Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 May 1918, p. 1

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r Wee&mim cou THURSDt v.ty DvT 4' flobb0 St --UMO Chm t«BodonSOb 'unSeffrDNs OWM l Cartod to Wattng Ato but Latter Gos Ino Dtoh; 6etCarand Lbot- Surirs WhO Jlmmlu*, citasli wmiaand telthor wsy lInt.e heaarlee aoiden funhture clothlg and liare w&Mre s mg utTeMnd i LpueeIm et.., North ChicageTIiut-eý i3 lït. *w 0 apeci wtt, buroeaof dollars worth ef cloth, ut cMme 18 griot when jhoir automobile vet lite the ditch, en the Lakte Bluff red eaerite*a-at of flondet.' Prom 30 te go euh, or clthehmgwore cocteci by the Wasu. kagan police tUile memrla Ordu .ellMald tha the amuouritelothing reccvered bgrely va@ fqerthh of 'that takeoi fron tsetoSbj Raeveb' of t toeut «;part 0f tii, bot occurred t 'tIl Mortitog efare ,Gordon diseoverodt tit he bat been robtied. Deuais Llxnberry, marchal or lber"rllle, called up lhe Waokesaa pollie&bout loren OC'lok tila mora- =nl and Inquiredi f any robbery had irred bere. He aatd liaI à large quantlty of clotblag lba been found iiy lhe roadoldé near the Roudout Àgreenhouge and bad been taken in. aide. Tii. police bere iis-iheeý rd rfio rObberY Up 10 liaIUMme but beroly badthle local oUcers tbld Mrshall Ltzuierry that tiey luneW ef no rob- bery. vwien thetelepiobe bltiledk agein. Thi im ue 'it vas ocrin ro.- portlag thie robbery. Assant Ci lotTyrreil veWç ln the. »olicc pitrol te the. Iondout ai- bouse and clalmed the. elunvilci lit brogIt bock ta the Wkt*egaru po- »Mcestaton. The automoile. iild tii. tii.,.. batued. su-t* ubors, Illinois lcens, N. 165,399, vqà .lound lYato lle ioaid.Te na d ia bu aidethe oad Theron et hatpoint la goond thtei.efflera cannet sc- tuent for th. accident. TieY say the. faut vas poinlt east. An effort la vt- belag mate t a le t le aver of tie car tiirougb tie lîceuse numbep. Investigation aethLe Oqrdon store à1ioved liaI lie tleses lbat ilnint a rear vladov vbich allovot hem 18 open liemrordoor. -Thr, tiey *Md t heir eitaiae- tu, hie store pro- per blocked by & huavy Wood 400r, lied 'vith héasy shest trou. Ilvgas S.cnrcy bolted-on lie tguide. * btalag chisels *naMi m tfros thie htardvrstock la ie ruer or lie store Lie rouer. sueedet lu eut- ting e a ig9de ebt.lobl* lathe door and forced&Lack the boll& 8110*1iugtheir coolnsss and ex- trente daring the lita,.. thea bar- nomet (Goron% borse t1, ils iellsery wMagnd loaded the latter full of çielllng. Thisivas done .sltently l>ecuse the rpibrs bîitatet sabout brlualabg tbely automobille too, dose 10 tie store' TheY- trovle i brne enM waon te, thewaiting ento, loatot Il ftu ofc lothlng andthLin turned lie bions. gnose. ThealimaIlvau round stankdIng ln the rear otheii.Gordon alors Iis matng. . GOÉ'dOn toidthLe police