Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 May 1918, p. 12

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- - -LIBEIITYVLLE 1NIMPENDE NT, THURSDAY, -MAY 16, 1918 ~-"orouR coAL & ~ ' zH0lN MOW, OWiEKDPARTM4ENTý ~. Fuel Administrator Warns that those Who Do Not May Get no Coal Later MINES LACKING ORDERS Must Be Kept Going FuISpeed to Make Adequate Supply of Coal Certain Wauiegaii. Il., i. lil., Greater co-operation lnimuylng mal; ai aonce louaI lie oitained ln the we. soUthwesi and sections or ithe nîlîl diakel.tiefuel administratiîonîan- nouncea aIWashington il' liii'mnies are tonie kept golng raill imhe iirrng the aummer nionitîs and lbhe danger *averhed of a prous shoriage oifcoi] in tho.' sections nexi rail and win- ter. "Officiai reports." anîording <Ia stateineni by Ilhe'fuel adiinstratioun "'show i atiniithe siales of Illinois, Mchigan. Kansas, Missourni, Okila-o mia, Ar'(.neas. Texas, Nf w Nlexro, Iowa, Colorado. lUtah,. Washbizgon, 1V.rNuPOiug and Montana rýonsiînîers.! coai are n01 plscing their orders ln tie volumie expected nor iln quanti- ies necessary I.. maure agaînst a winter siortage. This la irile al. thoinglis loless exieni, ln Ili,'visqe of Oblo. and Indiana. Talcêng Dangerous Chances. *'Appareniiy thieronsiîîei-s I districts liav,' 001 viQ r'<i7cd the.efll grBvitY Of!the situation. The nminea ln thos sectllons nmst be keîîi going~. They can tie kepi golng onily If roai ordinarily ordered later Li the year is ordereil now- S"The dornestiec onsîumer who ude- imYs Placing lis order Ils takiiig a * chance of having an insultlcleni cold weatber suPPly; flhe indusiis user r- Who 1.11.; 10 order his coal 00w I l-a mor certin ti 1 race a shiitdown lai- er on . The mari wlîo doee fDot do lis jart by annipattng bis needs and co- operating wItýi the. iît'l administra- tInn« and lhe ,ralîroada by ord,'rtug lus coai îow. fates bis place wiib lb.- mani wlio avoid service ai the frontitir lias rýefiied i o boy L.iberty bonds, Every <oai user shoulil IRISand stire eroI now, îo uieet his reiluirencni,ý ,o far as lie Is possibly abile io do So. 'Eî ery sîsi e and<wl a ersn tive of îhe fiwl admininsration is ready io hlp eiî hcoal consumer lit every way possible ln securing s:1aîi propriate and adequaie supply of coal- Every élay thal pisses decreasea the' margîn ol lime in which ibis assis- tance xnay b, rendered. Gambling on the Future. "Consunuers wlî, do îlot orîler th'ir coal now are gaîubliiig on the flilium, Tliere is i ratsîli i o hlieve tlia t if ever.%one anlicijiafes his coalrqin fientsan<d puis In his order 110w, n0 ont' wilillia îeviii(Io wiîloni nexi win- ter. If, bowe er. thene la drlay In or- derlng (atil is niore tino ikelY thlai î.O(Itct ion .il aring Ithe fait snd wlinelo wili ie l. iniçn i..o ie.1t, ilite nl eeds of eVerypne. Th e iieudninls ailioînlsa sxiolis ro nu Vetointo huelihua ! ofmeýtt uisers a diclularly. ilietr fuil year's rosi supily -I)efoi-e the iraI day of (k-lober. Whelher il saéceeds Or nt is entilrly depemidelu ipoo your own persýolal attitude andl action. Il the anxieiy of itle aiiistra- lion p-'ins overdriwii, lroof <f tie necessity of lis recoin luidai ioii and] the pnopriety of lhe %iîaînin,, wili reach you ln full force <uring tiîe comnîg rail anîd a iii er wien c0al will Ino( he a ilarie, a n(l *vos r Vlgiîr vus efort i beu i, ai resiîin bam ber faiui re t0 sera re an adeui iiie sitirliIY. "The indiffereuii rosi runstinir îurouis. i, l init i<rirus-f ln Illie rosi liii,'timiing itle s< aýr,-perioîs orfithe comlng wioier and<-inipelle to10aC- croi a iiay 10 daY suPuîlY of fuelaand possibiy be entur-eiy deied.]