Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 May 1918, p. 10

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vubrtyvilleIndep'en- dét! ZbCoum*ly Independent Wauhqoen Weeky Sin SURE JII4Dý WIfe o Sîlor Whose- Clothes Were Found in the Lake Ar- rives to Investigate MOT A DESERTER, SHE SAYS SayW He Had Always Loved Water and Had Wnitten He Was Going Swimming lira. r. P. Oda. vite of the asilor ube la belteved ta bave drl'wned at the Waukegan harbor some tilne MoeOay nigbt. carne ta Waukeggfl Ts.cay afterncon t0 get In îoucb Ct ber buaband who bail wrtten S- a anday uat lie vas àrt-aiig- tmg t. get roomi In WiauleganIn l whleh tescoeuld hegin ligbt bouse- =aLl Fabe as tunned vLan abo arrlved et the station ta fSmO that ber huaband bad disappeared and vetafoi l Inthit bottom o! Wauleegan à,rbor. Sace theu slip ansuds0' sis- te?. .,ho acornpanied lier bave been -livng ta colleet informat ion relativ, ta bis vbereabouls and is 'actionsa grior ta Tucaday. Mm a.Oies as very emphatie Inti e dénW Ithst there vas any poskhlity et 01&a bavlng lof t bis clotes on the labe aboe and then deserteé the navy 1Ulmghis clothes as a blind ta mndi- ta Ibtat he miglit bave drowaed. ecklg of the mater. she said: .'Wby oni>' MNonda>' X got a letter wbioh my diusband bail vrttten on »uMdaY lu vhtebholi said tht the oPrlng vesther vblchbhait just or- 19reO causeil hlm ta have sprna fev- er. that ho bas been In Waukegan Mod bals &en a fine place ta avirn e9" tllt the frst tirne ho came ta 'Wlkkesan tramn the station hc vas 061U ta aice a 'dtp" Ha added that blff vsogang 10 coaette eSun of- lt euni out an ad in the paper Ilion- day mglt advertistag for furnished flOle, 80o ve cold begin ligbt bouse- - kucplg. (He nover arrtved et the Stin Qee and neevr lnsorted and ad.) 349rthèrIlore. lie drcw, is psy NMoi.- 4&Y .fernoon, $20 and in is elothes VUa <oun but 15c. 0f course the auspiOcamprns te our mainds tlu' 1 »Mibi>' sornebody knocîed hlm over the bomO and tank hisinaney, leavlng the 160 ta Ilatetathat be btmsel à" JompedbInte the lake. "He rvas alviays very aaxioas ta 68 ta the navy mnd therstore lie -dtd't loge an>' time a year ago ibis lait A&MI tat enlît in te nakvy. Wben -b. wMa sboy be was clway@ fond of *te valer and rny conclusion ia thar à[m vent to the lake aff by imaci te taMe a swimt Monda>' eevnIng. thai àto was talion wtb flow 1 Des e1t thebotta.. 'W ho Vers planning on desertlng ha & cerbatlY wauldn't bave puraaed - e ne hos. ie t. 1arn confident : omtblag bappeaed tebtrn." 'M lisiser was aisoe erphatic In bier belle! that 01dm lies at the bt. tem'1 fthe late ami that the tuapi. Clôt b.ornay bave desertci and loft ài" Ciothes on the shore ta ladîcate 1W. W»aInlatbbcater ta cntiroly un. £ Oi.naded. She sddei: "If hobeve 1 01M12tat do a tblng lue that, vby meulO h.rwrite itis vite and teitibeO 1that h. vas about raady to brtng ber 1hffe and start bouaekeeptag. Tbe letter asylns ho vas ralag avimmnla 1 udimtes tbet IPrdbablY b. carriec out »bat pan- The clbtbes Of tthe sallor ver. talc 1 d back to Great Lakes tîy Ensigr UBntWho wàdei'.-' A < =.Arq t the 0%so ta Waukegan. FIVE MEMBERS 0F ARMED GUARO LOST ON STEAMER <Ily ntdreO Washingtoti-Five members ef the armed guard of the teamahiP Tyler, wercit wtien thiat vesaci waa aunk b>' an ecm>' submineie on -Mi> 2, bMi Navy departme'it reported today. HOPE TO INTRODIJCE IRISH'. HOME R ULE By N£XT WEEI< <'y tUnted Preý.q London-Chiancellor Sonar Law An.