It4y liaI lie dît not leave bils store until 9 p.rn. QWNER 0F AUTO APPERS, WaueMrau, II..L<S 1 Two ImporUt devlopm«eIns fithe Chargeu Cordon robbery ,devolopled *"miy ad may bo ai n tpelasntltac. loi In iassatlns the pol-c. ta locate thé thlevea. ,Thot@ e dvlpeucî * 1-4 pet of the tout comest. lui ocf erepe 100 csut e lth- Iu,R 'Wee i oveert Soniay m.nulmg hlidem 'aie a plie of MAsbure OnitheepPlter Dubay tarm siMort totemse trom the Mpace 'viiere t.e ee.rtmoed pr was 2-4V.E. OCsl h o wt.gave hie airete .as hleg,à= Miand thle Wouleg m pet. eu m Iuitormed thum tbàaitIeèauwcmo- bia whloh helisrebbiesMWai os vas stoten- front hom Thuusday aight, the night *, ths e14.y N leskedpermielo te tJe i' *car bai _1t111!I110,1b9t lIce deetre to coniuàt a forties- hlve lOalloî amind.meled the re. * ~ a Be ' yEAltfLoot. Tii. police on Fndar mOrtng dis. gcoveeot. .score etisuitae Wb",-:lb" beon urova f iom',the aloýànobtgsj vbIt lwenl ltofite Ifch'veilt., Rottont. Ourles Gordon, the Tuali etriet mriatweshi iln «ethle rMbery, a àtste he I i i #balt the clôt"laÇrecfoe-ewuvs ca a part out blut taltai'Tic rit tUi btst rbae eth~e loilng-= &u"&y -0ecoprise a of0M aI.: là. Pmlarsvent ta euo of l m U0f cUrt The exraa messioforf-the.cotmty court wa nee tàteviiea It it dwW6don Modu tobring jbotôe tiie county court and a commiwsioh appont.d bî Judie Peraone the elglit Insane. patents' vro for a great iMARY eres a ve beea képI At th ii.cuty poor fari. Tiieme Patients. »nder the. new 1mw, muâat b sent to the, state sylum at Mgin A& the. new 18w pro- vides thât na Insane patient Mnay b. »ePi t e countY. Poor terni. Tins la vas cOnUilsor7 for i. *teoqty 10 take stspa 10 prove tihe» patients and a apeciai session of the couafty court vsà d.cdesd mon. It vas inougit iU 'oiId b.oeuter te, take the patienta before tli% county indue pdcommission et lthe poor fra F"r ta iin 10try 18 brtng thenauailgo8Weukegen. . 1%0 g&t Patienta -who ver. ýtaken before the. eouflty ludge anid commnis. sien pt icoeated c« lDr. Taylor and Martbn, were ai follows, each on. bain& arr&lguet separately and the. naalm mof eaeb requIrlng ou- ly a toev utes. Arthur Gober. Anna Siiver. JleOaIlagher. Midi, oiiêon Jamnes Sherry. Gorge Wehaton art. Tii. patients ane aIl la snch a. con- dtIo ai l iid fbot tai» the cen- misain long 10 fnthatt thsy were hmssa ud aformat crWag e»- tered t a, ateffteot 90>e anti, the Ouperntandet VII, rernove tho elgh-t Patients te Ubefrvfl l lacdtely an t ilieans thtis te lameuI niiabev oi 4naene patIents ever triedtla fthe conny court ln a single day bail becs dEkpo..d of wth todey's action. LAKCOOINTY TO SET CREK. UT FGE F"MR EXEMPTIONS %irngfleld, I811, May 18-4jponMre clipt of noaw criers 1rou Gon. Crow. dur elaive~teerait hob alewed for the UAi» 26 drft paîl, Adj. Gao' Dlck»n .