.awreno.e urbqrChagb "mmMIW- Walts on Brpwn imamie Disohargeof Two The Brown Portable eonapey at LDRILUNG North ÇhIcago la "100 per cent U- berty Éond.s," but before tuat atm ff bb vas & wnattalned, séera'el omraxes remqit. ildti Ing: 1 1-The form»tlon ef a comuittees demandlsig the d~lebarne of tva Pmo1 '2-nê'o~,T'YE4*, 0ftbe two ' R"STOW men lu quesion.3 ~J1~U~ V $-Au altercation betveen a tins ,PAOtV AfP @i Ameican and on. of the pro.Oer. mBits whIich rpeslted. < teé latter bo. <~m*lut.igpuîtb i llght. and makng bis es.-1 e n cape as the. otiier persan pursued inu euts i ln l a determinlation to'avth Jo ight thon. 4-Forcefiil announenent of the c conspeny that 1h ddn't vBnt any ialf. tearted Amerîcans ln its empla>' and V ork of IEverý siiawed -rwillnnossta dtlîss any body 'wiia van't true-blue. IscliptiOnThe twe mon ln question wiio ve dlacharged htcause tbey- vould nat bu> a, Lberty Bond and be*use the. ~adauo ~oIcIeiotiier eluPloyes clurgod thetof ho-1 St Ing pra'4ieme and nototfe .coin- GeieeeStanY the>' vould not vorknthte anY lonser, vere: Chiarlet Kaplil. LAvrtIrsic lilburt. It semasitat the. oefcoreo f the ~. ?YLPR oompanY biaibeen ta7ing ho Se t tfl Pat10Pert' nofla lthe inatthor cf W1humIU é~E ~*I*evw oumiSud. VerogEstng aloug very 0600r'IVRIiitheir taI. "D "a0 8 P. M. lIwevet. thé. voSlmelearnel that ~siaiqopne prsK"ebh sutad , Hauyaiit bid ot W~I, ai>.. bouX tt 541bonides ui tey, voie aWiei vbhy tfiey volint show thelr 4. aIW*«ns la tko d*haocoof, eias tub, à: 0i Wm etah eat buflpg a muai! boni. T U ,O n e o 0 e m n e o m l lv- e t th . IS1S~4U p' 'T<io "vwth ths liiiit> Bmed.b IiWoal Sai h4rnefahey Coialttee tet a 5. Pins 1I.J. YS 'esv«%a pîMntei 1,7the une TUOUeiY &MaitheY wver. h e **ubt1 t u~~Pou thi e ooaenid notff>tbsan ~,. 8U~TH. tb&h u"lsss Kptaeirnand RNIurut eý& I SA=vers .41019Ù904 tbey vooffl ou. *&" " Am wrlgbt tod om t % m it er.. - -o&. Chil~ i.shvleeosesent commttee idi o» =4dthe nut., vas ________________Pt I& te Mr. cm*i. UsevMd hou 0 t obviole tome u uq otinet go D. a * »Munti akel an id ~~ poil hviloiad moite tà* plaut 100 laePer cent eUaui.laf.tii.bond sa*e& Urow4nI~ i. Clark nohlfiei the I.. aiRutastand e wr- Sy their sy2 cioei. ~ As ~hP» oummuttose 5. -C d*a"mii __________bell vith im bry U Mari- t4N ow buit ieffi thèt h hd î sldt treci &%glselganle at vie.1res. . CokAv. PhoneglIests entifhaat is. pnttnt lly. L114 ILLINOIS aut, h lth, m nds glaiss verskuoci voiwone i.biais'ouioi, 1h (ton*con. tact Ivh. »,rnzurtra nos.ean l V.Ihbà yeB ho staréed down thie hop critng 2--ATLàwlfor hbce. nei.ot o f tii Place tj"s - *ibdi fftobééses«M gnce.. Kauli. ln. catrnftedibu iaiowon va%4eraa»0.4vmwes"for a.lus. long time and tvfeo bubathbetakeu1 ~~ inltOo aIcag 4y.the ftierui "mit $UC cw'<, 'Who bas t*on t the< 9"tr up ilU1 ia. Aecsdlng hi tii. report gameng '4I JAW. eipklor 0th. ie lit fo a tvo~ powmoi a" c a, fBosite mavy Mid lthéyoun Mes iaddlffe10UlY zothlngla thorehb.. * caus MM th$ " r edeavorsi te pego _______________ mdo lam t e-equalt. One cilla. boys f li -ehave *014 hie Iter~ ~~~~~ CYH 'f o din% veut . h t. Buck <ore ~fl~IUiA?.Lavthe tiied tates. why id ypoubripn pbmamSse- un qveoe- fromein Gerannag * ILLIJOIS 48a »"e t li he m andmi hem~ione ~ bue*helain« sberged It dovoopi as. ý'OO 184-I thb *'eriguPIo9 &l te