocae It muâtIln- aie l wih the sanitari' law ln order 10 But a achool may comply'i' vhe i MIe santdry requirements and not lie a Lbr standard school. The uev lav d oQe r- flot requtre ail nehool a te lbestandard se hi' Marcb 1, 1917 or at ani' other date. ldIl dose,.hovever. require thean ID ho sadltaryAvhicb lean oftirili' diterent lhlmg. - bt The foUlovlng pointa are tho..ai-~4Tj' fected- y hi e pantary law: ii VOS Heatimi' and veutllating. "a Toilaits. ffle *11st Are ktrnadardSios ",&' ~ ~standard re4ulromenut(uad O lrsitemvilci are Mt cevtred MW0 dim en the leaoy>Iieldà pb. acé ari..,urne.. oaud ici- l 'of b i' lhe sam m it an' w : h --and C sa b an te b.ien' l t.7 àmomiTreesi vmlki, Pasuiu erbel eueStates Attorne7 v 1 cor ~Tbéy aid the place bad he.*nduct b hg Hoe-Âpernane. condition, Ioy. et! but a day or two ast!Illidit-tbe Room-41lctures, blackboart!s, " iak ère Iigorant of ani lav vo'aton. ai ofl puuihneTabredeca r.. P ueuon was suspen4ed, pouding tam iuMo* lg.-Tcee e cahaire. spromise to close "hl isé lmc a- Dm bok cse. o"tl1y. Kukar, Itlalu33»90&t! had bra Seok-eB-Se toR, c-r, referuce.opeme a beer depot. atlàIg te emippli' gohome radlng. peoltf vithîn the STve itesomo. pro- th M(ase.globe, dlctlonari. vidima lime> called for IL. Me flgred. ea a OwflUedn-Gradlau. attendanS, m ft l ad, tatimAta aaplace' ted. las, clasilfication. Iength of teru votIf mot be volatlflg théIll- h beirbor and parente' imeetinge. temae., A clever jacherne of dcdgsg thie Il achocilu..tratnlng. exp.uldmce~ . " W ~e ! lgte auto fleebofée et $10 by ~c.m, discipline, rtfist, »O10111bu as munearthed hi lIIsMU* har met Wh, al aCaaidta h _if. Ites.' Wth everi' ledee1110111111tvW Wfou laAnldtdohbe nmber plates are glvem-555 for the Id OU Aconsolil .dsil ditrict 18 fron andite oter for lb. ea~ Of thé amu prqeeria union orftitre. Or mO"edi.' ar*The lav provides tfilt, il a& um Oiue trIcha for lihe purpose of eelablislg -;;Ï plaie' la ion>, a nvexM-rn-a'be a chool for ail pupils of thl5 C002"IlI ecune t tthe cost t OS 0.uSls.At râedatet! territori'; aald eceoSlto bli ju it onem.northern U»lêe*se M" ba ded pchool viiere ail gaés iesScoevta va>' of ObtMsftg twe Il. N the brut blbe thevelftli, Inclusivemup .i»sý,for $11. He seut InI lia 8;0 Mad b. taught. ÀAs conaolldated achol , fori h tibret set. A 5ev 4«a, tateu amoi 'are dstntly for thea dvantagne orru- lie cent ln '60 cents flm a dug~c@ tissarmi communtles, agiculture sand lUanumbor plit. and vithia a 5ev day mcicorelative vocational vorkr foru a îseurs lie sent for s second duplicate LOSPart of their curriculum. Somo 0et #=ber. Tbis gave is fcq. pite th àdiioa avdctgsiar le tuppli'tvo machines for «1. 1ls 11&.o! nelghboriood. clvlc sand socili oe d ic lierke upset thlb i*ue snd am teos. lh... sneboola maY i' .secu.'o1rd 'a Usenerailvatch la nov bbt e pt- for by lhe favorable action ofthlie trudrleea laXgtnejournal.c uPon a pétition signed hi' a majovit' - of the voters o! el of he!h districts te bu lncluded. 