- nounced ln the House of Commüns Mhis afterneon that the governimeit hoped te ltroduce Irish Ho:rie Rule next week. SUMPER WHEAT CROP l8 PREDICTED THIS VEAR Washingoe--The American farmer, responding to war nccessty, wll turn out a bumper wheat crop this year. Estimates b>' the Agricuturai depart- ment toda>' were Mhet the wheat cirop would run to 627,000,000 bushels, onc ef the largest crops in hister>'. The production ie 1917 'was 418,000,000 bushelo. FREI GHT AND PASSENGER RATES TO BE BOOSTED <liv tlnlted rems) Washington - Inerease of froight rates to opproximateiy, 7!/ percent and passenger eates to 2% per cent is betng planned by the R. R. administra- tion to meet a defIcit whtch threatens to reach $M0,000,000 for the year. Rate incroiesuore mode necasary, it viestmld. by the. vatly greater fu el bill and a nîncrease le the payroll of avec ISO,OO,00O) a year. Mrs. Milton Davis passed away early Sunday norntng et the borne of eýr son LealteDai ÊoIghteentb St. Mrs. Davis bad been ill for a number of years but ber lest ilneBs dated from iast Thureday. She seerned to raliy frorn that but tooli a stidden turn for the wrse Sunday rnorntng ani dted very suddenty. Mrs. Davis was born 73 years ago ln Washtngton. Court. Fayette Co., Ohio. 8h. together wth- Miton Davis, ber husband, who survives ber carne to North Chicago eBertly after the town startpd tn 1892 and have reslded bere ever since. To Mr. and Mrs. Davis have been born Oive ehIldren but oniy two efthtem are living. Mrs. P. W Cook and Leslie Davis, of thus city. Mis. Davis teaves three brothers one living in Ohio, one InIi owa and one ln Miehigan. 11ev. J. C. MeCoy and famiiy bave b<en unabie to sfcure roorne ln Nortbi Chicago so bave gone to Lake Forest for the present. "An acre of sorghum on ever>' farrn to hcad off the sugar ahortage," le the slogan adoptad hy the Ceunty Line Grange vbich coniste et teadiag farmers a inte distrit tcentering about slie State t-ad vîtere it crosses the Winuebage,.Boonc lin. sud about the Dubois mchool bouse. WÀUKÉ4iÂN INS LIBERTY LOAN FLMfi WAUKEGAN'S HONOR LIBERTY LOAN FLAG By passing île rminirnum quota Wsukegan ag 4bren prespnîcd wtb a Ijberbt' Lan henor flag of vhicb the above ls a reproduction. But Waukegan ba mot gotag to stop tbere. Chaîrmen o ita Lberty toan cornnittee assert IVaulkpgm ili execed bbe maximum quota. Feugne Strang e bes't rom larida for a vîsît. er a couple of usottis vtth is son , Geôrge. 1 R.ay Wlbtney and etter Ethel and MisWa )oraow returaed this Doon fr. Caltforflia wbere tbey spent the Wn- ter. .. e ,L B. Dooittlo and F. W. New bouse, trading as lite Grayalace 'Remi- ty Cornmpasy. today started isuit aan.%t K.4 A. Kernela for $1.000 deanes. Lyrnan Wilrnot, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L J. Wilmot cf Hickory street. la qulte serlous1Yl>'it of PnPu- monta. Mr. Wllrnot XItnPtf ban bren 111 for the last few ays. 4. J. Wilmot la bock et bis Positon as deputy ta the office of circuit Clark Brockway. H.e ubeen iliifor 5ev- erat days. The conditon of his sevon year4ld son, Lymnan, 111 of pneurnonla, also la trnproved. .Mrs. E. J. Mamford was hrougbt back Sunday t rom Chicago wbere. for nome tirne she lied bren cared for ait - he ,<rhChca bospital. Sb@ le somewbat lrnproved and now la at the- home of ber son, Wrn. P. Weiss. John %jt'ulbof the Feople's hank in ,mDsing fromn Grand avenue to, the Wili Ulire>' place near the Peetrie station at Beach iosd. 11e* bas just purcbased the 'resideaee and the i6 acres wbleh lie just seross the trocke frorn the Sauter tract whieb lie re centiy acquired. Word reaches bere of the death on April lth lt Pasadena. Ca)., o! Geo. Reed, father ot Mrs. R. B. RawIe, formerl>' of Waukegan. lie vas 86 yrsold and vas -el known in Waukegan Iwhere he ltved for yêàrs vittbMis. RavIs. Hie vidow also an aged