-tOdaY aenhnoeod s revissi Iliaof e oemptien hard quotas, Ths adjuftant goBanti d furtherevielon of the Sou-se my hé neeeery ff It le fourni that .sumty beri ca«nnot fil& ithefr quotas &Criqu1 ture exoomptlo. lA ibiseame Cty =ertp wIvi ifurmlah she desion. clou amiO )» l>gvéen roet tladraft calte sftar the poflod01 griculture exemptions explnea. Am"D , the boards wlio wllunmd their quotas -te Camp So., ^Anto«a. San e fOllewlmg: Lake Ceuty, No. 1-180; Lake County, No. f3-11L The. state bughway commiw ophaè a&U scbednla ,ready lforithecOnetton of tii he idan Roa t trougb Keno- ah& counly. This, as the. iWorms.- 'tien fturnisedto 8 outy Attorney Peter Flber. Jr.. at*Medison on wed- negday. Int a fileito s proat jore manure A i. startoet ta plyh"iespsjwedlzlg fork he uncàvered soin. itihe cloti- lu. % iereportef ifs Sud btu thepo. lic. ad te lotwaa brougitât t lie Waukogaupolicstation itii. po- Une patroi. Claime t#4 Auto. The. Police ueri eet surpris. ed vbsa OOsllegb ned allet oem' Sunday ant obUted'iet .utontobile wfilch vas Usobthigle reliure.lie tld a stmbttlorward sIen. eelaln. Jus how tiemachine Wvas' sto l bils garage and ioW h.olit, eoauc--- a seerch -for Il -and bat 3ugt d4scVer- et .a apalie anserns t"iVe. cription Wbasaeenpiched Up Ilu au- Thie police et present ane voiiLt" ont ae dew &bout whlie hiiey date to say nothiug at tie'peseiut tue. ey hope to b. able to 1 q~ Uthiyb Wied lna eshort dite.Fo1h1tsn tii.V bave deéIdet to ioq lthe'car for e few days et blasf.- - opai 18te aur. Invostigatit nbr fhe polce bàas te- veali the tact t fietaîrie tia J b« IenIluo lortcp's store fier htcet np ordem'. boras tqo isd.. 'I 1,oop A thle ai m auilet lia ide, befere liePrenu voeu&Nie te~ flanS fut lasicli e Kamm' et a gor auclieomic r *esM. Wlt th ieea«Plued dteseu tion Tbu e teaul lie rm rul 1Tams patuetheunob.lige m e w ie MW *Mceve sm em* leu' 'clugit" Il bfi tku le K iser fro.i;g tire. ros»efa mile iualli) Use1 teck t îe hu rat c bout 1,0Ws*wt miaKuies @*m v., aose Lit elng 41otfqO biSat RaIn aê CeieteryLletl' HELD SEVERAI. OFFICfli Bonat Ela qo.ved te W Live-stoôkStssttou'-~ The ton"raci e ate J&eqbI Wile vaibld naiIs j, LT' the sluiie yIMg ' 3t IN"e Dot for LM Amu ~ itan test tag~f 1'rsgged. lck, hm4ijlsa, éP~S'len, worues ,ad- e<i Wluêaers jan lie rs goi -"m bandle. But ~~p la mklng bweie a. 1»eKalmer's aitm tIII Pi wwésm anrttive. rmid "it Ouiau 'Tiey Éirst easpatete emigsi .tis. T r iocdR uta(- fflu ie are oîuiy starviag or ohm i'lf ~, t Mî 1e thc teudv r i W 'U Crans o gise patUelai W a ethe hhfies sud0cillatm »Wfe lk1idIyKaisrbas lbd teboil'dlretor a miniber 'et rie «é wâsa mnember 0f lhe II.hii obtg" 'eau! as afflilleet -i1 iip Misons and tl<e Rotem W1 -Ris serriage 10 Caroline <11115 0c0RMi-ebiril 6, 1871.. 