. Put ln Everythlng. I0ortor-"Ther*es hue originel pre. scrIpt Ion. I1niit imagine iow pot> Mode tbftt misaeeln pulting Il upi" Truggit-'Humpli 1 nuast bave uix- cd your lIgnature ln ailI tie other ln- gredients."--Judge- INSCKNSSÀ ~XTKA ________ i 6788 ON AMERICAI NAVA STAION! CASUALTY LIST TO DATE Falling Off of. 66 Per Cent. in Three Months is Record Jusi Announced Slcknees on the naval station -a decreased more than 66 per cent dul,- ing the laat threa anonthe, Il wa shown ln a report, Issued by fiurgeo4k Owen J. Milnk. The report shows that 75& men were recelvefi Bt the varlous sick baya for the week end- ing January 27 as compared iwth 252 admisaions last week. The Firit Regîment heads fhe hiet In the healti table for the week end- lng May 5. Even though the average score for the wee'c enlng April 29 was the best that bas been made mince the content etarted thie to- tal o! thse scores for last week leiq ow- eSevén out-of the 12 regiments re. i porting show an improvement last week over lie precedîng wçek. Th'e only dsease which increased at week was mesies. Burgon Mink sais th best way to prévent catching measses la tu avoià comlng In contact witi nien who apparentiy have colde. He tlggests that thie men on thie sta- tion avoid cnowded meetings, issofar aspossIble. Whfie tie remarkable decrease In lcknoms durlng the past tiree months' hr attrlhuted in part to the coming or sprlng weatlier, Ihere ie no question but liat the weehciy contens and per- sistent efforts of the niedical depart- ment have iad a great Influence li bringinjg the improvement about. CARO 0F TH-ANKS. We wish to tllank our iny relu- live and friendn. also the ingera for mucl, kindness asd symplitby and flor-- ai trîbutea., In oun reremît iipeesent in tb,' death o! our iusband and father. George Skidnoire and chitdren.1 (Diy United ireFel Waahlngton-Today's casualty ist brlngs the total te 5,788 according te figures te the. war department,' dlv. ided as followa: lillld in action-715. Dled of wounda--175. -Dled of diseaae-1,044. bled a& accident-237. Prom other causaa-63. S.versty wounded-492. Sflgbýtly wounded-2800. Unclussified wounded-8. Missîng in action and prisoner-2541 CERMANS TO EVACUATE THE ^LAND ISLANDS ON MAY 23 i tir iî.lltrd,>) Stockholm, May 15.-.The Germansi For Sale.. FIVE ROOM HOUSE n Waukegan IN good condition on large 11,/ acre lot, beautiful locati on on weat side, on carfine ; Borne fruit treeas and amali fruit on lot. WilI Bell whqle place or wlll divide tract into lots, Will make 10 fine lota without cutting a road througI4 proparty. A straia§sfor Qulck Sais Address K-2 (/ Sun will *vacuto'tho Alond«lalanda 4 Eà£SAscLIS I-I 'toOftO; -SIIp may 23, id wms aweg *aw dox ISibUr,:It ,itir, 87,AYS Swed4o iforces will bha wlthdrawn ai (B1r United 1le the »e atimé..Phladloitl, AMW *<-Ahiother ahilp -bauLu d ored wm mm teo -whgn ARRESiË$ 1. AT bISSIE ' the. Tuekaho. wis turiisd over ta the FOR ALLEGEO CON8PIRACY gOvernfment bY the New York Shlp. i, United-Press) building C.of Catdnd, M . .J., 37 days Blibee, Ariz-Charged with conspir after the vael'a1 