Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 May 1918, p. 5

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A COMPLETSUNE OF CORN MACHINE Janesvile, Deere qind International P1flea fdCui&ators Lare Stock. Prioed Rigt ScIianck hardware Co. ITELMO BRAND-i Telmo twb f anamed fruitsaend vegetablea à euaran tea.el ail other brand. Try a Sofa PEÂOHES- AsPARAGUS APEICOTS BUECR RAUT or a»Y 6 mof s ral vegtabies, sud pronounce mot critlcaljudgmuul an fil 1 tnow that yau viii agies vlitb &Il the good thinge 1 bave sai about T4Ini brand, vbleh lw pomItlvely the ht-ét fine ai eanned Waode 1 bave ever baud le.l E, H, COR LETT MEAT-% AND Gi<OCERIE.S Tv.e Phise-33S sumil UbselvIls. But SCREENSI Be- Prepared for 'the Rlies Let us measure yOur DOOrs and Windows e e . a e rS~~1 e 9 'a 0 le "AN THING MADE 0F WOOD'# ,W. A. Nicholas Mf'g. Co. SASH, DOORS, FRAMES. AND INTERIOR FINISH LIBERTY VILL, ~UNO5 MLMG-BRRRS,#I 5 md 6lch W. P. Plaoriug 4-fnchb bad plus Floovfng 0-ltaHd Pins Cuiilg M: 10ad 12-foot Timbers 2S0,S00 let Rard Pins Timber, M8t8&814 *" Sai pipi-. lItinge and vasi bavls @ttermebuilding. 54z852 bel MM? 1 li ehpipa Voues 8-inn Drop 8ilng Bleure, 4 ta 12 lut lu vldtb 2s4e Mdi!IÏOe 100000 tet Slxi iorlag -alle M-ont ]Ns., vith cedai posi 500 lial liest oa Tnu 200 pisces Sasit, Widovs sud Doors' 8,000 bing! grand stand Baste Salsuan ro " fsIe AT LIBERTYVILLE RACE TRACIC RIUELWRECKINMG -CO LIIEkrTY VLLE1jUNIS ChgoOCff=ic 7337 St<ey imo dAv., Chicato, I Phase Or"dePa*k 17M Fda.', Mày 17, the Fox Lshe i! £rs#nziary viii dediucali ssvi fag lt honoraof Rh. bol@ Sal bave go», lie. rstlwadIp éiédistrit covel' statu Attorn e Wer ii *t* 18e deidlttonaddrsss, md- viii b. s* as tlby spebReefont »s Bei!Croie rbh «dm re0thé tor eem o l w *Me part te*@ tslna, Ut vi.:wl futu»led by 18. boys of« Misai!.!. faim. Lie lNews Ifyou know of an item of, looùl tiieet, ktndly teisphone No. 1 A THRIFT STAIP A DAY KEEPS THE HON AWAYI Mre. O& Eviloizor wvs.a e rent Chicago viaitor. ,aRwlesY Jordau s@peut Sonday tu chirao. Authouy Womheugh .isl4ted friends ln Acura.on aturda>., miss Roth Munde.sp"utns n" iuh friende lu Wauksgmn. 1 W. A. bingo, ai Anfloeb, Wa« a local bsmns calter on M "day. Ûiss Aune Rit6mi, of Lake Forest, Mr. snd Ère. George Webrenberg spent Tuesdar ev.nnng BS Lake Zurich. te. week-end vlth ltal relatives. Mr. and Mmr. B. 9 Demman @peut the. week-end wlth relatIveaI Milibura. UmesMyrfl. Klpp.r; of Lake Zurich, @peut Sunday wvlShUmssAda Relier. MIme Faust spent the week-end vlth tMisesMeel and Elda Horenberger nt Deerleld. MI»ses.Gertrude and Roth Larsen &peut Bondal vlth the Misse. Betty and Mnute Jocuielm. Umemi Kaphelm, of Waukegan, spent 6unday aBtheii. ome oi her lister, Mra. ChariséJachhsim. Mr@. J. Goldsnberg vae cailed ta Chi- esgo on &unday by the. desth of ber1 fabther, Prof. L-Brsberg. Miss Ruth Carney lfit Tuesday for a ta veste' viit i:wthrelatives and lriends t 8ix Lakesî, Miel. Mi. Mayme Faust le enjoylog à veevacation f rom ber dut!.. vlth Reand, Mclallys & a.. Chicago. Mrs. Fiank Wagner rsturned to ber home ln North Chcago, Wednesday, alter a vssk'à visil vlth her ustser,Mris. George Trtige. ~Ir. and Mis. W. W. Carroil returned Wednesday nigltf romn a thies veste' Mrp to New Yoik City, Waelngtoo. D. C.