woman, survives. HOvard Richter and Einest Weiss the tvo mea Who rohbbd local stores cf merebalidise were sentenced b>' Judge Edwards thia afternoon. Wets bail pîleacO galit> and was santenced to Pontlae. IRichter tood trial and vas given n sentence of from one te ten years in the tate pententtary. Mton City ]ias recetved an bonor fiag for excccdtng Ma mianium quota In tbe Liberty ioan. The fiag ta on dis- play Ina front of the ladepandent liait Voltvas tolowers thtnk it should lie Ia front of the Thiocratie hank. H C. Burnett, Lake eunty chairman of the bcan drive today satd t rntgbt bc neeessary Io give Zion Cty tvo bon.- or flage. Dcak Sergeant Frany Tryon of the Centrai police. station, bas returned treim Hebron, M1., vbere be vas eail- Pd by tce deab of bts mother. lira. Sarab M. Clthier. vboee fîtacrai vas held Sunday afteraooui. Mr. Tryon'.s haItbroher.Artur Clothter, las sp- poscd toebe In France, as leaqt he was last beard froin there about flve years aga. Wallace Webb, an elderI>' man r.- stIdlng at Kenosha who vas vitingý at tbe iames Webb borne on Conter street, Waukegan alppcd ami fell aa he vas preparing to retire Wednegday nlght, and fractured bis btp. He was attendedlb> Dr. Foley. Mr. Webb t0- day expressd a estre te go to the boapitat et the 010 Seldiers borne St Mlwaukee and vas rernored there to- day, bctng takea to the Nortbweetern train ta the White and Tobin ambu- lance. Fetitian for the probate of the viii of lira. Rose Plarwell Cbatfield-Tay- lor, deceased vife of -Hobart C. Chat- Sield-Tayior, was Ouled la cauaty court at Wesskegan toda>' and was set for boartng May' 27. The petItion shows Mis. Taylor, vitose deatb ocurred at ganta BBamscal., Apil 5, 1918, le! t au estat. cpslttng of $1.000.000 %vorth 0f-perfonai prapertyad S$172, 500 worth or real estate. 'Ite bas- band, the Centari Trust compan>' and Attorney eterett b. Millard. ara nain- ei in the vilIas eaxacutors. Mr. and lire. CharIes Edmunda re- turned toda>' from Sioux City, Iowa, where tbcy. vere aeieb>' the ser- touaililme8s of E. U. Tutie, brotber or Mns. Edmnunds. 3Mr. , Ttttie as lirougbî te Wa.ukegaa in a atretcnher and Cas remoi'cd la the COnrail and Wetzeil aabliance to the Pdmuais borne, l811 Waler treet. H-is condi- tion ta erittlal and no hope. are held eut for hie racover>'. It vas t hie r.- quest that hée le broubt ta Wauake- gan s0 that b. migbt apend his re- rnatning days bere titat this course was tollowed. Mr. Tutti. Is veli known to local residentà as h. for- merly residcd bers.. A lelter vas recelved at the eity hall, toda>'. addresseil ta the mayor rom'ite departmesrt of justice at Washington, D. C., and slgned by T. W. Gregory, attorney' general, ýthanit- la gîbe maypr antd the police depart- ment for-the efficient service renier. ed, 19L reg;ttavng ail Grman maie aliens la the city, and requesttng that nov &Il Germn female alieas be reg- Itered. There vere more than 400 German' allons reglatered and L la presumed that there are that nueiber of fernales. Under the Law aay woen- an vho t6 married ta a Gerspan wbo la an alflen, is aise claîsed se allen. Tue methods etr registration vîlIlie along the lamnehUes as the mules vers reg- latered. 1 - ' 1 . 1 .- EllaC. I1viand mihueshadta 1Eliz- abeth Euie>, lot 12, lack Il. Itlgh- laind Park, QD!>, il. 1R. 0: EvansmanadOvite te. J. E. Brady lot 7, Evans Sub., ltlebvaod. W!>, $10. Ne.ltie Lotus and hughand. et ai, to Andrev horensea. part NEL 40 acres Of SE1. 