viant uadm ________________ ova Its lateteot AR thé sucoeso 01 tuevaby lnylug a Lberty Bond. ani d riot to 4 my85 a. h tefaLiously et lo 'I C ibtuBoni- OIoogebt yul bave 41ey Lethf ns jase BasasS10e MP)crusêt ln Netti Oblong.and vir-os horlea béwx»set0fthe ln. eldent ut Ibis voeik. Wtt.la us irprfeed - An effort vasmac*éte pet lfn ob -the ohome etta te wda-bv1. lb ýNauta. on the ouai s th soe ltiat as ahuetvors tah hWtt IÊSIL Nme (e. bovever, '1"-zblaedmi&@ ex- ý»Wed that ber ua. b aitae Ïa aUberty Bon d ni via is *'wviea ho b.d Utai 8h ot*s idi -, TuesiY aftugo5." -Whou 1.14 Cet Bo~. atsouttheias Incident ahti4emm ON u * . oeam.U.table, MUe. 4Rurliht vv Voy nikU * . ~ ~ sutrrted and said It seos aape Bi bes h*ah suchwva a ct.* Bb MM q Othaï lber buabani lamdn'-tan"i slan L' Lîtilt lIme athomie and thâgtha éliW$y semd te be. stnong fer the Aunent. IrlWZ <fat bas pet M".ne.lle explseud env Poesible de- #W0894n, vbie wvas-lan lithi. puiobaso «fbonis btay > 1 1 maDei i e éfaag that whâd airèccntly bougita vatsbW&1104 SA" lot of furnihure snd wvespaylag for 1h là. tOn the ltalirent Plan Mdi hat M*n* go hfiete tu oitItbt t>d 't lag seibetîolovtw RAN CE b.ai lAefflu. b -kb Wl«. 0 > sin .ahlom. Conférence'M na ARE ..SEEkINGAN EXPERT' MIII Sek an EXete t hen Determine Wi foRta ..Cost Would'Oe' , Citien along the norhatisaietr de- termhn ed ho figit the. propose# Iu. crease la rate* b7 aie Nortah om Gas Company'. Titis vas decided up. on eh a moetfag of nspreseiahatlves of North'Sboreemunfcalih oseahChicao Montda>', acerdins to Mayor, W. W. "neoSste Of theue n ungva o fight: the ucrmes urates, et .mayor ssserted. The. ptoplislion t&Uay -vas lit tete his etc- hie veloup citias oi te oselectian epert qualiel te take up the lit àgahnsh the u aiCompany unitheit ishermine tu robable cash of naklng the. iglit. t Ci te his vii décide vheaier or ,not tlisy oaa iard 1h." The. foreong siatefliat vasmal Monder nlght br th uere ah te regular mestuug or the City CommIs* sion. "Pin lu favon f of ns ahead viii th, fight eve» If we bave th ilg dcvii ta ur0 no pociehul, Oomilsloe Orvia sai 'ltePrasonttives of tue othier ltis aeoined ho tbfgk the cash of fflgtIng the Increso In rate siouid b. pro. natod -among -tbp lies-on thie boais cf the aunuber of =cubleofegf as-ou. surned. Titis vrouli turev àbout-tforty par cent of tic et lmp W'okiia "AUl feit tuat vo miould not b. cal!, ed upon ho pay jen lucresse iu rates ho -maie DI> for Bny mistakes 'that rnay have been madse.b>thie gou.onacur. Eh We 0oncedei tht lkfng amua l$iPelphncroae thes 0 f proie- hOIQ bu-hY sbeuld va b. cmoupU Magot ?ear-ce sMd corporatIon CO*Ugffl BM«k ~attonisi the conter eue* tro Wanegam lan spite 0 ieu.eo nptee that theima-« .V -mmls mon at5>os.h ~ I, ou ymram9a , eq.thutUI mo the. ca".se. 0<, LWiee flm5~5 but othin à* bloer. madipgoesg om*t tt <b leu.eby esm.hse IeOtJ«1.couppbr hep tile oesver UeAit pffductg a" re ,. but tisa qstto tus paDétte..ad ofer veg. etab~s pr dieper. tatqus Cout huMbu-bl ~.tt4y 414 ps jur *boct onofi er fomý mt ow>. an nbd a-,daarealitutbiter huai ,~ $mer tm # - - SU b» i'e MWW be WIIVa a ~WAW ~.1,ahi *'I'.' ~j ~J !, "~F~fl'~ .bi~d a~nhb. i. la ~1o.. an ye i lm th, in fi no tb ri obi .1 to en MI .106 24 .it infu. .54 lotb..f .90 1 00100n Do"<. os Varyteatly e,' AsuIAch heaer