1 r The township ilgi echool iav mme% citéenused, providea for the a l M * tien of- as high lgohoël distri11ct e ' DIJcou>' viii posed "of territor i i'uglu 0»osei' wauruuu.r v kfor more tovnshilp@, hi' am election QQWt l IIU~U NII MM hi' tht .couati' superlntaffntt ugop a vs wa mmu. petîtion of fifli'Or ore"legal volera - ne living fithtiiprled t! tnter# lb. bioundarles o f i Mum et !ool Food Ad lmo &Mm b' stated ID the p.tltiam. T"te u orces Farmers tOi ka in 1r4purpoues olani' id giveza il the cdk tFue >a4y ff ohfp11 a ecoo le f o 1ghoo iaFx tu vl hgeoaebge.' l~ ore Ian 5O,000' lbxie~mls of Advsffantrngeof e Standard Sehoole Ilonliarded wheat bavte beau rOM4ed UP lii' otl la\ Milnois and places op Abe, arkt I 0 o itlale fot -v sorp>ie 10 uthII ie 48'our drive 1mI co leted inli on the relative, ierlll -ant!d oimcli'100d 584. 102 qenutOro 'léa of Si a ll .eoft lIs. ch Shiniorers in the southOrla setion of lb yt *ti arielàk ' lb.hetale vers founid tuelb.holding1 te'variée wltthîe neod ub04desdue, ocnearly' 360,000 bueli,-wvite the re-t different communtlet6 This la a mat- ensIuder ivas located laID the central Ourte to 0b. decidei 1wClne -OMM"mmlt, band norbero district., We self. t.otiiüg under lns±rCtàomqs fCMt me or the purpue.of aaslstng caimu 1ç, adquarters lia-'onty gd- snd ail limes in ftrxibtllmgImoia = lr.r called over.' township lon_ and advlce Lu reachfimui theo de. " Woriratltoaction and ta aube @vir- cultons Ithe conntY euPeiblMdouvs Iaili' vlted evr M' .5U14 the ditate. Soffice IlueathIbis eaPIce 0ofmail hep'b. J'amillar wittblocal, onêdllitioslb.e or. Pie Of tbuE count* ta thé. ftllest otent. f#nwnahÂp admlnbaiÏw" fôre w evJusl G"é Oog lrdabers <ied at Ie ia- vie ere. look. In »avérai Cases hbsi deonce In WestlWfeerfeld. Mai' 4, aItlihe fount! farmers with 0eiuh"u nainest age of 69 i'er. Fneral Wednesdayvite at tiret refusedt e dispo.e- of ffl. at À* 30 P. an., el latte reidence. [n. thelr.wbt at the' goveiMOMu prisers.1 cspl termntt Wauqffan. The i.j.riîy 0o the relfomi ioses4 de Highlnd vu aae tirflet Chf. wtt. >no-wn 10tô a iep?4erpiaor à"4 oago soburb ta viii n bine star for viîii pacIfiUt tepdenclea. ,Tbreate t tee ls bonor aggt-the star denotliig fiat commandeer lthe whest vaMsefetive. It bas doublet! lIa bonid. Wltm a quota of $283.000-, Elghtudi4Park pasat!the 'NSu tec;oin*~ '~1600,000 mark. Au muthorli' ys, "We"ot e'evu F581 a reuit,? senPlintniade by tm ane sd vaterand b.le 0 15'realdents of M1e tu*n o«Wrren liaI;jU týýCrýg - ..J. 6 tuon saiJntes Canian Ubeftyvllle townshaip vent "Over th* Tu top" lauhol864 1 thf@b.Third UberIy bod@tmntt g t f1.500-? fa $5.850 of tih. iovelp"w u .oTa.,sury UOiS 150.850. Added 1 to ttadl ii b. B*ItodRepors ooeltalêLuni tousaasmode. iTOtato P'awU ela. 0f onle tota' amo l mne 0f1 tu quota. gOvve, mo"e 4TH CAMPAIGÙIlU lb.. Oier"e ane va"ibl ev. lut atber. la om atlm i uélnq*" ta- lile-uhen lb. boobe have boueem loas Bati "& ' b bueivriim tResourme ai rd Ubwt oliIbo b tovubip viii IY UntOUotWe; BO«.