1.4 Sec. 16, Aven Twp.. Wtt, $3,6i87.56. &nn C. Frcnch to C A. Sauborn Coufty Cbatrrna rtdley of the fod admnistration commttee an- nounees that Lakte count> fermera bavlmg wheat an band ghouid cern- munteate lmmedlatell with their lo- cal food admlnlstrators wboae nmres Lie as fllovi:, Frernent and Libetrtyville townshlP 7-S. L. Tripp. Antioeh and Lake Villa Township --Cee. A. Mitchell. Avon and Grant 'rovnsblp&.-John Hart.- Wauconda Townahlp-D. L. Fut. FPIn kf r w 211c nain. Cuba Township-Fred Kirsehaci. Deerfield Township-Wif. Huha. Newport Townahip - James A. Reeves. Zion City-0. W. Parie>'. Warren Township aud Waukegan Township oultule Waukegan cty- Harry E. Flood. Vernon Townsip-J - E. Barrett - Shields Tovnsbp-Paul H. Bits. Eta Townshp-Henry Eggera. G. C.- ridie>', County Chairman. Libertyvllle. C~lorn oJ Waukgap Store--220 Washington St. NorthChtcago.Store-- 1810 State St. United tates Food Admnisltrationl Licenae iNo. G13483 Southa sue Store to be opened at 1 006 IMc4goser Ave. on or about May 15 -y ANNOUNCEMENT w 1l'îae ealling yo iii' attention t the I aet that w'e h av e takeui over fthe offices of Dr. W. Il. Nor- laîider, Nvlio lias beeti prat-tivitg inî Waukeýgaii foi- a iiiiiiiliei-of ' veai's. W'- hiave spaîre<I nexpelîse ini fit- tiîîg 111)tixese toffices -with the veîry latest and miost modern sclentifie instrîumients and1(1 pparatus for per- foî-îniîg aîîy :and(1 l denîtal operations peî'tainiîîg to tihe gulnis andi teeth. It is flnW possible for N'ou to Secul.e RELIABLE DENTISTRY AT REASONABLE RATES Iii order to introduce our iiew sv stiiof Pain- less-T Jeitisti'.y, Bielable W"ork, anîd latest ielliods wv e will nîake itue follow'iîg priees UNTIL JUNE 1ST., 1918 Gotd Crowec, 22 karat ............... 5.00 Natural Porcetain Crowns .............4.00 Bridge Work or Tecth wlthout Plates .........500 Seat Set; cf Teeth (S. S. White) .............8.00. Oold Oust Plates .................12-DO Gold Ilas ...................................... 100 Gold Filinga .......................... 1.DO UP iliver Ftlltnga-----------------------------------. 50 Enamnel or Porcelain mIay........................ 1,00 Guaranteed Painles Extraction...................50 Nitî'ous Oxide or Oas admiîîistcred if desired. OîîI¶' the very best of materials. Don 't bë rmisled by higfi-priced dentists Nvlio ixake false elaimis of super- ior work imd materials. Our work is'the best that man eu. make, and furtherxnore, we give you a.- written-guarantee or ten years. We cari give'you thebest of references. X-Ray photographs taken of mal-formations of the jaw and £metine and for Pyorrhea or loose teeth. KvARVET Ocdir7Dt8 Northwest Corner Getiesee and Waahingion Streets . Over Pear-eeg Drug Store DR. M. R. HARVEV C. GUIDO MUSCATE OR. MILTON 'F. REAV Laborator>' and X.ray Assistant, DR.J. . BOWOPEN 9:30 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. SUNDAY 10 TO 2 FRUITVALE STORES Open to the. Public Anybedy May trade at the pruwtvle Ce-eperative S1tore. Two stores now ope In Waulcegan vility. Moret,é Follow. 28 In Chicago. 914 te the alm of the Frultvalers. The peoptehemscives are bandleg together te control their own food suppies and te put thc enormous profits into their own lestcad of the .nlddlem*an'speeklo. Bccesà membsr, or show yaur approval of the co-operative movement by trading et the people'c stare.. Every Day Prices l ot 2. and gart! tw:i&cî ak ,. $1. i.Itih»s Add. tou Lbertyrjile, em letie V. Larmon and hauband, to 83.000. E. G. Huber. Sout$j 1-2, lot 27, block C. C/Collinsand wife tao0. P. 3. VWrentse Addoin 4HIglland Markt. Si*Oltiq. N 62 et. lots 1 anid 2, beck W», $10. 4. port Cllnton Sui.. Highland Park. J. .1. Waters and wtt te Oscar Lie- WD, 81.200. bort and wite, lut 16 sand E 1-2.,ltt ý bàià ieac<wetter and huabafld ta 17, block< 2. Lenox Sib. North Chica- AlUoi. Yetrbovec and Witte, lot 23, block go. WD, 13,000. 