th ,xPected t2el nu r Ogurems c soc * nov being xulsnt g*r cent higlier ti it ognal howi lien thelower Umt Oviftand s40M gllslneMtb~ ii modraI goveient -lm b.e et thiose -Whlo y ",lw *e Z~ 0alet ~e-ç ilr'and ioeMunlpi,9,ce<0ýtjror othor of- o0b" Who do ik4.enterço-tbe loa abo vil! b. eit,,W" Inlua drastle manner. Tus vws made pléanet s meetlng ln -Chicago Erday by Saanuel insu»1 chafiman <i li the t. OSen f fme- fenh: o v. Sire Ef .L.aw. Thot tli. êeMaaae#t, le Uirouafiîy 0 aroui.mn Jil ta~< uttiier i -tes aM ~ a .ilib h A~ P5O1~<i4vaseioped nstruct. ling the o airate =suea omcble reainier ho every on.e affected. by the lav. Sommer gardons and ainhiei Lt parks are emecial1y liclutied In tii -statuts and 1Mr. Insu» vwas told to reanlnd lquor dispensers,,tiia the law 1 aPPles to Uimlo, generals and mi commlasioned officers fust as strictly cih as It does to privâtes. ti Liquor Maen Wsufled. ta] The COUwil$el0oinstructed the-AI chairman to,.In$orm ilquor men that ,bi the. Cauncîl would taire direet Cotion le and-use any meaeures If deemed npc. Bk essary to bave the lkv obuorved. ho The Cauc! lsummonod Lakee oun- ah ty supervlsore to appeai'. and explalu WC hly they lgnorod a formai conimuni.-1 ;cationi regardlng the snhJect of liquor Sbi llcies <rader «thelr juriaitction t ai 139R Day.1 1. Wliot N. Goodapeed, Great Laires. L24; Clam K K tKenule, Chicago, 20. e PMrle «*. penlÈbeli. .Juneau, 1Wia., 25; Mantha 0. iHathaway, Mmei oChas. L. Gagnoa, Green Bey, 32. à-n B. Wheeler, soems, 37. YFaIter P. floaeroth. Great Lake%., 21. Mabel Benliléres, Marinette. 2L, ,i rn. P. Wlliamas Chicago, S5ý. riaAnderson, ane, 29. 1 ,John lfflmbuober, MI1'aukee, 22: Olga MIller, sae, Il. ýt.W=. Vouxiaied, Bhbolgm, 34;. Jnte 1*olhz. Wl&as.. Chas. 0. Thitrman, Worth Mllvaui, rkes, 25; Nelle IHoffmnann, lame. 28.' Puli Volîmer, Mflvau'iee. 27; Nn mna Thons, sarn, 18. &2lmn Klng, Chicago, 26; Georgia Clark, eSImien Day, 22. . - Mle .. chneider, Eau Clair, 30; h ollauia Schoene. Milvaukee, 30. I Algt Olison, Kenosaa 29; Mono JMasenme,2f.1. 1 3riu . Anderson, itâclue, 24~ aT=ensaKrpp, saine. 18. 9 Aulit Pete-en, Bornera. Win., 57; RÙmine P. Hansen, Kqnoslt... 52. Angua P. Udel, iMaison, 43; Joue-,, Dhîne Bennevîse, saie, 40. , 090. Wachher. Chicago, 28; Aluna larsa., saine, 28. Pnmed J. Case. Clacago. 87; Crii D aoker. same, 26. ý 1t -Manu Jarvi, Waukegau, 44; TUlle Ftrftmm, saine, 40. Oqhaar W. Hiober, Milwvaukee, 24. aBeotIce G. Lau", mmie, * Warrés- Leet eno.= 40; Carri XPPsrMme.4. Joli. oeiukRautoul. IDL, 28; Pentune M. Soit.,Btkador, ni, 21. Peten Kaylaujas, OMloogo,34;.I*a el Castie, sains, 18. Ch"a. A.* Spanlung, Qréat AIM5h.70» Grec . H.Movatt, maneo, 80 0a90on L. W . WS JOI. A.lve4 ýWMoiti b$gg 0 lroba M. Long, ohlao 8;iut a. camp, Usa i. - à ,ust schind iiciee I = Modi, mis 4.- nio Koch,. saine, -"aret W. Devgmo alit C.. 41; Eicmma x pssoaa3 PiM.Dapp. Oie l; lb i A. Kuai*er, sie 1 t 42,aune, Si. 9 a l&Jacaon, Iwt emin, s t- ievo umpsa, <l sii, . PrcklUDA. Hkavitas, Ot ak 8i4'Pesal Korp, W Us Mred W. l*etàlrrUah5 24. cecella H. DmWgus ý«*'88-M LouisB. Iveeoea-uw#A*4414 Aista IlInger. sue, Wa ,rtlsur la. Hafl, e& 4*0f. r ie MoGruier; iMèsesmia, ii r Nelle Weltorolqdf, *.3ohort MfsPokornis, Wtw#A**iN S Helen Arclameîsàl, à "$t81 TIloymA. relr, ý- ~IL, 1M 'Mouis telumts 