< bave ..ebiev.d au borner wovlby of tb. Becomes H Tovmablp bans m old 0908,800 vortb et boide, le wbich î,110 aubscribors Waghlngto& »W « .-4é parteiplsdli berty lon rorts Iodai'11 Tb$.folI.vlng table. .bov total euh. the c.IImIiawioii l berpliome m usorled bjr lb. tiraS iabocsfxA8t-7.O00000. more SI lu lb. township.: second bom naad 12.1 00,Om Vfiret Naional, 210 smb. $69i..... i7503,260suboeptlom, bat, P Lake Vo. Natoal,-eub...... .69.150 aM7 tallevea the saoiita Cill«Ions ak, Areaî, 52 ...t ....5,600flo rua to 4, .00.0% lo - wau untlt -a'1.* 0l14,00 izd ni mlba h r .q Outelde of Township Pota10 flme O ltk. LeeCon. Nationa.- seu>...$25250 '4WImever Ibo muer. Ciune' ak, A.n, 218 aub ... 19,M rear saesit Firul National, 161 i'l>........19.2w0 Y ot<h'afnio . VO»OOadlutributlo 141 Mal4a8.8eOUs of every tMx au Total Saluapoill'ted blabme icq. Lake Co. National, 5M9 «bt.9.....ulse Weg t l7il alt i. 871 smli..............sreeeWa Ci 3 A 270 3~4*~omnpartvely W à mu neýe.Au 4M SuSpT1~¶~te.' aox iuet mou - lias Yhinks it Wasnt Becaus It Hapeedto B80 agbuài C*eDowR nya 11.111111 ON" ENLUsTED MAN Lad Says Une of Companiom WsCnsur« ~suKin Is a Shlp Iile Beause o! lhimImportance of tlie etatement trom tienClI hal lire. bore bcd boum %'*ipet!becao t Iey iat! sean lteinho&#t l*9eAqicas ibag on Libertyi' Lo a c'.lme5npro-, curred a direct ghatement f=rIn0"i of theo lads vie bold a mtraig'ht-4nu. yard fIOX toheb clruuanaces sur- roundln ii. -affetr., Thea lad Iu question- vue Teo Wil. son, and, lime strauge part o! the et. feu i la MatIn the avent in ilmicithe tire. lads fguued, titreo natio IMlis voue ropuesented: Irish, tnglisIt cnt! French. Wiwlso hIrishm; Herbert Manla âu»bl anm id John BesilaIo Punch. Wileon, teilli' o! lie &agr,sait!: "Onm Fruar aatterucon, lime glxtI grade. nouth division, pupila vere imav. lug a surprisee arty on their tecci- !er, Mus. Mason,, and wvbtm lie rou etf tiecls dBewent outolda te giai' .Iolu Beal, and Herbert Mannun d, i vom upetalrs la time fourth boer sand vaut into lime banner reona vlmero e bais end bannera are beplmand Je"m ZnI sald. "Ut'$ Put UP timo.flsg.' 8o va took tb, Ainertoan bMansd Dut'lb. ladder up tb an opeup>griii lbe Wall limat leads te tbe cttie. "i elimbet! mp cnt!opened t an md the- two oll#er boys follovot!. Tien v. went up t th. e imtaI leade ID the meot nd unfsmrlsd the ta'sut!d put It on lie ropees ad stsrtod' Pull- luig fi up. Tbe jaultr thon camne up sud aket! us wvitlwvo re doini'. We tod1 n vla wv ere pulling up lb. gag and h. sait! 'Whmai'?» amd vo toit! bisn h. :A.meràss ai'.' "He mad n tks lboitdown end ha gel our nom ed sent us down s)aj and thon we went oulsida end playod wltthh lie ther children, Whou va camne ID achopl Miongdai' nmonngîtmey didn't do an*Iing he us, but la lte aflernob aller roc... tiey calot! us dova to Apoale Derme' olgu. and I vent it mbhlmo"fcefrtut!ndho ulet! Sn evhy vu meddled ivil.bthe.prop- ait>. (mea im thle Sage) ot!uI1tont 'hmhhl 'ai iot'hmD8 a"m et ofthe lip.' b lg'-lshd Bureau