11, Waukegaa ighlands, North Chi- Esate 3. Cratty et al, tu Katharine cago, WD, 10. Me-A. PoileL*c, soith 10 ItL lot 2 and E. G. Huber and wife to Fiances V. iaorth 100 fi. lot 3. Cobb & Hamltns8 Laromi, lot 26, teloek 5,,1 Hihts 4l ub., Lake Çot. w» 15,000. Followl« &ae faiprices for foc duIti lAke çounty for the carrent week. as zdoeenined by tbe fomd admilirtxeon. Nee ot ail dealers selllnt et prices outBIde ufttisrangse gbould ho reported tao0. C. Oridley. fedleral food admlnlttrator for I.A"c outy, or to township admlniatratora Who wl» take the piopar iaction- (Prepared by the WBuMOSSD foui m inftratiofl. Effective lweek beffin. nlng M ay 10, 1918i Retall pricea custemer should psy for the simples named should not excemd the followiug. The uaat to the roer of ach article &lac las iven. Coul to etatier Prie te Consumer utiiat* Suger (in btk .ê-27.97 1 ktftd Suger (tn 5.1b. cartons).. Per oerton--2c.47 Si ryp. #rapped. Bread ............ Per lb. loa-g% lot White Fleur (standard brande) ...Per 3% barrel-S1.45 .$1.80 Whie Fleur other brandi) ........FPer 1-9 barrel-$1.53 $1.68 Marley Flour ............ . er r-lb. ha g-38c 43e Ryew Fleur ........................lPer i-S barrel-1li.86 12.00 Whole Wheat Floue ................ 5-b. bag-32 1-2e 27e (Under the Prgsident'a procitimatlon retailers mast oeil and con- smrera muat buy w1th escb peundof whltq leur a pouad of coube ub- stitute. Consumera have choice. oteooieui. nomatarni>, cirflAmr. homiany gritàl. barley lor. ,rice. rc. eurb, geumi, rofl ellef.bock- wheat foeur. potatoe flour. sweet potato fio ur, soy beau tour and fe- terla douro and incae. Rye Sour ls not consldered a aiibsttate for White foeur.) ftye Fleur ......................... E-b. bag-lSe 43e Graham Fleur...................... 5-b. bag-32c 37e Cern Mcmi (white bulk) ............. Per 100 lbm-10 7%e Corn Meal (yetlow bulk)............ Per 100 lbe-S6 7%e Ham$s (whole) ..................... Per lb-33c 311e Bacon (besi grades) ............ }b-45c s Bacon (mediffn grades)......... ...Fe1-r ib.-4o 44e Bacon Squares (wholo)-------------F er ib-30e 3&C Lard (boat grades, carton)........... Per lb-tIc 354 Lard (buli) ........................FPer lb.-gge 340 Chos.s (full cream eut te order) oid Per' lb-32c 400 Chasse (fuit creamn, out tg order, flew) Fer lb-26c '36e Checs. (fullream, brick) lb-22e 32e Prunes (50 to 60)...................VPer Ib.-34c 18e Prunies (60 te 70) ...................FPer lb-1le 16e Prune@ (go te iooi .............FPer Ib.-Ilc 15e Homlny ............................ Pr 100 11bo.-$6.O0 7%e Rico (fancy).......................FPer 100 lh.-$10.00 14c lb. Rtco blue rose) .................. Per 100 Ib.-9.00 1Ill. Beane <navy, hand picked) ..... .... Per 100 lha.-$1O.00 19%e< 8sana (Lima)...... ........... .... Pr 100 Ibs.-$16,00 20e lb. Potatoes (Wisconsin andý Michigan)..Fer 100 Ib-130 2026e pit, potoeu <western) 100 is-$.0 27-20e î>k Milki (hlgheat grades)............. 18e2e Miliii(medium grades) ...............7e 20e Milk (evaporated, not mweetened) ... 12e 1.,c Butter (creameri, extra, bulk>...46e 5Uc (On. cent hlgtier ln car tons than ln tubs) Butterine (standard grades, cartons). Fer lb.-30e35 Itutterine (standard grades, relie) ... Fer lb.-29c 34C Butterine (medium) relie and butk.. Fer lb.-28c. 33e 49gge (etrlctiy fresh. eandled).....Dozen-27c 42e h.arn~L Wilson & Ohm Your Ford Dealers Practical Demonstration Saturday, May i1i 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Chittenden Farm, Gurnee- â.Udatq. but ad th~. 11-1 re ýc le ýc

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