Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 May 1918, p. 11

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An, End-o-heMnh Sale that IrîngS Big Bargain S eginîg Saturdl adCotnigAllNext Week. Shfirts and Petticotts i.d Chance te Secure Yeur Deoetion Day Needs at a Saving Great llosiery Values u .,.n' Skr, ~ con. 1 W.-r.,e.,'.,W,,.h kirts ln a I - - -1»- w IV -4@ ' ' i l ' l"' . 1 W «en i lkio evi ft-,, plaids and fini- won] k t lfIý Io i irt tr ii wotl faii t ri.Iit- Mont h End Sale i ac A fine *litaliry of white5 gtbar- dine. mprerlzed finish. clev- s-rlg lrlmmed ln ?eversl dl!. teetnit tles: 11zslz'aup Io wai"t. Véîry specili2 9 ,'t eicl.....2 9 Women's Pettlcoais 1.98 1% largeltor woITWU 's pettwvoats malle \il Il la Il t.tsilk - ruff les and urîdlerlyv, shioNn ini a Iig ,issol-Iueut of the hest colois,19 preiî n Month End Bale, each .... 'M'he Iest Store - On the fo rtth MôW MoflthmEnI1d bargains in Underwear A speeil hot tuf w ouen 's i tbed I i elths unlion suifs in ai] tx- 't sts in 't mu inn qualitfvotufiler- - l pi îhaity fg lz itt-ii c-erizt'tlilsle. ht'se aire aetual 5eI ue ith <f glae.i/t Is tî e 't-thes, îîtt aIl sîzes are ina the lot. i n sizes froil 6 ft 14 vual~î-s I>îit'td ini the Month End, ,id are ý\ 't'tît-iregtmlaî 50ut, buit ait' Sale t at'at'hi.........23c I iI vtht' Month End - .. W îtn' Union Sifs ini a ve"v fie qîîaitofva '-n, filue rllt 1--iîlai' and extî'a sizes art' iii the' lot andi<l cverv (oneof them are -Î75v fiîialitX'. Piîi<ed espi't'iall.y forti te Montht End Sale ut Ille slit ............... 59C A fuit fine of the famous Munsing Underwear for Men, Women end Chljdren. Agentted pticecL Sale at s it .. ... .. .. .. N tii ili4li '1111i ts' C ip 5)triiiîg i('lelt'itatdiîm<'kitît. oi- Ilitalit 't-lisle, eoies ini au i'l egtl aniil simliîl7sieeve, tliest' aIe 'viitlî $1.50, but speeiillY pri-l'd rmtht- Month End Sale, 12 peri suit .........12 Me'z Athletic Union Suite ,made o' stipd ndcecednans. .......7 c i;. 1 for iteM 0obth.Enc Sàte ait P faIit .49 1 rV f i a , - ju i e l f u l l t i f a g h shfu, l. iii lk nho-k.whit. atîl nit . t i $1. l-51 . Lt- ciii td-t tfte 1. IMorth End SIt, pair I*E Regular 35c Hosiery 25c liil andi elîîldreîî iii plain ii ( lueiveeUviZe( lisl<', sh lîoî iii tîlae,~ lite .a11(i 'ulî îs ltii il 85'vantie, in the Month End Sale, i 25c '2e est Store - On the Ifo rt shore, Month-End. Sale Offers Great ReadymtomWear \îi-î's pî-iiîg Suifs Unit aré Iitalei.e11 Iîllt-- 't<:iI s i n îiiivei" t.%tIlisli tuodels, mcade 't itvbiu.';aî'tîîl $20 vaintes, 3 7 tiii1 Month End Bale at .........I d Tiii -ieasim'is 1i4't stYles IýII-'enelîdcd in these iiI lýiaia' siitwn in falunes oft p<plins and i tl i - t-i-g-. id (esigils are 'the vQI'y best of the 'ti i.;îîilar-t' wîrthl p fo $3-5; '( p 11 ed 1FIr- Ille4Month End Sale 22e5IJ to---------------------..... i-t tXils, velouriis, 4liee4ks, I~seres fn l( t inî Iii- si-astiii s iest voloris. Iligliclass workmali- >Iiiti iiA~ triîîîmiuîgs « i-e a ft'atut"275 iil ';I i-s 1-t11îi s li iia Moiith End Sale at ............ 011. iiltghes"- elass Su ts are ielîîdled ini tlis loft vIiil i- s th r-liX-ii etof st.les, mtade froîn tri- i - i ti lt , IPoîiet twittlls andt ........36&50 XVoiîîî Suî'îî (oats a li î-Ielîîed ini tJiesale ilg' rtvîedtîted piices. -Nla ih- foui îîovelty mtixtitl'4'5 and plainî fabrics in d s4I"-'all poiilaî' î'olors, Wtor'thl11)iie2 45 tgi -$I'f.5(i, iii the' Month End Sale.. Noveity mixtures serges mai ktaki eloth are sin othe 4fIa bltits iîeluded iii ilts ot at a big redîîeti'îî i ptice. Large collaIi* anid pou<kt'Worth up to $295.1)ý'1 60o 50 pi'i'd iii Month End Sale at . ..... Stiiiiiiiîîg (oat Styles art' shi " in ai)iiiidapia iii tlins