* and Nagara Pale. Mise Hate Boehm 1sf t Tussday for KasasCty, %a @pend severai veeks wth relatives and iends. On ber rs- tura trip sab@iii iea "vit relatives la lowa. lie. 9Bey . DoÎW. vieted friande la Duresd au Tussds. The. Lawre Bravaow. amiiy are muv- lug futa the Bteilon home on First Sb Aaron Sêmiavi! Mi! family ruovafi ta Elgin lii. vet te 5mats thel r futurs home. At thé rsglaî mitget the Mîinute Itesrve MUIltisop Tussday evening. about el:typ-àve members vere rpreseenled with riffes, vblrh velgh about ii teen poands eech. ie. H. W. D'aolU sud leter, Miss Bertha KeUogg, of Daton. Maus., are IML4alu n FWtiagibot.*unnI. L. iThey 1111l stop oa héIi. ys- ta viel relatives lu Iowa msi! South fDakota. Miss Bertha Kefom cd Daton, Mai, Io visltlng et lhé borne ai George à Follette. Miss ei0on ha. for lame lime issu a jaeber of the &epartaient of eduration aS Asêqve tN. Y. The local draft board bas laIt reclived a thurd rail for May. The ral mute for thrty mon fr. %bis district, tu entrain on or about May 29. The otiier tvqt ralse are reilevisi!toe levere un Ibis page. Nomaae er vallable at piesa liais. The annuel muetlg aofticParent. Teaeher association vae beld et the grammar echool on Frldaky atternoon. Tiie foiiovlng oqpefts vre elected lai the eulng 755h: 'Prelden t, Mirs. Clara Coiby; Vi Pissdsat.ise. Rth CGolding;] Secrtary, Mrs. Meu!Waaolridge. Treas- urer, isu. 'A nnUrsd. F4agg. Aestii!. vas alua Patro' Day a large namber ai parents end irisai!. vialted thae choal and vti4ved tbs.upiBdld exiilittot of voit dons hl tbe puiplie. Tiie Hostein rail neenty donated ta the UAbeityville Auiliari of the RIed Craseshy F. 1. tevene iii lLe soid at public moetle. et Mr. Stevane' Oak Gien faim et flar$MepIlii , on Tussday, May 21, ai 1:30 tp. M. The entire pro- cesiylbelong ttheîb. uslliay, wvh expecte ta Uabya aed Cross in ise f ram hems ai a representàtlve. Amlifartettlal only about lventy mi"esfrout bers, and! vlth god ruade betvsan bere and there Il le expected that thors yl lie a number fiom-bere mtai aven ýand atteuJ the sale. The marriage fM ise FlorencesMeyer lu a neve-letter Iran> Camp Grant, 6f Fremout, ta Harry Kaiser va. trnder the beadiugt, "Campeur F.," alemnied at the Miethodist pareouffe appeaue thefolovrfng: "PrivateBorsy u Frdiy evenlua. The nariagesMr- deller, ai Libertyville, Il[», la nov viti isv.radb i1 . .lpi n lb.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h odee'mms a hefrtiatvlne ~ring ceeeony va. ueed. Tiiere vilii i. mu pvartb League euh. Tbe bride les daughler of Mr. and Mie. district convention bed luthe Gym..- Peer Mdeer,,aif Frcmnout. sud a sl.tsr ta icuan> aitbe 39. E. cbureh th#svest1 riMm.has. Mazon T ha groom lsaa Friday evanlug. 8banmquet supper viii son ai Mr. sud i@(litas.Kaiser. BIe le b. beid at 6:30) for -35e per plate. AUilnl the emploi of the St. P pyl imlload. local Lesguers aie urgsd ta attend. 1*.-and Misu. Kaiser hav.eicone to bouse. At a meeting of th e cangregation of, tesping lu the Birruhn fiat on South tihe Preebytarian ebaicb, beJd lait Sun. Part Ave. day niornîng, t va. voted ta extend a A number of uaw teat-here aie ta be su- rail to Ab e . Earl C. Morgan, af gage infr the grstiter scbcol aud at Dousmam, Wi., to aeepitih. pastorale tost ans for the blgh @Chouf. Paul ai lb. churci. It le azp.cted that the Hudson, af-Nantt Cltîtago, viii sueessd ev pastar viii be here about Jante 1. Prof. W. H. Kamwo.r. The -Mieff s.. 5itb, Th1 nulmeig itsLt onyKeuuy ai! Wiieler wlillremamin fur usit Thderatinai maeter.gvidl he Le lu the ear. Praf. Underltriuk hmba esa ne- Feealno a b.M.e. a rcilbu bsulathetalniedsa.principal or the blgbsecbaol, iyianaslum vfS@Wl.curh iet-wtb Mise Cater as amsietaut. Tb@. Mie.