7k - 'a -; .4 Agents Wne --Protecw Tedertory Converts 70 tir Auto lita a powerfui tractor in 3 minutes THiE.IND USTRIAIJ TRACfrOR UNIT sel<s for $M00, ht make a powerful Tractor of any Auto in thirty minutes and reconverts frora Tr4ctor ho Auto in lks time., Eveny furmer will want an INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR. 48-inch wheels.,1IO-inch face, steel front 'rimne of im'Proved trachor type. 3-point sus- pension, Iiardened roiler genre.' It ie practicaIly Fool-proof. -. MechwiaMly right, it sohres the farmers' Tractor, power and labor problemm i eliable and practicà1 way. -------A-SUEROR MACHIE EASY TO OPE&ATF.-DoES NOT REQUIRE AkYEXPERT TOHANDLE h iestrbong and of simple constructon. Amy man,, 1aa or girl who can ru» an Auto can operate itDoee the worJk of from 4to 8horsesand two frm hgnds Plowing, Hamrwing. Disldng, Listin, Mowing, Road.-graing Harveeting, Etc. Let us teil you0mlI about tlài Wonderhal Tractor Unit. SECLJRITIES TRUST CO. m15.oéis*ma »W. CHIcASO FOR DITÂ1LED INFORMATION, ADDBÈ5S INDUSTRIAL TRACTORS 1108 Kaspea Dandsn CHICAGO,UEL. IIL R..duta of Libertyvili. will b. antuted in the foflowimg de. taileil infornatin regaidiný travai to Waukgà, Kemiha, Ilourly Train. Scbedule Limilted trains jeaye Libertyvilie ;every hou' from 7:22 a. ni. untl 9:22 P.M., and connect with limit.ed trains for Milwaukee at Lake Bluit Junetion. Return trains leave Milwaukee. every hour from 6:.45 a. M' until 8:45 p. m. A Iste south bonnd train leqven Milwaukee at 11:18 p. m., reachlng Lake Bluff June <n at 12:88 a. m. and makin connection wlth train reaching L b- ertyville at 1:08 a. in.-n 1!O PARE BuNfliO TIMI - Wup..... ..... .2..........aIin ~SU.Sb............................5np Parlor ,d >iln ar Service. Pgzlor cff. ane attachéd to -trains ieàvru~g Lake mu1ft Junetion at 9:54 a. M. and 2:54 p. Mi. Retuzmu1ng, ave Milwaukèe at:5 a. m. and ý:45 P. nM. $"et, gr8, I tluding war,taL - DInlng cars-aru attiched to, trains learinf Lake Bluff Junetion at l$;#4 p. m. abàd 5;54 p. mi., and u tra in 1aig 'Milwaukee at 11:146 a.inm. and 9:45 p.-M. C 1 Soth rk Sre Mit*a*# flcktOfc .Waukogan, àMay S. 1910 Mr.WlliaMM 'lck, vit. ofthé makew M«nsuln the. IatySun .me- cbanical departient, died at 6 o'cioca is inot" ln iitue McAllqer hosei al. tnpioti lever being lte cause. kbout six suais ago Mrs. Pick gave irtito a liai> girl and foui' veois ater tyb>lid foyer set ln. She got long ulcel>' ah tirnt but a veek age br condition becante critical and glude thion as counied groving rorse ami a couple of daZe ago vas arnovei te MeUAister hoafiltal vIasee te remuaned ah a crIais prectloolly il of the ttse. Me lk(eîierly wv a MryCoika ni vis ý,bM nlu Azktigo, wfa.. 3à rems a8e.- ae vas aie dauabte- qf Mr. mg MMs.Jboeph CeJIca, aidfier mtuer bas boss nlau iiewt durng the Vms. sesvrcl icys wvile @e. w« in et8i a efifesut onditi 1on. Ilel' ither anad btWe sarrired berp tufs tom &rM Antigo. Wia., sud 1h te terc, itber cld borne, viens ber uualns -are te ho <sien for hurlai. lThe little -baiee lh care ho les, the ickborne six wves «eo as gehhhng alustovry otcely. Mms.Dk. nledeah4s the tiret one ta occur lte scejai farnil>'.ber çva> ents boh 1515over 70- pears 01. fis. CeJis viii tabe the. littho bab. -ack ho Anti y sjadcmie forhIt. *â d mIlr t - biav, t bb.