assot'tiiieîit at twenty-tt't Iifîyý. Newer mîn- teî'iai m iade ilitti the' best tas11 Wos torth l tEl $35; ini the 22.50 Month End Sale at .......... H igli elas wo rkiiaîshijt ani divtid il style 1 are pl'oniîieiît iii this fluer :îsscttImnit of wtvouien's ('t ats that show the vteryt laiest vaintIi ti 39.,50, Month End Sae75 1MonthmEnd Specials in Waists & Smocks1 $6 Georgette Blouses39 at .............39 ii -1 gig -iogettt'. la îl einhm'i ihk'r- Sil,) l iîXtn ii l<'slîanld .a g(Im inhe il' heb-st 4'îlos; "t<îîîrtgh î ýMonth End Sale.39 57.50 Georgette Blouses $ at ............. A vet'l' -Y sieeîal offt'r 's these, 'iiuge 1 -I Iiîîstsat fivte dollars. iui-n is uort ille q1m'lity andt tiii(si5ii4' tt<l I "tarit luxii; \\o,11 1)t-U p i $7.5,Month .5 End Sale for .......$ 12.50 Georgette 8.50 Waists..... "lie timest of niatt î moN vaan t(a titre of tiiese ix atîtîfil 'ti sts tiîut art' shitî' ii ina v îiîî I iîîî oif thte popilar t(tlti lith't are 't'totlî regulaî' $12 8.5 Month End Sale at. ..85 1.50 Lingerie Waists at ............. A sjieeial lot of wlieî-tliîî- greil-je 'taists iii ewhlite t bat a.te sluowîîii gtott styles 111-i<l tili \,411, *-V prarttal wttaist as " tIl as uect hargahîts; 4ý1.5( iwJ:lus; Mcinth -End Baie a. .. . . . .. . .. . .. .$ Up to $3 Waists 16 NX'tlmiîtn s Wht'ite lingerije "'i in> al vel' guod qutlity tif 'tiltu- îiit'veYimade in ieittst 51\ lt-s lîi Nvorth up as biigle tas $:Month End Sale 1.69 A Sale of Smocks A large assoritîent of w-ii- 's snit-siii -i lne asstitî itf t' <ors, iaîîd eii)moi(er('1aid P'ttlfor te Month End Sale ini 3 lots $2.49, $2.98, 53.98 Values New MWasli Dresses ar le ii îîe'd iii tIiis sale at. 't-l---'îîîîîîîi pîjes.Niat' riais of v'tiles, liind stillit orglities, iîîeîts an-t shoil tvîinIi îianlîcbalîfi- lIl il dîsîgîîs at at îatt 1X'l'tes. 5.98, 9.98 and 16.50 One* ot tof -onieu's Silk Dresses, samples, .siîoît bits, e't' îueiaterials iit5Iti f taffetas in it id range of t'ol(f;i'5ii-liided aire dresses w't't-ui't 1 ( 1 .50) iu the 6098 Month End Sale .............. Wov\'fîiîs SiIk Druesse's showi iii sport styles, ,iat - oif<ttaffetais, Iisîtiis and erepe de i'Iiî lie, guuîd)( color assortruelit foi- i'tthiii tdresses 1î1) to 13,e75', Month End Sale at ........... oîeî'sfie getirgette anîd tatieta dresses in t ice X-eI"t'atest IIltdels tri'inwd in v'ae'ous clever w 'Th'Ve stason '5 l)C5t culot s ai-e shtît"î; worth upI)ti $27.50, 1 . t MonthEnd Sale at............ Children's Moùnthm-nd Specials Childreîî's WVaslîi)resse's iii excelletit Grîeat bargaiîîs are offered in chiki- qiiality gi iigliamis, voii I'~les iii'iaven mi 'Is spriug emats, iii inaterials of wool chiaîmbraY. l3eautifl"I attel'si lS i poplilîs and serges, mexvest i.niodels in plaids anl i pes; al iii cours *juist înany elioiee styles inceluditng silk are ree<'ived itîr si'ililii. wear tiie-tini the slîown, worth tmp tii $7. Mou th End Sale at 14 Month End Sale for .......39 $2,98, $'-198 aîîd ... ... .9Clilren's fibre Sdk weaters of fine .Taunîtx StYles iii lit -s' * wasf suits are qiality in i andsoîme enlors ail sizes ini the sale at big savings. Made front re-gular $3 aud $4 va lues pflet cd198 madras and silitings inii white, colors iii Month End Sale at and conibiîîafuous., Slx'tial in 1,4 Month End Sale at $1.98 and £~ Onîe lit ofbos blouses iii a good ranîge (of sizes, ntive uiateî'iaIs tluat show't' mTosflY liglit pattenlus. "lice egitIai' value of tiiese is $1. speela I 69 in Month End Sale, 79c and. 9 Don't fail to visit our Basement for bargains in odd lots and Sam- pies in ail kinds of dependable mer- chandise. Long Cloth in very flne quai- itt., suitable fori idergarmenits, etc'.; 36 jucihes w-ide, as long as it ,t t be sold ine Month End Sale at yard . . .. 