@ ville, au Wedneeday, Mlay 22. Tii. ely Aln ad Snbr n LIbertyvliie Auxlilari a! the Red Cross Hactley, AiLone]] i tandb egaud viii serve Ifneeon at 1 P. M., af)laris. Keigh Luols -fl wA, Bilahemva-n ti.e o amucl iienoue. vhlimadreefcaney mai!. by the remigntion ai B. C. the tat ConeilofDfene, wilsldmColeman, teaâcher in t'mmerciai branches the. bankere. bas nat basa .Ouled. The girl farmers ancl famere-to-be t the. Woma'e a ni Aî>y near bere are nov .ttinu leesaus on u ing a nv tractai. It le sali! that IMise Msrmre Seyisr, aitEnui! davenue, Chiego. le becomnlg quite prolcilent as a driver. MiesHelen Pattenloji, m nsv reui liront 'Appleton, Wl., drives thé motet, truct vhirb meste l@Omo of lthe at e th Llhetlyvllle station.' The local draft board bons mt iscel i!d a mil! far iventy-live issu, ta sutrelu dotitgthe flv.isy perloi! tartiug setl Modal. Severai dayo ago it reesiv a oei lai 180 monetaimn durit« 18e Ove-dai pdrod, starig Sstur&W. sy.M' 26. As rt no instructions bava b"s Mseivdd rsgrdiug ta vhom 58e tomées wMi b. sceat.The bard et jrssstins b"d not- an oancsd the@mus of lb.eusm là the tva c:xi.. ' - À imr-elesi!audience arqted thé pue seafallo» of "Grentoctn." SOoUM& l thugs erés, by lb.esMur rimes. afthe .11gb scbooi, et thé su*ltorlum ça es TMe.veulog. Tb. producti va veurx alita cns, euh plmi tng." bis or ber rois la a mepblslesab lecteugmacherodit on t4e.selvss. 10 *a et* dietors, àilm s om - og qami Misn Ehebeth P. eekIuy. 'Ià plAs la a dehbtftl oois -beIL ,W., Umm, msidbas >éseaqiteta h ,gesi Ibrod8ibout the *Oau*,sfssrêAome ed DuterM.li5rmtfý àgUÀoim la Gotf, Pwarl D"". 0e00 ; *ni!la Alie Ntilis Wth~*6~,tim âe wy k i bw ~ eshe Tb@ Thrltt etamjt concert sud raliy heu! allie blhig&cshou] auditorium lest nib a. w aiy faf ny Wetiattendai!, ovlug ta, aumerans ctun ter attraclions. Tb@ speker ai the eveniug, Coi. P. E. Holp, a Spne-meia ar vetera and obautauiqua speaker. delivesi!ons of thé bbut patriotic addrses @ver bem! la Llbeîtyvlle. Everyoue vbo aftended bougbt a Tbrift etmnp. Tb. loii baud! donated the musir ndi!tb»r vae solos by Mie. Auguste Barmon, Um Myvl "le and-Jack R.LBradiord af GreâS LatsNaval Tr&Julnn Stalle. -l MnIondai the lied Cross AuzWsr move o t ii uw home, the WIgbt bouse, on thé coruer ui M iluraubeés Ams ami Orebard ft. A raom abushm sesigasi!ta eebdepartmnatqù york; amri.tésouth roan>, lua *"sIlb "bob. eupIssare mai!e; thé ou# »Oe, for 00 elvillan relief verbes. *0 lsotreeMM, ta the surgitai irumim edeperimét; thé kttuin, for ba4ttiagl emi %à8. sua pain lair euttllu gbospls ksipplies.àAlarge roon> updtslrs hW rhée .aedgus ta the. Juior a"ew.~ buas je t le uas nsady for orompoy. jhie dossés mmd cpboards vii hépeMd lo briepurpou and vlth everytbag» ai eoMIýîî@;tiy arrauged, thé Ïauz5iaq li. bp compinent.d upef their MWu -quarlers., NOTICIL Thé TPIret National sud Laine OounSy i N!IW boate, vii cloue«s e GiWe. I d". MAi32, al; 1 P. M. on 1100003#eo b0eau ronvintion ta hébelbers 4 - -ë"f - RED) CROSS UNION' MASS -*MEETINGi NI3XT SUNDAI Them vii h em abig union mass mest. lut la lhe Iterees-the- tR.led Crase drive on neit Suuday evenlng ait Of Lîbertyvill M E. Clutr It viii b. a uni o ai acaàreligu iýd petriotir farcueleadlug their Influence lu behaif ot 8e-ie Cce9drive nov uer hani!., Prominent and Ingusitai ctizeare hart of ibis spiendid effort