Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 9 May 1918, p. 11

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LIBERTYVIL' INDEPENDEËNT. TnMURSDAY.' MAY 9,1918 Announcing the Inauguration. of a Mamnmoth Campaign Ce-operated In and Backed by the Progressive Merchants of Lake Co. Wrltten in the Interest and for the Welfare of Our Home Co. AN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN WILL APPEÂR IN TRIS PAPER, WHIOH, IT I8 HOPED, WIIJ. BE READ) AND RE- RIDAI) BT EVÈRY RESIDENT O F THIS COIDMY WHO HAS ACQUIRED THE HABIT 0F TRAD)ING OUT OF TOWN, EITRER INi PERSON OR BY MAIL ORDER ROUTE. IN ANWOUIIOLWGTRI CAMPAIGGi THE PROGRESSIVE MIERCHANTS, 0F7 2~ WHO HÂVE SUBSÔRIE- EDTO TU 13NE1 WAKT IT PIRST 0F ÂLL THOROUGH LT UND)ERS'TOOD THÂT THE SÂME I8 NOT INAUGUR- ATE» WR- MAlICE TOWARD A SINOLE PERSN, -BÙT WILL BE -ODITDPIJRLTr ALONG EDUQATIONAL UINES, SUBITTING ONLT FACTS AND INVITING JUS T CRITICISM PROM TROSE EFPECTED. FIRST 0F ÂLL: Like a good physician *ho ex- amnes bis patient to ascertain the cause of the iUlness, and la possible to remove the cause, the merchants in tis campaigu are anious to determine the reason why s0 mny people have acquired the habit of tradizng in neighboring cities. If it is due to poor stores, poor stocke, high prices, or any of the kindred reasons that go to miake a town undeairable as a trading center, we should ask no further consideration and this campaign might be cnosidered useless. BUT THIS 18 NOT THE CASE. Libertyville can boaat of as good stores and as good stocks as can be found i any city in the state, and the prices have ai- ways been leas than would be paid in the big city stores. Flouriehing industries and up-to-date merc,%ntie establishmtnts are the life of any city. 0f these Lib- ertyville has many, some ranking among the very best in the state. But this city would have a much larger population today, with many more industries, many added business blocks.. scores of beautiful residences, and niany more miles of beautifully paved streets m ail the modern city improvements, and your rosi estate would have been doubled in value, if all our citisens had been. true to their home town; buying ail their goods at home stores, boosting the home interest by spending their dollars at home, duringthe paat many years. ISE PROFIT ON MERCHANDISE BOUGHT BT OUR CITIZENS PROM STORES IN OTHEER CITIS3 TIM WOULD BUILD AND EQUIP A MAMMOTH FACTO RT OR WMLL MPLO YING ,THOUSANDS HIGH WÂGES. WOtJLD TOU LIKE TO SEE SUOR A CONDITION IN THIS CITY? THEN- WEC SAVE 1TOUCRKED BUT BRIEFLY ON A FEW POINTS TO BE CONBIDERED IN THIS CAMPAIGN. SUFFICE IT TO 13AY TltAtTHTIS CAMPAIGN FOR "BUYING AT HOME" I ____ I g, DURING TRIS 0F MN AT Ml . ie . ý 1 -1 page "il" - ý 1-

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