keel waa laid down. &Gy t e .iri g citizen@ of the r.ialit gueranteed them under the constita- tion, 21 reaidenta of ibee wers ar rested by U. S, Marahal oolîn tod.y as a result of federal Investigation of the deportation of 1500 atiegeo ment bers of the 1. W. W. fr-ont isbee fat July, during the etrike tielng up the Warren copper district. FOW RO&I Blue Flowers. Blue lea nscarcecolor lu our gar- dens. but ageratum. corniower, baby blu"I.7e5. wan river daisy and Saipi- giolosIssinunta, seome blonds, for- gmt-mm-Dot, corne Isrkspurs. anme Col- umbinesanmud one or two Iris are very Rond blues. An Pecuse laea dmlisionet tI -are. it 18.6 pIe, for'leflOfly, ter* pension of msentenIce. It le e tep té ward lose of self-confidence. It la thi beglnnlng of -Il!fe fllure. And tbj nilfi or woman who expects aucceâs tc crown hi@ or ber old age, shouid go4 sny lpgiUmate extreme to preve-nt tl ioaabillty of baving to offer eXCU04 for fellure in exeuton. Excuses ane the allases of bsnkrupt live. Achievu. mient in dîficuit, but profitable ln li large and gain! ul returne.-Mllwaukef Journal. k: First Church Christ Scientist I.Waukegan, ../nnounces a- . Lecture Free! ON Christian Science By Charles L Ohrenstein, C. S. B. of Syfucute, N. Y. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother ChUrch, the First Cburch of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts At the Church Edifice, 329 West St. Tlhur's. Evening, May 23rd At 8 -00 o Clock Ynu and Your Friends are Cordially Inviteil Ake Heiný j eCosG Here we go "IOVER THE TOP" again with another record-breaking-price-lowering campaign for Waukegan Waukegan's Greategt Values-Unequaled May Sales of Coat -- resss--Sits Coats to $12 at- L. .98 In tis lot are coats o! almosi1 unbeIley m able' goodnesâ up quallîr as weii a.s syle U Mixtures and plain color'. in o.].]' an.] ends. Coats to 18.50 at- A iiall prire t0 b, sbre, but big value s lnedc. Cotossof serge.omixtures, nov- eltp fatuis, ail c<obus an.] nîz,'. Coats to 22.50 at- Velours,. er-geb, poplîmua an.] lins,' ty- liai Trench ecras aweil. f'Iu'aied, bltl e.], hutton triinnirdn, plbsled sis ahîrra.] hacha. etc. Coats to $30 at- Coata o! rare beaîîlp in the' sea!;ons mnost wanted maleriala stlishiy fauli ioned loto modela o! surPasuîung charni Bsd. indlviduality. Coats to 37.50- Sîlvertonenm, Poiret twille, fine Berg ea. imlarled muitures, velours tailor cd loto rosIs of unmatrhaile beauty and] sty le. ln ali c9lons. Coats to 42.50- Thip lot affords the very floral moats brouglit «ut tlul;,and ut Pices h'retoforp lunheard of. Ail stYles, sItes and colora. 10-00, 14~ 24-52 2950 Wool Jersey Sport Coats at- The popularIty o! Jersey appanel for wome najd fisses lids fair fo *Utan h4grPstemt beiglut ttis nommpe n inaniieipaion o-f!'sir used, tfor th ooming season ave offer Ibis specialesent ln slish avool Jersey sporl cmta ln striking colorInge sud savager eponis styles5 Dresses to $12 at- An assorîment o! dresses tncludlng pret iY COUton voiles, lawn, pollins and new glngliams as well as a few serges. 