0f tip s -auvei ebuidron vere Ieeg, lys 'Wbo. inov are living. Tiey. Jufta. bmmin H. MI eClin SR, Arthur R. Mhidi au ftnirier, ail eof he*tyvIIiî UD(iToR SENNETT DFS AT, HOME'IN PRAI Beanîlen, France, Mar 14.-;î CGordon Bennett, proprielqi- at N8ew Yori Her-ald. died st 9:30. Uuifplig. after lhaving nue 'ftiffa foi tva do$. 14»01»8 ato unconge4ousflppuw r l tofmis newapetai «W Bonnettvanwlh bix> U0V iMniuhave beg s ê 4mlt b tr.and etther iq por aider eal~ il %*ên6,reln1 ta 4w *#~ ~ ~ b 1* h e li y c umlgi , 7i Y16, -1918: P ySUàn.$ WKVJ âEùYU 1 ta mmuth'ugor tu OiR5YIoo- ahofBr- wwtS of. thé ckdlid e oê o it Pg Sudé"____ titye unI iuIflêWIftuII j A htr& Xdw wib o Ipo WMdnrv T..naWsuhaele ,0O.- àTv yo e stegi Id Ue, a r ib Mee meWet suussat, tl ane; poi B, Nw milite t f 0 Red Cffl uff~l "d ty ssi Sardayt llesatoÙhoe tester..,about foure ers. FPU» -. Parade Schodule afteri»oon et a o'eloet i 0f ber brother. lorace.M Tic para&e vin asusible tu Liberty- T. E. Reain oMClptn." ville ai 1245 p. M. sMd vîlI have at %fTs, Frniam PWM. jJ 1:30. p. k. Stops vii bb. m&e ame. cate of New York., 4ne 10110v.: .aat rernovet 10letôiat follwe: 11fe u 0 t, vere sue hi braysIake. 2 p'n. san.. or the test 4s Lake.l'ill&, 8 P.M.tory lie bat reied Sm Anttoeb, 1 I p.. ii Fox Lake, 5:15 p. a.te W& Round LM@o, 6.14 p a. . ooetiedJan. 8. .1884. Itelru lUbetywUe,~;8 ~ diet hlnllui. 'Pdr yeeru Retw toUbeYviet,1 P. CL etca hpiel et Ubsttyvu Thor. vîi lieW a Mot PV&atetirougi'. Mre. arnham wvas, e u esciwn lou t eci Placea lo.atpwmo)de hvriity ciurcii 191 vilja %Wlusbig parada> EOw ChuNul. BMW e ouIknw p@" item tou aO gAmber of the. Laksati4 *Iuuua*e bru, but foluful attremus #Ai i îElOrs Io sitci Thonu froa>hre parge4cip ».i la»l i.SP parade qrcêeqmutisd %o biie# th* WdIbco~Mas 4unci, Wh" mae'be *mienoawuc WU e'ý' ' afls 0 am lins s». i$Wil*W ihtvoaw 1»la a J cwabi requirut foS tug sOppor gton. Mbb «orWàeiiq u nWMk souai,etàmuse, 11 -08 deivr pamtiee ditua. la LoefPali*4 veaibr perul .0 ~ubr e .MMI. tu wm u ttiaiaula tÏ e No aMl« Aiprea ilme k e .acd ébai the - hrmsitsuu'W«lbavea a sla'" . ivlle-'adm d dthe Aliendais, baudevUl la t. usprde!. Wà ID unaptve graWe bavse'b5s a',~aammgr s r. Ofso bedsirchildrmi umUls s uIeisL: e lcibva eae ammvecou Red aMre«reervet OT<lech N"1110 . er- crées bis a consaleecet ieq1ý aclIL-a.OVI.CM liren M tii . lvui ownwWy«*mqiÏita a F.V. FOUMe, br- neailir village Il aMao kbsut«Ui* à> Dr. O.0.LGamo"j. -rIcan butaees linq tran8pPMla . Ue W6 l .em. Domn. v net teun anid children. let tanUr001n8 cuwe. , ' iance stralu upenont our era 1sWasluA. O. Suern of ai ller. (rose that for elgit loue< nicoisone *N. - 1oe at eu nurse bba dt e le* abelu tioee bes.boy; tour Tutu e Mampu for te ihlrd' rin w« lirongi one , u m g Irl atd.eilmrd boy. Tis a tsai have Cross, arudoingg fet Uge tea-flanu ling doualut liy E.P. tuglek" - L. defeatlng te lai Iser111'1Ws, a Norh Cbc.sitor LE. lviii, Raiohm e of tira Fnrance I"toa payepsi l.)ws H1. Caviste sud J. Simis. 