of NavlOMtIo Is Ordure wftlch eatoreWhte Bmad to 818 et Fmi TOO MUCH WAST,'CAUSE No more Mobstitute. for leur an. to b. usdet Ithq iOaltalles Mtllea or aMr aller deuartmumlet lis cvy. Il developa lim.aIUceases = i departmient-lasbom lvotlMtt Md bas fount lIeS lieabas bffl sncb a vaste0f ceioula ase reoit of una of substituto« lIaI lime ordonba hoeAune umt Ihabesutsn o subehi- tts c balbeuset! for fMoUr u&o- crl aly &lie 1maci00 51,Greot. lskesimd sisoviere lualtme naviare gelai'te, b. ted ou whlite ss4 ibore-j lane. À ber et GMI aies lu tefllgt o! lime malter sxplalned liaI lIe prck- bablo came for 04 change lu onde la th" llth e Mld-evaatflgl no b:mcor i S lb utilulea, busd. l aller. -verdi. lthe b1554 mmi.troua substitute fleur hba liaguetf uck a ciaracter limaIlime beys wveléest o«I mèely the InsMt!. oMllonmepi brev aav >tbe cruel amd ouult!e.'sbb about lie cruel. -la Ibis vai' Il ve rogardet! that a grsesdeui of vuto w«u belng germtted, limat la 'e. - ter careful cenelderatlon anmd Inveeti- gatign. lime bureau> o!f ivigation I&- oued lbe coder, a day or aomgo doi savy i'vhmsnbstltulee imreftpr la tis ari. -. O5bsPImme tonov on thboja at Groat Laies vill ot be eatini' dan bresil sfimoree, 'ut tbey viiilamé«retunuat te their tabla lb. smm. sort oet viil b redst! s iey ued od 0bave boba foot! adaJnularallon luen" l l.ou d. 'ehJbbu baboeo sogauoMl1 .d throughout lb.eenItr'. wNaia.' Wl timey- a&ldelfghted over Us e ohgie.l* amd........... .............. lab. connei'le cillt pli' 143 mnoafor the &<A ho cslbd svay *&y IS - ltma quotas raide publie a IDisti. o.1 W ,bodQuculeru et LlivuFs a quota fel go mot'. .DistrictItio. 2, Ieadinafm ter Wamhpg quota of 4L Ait or fl ieme lmv *u <tUN i...do* AIM."ai m dtrum ma ouptim lis ID. -plysl mexaci "l«eNelad Ibalt ida't molle aur dit. Tclocal ho teune. ,Me qait! veboufldu bve fou one man t ,donc il because vo. w«O a - «nglu2moci&mnsi vi 1, otber's opoerti' It!Mid liIat wo mon ha vo needed lime roi Oe L, ant!dtler ppec tsl dn ho bad Mue. itasea jvc e s afl*ng* ty àlu acing Hie, thoen cae f üe!lba »emila and 'Jnmpcd li Over l»I beesus hie muiu brother Joine t Io Wabt»Mil ~e ioufL clation. and tben a . liMmeonMe's. - hlm 'fbe loé. TI*m limer cOlet! Honr-~ bort Man anmd gave bl im e boe U ' mIsa. Thena >ej lat ns go.", . -?What dit! tssama a about'. oula brother lonsthie aehuildaa' as- 1 ,acclationi?" wva smlthie Wilson lad.- "il del't knov. eu hTbni' toit! ' me liaI b. bad 'lumyod &il oser han' The 2ev. ci hecanse hi' bbloien had joined Iit .' *idIs 4> department et governunnt servic.- o',3 roplieth îe boy. -agplia 1"'Meyou, hbtnk vou were vbIpW 71 l m= l beosusa jeu oiated l tee bar?" ý« t l cabod, lb. boy. ibilerati'st H.. repilet!: 11IdonItt lnew*Joncm"Ia »Ch UldolO Darm ld me ho vas =* oimse r u'lîcket!boosusewvo md4»10f WlI% le plsr vt othera' prcpoui't! i 1have " «0so R. hUme o o ho 1111 It M'a b0f51_ta*-5ogE4~'io>tl imappOni D e h lie n ppeu. boo Da bokvd tq zainatima bout beu r te te» "es8a at L4", '-'Y 'F f