9 Unin Lineni Toweling, bleaehi- ('d orC' iiiubleaelied, 17 jucehes wide, M>ue border, wtoith 25c; speial ini the Month End Sale ait ftheyar'd........... 17'ic Table daueîask ine fine mîercer- ized quality, flor'al and stripe paf- terns5, 72 int'hes widc; iegular' $1 viein the Month 4 End Sale,...- . ..,4 Womeên's Corseis in standakti makres goti ,Ize niodels fro.m our reguler stock. wotrfh reguler $3.50 and $1.7G;'ipecial In t1wMonth End $ale et 12 Filet Curtain Nets ln cream and white, 36 and 40 inches vide; good quail ities ln 45c value; speciai ln the Month End Sale, yard ...... 35 N-ew Dress Gingiais tt'sîi mi-' in pi'etty plaids anud stripes, \\'ttîîthî np <o 35e pet' yard, as a sîîîîia liii Month End 2~ S-'ilk erepe de chinte in -a lar'ge ;îssot i'tent of ii c 'tlor<s fou'stii i t- dr'esses, 4() iîciut's 'tide, 't\itli $1.69; Month End 1.29l Sale per' yard...... ow Siik and CottonnvIisi plii eohors anid iguî'etltesg "qtlttîî 6i9e, exeelleîît pattt'rns, :36 lîîî'les wtide; prieed mn tht'e Month End Sale, 't... 49c 'tttmen's flouseDi)ress; Aîrolî-î i nl0-lt 1i titghf patt erns. soîîîc plainii ijors 111 p,îtk and blue; belti-, nisy-. hiîtiivd lin front. Very mp:ciali- n ft'e 8 Wonenis itK Otovel "Niagara Maid,' idouble f ipped, gtiirrînfeii, - siowfl lm black, white and] colot-P and v-4ry suecilir prlced for the Month End sale ft fli. pai. ..65c Curfain Net,;i Vefy fini- qu tîiiy fit. - 111t neat designs, showl) f11 white and crtarn. 45 inch es wide. worfh S 3 Mont EndSale...85C MiUliuery is Iacluded in The Month-End Sale il cf(ul'et aIgl aXX-aif vmie ini ,urM' llllii'iv set'- itîn iiiinelli(ditiîg ' 'ttuiin's liauidstîie tî'immied hats iin 8î'îuîeS Of 1ia'aîîtiftîl styles ini X'tlltis sltapts alid a fillie astu'iioif o ours, sptiivpr'ieed in the Month End Sale 29 .t. .......29 Tliete aî'e manviv ats at teîi dollar's fliat dlo not in- elude thle style that these iii tlîis group do at four st'vemît %-i't'. The season'a lîest dlesigns are among fîtliîî i dozens of elever silîaîîts, v'(iomings aud trim- mings: pried in Month End Sae . Pî'ohi),IIly tie greater bargaiîîs are ine this loi of Chili'eî'sSpiiîgad Suninîer Bats. Fine quality straws jle e-y gooti etoo', fetehingly triiyiîed in scouts <if differeîit w-ays. w(lI'thl as bigle as $3.00; l6 Month End Sale at .... ......... .... 's Yard -Gods--Month-End Sale 51111 and Muslin Underwear In N<ah.Iud Sale We direct special attention to the excellent values in 811k and Mualinln nderwear that are being offered in this Bale. womnI's Siik Comabinat ion Suifs, nice cuality of m a erial, weii made and In- islîed. shown ln flesh tints and whlteiîund regtiisr $3 values; Month End l Xonens t'orbination Suifs of Omet îiuaiit. handsonsety made and very clev* erly fintqbed. shown in white4 and tient) finis. Actuai $4 garments ln Month End Sale at each.... 298 Slk Camisoles of fine crepe de chine and wash satin. hand embroidered, ftim* med wllh fine lace, slown ln Pnk -gnd ,~~ whlt.ienuine $3 val es, in Month End Sale at eci...2.98 Womens camisoles shown ln a very - fine quality of waslt satin and] crepe de chine, lace trimnled, Jhind enbroldered white and pink colort worll, $4,<11 ln fihe Month End Sale at each 2.98 Women's Muslîn Underwear, con A good assorinlent of Womens sl.ting of gowns, chemise and pet. Corset Covers are ftnluded in the licoats in a very gond cualily of me. sale at very sPecial Prîces. Sev- ferial and worth regular $1.'50 in erel styleis f0 choose fromi SPe- the Month End Sale 18c ilet he Month End Sale. 39Ic nteah............ 9 C 1 a'neacli........0 Five Munth.End barïins1 LI:BERTYVMM MEPENDENT, THUfflIýAY, MAY 23,1918 Page Tbru

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