'l kr et- bae uJust startai. aiOr 48.Àbh-'ifIlu av bajje ins » ici 9M te mandea t e eork, test.a su t WtkI'ua D ot -f e be ieore Ion tri egm- CMaID&. - tedovro ble pajer Ionvîililie 1eus -by ousor mon t S tb flottea @ eIt* nu. ID N SavOil*Mt oiJSpendi ii id0F ,MantI people épand butor, lb.!' gaveoi both CH W M OfNateàly tlisy Dé odo aucli ssving. La actnally pommas soi tls SCHJOOLS IN ~bave aâ;aulr> lu'T iT I v mc . iusaveh. aIff.r.m.. W ST 14 Drisnypr Mth t u on rveres lits Proouse,0e iikbe In I %ue-Kaoor bas beau attacket by a boirov.lià iWny hapuy hi éaoutle' ne ay grcoccry ii. 1' - V4Cg Il ina a@mail, but effectve one. Whou ve@s»va mo&Y v ven UV@ ehkrT It li e armny of LburtrytI lle mlus wvumligilbave wuller m4ley iad tbai - vio, ince e lstSalurdey, bave lgefle lb. Important liag. W sa% seea 1 p'eogu lorthle purcoaac pi Tutor visaI, trougsql. iqe'deenh tru, nue (tuunl thb.esd th;ia ar. carry ou ühiver. ,W* bossd'O tla re te- Mauy ifil lieue poin. ave signetabi both dlructly &ad# 4l~ittlk tea ire InA therequest oai try or ame.lue phdge enreelvus bie ali" u u of *adpelntots-.children wbo are pertlpetiug malorlah elsnsâpt 8w* va,,ait vs -là the War Ssivnge pis-lacvernidoutnt ilo# ani edae eurIi*vn to $&vatl ur t ~ a'ou LIurlvîlu uhot ciidrn. cin. emot lIai 1 . Mmauent cen bp -1b ie o -W1prosu e aphondîttu- snob masesiale. NE iy fsor sm effectve drive, for moeî ai War Basegu PPleg.Wmk le inuc b b th i p ell 1e sollaltors are varklng mare tia e'usIc dfe. Ji t. e wek iluil hi the. very energelicat», unseuuestuili 80 tàr vili la saOumià&samy of war-aavre.d »gc. séured p&eilgus fer alnro4 2,000 tinil, 'Aoidier cassaIamai. var lu spart Pr91. Uderbrlak. fterua '-Cve iisaW «Mi. bau jmoaer butor. fou lal -dlar lap frIiWbg eolpplspmatrullbave mousy 10 hpt d tho tu ne l in trgesnl a pledie. tic ,Nqton. Spimd bufore zou la". Sa« ' =e Prot Kuanneris aÏgiqi£ablait ofer lyou v ibauoai l iacer, itnddu baigaee bldfec, baaFbo e lOllving iell*l utu tItsc nprepeasas Priseseart, biulg rsedibuhtteposei. lotovseuory. * Mýis: Uone Bye-dolar eIdigo fort li nr udpM sund usture are usgla Mt' i r a t ho I&Mboy; e4igî ThrUtiauus. Rasno srs. tbia net rInoluai IoA T.Mp fe- R,q etoehen, lare: - Iýl'vmle owmsu ouigbt' ~¶MukiiNae ioMel qg. Bed, 21 ofB D 4et as ettwt =aaaPetIer. manuai 1 sruetor of bbe Lake -l1 wfSols. Âlbcnded, an c0 mg camp nd treceived as, G. C. Renne, laet.-ip"8 Ipba 111 Fn. as c socmres. spr arcpn$eseeW* w om u. ebuldioas i ) 'r e "r j. />.' t ."",.' voi~ XXV-9M 1-7

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