6 .98 CottonSilk or Serge Dresses up to 1650 at- 7 lrtyStyles, wanted fabrîcs, unusual 7 colot in s in new dresses for spring and- ,um n ieri tton, s5ilk or serges ln al s es. Dresses to 2250- oo lnluedmt itspricp 'are ellk taffetas. __00_ ýýiIk georgie . pes, Sitting and Corn. indi ions of! Ihes,e n.trialr as well as 5 serges. Dresses to $35 t- 7 A all onderfulaeotnto cleyer ai> les in white and the neset 19ol- orîngs. Dresses eiaborately trimnned aaih lie ids and einbroidery. New Gingham Dresses - at 4o89' T tos-'.4 'ai sh hginghai dre8ses-al lbherage tlii S-pringign a wldp range of clever styles -and an v'iIl1Y lai-gPi' dl<'iN of rolorînga and sîzes. 9.75 Suits to 22.50 at- I15 Sucl u a extrenieiy low price on sulIt-5 Is decidefly unusîîal flow days. i-ear- serges and] novelty fabuica ln good-look .n styles at Suits to 27.50 at107 YouiI open your eyes wîde ln ý e75ls arien you see iow good tîtese suita are, Poplîns, serges, mixtures, gabardines etc. In lie, newesh styles an.] colore, Suits to 3 7.50 at- Velours, tweeds, Poiret twilis' fine fj serges, bîack-and-wluile checka and S W novelties witbli peated. bralde].beted= an.] rippird coat,8klilts. Many have - thc stylinli ve8tees as Weil.2 Suits to $50 at- ln.-Iuded ln Ibis asortunent are our very fineet suIte ln fine French serg,,,~5 tli-cotine', checked veor.slk ta!- fetas; an.] silk faIllas4 in colora and i style of seenulngly endes vuriety in 4 Silk Serge Suits & Dresses up to $30 at- The charin and heauty o! tien,' ex qulihe creationsasasture themr a moal0" proninent place in lie fashionaila i somîmer wardrobe. These Bilk jere stt; and coat e-dreeses are s rown wit h separate rosI and] shirt of onue color or sleevelees coatfe Ofo!n0e nolor an.] skirt o! anotier 14.50 Waterproof Raincoats at- If teeiA any one garment in a womane werdrobe more approclated u'n'l Important than ftie reqt we bplieve il la a water-pronf naIn rosi. It sares'cloîîîng, prevenîs many setus coldesud provîdes muci conifort ho tie wearar at a very smalilcoa. Shown la the beast colore an.] ail sizes. Great May Sales Children's CoatsmmDresses--ilaâts,ý COATS- Uilîdren's coate Ini a va rr ty of i retty et>yles, and coloringa values to $600 r.pecially pr cd al .......3.99 tC0ats lip 10$800 Ir serges, mixtures. poplini and nov'lty fabrics il fioal ail colore, special Cot p t$10 nplo ty checks, serges, ail] ixuoplînm and] new noveitj fabricin sic,", an.] roi- lne a" #91 ln IF y $1 Dresses at 59c 'iliILI)R.JaAS itI. s'Il' ro s*- mii in iz, i , hi tloi ludlîtua a ide r;ing < f li.i < ii and] new (,»osr crilu, luI uli and ipal aI.......... ........... ....... -$1 t'IlIl,ItKlN ut:S Ts ; 'rt .Ili, a gi<î .rray o! goed gîngbarus nb gblriýlqn n dark colorings l ne è nd twr, sle tyles SiTR..........AT ....1.98 CWILR£N' STAW HTS n white, black and colora prettiiy trimmed andin mahy ahapes lncluding the aviation style, priced at $1.98, $1.50 and * -..... 9 8 Childron'a and misses' khaki ah ijton capB 50c and $1.39. White Dresses, 11.98 $3.98 $3- Chilren' whie drssesIn cure of ew mylpqdamily ii'inu i il a profusion of lace. in8ertIon, çmbroidery and rltItoîs in al]inus and eapecially prîced. Waukeg m'a For.most Miliners A Great Special Sale of - Trimmed ilats 50% off~ -at 3.o98-n5-750 Suine of our finet hats ln a very speclal sale aI 25 ho 5 pe-r, cent is than Ihaîr origfinal hrices. Tiare are 8treet liatm. tailor,-. lias and ! ni. dreas baia: bats trimpimedavIli wimkse flowi-rs, whest an.] iiîuilis. totons arp navy, brown, black, purple snd eand. koughStrawSaiijors LU ttmk ta , na .9i Be[L-dowl t .1 1.98 'I 1 1 zi.. y ýjw ý a &ý A AFAI 1. i 8j7ý55

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