to, push for. utai! lu 0"s Or Dganisaion,ne ai the moet poifali sngle efforts for the re- lié! 9 8~r08 la lhe varid to-dayr. Tbe speaker oi the. evening vii b.m» &blé attorneyfiran> Chicago, iiarry 9, MHier, vhot viii mate the chiel ddreu.. Tb@ special muaie for the. service ii eonisi of aB esection by tiie inglisg equai! of the Illinois ileeerve Ml lilla, su authen> iy the choir and a duel by Mr@. lngîmham and Fiant Wright. Let ibe satire community tain out fei tuse service.. MISS CIIARD TO ý IYF À CONCERTI UmseCarne (hard viii «iv. a con, -t a: the Comounfty Boues la Aiea au Baturday evenlng, Mal 18, starting et ý8:20 p. m. iss Oard'a. abillty leto weil Xuowu ta nesd comment. 8h. wiliihave very ahi. assistance, as wiii b. noted by thie fllowlug progratn. MissGladys Chard recently received the foiiowiag encomian>iran> the Musie Neys: 'Gladye Chard lu a tvo.piano arrangement to the Beethovees Turkleb March' uboved anusual sparkl. and siyie." The Program 1 Beard the Volcesof Jpeune ay-Carrle Chard, Mary Yabule. lave Song-Myrtle Bmaie. Piano-Preludes Nos. 20 and 21- Gladys Chard. Love liai Win-tlary Vabate. Readiug-Money Itusk-Orpa Harding. Ara-Samson and Deiah- Cardle Chard. Violin-Ca"tina-Arhhar Preston. Faik Souge: ll-i Knav Wbere l'm Golag; Englisi-AIi 4mong the Barisy; E[oLh-Âne Lauris--Carrie Chard. Mammy& Liii'Boy-Orpa Harding. (a) Sbeep and Lamnb@; (b> Thou gr% Bo Lie a Flover; (cq> Lulaby-Carrle Cbard. Piano-To tbe Spring; garch W'Id- GiadseChard. Villanels-Mary Yahnii-. flarp -(a) La Harp Eollpnne; (b> Dante of the Gnome--~Maïlo Taylor. 1By the Waters of Minetante; Luilaby (Joeilyn); S1flg Me ta Sigep-Min@Chiard, Arthur Preston, violin obligato. A merica. Acompaniet. 1da Morris. THREE MONTHS'ýTEN- OC1RAPHIC .COURS, comniplet e, commenclng June 1. Arrange for gea- ervations by p hone, or in- terview Mrs. George Mc- Donald, Area, IIl. Phone 130. -:J;771l apji:a;:s:zasa,~ Get Our Prices on HIGH-CLASS ENGRA YING Commencement Progranu and Invitations Vliting,,Cardt, Etc. Artistic Specimens-of the Engravers' Art Samples Cheerfully Shown Libertyville Inde penden *Money to Loan'i On-improvedLake Counity Farms If . you 'intend to buy, ta Imprave, or to stock~ Up a farm and need money. or If you ha»e baàns faIng due whlch you rfiust refinanc, do flot fou to secura aur terms an First Mortgage Fa.rrn LLoa.ns.' We aima supply mortgoge Icans ta Investors. - - - - - - - - - - 'mmTm- la the name of my new calog. phone or cal1 for a copy. Write, HERI ARE TWO 0F LTS M.ANY CLUJBO' Delineator ............8 1.50 Everybody'a ........... 1.50 BOTH FOR $2.00 Curi'nt -iin...08.00 Review of Reip... .00W BOTH FOR $5.00 MRS. A. TODD, JR Indepemdent Office Phbo]a BARGAINS IN SUMERUNEWA Right ini thé beginning of the senom a, w er sthme exéellent values in Surnjner- Underwear-Union Strits and Becjarae Garments-iù zmany styles and qualities are ind6dedd in, the lot and all are priced at far . belaw7present values, In Undermualins, too, we oa ffle you roney and pluelryu ips the quality of the gpiments off ered. 'Esveiope.ombinationsi Coet CoverS, Skirts, and gowns, al much underprioed. The Odde and Ends af aur Mens Underwear, a lime wh"o we brenow dmion>rtinuing, will b. ptàced an sale at vey lw priceQ not ail lai left, but whAt there is are very cheap. < IW. W.. CARROLL&SONSC( I phom 29 s-sa lia----------S OII - -W" - - -" - - e1Jw l " ai m . . 4

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